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KK Chat - Mar. 30, 2003

Started by RainbowDragon, November 17, 2008, 01:08:56 PM

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KK Chat - Mar. 30, 2003

[15:58] * KK sets mode: +q KK
[15:58] <DeryniBot> Riding in from Valoret in service to the ArchBishop is KK
[15:58] <Samuel> Hello KK!
[15:58] <Jessie> Hello Katherine.
[15:58] <Temprus> greetings
[15:59] <KK> Hello, riding in, indeed.
[15:59] <Jessie> Katherine, how went your week?
[15:59] <KK> It's an apt greeting, because I started getting my riding gear in order this week.
[15:59] <Jessie> :-)
[16:00] <KK> I've nearly finished the chapter headings--and the copy edited ms. will be back probably on Tuesday, with a 10-day turnaround.
[16:00] <Jessie> :-)
[16:00] <Jessie> excellent
[16:00] <DeryniBot> Rhun stands aside smiling threateningly as RainbowDragon enters Deryni Chat
[16:00] <DeryniBot> Riding in from Valoret in service to the ArchBishop is Andy_Hock
[16:01] <KK> Wow, I was going to say that we're really empty tonight, but now folks are coming out of the woodwork. 
[16:01] -Samuel- for nearly **LIVE** pictures of Bynw check out: http://www.psionics.net/webcam/
[16:01] <RainbowDragon> Glad to see you, KK. How long ago did you arrive?
[16:01] <KK> Did you guys go on daylight savings today?
[16:02] <KK> About 5 minutes ago.
[16:02] <Samuel> No, Next week.
[16:02] <RainbowDragon> Next Sunday we will
[16:02] <Temprus> next week thankfully
[16:02] <KK> Ah, then you guys think it's--er--5?
[16:02] <Wrengl> evening katherine
[16:02] <Wrengl> hi rd
[16:02] <Samuel> same day I move to summer uniforms at work.   :) NO MORE TIE!!!   :)
[16:02] <Temprus> 5pm eastern
[16:02] * Iota has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[16:02] <DeryniBot> Khadasa! Iota has arrived with a flagon of Fianna Red
[16:02] <KK> OK, that's probably why I seem early to you guys.
[16:03] <Jessie> indeed
[16:03] <Wrengl> hello iota
[16:03] * Kelos_al-Hazar is certainly glad he showed up when he did! :)
[16:03] <Jessie> Hello, Iota and welcome to Deryni chat.
[16:03] <KK> Is Jasta really here, or is she off somewhere?
[16:03] <Iota> yo.
[16:04] <Jessie> she is checking on something
[16:04] <Jessie> she should be back in a bit
[16:04] <KK> Wrengl, how is Thumper?
[16:04] <Wrengl> doing okay
[16:05] <Wrengl> does not like that it is cold, rainy and damp today, however
[16:05] <Wrengl> he was enjoying spring!
[16:05] <Wrengl> now it is winter again!
[16:05] <Wrengl> typical for new york
[16:05] <KK> We've been having some glorious spring weather here--though it's supposed to get colder tomorrow.
[16:05] <Wrengl> we are supposed to get snow tonight
[16:05] <Kelos_al-Hazar> Cold in 'Bama, too... :(
[16:06] <KK> I saw snow in the background of a White House shot about an hour ago.
[16:06] <Samuel> yea.  I couldn't believe my eyes when I looked out the window and saw my truck COVERED in snow this morning.
[16:06] <KK> We can still get snow here in April.
[16:06] <Wrengl> usually we get our last for St. Patrick's day
[16:06] <Wrengl> but the dandelions are not yet up so we are not past the last frost
[16:07] <KK> But I have daffodils in my office the past few days.
[16:07] <Wrengl> Our daffodils are coming up but no buds yet
[16:07] <Jessie> Yes daffodils are blooming here also
[16:07] <Wrengl> My chives are up and looking perky
[16:07] <RainbowDragon> Iota, are you a fan of the Deryni books?
[16:07] <KK> I love daffodils!  It's like bringing live sunshine into a room.
[16:07] <Wrengl> have not yet seen the first crocus yet, however
[16:07] <Iota> not exactly.
[16:08] <Wrengl> certainly is katherine
[16:08] <KK> We've got crocuses and snowdrops and grape hyacinths.
[16:08] <Jessie> yup -- same here
[16:08] <Wrengl> we usually do by now
[16:08] <Wrengl> but spring is late
[16:09] <Wrengl> even later than the groundhog said!
[16:09] <Samuel> The only thing I know about plants is: if it blooms it's a flower.  If it doesn't bloom, it's a weed.
[16:09] <KK> The true test will be when the swallows show up.
[16:09] * Jessie swallows :-)
[16:09] <Wrengl> ah but sam, weeds have flowers too!
[16:09] <Wrengl> lol jessie
[16:09] * RainbowDragon grins at Jessie
[16:10] <KK> Ah, Sam, but some weeds have flowers too--like dandelions.
[16:10] <KK> Weeds are things that grow where you don't want them to grow.
[16:10] <Wrengl> and there is a weed with a pretty blue flower
[16:10] <Andy_Hock> Dandelions aren't weeds . . .
[16:10] <Jessie> A weed is a flower growing where some human doesn't want it to grow
[16:10] <DeryniBot> Running from the Lehr cats, GM-Bynw enters out of breath
[16:10] <Wrengl> hi bynw
[16:10] <KK> Running from Lehr cats, Bynw?!
[16:10] <RainbowDragon> Hi, Bynw 
[16:10] <Jessie> Hello, bynw.
[16:10] <GM-Bynw> hi
[16:11] <Temprus> nah, he was just taking them out for some exercise
[16:11] <Wrengl> lol
[16:11] <RainbowDragon> Bynw, look up!  *G*
[16:12] <Wrengl> what's up, rd
[16:12] <RainbowDragon> He's on BynwCam  :-)
[16:12] <DeryniBot> Bishop Hubert smiles maliciously as he passes a cup of wine laced with merasha to Sedina to welcome them to Deryni Chat
[16:12] <GM-Bynw> Its almost true this time ... the little autogreet ...
[16:12] <Wrengl> hi sedina
[16:12] <KK> Hi, Sedina.
[16:12] <Sedina> hello
[16:12] <Samuel> Hello Sedina!
[16:12] <RainbowDragon> Hi, Sedina
[16:13] * Wrengl gives sedina some good kosher italian muscat wine instead 
[16:13] <Temprus> Greetings Sedina
[16:13] <Sedina> thought I might drop in and prove that I am really still alive
[16:13] <DeryniBot> VirtualBabe is offered a cup of his specially prepared merasha laced wine by Father Lior
[16:13] <Sedina> thanks, Pat  :)
[16:13] <Sedina> hi, VB
[16:13] <Wrengl> hi debbie
[16:13] <VirtualBabe> Hi all
[16:13] <KK> Hi, VB.
[16:13] <GM-Bynw> is it daylight savings time for you already KK?
