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KK Chat - Sep. 2, 2001 (pt. 2)

Started by RainbowDragon, July 08, 2008, 12:32:15 PM

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KK Chat - Sept. 2, 2001, pt. 2

[17:00] <Maele> Anything with ice cream sounds good - any time!
[17:00] <KK> Ben and Jerry's!
[17:00] <Shiral> Medical food? Ycch.
[17:00] <Shiral> Better stick to the  icecream, KK!
[17:00] <Gamgee> for more information about the con.....http://www.arisia.org/
[17:00] <Maele> Medieval food wasn't very good, Folks... :(
[17:00] <Sedina> Ben and Jerry's...yum, yum, yum.  *giggles*
[17:00] <KK> LOL.  Yeah, medical food, Shiral.  Duh.
[17:00] <Shiral> I agree, Sedina Yum!!
[17:00] * Sedina knows that if the con is in January that there would be no way for her to go
[17:00] <hygilac> eat the flyummery, eat the flummery. .. .
[17:00] <Maele> Ice cream is medicinal!  Makes *me* feel better!  :)
[17:00] <KK> I figure we'll invade Julianne and Frank for a few days while we're there.
[17:01] *** the_duck has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[17:01] <hygilac> Hi duck!
[17:01] <Debbie-vb> Hi duck
[17:01] <Tika> hey duck!
[17:01] <Shiral> Hello, Duck!
[17:01] <KK> 'Lo, Duke.
[17:01] <the_Bee> Quack!
[17:01] * Maele waves over everyone's heads to the Duck!
[17:01] <Bynw> duck!
[17:01] <Sedina> Hey Duck!
[17:01] <the_duck> morning people
[17:01] <Shiral> Hey Donald, KK just promoted you to Duke!
[17:01] <Mike> Lets goose the duck!
[17:01] <the_Bee> Hey KK just ennobled Donald!
[17:01] <the_duck> thanks katherine, now about the groundsman position :)
[17:01] <Gamgee> Duke Duck......  it has a nice ring.
[17:02] <hygilac> she must have read about the snajes
[17:02] <hygilac> shakes
[17:02] <the_duck> duck duke duck
[17:02] <hygilac> whatever
[17:02] <the_duck> see duke duck run
[17:02] <Shiral> The Duck deserves it after facing down a Tai Pan
[17:02] <the_Bee> snakes
[17:02] <KK> Whoa, bumblefingers!  Hi, Duck.
[17:02] <Shiral> He had the shakes after the snakes
[17:02] <the_duck> good evening katherine
[17:02] <Jessie> hello Duck -- how are you today?
[17:02] <hygilac> I don't blame him a bit
[17:02] <KK> Was there a snake incident this week, Duck?!
[17:02] <the_duck> i had car problems yesterday :)
[17:02] <Jessie> not more flat tires?
[17:03] <Sedina> Duck, when don't you seem to have car problems?!  *giggles*
[17:03] <KK> But not snake problems?
[17:03] <the_duck> i managed to thread three of the five wheel nuts holding a wheel onto the car
[17:03] <Mike> I wanna hear about the Taipan!
[17:03] <the_duck> with a slow leak and about 80 miles to drive home
[17:03] <Jessie> oh no
[17:03] <the_duck> i followed the welsh example and drove home caerphilly
[17:03] <the_Bee> but you make it :)
[17:03] <hygilac> 'salong walk. ..
[17:04] * Shiral smacks Donald with a Welsh Trout
[17:04] <Jessie> Duck:  you should send KK the Duck Diaries
[17:04] * Maele tucks a spare tire in Don's pocket!
[17:04] <the_duck> the taipan - as some of you know is very bad tempered and was a bit ungracious about being rescued
[17:04] <KK> About that snake?
[17:04] <the_duck> had two spares - just couldn't get the flat off
[17:04] <KK> You rescued one?
[17:04] * Sedina thinks that KK would get a kick out of the Duck Diaries
[17:04] <the_duck> about four or five now
[17:04] <Mike> Rescued? Where? When? How?
[17:05] <hygilac> yeuch
[17:05] * Maele adds a *big* wrench and an AutoClub guy... :)
[17:05] <KK> And why would you want to rescue one?
[17:05] * hygilac does not like
[17:05] <the_duck> animals are falling into the trench of hte pipeline
[17:05] <the_Bee> rescued? from what?
[17:05] * Gamgee thinks KK's publisher would get a kick out of the Duck Diaries....
[17:05] * Shiral adds Armor to Donald's Snake Rescue Kit
[17:05] * hygilac does not like to think about snakes
[17:05] <the_duck> its my job to extricate them
[17:05] <Jessie> True Gamgee
[17:05] * Maele thought the frog count yesterday was exciting enough - happily living in the land of No Snakes.  :)
[17:05] <Mike> How'd ya get a taipan out of the trench?
[17:06] <KK> Somehow, I thought you were doing geology stuff, Duck.  Not hauling snakes out of pipeline trenches.
[17:06] <Sedina> hygilac - I'm with you on that one.  *shudders*  I do fuzzy, furry critters...not so big on the ones that slither
[17:06] <the_duck> dear diary, today it was dusty.  a machine went by creating more dust :)
[17:06] <Jessie> rotfl
[17:06] <Debbie-vb> Verrrrrrrry carefully
[17:06] <Shiral> "kaff-kaff.."
