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KK Chat - Aug. 5, 2001 (pt. 1)

Started by RainbowDragon, July 08, 2008, 12:14:04 PM

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KK Chat - Aug. 5, 2001, pt. 1

Session Start: Sun Aug 05 2001

[16:38] *** KK  has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[16:38] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o KK
[16:39] * Maele curls deeper in the chair
[16:39] <Shiral>  Hello, Katherine
[16:39] <Wrengl>  He'll sleep with anyone.  Do anything for scritches.  But he can't jump on and off beds anymore.
[16:39] <virtualbabe> Hi Katherine
[16:39] <Rebecca> Hi Katherine
[16:39] <lbarms> welcome KK
[16:39] <Sedina> Hi Katherine!
[16:39] <Wrengl>  Hi Katherine.
[16:39] <Mike> Hi KK!
[16:39] <Maele> <--- waves to Katherine
[16:39] <Helenmary> Hi Katherine
[16:39] <Jessie> hello Katherine
[16:39] <pwilkinson> Hi Katherine
[16:39] <KK> Hi, everybody.
[16:39] <the_Bee> Hi Katherine
[16:39] <Kiri`> hi Katherine!
[16:39] <Garith> hi kk
[16:39] <Kiri`> someone go wake duck..,
[16:39] <Sedina> Kiri - if I thought that I wouldn't get the cold kitty shoulder, I'd bring my kitty with me to the con just so that she could sleep with me.  *s*
[16:39] <Mike> Kiri, thanks for posting these chat transcripts!
[16:39] * Wrengl shouts ' Wake up Duck!'
[16:40] * Shiral trips Duck's alarm clock which erupts in loud Quacking and Splashing
[16:40] <Jessie> Duck said it would be 6 hours
[16:40] <Helenmary> Duck?!  Should I get one of my retrievers? :)
[16:40] <Jessie> Katherine -- how did the writing go this week?
[16:40] *** emily has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[16:40] <KK> Where is the Duck tonight?
[16:40] <Wrengl>  Which is about now.
[16:40] <emily> hi folks
[16:40] <Shiral>  Hi Emily
[16:40] <Rebecca> hi emily
[16:40] <Wrengl>  Hi Emily.
[16:40] <Maele> <--- waves to Emily
[16:40] <Sedina> Hi Emily
[16:40] <Kiri`> he's getting his beauty sleep i guess.
[16:40] <Kiri`> hi em!
[16:40] <Helenmary> Hello Emily
[16:40] <Shiral>  It's early in the morning for him
[16:41] <virtualbabe> I've seen donald, he need's it <giggle>
[16:41] <Kiri`> can you have kitties at darkove?/ dante travels well =)
[16:41] <Kiri`> LOL
[16:41] <emily> I think it is veeerrrry early AM for Donald right now
[16:41] <KK> Got a bit of writing done--and did some editing on the next issue of DA.
[16:41] <Wrengl>  Yes it is.  But he said he would try to get here.
[16:41] <Shiral>  Oh good. <G>
[16:41] <KK> Kitties can come to Darkover.
[16:41] <Kiri`> yes.. he said he's try as long as his alarm worked.
[16:41] <Sedina> Kiri - I thought that I saw on the darkover page that they're allowed.  My kitty just doesn't like to travel - at all.
[16:41] <lbarms> It is about 0530 his time
[16:41] <Kiri`> YEA!
[16:41] <Wrengl>  Yes, you can have dogs and cats at Darkover.
[16:41] <Kiri`> then perhaps I shall bring my Dante
[16:41] <KK> There are several who come regularly, including a spotted lynxy-looking one.
[16:41] <Shiral>  Mine howl when ever I take them in the car -- and I do mean they HOWL
[16:42] <Wrengl>  LOL, Shiral
[16:42] <Maele> <-- will leave the dogs home if Kiri brings kittens :)
[16:42] <Mike> Maybe they should rename it as Pet-over!
[16:42] <Garith> you wouldnt have named after the inferno writer, kk?
[16:42] <Shiral>  I'd have to get them a therapist if I flew them across the country
[16:42] <emily> Katherine, any new developments with Childe Morgan? :-)
[16:42] <Wrengl>  I know how that goes with the Kitty Brigade.
[16:42] <Kiri`> dante is a seasoned traveler.. course he's not fond of pools... but i don't make him swim.
