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KK Chat -- 3 May 2015 Part 1

Started by DesertRose, May 03, 2015, 06:48:01 PM

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[05:19.43] * KK has joined channel #Deryni_Destinations
[05:19.46] <Evie> If you have an Android phone, try #Andchat. I think that's the program's name that I use on mine, and it's better than the first one I tried
[05:19.47] <revanns> Hi
[05:19.49] <Jemler> hi kk
[05:19.51] <Evie> hi KK
[05:19.53] <Annie> We had a case here a few years ago of twins born across midnight.
[05:19.53] <Jemler> curlytop
[05:19.54] <DesertRose> Oh, there she is.
[05:19.55] <Annie> Hi KK
[05:19.56] <AerlysOnPhone> du
[05:19.56] <DesertRose> Hi KK!
[05:20.07] <Annie> One on Aug 31, one on Sept 1
[05:20.08] <KK> Hello, all.
[05:20.08] <Evie> Why yes, DR, there Herself is! ;-)
[05:20.10] <Shiral> Hello Katherine and Curlytop
[05:20.20] <revanns> Hi KK
[05:20.25] <Annie> But our school cutoff is Aug 31, so they ended up in different school years.
[05:20.37] <DesertRose> Oh, hi Curlytop.  I didn't see you come in.
[05:20.41] <Shiral> That seems a little crazy, Annie
[05:20.47] <Jemler> were they identical twins?
[05:20.48] <KK> I would've fought that.
[05:20.56] <Annie> I'm sure they did.
[05:21.08] <Curlytop> I've just popped in on the basis of KK's earlier chat time. It's currently 10.20pm in the UK.
[05:21.17] <DesertRose> Good to see you!
[05:21.20] <AerlysOnPhone> Thanks evie. should be home in 15 min...not sure how much iwant to miss
[05:21.21] <KK> I'm here.  Just.
[05:21.24] <Annie> At first the education authority were all "Rules is rules", but I don't know if they backed down.
[05:21.40] <Evie> Curlytop, good to see you in chat!
[05:21.41] <Jemler> were they identical twins?
[05:21.49] <revanns> Hopefully someone saw sense
[05:21.51] <Annie> I don't know, Jemler.
[05:22.03] <Curlytop> Annie in the UK a case like that would be used by the education authorities to demonstrate how strict they are in enforcing the rules.
[05:22.11] <Evie> hopefully you're not driving, Aerlys! ;-)
[05:22.12] * Shiral snaps fingers and sets up the virtual sundae bar
[05:22.18] <Annie> Yeah, I'm in the UK.
[05:22.22] <DesertRose> No, Aerlys' DH is driving.
[05:22.25] <Annie> It was Northamptonshire, I think.
[05:22.31] <Jemler> that would have been fun. promote one kid, and get his twin next year! :)
[05:22.52] * Jemler puts out apple cinnamon monkey bread
[05:22.53] <AerlysOnPhone> considering my own experience,  I probably would have just waited another year and started both
[05:23.01] <revanns> Early chat is great thanks KK and you all
[05:23.43] <Evie> Now I just have to remember to show up on time for early chats! :-D
[05:23.59] <revanns> Jemler can you throw some of that apple bread this way please. I love cinnamon
[05:24.20] <Shiral> Aim with care, you don't want it to end up in the Irish Sea
[05:24.24] <Annie> As I understand it, they would still be in different school years, though. The elder one would have gone straight into year 1.
[05:24.28] <Jemler> i'm think i'll try for new van before a rewalk.
[05:25.37] <AerlysOnPhone> bleah, getting carsick. see you all when I get home. ..
[05:25.48] * AerlysOnPhone (Mibbit@78A221.77DD4E.16791F.8AD88F) Quit (Quit: +http://www.mibbit.com, ajax IRC Client)
[05:26.07] <revanns> It's ok Shiral we're not far from the Irish Sea - I'll just drive to the beach with a net
[05:26.11] <Evie> Yuck, hope she feels better soon
[05:26.27] <Shiral> Used to get carsick when little. No fun
[05:26.45] <Evie> No need. I'll deliver Jemler's monkey bread if he'll just pay for my airline ticket
[05:26.58] <Annie> I still do. DH and Spawn can read in the car. Very envious of that ability.
[05:27.09] <Evie> Maybe it's her little passenger who is getting carsick
[05:27.14] <Shiral> Of course, most of the time, I'm driving myself
[05:27.19] <Jemler> you can get the recipe from youtube!
[05:27.26] <Shiral> So no reading AND no getting carsick.
[05:27.33] <revanns> I can knit if its straightforward but not read in the car
[05:27.38] <Evie> speaking of little passengers, no name for the littlest Cambridge yet?
[05:27.53] <Shiral> I think they should name her Richenda
[05:27.55] <Jemler> i say Anne.
[05:28.13] <Evie> I can read in the car, but the cops keep pulling me over.  (J/K!)
[05:28.19] <revanns> No Alice and Charlotte apparently favourites
[05:28.40] <Annie> No announcement till tomorrow at the earliest.
[05:28.42] <Jemler> they already have a charlie, go with alice!
[05:28.43] <Shiral> Alice Cambridge....that would work =o)
[05:29.51] <Evie> Princess Araxie.  ;-)
[05:30.09] <Shiral> Somehow, I doubt they'll choose that one. =o)
[05:30.10] <Jemler> what is the latin word for princess?
[05:30.21] <Shiral> Principessa, I think
[05:30.40] <KK> That sounds about right.
[05:30.59] <Shiral> Princepessa, perhaps, since the masculine form is Princeps
[05:31.49] <revanns> Princepessa Cambridgensis is a bit of a mouthful
[05:32.04] <Shiral> Only for formal occasions, yeah
[05:32.17] <Jemler> Camber's Bridge.
[05:32.27] <Evie> LOL
[05:32.36] <Curlytop> The Hebrew word for princess is "sarah" which is already in use as a forename.
[05:32.57] <Evie> Oh, that's so going into my story-in-progress if I can steal that, Jemler. :D
[05:32.58] <revanns>  In which case Evaine
[05:32.58] <Shiral> Perhaps the Scholae in Rhemuth will eventually become  "Cambridge." =o)
[05:33.55] <DesertRose> I could say something re: Evie's story in progress but I might be talking out of turn to do so. :D
[05:34.10] <Evie> Gigi has decided to join us
[05:34.11] <Jemler> according to answers.com, there is no latin word for princess. the closest is "Regis Filia"
[05:34.17] <DesertRose> Hi Gigi.