[17:06] <the_duck> i'm sort of doing all sorts of stuff.  my mother told me i had to study hard or otherwise i'd become a trench digger ... so i studied hard and became ...
[17:07] <hygilac> ROTFL
[17:07] <Jessie> trench digger supervisor
[17:07] <Sedina> LOL
[17:07] <Maele> Ah, but the important question, duck, is "And how long in the line at the local cat house?"  :)
[17:07] <the_Bee> Are these pipelines supposed to go anywhere?
[17:07] <Tika> ROFL Maele
[17:07] * Debbie-vb giggles @ Jessie
[17:07] <Shiral> A Getter outer of animals in trenches
[17:07] <Bynw> lol
[17:07] <Sedina> LMAO Maele!
[17:08] <hygilac> no, Bee they tend to stay right where they are put
[17:08] <Mike> After a hard day in the trenches, duck will chase the wenches!  <G>
[17:08] <the_duck> katherine, i was thinking of the parallels between thomas more and camber the other day ... was that intentional on your part?
[17:08] <KK> Absolutely.
[17:08] <the_duck> both have/had well educated daughters stood up for their principles etc etc
[17:08] * Maele has images of pipelines wandering the countryside with Duck chasing them -- and the snakes -- with a big net... :)
[17:09] <the_Bee> But Moore was excuted before he was canonized.
[17:09] <KK> Yep, and Evaine was modeled on Margaret Roper, More's daughter.
[17:09] <the_Bee> executed
[17:09] <Gamgee> later all.  I might be back in a couple hours.......
[17:09] * Jessie quickly says goodbye to Gamgee before he exits
[17:09] <KK> Well, of course the parallel isn't exact.  ;-)
[17:09] <hygilac> bye Sam
[17:09] <the_duck> most saints have the good grace to die before theyget canonised though
[17:09] <Sedina> bye Sam
[17:09] <Debbie-vb> Bye-eee Sam
[17:09] <Shiral> Nor did Moore take on another person's identity. (Okay, I know he COULDN'T have done what Camber did.)
[17:09] <Shiral> BYe, Sam
[17:09] <KK> Bye, Sam
[17:09] <the_duck> cheers sam
[17:10] *** Gamgee Quit (QUIT: User exited)
[17:10] * Maele was thinking that both Adam Sinclair and Kelson got married lost novels out... Wondering if/when we may get to see some young'uns?
[17:10] <Shiral> We were speculating about how many kids Kelson and Araxie would have
[17:10] <KK> When, not if.
[17:10] <KK> Couldn't tell you yet.
[17:10] <hygilac> I am still betting on twins
[17:10] <the_duck> so you're not going to do something nasty to kelson then katherine?
[17:11] <KK> 3 or, at least, I suspect.
[17:11] <Shiral> How about Peregrine and Julia?
[17:11] <KK> 3 or 4
[17:11] <the_duck> a legacy of crawling through a wall in QfSC?
[17:11] <Jessie> for Sinclair -- or Kelson -- or both?
[17:11] <Shiral> I was close!
[17:11] <KK> A couple, at least.
[17:11] * Maele ... knowing how long novels take.... *sigh* is being patient (sort of).
[17:11] <Mike> KK has a whole slew of books to write before she gets back to the Kelsonian era... *pout*
[17:11] <Shiral> yes, Mike, but those other books will ALSO answer lots of good questions
[17:12] * Shiral wants to read about 948...
[17:12] <KK> Adam will probably have at least a couple.
[17:12] <hygilac> that is true, and probably spark a few as well!
[17:12] <Mike> Very true.
[17:12] * Sedina nods her head and says that she's eager to learn more about 948 as well
[17:12] <Shiral> We were also thinking that probably one of Kelson's kids might meet an unfortunate and early demise..
[17:12] <Maele> Any chance of us ever seeing a young Phillipa Sinclair?  I'd wait patiently for it, honestly.  :)
[17:12] <Shiral> Really, we will.....,>G
[17:12] <the_Bee> will the kids be major characters, or just sort of there in the background?
[17:13] <KK> Yes, Maele.  The next Adept will be about Philippa and WW II and John Graham.
[17:13] <Tika> ooooo Maele!
[17:13] <Maele> Yipppeeeeee!
[17:13] <Jessie> when?
[17:13] * Tika does a happy-joy dance
[17:13] * Shiral rolls around with the catnip, again
[17:13] <KK> Couldn't tell you yet.
[17:13] <hygilac> hurray
[17:14] <KK> I may put together a proposal for that when I've finished the Templar anthology.  DTH would be doing that with me, if course.
[17:14] <Bynw> cool
[17:14] * Maele *really* likes spunky women, so Philippa and Julian Brody are sort of favourites :).
[17:14] <Bynw> definately need that ....
[17:14] *** the_duck Quit (Connection reset by peer)
[17:14] <Shiral> However, I'm still VERY much interested in Childe Morgan
[17:14] <KK> But I think we'll probably do the 3rd Templar book first, finish that trilogy.
[17:14] *** Debbie-vb Quit (System error: 64)
[17:14] * Shiral takes a Frozen TaiPan and beats Peer with it
[17:14] <hygilac> oh no. peer got Donald
[17:14] <Mike> Kelson has a son and Liam has a daughter.......then 15 yrs later.....
[17:15] *** the_duck has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[17:15] <Sedina> wb Duck
[17:15] <Maele> KK, would you know if Debbie has any solo material coming out?  I really enjoyed her Caledon novels.