[16:42] <Sedina> My kitty meowed so loudly when I was moving down here.  She HATES car rides
[16:42] <Kiri`> Dante thinks he's a dog..
[16:42] <KK> Childe Morgan is coming along.  I'm still massaging the first few chapters.
[16:42] <Kiri`> garith - did you mean me?
[16:43] <Sedina> *giggles*  My Miss Myah thinks that she's a dog as well, Kiri.  She even plays fetch
[16:43] <Garith> yes i did
[16:43] <lbarms> KK did you get my e-mails with the pics
[16:43] <emily> My cat used to be a stray, we found her pretty beaten up as a kitten, she runs away from the open door.
[16:43] <Shiral>  Anybody die this week? <G>
[16:43] <Kiri`> if anyone wants to see my guys.. ive got one photo online..
[16:43] <Shiral>  In Childe Morgan I mean
[16:43] <Jessie> glad you clarified that Shiral
[16:43] <KK> Goodness, Nicholas has just come into my office--big red tabby boy.
[16:43] <Sedina> Shiral!  *lol*  What a question to ask
[16:43] <Shiral>  Well yes, one must be specific
[16:43] <Shiral>  He wants to chat with us, KK
[16:43] <emily> it can be helpful Melissa
[16:44] <Wrengl>  Hello Nicholas!
[16:44] <Kiri`> garith - no.. but he was a rescue and near dead.. i figured he'd been through a few levels of "hell" and it fit.. he seems to like the name =)
[16:44] <Garith> KK. any plans on another adept book?
[16:44] <lbarms> how did your kitty do with her surgery KK
[16:44] <KK> Actually, Poul Anderson died this week, alas--but none of my characters.
[16:44] <Kiri`> sedina grnning*  myah and dante would get along.
[16:44] * Shiral tosses Nicholas a yeast and garlic tablet through the screen
[16:44] <emily> Nicholas likes garlic?
[16:44] <Garith> poul anderson. that is a shame. i liked his books
[16:44] * Wrengl tosses nicholas some fresh salmon.
[16:44] <Shiral>  Poor Poul Anderson, I didn't know about that
[16:45] <KK> Miss Jessicat is just fine; got her stitches out on Thursday--and caught and ate a mouse last night.  No necessary connection there.
[16:45] <virtualbabe> Well, he's going to keep Doug Adams company
[16:45] <emily> How old was Mr. Anderson, Katherine?
[16:45] <Shiral>  I don't know, Emily. I just know that my cat LOVES yeast and garlic tablets. She would climb me to get to them.
[16:45] <Wrengl>  gamgee told a couple of us on Friday
[16:45] <Sedina> Kiri - *giggles*  They certainly sound similar.  Myah was a little stray as well..and has a scar on her lip from her "street" days
[16:45] <Maele> Unfortunately, Blue and Blaze would still see Myah and Dante as appetizers.  Didn't have any cats when they came on the scene, so they're not cat-happy dogs.
[16:45] <emily> Well, Melissa, at least that
[16:45] <KK> Poul was 75; it was testicular cancer.
[16:45] <emily> that's a healthy vice
[16:45] <Shiral>  Ouch, what a way to go =o(
[16:46] <emily> Katherine, that's really sad, it's hard to detect alot of those kind of cancers until they are really advanced
[16:46] * virtualbabe watches all the male patrons wincing
[16:46] <lbarms> That is good that Jessi cat is back to her normal feline activities
[16:46] <Sedina> Ew, Shiral...  *lol*  Do the garlic tablets override the standard tuna breath that kitties have?
[16:46] <KK> But he had a last meal of his favorite things--steak tartare, aquavit, Karlberg beer--and surrounded by his loved ones.  There are worse ways to go.
[16:46] <Wrengl>  Yes there are.
[16:46] <Shiral>  Definitely, especially if he could die in his own home
[16:46] <Kiri`> wrengl - n00001 is gorgeous..
[16:46] <Garith>  any plans on another Adept book, KK?
[16:46] <Wrengl>  I shall tell Kathi, Kiri
[16:47] <Sedina> Yes, there definitely are worse ways.
[16:47] <Shiral>  Sedina, Isadora has breath-o-death
[16:47] <Sedina> LOL Shiral
[16:47] <Helenmary> Amen.  Reminds me of a friend's father who specified champagne be served at his memorial service.
