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KK Chat -- 20 September 2020

Started by DesertRose, September 20, 2020, 07:03:26 PM

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[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:08:57 PM EDT] Join KK has joined this channel.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:08:58 PM EDT] <Laurna> I like the way you think bee
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:09:01 PM EDT] <Laurna> Hello KK
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:09:02 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Hi KK!
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:09:04 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Hi KK
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:09:05 PM EDT] <bynw> Hi KK
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:09:13 PM EDT] <Eris> <Bethane> Hello @KK
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:09:14 PM EDT] <KK> Hello, all.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:09:28 PM EDT] <derynifank> Hi KK. I'm like Jack Benny. I stopped counting at 39
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:10:05 PM EDT] <KK> Anybody going to get affected by the new storm out there?
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:10:06 PM EDT] <derynifank> I think he was 39 for 30 years
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:10:22 PM EDT] <Eris> <Angsthase> Then we decided to send kids and young adults to school together, and look at the graph!
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:10:25 PM EDT] <Laurna> It is my mother who always reminds me how old I am, and then she always adds a year because she says the first you you are 0 years old counts too.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:10:30 PM EDT] <derynifank> Which one.?
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:10:34 PM EDT] <bynw> Sally?
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:11:03 PM EDT] <Eris> <Angsthase> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/738030380510085191/756991119245705376/Screenshot_20200919-173124.png
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:11:12 PM EDT] <KK> Yeah...or is it a Greek letter? So many out there right now.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:11:25 PM EDT] * bynw is too far inland to be affected directly by storms in the ocean
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:11:28 PM EDT] <Eris> <Bethane> I thought I head there was a Beta out there...
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:11:36 PM EDT] <derynifank> Beta headed for Texas
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:11:36 PM EDT] <Eris> <Bethane> +r
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:11:48 PM EDT] <DesertRose> No, bynw, you just get tornadoes that give you a mere few minutes warning. :P
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:11:56 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Is your mother Chinese. Laurna? I've read that they consider a child one year old at birth.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:12:24 PM EDT] <KK> At least we're pretty good at tracking hurricanes, these days.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:12:35 PM EDT] <bynw> or Dorachoes without warnings
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:12:57 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Yup, derechos are ugly weather too.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:13:00 PM EDT] <derynifank> but then you get to watchit coming at you for days
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:13:21 PM EDT] <The_Bee> What's a derecho?
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:13:27 PM EDT] <bynw> but that season is winding down .... soon it will be thundersnows and blizzards
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:13:39 PM EDT] <KK> Yesh, those don't warn either. He had one. Had never heard of them before. But maybe that's a newly specialized name for a wind event that was recognized while we were out of the country.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:13:51 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Bee, similar to a tornado but the wind doesn't spiral; it's straight-line wind.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:14:13 PM EDT] <The_Bee> oh yes. i may have seen that on tv.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:14:32 PM EDT] <The_Bee> thanks for the info
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:14:58 PM EDT] <KK> Didn't think I'd have to contend with hurricanes or earthquakes when we moved to Virginia, but we've had both. And some tornadoes, too, though not in my immediate area.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:15:07 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Spanish for straight, I believe.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:15:51 PM EDT] <bynw> we've have a few minor quakes, but they arent very frequent
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:16:16 PM EDT] <The_Bee> KK, before we get involved with other stuff, is it too late to submit something for the anthology?
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:16:24 PM EDT] <bynw> there's a big fault line in the midwest
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:16:26 PM EDT] <KK> Ours was minor, but we felt it. And it did some damage to the house. Gor that fixed last summer a year ago.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:16:27 PM EDT] <DesertRose> For "right," as in right vs left (tu mano derecha y tu mano yzquierda, your right hand and your left hand)
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:17:19 PM EDT] <The_Bee> I've felt minor quakes. My bed shook a bit, that's all.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:17:32 PM EDT] <KK> Not too late, Bee. I've some what dropped the ball on squaring away the contract, though hope to sort that this week. Submissions are welcome.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:17:44 PM EDT] <Eris> <Bethane> So why do most of you have the [bot]Eris next to your names?
