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KK Chat - Jun. 15, 2003

Started by RainbowDragon, November 17, 2008, 01:34:19 PM

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KK Chat - June 15, 2003

[17:15] * KK has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[17:15] <DeryniBot> Hail and Well Met, KK
[17:15] <Mistyck> hi KK
[17:15] <Shiral> Hello Katherine
[17:15] <Mistyck> how are you?
[17:15] <baxtercaroline> Hey KK
[17:15] <Shiral> =o)
[17:15] <kirienne> Hi Katherine
[17:15] <Bynw[GMing]> hiyas KK
[17:15] <Samuel> Hello KK
[17:15] <KK> Hi, guys.
[17:15] * Steffy4s3 passing Terry some duct tape to stay in the room
[17:15] <Barticus1> howdy KK
[17:15] <Steffy4s3> hi KK
[17:15] <the_Bee> hello KK
[17:15] <TerryOBrien> You'd think they'd get the bugs out of these Transfer Portals.  <mutter> <mutter>
[17:15] <TerryOBrien> Good evening, Katherine.
[17:15] <Mistyck> lol
[17:15] <Harvey> Suede bikini it is, then!  One day down.  Three days of costumes to go.
[17:15] <Harvey> Or is the suede bikini only the evening?
[17:15] <Shiral> Terry, I think that one just hasn't been used for a while
[17:16] <baxtercaroline> Sounds like evening wear Harvey
[17:16] <Mistyck> well I thought we were going with the suede vest and denim skirt for one of those days
[17:16] <Steffy4s3> did you check it for energy fluxuations?
[17:16] <Bynw[GMing]> did you have a good week Katherine?
[17:16] <Mistyck> KK:  we're discussing what costumes I can wear for GenCon ;)
[17:16] <RainbowDragon> Greetings, KK
[17:17] <Barticus1> a duct tape miniskirt?
[17:17] <Steffy4s3> and beating up on peer as usual
[17:17] <Mistyck> maybe!
[17:17] <baxtercaroline> Duct tape is a popular choice!
[17:17] <Shiral> Oh dear, our guest of honor is very quiet
[17:17] <KK> A good week, even if no writing got done.
[17:17] <the_Bee> it's a tossup between duct tape and denim
[17:17] <Shiral> Ah well, there are weeks like this
[17:17] <Barticus1> go with the duct tape
[17:17] <Mistyck> lol
[17:17] <Harvey> Two days down, Mistyck.  If you include duct tape, that's three days down.
[17:17] <KK> But we now have four rooms where none existed before. The builders were busy bunnies.
[17:17] <baxtercaroline> What about duct tape and denim?
[17:17] <Mistyck> cool, KK
[17:17] <kirienne> great KK
[17:17] <Shiral> Good heavens, they certainly have been
[17:17] <Harvey> Your rooms are spawning.
[17:17] <the_Bee> mistyck's costume
[17:17] <Barticus1> like tribbles?
[17:18] <Harvey> At the rate they're growing, your house will cover Ireland with 7 years.
[17:18] <Mistyck> :)
[17:18] <Shiral> It must have been that kind of week; I essentially have a new bathroom in my apartment
[17:18] <kirienne> LOL Harvey
[17:18] <Steffy4s3> did you check them for rabbits Katherine?
[17:18] <TerryOBrien> Katherine: are these rooms in that center section of the manor? The one that looked burned-out back in '87?
[17:18] <KK> We've been carrying things, tossing things in dumpsters--and my last house guest went home on Thursday.
[17:18] <Shiral> The only bad thing is, having the ceiling fixed and the floor fixed kind of made it impossible to work on the computer
[17:18] <Mistyck> when do the next ones arrive, KK?
[17:18] <Harvey> I hope you didn't accidentally put any houseguests in the dumpster.