[16:13] <RainbowDragon> Hi, Debbie
[16:13] <KK> Yep, it's definitely the daylight savings.
[16:14] <GM-Bynw> that explanes why it looks like you are hear an hour early :-)
[16:14] <DeryniBot> the_Bee - the Duke of Corwyn's official observer - arrives in Deryni Chat
[16:14] <GM-Bynw> not that i mind of course :-)
[16:14] <Wrengl> hi bee
[16:14] * RainbowDragon hopes this doesn't mean KK leaves an hour earlier tonight
[16:14] <VirtualBabe> buzz bee
[16:14] <KK> Hi, Bee.  Official observer, are you?
[16:15] <Sedina> hi, Bee
[16:15] <the_Bee> buz-buzz y'all
[16:15] <KK> Well, by your perspective, it will seem like I'm leaving an hour earlier.  It's 11:14 PM here.
[16:15] <Wrengl> katherine, bynw has his webcam up and running again
[16:15] <RainbowDragon> How did your week go, Katherine?
[16:15] * Kelos_al-Hazar is usually the low output one of the group... ::grins::
[16:15] <KK> O-ho!
[16:16] <Iota> that dude..
[16:16] <Iota> looks like someone i play magic with.
[16:16] * VirtualBabe Quit (User has been mind-ripped)
[16:17] <Wrengl> oh dear
[16:17] <Wrengl> peer has been quiet all day
[16:17] <Wrengl> waiting to abuse debbie, i suppose
[16:17] * Kelos_al-Hazar is tracking peer's activities...and will eventually catch him...
[16:17] <Jessie> or he will catch you
[16:18] <Jessie> he/she that is
[16:18] <RainbowDragon> How did work on the author's cut go this week?
[16:18] <Wrengl> or it
[16:18] <Wrengl> peer could be an alien being you know
[16:19] <Jessie> Katherine:  when do you expect to receive a publication date for ITKS?
[16:19] <KK> All I know is October, at this point.  That usually means the beginning of the month.
[16:20] * Wrengl crosses fingers
[16:20] <KK> No work on author's cut this week; I've nearly finished the chapter headings.
[16:20] * Samuel thinks Peer is an "enviromental terrorist" who cuts down telephone lines and blows up telephone switching stations.
[16:20] <KK> And the copy-edit comes back on Tuesday, so I'll be focused on that for the next week after it arrives.
[16:21] <RainbowDragon> Okay, thanks :-)
[16:22] <DeryniBot> VirtualBabe enters the Deryni Destinations chat!
[16:22] <RainbowDragon> welcome back, debbie
[16:22] <VirtualBabe> Ok let's try this again
[16:22] <Sedina> wb, vb
[16:22] <the_Bee> speaking of books, KK, how does the new Adept novel fit into your plans?
[16:22] <VirtualBabe> sorry all, my computer went totally wonky
[16:23] <Wrengl> wb debbie
[16:23] <KK> It doesn't, until Ace is ready to talk about it.  But I did float the idea for a second Deryni anthology, and Ginjer is working the numbers.
[16:23] <the_Bee> are you sure it was your computer and not you?<VEG>
[16:23] <KK> We sold Russian rights this past month, and I posted royalty checks to all the contributors to the first one.
[16:23] <DeryniBot> Welcome Mistyck to the internet home of the worlds of Katherine Kurtz
[16:23] <KK> Hello, Mistyck!
[16:23] <Wrengl> hi mistyck
[16:23] <Mistyck> hi KK
[16:23] <the_Bee> Kemshah Mistyck
[16:24] <Mistyck> good, Bee
[16:24] <Mistyck> how's everyone today/tonight?
[16:24] <VirtualBabe> Can just see jasta translated into russian
[16:25] * VirtualBabe is now known as Debbie-VB 
[16:25] <Mistyck> KK:  how fares Deryni Rising?
[16:25] <Samuel> KK: that reminds me, I had a question about the Adept books......  How would Adam replace a guy like Humphrey if Humphrey would either pass away or retire?  and could/would that sort of servant retire?
[16:25] * Iota Quit (User has been mind-ripped)
[16:25] * Wrengl passes katherine a pigs' ear from thumper to fortify her for dealing with the copy edited novel
[16:27] <KK> I doubt that Humphrey would retire as such, so long as he was able to continue working--but I'm also sure that Adam has sources for replacements who would be suitably discreet.
[16:27] <Debbie-VB> a replacement would probably have to be investigated on several levels
[16:27] <KK> No progress on DR, Mistyck.  I was finishing the chapter headings.
[16:27] <Wrengl> perhaps there is a special employement agency for that type of employee!
[16:27] <Jessie> Katherine:  Jasta was interested in which order of nuns Silke joined (think she was hoping on the Rainbow Order)
[16:28] <KK> I'd say that the Rainbow nuns would have been a good place.
[16:28] <Mistyck> well, ITKS definitely comes first :)
[16:28] <Debbie-VB>  ??Rainbow nuns???
[16:29] <KK> Yep, and I think you came in after I'd said that the copy-edited ms. comes back this week--so there'll be little lor no progress on any of the other projects for the next week or so.
[16:29] <RainbowDragon> Yes, Debbie. They are called Arc du Ciel or something similar
[16:29] <Mistyck> thanks for the update KK.
[16:29] <KK> Ordre de Notre Dame d'Arc-en-Ciel.
[16:30] <DeryniBot> With a Deryni Pricker concealed behind his back, Paulin moves to welcome Shiral
[16:30] <Mistyck> hi Shiral
[16:30] <Wrengl> hi shiral
[16:30] <Shiral> Hello everyone
[16:31] <Jessie> Katherine:  if there is another "Deryni Tales" will it still be only stories already printed in the Zine -- or will it be "opened up" to other stories?
[16:31] <Debbie-VB> OK.  remember, the rainbow has an extra meaning for we in the GBLT community.
[16:31] <the_Bee> not "de l'arc-en-ciel"?
[16:31] <RainbowDragon> Hi, Shiral
[16:31] <Shiral> Ah, Just when I'm getting the hang of this, Katherine comes early <G>
[16:31] <KK> We went on daylight savings today, Shiral.
[16:31] <Shiral> Aha!
[16:31] <Shiral> Well at least I didn't miss the whole chat
[16:31] <KK> DT II will probably be drawn from stories already published in DA.
[16:32] <Shiral> Is there new news concerning DTII?
[16:32] <KK> Shiral, I mailed you a check Friday.  We sold Russian language right to Deryni Tales.
[16:32] <Shiral> Or is this in the realm of the hopeful, still?
[16:32] <Shiral> Holy mackeral!!'
[16:32] <Mistyck> that's wonderful!  DT in Russian too!
[16:32] <Shiral> Dhugal at Courtski
[16:32] <KK> Still hopeful, though I did mention it to the editor, and she's doing the numbers.
[16:33] <Sedina> hi Shiral and Mist...I was picking on the kitties, so I missed you sneaking in
[16:33] <Shiral> Hi Sedina
[16:33] <Mistyck> hello Sedina
[16:33] <Shiral> So how much of chat did I miss?
