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Two Kingdoms 30: Transit

Started by DoctorM, January 01, 2023, 12:17:10 AM

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Author's Note: This is the twenty-eighth part of an AU construction about a very different post-1120 Gwynedd, where the coronation challenge at Kelson's coronation went rather differently--- very differently. This episode falls immediately after "Returns". As always, input and comments are very much appreciated. I do like hearing from anyone who reads these episodes.

A cold, clear day in early Spring, and the court is going from Valoret to Tolan.

There's a seething train of people, scores strong, stretched out back from the main courtyard of what was once the archbishop's palace and up the stairways. The baggage trains have been sent by armed convoys of carts long ago, but there are still boxes and chests on the stairs, and the sound of argument.

This is a Deryni move, and there's a Portal here in the courtyard. The Valoret and Rhemuth court officials left over from the old regime have little enough idea what to do with this. Twenty or thirty years' experience with archbishops or Haldane royalty isn't helping them at all.

Fifty persons to a duke's entourage, twenty-eight for an earl, a mere eighteen for an ordinary baron— those things they know like they know their own names, but right now all the books of protocol they've memorized for a lifetime aren't helping them. The Shadow Queen insists that her court travel light, and retinues are being stripped down on the spot. Excess baggage is being pushed off to the side. Half the people in the queues have never seen a Portal, and some of those are losing their nerve to step into one.

There are the usual arguments. Lords yelling at officials over pride of place, courtiers demanding to be included, bribes being offered, servants wheedling to be allowed one more chest of clothes or bed-linens— and everyone trying very, very hard to avoid the Shadow Queen's sardonic glance. Brennan de Colforth's there with his aides, trying hopelessly to explain the need for every non-Deryni to have a Deryni escort for the Portal to blank-faced lords. Today's detachment of Queen's Moors are beginning to sound exasperated, and servants are being shoved roughly into line with curses in Darija.

The Queen's husband is there of course, trying to stay at the edges of the queues, ducking around dogs and falcons, trying to hold his tongue when answering (and almost always denying) demands from angry earls. It's not the worst Christian has seen, mind you. He's seen armies and processions in the South and East, and he's watched counts and generals come to blows over places in line or how many poultry-pluckers and wine-pourers they're allowed to have. Still, even by severe Bremagni or R'Kassan standards, this isn't the worst-arranged departure he's been part of of.

Up at the head of the line the Queen's women are carrying wicker baskets with the Queen's little glove beagles and the Queen's private selection of wines. Marc-Friedrich Aurelian's men are there with them, carrying parcels from the Jewel House and folders of private documents for the Queen's review. The government goes wherever the Queen goes, and they're taking not just lords and courtiers along, but all the business of the new kingdom as well.

The Portal itself is there on a platform three steps up off the courtyard paving stones. There are two wooden posts erected as markers for where the Portal is, and there are Deryni picked from Tolan Guard to keep the unwary away. You can look between the posts and see...the wall across the courtyard. But if you look long enough, you'll start to frown. If this were a drawing, there'd be something unsettling between the posts— like the paper for the drawing had been folded and smoothed out badly. Down in the queues, men who've charged into enemy cavalry lines or stood almost alone to defend a burning gate are trying to keep their nerve up.


The Duchess of Marley and Eastmarch is standing with her women and a dozen attendants while the royal staff are urging everyone into line. She's busy looking back down to the palace doorways and counting. However little she likes the Shadow Queen or the court at Valoret, she's a duchess and the wife of the Shadow Queen's captain-general. She's not about to yield her place near the front of the line, and she's not about to let the Queen's people or any turncoat Gwynedd lords have greater entourages than a duke's lady.

There's a voice at her elbow. "Your Grace."  Richenda turns around, annoyed, and catches her breath. The Prince of Kheldour is standing there. She has to give the Witch Queen's husband this— his salute is perfect.

The man is the Queen's kept plaything, she knows, and little more than a hired horse soldier, but someone— probably in Beldour, she thinks —taught him court manners. She nods. "My lord Kheldour."  There's suspicion in her voice.