[17:15] <the_Bee> wb duck
[17:15] <KK> Bynw, what did Debbie do to get kicked out?
[17:15] <Shiral> Maele, I have a suspicion that Jessamy will be a spunky woman in CM
[17:15] <Shiral> WB, Duck
[17:15] *** Debbie-vb has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[17:15] <Shiral> WB, Debbie
[17:15] <Sedina> wb Debbie
[17:15] <KK> Not that I know of, Maele.
[17:15] * Maele waves to Debbie!
[17:16] <Debbie-vb> Wha hoppen?
[17:16] <KK> She's doing me a Templar story, though.
[17:16] <Maele> Oh, that'll be great to see!
[17:16] <Bynw> peered
[17:16] <Debbie-vb> Peer got me?  How dare he!!!!
[17:16] <KK> What's a System Error 64?
[17:16] <Bynw> a form of peer
[17:17] <Bynw> peer's ugly cousin on the recom server
[17:17] <Debbie-vb> Something bad
[17:17] * Maele whacks System Error 64 with a frozen monkfish!
[17:17] <KK> You mean there are varieties?!
[17:17] <Jessie> virulent strain of the Peer virus
[17:17] <hygilac> peer is a shap shifter?
[17:17] <the_duck> brb meeting
[17:17] <Maele> k, Duck!
[17:17] <Shiral> Okay,we'll be here
[17:17] <Sedina> Another version of Peer?  What a scary thought
[17:18] <Shiral> He's been conked on the head with a monkfish so often that he was BOUND to mutate sometime, Sedina!  =o)
[17:18] * Maele figures we've just got to develope that time-warp spell folks, otherwise we might not live long enough to play in all the fun places KK could create!  ;)
[17:18] * Shiral hums Camelot in Sedina's direction
[17:18] <Sedina> LOL Shiral
[17:18] <Shiral> Cryogenics may be the answer, Maele
[17:18] <Bynw> for some odd and unknown reason, the recom server (one of the other servers in this network) shows peer disconnects as System Error 64
[17:18] <Jessie> what do you all expect -- you keep popping poor Peer with monkfish & frozen tiger sharks -- so Peer transformed into something else
[17:18] * Sedina stuffs some cotton in her ears
[17:18] <Shiral> Okay, I'll be good
[17:19] * Maele decides to just ice Peer instead of other innocent fish...!
[17:19] <KK> If peer were good, we wouldn'have to shack him with frozen tigersharks and monkfish.
[17:19] <Sedina> Shiral, you be good?  I don't know if I can believe that. *giggles*
[17:19] <Mike> KK, ever consider joining the houses of Haldane and Furstan in matrimony down the line?
[17:19] <KK> smack him.
[17:19] <Shiral> I think it would be REALLY neat if we could have one of those Star Trek Holodecks and watch a Deryni novel unfold that way.....<G>
[17:19] <Tika> I just haven't the stamina to read through the entire manual of this software to figure out System Error 64 - they got disconnected and gotta reconnect anyway, bleh ;)
[17:19] <KK> Of course I've considered it.  :-)
[17:20] <Sedina> Oooo, Shiral...  *g*
[17:20] <Mike> BIG GRIN
[17:20] <Shiral> Somebody better hurry up and invent 'em for real. <G>
[17:20] * Maele is waiting patiently to hear snippets about the next really nifty villian... *ears really wide open*
[17:20] <KK> Didn't I set up just such a possibility in Beldour?
[17:20] <the_Bee> speculation about payne and Liam's sister.
[17:20] <Sedina> Haldane and Furstan...  Hmm.  That would definitely provide some interesting story lines, I bet
[17:20] <hygilac> of course
[17:20] <Mike> Oh!
[17:21] <Shiral> Not to mention interesting relationships....
[17:21] <Mike> FIERY marriages.
[17:21] <Tika> ROFL
[17:21] <Shiral> PASSIONATE marriages
[17:21] <KK> It's interesting that few really villainous villains have developed yet on Childe..
[17:21] <Jessie> Katherine:  do you ever anticipate doing a novel regarding Camber before "Camber of Culdi"?
[17:22] <KK> Hadn't thought about it, no.
[17:22] <Temprus> System Error 64 means the left recom
[17:22] <Shiral> So, will we get a better glimpse of Wencit and also Charissa in the later CM books?
[17:22] <the_Bee> Killing a child isn't vilainy, it's expediency.
[17:22] <hygilac> I am still wondering who is fiesty enough to marry Dhugal
[17:22] * Shiral grins hopefully
[17:22] *** Debbie-vb Quit (Connection Closed)
[17:22] <Mike> Poor Debbie
[17:22] <Shiral> Poor Debbie, this is not her day
[17:22] <Sedina> *giggles*  Aren't we all, hygilac!
[17:22] *** Debbie-vb has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[17:22] <KK> That's another of peer's mutant brothers, I'll bet.
[17:22] <Jessie> wb
[17:22] <Shiral> WB, back Debbie
[17:23] <Debbie-vb> I think my computer is trying to tell me something today
[17:23] <Sedina> wb Debbie
[17:23] <Shiral> I don't know that Dhugal necessarily needs a Feisty wife -- just a girl with the courage of her convictions.
[17:23] <the_Bee> I think mine is blanking out some of the discussion
[17:24] <KK> Yeah, well we're gonna have some expediency, then.