[17:18] <marimacc> House guests. although often welcome, can be very tiring I find
[17:19] <KK> The rooms are above the kitchen--what will now be Scott's office, with a bathroom/dressing area, a sewing room for me, and a new laundry room
[17:19] <Shiral> That's what happens only to house guests that misbehave, Harvey
[17:19] * cj has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[17:19] <DeryniBot> Welcome to #Deryni_Destinations cj
[17:19] <Shiral> Cool, Katherine
[17:19] <Mistyck> hi CJ
[17:19] <Shiral> Helo CJ <G>
[17:19] <Mistyck> wb
[17:19] <Steffy4s3> hi cj
[17:19] <cj> hi :-)
[17:19] <Barticus1> howdy cj
[17:19] <baxtercaroline> hey cj
[17:19] <KK> Next guest that I know of arrives about a week before I leave for the US on the 3rd.
[17:19] <kirienne> hi cj
[17:19] <Mistyck> aah...is that for the Retreat?
[17:19] <Bynw[GMing]> weclome back CJ
[17:20] <cj> :-)
[17:20] <KK> For the con in Minneapolis first.
[17:20] <Mistyck> ah, Minn then retreat then GenCon?
[17:20] <KK> Yep.
[17:20] <Mistyck> wow! you've got a packed July!!!!
[17:20] <KK> Yep.
[17:20] <Shiral> She certainly does
[17:21] <Mistyck> and then SF Con too...
[17:21] <baxtercaroline> got an interview tomorrow so need some beauty sleep - wishe me luck, see you all soon.
[17:21] <Ghostgames> Don't forget CA to see her mom and FL to see her dad.... :-)
[17:21] <KK> I did get an intro written for Jessie's Annales.  It goes to press tomorrow.
[17:21] <Shiral> Bye, Baxtercaroline
[17:21] * baxtercaroline Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[17:21] * Mistyck sends good luck woodgies
[17:21] <kirienne> night baxter, best of luck to you
[17:21] <Shiral> Indeed
[17:21] <Mistyck> cool, KK!
[17:21] <Barticus1> awesome KK
[17:21] <KK> Hola, Soy!
[17:21] * Sedina has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[17:21] <DeryniBot> Sedina uses a Transfer Portal to join the chat in #Deryni_Destinations
[17:21] <Mistyck> hi Sedina
[17:22] <Shiral> Hello Sedina
[17:22] <kirienne> hi Sedina
[17:22] <Sedina> Hello
[17:22] <Samuel> Hello Sedina
[17:22] <Mistyck> she made it!
[17:22] <the_Bee> hiya sedina
[17:22] <Sedina> Hey, I just got back from Minneapolis  :)
[17:22] <Mistyck> cool!
[17:22] <Barticus1> howdy sednia
[17:22] <KK> You were early there, Sedina.
[17:22] <KK> I won't be there for another 3 weeks.
[17:22] <Harvey> Go to Minneapolis again, Sedina!
[17:23] <Bynw[GMing]> hiyas Kim!
[17:23] * Mistyck senses that KK's in a really good mood tonight!
[17:23] <Sedina> Yeah, but if I didn't go there this weekend, my college roomie would have shot me for missing her wedding
[17:23] <KK> Weddings are fun.
[17:23] <Shiral> KK, What are the dates of the Minneapolis Con? I don't think we ever got that up on the website. <Blush>
[17:23] <Mistyck> yes they are!
[17:23] <Shiral> That would have been messy, Sedina <G>
[17:23] <cj> first I've heard of it
[17:23] <KK> July 3-6.
[17:23] <Sedina> yeah, especially since I was her maid of honor
[17:24] <cj> got a url m?
[17:24] <Mistyck> :)
[17:24] <kirienne> LOL Sedina
[17:24] <Shiral> No, This is the first I've heard, too
[17:24] <cj> ah...
[17:24] <Shiral> I think...
[17:24] <Mistyck> what's the name of the Con?
[17:24] <Sedina> Just to warn you, KK, there is a lot of road construction going on in that area...just to make you really experience the "joys" of the Twin Cities
[17:24] <Shiral> I knew about Gencon, but not Minneapolis
[17:24] <KK> I'll get you those questions tomorrow, Shiral--and a partial list of what needs updating on the wedsite.