Richenda looks at him. He's perhaps five-nine, close-cropped black hair, dark eyes, with an archer's deep chest and uneven shoulders. He's dressed in the dark Eastern look the Queen is known to favor, and there's a sheathed stiletto at his belt. Certainly not as handsome as her own husband, and ridiculously shorter than the Shadow Queen, but presentable enough, she supposes. She decides to be polite.

Kheldour looks back at her. "There'll be some re-arrangements," he says. He smiles at her. "We wanted to let you know about that. The local staff have no idea what to do with a Deryni procession. Your people will be just behind the royal party, of course. But we're short of Deryni as escorts, I'm told. Every non-Deryni has to have a Deryni escort for the Portal. You may or may not have heard that." 

Richenda keeps her face arranged. If the Shadow Queen knows about her, of course Kheldour knows. So does the Grey Death.  So let's play this out, she thinks.  Her expression is as blandly innocent as Kheldour's.

"No, my lord. I had not. Am I being provided with suitable escorts for my suite?" She's been doing this all her life— why, no, I know nothing about Deryni

There's nothing in Kheldour's face at all. "Of course, Lady Marley. There'll be  Deryni escorts for everyone. The Queen has sent me to be yours. As a mark of honour."

As a mark of honour. That's how Charissa is doing this. Nothing humiliating— not one of the Queen's Moorish guards, not one of the Grey Death's Slayers.  This can be read as royal favor shown to Bran Coris. She catches her breath. If the Queen's husband is here with her, then where—

"My lord Kheldour," she says. There's an edge to her voice.  "Where is my son and his attendants? He's coming with me, of course. I am his mother."

Christian smiles again. "Young Brendan is with the Queen, Lady Marley.  She'll be his Deryni escort. He'll be attending on her during the transit. The Queen asks that I tell you it's a special mark of her regard."  He inclines his head. Anyone looking at the two of them would see only the Prince of Kheldour bringing a royal gift to Bran Coris' duchess.

Richenda feels her teeth clench. She starts to say something, but Kheldour is still smiling. "I've already informed your husband that Brendan will be the Queen's escort. I think he'll be pleased. It's quite the favor."

The duchess draws in a breath. Royal favor— that's what Bran would see. She's imagining Bran's face while some Deryni  royal courier told him the news. Bran would count it a victory— his son moving the Marley clan closer to the center of power.  She can feel the muscles in jaw ache. "I'm sure my husband will think so," she manages.

Kheldour nods again and says very quietly, "We like Brendan here. You know that. The favor is very real. Don't ever think it isn't."

"We are your hostages, my lord."

Kheldour shakes his head. "While your husband is leading his own armies out there in the field? You're no hostage. You're our guest. Mhreba bik 'andna."

"As you say, my lord. Iyeh. Yes.  It feels like being a hostage, though."

And she stops. Somehow they've drifted from the Gwynedd tongue into Darija. She has no idea how Kheldour brought that off.

"Fhemt," he says. "I understand."

Richenda looks at him. "I'm sure you do. And, yes, I speak Moorish. At least a bit."

Kheldour looks sideways at her. "It's a good language. I've always liked it. I know you have Bremagni and some Torenthi. Latin, of course. That's admirable. And a new language is always useful, especially at court, you know."

"I wonder," Richenda says, "who your wife is leaving behind to govern here while she's away." She's speaking Bremagni now. Let's stay away from Darija.  She's not about to have the Queen's man ask her why and how she'd learned Moorish.

Kheldour shrugs. "Brechlin, of course. He'll handle things at Valoret."

"I wonder that your wife trusts him. My lord Brechlin served the Haldanes for years and years. Is he so easy to buy?"

"Bishop Brechlin has a kingdom to govern. He's done it before and it's what he's wanted to be doing all his life. Brion Haldane pushed him out— thought he was too old and too proud. This is Brechlin's last time to show off how good he is. I trust him, and so do the Queen and Aurelian."

Richenda smiles a harsh, thin smile. "I'd have thought Aurelian would be your wife's vicar at Valoret. But I understand the Grey Death is already in Tolan. Of course he is. You and he can't be parted, can you?"