[17:24] <hygilac> oh?
[17:24] <the_duck> dhugal will be the bachelor duke of gwynedd, voted best dressed duke for 10 years running, most eligible man in all of the 11 kingdoms
[17:24] <Jessie> Katherine:  any plans on writing about the Furstani takeover of Gwynedd?
[17:24] <Shiral> With  Regards to Wencit, or Dhugal??
[17:24] * Maele would like to see poor *Derry* find himself a wonderful wife, poor bloke deserves one!  :)
[17:24] <Shiral> I agree, Maele!
[17:25] <the_duck> derry has his mermaid friend :)
[17:25] <Shiral> He needs some happiness in his life
[17:25] <KK> Duck, you're probably right.  He may be the Alaric Morgan of his generation, only not as dark-humored.
[17:25] <Sedina> LOL Duck
[17:25] <Maele> :) Duck
[17:25] <Debbie-vb> My thoughts too Maele.  he's been bucket too much
[17:25] <Shiral> He'll be holding out for the Right woman, I'll bet
[17:25] <Shiral> Dhugal, I mean
[17:26] <the_Bee> If Dhugal doesn't procreate, who's next in line?
[17:26] <KK> Jessie, the Furstani takeover might well be a good story.
[17:26] <Shiral> If Dhugal doesn't procreate, he's going to be in BIG trouble with Duncan.
[17:26] <Maele> ! Shiral!
[17:26] <KK> LOL, Shiral.
[17:26] <Sedina> LOL Shiral
[17:26] <KK> I'm sure he'll procreate.
[17:27] <Shiral> "son this has hurt me more than it has hurt you..."
[17:27] <the_Bee> in wedlock?
[17:27] <Sedina> I'm sure that he'll have a lot of urging from his father on that one...
[17:27] <hygilac> preferrably with benefit of clergy
[17:27] <Shiral> Now, Bee, he's a BISHOP's Son!!
[17:27] *** Temprus has left #Deryni_Destinations
[17:27] <Debbie-vb> as compared to a son of a bishop?
[17:27] <Maele> You'd think, with all the portraits they've been ringing Kelson with all these years, Dhugal would have seen someone who caught his eye!  :)
[17:27] <KK> You know what they say about clergy kids....
[17:27] <Shiral> And he's properly respectful of Morality
[17:28] <KK> He's already shown he's interested.
[17:28] <Shiral> He liked Princess Ekaterina, didn't he...?
[17:28] <Debbie-vb> Didn't he have a bit of the hots for that Forcinn Princess?
[17:28] <Mike> *LOL* at Shiral!........ Dhugal is a sonuva...bishop!
[17:28] <the_Bee> He liked her looks, anyway.
[17:28] <Shiral> Now look, people....<G>
[17:28] <Sedina> LOL Shiral
[17:28] <KK> I suspect romance may sneak up on Dhugal.
[17:28] <the_Bee> We haven't met the right woman for him
[17:28] <hygilac> and hit him over the head like a frozen tiger shark?
[17:28] <Maele> Sneaking is good!  :)
[17:29] <the_duck> don't do it dhugal !!!
[17:29] <Sedina> I can picture Dhugal sort of being blindsided by it all
[17:29] <Shiral> I suppose that now Kelson's married, he'll want to help Dhugal find the right woman. Or maybe Araxie will be quietly conniving behind the scenes
[17:29] <the_duck> run while you still can - otherwise you'll end up like bynw :)
[17:29] <the_Bee> A Deryni wife for dhugal?
[17:29] <Jessie> lol duck
[17:29] * Sedina giggles at Duck
[17:29] <KK> Araxie has alreacy proven herself a woman of resources....
[17:29] * Tika slaps the_duck around a bit with a large trout
[17:29] <Sedina> LOL Tika
[17:29] <Debbie-vb> Maybe he wants to, duck
[17:29] <Maele> Sophiana have any more female relatives with a liking for Gwyneddian scenery...?
[17:29] <Shiral> And she can keep secrets and be subtle, too....
[17:29] <Tika> ;)
[17:29] * Bynw wants to get married ... has for sometime
[17:30] * the_duck winks at tika, don't worry tika we'll make sure he's on time at darkover
[17:30] <Shiral> This is good, Bynw... especially at this stage of the game!
[17:30] * Bynw *gulps*
[17:30] <Tika> hehehe
[17:30] <KK> I'm sure Tika is reassured to hear this.
[17:30] * the_duck procures some leg chains for bynw
[17:31] <Debbie-vb> Katherine, do you have any idea how powerful a deryni Araxie will be?
[17:31] <hygilac> lol
[17:31] <Shiral> You're going to have to go through with it now, Bynw <G>
[17:31] <the_duck> hold still bynw while we weld these on
[17:31] <KK> Pretty powerful, I suspect.
[17:31] <Sedina> LOL Duck...  I was just envisioning much the same thing
[17:31] <hygilac> Laura wanted to buy a ball and chain in Cambridge as a wedding present
[17:31] <Tika> LOL, actually since the wedding is at night everyone should be recovered from any festivities from the previous day
[17:31] <Tika> in plenty of time
[17:31] <Shiral> I think the story of Araxie taking on the Haldane potential would be a NEAT story, KK....<G>
[17:31] * Tika eyes the_duck harshly and smiles
[17:31] <Sedina> LMAO hygilac
[17:32] <KK> Remember that Araxie is already a Haldane and Deryni.