[16:33] <Debbie-VB> why were you picking on those poor innocent kitties?
[16:33] <KK> Well, I've been here about half an hour.
[16:33] <Shiral> Ah well
[16:34] <Shiral> I'll just read the transcript later on
[16:34] <Shiral> =o)
[16:34] <Mistyck> same here Shiral.  I just came on too
[16:34] <Debbie-VB> and things are definitly falling into place for me re darkover this year
[16:34] <Sedina> I was picking on them because they're blind.  I put Myah in the window so that she could see the gopher, but what does she do?  She looks in the wrong direction
[16:34] <Shiral> I'm sure everyone has already asked how your week has gone <G>
[16:34] <Mistyck> KK:  how many languages has DT been published in now?
[16:34] <Wrengl> good debbie
[16:35] <Shiral> Have you done more work on DR this week, Katherine?
[16:35] <Sedina> that's great to hear, debbie  :)  We'll love to see you at Darkover
[16:36] <Mistyck> yes we would!
[16:36] <Mistyck> the more the merrier!
[16:36] <KK> Just English and Russian, thus far.
[16:36] <KK> No DR this week.
[16:36] <Shiral> Ah well
[16:37] <Shiral> I hope you've been having a pleasant time doing....whatever
[16:37] <Shiral> Debbie, Glad to hear you'll be at Darkover
[16:37] <KK> Chapter headings.  Buying half-chaps and polishing up my boots and finding britches, so that I can start riding again.
[16:38] <KK> Several hours fracturing the royalty check, so that I could send contributors their money.  The amounts are not bad. Everyone can afford to at least go out for dinner, and even take a friend--and non one even has to go to McDonald's.
[16:39] * Shiral coats the Chatroom with hot fudge, just to see if everyone is still awake
[16:39] <Sedina> Speaking of which, better Martine's work and riding lessons, that girl has been nearly non-existant these days
[16:39] <Shiral> Hey, I wasn't expecting anything like this, so I don't mind at all. <G>
[16:39] <Shiral> Maybe I'll seek out a nice russian restaurant <G>
[16:40] <Mistyck> that's a good idea Shiral. :)
[16:40] <Shiral> I know what you mean, Sedina. Haven't heard a peep from her
[16:40] <Shiral> OR at least, a Russian cookbook <G>
[16:40] <Wrengl> lol shiral
[16:40] <Jessie> Katherine:  for the Rainbow nuns -- is a description of their habit given in ITKS?
[16:40] * kirienne is on IRC
[16:40] * Wrengl Puts out a tray of cavier on blinis
[16:40] <DeryniBot> Rhun stands aside smiling threateningly as kirienne enters Deryni Chat
[16:40] <Mistyck> Russian food is goot
[16:40] <Shiral> Hello Kirienne
[16:40] <Wrengl> hi kirienne
[16:40] <Sedina> hi, kirienne
[16:40] <Mistyck> hi Kirienne
[16:40] <the_Bee> hi kirienne
[16:40] <Shiral> Now THERE'S an idea, Caviar!!
[16:41] <Shiral> I LOVE the stuff!
[16:41] * kirienne waves Rhun aside and enters the room, waving to all her friends
[16:41] <Wrengl> so do we
[16:41] <kirienne> Hello Everyone
[16:41] <Wrengl> but we prefer the beluga
[16:41] <DeryniBot> Riding in from Valoret in service to the ArchBishop is Ghostgames
[16:41] <Sedina> Hi, Ann
[16:41] <Wrengl> hi ann
[16:41] <Shiral> Katherine, would they have caviar in Torenth, just out of curiousity?
[16:41] <GM-Bynw> hiyas ann
[16:41] <Mistyck> hi Ann
[16:41] <Debbie-VB> I've never tried Russian food.  Closest I've come is Ukranian
[16:41] <Shiral> Hello Ann
[16:41] <KK> Absolutely, Jessie.  Pale blue habit, white veil for novices with rainbow front edge, pale blue with rainbow edge for perpetually vowed nuns, rainbow cincture, white eimple.
[16:41] <kirienne> hi Ann, who came in just after I did :-)
[16:41] <Jessie> Katherine:  neat :-)
[16:42] <Ghostgames> Hi, all!
[16:42] <Wrengl> sounds like a neat habit, katherine
[16:42] <Debbie-VB> I could see caviar being imported from torenth
[16:42] <Temprus> greetings all new comers
[16:42] <Shiral> Hi there, Temprus
[16:42] <KK> Do they have fish in Gaynedd, Shiral?  Of course.  So they'd have caviar--if they'd figured out that it's good to eat.
[16:42] <Shiral> That's kind of the rub, yeah
[16:42] <Shiral> <G>
[16:42] <DeryniBot> Wearing a Custodes habit as a disguise hygilac enters chat
[16:43] <Shiral> Hello Linda
[16:43] <KK> One has to wonder who the first bright spark was who looked at fish eggs and thought, hey, this looks really yummy.  I wonder if it's good to eat?
[16:43] <Mistyck> hi Linda
[16:43] <kirienne> hi Linda
[16:43] <the_Bee> hi Hy
[16:43] <Wrengl> hi linda
[16:43] <Shiral> Same goes for artichokes, I'd say
[16:43] <Debbie-VB> I've wondered that about durien
[16:43] <RainbowDragon> LOL, KK
[16:43] <hygilac> hi Shiral, KK and all
[16:43] <KK> There are a lot of things that people eat and one has to wonder.  Take sea urchins....
[16:43] <Shiral> Nice Habit, Linda
[16:43] <KK> Or lobsters, or crabs....
[16:43] <Wrengl> sea urchin roe is good, though
[16:43] <kirienne> LOL KK, I have never tried cavier, and prolly never will---just the thought of what it is
[16:43] <Jessie> Katherine:  some very hungry people?
[16:44] <the_Bee> someone who was starving and that was what they could find
[16:44] <hygilac> habit?
[16:44] <Shiral> You get over the hesitation, Kirienne
[16:44] <KK> I'm not that jazzed about caviar myself.
[16:44] <Shiral> =o)
[16:44] <Ghostgames> I've never actually tried caviar.
[16:44] <Ghostgames> I've had some opportunities to....
[16:44] <the_Bee> I had celery stuffed with caviar once
[16:44] <Shiral> Fortunately, I tried it before I knew what it was
[16:44] <Debbie-VB> I have.  it's OK
[16:44] <Shiral> By then I was hooked
[16:44] <Wrengl> BTW Katherine, I have decided to definitely retire this summer
[16:44] <JastaElf> hi y'all, I'm back
[16:44] <Wrengl> for real and good
[16:44] <Shiral> Hi Jasta
[16:45] <JastaElf> hi Shiral!
[16:45] <KK> Snails are another one.  I've tried them, but they chew like rubber bands.  No taste--except for the garlic butter.  Now, garlic butter is worth chewing rubber bands!