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:17:57 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Thanks. I'll try to polish it off.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:18:04 PM EDT] <Eris> <Angsthase> They're on Irc
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:18:10 PM EDT] <Eris> <Bethane> ah
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:18:18 PM EDT] <bynw> yeah we haven't had any quakes that have caused structural damage since the early 1800s
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:18:27 PM EDT] <Eris> <Angsthase> Eris reads messages from they're and posts them here, and vice versa
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:18:35 PM EDT] <The_Bee> I thought Eris meant the were on Discord.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:19:01 PM EDT] <KK> Wasn't Eris the goddess of discord?
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:19:03 PM EDT] <Eris> <Angsthase> The Bee, Eris is print your messages in Discord
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:19:04 PM EDT] <bynw> if you are on IRC it means that Bee. If you are on Discord it means the opposite
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:19:28 PM EDT] <derynifank> who is eris exactly? Jerusha?
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:19:38 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Eris is a bot, not a person.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:19:41 PM EDT] <Eris> <Angsthase> It's just tossing the Golden Apple back and forth
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:19:43 PM EDT] <Eris> <Bethane> @bynu you mean the New Madrid?
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:20:02 PM EDT] <The_Bee> So we're all seeing through the looking glass.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:20:16 PM EDT] <Eris> <Angsthase> Eris is that kid who exists only to pass a note to your crush in the next aisle
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:20:17 PM EDT] <bynw> yes Bethane ... the New Madrid fault in the midwest :) ... will be nasty when it goes off again
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:20:37 PM EDT] <Eris> <Bethane> Sure will
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:20:58 PM EDT] <Eris> <Bethane> @Angsthase lol
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:21:08 PM EDT] <KK> Is that the Yellowstone array, or another one?
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:21:17 PM EDT] <bynw> its another one KK
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:21:30 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Hi Everyone!
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:21:37 PM EDT] <Eris> <Bethane> Yellowstone is up my way; that's the one that will take me out in the first blast
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:21:47 PM EDT] <bynw> hi Jerusha
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:21:48 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Eris is the goddess of discord. You sure you want to trust her with a love note?
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:21:50 PM EDT] <derynifank> There's Jerusha! Hi there!
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:21:50 PM EDT] <KK> OK. My geography of the midwest is sketchy, when it comes to detail.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:22:06 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Hi again
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:22:15 PM EDT] <Laurna> Hello Jerusha
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:22:16 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Hi Jerusha!
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:22:17 PM EDT] <bynw> come visit and i'll give ya a tour :)
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:22:22 PM EDT] * KK has Gus on her lap right now, so he is likely responsible for typos.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:22:23 PM EDT] <Eris> <Bethane> Yellowstone = Idaho/Wyoming/Montana
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:22:24 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Hi Jerusha
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:22:40 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Scritches for Gus
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:22:51 PM EDT] * Laurna pets Gus
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:23:00 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Carys is behind my head (she's on the back of my desk chair).
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:23:06 PM EDT] <bynw> Gus is probably talking out loud too. he's a good talker
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:23:08 PM EDT] * DesertRose offers Gus some gentle petting.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:23:20 PM EDT] <Eris> <Angsthase> I mean, Discord is literally what nurtured my relationship with my sweetheart, so how bad can its goddess be?
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:23:26 PM EDT] <KK> It's been very cold here today, and we have frost warnings in place for tonight. I'm still rebalancing the central air from summer settings.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:23:29 PM EDT] <derynifank> Pets for Gus
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:23:31 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Melantha is curled up on my recliner.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:23:42 PM EDT] <Laurna> Frost? wow
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:23:55 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> We had hard frost the past two nights. Good-bye tomato plants
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:24:03 PM EDT] <Laurna> I am looking forward to 65 tonight.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:24:06 PM EDT] <derynifank> Not sure where Murray is but bet he is asleep
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:24:14 PM EDT] <bynw> today has been wonderful. low 70s got the windows open with a nice breeze
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:24:24 PM EDT] <KK> We'll be in the 50's.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:24:43 PM EDT] <KK> Maybe even high 40's.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:24:43 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> It was 0 C, 32 F here last night
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:24:49 PM EDT] <Laurna> It will be nice to not have to sleep with the fan on
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:24:50 PM EDT] <The_Bee> We're having cold then warmer later in the week.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:24:57 PM EDT] <bynw> tomorrow it going to be nearly 80
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:25:06 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Yes, we are to be warmer as well
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:25:12 PM EDT] <KK> Yuck, Bynw!