[17:32] <KK> She's also had a bit of training by now.
[17:32] <Jessie> more powerful than Kelson?
[17:32] <Mike> How close of relatives is NOT considered consanguinous? Second or third cousins?
[17:32] <Shiral> She is, but she and Kelson discussed the possibility of her undergoing a Haldane ritual
[17:32] <Tika> I'd imagine that the new Haldane Heirs will be extremely powerful Deryni
[17:33] <the_Bee> We'll have to find out if females can be empowered.
[17:33] <Sedina> especially with the possibility of actually receiving schooling in the uses of their powers
[17:33] <Maele> Are first cousins consanguinous, or just ill-advised on general principle?
[17:33] <Shiral> And VIvienne would be passing kittens if she knew about them, Tika <G>
[17:33] <KK> I'm not sure what the exact degree is that's permitted.  I think second cousins are sort of ok.
[17:33] <KK> I think first cousins are generally frowned upon.
[17:33] <Jessie> 2nd cousins -- are ok with a dispensation
[17:34] <Maele> Frowned upon, yes, but I think there have been cases in Britain's royals... Will have to check again.
[17:34] <Debbie-vb> In some cultures firsts are OK as long as the related parents are of opposite sex
[17:34] <the_Bee> They're hard to figure out, since Donal and Richard were only half-brothers.
[17:34] <Mike> Whats a "kissin' cousin"?  Second or third I would bet.
[17:34] <KK> For Britain, I don't think it's ever gotten any closer than maybe second or third cousins.
[17:34] <Mike> I see.
[17:34] <the_Bee> In the U.S. it varies from state to state.
[17:35] <Maele> Were Victoria and Albert cousins, I can't recall?
[17:35] <hygilac> heck, kissin' cousins are "any relative that don't run away"
[17:35] <Maele> Brill, Hy!
[17:35] * Sedina smacks hygilac with a trout
[17:35] <KK> Yeah, Mike, I think kissin' cousins are outside the prohibited degrees--which is why they're allowed to kiss.  Not sure on that, but that's my vague recollection.
[17:35] <the_duck> where i am working - it is ok to marry your mother's sisters daughter but not your father's sister's daughter
[17:35] <KK> But I can never remember correctly about once and twice removed.  Jessie, can you clarify?
[17:35] <Mike> Thats kinda where I thought the phrase came from too.
[17:35] <Maele> Your cousin is okay, but not your niece?  Is that right, Duck?
[17:36] <KK> Yes, V & A were cousins.
[17:36] <Debbie-vb> I've never figured that whole thing out either
[17:36] <Jessie> my father's first cousin is my first cousin once removed
[17:36] * Shiral is lost in cousin-land
[17:36] <Maele> "Removed" is that half-gen difference.
[17:36] * Sedina tells Shiral to make room for her too
[17:36] <the_duck> a cousin by the sister of your mother, all is is not ok
[17:36] <hygilac> we need Rebecca to sort out the sousinness
[17:36] <Shiral> Sousiness?
[17:37] <the_duck> i'd have to explain the skin system for it to make sense though
[17:37] <hygilac> cousinness
[17:37] <Jessie> what cousiness question do you have?
[17:37] <the_duck> is that something like hairiness?
[17:37] <KK> Jessie, I'm hot on the trail of BF Carter--if he was, indeed the Benjamin Franklin Carter we found in Ohio.
[17:37] <the_Bee> skin system. Duck?
[17:37] <KK> Ohio
[17:37] * Bynw gets lost in the once removed and stuff
[17:37] <hygilac> somewhat, duck
[17:37] <Jessie> excellent Katherine
[17:37] <the_duck> kinship rules
[17:37] <Jessie> congratulations
[17:38] <Jessie> your parents first cousins are your first cousins once removed
[17:38] * Maele misses the significance of BF Carter?
[17:38] <Jessie> Katherine's family tree
[17:38] <Maele> Ah!
[17:38] <KK> I had an answer from a Carter list; her ggg-uncle is the Ohio BF Carter.  We're now comparing notes to see if hers reinvented himself as mine.
[17:38] * Sedina has Carters in her family tree as well
[17:38] <Jessie> that is fantastic Katherine -- I am verra verra happy for you
[17:38] <the_Bee> grandparent's 1st cousins =1st cousin twice removed.
[17:39] <Jessie> SEdina:  my husband has Carter's in his family tree also
[17:39] <KK> My long elusive grandfather on my mother's side.  When you can't get past a grandparent, you automatically lose a quarter of your ancestry.  Bad.
[17:39] <Mike> KK, thank you for the pronunciation guide!
[17:39] <Maele> Removed is easy, if your first cousin has a child, that child is your first cousin-once removed.
[17:39] <KK> Well, it may prove to be just one less tree to bang my head against.  But it could be him.  All circumstantial so far, but everything fits.
[17:39] <the_Bee> My sister found a genealogy chart that traces us back to Old King Cole.
[17:40] <Jessie> Katherine:  you deserve some luck on good old B.F. Carter
[17:40] <the_duck> king coal or king cole
[17:40] <Maele> I don't suppose anyone has a Japheth Sainsbury in their tree?  Nah, be too much to ask!  :)
[17:40] * Debbie-vb is keeping her fingers crossed for katherine
[17:40] <Jessie> hope this one is it
[17:40] <the_Bee> Coel.