Kheldour smiles back at her. He knows exactly what she's saying. That's one arrow that won't go through his armour. "We work well together, Aurelian and I. We always have. The Queen likes having us both there as her advisors."

Richenda looks back at her women and servants.  "I know the advice you've given her, my lord. I saw what was left of Rhemuth. When will this line finally move?"


The Shadow Queen sweeps to the head of the queue and motions to the Marley attendants standing there with young Brendan Coris. Three of the Duchess of Marley's women are there, and they're staring with absolute hatred past the Queen at the Queen's ladies. Charissa has to laugh. She wonders how many nights Richenda has told them about Bran's dalliances.  Is it that they hate the Queen's women on behalf of Richenda, or just because a couple of les chiennes are the cause of them having to listen over and over to Richenda lament being a wronged wife?

The Duchess of Marley's women lead the boy over and he bows to the Queen. Charissa jerks her head at the Portal. "Young Brendan Coris, are you ready to travel?"

The boy stares between the two posts. "Yes, Your Grace, Will it be like flying?"

"Oh, no." Charissa shakes her head. "It's just like walking through a door— one room to another.  I'll be there with you."

She rakes her eyes over the duchess' women. "You lot— get over there by the guards. My escort and I are going first." She grins down at Brendan. "Not scared?"

The  boy is looking up at her and standing very straight. "No, Your Grace. I won't be scared. I'm your escort. I'll protect you."

"I know you will. Now... I'm Deryni and you can't go through a Portal unless you're Deryni or have someone Deryni holding on to you. So you and I will be holding hands. We'll  step out of Valoret and into my castle in Tolan." She bends to straighten the long scarf he's wearing. "It'll be colder in Tolan, so I'm glad your mother put you in something warm."

"Your Grace...where is my mother?"

Charissa points back down the queue. "She'll be right behind us. I sent Christian to be her escort. He'll look after her. This is a good day for your family. You're the queen's escort on a royal progress and my husband is walking your mother through the Portal. Your father will know how much that means at court. He'll be drinking toasts all day. So you be proud."

She can't tell if Richenda has told the boy anything yet. Her own father had sat her down when she wasn't much older than Brendan Coris and explained about being Deryni and what it meant. But that was in Tolan and Marluk and Beldour. What would it be like in Marbury or Rhemuth or the Rheljan lands? This is what you are, but hide everything you are, hide it from everyone, even your father.

The idea of that leaves her cold and bitter. Not in my reign, she thinks, and not in my kingdom. Ever.

Brendan tugs gently at the sleeve of her khilat. "Your Grace," he says, "I think Lord Colforth is doing something."

Up there on the platform half a dozen of Tolan Guard march in pairs through the Portal gates. They're in dress livery and carrying halberds. They march between the two posts and disappear. The Queen can hear murmurs and gasps from the queue. Charissa raises a hand and signals. She takes Brendan Coris' hand and closes her glove around it.  "Be brave," she says. "We're only going to the next room."

She lets Brendan stay half a step ahead of her. Behind her, her ladies are carrying their wicker baskets and glaring back at the Marley attendants. That's one thing they've learned from the Shadow Queen's service: whatever it is, stare it down.

The Shadow Queen mounts the steps and strides forward. She nods to Colforth and lets young Brendan lead her into the Portal. Brendan is looking at the far wall. He's wide-eyed, and hoping for something otherworldly. He walks forward and the colours of the light change in an instant.


The courtyard is old enough, and the castle enclosing it is mostly in Torenthi style. The light is paler, the air colder.  Tolan ducal retainers and attendants are scurrying round a block of guardsmen in Tolan and Marluk colours. Brendan Coris is trying not to gasp or clap his hands. The castellan mounts the platform with the keys to the castle in his hands. The Grey Death and four Inquisition officers are waiting at the foot of the stairs. 

The Queen comes down the steps with Brendan next to her. Her Tolan officials are looking at the boy with baffled expressions. She looks at her escort. "Was it scary?" she asks.

"This is wonderful!" Brendan says. "It's like walking to another room!" He looks up at the mountain skies. "It's like home!"

"Well," the Queen says, "this is my home. I'm queen at Valoret, but this is where I was when I was your age. I've have Christian show it all to you. He and I were children together here."