[16:45] <Debbie-VB> Huggles jasta
[16:45] <hygilac> caviar is salty
[16:45] <the_Bee> howdy jasta
[16:45] <JastaElf> Hi VB!
[16:45] <Sedina> Hi, Linda
[16:45] <JastaElf> Bee!
[16:45] <Sedina> hi, Jasta!
[16:45] <kirienne> nope Shiral, I think I'd need Morgan to use magic to get me to eat cavier or calamari
[16:45] <JastaElf> Hi!
[16:45] <Shiral> Yup, Garlic flavored Garden hose
[16:45] <hygilac> Hi Sedian
[16:45] <Wrengl> wb jasta
[16:45] <kirienne> ji Jasta
[16:45] <hygilac> Hi Jasta
[16:45] <Shiral> Calamari, that's another kettle of fish altogether <G>
[16:45] <Debbie-VB> I LIKE calimari
[16:45] <KK> Calamari is good!
[16:45] <JastaElf> hi Pat, hi Linda, Hi Kirienne!
[16:45] <Samuel> What is Calamari?
[16:45] <Wrengl> calamari is wonderful, if cooked correctly
[16:45] <KK> Jasta, you're here at last!
[16:45] <Shiral> Each to their own, I guess
[16:45] <JastaElf> squid!
[16:45] <Debbie-VB> squid
[16:45] <JastaElf> Yes, I am!   
[16:46] <Shiral> I can't get past the tentacles, myself
[16:46] * JastaElf huggles KK
[16:46] <the_Bee> depends how calamari is cooked. some ways are better than others
[16:46] <KK> Have them sliced, Shiral.
[16:46] <JastaElf> I was off putting a pot roast into the oven and making beef soup with the leftovers
[16:46] <Debbie-VB> I did some stuffed calimari once YUM!
[16:46] <Samuel> I've heard that Octopus and squid taste like their last meal.
[16:46] <KK> Calamari rings are cut from the body, and sometimes they deep-fry or tempora them.
[16:46] <Ghostgames> The one time I've had calamari, I could tell that it was cooked well (and that it would have been absolutely horrid had it been cooked poorly), but I didn't go ga-ga over it or anything.
[16:46] <Shiral> I'll take care of the caviar, and you can have the Calamari, how's that <G>
[16:46] * Kelos_al-Hazar shrugs as he realises that the record's not in danger of breaking tonight
[16:47] <kirienne> yummy Jasta. I am making soup tonight also--it will serve as lunches for next week. Have a week until payday
[16:47] <JastaElf> Yup, that's what I do.  :-)
[16:47] <hygilac> paygday is tomorrow for me
[16:47] <Shiral> Now pot roast, that I' can handle
[16:47] <Debbie-VB> I had payday friday, unfortunatly I've got rent tomorrow
[16:47] <Mistyck> Pot roast is yummy!
[16:48] <Shiral> Yeah, I know that feeling
[16:48] <kirienne> of course, the paycheck is gone for rent, car, bills and food as soon as I get it anyway, <g>
[16:48] <Wrengl> i had payday friday
[16:48] <Shiral> I've got rent, taxes and car insurance to pay, all in the first ten days of April
[16:48] <hygilac> had potroast forlunch and it was yummy
[16:48] <the_Bee> better than rent day before payday
[16:48] <Shiral> It truly IS the cruelest month!
[16:48] <Mistyck> my payday is Tuesday
[16:48] <JastaElf> heh.  Mine went in its entirety for the blankety-blank power bill...  :-(
[16:48] <Debbie-VB> they say money talks.  All mine ever seems to say is "goodbye"
[16:48] <Shiral> Well, some ExtremeYoga will hopefully shape up Mr. X
[16:48] <Wrengl> lol debbie
[16:48] <KK> I have a new potroast recipe that goes into a crockpot. Cut up an onion in rings, put in a can of whole cranberry sauce and about half a cup of French dressing, cook on slow all day.  Excellent!
[16:49] <JastaElf> Oh GOD that sounds good....
[16:49] <Debbie-VB> ooooooooooo YUM!
[16:49] <kirienne> Debbie, thats all mine says also. will have to dibble into savings account to pay taxes
[16:49] <Shiral> MMMMM!!! Slurrp!
[16:49] <Mistyck> that sounds yummy, KK
[16:49] <hygilac> ooh--that sounds wonderful KK
[16:49] <KK> FlyLady.
[16:49] <JastaElf> LOLOL!!
[16:49] <Wrengl> sounds good, kk
[16:49] <Shiral> Debbie, I'm convinced Money is afraid of me. It sure runs away fast enough
[16:49] <kirienne> KK, that sounds verra yummy
[16:49] <hygilac> naturally :)
[16:49] <Ghostgames> I just got a crockpot today. A friend of mine picked it up for me (I threw my back out yesterday so didn't feel exactly like running any errands today....)
[16:49] <Wrengl> although kathi does not like sweet meat
[16:49] <the_Bee> yummy and simple: good combination
[16:50] * Kelos_al-Hazar has enough charitable contributions to have been refunded nearly $50 this year...but since he didn't pay IN, he won't get one.
[16:50] <Mistyck> poor Ryan...he's trying to build a clay Taj Mahal and he's having a very hard time smooshing the clay to make the base
[16:50] <KK> Does she like cranberry sauce?
[16:50] <Shiral> Poor Ann, how did you do that??
[16:50] <Wrengl> we do ours with onion, lipton onion soup, and cream of mushroom soup, with extra mushrooms if we have them
[16:50] <JastaElf> I adore cranberry sauce....
[16:50] <Shiral>  Me too!
[16:50] <Wrengl> she does like cranberry sauce
[16:51] <KK> Yes, yum!  And if you've ever made it from scratch, that's even better than canned!
[16:51] * Kelos_al-Hazar will be going to the chiropractor next week himself...enough is enough...
[16:51] <Wrengl> yes fresh cranberry sauce is the best
[16:51] <Debbie-VB> I've never seen a cranberry sauce recipe
[16:51] <JastaElf> Homemade cranberry sauce....
[16:51] * JastaElf swoons
[16:51] <KK> Poor Ann is feeling the long range effects from her unscheduled dismount a few weeks ago.
[16:51] <JastaElf> Ouch...
[16:51] <Shiral> It's so simple and easy, you can  hardly mess it up
[16:51] <kirienne> (((((Ann, feel better soon)))))))
[16:52] <Shiral> Oh wow. Sympathies, Ann
[16:52] <Wrengl> water, sugar and cranberries~
[16:52] <Shiral> And let the little rascals boil!
[16:52] <Ghostgames> Melissa: I dunno. I was feeling fine, and had just started riding my horse, when at the posting trot I was suddenly in a lot of pain. We dropped down to a walk, and I tried to loosen my back up a bit (by leaning forward for a moment), and that seemed to help, but when I tried to trot again it just completely froze up. I had to get off after only 7 minutes of riding. :-/
[16:52] <Sedina> Poor Ann....you're just not having the best of luck with horses in the last several months, are you?
