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KK Chat -- 22 November 2020, Part Two

Started by DesertRose, November 22, 2020, 07:41:56 PM

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[Sunday, November 22, 2020] [8:26:32 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Didn't a lady import forks into England, and they were frowned on?
[Sunday, November 22, 2020] [8:26:33 PM EST] <DesertRose> And I think Italy got them from trade with the Ottomans/Safavids.
[Sunday, November 22, 2020] [8:26:57 PM EST] <TheDeryni> Thousands of years for forks. In the road type.
[Sunday, November 22, 2020] [8:26:57 PM EST] <Eris> <Angsthase> Wikipedia says, "Bone forks have been found in archaeological sites of the Bronze Age Qijia culture (2400–1900 BC), the Shang dynasty (c. 1600–c. 1050 BC), as well as later Chinese dynasties"
[Sunday, November 22, 2020] [8:27:09 PM EST] <The_Bee> Isn't a pretzel supposed to symbolize the Trinity?
[Sunday, November 22, 2020] [8:27:13 PM EST] <KK> Interesting, that it should be so late. But then, formal table manners re dining were only developing in the previous century or two.
[Sunday, November 22, 2020] [8:27:21 PM EST] <Eris> <WindyCat (they/them)> Forks were in common use by the 4th century.
[Sunday, November 22, 2020] [8:27:29 PM EST] <Eris> <Angsthase> Pretzel is praying arms
[Sunday, November 22, 2020] [8:27:48 PM EST] <The_Bee> oh, okay
[Sunday, November 22, 2020] [8:28:12 PM EST] <Eris> <Angsthase> I think I heard it was an imported queen, Jerusha?
[Sunday, November 22, 2020] [8:28:19 PM EST] <DesertRose> I wonder how many of the archaeological forks weren't for food; a certain design of hairpin can look like a two- or three-pronged fork.
[Sunday, November 22, 2020] [8:28:21 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> I think so
[Sunday, November 22, 2020] [8:28:50 PM EST] <Eris> <Bethane> And then there were teh girls who used them to comb their hair...
[Sunday, November 22, 2020] [8:29:05 PM EST] <Eris> <Angsthase> Catherine de' Medici?
[Sunday, November 22, 2020] [8:29:16 PM EST] <Eris> <Bethane> Yeah, her. 🙂
[Sunday, November 22, 2020] [8:29:18 PM EST] <DesertRose> LOL, like Ariel in the Disney "Little Mermaid."
[Sunday, November 22, 2020] [8:29:28 PM EST] <Eris> <Angsthase> Girls or mermaids, Bethanne?
[Sunday, November 22, 2020] [8:29:41 PM EST] <KK> I'm remembering the lines from "Becket," where someone asks what forks are, and the reply is that it's for pronging meat and carrying it to the mouth. Saves dirtying your fingers. To which the other character replies that then it dirties the fork; I don't see the point. Artistic license, I'm sure, but it was an amusing exchange for the film.
[Sunday, November 22, 2020] [8:29:57 PM EST] <DesertRose> Catherine de'Medici wasn't ever queen of England, though.
[Sunday, November 22, 2020] [8:30:28 PM EST] <DesertRose> She was Queen of France and the (first) mother-in-law of Mary Queen of Scots.
[Sunday, November 22, 2020] [8:31:32 PM EST] <The_Bee> "If you see a fork in the road, take it."
[Sunday, November 22, 2020] [8:31:48 PM EST] <KK> There <is> that, too.
[Sunday, November 22, 2020] [8:31:54 PM EST] * TheDeryni blinks
[Sunday, November 22, 2020] [8:31:57 PM EST] <Eris> <Angsthase> Wikipedia, again, with "The fork's adoption in northern Europe was slower. Its use was first described in English by Thomas Coryat in a volume of writings on his Italian travels (1611), but for many years it was viewed as an unmanly Italian affectation."
[Sunday, November 22, 2020] [8:32:01 PM EST] <DesertRose> But wash it before you use it for any personal use.
[Sunday, November 22, 2020] [8:32:23 PM EST] <The_Bee> Have any of you read"When Knighthood was in Flower"?
[Sunday, November 22, 2020] [8:32:45 PM EST] <KK> Lomg ago.
[Sunday, November 22, 2020] [8:32:52 PM EST] <KK> Long
[Sunday, November 22, 2020] [8:32:54 PM EST] <Eris> <WindyCat (they/them)> It sounds familiar, Bee.
[Sunday, November 22, 2020] [8:33:00 PM EST] <Eris> <Angsthase> (the references in this part of the article aren't particularly good, though)
[Sunday, November 22, 2020] [8:33:24 PM EST] <The_Bee> me too. I didn't learn until much later that is was based on real history.