[05:34.18] <Shiral> Well, it MIGHT involve a bridge. Or a University...
[05:34.26] * DesertRose pets the Gigi kitteh.
[05:34.34] <Evie> well, as long as you don't give away any major plot points, DR.... :D
[05:34.39] <Shiral> Dmitri is giving me the stink eye, since he thinks it's time for Kitty Supper
[05:34.49] <Jemler> duncan didn't do it!
[05:35.04] <DesertRose> Okay, then, there is a St. Camber's University by the 21st C in Gwynedd, at least in Evie's story.  :)
[05:35.36] <Shiral> A good person to name a university for =o)
[05:36.04] <Evie> Well, technically it's Saint Camber's College at the University of Rhemuth, but close enough
[05:36.11] <DesertRose> :D
[05:36.39] <Shiral> They should have a Bradene's College also, since he was a scholar of repute. =o)
[05:36.53] <DesertRose> Maybe St. Jorian's Seminary?  :P
[05:37.09] <Shiral> As long as there are no bonfires
[05:37.13] <DesertRose> Um, no.
[05:37.33] <Jemler> Henry Istelyn?
[05:37.59] <Evie> Irreverent students having a wienie roast in the middle of the St Jorian's Seminary quad?
[05:38.46] <revanns> Its not as though they would be uncivilised and burn people in effigy - so no Guy Fawkes equivalent
[05:38.47] <Jemler> Istelyn, the patron saint of POing Loris!
[05:39.43] <revanns> I'm sure they'd have a Kelson college
[05:39.50] * Aerlys (~4bac5bbe@OWIRCN-1bdd9d77.org) has joined channel #Deryni_Destinations
[05:40.00] <Aerlys> Ah, much better. Rehi everyone!
[05:40.02] <Jemler> wb aerlys
[05:40.05] <Evie> rehi Aerlys
[05:40.10] <DesertRose> Rehi Aerlys.
[05:40.14] <revanns> Hi again
[05:40.20] <Shiral> WB Aerlys, of the Non-moving seat. =o)
[05:40.21] * Curlytop (Mibbit@OWIRCN-f49858cc.cable.virginm.net) Quit (Quit: +http://www.mibbit.com, ajax IRC Client)
[05:40.32] <Jemler> bye curlytop
[05:40.46] <Aerlys> yeah, tummy is still a little touchy
[05:40.59] <Evie> KK, how are the Honorverse treecats coming along, or are you still reading your research?
[05:40.59] <DesertRose> Yeah, I can imagine.  I can't read in a car in any case.
[05:41.06] * Jemler offers a barf-bag
[05:41.14] <DesertRose> Nice, Jemler.  :P
[05:41.14] <Aerlys> lol
[05:41.28] <Jemler> either that or the kbd!
[05:42.19] <KK> Still reading.  I was in Fla Tuesday through Saturday.
[05:42.28] <DesertRose> Is your dad okay, KK?
[05:42.40] <Evie> how was your visit?
[05:42.41] <KK> One of the books came while I was gone, so I started it last night.
[05:42.59] <KK> He's doing much better, thank you.  This was his 90th birthday.
[05:43.04] <DesertRose> Wow.
[05:43.13] <Shiral> A big milestone
[05:43.19] <revanns> Great
[05:43.25] <DesertRose> My great-grandmother made it to 90, but very few people in my family get much past 75, so I'm impressed.
[05:43.29] <Jemler> my mom came home from the hospital on tuesday. she's still tired.
[05:43.33] <Evie> wow
[05:43.40] <Aerlys> I bet she is
[05:43.44] <Evie> glad she's home, jemler
[05:43.48] <DesertRose> Well, yeah, Jemler, she's going to be for a bit, but I'm glad she's home.
[05:43.55] <DesertRose> I'm sure she's glad to be home.
[05:44.05] <Shiral> She's sure been through a lot. I'll bet she's glad to be out of the hospital
[05:44.09] <Aerlys> Hard to rest in the hospital
[05:44.22] <revanns> hospitals are great but not good for resting
[05:44.43] <Jemler> i always hated that the doctors came in so early.
[05:44.44] <KK> No, they keep waking you up to see if you're asleep.
[05:44.48] <DesertRose> LOL, yes.
[05:44.54] <revanns> lol
[05:45.07] <Jemler> or to offer a sleeping pill.
[05:45.07] <Shiral> You'd think that they could ascertain that just by looking!
[05:45.20] <Evie> My favorite was when they woke me up to give me a pill to help me sleep
[05:45.20] <revanns> My Dad is 90
[05:46.04] <Shiral> "Patient is lying flat on the bed in a dark room with their eyes closed. I'd better check." "Patient is sitting up in bed playing the accordion. Yeah I think they're asleep."
[05:46.18] <DesertRose> LOL
[05:46.22] <Evie> lol
[05:46.44] <Annie> heh
[05:46.50] <Shiral> Duncan would be far less intrusive about that!
[05:47.00] <Shiral> So would all the Gabrilite Healers
[05:47.06] <DesertRose> Or Rhys.
[05:47.10] <Jemler> he's snoring. i'd better wake him up before his snoring does.
[05:48.06] <Shiral> "They're asleep--time to check their blood pressure!"
[05:48.34] <Jemler> or get an ekg.
[05:49.03] <DesertRose> Next Sunday is Mother's Day in the USA.  We won't be taking my mom out, though, because she hates crowds.
[05:49.15] <Evie> although my favorite hospital wake-up was newborn DD waking me up in the middle of the night not because she was wet or hungry, but because she just wanted to look at me
[05:49.27] <Shiral> My mom will be down in Monterey Visiting my sister
[05:49.28] <DesertRose> LOL
[05:49.47] <revanns> That's sweet Evie
[05:49.49] <Jemler> she can wake me up!
[05:49.50] <Evie> So I had to sit there in bed holding her at the right angle so she could look up at my face.  She just stared at me for about 10 minutes, and then contentedly drifted off to sleep
[05:50.23] <DesertRose> That's super cute, Evie.
[05:50.24] <KK> Awww, that's sweet.
[05:50.32] <Evie> It ended up being a treasured memory, since a few hours later she started turning blue from a heart defect we didn't know about until then, and I didn't get to hold her in my arms again for over a week.
[05:50.33] <Aerlys> The last time I was in the hospital was when Min Mister was born, and I had Nurse IKE (I Know Everything), not a mother herself, trying to tell me how to take care of him!