[16:52] <KK> Boil the whole cranberries in water to which you've added about half a cup of sugar.  Boil them until they pop.  End of recipe--other than to enjoy.
[16:52] <Kelos_al-Hazar> How I kept from really screwing myself up in 1988 when I landed flat on my back twice in the same ride...beyond me entirely.
[16:52] <Ghostgames> Pat -- is that in a crockpot? Sounds absolutely yummy!
[16:52] <Shiral> Ouch, Ann
[16:52] <Shiral> Hope it feels better soon
[16:53] <KK> Just a pot, Ann--for the cranberry sauce.  Potroast in the crock pot.
[16:53] <Wrengl> the recipe can be in the crock pot ann
[16:53] <DeryniBot> Dennis enters the Deryni Destinations chat!
[16:53] <Ghostgames> Katherine -- my unscheduled dismount was in November. I had thought I was all recovered from that! :-/
[16:53] <Shiral> Hello Dennis
[16:53] <Wrengl> hi dennis
[16:53] <Mistyck> hi Dennis
[16:53] <kirienne> hi Dennis
[16:53] <Dennis> Hi!
[16:53] <Wrengl> it also works in the oven
[16:53] <hygilac> HI Dennis
[16:53] <Sedina> Hi, Dennis
[16:54] <KK> Ah, how the time flies when you're having fun.  I didn't think it had been that long.
[16:54] <Wrengl> and it is wonderful with a fresh brisket also
[16:54] <Ghostgames> This certainly hasn't been my winter, healthwise, between injuries and illnesses....
[16:54] <hygilac> the back is a trickiy thing, Ann
[16:54] * Debbie-VB is going to definitly try homemade cranberry sauce. wonder what it would taste like with some orange or lemon zest added?
[16:54] <Shiral> Definitely hasn't been your lucky month
[16:54] <hygilac> once you hurt it, it likes to remind you frequently
[16:54] <Wrengl> indeed you have to take verra good care of the back ann
[16:54] <KK> Walking should be good therapy.  You might want to hold off on rising trot for a while.
[16:54] <KK> Cantering is probably ok.
[16:54] <KK> It would be yumy, VB.
[16:55] <KK> I hope to get back in the saddle this week.
[16:55] <Shiral> Trotting can be painful
[16:55] <JastaElf> The outside of a horse is USUALLY good for the inside of a person... but not when you fall.  :-(
[16:55] <DeryniBot> Rhun stands aside smiling threateningly as Barticus enters Deryni Chat
[16:55] <kirienne> hurt backs like to flare up every once in a while, I know mine does. Just as I think the pains have permanently gone away, it flares up to remind me it's not going anywhere
[16:55] <Sedina> Hi, Bart
[16:55] <Shiral> Hello Barticus
[16:55] <Wrengl> hello barticus
[16:55] <the_Bee> hiya bart
[16:55] <hygilac> HI Bart
[16:55] <Dennis> Hi Barticus!
[16:55] <kirienne> Hi bart
[16:55] <Barticus> howdy all
[16:55] <KK> I think it's <grooming> the outside of the horse that's supposed to be good for the soul.
[16:55] <Mistyck> hi Bart
[16:55] * Kelos_al-Hazar agrees...
[16:55] <Debbie-VB> ?me sends katherine some advance horsie-riding woodgies
[16:56] * Barticus waves from the crop circles
[16:56] <KK> Hello, Barticus.
[16:56] <Shiral> But riding can raise the spirits too <G> As long as one stays on top of the horse
[16:56] <Wrengl> lol shiral
[16:56] <KK> This is preferable, Shiral.
[16:56] * Barticus is puppy sitting right now
[16:56] * Barticus and the kitties are hiding
[16:57] <hygilac> lol bart
[16:57] <Wrengl> poor kitties
[16:57] <the_Bee> what do the cats think of that, Barticus?
[16:57] <JastaElf> I love grooming.  I talk and sing to Jasper and he gets all happy...  :-)
[16:57] <Kelos_al-Hazar> In '88, I had no choice about the first fall...the second I should have been able to avoid, but didn't.
[16:57] * Debbie-VB wonders what bart's Kitties think about that
[16:57] <Shiral> So have you seen Jasper lately, Jasta?
[16:57] <Barticus> well I can't find them
[16:57] <Barticus> it is my brothers daschund Toby
[16:57] <Wrengl> that's a comment for you barticus
[16:57] <JastaElf> Not very recently--in fact not since October.  :-(
[16:57] <hygilac> Look high and low, Bart
[16:58] <Wrengl> poor jasta -- poor jasper
[16:58] <Barticus> I know their hding places
[16:58] <JastaElf> But Priscilla has been an absolute BRICK about not charging me for things, and letting me make up with small payments....
[16:58] <hygilac> high, then,
[16:58] <JastaElf> I refuse to lose my horse because I'm married to a horse's patoot.  ;-)
[16:58] <hygilac> a low dog keeps cats higher up
[16:58] * Shiral Quit (User has been mind-ripped)
[16:58] <Jessie> JastaElf:  fantastic
[16:58] <Sedina> that's great of her, Jasta
[16:58] <Wrengl> good jasta
[16:58] <Mistyck> that's fantastic, Jasta
[16:58] <DeryniBot> Bishop Duncan invites Shiral to enter and study some old Deryni Scrolls
[16:58] <JastaElf> yup.
[16:58] <Mistyck> wb Shiral
[16:58] <Dennis> Hello again!
[16:58] <hygilac> oh, poor Shiral
[16:58] <Wrengl> wb shiral
[16:58] <Sedina> wb, Shiral
[16:59] <JastaElf> WB Shiral, you got mind-ripped!!
[16:59] * the_Bee swarms after peer with mindripping plans of her own
[16:59] <Ghostgames> Any luck finding someone to lease him, Sharon?
[16:59] * kirienne throws one of Morgan's daggers at mind ripping peer
[16:59] <JastaElf> Not so far, Ann, but Priscilla (the barn owner lady) is helping me look
[16:59] <Shiral> Well, I HAVE had a headache today, but I didn't think it was THAT drastic!
[16:59] <Shiral> Thanks all
[16:59] <Debbie-VB> who, the horse or the horses patootie?
[16:59] <Shiral> LOL
[16:59] <Mistyck> lol, Debbie
[16:59] <Wrengl> lol
[16:59] <Shiral> Jasta, you need to lease Jim, not Jasper!
[17:00] <Ghostgames> (I'm looking for another leasor for Shazaam, one of the two girls who was leasing him is going off to college. I'm also looking for a good rider who can't afford a horse to school Zephyr for me in return for a free on-farm lease....)
[17:00] <JastaElf> No one would have him, Shiral.  ;-)
[17:00] <Wrengl> it will be easier to lease jasper than jim, me thinks
[17:00] <Shiral> Too bad
[17:00] <Debbie-VB> .oO (Debbie's being a bad girl today)
[17:00] <Shiral> Oh, much, Pat
[17:00] <JastaElf> It would be easier to lease a pile of bricks than Jim.  ;-)
[17:00] <Shiral> Well.. Bricks ARE useful,yes
[17:01] <JastaElf> why... yes....
