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KK Chat -- 27 September 2020

Started by Bynw, September 27, 2020, 07:33:14 PM

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[18:10] * KK (49ab39c5@owirc-khp3ee.mibbit.com) has joined
[18:10] <Eris> <Angsthase> It will be harder because "ambrosia" is literally a cultivar of apple, now
[18:11] <The_Bee> ONe problem is, I don't do enough baking to buy flour.
[18:11] <bynw> hi KK
[18:11] <Laurna> Hello KK
[18:11] <The_Bee> Hi KK
[18:11] <Dennis> Hi KK!
[18:11] <Eris> <Bethane> Hello @KK
[18:11] <KK> Whoops, got stuck reading emails.  Sorry to be late.
[18:11] <derynifank> Hi KK
[18:11] <Eris> <Angsthase> Keep it in the freezer, @The Bee
[18:11] <Eris> <Angsthase> Small bag, airtight plastic container, back of the freezer so it's there next time you want it.
[18:11] <Laurna> I don't bake much so I keep my flour and sugar in the refrigerator.
[18:12] <KK> Laurna, got your story but have not yet read it.  But thanks!
[18:12] <Eris> <Angsthase> (You'll also need it if you want to create a roux, and one always needs a roux)
[18:12] <The_Bee> brown roux and white roux
[18:12] <Laurna> Wow,  Thank you for seeing it. KK.  Sorry it is long. but I hope you like it.
[18:12] <Eris> <Angsthase> @KK, Bethane was asking earlier about submission guidelines
[18:13] <The_Bee> I'm still working on my contribution.
[18:13] <derynifank> Me too
[18:13] <Dennis> How has your week been, KK?
[18:13] <The_Bee> I may have to go with the shorter version.
[18:14] <The_Bee> Yes, how was your week, KK?
[18:14] <KK> I'll certainly consider anything that's Deryni-related.   Just avoid changing canon on my characters, if you use them as side-characters for your story.  In other words, don't contradict what they've done or said in the books.
[18:15] <Eris> <Bethane> @KK Word count?
[18:15] <The_Bee> You write the history, KK; I write the legends and folklore.
[18:15] <KK> Week was good.  Had the home inspection on my next house, and only a few things for the seller to take care of.  Plus, I've measured all my furniture and started planning what I can take and what needs to be sold or donated.
[18:16] <Laurna> I used the history of novels and the codex and try to write as close to the characters as I can.
[18:16] <bynw> KK, that's one of the rules we have for our fanfic section of the forum :)
[18:16] <Laurna> That will be fun, planning furnature and where it will go.
[18:17] <KK> Nothing <too> long.  Think in terms of the stories that have already been published. 
[18:17] <Eris> <Bethane> So similar to Deryni Archives and Deryni Tales?
[18:17] <Eris> <Angsthase> <sarcasm> What, no alternate-universe where the Torenthis are all werewolves?</sarcasm>
[18:18] <The_Bee> They were zombis, not werewolves. D:
[18:18] <KK> Yes, Bethane.
[18:18] <Eris> <Angsthase> (Darnit, brain.  Stop trying to make that work, now.  Maybe it could be a folk belief held in some areas, but you're not qualified to write it.)
[18:19] <Laurna> I like to put details to the history that is outlined but not yet written.
[18:20] <Dennis> I had an idea way many years ago about the Haldane empowering of King Uthyr's sons. I will probably never get around to writing it, though.
[18:20] <derynifank> How do we go about submitting it?
[18:20] <KK> Just send it to my email address as a Word file.
[18:21] <derynifank> What is our email?
[18:21] <derynifank> Your email
[18:21] <KK> Bynw, is it safe to post that here?
[18:21] <bynw> yes we can remove it from logs
[18:22] <Laurna> I did know if anyone was going to submit the Collaborative stories of the 12 days of Christmas and the  letters under Epistolary Novel. Many of us put in small stories for those.
[18:23] <KK> I need to look at the forum stories.  I've read a few of them, but not all.
[18:23] <Laurna> KK it will take years to read them all. LOL
[18:23] <bynw> i havent read them all
[18:23] <Eris> <Bethane> I've been reading them for three weeks and have just barely made a dent. 🙂
[18:24] <Laurna> lots of good stuff from everyone. it is hard to suggest where even to begin.