Charissa looks over at Aurelian. "Invitations sent?"

Her State Inquisitor nods. "Everyone is coming. I'll have a brief for you by tomorrow afternoon. And we're clearing rooms here and in the city for guests. I'm bringing in more counter-spy teams, too."

The Shadow Queen looks down at Brendan Coris. "Young Brendan, you're not quite old enough for meetings, but you're going to get to see a lot of things in the next month or so. Lots of important people, too. Everything is about to change, and you're going to get to see it happen."


What a wonderful way to celebrate the new year - a new chapter!

Nice exchange between Richenda and Christian; I think Richenda held her own. 

Everything is about to change...oh my!
From ghoulies and ghosties and long-leggity beasties and things that go bump in the night...good Lord deliver us!

 -- Old English Litany


Quote from: Jerusha on January 01, 2023, 12:52:31 PMWhat a wonderful way to celebrate the new year - a new chapter!

Nice exchange between Richenda and Christian; I think Richenda held her own. 

Everything is about to change...oh my!

I did want to start off the new year with a chapter. And I think, yes, Richenda held her own.

And I hope to keep you reading along to find out what Charissa wants to change.


Aha, a treat for the new year. As usual, you create more questions than you answer. We left the hand and eye people, still don't know who they are or what they intend. Now Charissa is moving her seat of government to Tolan. Does Valoret now become just an outpost and does this leave it more vulnerable to being seized again by the Haldanes? I do like the exchange between Christian and Richenda. We know Brendan is Deryni because his mother is full Deryni. I wonder what she has told him about his heritage. Also, I do wonder about Charissa's relationship with Brendan. Does she care for him for his own sake. or as a weapon to use against his mother. or as a tool to keep Bran loyal? Also. I would think that the Haldanes would have a major role to play but again they are barely ever mentioned. We don't know what they are doing but surely they must be doing something. I really enjoy your writing but it seems like a big piece is missing without them. I can't believe they are standing by passively and just letting things happen. However, I have confidence that you are going to pull all these threads together at some point so am waiting anxiously for that point to arrive.
"Thanks be to God there are still, as there always have been and always will be, more good men than evil in this world, and their cause will prevail." Brother Cadfael's Penance


Another great chapter.  But I'm really not sure I like the way you are getting me to see things from Charissa's point of view.  I found myself getting irritated with Richenda😢
The light shineth in darkness and the darkness comprehendeth it not.


Valoret is still the royal capital, but Charissa is visiting home for the first time since the coup at Rhemuth. I'm thinking it's her hometown-girl-makes-good moment.

I will be looking outside of the Queen and her court soon. I think that events will be quickening in a bit-- and I'll need to look at the people on both sides.

I think Charissa does like young Brendan for his own sake, as does Christian. And it is time for them to start thinking about an heir of their own. Brendan does remind them of that. 


Quote from: Demercia on January 01, 2023, 01:34:15 PMAnother great chapter.  But I'm really not sure I like the way you are getting me to see things from Charissa's point of view.  I found myself getting irritated with Richenda😢

Hmmm... I am doing my job, then!


Good chapter Doc M. I do love your writing.
The trouble I have is that I adore KK's Richenda and I admit I have been very hesitant to read chapters with Richenda in this story. The Duchess of Marley and Prince consort have an interesting conversation here. I was a bit concerned that Christian will portal the Duchess to another location other than Talon, away from her son. I am not even certain that Bran would care if he did so.  I just hope that will not be the case.

Please continue.
May your horses have wings and fly!


Quote from: Laurna on January 02, 2023, 09:05:37 PMGood chapter Doc M. I do love your writing.
The trouble I have is that I adore KK's Richenda and I admit I have been very hesitant to read chapters with Richenda in this story. The Duchess of Marley and Prince consort have an interesting conversation here. I was a bit concerned that Christian will portal the Duchess to another location other than Talon, away from her son. I am not even certain that Bran would care if he did so.  I just hope that will not be the case.

Please continue.

That's not Christian's kind of thing to do. And neither he nor the queen is looking to anger Bran-- he's the queen's chief general, after all. Both he and the queen like Brendan, too.