[17:24] <Shiral> Okay
[17:25] <Shiral> Great =o)
[17:25] <KK> I'm not too concerned about the roads.
[17:25] <Shiral> She's packing her flying carpet =o)
[17:25] <KK> I'm being collected on the 3rd by Naomi Kritzer.
[17:25] <Bynw[GMing]> whats in Minn? and what date??
[17:25] <Mistyck> KK:  go see the USO at Minn airport...there's a wealth of history of military there!
[17:25] <Harvey> She is a special guest.  They should supply her a driver.  :)
[17:25] <KK> Have any of you read her first novel, Fires of the Faithful?
[17:26] <Shiral> Nope
[17:26] <Mistyck> not yet
[17:26] <kirienne> not I
[17:26] <Sedina> actually, the airport is in Bloomington, not too far from where you'll be at.  I just thought that I should warn you in case you wanted to go see anything else in the area
[17:26] <Mistyck> I absolutely loved the USO at Minn Airport
[17:26] <KK> Well worth reading.  I've got the second book in ms. now to blurb.
[17:26] <the_Bee> what's it about?
[17:26] <KK> Sequel to the first book.
[17:26] <Harvey> Which author?
[17:27] <Mistyck> Naomi Kritzer
[17:27] <KK> Starts out in a music conservatory.  Shades of Deryni flavor.  She learned well.
[17:27] <Mistyck> ooh, cool!
[17:27] <Steffy4s3> ok i missed the author name
[17:27] <Steffy4s3> oh??????
[17:27] <KK> She's one to watch.
[17:27] <kirienne> I will look for that book
[17:27] <Steffy4s3> cool i was running outta reading material again
[17:28] <Bynw[GMing]> what are you doing in the Twin Cities KK??
[17:28] <KK> Just going to the Con.
[17:28] <Steffy4s3> in the last week i have re read KKB 3 times and 3 other books
[17:28] <Mistyck> what's the name?
[17:28] <Mistyck> of the Con?
[17:28] <kirienne> wow Steffy
[17:28] <Bynw[GMing]> what con??
[17:28] <KK> ConVergence.
[17:28] <Shiral> Well, soon there will be Harry Potter V
[17:28] <Mistyck> aah..thanks
[17:28] <KK> For that, I'll have to wait for the paperback.
[17:28] <Kelric> ack.  don't remind me.   
[17:29] <Kelric> the next few weeks at work are going to be heck because of that book.
[17:29] <kirienne> yes, i will be at borders books at midnight on Friday for their Harry Potter party
[17:29] <Steffy4s3> have 2 copies on early reserve already Shiral
[17:29] <Shiral> I'm having mine delivered by mail.
[17:29] <marimacc> I have it coming from Amazon
[17:29] <Steffy4s3> i was told i had to have them by the time the kids got here
[17:29] <KK> Oh, I'll be getting the galleys for ITKS in about a week, to be done before I leave.
[17:29] <Shiral> There's NO way I'm going to a bookstore on June 21st! <G>
[17:29] <Kelric> considering I'm getting my copy from someone who preordered at B+N but needs a spanish copy not an english copy.
[17:29] <RainbowDragon> Galleys?
[17:30] <Barticus1> thats so awesome KK!
[17:30] <KK> Proofs.
[17:30] <Shiral> Excellent, KK
[17:30] <kirienne> cool Katherine
[17:30] <RainbowDragon> I see
[17:30] <Harvey> Everybody that goes to Minneapolis says to go to the big-ass mall there.
[17:30] <KK> So progress is being made on numerous fronts.
[17:30] <Steffy4s3> cool katherine, i am wearing out my copy of KKB LOL
[17:30] <Ghostgames> Ooh, Katherine, that reminds me, I lost the contact info for your editor (to inquire about advertising the Deryni Adventure Game in ITKS and vice versa....).... Can you email that to me again when you get a chance?