[18:25] <Eris> <Bethane> @KK  Are there any stories you'd like to see or characters you'd like to see stories about that you just haven't had the opportunity to write yourself?
[18:25] <derynifank> I have actually read most of them and there are some really great stories there.
[18:26] <KK> If people want to send me recommendations on forum stories, that will help me weed them out.
[18:27] <The_Bee> If only Jasta waw still with us.  She wrote some excellentstories.
[18:28] <The_Bee> were
[18:29] <KK> I can publish her stories--and have done.  She was a great talent that, unfortunately, never got the really good break that might have propelled her into a writing career.
[18:29] <Laurna> There are some very good short stories that are fun. I hope each contributor will brush them up and submit them to you directly.
[18:30] <KK> Works for me.
[18:32] <Dennis> Kinda quiet tonight.
[18:32] <Eris> <Bethane> Too quiet...
[18:32] <The_Bee> Other things on my mind.
[18:32] <KK> These are serious times we live in.  I voted on Friday.
[18:33] <Laurna> I just finished a weekend vertual confrence on ultrasound. It was actually suprisingly good.  But hard to sit at the computer that long.
[18:33] <Laurna> Good for you KK.  we don't have ballots yet.
[18:33] <Dennis> Early voting here starts in three weeks.
[18:33] <The_Bee> I want o vote in person, early if I can.
[18:33] <KK> Was it live, or could you pause the presentation when you needed to stretch your legs?
[18:33] <Laurna> It was live, Sort of.  no pausing
[18:34] <KK> Then I hope you have stretching room at your computer.  Or is it a laptop?
[18:34] <Laurna> and they checked on zoom camera to make sure you were attentive. so you could get the credits for it.
[18:34] <The_Bee> I'm afraid If I wait til Nov 3, my polling place won't be open.
[18:34] <Laurna> desk top
[18:35] <Laurna> Vote early it is very important
[18:36] <Laurna> I was falling asleep so I just made some fudge to wake up. and now I have the sugar jive.  need to move
[18:36] <KK> Bee, if you can vote early, that would be great.  My early voting place was at city hall, and it wasn't crowded, but there were still about a dozen people in the process of voting. On actual election day, I expect it wliill be way more crowded.  Of course, that will be at regular precinct polling places, rather than concentrated in the lobby of City Hall.
[18:36] <Eris> <Bethane> We're all very jealous of you, too
[18:37] <The_Bee> vote early and hope all the votes are counted.
[18:37] <The_Bee> I voted at city hall for the primary.
[18:37] <Eris> <Jerusha2> It should not have been this hard to enter chat
[18:37] <Dennis> MA makes it fairly easy. There are three early polling places within long walk/easy drive distance of where I live.
[18:38] <Laurna> Hello Jerusha
[18:38] <Eris> <Bethane> Hello @Jerusha2
[18:38] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Hi everyone!
[18:38] <KK> Hello, Jerusha.
[18:38] <The_Bee> Dennis, do hyou know when early voting begins in MA?
[18:38] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Hi KK!
[18:38] <derynifank> Hi Jerusha. what happened with entering chat?
[18:39] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Discord didn't want  to believe my login.  Eventually, it relented
[18:39] <Dennis> October 17, I believe, Bee, but I will double check.
[18:40] <Eris> <Bethane> Showed it who's boss, didja?
[18:40] <Eris> <Jerusha2> We were without power for most of the day, so I admit to being a little short tempered
[18:40] <The_Bee> Thanks O:3
[18:40] <Laurna> glad it relented
[18:40] <KK> No power?  Why?
[18:40] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Showed it Darcy's dagger
[18:40] <Laurna> lol
[18:40] <Eris> <Jerusha2> High winds toppled a tree across the lines
[18:40] <The_Bee> Darcy--your fanfic character?
[18:40] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Yep
[18:41] <Dennis> Yup. It's 10/17 to 10/30. You should get something in the mail soon explaining the exact wheres and whens. If you don't, you should be able to check online.
[18:41] <KK> Ah.  That'll do it, if the tree falls in the wrong place.
[18:41] <derynifank> 60 minutes has a program on Life on OUr Planet by Sir David Attenborough. Looking at how we are destroying our planet
[18:41] <Laurna> That black stone in the hilt isn't a Jermine (spelling?)Chrystal is it?
[18:41] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Power was out for five and one half hours
[18:41] <The_Bee> I'm recording it now.