[05:50.56] <DesertRose> OMG, really, Aerlys?  Yikes.
[05:50.59] <Jemler> how many kids do you have?
[05:51.01] <Aerlys> Aw, sweet story Evie
[05:51.08] <Shiral> You needed a button saying  "I Don't Like IKE"
[05:51.17] <Evie> Did you tell her you've been through this before? :DD
[05:51.18] <Aerlys> Mini MIster is #7
[05:51.36] <Evie> apparently I have a beard or a double chin now. :DD
[05:51.36] <Jemler> you can stop now.
[05:51.43] <revanns> Aerlys is promoted to sainthood for not decking the nurse
[05:51.48] <DesertRose> My DD was funny about looking at things; she could not STAND to be held face in to my chest unless she was eating or sleeping.  Otherwise, she wanted to be face out so she could see what was going on around her.
[05:51.51] <Aerlys> She left the room, and I did things my way anyway. PPBBTBTBTBTBT!
[05:51.55] <DesertRose> LOL
[05:52.53] <Aerlys> DD1 was born, and she didn't cry. She was too fascinated with everything
[05:52.54] <Shiral> "Six kids, all still alive. Are you sure you want to try to teach me how to hold a baby?"
[05:53.08] <DesertRose> Right, Shiral?  LOL
[05:53.32] <Evie> LOL
[05:53.46] <Jemler> brb. dinner
[05:53.57] <Aerlys> Fortunately, she didn't have another shift before I was discharged, otherwise I would have had to say something
[05:54.11] <Aerlys> not so nice
[05:54.52] <DesertRose> Yeah, she probably needed someone who knew their tuchus from a hole in the ground to read her the Riot Act, really.
[05:56.13] <Shiral> A lot of know-it-alls, whatever their field, could use someone to read them the riot act. =o)
[05:56.24] <DesertRose> :)
[05:56.32] <revanns> The midwife who came to see me after DS was born read me a lecture on having 3 children under 4
[05:56.50] <DesertRose> Holy cow.  Like you can put them back?
[05:57.05] <revanns> Apparently
[05:57.06] <DesertRose> DS is your third, yes, revanns?
[05:57.09] <Evie> :-D
[05:57.14] <revanns> yes
[05:57.21] <Jemler> Those of you who think you know everything, are annoying to those of us who do.
[05:57.27] <DesertRose> Yeah, that ship had sailed by that point.
[05:58.24] <Evie> "DH and I were just practicing this 'begetting' thing, trying to make sure we've got it right...."
[05:58.29] <Aerlys> They pretty much stopped trying to lecture me about anything. Guess I'm a hopeless case
[05:58.35] <Shiral> A friend of my sister's had twins. Originally, her husband was afraid they couldn't afford a few hours of help a week while they were newborns. Then Jane phoned him in his office while the babies were crying, and just held the phone  near them.  He caved =o)
[05:58.48] <Aerlys> lol
[05:59.00] <DesertRose> Yeah, I bet he did.
[05:59.07] <revanns> Will you get spoiled on Mother's day Aerlys?
[05:59.31] <revanns> lol Evie
[05:59.49] <Aerlys> Oh, the three youngest have already gotten out the stash of art supplies!
[05:59.58] <DesertRose> Aw, that's cute, Aerlys.
[06:00.03] <Aerlys> Haven't thought about what we're doing next week
[06:00.23] <Shiral> That's cute, although perhaps NOT the kind of spoiling  that's actually relaxing for the mother =o)
[06:00.34] <Aerlys> Although DD3 already made me a butterfly with a toilet paper tube and construction paper. Very cute idea
[06:00.45] <DesertRose> I still have a container my daughter made for me in elementary school that has the letters MUM on it, because they ran out of Os, so she said I'd know what she'd mean by calling me "Mum."
[06:00.57] <revanns> That's impressive
[06:00.58] <Aerlys> aw
[06:01.09] <Shiral> She was taking the UK route. =o)
[06:01.13] <DesertRose> Not common parlance this side of the pond, but we watch a lot of imported TV.
[06:01.48] <DesertRose> She'll still call me "Mummy" when she's being silly.
[06:01.54] <DesertRose> Never mind she's almost 23.  :)
[06:01.55] <Evie> Bilingual in elementary school :)
[06:01.58] <Aerlys> Reminds me of an older Outback Steakhouse commercial. "Nobody ever lovs you like your mum...even when she whacks you on the bum..."
[06:02.04] <DesertRose> I loved that commercial.
[06:02.21] <Aerlys> lol, me too
[06:02.26] <DesertRose> It cracked me up every time I heard it.
[06:02.37] <DesertRose> Which got hazardous if it came on the radio while I was driving.
[06:02.55] <Aerlys> you can't laugh and drive?
[06:03.01] <revanns> what was it advertising?
[06:03.05] <DesertRose> My eyes tear up really badly when I get a good laugh.
[06:03.07] * mohawk (Mibbit@OWIRCN-8917fab8.ma.comcast.net) has joined channel #Deryni_Destinations
[06:03.16] <DesertRose> A restaurant's Mother's Day specials, revanns.
[06:03.25] <Shiral> Our GOH has fallen quiet. =o)
[06:03.27] <DesertRose> Can't see, can't drive well.
[06:03.29] <Aerlys> It was a mother's day special at a restaurant
[06:03.33] * mohawk is now known as The_Bee
[06:03.41] <Shiral> Hi Bee
[06:03.46] <DesertRose> Hiya Bee.
[06:03.50] <Aerlys> Hi Bee!
[06:03.57] <The_Bee> Hi Shiral!  I forgot it wqas early week
[06:04.08] <The_Bee> and hello everyone
[06:04.16] <DesertRose> So did a lot of people, Bee.  I almost did too.
[06:04.23] <revanns> Can see why it would crack you up
[06:04.27] <DesertRose> KK, what's on your Mother's Day agenda.
[06:04.27] <DesertRose> ?
[06:04.33] <Shiral> April just sort of....melted
[06:04.49] <revanns> Hi Bee
[06:04.52] <DesertRose> It was all these male voices singing in broken harmony.
[06:05.00] <The_Bee> Hi REvanns
[06:05.10] <DesertRose> They were off key but they were supposed to be for humor value.  :)
[06:05.14] <KK> Taking my mom to the special Mother's Day brunch at the Stonewall Jackson Hotel.
[06:05.18] <DesertRose> Cool.
[06:05.27] <Jemler> hi bee
[06:05.33] <The_Bee> hi jemler
[06:05.34] <Jemler> i'm back
[06:05.37] <revanns> Sounds good
[06:05.40] <DesertRose> Wb Jemler.