[17:01] <KK> LOL
[17:01] <the_Bee> at least you can make something out of a pile of bricks :o)
[17:01] <Shiral> Just remember about the Extreme Yoga instruction
[17:01] <JastaElf> Here I am being bad in front of my bishop.... sigh....  :-)
[17:01] <Ghostgames> I suspect your bishop understands.
[17:01] <hygilac> your bishop is laughing. ..
[17:01] * Kelos_al-Hazar is probably going to be doing his Dad's taxes tomorrow and cannot afford to make mistakes.
[17:02] <Barticus> we won't say anything Jasta
[17:02] <Shiral> She seems to understand the problem, Jasta <G>
[17:02] <KK> LOL
[17:02] <JastaElf> LOL!
[17:02] <kirienne> I already did my taxes over the phone, not I just gotta send the darn money in
[17:02] <Dennis> I have a question about titles of nobility.
[17:02] <KK> Ask, Dennis.
[17:02] <Shiral> I have my appointment on Wednesday
[17:02] * Barticus taxes are done
[17:02] <Dennis> It's not so much Deryni, but I want to confirm something.
[17:02] <Wrengl> mine were done and paid for by the agency i work for
[17:03] * Wrengl was secret agent woman
[17:03] <Ghostgames> I'm supposed to be finishing my 2002 bookkeeping update this weekend so I can get my tax info to my accountant, but I've been procrastinating. (It doesn't help that if I sit for any length of time it really hurts to get up!)
[17:03] <Debbie-VB> I've got to get busy and figure mine out
[17:03] <hygilac> me too. vb
[17:03] <Barticus> why is it everyone waits till the last minute
[17:03] <Shiral> Not helpful, Ann
[17:04] <Wrengl> dennis, ask you question, please
[17:04] <RainbowDragon> What's your question, Dennis?
[17:04] * Mistyck did hers back in Feb and has already spent all the money from the refund check
[17:04] <hygilac> becasue no one wants to send the money
[17:04] <kirienne> no money until the last minute Bart
[17:04] <Shiral> I've been waiting for some documentation to arrive
and I'm a little nervous, at this point...
[17:04] <Barticus> I see
[17:04] <Debbie-VB> I know how that goes ann.  However I have decided to stop procrastinating.  Maybe next week sometime
[17:04] <Dennis> If Constance were to marry the Earl of Hereford, would she be properly addressed as Lady Constance or Lady Hereford.
[17:04] <KK> Ann, that was my back problem, too, that flared up as I was finishing the book.  But getting up and walking around regularly helps, and my back is getting better.
[17:05] <KK> Lady Hereford.
[17:05] <Dennis> Thank you!
[17:05] <Dennis> Now if I could only get the %*#($ that I'm copyediting for to believe me. :)
[17:05] <hygilac> their daughter would be Lady Constance
[17:05] <KK> She's only Lady Constance if her father was an earl or a duke--except that sometimes it's used as a courtesy title.
[17:05] <Dennis> That's what I thought.
[17:06] <KK> It also depends on where we're talking about.  English usage can be squirrely.
[17:06] <hygilac> you were right
[17:06] <Shiral> Titled Squirrels?
[17:06] <Wrengl> lol shiral
[17:06] <Kelos_al-Hazar> ROFL!
[17:06] <Shiral> What a concept...
[17:06] <hygilac> Radioactive Titled Squirrels
[17:06] <kirienne> the squirrels at my apartment complex seem to think they are nobility
[17:06] <the_Bee> Sir Nutcake
[17:06] <RainbowDragon> The Earl of Squirrel?
[17:06] <Wrengl> lady naughty de squirrel
[17:06] <Dennis> It's actually Ada, Lady Lovelace that I'm talking about. Lord Byron's daughter, but she's Lady Lovelace in right of her husband, the Earl of Lovelace.
[17:06] <Shiral> LOL RD
[17:07] <KK> Alyce threatens to have her scrawny lion eat Zoe's squirrel in a scene in the new book.  These are drawings of same.
[17:07] <JastaElf> LOL!
[17:07] <Samuel> I know a couple weazles with titles (in the SCA)..... but no squirrels.
[17:07] <Wrengl> lol
[17:07] <Shiral> Wow, Alyce is a tough lady
[17:07] * Barticus just got this sudden image of Cliff from 'Cheers' letting squirrels lose in a darkened room
[17:07] <Shiral> Rodent peerage... wave of the future?
[17:07] <KK> Byron was a baron, yes?
[17:07] <Dennis> I'm somewhat surprised.  I've worked with squirrels. :)
[17:07] <Dennis> I believe so, yes.
[17:08] <KK> Squirrels are tree rats.
[17:08] <Wrengl> i believe he was, katherine
[17:08] <Debbie-VB> squirrels = upholstered rats
[17:08] <hygilac> well there is Reepacheep in the Narnia books
[17:08] <Dennis> Reep was a mouse.
[17:08] <KK> Then his daughter's only claim to a title is via her husband.
[17:08] <Debbie-VB> Reepicheep was a mouse
[17:08] <Wrengl> true hygilac
[17:08] <Shiral> The three foot talking mouse
[17:08] <Kelos_al-Hazar> Quite true, KK.. :( And they're perdition on pecan trees! :(
[17:08] <JastaElf> and his daughter is Ada, the first lady programmer... possibly even the first programmer at all.  :-)
Byron's, that is.
[17:08] <hygilac> a rodent is a rodent
[17:08] <JastaElf> The programming language ADA is named for her.
[17:08] <Shiral> My friend Vee calls them Teenage Mutant Ninja Squirrels
[17:08] <Shiral> But then she feeds them, so she can hardly complain
[17:09] <hygilac> what did she program?
[17:09] <Mistyck> computers?
[17:09] <Kelos_al-Hazar> Babbage's computing engine, wasn't it?
[17:09] <JastaElf> yes
[17:10] <Dennis> Yes, Kelos.
[17:10] <Shiral> Byron the programming  Squirrel Earl and his daughter ADA
[17:10] <JastaElf> she wrote the "code" to make it work... hence was the first computer programmer
[17:10] <hygilac> good heavens
[17:10] <Debbie-VB> Interesting.   
[17:10] <JastaElf> Takes one back a bit doesn't it??  :-)
[17:10] <Wrengl> that was what, 125 years ago?
[17:10] <Kelos_al-Hazar> I met the lady who found the first bug in a program once... Fascinating lady, she was.
[17:10] <Wrengl> or more
[17:10] <hygilac> Byron the randy Baron and his mathematical daughter
[17:10] <Shiral> Sorry, my thoughts go in strange patterns after I've been mindripped
[17:11] <Dennis> And she's a bone of contention between me and the author of a book on Java programming.  I don't know anything about Java, but I do know about history, so foolishly, I figured if they're paying, they ought to get the benefit of my expertise, limited, though it is.