[16:47] <Wrengl>  LOL, Shiral
[16:47] <KK> Not just now, Garith.  I expect I'll have to deliver the current Childe book before Ace will want to talk about DTH and me starting another.
[16:47] <emily> Can you brush a cat's teeth Melissa?
[16:47] <Shiral>  Me and what army, Emily
[16:47] <Shiral>  It
[16:47] <Sedina> I've found myself being awaken by such "breath-o-death" on occassion.  *giggles*
[16:47] <Kelos_al-Hazar> KK or whomever...are there any concept drawings/pictures of the St. Camber medal?
[16:47] <virtualbabe> Verrrrrry carefully Emily
[16:47] <emily> That's what I thought (EG)
[16:48] <Kiri`> n so is n00005
[16:48] <Kiri`> i'd be VERY interested in those.. =)
[16:48] <Shiral>  I've heard that it's possible, but my cats are old, and if I'd wanted to do that, I would have had to start when they were little squirmy kittens
[16:48] <KK> I've seen cat tooth brushes that fit over your finger like the ones you use for babies.
[16:48] <lbarms> I am looking for the same Kelos.  So I can make some coins
[16:48] <Kiri`> and i've yet to get my boys to sit still for a tooth brushing =)
[16:48] <Wrengl>  Have to price them, Kiri.  Will tell you if they do not sell at WorldCon.
[16:48] <Helenmary> I've tried brushing the dogs' teeth but I wouldn't want to try a cat!
[16:48] <KK> There's fish-flavor tooth-paste--which sort of defeats the purpose, if you ask me, but they say it gets at the plaque.
[16:48] <Shiral>  I'm working on coin designs folks. I've got one for K&A's wedding coin and am trying to do a  Michaeline coin
[16:49] * Sedina can just imagine the looks she'd get from her kitties if she tried to brush their teeth
[16:49] <Maele> You can get rubber nubbly things that fit on your fingers for cat/dog teeth.  They work well.
[16:49] <KK> Kelos, there were some amber medals in back issues of DA.
[16:49] <Shiral>  Maybe if you tranquilized the cat heavily, first...
[16:49] <Wrengl>  Kathi does commission work, Kiri.
[16:49] <Kelos_al-Hazar> lbarms: I can make 3D rendered pictures of coins, given the images of the obverse and reverse of the coins...and their size and thickness.
[16:49] <Helenmary> And tranquilized yourself heavily afterwards...
[16:49] <Sedina> KK - if I tried to use fish flavored paste, my kitty really would give me a strange look.  Myah won't even touch fish.
[16:49] <KK> And yes, I saw the coins last week, by the way answering a question back up off the screen.
[16:49] <KK> They looked pretty good.
[16:50] <Shiral>  I've also been considering chess set pieces, but haven't got very far yet.  There's this chat room, see and.....
[16:50] <virtualbabe> I had a cat that hated fish too sedina
[16:50] *** Garith  Quit (QUIT: User exited)
[16:50] <Shiral>  Most of what I have so far are pencil sketches
[16:50] <Sedina> And you're hopelessly addicted, right Shiral.  *g*
[16:50] <Kelos_al-Hazar> Could someone please scan in the images for me, so I can at least attempt to make the 3D images? :)
[16:51] <Sedina> virtualbabe - now choc. on the other hand.  Myah loves that.  She just doesn't seem to understand why we won't give her any.  *lol*
[16:51] <Shiral>  Or maybe that was HOPEFULLY addicted, Sedina
[16:51] <Maele> Our local printer has an engraving machine that can render 3D.  Interesting stuff.
[16:51] <Sedina> Oh yes, Shiral.  That's what I meant.  Hopefully. *giggles*
[16:51] <lbarms> I dont really need 3D images to get the coins made
[16:51] <KK> Now, <that's> a thought, Maele.
[16:51] <lbarms> They do a good job with just a photo or even a sketch
[16:51] <Shiral>  I'm working on them, Laura, Really!
[16:52] * Kelos_al-Hazar hears announcer's voice saying: "That's right, ladies and gentlemen, #Deryni_Destinations is now the most populated channel on the server."
[16:52] <lbarms> thats OK Shiral.  I know how busy everyone is
[16:52] <KK> Is that true, Kelos, and if so, how do you know?
[16:52] <Kelos_al-Hazar> I know, but it will help me learn the renderer...
[16:52] <Wrengl>  But we still need to get 30 in here at one time, Kelos.