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:25:23 PM EDT] <derynifank> We had mid 60s but our breeze was more of a wind. No rain but a lot of tidal flooding thanks to Ssally and the NE wind
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:25:25 PM EDT] <The_Bee> So who has fires and who has floods now?
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:25:47 PM EDT] <Laurna> Yuck to tidal flooding.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:26:03 PM EDT] <derynifank> Oreon got a break with rain. Hear things are better in Portland.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:26:03 PM EDT] <Eris> <Bethane> A few fires in Utah, but they're pretty well controlled before they get too crazy.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:26:15 PM EDT] <Laurna> The smoky air has cleared up a bit.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:26:28 PM EDT] <KK> Fires along the west coast, flooding along Texas and points eastward to the Florida panhandle.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:26:35 PM EDT] * bynw took a trip to see some family yesterday and got to hold his 3 month old great grand niece. such a cutie
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:26:45 PM EDT] <Laurna> AWWW
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:26:50 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Some parts of Boston got flooded, but my neighborhood is okay.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:26:50 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> A girl!
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:26:55 PM EDT] <KK> Coola-boola, Bynw.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:27:08 PM EDT] <derynifank> Congrats great uncle. Does that make you feel old?
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:27:18 PM EDT] <The_Bee> What's her name?
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:27:34 PM EDT] <derynifank> Any pics to share?
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:28:01 PM EDT] <bynw> Aria
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:28:10 PM EDT] <Eris> <Bethane> pretty
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:28:15 PM EDT] <KK> Nice. A good name to live up to.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:28:21 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> That's a lovely name
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:28:22 PM EDT] <The_Bee> like a song
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:28:23 PM EDT] <Laurna> Yep
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:29:06 PM EDT] <bynw> her momma, my grand niece, has lots of pictures online ...
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:29:21 PM EDT] <derynifank> Pretty name. Maybe she will turn out to be a singer
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:29:42 PM EDT] <KK> Or a fierce warrior woman, as in Game of Thrones.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:30:26 PM EDT] <Laurna> at least there are lots of options.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:30:34 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> pictures a little baby in a pink blanket with a dagger
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:30:49 PM EDT] <Laurna> Jerusha!
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:31:03 PM EDT] <Eris> <Bethane> I dunno, I think a stilleto might fit a baby's fist better...
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:31:13 PM EDT] <Eris> <Bethane> ugh, sp...
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:31:23 PM EDT] <KK> Could be the dagger is woven into the blanket....
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:32:00 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> And a little tiny pink dragon on guard at her feet
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:32:02 PM EDT] <derynifank> Watch out when changing diapers
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:32:26 PM EDT] <Laurna> I like the pink dragon. One that grows up into a big protective red dragon
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:32:31 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Dirty diaper? No problem. Ashes....
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:32:36 PM EDT] <Eris> <Bethane> lol
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:32:37 PM EDT] <Laurna> lol
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:33:22 PM EDT] <The_Bee> when she's older shec an hide the dagger in her teething ring.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:34:08 PM EDT] <KK> On another front, my new house inspection is Tuesday afternoon. And that's when I'll also get room measurements. Hope it all goes well. I'd hate to have to start the Hunt all over again.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:34:28 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Hunting can be fun, but only for so long
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:34:39 PM EDT] <Laurna> Wishing you the best.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:34:40 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Good luck on the inspection
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:34:42 PM EDT] <derynifank> Fingers crossed KK. Hope all goes well
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:34:46 PM EDT] <KK> It's been a year and a half. That's long enough!