[17:30] <Mistyck> mall is just a hop skip and jump away from the airport
[17:30] <KK> I understand it's right across the street from the hotel--or is that the one in Indianapolis?
[17:31] * Kelos_al-Hazar has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[17:31] <DeryniBot> Hail and Well met Kelos_al-Hazar
[17:31] <kirienne> hi kelos
[17:31] <Shiral> The book jacket for my reading copy of KKB is soon going to give up the ghost
[17:31] <Mistyck> no it's Minn KK
[17:31] <KK> Will do, Ann.
[17:31] <Mistyck> hi Kelos
[17:31] <the_Bee> hi kelos
[17:31] <Mistyck> Mall of the Americas
[17:31] <Shiral> Hi Kelos
[17:31] <Barticus1> howdy kelos
[17:31] <Steffy4s3> circle center mall is in Downtown Indanapolis
[17:31] <Sedina> It's just a quick hop to the Mall of America from the hotel
[17:31] <Ghostgames> thanks!
[17:31] <Mistyck> Ann:  are you going to be at Minn too?
[17:31] <Steffy4s3> hi kelos
[17:32] <TerryOBrien> Gotta love online reservations: just reserved both the Kritzer books in the library, based on your reco, Katherine.
[17:32] <Wrengl> hi kelos
[17:32] <KK> I haven't really started the second one yet.
[17:32] <Steffy4s3> i seriously doubt that my library has them
[17:32] <Steffy4s3> they dont have a full set of Katherine's books
[17:32] <soycomosoy> HOLA KK
[17:32] <Ghostgames> Mystick: nope, Origins in Columbus late next week, GenCon at the end of July.
[17:32] <soycomosoy> :)
[17:32] <KK> But I'm reading an excellent book called The Science of Harry Potter: How Magic Works.
[17:32] <Mistyck> aah...ok
[17:32] <Samuel> later all.  Laundry needs checked.
[17:33] <RainbowDragon> Bye, Sam
[17:33] <kirienne> that one sounds neat KK
[17:33] <Wrengl> have not seen that one, katherine
[17:33] <Steffy4s3> when i win the lottery tuesday, i will give them several sets
[17:33] <Sedina> bye, Sam
[17:33] <kirienne> see ya sam
[17:33] <Steffy4s3> bye sam
[17:33] <Shiral> Bye Sam
[17:33] <Mistyck> bye Sam
[17:33] <Wrengl> but anxiously awaiting order of the phoenix
[17:33] <Harvey> The big mall is in Minneapolis.
[17:33] <KK> It's British, Wrengl.  Found it in my local bookstore.
[17:33] <Wrengl> bye sam
[17:33] <Wrengl> ah
[17:33] * Samuel Quit (Quit: http://folding.stanford.edu Put your spare computer power to some good use finding a cure for Alzheimers. Team 1084 Deryni-Fans)
[17:33] <KK> Nighters, Sam.
[17:33] <Mistyck> yep Mall of the Americas
[17:33] <KK> Gad, he's quick.
[17:33] <Steffy4s3> ok so that means that we might could get it online then?
[17:33] <KK> Probably.
[17:33] <Shiral> Or when you're feeling tired Maul of the Americas
[17:34] <Sedina> actually it's just Mall of America, but that's okay :)
[17:34] <Steffy4s3> actually from my end it looked like he took his time tonight
[17:34] <the_Bee> I've been racking my brain for the title or author I read last year. All I can remember is the plot
[17:34] <Steffy4s3> most of us actually got to say bye before he left tonight
[17:34] <RainbowDragon> KK: will your publisher permit you to print a teaser for ITKS on your website?
[17:34] <Steffy4s3> we would wear out the website RD LOL
[17:35] <RainbowDragon> *grin*
[17:35] <KK> Well, we already printed the first couple of chapters in the paperback of StPG.
[17:35] <Steffy4s3> just put a counter on that page and watch the numbers fly
[17:35] <Sedina> Okay, I'm being called away by Cole.  He would like to go and rent a movie to watch.  I'll talk to you all later.