[17:40] * Jessie crosses her fingers
[17:40] <KK> Right now, I'm a member of the alien club.  All of us have ancestors that were dropped by aliens in the mid to late 1800's, mostly in Georgia.
[17:40] * Shiral crosses her fingers too
[17:40] <KK> Lots of them seem to have been Carters.
[17:40] <Tika> there are a lot of aliens in Georgia that's for sure ;)
[17:41] <Maele> He's our family black sheep, the illegitimate child of an 1800 actress named Phoebe.  :)
[17:41] <Shiral> The cat has HIS toes  crossed, too
[17:41] <Sedina> LOL KK
[17:41] <the_duck> that explains all the abductions then
[17:41] <Bynw> ROFL
[17:41] <KK> Tika, are you and Bynw really close to Atlanta?
[17:41] <hygilac> some of them landed in Tennessee, too, Katherine
[17:41] <hygilac> We have one as well
[17:41] <Tika> we're in Dunwoody, just north of I-285
[17:41] <KK> How close is that?
[17:41] <Tika> Bynw works just down the street from the library where you did research last year
[17:41] <Tika> about 15 miles
[17:42] <Mike> I thought Old King Cole was just a nursery rhyme....
[17:42] <KK> Aha!  I may ask him to look up some info in old Atlanta City directories.  I didn't get to check as may entries as I'd hoped.
[17:42] <KK> as many
[17:42] <Tika> just email either of us, KK... I have more free time and would be happy to assist ;)
[17:42] <the_Bee> Actually there are 2 possible King Coels.  Mine was 2d century AD
[17:42] <hygilac> Dunwoody must be close to Atlanta; a choir form Dunwoody Methodist was doing a recital at Canterbury when I was there
[17:42] <KK> That would be great!
[17:42] <Debbie-vb> No, there actually was a King Cole around Arthurian times
[17:43] <Tika> well... normally anyway LOL
[17:43] <Mike> Oh...
[17:43] * Maele trying to imagine a bride-to-be with free time... isn't working !  :)
[17:43] <Tika> it isn't actually a city, hygilac, just a named suburb... our PO address is Atlanta
[17:43] <KK> Tika, have you got your seamstress in hand for your wedding gown?
[17:43] <Shiral> LOL, Maele
[17:43] <KK> Is Jasta doing it?
[17:43] <Tika> I'm in hunting mode just now, KK - DragonCon is still on ;)
[17:44] <KK> Ah.
[17:44] <Tika> no Jasta is just doing the veil
[17:44] <KK> OK
[17:44] <Maele> How intricate is your gown, Tika?
[17:44] <Sedina> Tika - no seamstress yet?  And you're not freaking out?
[17:44] <Tika> we're off to the dealer room early tomorrow for more goodies and info
[17:44] * Shiral freaks out on Tika's behalf
[17:44] <the_duck> black leathers with studs
[17:44] <Tika> Sedina, how do you know I'm not freaking out? :)
[17:44] <Tika> LOL
[17:45] <KK> Still the Ever After gown?
[17:45] <Shiral> And black ostrich plumes...
[17:45] <Tika> actually it's looking like this may be a pre-made gown at this point but we shall know more after tomorrow
[17:45] <Maele> <--- got married on about two week's notice... finished the dress in one night!  :)
[17:45] <Sedina> LOL  Just checking, Tika
[17:45] <Sedina> Ever After gown?!  Ooo...!
[17:45] <KK> Maele the Superwoman!
[17:45] <Tika> KK, either that or another renaissance-type gown I saw that is much more plain but very elegant
[17:45] <Tika> it may be more expeditious too
[17:45] <Sedina> Oh my goodness, Maele!
[17:45] <Tika> (sp?)
[17:45] <Maele> No, the desperate to get married!  Peter got a posting to Antarctica!  :)
[17:46] <Shiral> How....Romantic!
[17:46] <KK> You spell good, Tika!
[17:46] <Sedina> Antarctica?!!
[17:46] <Tika> woo hoo
[17:46] <Tika> somebody has to ;)
[17:46] * Tika ducks
[17:46] <Maele> Mmm, he's a marine biologist, chance of a lifetime for him.
[17:46] <Bynw> what does that remark me Tika my LOVE?
[17:46] <KK> Wow, is he still there?
[17:46] <Bynw> er mean
[17:46] <Shiral> I see, so how long did you spend there?
[17:46] * Tika smiles at Bynw sweetly
[17:46] <Tika> nothing sweetie ;)
[17:46] <Sedina> Oh, I was guessing that he was a scientist.  Scientists are the only ones who would ever want to go to Antartica.  *giggles*
[17:47] <Maele> We moved the wedding by six months!  :)  Oh, no, he's not still there, been happily married for nearly twenty years now!  :)
[17:47] <Shiral> <G>
[17:47] <KK> Ah.  Is he still a marine biologist?
[17:47] <Maele> Yes, we live in the sub-arctic now!  :)
[17:47] <Shiral> Although you still live in a pretty cold climate
[17:47] * the_duck imagines maele talking about her husband in antarctica for 20 years
[17:47] <Maele> :)  :)  Duck!
[17:47] <KK> Where in the sub-Arctic?
[17:47] <the_duck> there was a ripping yarns tale about that
[17:47] <Shiral> Absence would HAVE to make the heart grow fonder, wouldn't it?
[17:48] <the_duck> tomkinson's schooldays
[17:48] <Maele> Labrador for us, it extends to about 55 North.