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:35:04 PM EDT] <The_Bee> I hope all goes well, with no unpleasant surprises.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:35:27 PM EDT] <KK> Me, too. And I need to take some more pictures.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:35:40 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> The only time we did not get an inspection, we found out the roof leaked. Lesson learned!
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:35:43 PM EDT] <Laurna> do all the painting and flooring before you move in. To hard to do later.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:36:04 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Five years later....
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:36:21 PM EDT] <derynifank> Floors especially easier to do when you are not living in the house
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:36:41 PM EDT] <The_Bee> My parents' last home purchase was an impulse buy. they saw it, they liked it, they bought it.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:36:58 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Did it turn out well?
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:36:59 PM EDT] <Laurna> And do a termite inspection. Do you have those on the east coast
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:37:08 PM EDT] <derynifank> And how did that turn out?
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:37:11 PM EDT] <KK> Don't need to do flooring on this one. Maybe will paint the Master bedroom. And must get the dog flap installed before I move in. Maybe also get the tub in the master changed out for a shower, though that can wait if necessary. Tha there's another bathroom to use while the work is being done..
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:37:12 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Yes.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:37:23 PM EDT] <bynw> https://rhemuthcastle.com/images/baby-aria.png
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:37:35 PM EDT] <Eris> <Bethane> Oh kawaii!!!!!!
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:37:42 PM EDT] <The_Bee> It turned out well. They sold their old house to the local bank.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:37:48 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> So cute!
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:37:57 PM EDT] <derynifank> I had bathfitter install a shower in our bath and I love it.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:38:06 PM EDT] <Laurna> What a cuttie so sweet
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:38:42 PM EDT] <KK> That's probably what I will do, derynifank.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:38:43 PM EDT] <bynw> and this is all 3 of the nieces in that line. my niece, her daughter the mamma, and the baby https://rhemuthcastle.com/images/the-nieces.png
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:38:51 PM EDT] <The_Bee> she's a cutie. How old now?
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:39:03 PM EDT] <derynifank> Future star, I can tell
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:39:05 PM EDT] <bynw> the baby is just 3 months old
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:39:28 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Now starting to be fun with her own personality
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:39:52 PM EDT] <KK> Adorable smile. Are we meant to also see Mom and Grandma?
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:40:14 PM EDT] <bynw> she's a cutie alright. i fell in love at the beginning
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:40:28 PM EDT] <bynw> yeah they are all in that 2nd pic
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:40:31 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> That's what babies make you do
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:40:35 PM EDT] <derynifank> I can see why
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:41:11 PM EDT] <Eris> <Bethane> https://www.luckypet.com.au/assets/alt_3/patiolink-door.jpg
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:41:18 PM EDT] <KK> Lovely ladies.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:41:29 PM EDT] <Eris> <Bethane> @KK have you seen the door doors that fit right into theh sliding door?
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:41:48 PM EDT] <bynw> of that makes my older sister a great grandma now
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:41:54 PM EDT] <bynw> of course*
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:42:27 PM EDT] <The_Bee> It's hard to imagine bynw old enough to be a great uncle now.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:42:58 PM EDT] <derynifank> bynw you don't look like a gret uncle
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:43:23 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Is he supposed to look like a not so great uncle?
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:43:34 PM EDT] <The_Bee> LOL!
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:43:39 PM EDT] <derynifank> LOL
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:43:40 PM EDT] <KK> Yes, but I don't think my doors are wide enough to allow a good fit. Cutting through the wall directly to the right of the doors will work best. And it has to be one of the doors that requires the critter to wear a fob on his collar. I don't want 18 yr old Gus going out into unfamiliar territory.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:44:28 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Dos the fob block his exit and entrance?
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:44:28 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Kind of like an electronic fence?
