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Population of Rhemuth

Started by revanne, September 28, 2021, 03:39:09 AM

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Berlin to Bordeaux is just a little over 100 miles further out, and even 700 miles is a fair bit of distance to cover in an age when you couldn't just hop into a car or a plane. Even in a car, when I used to drive to Texas to visit family, I would stop just inside the TX border at the end of Day 1 and leave the rest of the drive through TX for Day 2,and that's even with a starting point that is a three hour drive closer to the TX border than Atlanta is. If KK wants to have her characters be able to travel distances that far apart (or more) in a somewhat reasonable amount of time without having to resort to using Transfer Portals, then it's more convenient in story terms to have the Kingdoms take up less space overall,so long journeys need only take weeks rather than months.

The Spanish missions in California were spaced so you could ride from any one of them to the next in a day's ride. The average distance between them is around 30 miles, though I think there is one set of missions that was nearly twice that. But you wouldn't want to cover 60 miles on horseback daily. So if you divide up that 700 mile journey by 30 (not even taking into account any unexpected delays or areas with bad roads or other hazards that might slow you down), that's a little over 23 days of riding. So 700 miles may be a somewhat short distance by modern standards of travel (at least in the US where one single country stretches the width of a continent), but for medieval travelers that's a heck of a lot of pages to fill in a book unless the journey itself is the focus of your story, or you just plan to end a chapter with the departure and start the next one with "Twenty - three days later, the party arrived at X..." .
"In necessariis unitas, in non-necessariis libertas, in utrisque caritas."

I have a vocabulary in excess of 75,000 words, and I'm not afraid to use it!


Or you can be like GOTP where a four day journey gets turned into an 8 day journey because of all their obstacles and Mishaps.  Between the Minions of Valerian and Oswald, Aliset and her party had a hard time getting to the King in Rhemuth.
But I digress from the subject at hand.   ;D  ;D  ;D
May your horses have wings and fly!