[17:48] * Mike imagines a big tough Marine in a lab coat.
[17:48] <KK> Wow, cool!  Er, cold!
[17:48] <Tika> brrrr
[17:48] <KK> LOL, Mike!
[17:48] <Maele> Actually, it's very dry, the cold here is much less biting than in.. for example, Ireland :).
[17:48] * Shiral snuggles under a quilt at the thought
[17:48] <KK> It isn't that cold in Ireland--really!
[17:49] <the_Bee> do they really have Labradors in labrador?
[17:49] <Maele> Hah, I stayed in Dublin for six months, and shivered the whole time!
[17:49] <KK> We have probably the best climate in all of Europe.  No extremes of hot or cold.
[17:49] <the_duck> they have Lab Raptors now
[17:49] <KK> What time of year in Dublin?
[17:49] <Maele> Yes, bee, lots of Labs in Labrador!  :)
[17:49] * Bynw shakes his head
[17:49] <Shiral> Winged Labradors, Duck?
[17:49] <the_Bee> That old gulf Stream off the UK coast
[17:49] <Maele> Well, I grant you, it was October to March... :)
[17:49] <KK> Yeah, the Gulf Stream does it.
[17:50] * Debbie-vb would love to see ireland some day, She's decended from irish stock
[17:50] <KK> Well, that's our coldest time of year.  What year was it?
[17:50] <Maele> 1995.
[17:50] <Shiral> I'm not, and I'd STILL love to see Ireland. <G>
[17:50] <KK> Ah, yes.  That was a very cold winter.
[17:50] * Sedina covers her ears because she's not ready to think about winter yet
[17:50] <Maele> I find fog really chilling.  It's quite warm in the capital of Newfoundland in winter, hardly ever snows, but I'm frozen there and comfortable here.
[17:50] <KK> I think it was pretty cold everywhere.  Isn't that the year they had the big ice storms on the East Coast?
[17:50] <hygilac> I have some Irish in me
[17:50] * Bynw would like to see lots of places in Europe ...
[17:50] <the_Bee> not what, Shiral?
[17:51] <hygilac> and I want to see Ireland
[17:51] <Mike> I'm irish, scottish, english, french and deryni!
[17:51] <Maele> :) Mike.
[17:51] <KK> LOL, good mix, Mike.
[17:51] <Shiral> Yes the winter of '95-96 -- there was a Blizzard in New York City
[17:51] <Mike> *G*
[17:51] * the_duck points at the deryni "burn him, burn him!"
[17:51] <the_Bee> 1993 was the "Storm of the Centure"
[17:51] <the_Bee> century.
[17:51] <Maele> The ice storms devastated the Maritimes/Atlantic region, and blew right on past Labrador!  Picked the wrong year to spend the winter away.
[17:51] <Jessie> ah yes -- the_duck -- he was Loris' friend wasn't he?
[17:51] <Tika> it was here too, in many places, Bee
[17:52] <KK> I think that's the year all the trees were knocked down in the UK.
[17:52] <Shiral> I'm Scottish on my mother's side, and French-Canadian on my dad's and of course, Deryni. <G>
[17:52] <Sedina> Worst winter that I've been through?  Winter of '97...and spring of '97 wasn't too great either what with all the flooding that happened.  Of course, we got over 10 feet of snow that winter, so it's not surprising that we flooded
[17:52] <the_duck> loris was just misunderstood
[17:52] <hygilac> I must go
[17:52] <hygilac> night all
[17:52] * Sedina is mainly Scottish and German
[17:52] <Jessie> bye hygilac
[17:52] <Shiral> Bye, Linda
[17:52] <KK> Right, Duck.
[17:52] <Sedina> Bye hygilac
[17:52] <Shiral> You must "og?"
[17:52] *** hygilac Quit (QUIT: User exited)
[17:52] <Debbie-vb> Nighters Linda
[17:52] <KK> She's quick.
[17:52] <the_Bee> doog tighn, Linda 
[17:52] <Maele> A really lovely  northern city is Reykjavik, a little farther north than we are, but beautiful. 
[17:53] <the_duck> everyone thought he said the deryni taint must be cleansed, but what he really said was the deryni saint must be cleaned
[17:53] <Shiral> LOL, Donald
[17:53] <KK> Maele, do you get the Midnight Sun?
[17:53] * Maele hands Duck the scrub brush.  :)
[17:53] <the_Bee> that'll teach him not to mumble!
[17:53] <KK> At least really long days in the summer and long nights in the winter?
[17:53] <Sedina> LOL Duck
[17:53] <KK> Northern Lights?
[17:53] <Maele> Almost, we have about two hours of "dusk" in summer.
[17:54] <Shiral> Oh speak up Edmund, stop mumbling!
[17:54] <the_duck> mumble mumble mumble
[17:54] <Maele> Northern Lights are a regular entertainment of an evening... at least when it *is* dark!
[17:54] <Shiral> Your mumbling makes me grumble!
[17:54] <KK> Neat!  We saw the Midnight Sun three summers ago, on a North Cape cruise on the QE2.
[17:54] <Sedina> I LOVE the northern lights!
[17:55] <the_duck> and the mumbling became a grumbling and the grumbling turned into an almight rumbling and out the houses came a-tumbling ...
[17:55] * Sedina has spent many summer nights laying out under the stars simply watching the Northern Lights
[17:55] <the_Bee> I've only seen them once, when I was a kid.