[06:05.42] <KK> It's become our tradition here.
[06:05.49] <DesertRose> Sounds nice.
[06:05.57] * Evie (~IceChat9@OWIRCN-04f6a0b1.al.charter.com) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[06:06.09] <DesertRose> We don't take my mom out for Mother's Day because she DESPISES crowds with a fiery passion, so we do it a little later or earlier.
[06:06.36] <DesertRose> Also, my stepdad's birthday is May 15, so we tend to combine his birthday and Mother's Day into one big celebratory dinner or whatever.
[06:06.47] <Jemler> what happened to evie?
[06:06.56] <revanns> Makes sense
[06:06.59] <Shiral> The Moat Monster Got Her
[06:07.02] <DesertRose> She's having connectivity issues.
[06:07.49] <Jemler> i got word on the rewalk device.
[06:08.00] <The_Bee> Tell!
[06:08.01] <DesertRose> Seriously, one of Mom's favorite things about being retired is that she can grocery shop some day that is not Saturday when everyone and their cousin is in the supermarket.
[06:08.30] <Jemler> the device and training will cost $80,000! No insurance!
[06:08.40] <The_Bee> Yike!
[06:08.41] <DesertRose> YIKES!
[06:08.51] <revanns> Think she said there were some workmen in the street the other dsy and sounds like they damaged a cable or something
[06:08.53] <Shiral> It's a lot easier to shop in a grocery store that isn't completely packed, yeah
[06:09.16] <Shiral> Sheesh, Jemler
[06:09.19] <DesertRose> That, and she really hates crowds in general.
[06:09.23] <KK> Yike, Jemler!
[06:09.59] * drakensis (Mibbit@BF1DC3.D35D4D.2A86D5.9552BE) has joined channel #Deryni_Destinations
[06:10.04] <DesertRose> Hi drakensis.
[06:10.05] <The_Bee> Can you afford it, Jemler?
[06:10.11] <revanns> Hi
[06:10.12] <Jemler> i think i'll postpone that for a while. maybe get a new van. they're only $26,000.
[06:10.14] <The_Bee> Hi Drakensis
[06:10.17] <drakensis> Hi
[06:10.20] <Jemler> Bee - NO!
[06:10.28] <DesertRose> I'm thinking that's a H E double hockey sticks no, Bee.  :)
[06:10.34] <drakensis> Sorry to be late, I was a touch distracted
[06:10.37] <DesertRose> No sweat.
[06:10.45] <DesertRose> Welcome to the madhouse.  :)
[06:10.59] <Shiral> Hello Drakensis
[06:11.15] <Jemler> sarah suggested i try gofundme. i'll try that for a van.
[06:11.32] <Shiral> Actually we're just creatively nutty--not insane. =o)  At least not completely
[06:11.35] <The_Bee> Could a new van have new conveniences?
[06:12.04] <DesertRose> Speak for yourself, Shiral.  :P
[06:12.18] <Jemler> it wouldn't be my old one. that one is 20 yeaRS old, and is having problems.
[06:12.21] * Evie (~IceChat9@OWIRCN-04f6a0b1.al.charter.com) has joined channel #Deryni_Destinations
[06:12.21] * derynibot sets mode +o Evie for #Deryni_Destinations
[06:12.26] <Jemler> wb evie
[06:12.27] <DesertRose> Rehi Evie.
[06:12.27] <The_Bee> rehi evie
[06:12.52] <revanns> Belonging to this forum helps keep me sane(ish)
[06:13.00] * Evie mentally kicks the wifi connection repeatedly
[06:13.03] <revanns> Rehi
[06:13.16] <Shiral> Hello Again, Evie
[06:13.18] <Evie> Belonging to the forum does miracles, revanne? ;)
[06:13.40] <The_Bee> Are you Revanne or Revanns?
[06:13.42] <Evie> I had to do a full computer restart
[06:13.45] <drakensis> Ironically I just got asked on another IRC channel if I was insane.
[06:13.49] <DesertRose> LOL
[06:13.49] <revanns> :D
[06:13.55] <Shiral> Perhaps Evie's Wifi needs an exorcist
[06:13.59] <The_Bee> what did you tell them?
[06:14.04] <Jemler> Fourm. should i be wearing a toga?
[06:14.19] <Jemler> Forum, sorry
[06:14.22] <revanns> I'm revanne who can't spell tonight
[06:14.31] <Evie> was sitting here talking to myself wondering why no one was talking when it dawned on me to try Mibbit, which also said I was offline even though my computer claimed I was connected. Then suddenly it said no networks were available
[06:14.52] <DesertRose> That's aggravating, Evie.
[06:15.00] <Evie> drakensis, hi! Did you come in while I was out, or am I just blind?
[06:15.10] <The_Bee> I'm on mibbit this wee, cgi:irc last week
[06:15.36] <Jemler> i talk to myself too. but only when i want to have an intelligent conversation.
[06:15.43] <drakensis> I was late Evie
[06:15.57] <drakensis> RPing on another channel
[06:16.56] <The_Bee> According to Ann Landers, talking to your self is not a problem unless you address yourself as "Your Excellency" or "Your Holiness."
[06:17.01] <DesertRose> ROFL
[06:17.36] <Jemler> oooh, then i'm in trouble. :(
[06:17.58] <DesertRose> LOL
[06:17.59] <drakensis> I don't have multiple personalities. I have multiple _characters_. it helps me to write.
[06:18.05] <Aerlys> You usually are, jemler
[06:18.09] <Evie>  What if you actually ARE a "Your Excellency" or "Your Holiness"?  :D
[06:18.13] <Jemler> :)
[06:18.48] <Shiral> Bishops that talk to themselves must get funny looks. =o)
[06:19.00] <revanns> Then you should practice the virtue of humility
[06:19.25] <Jemler> Supreme Excellency John Emler. I like that! :)
[06:19.50] <Shiral> Francesca has arrived to tell me her supper bowl is empty and asks why I'm ignoring this emergency?
[06:20.00] <Aerlys> I had a friend who called himself the Great Czar of the Universe
[06:20.02] <Annie> :)
[06:20.08] <Annie> Just fed my two.
[06:20.14] <Evie> Grand High Poobah
[06:20.21] <Jemler> tell her garfiels ate it.
[06:20.39] <Aerlys> That sounds a bit Flintstones-ish, Evie
[06:20.42] <Shiral> Then there's His Loftiness, the Supreme of Howicce
[06:20.48] <The_Bee> Melantha hasn't finished what she has.