[17:36] <Shiral> Bye, Sedina
[17:36] <Mistyck> bye Kim, tell Cole hi
[17:36] <Steffy4s3> bye sedina
[17:36] <the_Bee> seeya sedina
[17:36] <kirienne> bye Sedina, huggles
[17:36] <Barticus1> bye sedina
[17:36] <Wrengl> bye sedina
[17:36] <Harvey> Bye Sedina.
[17:36] <Mistyck> huggles!
[17:36] <Sedina> Cole says "hi and bye" back
[17:36] <KK> I've got an interview coming out next month in a Templar magazine, and have permission to post it on the website once the mag is out.
[17:36] <Mistyck> that will be cool!
[17:36] <Steffy4s3> ok i need to check out StPG
[17:36] <KK> Night, Sedina.
[17:36] <Steffy4s3> cool
[17:36] <RainbowDragon> That will be neat to read.
[17:36] <Shiral> Very much so
[17:36] <soycomosoy> i had receive the books wednesday
[17:36] <Sedina> take care all
[17:36] * Sedina Quit (Quit: kilts...where are those kilts)
[17:36] <Wrengl> steffy, the science of harry potter is available for 11 and change from amazon
[17:37] <Steffy4s3> cool thanks wrengl
[17:37] <KK> Ah, good, Soy.  I hope the translation is not too bad.
[17:37] <soycomosoy> is a very good translation
[17:37] <Barticus1> I need to vamoose as well all, y'all have great & safe week,
[17:37] <soycomosoy> i am reading deryny rising
[17:37] <Barticus1> thanks for coming KK
[17:37] <Mistyck> nite Bart
[17:37] <Steffy4s3> bye bart
[17:37] <Wrengl> bye bartcus
[17:37] <kirienne> see ya bart, get well soon
[17:37] <the_Bee> cya bart
[17:37] <KK> That's good to know.  You're my first Spanish-speaking reader to comment on the Spanish versions.
[17:37] <Steffy4s3> hope you feel better soon
[17:38] <Wrengl> feel better
[17:38] * Barticus1 waves as he steps onto his crop circle and is gone
[17:38] * Barticus1 Quit (Quit: Leaving )
[17:38] <soycomosoy> is great
[17:38] <Shiral> Oops, missed Bart
[17:38] <soycomosoy> but you pay the charges too
[17:38] <Wrengl> you are getting slow shiral
[17:38] <Shiral> I suppose so. Out of practice
[17:38] <soycomosoy> :(
[17:38] <cj> my fault we're catching up on some stuff
[17:38] <Shiral> Any plans for the coming week, KK
[17:38] <Steffy4s3> Shiral were you trying to get to amazon too?
[17:38] <Wrengl> not hanging out here much lately
[17:38] * VirtualBabe has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[17:38] <DeryniBot> Hail and Well met VirtualBabe
[17:38] <Wrengl> gotta remedy that!
[17:38] <Shiral> Hello VB
[17:38] <Wrengl> :)
[17:39] <Shiral> No, Steffy
[17:39] <the_Bee> hi vb
[17:39] <kirienne> hi Debbie
[17:39] <Wrengl> hi debbie
[17:39] <Steffy4s3> Hi VB
[17:39] <VirtualBabe> Hi all.  sorry I'm late
[17:39] * jhalavar has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[17:39] <DeryniBot> jhalavar uses a Transfer Portal to join the chat in #Deryni_Destinations
[17:39] <Wrengl> better late than never, vb
[17:39] <Shiral> Hello Jhalavar
[17:39] <Steffy4s3> hi jhalavar
[17:39] <KK> Contending with builders.  Hopefully finally getting the refinance check.  Writing your Blazing Answers and progress report.
[17:39] <Wrengl> hi jhalavar
[17:39] <kirienne> hi jhalavar
[17:39] <the_Bee> hi jhalalalalavar
[17:39] <jhalavar> hi all
[17:39] <KK> A White tie dinner on Saturday night.