[16:52] <Jessie> to make Bynw happy
[16:52] <KK> We've had damn close to that, on occasion.
[16:52] <Maele> The printer has done bronze plaques for us that remember the donations of various groups or individuals to our Nature Trails.  They're quite lovely.
[16:52] <Shiral>  He isn't happy already??? <G>
[16:53] <Mike> Any progress reports on the next Zipper Sis Column?
[16:53] <Jessie> Shiral:  Bynw is just supermegafantastic
[16:53] <Shiral>  I've got mine done.  SUsan's time of late is still being gobbled up by taking her mother to various doctor visits, MIke
[16:53] <Kelos_al-Hazar> Use the /list command, Katherine. It gives you the populations of every active channel on the server.
[16:53] <Shiral>  I have reminded her, she's going to try to get hers done before she and her family go on vacation
[16:53] *** hygilac has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[16:54] <Shiral>  Hi Linda
[16:54] <lbarms> hello Linda
[16:54] <Kelos_al-Hazar> We're just over halfway there...17 in channel...16 if you discount DB.
[16:54] <hygilac> Hi everyone
[16:54] <Kiri`> hi linda
[16:54] <the_Bee> Hi Linda
[16:54] <Mike> Ok, Shiral....
[16:54] <hygilac> Hi KK
[16:54] <emily> Howdy Linda!
[16:54] <Maele> <--- waves to hygilac
[16:54] <Kiri`> mike - your welcome..
[16:54] <Jessie> robgreen has 85 Kelos
[16:54] <Kelos_al-Hazar> Well....OK... Heh.
[16:54] <emily> Who is Rob Green?
[16:54] <hygilac> I can't stay; I am the company cook
[16:54] <Rebecca> hi linda
[16:54] <Kelos_al-Hazar> I don't COUNT #robgreen... :)
[16:54] <Sedina> Hi Linda!
[16:54] <Jessie> a very yucky chat room
[16:54] <emily> What are you cooking?
[16:54] <Wrengl>  Hi Linda
[16:54] <KK> What is RobGreen, and why don't we count him?
[16:54] <Kelos_al-Hazar> They're a German chat group...
[16:55] <Jessie> hello hygilac
[16:55] <emily> Jessie, oh.....then never mind
[16:55] <KK> German, as in speaking in German?
[16:55] <hygilac> ah, a reprieve
[16:55] <Shiral>  KK, how are your bathroom remodels coming?
[16:55] <hygilac> the company has not arrived
[16:55] <Maele> RobGreen, sort of the IRC version of German Howard Stern?
[16:55] <emily> Linda, what are you cooking?
[16:55] <KK> We have all the tiles; the tiler is supposed to come on Wednesday/THursday--or so he says.
[16:55] <Mike> Where is Bynw and Tika?
[16:56] <Shiral>  Oy, Howard Stern in German!
[16:56] <Jessie> Bynw is at a con
[16:56] * Shiral flees in horror!
[16:56] <emily> Katherine, is it a simple tile pattern or complicated?
[16:56] <hygilac> good luck with the tile, KK
[16:56] <Jessie> and Tika is probably going to pick him up at the airport?
[16:56] <Mike> Thanx jessie
[16:56] <emily> I absolutely cannot stand Howard Stern
[16:56] <Wrengl>  Hope it gets done rapidly, Katherine.
[16:56] <Shiral>  Irish time is not always YOUR time, especially in terms of remodeling jobs!
[16:56] <lbarms> Howard Stern SPEAKING German
[16:56] * virtualbabe loved watching Dean and Jo-ann tile
[16:56] <emily> He used to be based in D.C. and I would just turn him off whenever he came on
[16:56] <KK> Pretty simple.  In the front bathroon, cream tiles with a border that's a dark green gothic vine design on cream, plus one row of solid daark green tiles.
[16:57] <Wrengl>  HATE Howard Stern.
[16:57] <Shiral>  BUt I love the sound of that tile job, KK <G>
[16:57] <Kiri`> KK - sounds lovely =)
[16:57] <Sedina> Ooo, that sounds really pretty KK
[16:57] <Helenmary> I'm not sure we can blame the Irish for slow
remodeling - it's that way in Maryland, too
[16:57] <Wrengl>  Sounds really nice katherine
[16:57] <virtualbabe> sounds gorgeous KK
[16:57] <emily> I love tile, there are some really cool patterns out now a days
[16:57] <Shiral>  I volunteer HOward Stern for an experiment to see if Venus can sustain human life.