[18:41] <KK> Pretty slow of them.
[18:42] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Oh not, not a jerimin chrystal.  Obsidian .  Like ward cubes
[18:42] <Laurna> No power? No good?
[18:42] <The_Bee> 60 minutes, I mean, not Jerusha's fallen tree.
[18:42] <Laurna> Ah  better
[18:43] <Eris> <Jerusha2> We have a generator, so we were not totally without power.  Generator powers the water pump.  A must have.
[18:43] <Laurna> good thing you have it
[18:43] <The_Bee> What are ward cubes usually made of?  white quartz and jet?
[18:43] <Eris> <Bethane> @Jerusha2, where do you live? somewhere near a coast?
[18:43] <derynifank> I've been thinking of getting a backup generator
[18:44] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Nope.  Northern Ontario.  About 5 hours north of Toronto.
[18:44] <KK> In my mad house-clearing, I discovered a small generator here, still in its box.  I must investigate further to see if it works.
[18:44] <Laurna> Good thing to have for camping.
[18:44] <Eris> <Bethane> Oh my gosh that's got to be cold come winter...
[18:44] <bynw> might be enough to keep the fridge running if power goes out
[18:44] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Oh yeah!
[18:45] <Eris> <Jerusha2> The fridge, water pump and router are on the generator.
[18:45] <KK> Bee, can be any materials, so long as there's a contrast to the colors.  Any semi-precious stones would work--or wood.  My first set was balsa wood, with half the cubes colored with India ink.
[18:45] <The_Bee> Keep the fridge door closed if there's a power outage.
[18:45] <Laurna> I presume that large lake freezes over in winter.
[18:45] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Yep
[18:46] <Dennis> KK, can I ask a random Codex question?
[18:46] <Laurna> burrrrrrrrrr!
[18:46] <KK> Sure, Dennis.
[18:46] <Eris> <Jerusha2> The pile of snow that builds up when DH snowblows the driveway would put Mount Everest to shame
[18:46] <The_Bee> Tiercel de Claron told Connall that ward cubes were sometimes disguised as dice.
[18:47] <Laurna> double burrrrrr!. I will visit in summer. ONLY
[18:47] <KK> Yep, so black a white dice would work.
[18:47] <Dennis> In the list of Archbishops of Valoret (I think) there's a schism in 1067. Is that something you know the story of but haven't the space to write, or is it something RR threw in for interest?
[18:47] <KK> I'd hae to check that.
[18:48] <Eris> <Bethane> What? you don't have it all memorized?
[18:48] <Eris> <Jerusha2> You are always welcome, Laurna!  (But summer is better.  Just bring bug spray.)
[18:48] <Dennis> Thank you for answering.
[18:48] <Laurna> Note to traveling list.  HUGE can of bug spray.
[18:48] <Eris> <Jerusha2> It is such a short period of time between freezing and being eaten.
[18:49] <The_Bee> Have any yetis turned up in the drifts, Jerusha?
[18:49] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Not yetis
[18:49] <KK> Haven't been to Valoret in a while. ;-)
[18:49] <Eris> <Bethane> Wendigo?
[18:49] <Dennis> Heh.
[18:49] <bynw> if i visted jerusha i would have to stop in toronto for a bit
[18:49] <Eris> <Bethane> 🙂
[18:49] <bynw> LOL Bethane I was just thinking that too
[18:50] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Toronto is good in small doses
[18:50] <The_Bee> or Bigfoot
[18:50] <Laurna> Jerusha when you see bigfoot, be sure to share it with us.
[18:51] <Eris> <Jerusha2> No bigfoot, but neighbors have reported moose on the nearby roads
[18:51] <bynw> well i would have to visit the places frequented by Rush since Toronto was their home town
[18:51] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Fair enough, Bynw!
[18:51] <Dennis> Watch out for Prince By-Tor, bynw
[18:52] <Eris> <Bethane> Like Lakeside park?
[18:52] <bynw> ah a few others in here too :)
[18:53] <bynw> but yes only in the summer for a visit that far north
[18:53] <Eris> <Bethane> @KK Do you remember coming to Utah for a symposium about 27 years ago?
[18:53] <Laurna> Dennis, a schism in the year 1067 would be interesting. for that will be about one generation after Killingford. So much could have happened.  KK  we are all looking forward to the Road to Killingford. and we promise to wait for it with anticipation.