[06:21.19] <drakensis> Well as long as it isn't a Quintessence or a Penultimate
[06:21.26] <revanns> speaking of Bishops or rather Archbishops, Katherine, which is senior Rhemuth or Valoret?
[06:21.33] <KK> Melantha says that doesn't matter, because what's there has gone all manky.
[06:21.35] <Jemler> Valoret.
[06:21.46] <revanns> Thanks
[06:21.55] <The_Bee> you're probably right, KK.
[06:22.00] <DesertRose> LOL
[06:22.24] <KK> I know these things.  That's what my 5 cats tell me all the time.
[06:22.26] <Shiral> Dmitri has arrived to report that in a remarkable coincidence, HIS supper dish is also empty
[06:22.42] <DesertRose> There is no snooze button on a cat who wants food.
[06:22.47] <Jemler> it must be a conspiracy.
[06:22.48] <KK> Very true.
[06:22.55] <The_Bee> It's hard to get her to finish anything
[06:23.12] <Shiral> If my typing becomes itlleggibble itsh bekause I'm tipyting through 8 cat leggs
[06:23.22] <revanns> I'm afraid my two had dinner long ago and are off catching supper
[06:23.28] <drakensis> hmm. Valoret's not only the Primate's archbishoporic, it's also over 100 years senior to Rhemuth. Odd given it's further north.
[06:23.37] <KK> I keep saying they'll eat it when they're hungry enough, but that isn't really true.  A cat can outlast you anytime.
[06:23.46] <The_Bee> Melantha's crunching down on something.
[06:23.52] <DesertRose> Do y'all remember the commercial with the animated cats trying to wake up their human and one of them is trying to be all polite and subtle and the other jumps on the human bellowing "Time to feed the kitties!"
[06:24.03] <Jemler> nope.
[06:24.05] <DesertRose> I think it was a cat food commercial but it was funny.
[06:24.06] <The_Bee> No!
[06:24.34] <Jemler> but then we've always had....DOGS!
[06:24.56] <Shiral> +https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0ffwDYo00Q,
[06:25.06] <DesertRose> It was in circulation maybe 5-10 years ago, and the cat that yelled, "Time to feed the kitties!" was voice by Tom Bosley (who used to play the dad on Happy Days).
[06:25.09] <Shiral> Simon's cat in his first starring role
[06:25.33] <DesertRose> It was a really cute ad.
[06:25.42] <The_Bee> shiral, your link opened up blank.
[06:25.57] <Shiral> +https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0ffwDYo00Q,
[06:26.29] <The_Bee> It's ok now; I had to enlarge it.
[06:26.36] <Shiral> Okay. =o)
[06:27.23] <KK> You can't leave anything extra out for the dogs, because they'll eat it.  DOgs know nothing about saving for a later snack.
[06:27.29] <Shiral> It always amused me to know Hubert MacInnis had a transfer portal in his quarters and didn't know it
[06:27.46] <The_Bee> and they'll eat almost anything you offfer them.
[06:28.05] <Jemler> he couldn't detect it. but you think one of thier pets would have checked.
[06:28.29] <KK> I doubt he allowed Deryni in his private quarters.
[06:28.31] <revanns> As would Hubert McInnis
[06:28.41] <Shiral> Maybe they deliberately didn't tell, hoping to escape, if possible
[06:28.58] * DF64 (Mibbit@OWIRCN-c699afb4.res.bhn.net) has joined channel #Deryni_Destinations
[06:29.02] * Shiral (~Shiral@OWIRCN-36ba981f.ca.comcast.net) Quit (Client closed the connection)
[06:29.03] <revanns> eat anything that is
[06:29.03] <Jemler> hi df
[06:29.05] <Evie> hi DF
[06:29.09] <The_Bee> which book was that told in?
[06:29.10] <DF64> hi all
[06:29.12] * Shiral (~Shiral@OWIRCN-36ba981f.ca.comcast.net) has joined channel #Deryni_Destinations
[06:29.17] <The_Bee> Hi DF64
[06:29.19] <Jemler> wb shiral
[06:29.19] <DesertRose> Hi DF64.
[06:29.23] <DesertRose> Rehi Shiral.
[06:29.30] <The_Bee> wb shiral
[06:29.46] <Shiral> That was weird. I rejoined before I realized I'd been booted
[06:30.00] <revanns> The harrowing of Gwynedd I think
[06:30.06] <Shiral> ANyway, I must have tested Hubert's transfer portal by accident. =o)
[06:31.03] <The_Bee> Was it when javan was hiding under Hubert's bed?
[06:31.05] <DesertRose> Yes.
[06:31.23] <revanns> Javan hides under Hubert's bed so he can use the portal when Hubert is asleep
[06:31.40] <Jemler> he put hubert to sleep.
[06:31.43] <The_Bee> an secretly influences Hubert.
[06:31.58] <Shiral> Too bad he had to be subtle about it. =o)
[06:32.07] <revanns> Hubert is the character I dislike most
[06:32.19] <Jemler> followed by loris
[06:32.26] <drakensis> And unfortunately that influence was what tipped the balance to convince the Regents to overthrow Javan
[06:32.27] <DF64> loris is my favorite to hate
[06:32.27] <The_Bee> He gives clergy a bad name
[06:32.29] <KK> I rather liked that scene.  Talk about a nail-biter....
[06:32.59] <Evie> yes
[06:33.00] <Shiral> Yes.  Since Javan couldn't really explain  his reasons, should Hubert have found him under the bed
[06:33.21] <Shiral> "Oh....It's er....very spiritual down here in the dust, your grace?"
[06:33.33] <Evie> Under creepy Hubert's bed is one of the last places I'd ever want to be found.
[06:33.38] <DesertRose> OMGYES
[06:33.55] <Shiral> ANYwhere near Hubert is a creepy place to have to be. Poor Javan!
[06:34.03] <revanns> But Loris however horrible has been conditioned to hate and fear Deryni. Hubert is just out for his own power
[06:34.08] <DesertRose> I always had a lot of sympathy for Javan.
[06:34.18] <KK> I suspect Javan might have been driven to do something he'd rather regret.  Might be satisfying in the short term, but very bad in the long term.
[06:34.20] <Shiral> I wish he'd lasted
[06:34.32] <The_Bee> One of the saddest episodes was the story of the Custodes monk who brfrienced Javan, and when Javan asked him to come to Rhemouth the Regents assumed he was conspiring.