[Sunday, November 22, 2020] [8:34:04 PM EST] <The_Bee> or inspired by actual events.
[Sunday, November 22, 2020] [8:34:25 PM EST] <TheDeryni> I've gotta go, peoples. You all have a good night! Take care & be safe.
[Sunday, November 22, 2020] [8:34:26 PM EST] <Laurna> So chefs did not have a long two pronged utensil to spear meat with and hold it while cutting?
[Sunday, November 22, 2020] [8:34:34 PM EST] <Eris> <Bethane> bye TD
[Sunday, November 22, 2020] [8:34:39 PM EST] <Laurna> Good Night TD
[Sunday, November 22, 2020] [8:34:40 PM EST] <DesertRose> KK, aside Camber and Evaine being sort of Thomas and Margaret More, but Deryni, were any of the characters based on historical people?
[Sunday, November 22, 2020] [8:34:41 PM EST] <bynw> night TD
[Sunday, November 22, 2020] [8:34:43 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Nighters, TD
[Sunday, November 22, 2020] [8:34:48 PM EST] <DesertRose> G'night, TheDeryni.
[Sunday, November 22, 2020] [8:34:49 PM EST] <The_Bee> nighters, TD. Happy and safwe Thanksgiving
[Sunday, November 22, 2020] [8:34:55 PM EST] <derynifank> Night TD
[Sunday, November 22, 2020] [8:34:58 PM EST] * DesertRose tacklehugs TheDeryni on his way out the door.
[Sunday, November 22, 2020] [8:35:31 PM EST] Quit TheDeryni (uid347357@Flirt.Storyteller.Wiseass) has left this server (Quit: Jumps on Beryl's back and they fly off into the sunset..... ).
[Sunday, November 22, 2020] [8:35:40 PM EST] <KK> Well, on that note, folks, I'm going to head out for some forking of my own, in the form of some dinner. And may all of you use your forks to great advantage in conveying bits of turkey to your mouths, on THursday. :-)
[Sunday, November 22, 2020] [8:36:02 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Have a good week, II
[Sunday, November 22, 2020] [8:36:04 PM EST] <Eris> <Bethane> thank you, and hope you have a great week @KK
[Sunday, November 22, 2020] [8:36:05 PM EST] <DesertRose> Okay, thanks for coming to see us, KK! Next week?
[Sunday, November 22, 2020] [8:36:07 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> I mean KK
[Sunday, November 22, 2020] [8:36:10 PM EST] <Laurna> Happpy safe THanks giving KK
[Sunday, November 22, 2020] [8:36:13 PM EST] <The_Bee> Same to you, KK. Thanks for coming and see you next week?
[Sunday, November 22, 2020] [8:36:19 PM EST] <derynifank> Night KK. Hope you have a good Thanksgiving.
[Sunday, November 22, 2020] [8:36:20 PM EST] <bynw> have a good Thanksgiving KK
[Sunday, November 22, 2020] [8:36:21 PM EST] <DesertRose> Stay safe and healthy and have a good week! Enjoy your turkey dinner!
[Sunday, November 22, 2020] [8:36:23 PM EST] * KK steps onto her Portal, waves goodnight, and disappears in a shower of green sparkles.
[Sunday, November 22, 2020] [8:36:40 PM EST] <Eris> <WindyCat (they/them)> Have a good holiday @KK
[Sunday, November 22, 2020] [8:36:56 PM EST] <bynw> Jerusha, have you been thumbing through that little book you got?
[Sunday, November 22, 2020] [8:37:13 PM EST] * The_Bee wishes everyone good night, good week and good Thanksgiving.
[Sunday, November 22, 2020] [8:37:17 PM EST] <derynifank> Which little book?
[Sunday, November 22, 2020] [8:37:21 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Just a bit. We are finally finishing up our latest renovation
[Sunday, November 22, 2020] [8:37:22 PM EST] <KK> Nighters, all. And have a safe and rewarding Thanksgiving, remembering how much we have to be thankful for, even in these difficult times.
[Sunday, November 22, 2020] [8:37:22 PM EST] <Eris> <Bethane> goodnight Bee, and take care
[Sunday, November 22, 2020] [8:37:23 PM EST] <DesertRose> G'night, Bee!
[Sunday, November 22, 2020] [8:37:23 PM EST] <Laurna> Good night Bee
[Sunday, November 22, 2020] [8:37:31 PM EST] Quit KK has left this server (Quit: https://mibbit.com Online IRC Client).
"If having a soul means being able to feel love, loyalty, and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans."

James Herriot (James Alfred "Alfie" Wight), when a human client asked him if animals have souls.  (I don't remember in which book the story originally appeared.)