[17:39] <Mistyck> hi VB
[17:39] <Mistyck> hi Gina!
[17:39] <Shiral> Sounds like a full week
[17:39] <Shiral> White tie??? Wow
[17:39] <Mistyck> long time no see, Gina!
[17:40] <Mistyck> woohoo, KK!
[17:40] <kirienne> wow, KK that dinner sounds interesting
[17:40] <KK> Mah nishtana...Why is this night different from all other nights?
[17:40] <Steffy4s3> sounds like very busy week Katherine
[17:40] * VirtualBabe swoons to think of Katherine in a full formal gown
[17:40] <TerryOBrien> Don't know if I ever could qualify for a white tie dinner. Don't even have a black tie. <g>
[17:40] <Shiral> For one thing, men are wearing white ties <G>
[17:40] <KK> Yep, but I hope to be back on some kind of schedule by this time next week.
[17:40] <kirienne> LOL Terry
[17:41] <Shiral> No ties at all
[17:41] * kirienne has never even been to a black tie dinner
[17:41] <KK> I must also start seriously organizing my packing for the trip.
[17:42] <KK> This will be white tie and decorations.  Scott will look smashing.
[17:42] <kirienne> good luck with that Katherine, packing can be a job
[17:42] * Kelric Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[17:42] <Mistyck> KK:  have you had a chance to look over the DATZ submissions or have you already sent those back to Julianne?
[17:42] <Steffy4s3> kirienne: the closest i ever got was prom
[17:42] <Shiral> Sure can be
[17:42] * kirienne never went to any of the proms either
[17:42] <KK> Haven't done a thing on those, Mistyck.  The website comes first.
[17:42] <Mistyck> Scott will look verra handsome :)
[17:42] <Mistyck> aah, ok..thanks!
[17:43] <VirtualBabe> Neither did I kirienne
[17:43] * RainbowDragon looks forward to the website updates :-)
[17:43] <Shiral> Soon RD..
[17:43] <Mistyck> I had a couple of people who wanted me to ask you that....
[17:43] <Shiral> Here, have a dragon biscuit in the meantime...
[17:44] <KK> I think I'd better scoot.  The builders should be here early, and I'll have running around duties while Scott holds down the fort here.
[17:44] <Mistyck> me too, RD...
[17:44] <KK> Will see you all next week.
[17:44] <Steffy4s3> have a good week Katherine
[17:44] <Mistyck> nite Katherine, hope they don't drive you too crazy
[17:44] <cj> byebye
[17:44] <Shiral> Bye, Katherine, have a good week and a good dinner
[17:44] <kirienne> nighters and huggles Katherine, thanks for coming, have a good week
[17:44] <jhalavar> bye
[17:44] <Ghostgames> (sorry, my attention was on redoing some rivers on the map...) Scott looks smashing no matter what he's wearing. ;-)
[17:44] <Steffy4s3> good luck on getting back on track
[17:44] <the_Bee> hope the bulding gets done without too much craziness
[17:44] <Mistyck> thanks for stopping by KK
[17:44] <TerryOBrien> 'night, then, Katherine.
[17:44] <RainbowDragon> Goodnight, Katherine
[17:44] * KK steps onto her Portal, waves good night, and disappears in a shower of green sparkles.
[17:44] <kirienne> and a fun time at the dinner
[17:45] <Ghostgames> g'night, Katherine!
[17:45] <soycomosoy> bye
[17:45] <Shiral> Night, Katherine
[17:45] <Mistyck> g'nite KK
[17:45] <soycomosoy> kk
[17:45] <KK> Nighters, all.
[17:45] <VirtualBabe> Have a terrific week katherine, and I'm totally looking forward to (finally) meeting you at darkover
[17:45] <marimacc> She's sparkly!
[17:45] <the_Bee> nighters to you kk
[17:45] <cj> Dr. St. Mark says bye bye too
[17:45] * KK Quit