[17:55] <KK> Sedina, where are you?
[17:55] <Maele> It's funny in summer, we have our national holiday on July 1 here... so the fireworks go up into blue skies!  :)
[17:55] <Shiral> Boy, "North" Dakota sure is North!
[17:55] * Debbie-vb has yet to see them.
[17:55] <Shiral> Me too, Debbie
[17:56] * the_duck looks around 'north, hm which way is north!'
[17:56] <the_duck> well people i have to fly - gotta get a replacement car and all that stuff
[17:56] <Jessie> well duck -- west is on the left -- east is on the right -- so you must be facing north
[17:56] <Shiral> Bye, Duck
[17:56] <Maele> Bye, Duck!
[17:56] <Mike> I've never seen the northern lights, but I've seen some awesome sunsets.
[17:56] <Bynw> have a good monday Duck
[17:56] <Sedina> I'm almost in Canada, KK.  My hometown is less than 10 miles from the ND/Canadian border.
[17:56] <KK> Bye, Duck.
[17:56] <Debbie-vb> Luck duck
[17:56] <Sedina> Bye Duck!
[17:56] <Jessie> hugs duck
[17:56] <the_Bee> seeya ducks
[17:56] <Jessie> take care duck -- have a good week
[17:56] <the_duck> have a good week everyone
[17:57] <Shiral> Look out for the TaiPans
[17:57] <the_duck> hah they're a cinch
[17:57] <Shiral> You too, Duck
[17:57] <the_duck> ciao ciao
[17:57] <Sedina> Take care, Duck!
[17:57] *** the_duck Quit (QUIT: User exited)
[17:57] <Maele> Mike, we have those too... and they last for hours!  :)  The north is funny, it gets under your skin somehow... there's really nothing like it.
[17:57] <Jessie> so does poison ivy maele
[17:57] * Jessie does not like cold
[17:57] <Shiral> Now Jessie....<G>
[17:58] <Maele> :) Jessie.
[17:58] <Sedina> Sunsets and sunrises around here are quite beautiful...although I'm usually not awake early enough to see too many sunrises
[17:58] <Bynw> bah :;waves paw::  poison ivy isnt anything
[17:58] <Sedina> Jessie doesn't like cold...but she thinks that snow is cool.  Now explain that one to me.   *lol*
[17:58] <Mike> Mike doesn't like it too cold, but likes a little nip in the air.
[17:58] <Jessie> I like snow --
[17:58] <the_Bee> have you ever had it Bynw?
[17:58] <Maele> Well, I thought I'd hate it here.... but... :)
[17:58] <Shiral> Everybody likes what isn't around all the time <G>
[17:58] <KK> I like the change of seasons.  And one of my favorites is on its way.
[17:59] <Shiral> I live in a climate that has ruined me for almost every other place on earth
[17:59] <Jessie> autumn?
[17:59] <Bynw> i'm immune to it ... always played in it as a youngin
[17:59] * Jessie is horribly allergic to Poison Ivy
[17:59] <KK> Autumn is gorgeous here in Ireland.
[17:59] * Jessie is possibly mentally deranged Sedina? -- or possibly snow is warn?
[17:59] <KK> Golly, guys, I've just looked at the time.  I fear I must fly.
[17:59] <Jessie> warm -- not warn
[17:59] <Shiral> I'll bet it is,KK
[17:59] <Bynw> i have some friends who are just like that Jessie ... one of them is one of my groomsmen
[17:59] <Maele> Our autumn is short, but dramatic.  Green trees one day, colours the next!  :)
[17:59] <Jessie> bye Katherine
[18:00] * Shiral locks down the transfer portal
[18:00] <Debbie-vb> Goodnight katherine
[18:00] * Maele waves Bye-Bye to KK
[18:00] <Sedina> good night Katherine!
[18:00] <the_Bee> goodnight KK
[18:00] <Tika> LOL Shiral
[18:00] <Shiral> Have another good writing week, KK
[18:00] <Mike> Its been nice chatting with you, Katherine!
[18:00] <Tika> goodnight KK, email me and we'll see what we can find :)
[18:00] <KK> I'll see you next week.  I feel a good week coming on!
[18:00] <Jessie> Thanks for stopping in Katherine -- and for staying so long
[18:00] <Shiral> It always IS nice chatting with you, KK
[18:00] <KK> Thanks, Tika, I will.
[18:00] * Jessie applauds Katherine
[18:00] <Sedina> Jessie - I'm betting more on the mentally deranged part. *giggles*
[18:00] <Bynw> chat with ya later Katherine!
[18:00] * KK steps onto her Portal and waves goodbye and blows kisses.
[18:00] <Shiral> I'll send more sketches as I finishe them, KK
[18:01] *** Kiri` has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[18:01] <Shiral> Hi Kiri
[18:01] * Maele waves to Kiri!
[18:01] <Sedina> Hi Kiri
[18:01] <Kiri`> hi.. missed it didn't I?
[18:01] <Bynw> hi Kiri`, say good bye to KK
[18:01] <KK> Hi and goodbye, Kiri!
[18:01] <Kiri`> hi Maele!
[18:01] <Shiral> ALas yes, Kiri
[18:01] * Debbie-vb catches one of KK's kisses
[18:01] <Kiri`> bye Katerine.. =)
[18:01] <Mike> Kiri! Ya missed KK!
[18:01] *** KK Quit (QUIT: User exited)