[17:11] <Mistyck> lol, Shiral
[17:11] <Shiral> Sounds reasonable to me, Dennis
[17:11] <Debbie-VB> that's OK shiral.  My thoughts usually go in strange patterns
[17:11] <Wrengl> lol debbie
[17:11] <Dennis> At least 150.  Lord Byron died in the 1820s, didn't he?
[17:11] <kirienne> mine too
[17:11] <Wrengl> yes
[17:11] <JastaElf> yup
[17:12] <hygilac> yes
[17:12] <Wrengl> but i don't remember when ada was born
[17:12] <JastaElf> She didn't make old bones, poor lassie....
[17:12] <Kelos_al-Hazar> Anyone who is interested in chaos theory ought to study my thought processes...::grins::
[17:12] <Dennis> I think she worked with Babbage in the 1840s or 1850s.  I lose track of the year.  For instance, every time I turn the news on, I think it's 1991. :)
[17:13] <hygilac> no, anyone who is interested in chaos in action should come to my third period class
[17:13] <hygilac> any day
[17:13] <Wrengl> lol hygilac
[17:13] <Debbie-VB> what age linda?
[17:13] <Shiral> Anyone who shuns chaos should definitely avoid my apartment, right now
[17:13] <hygilac> 16-18
[17:13] <JastaElf> or my part of this townhouse....
[17:13] <Shiral> It's rather obvious that housekeeping is not one of my priorities
[17:13] <Wrengl> or our house, any time
[17:13] <JastaElf> LOL!  Nor mine neither
[17:14] <Wrengl> nor ours
[17:14] <hygilac> nor mine
[17:14] <Debbie-VB> don't worry about that I'm on flylady's 10 most wanted list
[17:14] <hygilac> must be why we all get along
[17:14] <Mistyck> yep
[17:15] <Shiral> The key to peace is making friends with one's inner slob
[17:15] <Mistyck> a house isn't a home if it's not at least slightly messy
[17:15] <hygilac> the cleanest things in my house at the moment are the cats
[17:15] <the_Bee> someone from mental health outreach has been coming to help me clean up
[17:15] <Debbie-VB> cat's aren't clean.  they are covered in cat-spit
[17:16] <Dennis> Kinda makes you wonder the rest of the house is covered in.  If it's anything like my apartment, I don't want to know. :)
[17:16] <hygilac> don't you know mama spit and cat spit will clean anything?
[17:16] <Shiral> My inner slob and I are on excellent terms
[17:16] <kirienne> well, I was going to do a thorough house cleaning yesterday, but I only got the dusting done, that was enough for one day
[17:17] <Jessie> Katherine:  are your ideas for volume 2 of Childe Morgan all written down?  Do you know its time frame yet?
[17:17] <KK> No.
[17:17] <Jessie> :-(
[17:18] <Jessie> never hurts to ask
[17:18] <JastaElf> Not that any of us are eager about the subject, of course....  :-)
[17:18] * Jessie isn't
[17:18] <Jessie> JastaElf wants to see baby Duncan
[17:18] <Shiral> And  little Nigel
[17:18] <JastaElf> LOLOL!!  Why yes...
[17:18] * kirienne wants to see baby Morgan
[17:19] <Barticus> duncan mclain?
[17:19] <Shiral> Me too, Kiriienne!
[17:19] * JastaElf thinks baby Duncan rocks.... :-)
[17:19] <Mistyck> wonder if little Morgan will play tricks on little Bronwyn
[17:19] <Temprus> cradle robbers! ;)
[17:19] <JastaElf> LOL!  Not THAT way!!!
[17:19] <Shiral> Oh, probably
[17:19] <kirienne> I'm sure he will, Mist
[17:19] <Shiral> jasta just wants to baby sit <G>
[17:19] * the_Bee wants to see babies Duncan and Alaric throwing porridge at each other
[17:19] <JastaElf> LOL!
[17:19] <Shiral> Keep the honey pot AWAY from those two!
[17:19] <kirienne> LOL Bee, That would be a frightful mess
[17:19] <hygilac> Of course he will; that is Job One for big brother
[17:20] <Debbie-VB> I'm sure baby alaric will be a bit of a brat.  I mean brat is part of the child job description
[17:20] <Shiral> He'll be a Childebeast, as someone mentioned a few weeks ago
[17:20] * Dennis laughs.
[17:20] <Ghostgames> brb -- the doggies are insisting on being fed. Paul threw his back out the day before I did, so we're a couple of cripples who're walking around like we're 90 years old with osteoperosis!
[17:20] <Shiral> Ouch Ann
[17:20] * KK Quit (User has been mind-ripped)
[17:20] <Mistyck> yikes!
[17:20] <GM-Bynw> ack!
[17:20] <RainbowDragon> Ack!
[17:20] <Shiral> Ack!
[17:20] <Dennis> Oh, that's not good.
[17:20] <hygilac> I want to see Kevin trying to boss those two around
[17:20] <Sedina> ack!
[17:20] <Andy_Hock> Splat!
[17:20] <Mistyck> Peer can't mindrip KK
[17:20] <JastaElf> Oh now... most of the time, basically nice children just DO brat things because they don't understand.  :-)
[17:20] <kirienne> oh, noooo Peer got KK
[17:20] * Shiral takes Peer hanggliding
[17:20] * KK is on IRC
[17:21] * the_Bee mindrips Peer
[17:21] * kirienne slashes at peer with her broadsword
[17:21] <Shiral> I thought she was being quiet =o(
[17:21] <Dennis> If she's mindripped, how is she going to write the rest of Childe Morgan?!
[17:21] * Barticus starts up the lawnmovwer for peer
[17:21] <hygilac> fo course not; she has shields
[17:21] <Debbie-VB> *eep*  /me pelts peer with a plateful of Petrified peeps
[17:21] <DeryniBot> Returning from the Inner Planes with Adam Sinclair is KK
[17:21] <Jessie> wb, Katherine
[17:21] <Sedina> wb, KK
[17:21] <Barticus> wb KK
[17:21] <Wrengl> wb katherine
[17:21] <Dennis> Welcome back!
[17:21] <Mistyck> wb KK
[17:21] <KK> Whoa, all I had to do was mention leaving, and Peer booted me.
[17:21] <hygilac> not mindripped, are oyou?
[17:21] <Wrengl> indeed
[17:21] <Shiral> WB, KK
[17:21] * Dennis shakes his fist at peer.
[17:21] <Shiral> Have an aspirin
[17:21] <kirienne> wb KK. we got peer good for you
[17:21] <the_Bee> congrats kk--you escaped peer's clutches
[17:21] <Wrengl> peer is being pretty rotten this afternoon
[17:22] <Shiral> And you came back with Adam <G> hope you two had a good chat <G>
[17:22] <KK> Well, he hasn't actually ripped too many people this time.
[17:22] <hygilac> that's putting it mildly
[17:22] <KK> Well, Adam's my man!