[06:34.36] <Shiral> Would love to see Javan and Kelson sit down for a chat. =o)
[06:34.58] <DesertRose> Yes, I felt horrible for Faelan, too.
[06:35.00] <DesertRose> Poor guy.
[06:35.11] * Serian (Mibbit@OWIRCN-b2588d8d.res.rr.com) has joined channel #Deryni_Destinations
[06:35.16] <DesertRose> Hi Serian.
[06:35.17] <The_Bee> That's his name--I'd forgotten
[06:35.24] <Jemler> hi serian
[06:35.24] <The_Bee> Hi Serian
[06:35.31] <Serian> Hi, all :)
[06:35.39] <Jemler> maybe duncan can lift his excommunication.
[06:35.50] <Shiral> Of all the orders to join....I'd much rather have joined the Ordo Verbi Dei
[06:35.53] <DesertRose> Assuming anybody remembers who the heck he was by that time.
[06:35.54] <revanns> I sort of see Kelson as the King Javan should have been
[06:35.59] <Evie> hi Serian
[06:36.04] <The_Bee> or could have been
[06:36.07] <revanns> hi
[06:36.20] <Serian> Hi, Evie, revanns
[06:36.24] <Shiral> So, is Kelson deliberately honoring Javan's memory in naming his own son after him? Or
[06:36.39] <Jemler> story on How it's made about 3d printers,
[06:36.43] <Jemler> brb
[06:36.51] <DesertRose> Seeing as Faelan was "excommunicated" for political reasons, I don't think he even spent much time in purgatory, never mind hell.
[06:36.59] <Evie> Kelson made Javan in a 3D printer?
[06:37.04] <Shiral> LOL
[06:37.16] <Shiral> The technology was in it's infancy, shall we say?
[06:37.18] <Serian> That would've been very much ahead of his times
[06:37.42] <Shiral> And would really revolutionize pregnancy and birth.
[06:37.44] <Jemler> can someone describe a camber medal. maybe make one in s 3d printer.
[06:37.47] <DesertRose> Right.
[06:37.52] <Serian> I don't think Araxie would've liked being called a 3d printer, lol
[06:37.53] <The_Bee> I'd like to think so, shiral.  I wonder how Kelson learned about Javan; didn't the anti-deryni clergy hide or destroy the records?.
[06:38.00] <Shiral> Although "Let's make a baby" might become more technical than romantic
[06:38.19] <DesertRose> KK, what would a St. Camber medal look like?
[06:38.46] <drakensis> Javan was always on the history books and Owains regents probably made it clear he was murdered as part of ousting the old regents.
[06:38.58] <Evie> there's a description of one in TKD, isn't there?
[06:39.05] <Jemler> Sanctus Camberus, Libero nos ab omnibus malis.
[06:39.09] <Evie> I know i read one somewhere
[06:39.20] <Shiral> It's not just official history for Kelson in any case, it's FAMILY history
[06:39.20] <The_Bee> on  the cover of TKD
[06:39.42] <revanns> I wonder if the Servants of St Camber had any memories or records of him
[06:39.45] <Serian> There may have been more than one Javan on the family tree?
[06:39.47] <Jemler> wencit read derry's medal in high deryni.
[06:40.02] <The_Bee> by bad, that the Haldane Lione and the Corwin griffon
[06:40.10] <Evie> Is it on the cover? Mine has Kelson's and Morgan's heraldry on it
[06:40.25] <The_Bee> you're right, my bad
[06:40.29] <KK> Head and shoulders of a cowled figure displaying a crown.
[06:41.06] <Evie> Facing the viewer or in profile?
[06:41.14] <KK> Facing.
[06:41.19] <Jemler> i'd say facing
[06:41.27] <The_Bee> Are you trying to make one, Evie?
[06:41.54] <Jemler> i'd likre to get a 3d printer, then i'd make one!
[06:41.57] <Evie> I would if I could work out how to do it in miniature
[06:42.27] <Jemler> how big is a catholic medal?
[06:42.37] <Serian> They vary, most aren't huge
[06:42.45] <Jemler> half-dollar size, dime?
[06:43.00] <Serian> Quarter
[06:43.07] <The_Bee> mini sized= a dime or a quarter
[06:43.15] <Evie> My St Michael is an oval that's maybe just under an inch high by about half an inch wide
[06:43.46] <KK> Oval would work, though I've always pictured them as roumd.
[06:44.05] <drakensis> hmm. the only Javan I can see in the Haldane line of kings between Javan and Kelson is that Owain Haldane had Javan as one of his middle names
[06:44.10] <Evie> Round is easier to make in scale. I could use a hole punch
[06:44.29] <KK> Sort of nickel to quarter-sized, though size could vary depending on whether it was for a man or a woman.
[06:44.39] <Serian> ive seen medals in a lot of different shapes, but most aren't very big
[06:44.56] <revanns> Depends - I've got a round medal of our Lady of Walsingham about an inch diameter
[06:45.20] <The_Bee> Are you talking about medals for full sized humans or for Evie's littles?
[06:45.34] <KK> Full-sized humans.
[06:45.43] <Jemler> people. thety could be scaled for the littles.
[06:45.55] <The_Bee> I was think of dime-size for the littles.
[06:45.55] <KK> Obviously she'd need to scale down.  Which means not much room for detail.
[06:46.11] <Shiral> And itty itty bitty brushes
[06:46.12] <Evie> Full sized humans.  For my littles, one the size of a quarter would be the size of a salad plate! :D
[06:46.23] <Serian> shield size :)
[06:46.33] <DesertRose> Buckler size, anyway.  :D
[06:46.38] <Shiral> They could use them as sleds, almost. =o)
[06:46.39] <Serian> When you ask Camber to protect them, you mean it literally
[06:46.42] <KK> Yeah, even dime-sized would be huge.
[06:46.44] <DesertRose> LOL
[06:46.46] <Evie> No, about the size of the paper circle left by a paper punch (like for ring binders) would work for the littles
[06:47.01] <KK> Yep.
[06:47.01] <Shiral> IF one was irreverent enough to slide down a snowy hill on a saint's medal =o)
[06:47.20] <Serian> Saint of Tobogganing
[06:47.21] <Evie> Our dimes would be about palm sized for Duncan
[06:47.30] <DesertRose> Patron saint of winter sports?
[06:48.00] <Jemler> i thought that was Good King Wenselaus?