[18:53] <KK> Yes, Bethane.
[18:54] <KK> I hope to get that started in the new year, Laurna.
[18:54] <Eris> <Bethane> that's when I got to meet you. I was the Guest Liason for the symposium that year.
[18:54] <Laurna> Wonderful
[18:54] <Eris> <Bethane> I remember having to find a doctor who would take your Irish insurance.
[18:54] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Probably not best written in 2020
[18:55] <KK> Ah.  Can't say I remember you specifically, but I remember Utah.  Beautiful place, and lovely people.
[18:55] <Dennis> It's late in Malcolm's reign. Laurna. Makes me wonder if Malcolm got feebler as he aged. He'd have been nearly 60 by then and King for over 40 years.
[18:55] <Eris> <Bethane> I'm sure you meet way to many people to remember someone from 27 years ago. I was just curious if you remembered the event in general.
[18:55] <KK> In general, yes.
[18:57] <KK> Ah, I remember itching to death, and trying to find a doctor.  Not fun.
[18:57] <Laurna> Interesting Dennis. I have not studied those years. So I can not say. but I love the codex because it gives so many hints as to what the history was like.
[18:57] <Laurna> Itching? not good.
[18:57] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Allergies?
[18:57] <Eris> <Bethane> Yeah, that's it. It took me quite awhile to find you a doctor who would take international insurance.
[18:58] <KK> I think it was simply super-dry skin. They gave me something that wased it.
[18:58] <KK> eased. (I have aGus on my lap.)
[18:58] <The_Bee> Bethane, are your parents KK fans?
[18:58] <Eris> <Bethane> I've been in Utah for 33 years, but I still get alligator skin from the desert.
[18:59] * Laurna pets gus
[18:59] <KK> He's purring.
[18:59] <Eris> <Jerusha2> offers scritches
[18:59] <Laurna> sweet
[18:59] * The_Bee scritches Gus.\.
[18:59] <Dennis> I take my copy down and just wander through it every so often, because it's so much fun, Laurna.
[18:59] <derynifank> I keep hoping that at some point you will consider a book that ties up a lot of loose ends and tells us what happens to your characters. Maybe Kelsons jubilee year
[18:59] <bynw> ah Gus the kitty who likes to talk
[18:59] <Eris> <Bethane> @The Bee, my dad's had read my books, but he reads anything and everything. He would have read KK's books several decades ago and not likely to remember.
[19:00] <KK> Oh, he does talk!
[19:00] <KK> Gus, that is.  Not Bethane's dad.
[19:00] <bynw> lol
[19:00] <The_Bee> I was wondering if you were named after KK's character Bethane.
[19:01] <Eris> <Bethane> My dad doesn't talk much anyway, he's mostly deaf.
[19:01] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Bethane in the books had mostly a raw deal
[19:01] <derynifank> That does make it difficult. Would hearing aids help?
[19:02] <Eris> <Bethane> @The Bee That's just the name I came up with when the admins asked me what name I wanted to use. I kind of froze up and thought  that Bethane might be ok. My actual name is Wendy.
[19:02] <KK> Age-related, or a long-time condition?
[19:02] <Eris> <Bethane> He has a cochlear implant and hearing aids.
[19:02] <KK> Do those work?
[19:02] <The_Bee> ah, ok .Your info says Bethane is your real aname.
[19:03] <Eris> <Bethane> @KK Family history. Grandma and all the aunts and uncles and half my siblings hard of hearing.
[19:03] <The_Bee> genetic then?
[19:03] <Eris> <Bethane> @The Bee It does? Ok, I'll fix that
[19:04] <Eris> <Bethane> Yup, genetics. I'm still surprised I can hear, although I should prolly get a hearing aid. It's funnying hanging out with my family, everyone has to repeat whatever they say becaue somone is going to say "what?" to everything.
[19:04] <KK> Ouch!  But nowadays, I think it's a little easier for hearing-impaired folk, with cochlear implants and the like.  And I think there's less stigma attached to the condition.
[19:04] <bynw> Bethane what Bee is seeing is IRC info from the real name field on IRC Cloud
[19:04] <bynw> which isnt really someone real name unless they have it. its just a field
[19:04] <KK> Do they sign, or is it not that urgent a problem?
[19:05] <KK> I expect all of them lip-read.