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:44:49 PM EDT] <KK> Yes. Booker wll have fob. Gus doesn't wear a collar.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:44:53 PM EDT] <Eris> <Angsthase> It's usually a magnetic key
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:45:01 PM EDT] <Laurna> Sounds like the fob allows the door to open.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:45:18 PM EDT] <Eris> <Angsthase> So the door recognises the presence of the key and unlocks itself for the key-wearer
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:45:26 PM EDT] <KK> Fob lets the critter push the flap open. And locks it behind.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:45:44 PM EDT] <The_Bee> So Gus will be house-bound?
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:45:49 PM EDT] <Laurna> That will keep out other critters. like raccoons
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:45:50 PM EDT] <Eris> <Angsthase> (locks it behind, or its default state in absence of fob is locked?)
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:46:37 PM EDT] * bynw tosses away a note about something for Ghosts of the Past ... since its not needed any more
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:46:53 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Wait, what did it say?
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:47:04 PM EDT] * Laurna searches for the note. Now where did that go
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:47:07 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Bynw, how much older than you is your older sis?
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:47:09 PM EDT] <Eris> <Angsthase> (Electronic fences tend to have the collar interact with the animal by providing an aversive stimulus, rather than interacting with the fence)
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:47:28 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> scrys for the note
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:47:29 PM EDT] <bynw> she's in her low 60s
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:47:30 PM EDT] <derynifank> Why nnot needed anymore?
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:47:36 PM EDT] <bynw> so 10 years or so
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:47:45 PM EDT] <bynw> it was the spells in the ruby
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:47:58 PM EDT] * Laurna adds energy to Jerusha's scry
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:48:02 PM EDT] <DesertRose> My older niece had her second daughter the day before my birthday this year, and about this time last year, I was talking about the impending arrival of my second great-niece, and someone asked me how on earth I was old enough to be anyone's great aunt, and I replied, my oldest brother is 16 years older than I am, LOL.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:48:13 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Now what about that 200 year revenge?
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:48:18 PM EDT] <derynifank> Which have been dispelled! YaY!
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:48:42 PM EDT] <KK> Booker has an electric fence now, and is respectful. It was Warner who used to bust the fence and go walkabout across the street. I got numerous calls asking whether I was missing a dog. It was always Warner.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:49:00 PM EDT] <Laurna> Were we supposed to defeat each spell separately?
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:49:06 PM EDT] <KK> brb
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:49:43 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> We had a boxer who used to occasionally escape and walk into other people's houses
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:49:47 PM EDT] <bynw> Laurna, that could have been a possibility. but aliset would have been the best bet for that. just didnt have time
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:49:55 PM EDT] <Eris> <Angsthase> A trouble with electric fences is that coming home is just as aversive as leaving -- often more so, since one is less engaged with "guess I might as well go home" than "Must. Chase. Thing."
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:50:21 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Electric fences do NOT work with sight hounds
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:50:31 PM EDT] <Eris> <Angsthase> Or scent hounds
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:50:39 PM EDT] <Eris> <Angsthase> Or reactive dogs
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:50:43 PM EDT] <Laurna> My sister had an afghan hound who could jump up onto the roof and then down on the other side of the fence.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:50:59 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Ack!
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:51:05 PM EDT] <derynifank> Ii had a cat who did that.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:51:12 PM EDT] <Eris> <Angsthase> Or any breed that has been bred for "Pain is less important than Getting The Job Done."
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:52:10 PM EDT] <Laurna> Prettiest blond afghan but not to smart and yes Sight hound in every sense of the word.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:52:26 PM EDT] <Eris> <Angsthase> Sighthounds tend not to be the brightest
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:52:27 PM EDT] <Laurna> Her name was Honey
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:52:32 PM EDT] <derynifank> I used to come home from work at night, hear a meow and look up at the roof and see a cat staring down at me
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:52:32 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> My first dog love was an Afghan
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:52:51 PM EDT] <Eris> <Angsthase> And afghan heads are so narrow that where would they keep a brain if they had one?