[06:48.01] <DesertRose> Whoever that is must get a lot of prayers around the Winter Olympics from the luge sliders.  :D
[06:48.03] <Serian> You can find saints for almost anything
[06:48.15] <Serian> Wenceslaus was snowshoeing
[06:48.42] <DF64> :D
[06:49.51] <Evie> .
[06:49.51] <DesertRose> Because luge looks like it could go very badly wrong very easily.  :D
[06:50.03] <Serian> Skeleton is even worse
[06:50.06] <revanns> Going to say goodnight as nearly monday here and my brain has switched off
[06:50.11] <DesertRose> Night, night, revanns.
[06:50.14] <Shiral> They both look terrifying, really!
[06:50.18] <Shiral> 'Night, Revanne
[06:50.19] <The_Bee> Students at a parochial school in Michgan were once told to pray to St. Jud, thepatron Saint of lost causes.
[06:50.21] <Jemler> g'nite revanne
[06:50.24] <Serian> Night, revanns
[06:50.24] <DesertRose> Yeah, skeleton is head-first, right?
[06:50.27] <The_Bee> bye revanne
[06:50.31] <Shiral> Yes
[06:50.32] <DF64> bye
[06:50.34] <Serian> I believe so, DR
[06:50.37] <KK> Nighters, Revanne.
[06:50.51] <DesertRose> YIKES.  No thanks.  Even if I could stand the cold, NO THANK YOU>
[06:50.53] <Evie> Goodnight
[06:50.54] <Serian> St, Jude is still the patron of lost causes
[06:50.55] <Shiral> Hard to know if it's worse to see or NOT see where you're going when shooting down that track
[06:50.57] <drakensis> night revanne
[06:51.07] <KK> Is skeleton head-first?  How would one steer?
[06:51.12] <DesertRose> I should think breaking your neck is easier on skeleton.
[06:51.14] <Serian> With their feet
[06:51.16] <Shiral> To see, or not to see, that is the question
[06:51.23] * revanns (Mibbit@OWIRCN-3ccc92a8.as13285.net) Quit (Quit: +http://www.mibbit.com, ajax IRC Client)
[06:51.31] <KK> But don't they have to see where they're going?
[06:51.47] <Shiral> How can they, lying flat on their backs, though?
[06:51.58] <drakensis> tilt head, chin on chest
[06:52.08] <The_Bee> maybe they look along their bodis, past their feet?
[06:52.10] <Shiral> I'd rather try the Ski- Jumping event
[06:52.13] <Serian> They go head first, but steering, such as it is, is with  the feet.  On normal luge, they lie on their backs
[06:52.29] <Jemler> +https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqCkICXWdWI,
[06:52.41] <The_Bee> I never heard of skeletoning.
[06:52.43] <Serian> Once they get up to speed, they pretty much just pray and hope for th best, lol
[06:52.44] <Jemler> check out this video!
[06:53.04] <DesertRose> OMG NO
[06:53.10] <Shiral> Or something nice and safe....like figure skating! you can see where you're supposed to end up in figure skating
[06:53.17] <KK> How do you open that file?
[06:53.32] <Serian> Cross country skiing,  nice and slow
[06:53.43] <DesertRose> I only watched the first few seconds, and I was like, NOPE!
[06:54.13] <The_Bee> click on popout, KK
[06:54.16] <DesertRose> I used to love rollercoasters, but I am not near the adrenaline junkie I was in my teens and 20s.
[06:54.46] <Serian> I've never been an adrenaline junkie.  My three times on a roller coaster were all terrifying to me
[06:55.07] <DesertRose> I used to love it but I'm getting too old for that crap anymore.  :D
[06:55.28] <The_Bee> I was afraid to try a roller coaster when I was young.
[06:55.40] <Shiral> I've made peace with the impossibility of ever winning the gold at the Winter Olympics for ANYTHING
[06:55.42] <Serian> Yeah, the years are piling up.  I officially retire this year
[06:55.54] <DesertRose> Cool.
[06:56.07] * DesertRose bakes a big cake for Serian's retirement party.
[06:56.14] <drakensis> quite liked abseiling when I was 11. gave up on it when I was 16. went for archery and fencing. less nervewracking.
[06:56.16] <Serian> Is there an Olympic sitting marathon?  I could win that,
[06:56.18] <Shiral> I've skated, but never even gone skiing, once
[06:56.39] <DesertRose> I always wanted to learn to ice skate, but never had a rink nearby and never lived anywhere cold enough to do it outdoors.
[06:56.52] <DesertRose> Then, AFTER I jacked up my knees, we got an indoor rink.  :P
[06:56.53] <Serian> Oh, we get plenty cold enough
[06:57.04] <Shiral> I heard a joke once that Olympic Skiier Picabo Street was going to endow a hospital--they'd call it the Picabo ICU
[06:57.25] <Serian> Ack, lol
[06:57.31] <KK> Jemler, that video is feet-first, and I don't think it's the same as skeleton.
[06:57.47] <Jemler> but it looks like FUN!
[06:57.50] <Shiral> Nope, Skelegon is head first
[06:57.52] <The_Bee> I tried skiing in our back yard once.  I lands on my keister in about two feet.
[06:57.53] <Serian> They do move at about the same speed, though
[06:57.54] <DesertRose> I am NOT a cold weather type of person.  Born in Arizona, grew up on the southern Atlantic coast, and now live in Florida.
[06:58.26] <Serian> Born in Wisconsin, grew up in Wisconsin, gonna die in Wisconsin
[06:58.42] <DF64> i was born in Nebraska, grew up in Ohio, and also live in Florida
[06:58.56] <Shiral> California kid all the way, except for four years in Oregon for college
[06:59.00] <DesertRose> Yeah, DF64 is about 3 hours' drive from me, I think.
[06:59.07] <Serian> I've visited Florida :)
[06:59.22] <The_Bee> born in Massachusetts, lived a few years in Michigan.
[06:59.23] <DesertRose> Florida has its moments.  Hurricane season can be kind of un-fun, though.  :)
[06:59.31] <drakensis> time for me to go. good night everyone
[06:59.35] <DesertRose> Night, drakensis.
[06:59.36] <Shiral> I've visited Florida too. August is not the best time to go if you can't handle heat and humiditu
[06:59.41] <DesertRose> NOPE.
[06:59.42] <The_Bee> bye drakensis
[06:59.43] <Jemler> nitye drakensis
[06:59.43] * drakensis (Mibbit@BF1DC3.D35D4D.2A86D5.9552BE) Quit (Quit: +http://www.mibbit.com, ajax IRC Client)
[06:59.44] <Serian> My hubby's firm has offices in Tampa and Naples, we go down on business trips now and then.  I like Naples
[06:59.45] <Shiral> NIght, Drakensins
[06:59.51] <Shiral> oops missedhim
[06:59.54] <Jemler> sins?