[16:57] <Maele> <--- hid when the reno folks started on the bathrooms! Irish time and Labrador time having much in common :).
[16:57] <emily> You do some really pretty things with very simple tiles
[16:57] * Kelos_al-Hazar hands Katherine a glass of iced Earl Grey to help offset the heat of that sort of hard work
[16:57] <Helenmary> The dark green vine sounds loverly
[16:58] <Sedina> Shiral LOL
[16:58] <KK> Back bath is white tile with a navy dado border and an inset row of white tile with a medium blue design.
[16:58] <hygilac> it's an international conspiracy; Laura and I and David's family were all waiting for workers in three different countries last year
[16:58] <KK> Maele, are you in Labrador?!
[16:58] <Maele> Hmmmm, do you have a bath that's *not* being renovated during all this!  :)
[16:58] <Maele> Yes!
[16:58] <Shiral>  Ve haff zem at our mercy.... Ze little people think they can have tiled bathrooms quickly! Muhahahahahahahaaaa!
[16:58] <KK> Yes, 1 1/2 in service.
[16:58] <emily> We are quite an international group
[16:59] <the_Bee> I wish Howard Stern would get the *@*7^& off the air when he's supposed to.  I like the show after is, and it always starts late.
[16:59] <Kiri`> KK you shold incorporate some of your castle renovation into the story somehow ;)
[16:59] <KK> Plus, the cream/green one has its poilet and sink working.
[16:59] <Shiral>  Always helpful
[16:59] <emily> two very important items
[16:59] <KK> Well, I did touch on renovation when I described expanding the library in Rhemuth.
[16:59] <Jessie> ;-)
[17:00] <Shiral>  And they DID put in a new Garderobe, after all.....<G>
[17:00] <lbarms> ture
[17:00] <lbarms> true
[17:00] <Sedina> Tis true, Shiral
[17:00] <KK> Fortunately, they can beat help who don't, in Gwynedd.  We can't.
[17:00] <Maele> We put two adjoining townhouses together as one home, so, for two years, we kept moving back and forth until our renovators, working Labrador time!, finally finished.  It was... interesting!  And I can smile about it in hindsight.  :)
[17:00] <virtualbabe> Maybe she has. ISTR that Adam Sinclair was doing a
bunch of reconsruction
[17:00] <Kiri`> Katherine - I know.. but I think i'd be funny to have the garderobes being redone. and the panic of a character.. =)
[17:00] <Maele> <--- waves to Harvey
[17:00] <emily> Ah, to be king
[17:00] <Sedina> Tis good to be king
[17:00] <Jessie> hello Harvey
[17:00] <Shiral>  Maybe the help was "charmed" into working efficiently in the library..<G>
[17:00] <emily> Hi Harvey
[17:00] <the_Bee> Hello Harvey
[17:00] <Shiral>  Hi Harvey
[17:00] * virtualbabe giggles
[17:00] <Sedina> Hi Harvey
[17:01] <Kiri`> hello harvey
[17:01] <emily> Katherine, are still looking at castles in Scotland?
[17:01] <KK> Could be.  I suspect that the work on the Michaeline sanctuary had help whose memories were adjusted.
[17:01] <Shiral>  And Kelson offered a "carrot" before the "stick" but then, he doesn't really have to worry about budgeting all that much <G>
[17:01] <Wrengl>  Hi Harvey
[17:01] <KK> Not currently, Emily.
[17:02] <Helenmary> Maybe we could just get the Mearan Sunday Herald to do an expose on garderobe renovation <EG>
[17:02] * Sedina really must get to Scotland to see the castles
[17:02] <the_Bee> Harvey are you an invisible rabbit or a wallbanger?
[17:02] <Shiral>  Oops, I have to go be on the ref desk now.
[17:02] <Shiral>  I'll be back if I can
[17:02] <Kiri`> later shiral!
[17:02] <KK> Bye, Shiral.
[17:02] <Sedina> Bye Shiral!
[17:02] <Wrengl>  later Shiral
[17:02] <virtualbabe> K shiral bye-eee
[17:02] <hygilac> bye Shiral
[17:02] <emily> It will be really nice when all of your renovations are done.
[17:02] * Shiral waves farewell to all and steps on her transfer portal and disappears in a golden flash
[17:02] <emily> bye Shiral
[17:02] <Shiral>  BYE!