[19:05] <The_Bee> Tere was a story a while back about a family of deaf people who wanted to abort a child becausetests indicated it would NOT be deaf.
[19:05] <Eris> <Bethane> Yeah, a fair amount of lip reading. No point in talking to my dad or my sister without looking right at them.
[19:07] <KK> I find it interesting that nowadays, almost all press conferences and other official pronouncements from authorities have a sign interpreter.
[19:07] <Laurna> I bought my parents these bose hearing microphones that are like a hearing aid.  you can control the volume from an app on your phone. they seem to work pretty good for people with partial hearinglose
[19:07] <Laurna> Hearing loss
[19:08] <Eris> <Bethane> @Laurna I bought one of those for my mom, and she fights with them a lot, and I'm not sure if she even uses them anymore.
[19:08] <The_Bee> The signer at Nelson Mandela's funeral turned out to be a fake.
[19:08] <Laurna> I understand that
[19:09] <Eris> <Bethane> They started that ASL thing with the press conferences around the beginning of the year, didn't they? I never noticed seeing them before the whole Coronavirus-thing started.
[19:10] <KK> I think they've been around a bit before that, but certainly since then.  Weather fiolk also seem to be using them more and more.
[19:10] <derynifank> I have seen them in announcements from state governments about wether emergencies and other emergencies.
[19:11] <Laurna> Any thing digital can be turned into text. Reading it seems much easier.
[19:12] <derynifank> State and local governments seem to use them a lot.
[19:13] <The_Bee> There's a tow on Cape Cod with a large number of deaf people.  They've developed their own sign language.
[19:13] <The_Bee> town
[19:13] <Eris> <Bethane> They don't use ASL?
[19:14] <The_Bee> Melantha's yelling at me again.  Maybe they also  use ASL.. They have individual signs for personal names.
[19:16] <derynifank> Why is Melantha yelling? Needing food or attention?
[19:17] <Laurna> My foursome are sound asleep on my feet. Snoring. I want to stand up for more tea, but I would have to jostle them if I did.
[19:17] <Eris> <Bethane> We talking pets?
[19:17] <Laurna> yes
[19:17] <KK> Mustn't disturb sleeping cats or dogs.
[19:17] <derynifank> Bet your feet re really warm
[19:17] <Eris> <Bethane> feline paralysis
[19:17] <Laurna> Yes
[19:18] <The_Bee> She  has food, but I can't get her to eat it.  She mostly wants treats.  Her vet has  put he on a special kidney-care diet because she has only one kidney.
[19:18] <Laurna> only puppy paralysis here.
[19:18] <Eris> <Bethane> Just as bad... 🙂
[19:19] <KK> With cats, that's incapussitated. Maybe dog version is incapupitated.
[19:19] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Nice one, KK!
[19:19] <The_Bee> Laurna is incapoochitated.
[19:19] <Laurna> LOL  I love the incapupitated
[19:19] <Laurna> hehe
[19:19] <derynifank> LOL love those terms
[19:19] <Dennis> Nice!
[19:20] <KK> They're apt, I think.
[19:20] * bynw bought some pet stairs for his geriatric cat .. trying to get her to use them now to get to the bed and stuff
[19:20] <The_Bee> Cat folks get incapussitated.
[19:20] <derynifank> What does she think of them?
[19:20] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Wiggle your toes and give them a scritch beneath their chins
[19:20] <Laurna> put food at the top. he will get it.
[19:20] <KK> I have next to the bed to help me as well as Gus.  Canopy bed is too high to just sit on it.
[19:21] <KK> steps next to bed
[19:21] <The_Bee> Will the canopy bed fit in your new house, KK?
[19:21] <bynw> she has sniffed them. and i've put her on it a few times. and i've found her sitting on it a few times. but she hasnt used it yet
[19:21] <Dennis> Missy is not sitting on me. She is sitting on the Scrabble box.
[19:21] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Would not want to give up a canopy bed
[19:21] <KK> Yes, but I'll have to move the ceiling fan and put something flat on the ceiling.
[19:22] <derynifank> We oncw stayed in a B&B with an antique canopy bed that required steps to get into it. Was a little concenred about what would happen if one fell out. Long way to the floor
[19:22] <Laurna> At the foot of my bed there is at upside down drawer that I took out of a cabinet and then a seat bench for them to get up.
[19:22] <Eris> <Bethane> @bynw mine finally figured it out all by themselves.