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:53:07 PM EDT] <Laurna> lol
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:53:15 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Oh, they have a brain, but it follows its own course
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:53:41 PM EDT] <Eris> <Angsthase> Coursing is the word for it 🙂
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:53:48 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Yep
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:53:54 PM EDT] <KK> I'm back. Had to tend the dryer.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:54:02 PM EDT] <Laurna> Rabbit that is the course
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:54:10 PM EDT] <The_Bee> WBKK
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:54:23 PM EDT] <Eris> <Angsthase> Or quickly moving plastic bag, if that's what you have
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:54:35 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Did that with the whippets.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:55:24 PM EDT] <Laurna> whippets are much smaller afghans. likely with the same size brain. but it is better for their size than an afghans
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:55:42 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Scorch was so vocal he scared off the competiton
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:56:08 PM EDT] <Eris> <Bethane> Aren't whippets smaller versions of grayhounds?
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:56:14 PM EDT] <Eris> <Angsthase>
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:56:23 PM EDT] <KK> Menacing black plastic bin bags were also anathema to several horses I had.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:56:25 PM EDT] <Eris> <Angsthase> Afghans are greyhounds with hair extensions 😛
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:56:26 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Boo hiss!
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:57:07 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Whippets are a smaller greyhound as shelties are a smaller coller
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:57:17 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> collie, I meant
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:57:42 PM EDT] <Eris> <Angsthase>
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:57:44 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Do whippets race?
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:57:44 PM EDT] <KK> Rode some amazing dances out into the street when my horse would make a wide berth around the garbage bags, especially with lawn cuttings sticking out from the top.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:58:10 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Yes, very well, Bee
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:58:29 PM EDT] <The_Bee> when and where, KK?
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:58:38 PM EDT] <Eris> <Angsthase> Italian Greyhound - Whippet - Greyhound:
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:59:17 PM EDT] <Eris> <Bethane> Horses and cats have that mutual fear of plastic bags, I guess...
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:59:30 PM EDT] <KK> I'm going to boogie, guys. I want to see how the do virtual Emmys tonight. Don't usually bother to watch, but my curiosity is piqued.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:59:36 PM EDT] <KK> California, Bee.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:59:47 PM EDT] <Eris> <Bethane> Take care @KK
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:59:48 PM EDT] <KK> Many years ago, when I loved there.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [7:59:57 PM EDT] <The_Bee> when you were younger.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [8:00:03 PM EDT] <Eris> <Angsthase> Take care, Ms Kurtz
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [8:00:12 PM EDT] * KK steps onto her Portal, waves goodnight, and disappears in a shower of green sparkles.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [8:00:14 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Is thatwhere you met Scott?
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [8:00:19 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Okay, g'night, KK. See you next week?
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [8:00:25 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Thanks for coming to visit with us!
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [8:00:32 PM EDT] <derynifank> BY KK. Good luck with the house
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [8:00:36 PM EDT] <Eris> <Angsthase> Whippets race. <https://whippet-rescue.org/questions-and-answers-about-whippets/> seems to have some good whippet information.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [8:00:49 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Bye, KK. Thanks for coming, and have a good week.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [8:01:04 PM EDT] <derynifank> Thanks for coming KK
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [8:01:16 PM EDT] <KK> In Santa Monica, Bee, while Scottish country dancing. It was very romantic. When we got into the same set, he passed me a note across the dance.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [8:01:22 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Thanks for coming, KK
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [8:01:44 PM EDT] <KK> Yes, next week. See you then, and say healthy and warm or cool as is desired.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [8:01:54 PM EDT] <KK> Ta-ta for now.
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [8:02:02 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> I love sighthounds, but you need land for them to exercise. No longer have enough land
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [8:02:04 PM EDT] <Laurna> I love the passing of notes in a dance
[Sunday, September 20, 2020] [8:02:04 PM EDT] Quit KK has left this server (Quit: https://mibbit.com Online IRC Client).
"If having a soul means being able to feel love, loyalty, and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans."

James Herriot (James Alfred "Alfie" Wight), when a human client asked him if animals have souls.  (I don't remember in which book the story originally appeared.)