[17:02] <pwilkinson> Bye Shiral
[17:02] *** Shiral has left #Deryni_Destinations
[17:02] <Maele> KK has stained glass windows in her home, yes?
[17:02] <hygilac> Rebecca--I have to go; check mail from me.
[17:03] *** hygilac Quit (QUIT: User exited)
[17:03] <KK> Yes.  Tells the story of the house.
[17:03] <emily> oops, her company must have arrived
[17:03] <emily> Katherine, do you have any other major jobs to do on the house?
[17:03] <Kelos_al-Hazar> Who named the house, KK?
[17:03] <virtualbabe> Sounds interesting.  I'd love to see Ireland someday
[17:04] <Wrengl>  Old houses ALWAYS have something that needs doing!
[17:04] <Jessie> what are your writing plans for next week Katherine?
[17:04] <Jessie> more editing or new chapters?
[17:04] <Maele> That's lovely.  I'm green with envy on that one.  The extemes of temp here make stained glass shatter so you can only hang glass panels on the inside of the windows.
[17:04] <KK> Oh, only restore the dining roon and put back the room that will be Scott's office and create another room next to it and renovate what will become the new TV room.  And repaint and paper in the master bedroom, and do those other two baths.  Other than that--not much.
[17:04] <Maele> :)
[17:04] *** Harvey Quit (Connection reset by peer)
[17:04] <Wrengl>  LOL
[17:05] <Mike> *LOL*
[17:05] <Sedina> LOL  Yeah, not much.
[17:05] <Kiri`> LOL sedina
[17:05] <Maele> Ah, but is the roof sound?!  :)
[17:05] <emily> AAAAHHHHHH! oh, nothing much then ! :-)
[17:05] <KK> Hmmm, Peer kicked the silent Harvey out.
[17:05] <virtualbabe> That should keep you occupied for a while
[17:05] <Maele> Peer pressure.
[17:05] <emily> Naughty peer, go to time out!
[17:05] <KK> Yes, the roof is sound!  We did that the first summer we were in!
[17:05] <Helenmary> Katherine, is your house really a castle or is it more of a gothic manor house?
[17:05] <Wrengl>  LOL Maele
[17:05] <Mike> KK, where do you do your writing? Office, TV room....
[17:05] <KK> My office <is> the TV room right now.
[17:05] <Kiri`> Katherine - so you've basically left the castle as you found it.. ;) *grinning*
[17:06] <Mike> I see.
[17:06] <Wrengl>  WB Harvey
[17:06] <Sedina> wb Harvey
[17:06] <the_Bee> wb Harvey
[17:06] <Harvey> Hi.
[17:07] <Jessie> wb Harvey
[17:07] <emily> wb harvey
[17:07] <KK> Not funny, Kiri. ;-)  We did the front and back guest bedrooms, my office, the drawing room, and the kitchen, thus far.
[17:07] <Kiri`> KAtherine - i was teasing.. ;)
[17:07] <emily> How do your resident spirits like the renovations?
[17:07] <Kiri`> you've done an awful lot.. and it all sounds lovely. =)
[17:07] <Sedina> KK - well, if you'd like help painting....  I actually enjoy painting.  *g*
[17:08] <KK> This past week, the plasterers made major progress on a wall across the back of the terrace outside the burnt-out section of the house. (We didn't burn it out; it's been that way since 1969.)
[17:08] <emily> I love how everything looks after it's painted
[17:08] <Maele> Painting makes me sneeze... as it's usually preceded by massive amounts of plaster dust!  :)
[17:08] <Kiri`> is the burnt out space large?
[17:08] <Mike> I hope you are trying to keep a little of the old world flavor in the castle.
[17:08] * Sedina has lots of experience in painting...was cheap labor for her family when growing up
[17:08] <KK> About 20 X 30, two stories.  It will make a nice 2-3 bedroom townhouse--which we probably will do as an income unit.
[17:09] <Kiri`> ooh.. sounds like a great idea..
[17:09] <Sedina> Oh, that sounds great
[17:09] * Maele would like to be able to paint something *interesting* on walls, but have no artistic ability.
[17:09] <lbarms> how about a B&B
[17:09] * Kiri` wonders if Katheine would rent it out to visiting deryni fans.. =)
[17:09] <KK> <Lots> of old world flavor.  See the photos on the website. (Actually, I don't think there are any interiors.  I probably ought to remedy that.)