[19:22] <KK> It isn't <that> high.  I <can> get into it, with a little hop.
[19:23] <Laurna> I climb up on my knees then roll over. LOL
[19:23] <bynw> yeah i'm thinking she will figure it out eventually. this just the first day
[19:23] <derynifank> Hilarious pic on Instagram. cat in her favoriet box which was on top of a robot vacuum. Cat rode it all over and seemed to like it. New cat ebtertainment
[19:23] <KK> Ceiling fan will go into my new office, which just has a plain fixture at present. I've been spoiled the past dozen years or so, with a chandelier in the master BR.
[19:24] <derynifank> entertainment
[19:24] <The_Bee> I have a new mattress.  I'm not sure how to dispose of my old one, so the new mattress is sitting on top of the old.  I have to climb.
[19:24] <Laurna> Nice idea KK
[19:24] <KK> You'll have to get someone to take it away, probably to the local landfill.  Mattresses are not recyclable.
[19:25] <Dennis> Missy distrusts our Roomba. She won't ride on it; she just glares at it.
[19:25] <KK> Should have had the guys who deliverd the new one take away the old.  They'll usually do that.
[19:25] <Eris> <Bethane> I can't imagine my cats putting up with a Roomba
[19:25] <derynifank> Check with your trash pick up. Most bulk pickups will take them away but you have to get them to the curb
[19:25] <The_Bee> I've seen roomba-riding cats on TV.  I don't think Melahtha would do it.
[19:26] <The_Bee> The delivery man didn'teven carry the new mattress upstairs.  My neighbor helped me.
[19:26] <KK> Hadn't thought of that, but yes.  Check to see when bulk pickups are scheduled in your area.  Maybe every 3 months or so.
[19:27] <derynifank> Cat was not directly on the Roomba but in her favorite box which was on top of the Roomba
[19:27] <The_Bee> Thanks for the advice.
[19:27] <Eris> <Jerusha2> A pox on the delivery man
[19:27] <KK> Next tweek, I hope to see a report that the old mattress has left the building!
[19:27] <KK> week
[19:28] <bynw> next week is zoom :)
[19:28] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Already?
[19:28] <Eris> <Bethane> woot
[19:29] <KK> Ah, folks, I have just been reminded that Mr. Dog has not had his supper, so I'd better sign off.  Zoom meeting next week, Bynw?
[19:29] <The_Bee> I've tried getting a moving toy for  Melantha.  Once she realized it was harmless, she's ignored it.  He favorite toy was a big twist tie.
[19:29] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Yes, I guess it is
[19:29] <bynw> yeah first sunday of october
[19:29] <bynw> yes KK
[19:29] <Dennis> Some of the towns, you just have to let them know you're putting something big out and you can do it on your regular trash night, Bee.
[19:29] <derynifank> I would call the place where you bought it and complain.They didn't complete the delivery. In our area you just call bulk pick up and they will tell you when they need it out on the curb.
[19:29] <Dennis> Have a good week, KK!
[19:29] <Eris> <Bethane> take care, and hi to the animals @KK
[19:29] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Have  a good week, KK
[19:29] <KK> Maybe you can get a neighbor to help you get it outside and to the curb.
[19:29] <bynw> have a good week KK. congrats on the new house too ... lots of stuff to do i'm sure
[19:30] <derynifank> Have a good weeek KK. Congrats on new house
[19:30] <Laurna> Good Night KK
[19:30] <KK> And on that note, /me steps onto her Portal, waves goodnight, and disappears in a shower of green sparkles.
[19:30] <The_Bee> Have a very good week, KK.  Thanks for coming.  See you on Zoom.  3 pm Eastern?
[19:30] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Call the delivery man back, toss the matress out the window, and see if he can catch it
[19:30] <KK> (Whoops, guess it doesn't work in the middle of a sentence.)
[19:30] <bynw> yes 3pm eastern next sunday
[19:30] * KK steps onto her Portal....
[19:31] <derynifank> I like your idea Jerusha
[19:31] <Laurna> Next sunday is octorber already. 
[19:31] <KK> Nighters, all!
[19:31] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Not that I am vindictive, of course
[19:31] <Laurna> Not ready for that
[19:31] <The_Bee> It's from way out of state.  I'm getting used to the way things are.
[19:31] * KK has quit (Quit: https://mibbit.com Online IRC Client)

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