[17:22] <Wrengl> lol
[17:22] <Mistyck> Katherine:  how do you like greetings?
[17:22] <Debbie-VB> speaking of whom, I've been re-reading the Adept series
[17:22] <Shiral> LOL, KK
[17:22] <KK> The new greetings are great!
[17:22] <Wrengl> ximena will argue with you there katherine
[17:22] <Wrengl> philippa too, possibly
[17:22] <JastaElf> I always get Father Lior's doggone merasha laced wine.  :-(
[17:22] <Shiral> Do Scott and Ximena know about you and Adam?
[17:23] <Mistyck> lol, Shiral
[17:23] <Shiral> He knows you're up to something, Jasta <G>
[17:23] <Debbie-VB> so do I jasta
[17:23] <hygilac> well, I got a Custodes habit today, Jasta
[17:23] <hygilac> but it was just a disguise
[17:23] <JastaElf> yuck!
[17:23] <Barticus> boo hisssss
[17:23] <Shiral> I got Rhun
[17:23] <Dennis> That or the Deryni pricker.  Rotten Custodes.
[17:23] <JastaElf> yup
[17:23] <hygilac> can ou imagine how they would react at being
infiltrated by a woman?
[17:23] <KK> They were pretty rotten folk, weren't they?
[17:24] <Mistyck> good thing they didn't find out about Evaine
[17:24] <kirienne> a few weeks ago, I got baptized to purge the Deryni taint, but it didn't work ......:-)
[17:24] <hygilac> indeed
[17:24] <KK> Fortunately, the Rainbow Ladies are cool.  You'll like Mother Iris Judiana.
[17:24] <Wrengl> neat
[17:24] <Shiral> Linda, it would send them up in flames <G>
[17:24] <Wrengl> can't wait to meet them
[17:24] <kirienne> I think the water made my rented fingers a bit more rusty
[17:24] <Debbie-VB> I fully expect to totally enjoy the whole book
[17:24] <Dennis> Rainbow Ladies?
[17:24] <KK> They all take Iris as their first name in religion.
[17:24] <kirienne> cool KK
[17:25] <hygilac> are the Rainbow nuns still around in Kelson's time, KK?   
[17:25] <KK> I'm sure they must be.
[17:25] <Dennis> Are we going to see Donal's sister, the one who was a nun?
[17:25] <Shiral> wow, "Sister Iris, did YOU forget to come to prayers? No, that was Sister Iris.."
[17:25] <KK> We haven't yet.
[17:25] <Barticus> I thought Brion's sister was a nun?
[17:25] <JastaElf> KK, is this the Order into which Silke goes?
[17:25] <kirienne> LOL Shiral
[17:25] <KK> Probably.
[17:26] <JastaElf> What's their official name?
[17:26] <Shiral> I would think that would get a wee bit confusing
[17:26] <Dennis> Donal had a sister who was a nun, too.  I think here name was Gwenael, but me=New York with family, Codex=Boston with other books.
[17:26] <hygilac> there are orders that take Mary as a first name
[17:26] <KK> Sorores de Notre Dame de l'Arc-en-Ciel. 
[17:26] <hygilac> sister Mary George, Sister Mary John, etc
[17:27] <Debbie-VB> Sisters of Our Lady of the Rainbow?
[17:27] <JastaElf> Oh COOL name!!  Sounds Bremagne....
[17:27] <the_Bee> they smell very sweet
[17:27] <Shiral> Very Bremagne
[17:27] <Dennis> Sister Mary Discipline wih the iron ruler, to steal from George Carlin. :)
[17:27] <JastaElf> LOL, Dennis!
[17:27] <Wrengl> indeed
[17:27] <Wrengl> i knew her dennis
[17:27] * Mistyck did too
[17:27] <KK> Yes.  These three girls who'd gone to a holy well to pray for a vision of whom they would marry saw an apparition of the Blessed Virgin, with a rainbow mantle.  They founded the order.
[17:27] <hygilac> my catholic friends all had stories about sister sadistica
[17:27] <Debbie-VB> Well that's better then sister Mary elephant
[17:27] * Barticus never got hit with a ruler in catholic school
[17:27] <kirienne> LOL Dennis, I went 8 years in  Roman Catholic school, I know they had rulers instead of hands
[17:28] * Dennis laughs.
[17:28] <Shiral> A very direct answer to the question, KK
[17:28] <kirienne> never got hit, but I remember there was ALWAYS a ruler in their hands
[17:28] <Dennis> That sounds really cool.
[17:28] * Mistyck got smacked on the knuckles quite a few times
[17:28] * JastaElf was the token Protestant kid for 2 years with the Jesuits....
[17:28] <Dennis> Wasn't Sister Mary Elephant the Penguin from the Blues Brothers?
[17:28] <KK> And on that note, I really must go this time--in my own time, rather than at Peer's bidding.
[17:28] <Samuel> Gives me an idea for a new martial arts style for my role playing games.
[17:29] <Debbie-VB> no Cheech and chong
[17:29] <Wrengl> cya katherine
[17:29] <Mistyck> have a great week Katherine
[17:29] <Wrengl> have a good week
[17:29] <Dennis> Bye Katherine!  Thanks for chatting!
[17:29] <Jessie> Good night, Katherine.  Thanks for coming.
[17:29] <kirienne> ok, nighters and huggles KK
[17:29] <Barticus> thanks for coming KK
[17:29] <Shiral> Good night, Katherine, thanks for joining us!
[17:29] <Wrengl> pleasant dreams
[17:29] <hygilac> it's good of you to come KK
[17:29] <kirienne> have a great week
[17:29] <Dennis> Ah, I knew it sound familiar.
[17:29] <KK> See you next week, guys.
[17:29] <Samuel> The Style of the Catholic Ruler!
[17:29] <RainbowDragon> Have a good evening, Katherine.
[17:29] <JastaElf> Night KK!
[17:29] <Barticus> have  agreat and safe week
[17:29] <Shiral> Have a good week riding and Writing <G>
[17:29] <hygilac> have a good week
[17:29] <Shiral> Huggles
[17:29] <Wrengl> don't let the bed bugs bite, katherine
[17:29] <Samuel> g'night KK
[17:29] <Wrengl> enjoy your riding
[17:29] <the_Bee> good week , Katherine.  scritches and tummy-rubs for the kitties
[17:29] <Debbie-VB> G'night katherine.  sleep Sweet, and have a terrific week
[17:29] * KK steps onto her Portal, waves goodbye, and disappears in a shower of green sparkles.
[17:29] <Shiral> Indeed, all five of them
[17:29] <Wrengl> scritch the dogs
[17:29] <Shiral> Bye KK!
[17:29] <JastaElf> woo, green sparklies....  :-)
[17:29] <Kelos_al-Hazar> See ya later, kk! Be well!
[17:29] <Sedina> good night, KK
[17:29] <Ghostgames> Good night, Katherine!
[17:30] <KK> Nighters.....
[17:30] * KK Quit
[17:30] * KK has left IRC