[17:09] * Kelos_al-Hazar is slightly envious of the eventual roomers...
[17:09] <emily> How did it get burned out?
[17:09] <the_Bee> if you can find congenial tenants
[17:09] <Helenmary> Kiri  took the thought out of my keyoard
[17:09] <Harvey> If you make it a bed & breakfast, it would be the *real* Deryni Destination.
[17:09] <KK> Fire was from a faulty storage heater, they tell me.
[17:10] <Harvey> Rather than the virtual. 
[17:10] *** Shiral has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[17:10] <emily> Yeah, but does Katherine have time to run a B and B?
[17:10] <lbarms> wb shiral
[17:10] <Jessie> wb Shiral
[17:10] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Shiral
[17:10] <Sedina> wb Shiral   That was quick
[17:10] <emily> WB Melissa
[17:10] <Kelos_al-Hazar> Not and write, too...
[17:10] * Shiral tiptoes back into the room
[17:10] <KK> Not really.  Nor the desire.
[17:10] <Wrengl>  WB Shiral
[17:10] <Kiri`> we could send shiral and she could run it.. =)
[17:10] <Maele> Oh!  Did anyone happen to hear if DTH will be teaching this fall?
[17:10] <Kiri`> BnB's are a lot of work to run.
[17:10] <Shiral> Hi all, I'm just an addict after all
[17:10] <Kiri`> DTH?
[17:10] <Shiral> Run what, Kiri?
[17:10] <Maele> Debbie Turner Harris
[17:10] <Kiri`> "Katheirines' rental house..
[17:11] <Kiri`> =)
[17:11] <Shiral> Count me out, dear. I'm NOT an innkeeper type!
[17:11] <KK> She's got 3 boys and a husband--not enough room!
[17:11] <emily> Katherine is renovating a burned out section of her home, and is thinking of renting the space
[17:11] *** Kelric has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[17:11] <Sedina> LOL Shiral
[17:11] <Kelric> howdy all
[17:11] <Maele> <--- waves to Kelric
[17:11] <Sedina> Hi Kelric
[17:11] <the_Bee> Hiya
[17:11] <KK> 'Lo,Kel.
[17:11] <virtualbabe> hI kELRIC
[17:11] <Shiral> Hi Kelric
[17:11] <Helenmary> Hey there Kelric
[17:11] <emily> hello Kelric
[17:11] <Wrengl>  Hi Kelric
[17:11] <Shiral> Had any good honey, lately?
[17:11] <Kelos_al-Hazar> Hi, Kelric...
[17:12] <Kiri`> well actually i was thinking you could live there =)  and we could all visit. =)
[17:12] <Kiri`> hi Kel
[17:12] <Shiral> Oh, LIVE there, SUre!!
[17:12] * Kelos_al-Hazar grins at the honey mention...
[17:12] <Shiral> I'll go home and pack now!
[17:12] <Kelric> what's new here?
[17:12] <Sedina> Shiral - *giggles*
[17:12] <Helenmary> You would just have to keep it well stocked with chocolate :)
[17:12] <virtualbabe> and peeps
[17:12] <Shiral> except that the cats would have to be in quarantine for six months and they would HATE that
[17:12] <KK> Haven't seen peeps over here.
[17:12] <Shiral> Keep the PEEPS!
[17:13] <Shiral> I'll definitely bring a suitcase full of dark chocolate though
[17:13] <emily> I don't care for peeps, too sweet
[17:13] <KK> They're in the process of easing the quarantine restrictions for pets that've been properly immunized and micro-chipped.
[17:13] <Maele> hot chocolate... dark chocolate... chocolate pie... :)
[17:13] <lbarms> I took Connie a couple boxes of peeps yesterday.  She was so excited
[17:13] <emily> KK do you have a garden?
[17:13] <Kelos_al-Hazar> QUITE a wind over here...12 mph from the straight East...
[17:13] <Kiri`> oh good..
[17:13] <Jessie> what are your writing plans for next week Katherine?
[17:13] <emily> Micro chipped KK?
[17:13] <Jessie> traceable implants
[17:13] <Shiral> For Identification if lost, Emily
[17:13] <KK> Garden is--well, the part of just over an acre that isn't occupied by the house.
[17:13] <Maele> Replaces the old tattoes.

(to be continued...)