[06:59.58] <DesertRose> I've never been to Naples.  Tampa is nice.
[07:00.01] <Evie> goodnight Drakensis
[07:00.02] <Annie> Love rollercoasters. :)
[07:00.16] <Annie> And I would so ride that thing in the video!
[07:00.18] <DesertRose> I've only been to Tampa the one time, but I'm driving down to Lakeland for an SCA event in June.
[07:00.20] <KK> OK, I get it.  Skeleton is head-first, but on the stomach, so you can lift your head to see where you're going, and steer by shifting weight.
[07:00.37] <Serian> Yes
[07:00.46] <Shiral> Had a friend who MADE me go on a roller coaster. When we went on the Ferris wheel afterwords, she was gripping my arm in terror until we were back on the ground. =o)
[07:00.58] <DesertRose> I actually went to Tampa to try out for Jeopardy.  :)
[07:01.20] <Jemler> did you make it?
[07:01.21] <DesertRose> She could go on a rollercoaster but was scared of the Ferris wheel?  Do what?
[07:01.22] <DesertRose> No.
[07:01.32] <The_Bee> I tried out for jeopardy last month, online
[07:01.38] <DesertRose> If I did, I'd have said on the board.
[07:01.38] <Shiral> Still trying to figure that one out, DR
[07:01.38] <Serian> Last time we were in Tampa was during the Republican National Convention.  It was terrifying.
[07:01.47] <DesertRose> So did I, Bee.  We'll see what happens.
[07:01.51] <DF64> tampa or the convention
[07:01.59] <Serian> The convention
[07:02.02] <Jemler> i'
[07:02.12] <DesertRose> When I went to Tampa, I had made it through the online test and the Tampa thing was the next step in the process.
[07:02.25] <Jemler> i'll bet. all those guys wondering where your escort was?
[07:02.37] <The_Bee> I stll don't know how i did.  I type too slowly.
[07:03.14] <DesertRose> I don't know yet either, Bee, and I feel like I messed up this time because I blanked a couple of times on answers I knew I knew but just couldn't call to mind quickly enough.
[07:03.39] <The_Bee> That happens to people who actually make the show.
[07:03.47] <Serian> I know I'd be terrible playing Jeopardy in front of an audience
[07:03.55] <DesertRose> Yes.
[07:04.29] <DesertRose> There was one that I knew but I felt like it was wrong.  A later web search proved my initial twitch was right.
[07:04.41] <The_Bee> I think I'd do better with a spoken response, if I could hit the buzzer fast enough.
[07:04.50] <Serian> Since I'm kinda new to this forum, do we ever talk about things like glitches in the books?
[07:04.58] <DesertRose> Glitches like what?
[07:05.10] <DesertRose> We have a whole thread on the forum about Codex errata.  :)
[07:05.13] <Serian> Like Donal calling King Cinhil his father in TKD
[07:05.13] <Shiral> I'd be terrified of looking at the TV camera aimed and me and having all my mental and physical functions freeze up
[07:05.16] <The_Bee> Wren't you asking us to search for glitches, KK?
[07:05.54] <Serian> Excuse me, Brion calling King Cinhil his father.  I glitched, LOL
[07:05.54] <DesertRose> Oh yes, Serian.  I think it was supposed to have a "fore" on the front there. :)
[07:06.14] <DF64> :D
[07:06.21] <Serian> Good, I hate it when it's just me
[07:06.51] <Evie> sometimes, and if they're inaccuracies in the Codex there's a dedicated thread on the forum so they can be fixed in Codex 3
[07:06.51] <Evie> Ohhh yeah, I noticed that one too. Maybe he meant forefather?
[07:06.55] <DesertRose> Well, IMHO, it's damn nigh impossible to write this long a series with this much detail and NOT screw a few things up here and there.
[07:07.03] <Shiral> BRB, the feline Stare of Starvation is very distracting. ANd I've already made them wait
[07:07.11] <Serian> Oh, yes, I know that quite well, DR
[07:07.12] <DesertRose> Okay, feed the kittehs.
[07:07.45] <DesertRose> But yes, we do discuss discrepancies and errata.
[07:07.54] <Jemler> meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow.
[07:07.54] <Evie> I'm finding myself having to scroll up just a few chapters to fix discrepencies, so I can't imagine scrolling between trilogies, so to speak
[07:08.06] <Serian> But most writers I've known do like to fix the accidental bumps on the road, so to speak
[07:08.14] <The_Bee> Some things may have to be retconned.  e.g. a Deryni must have Deryni mother.
[07:08.39] <DesertRose> Yes, KK has asked for us to scour Codex for discrepancies for a searchable, electronically published Codex III.
[07:08.44] <DesertRose> Hopefully, anyway.
[07:09.02] <Serian> That would be nice.  I don't own the Codex
[07:09.16] <KK> Yes, I want to know about discrepancies.  (Sorry, I was distracted looking at the Alpine coaster.  I could so go on that!)
[07:09.40] <DesertRose> Codex is damn nigh priceless for fanfiction writers.  :)
[07:09.41] <Serian> Ah, an adrenaline junkie :)
[07:09.55] <Evie> I may have some bookmarked in TKD, KK. I'll see if I still have those marked
[07:09.57] <KK> I'm hoping to do an updated Codex; will be writing to my agent about that in the next couple of weeks, to see what permissions I'd need, since RR is gone.
[07:10.03] <The_Bee> I like the way Zelazny handled in the Amber novels.  He just had Merlin the narrator of the later books, say his dad Corwin had gotten some things wrong.
[07:10.06] <DesertRose> Yes, that is very sad.
[07:10.12] <Serian> The other thing that struck me recently may just be me misreading somehow
[07:10.38] <DesertRose> A searchable E-Codex would be fantastic, and probably easier to update to boot.
[07:10.39] <Jemler> i'd like to volunteer to proof-read, if possible.
[07:10.52] <The_Bee> A second look might tell you that, Serian
[07:11.15] <Shiral>  That's better. Francesca's concentrated reproach was becoming impossible to ignore
[07:11.21] <DesertRose> Poor kittehs.
[07:11.23] <Serian> Let me check the passage, then
[07:12.34] <Shiral> She's in no danger of starvation. But she can look REALLY pathetic =o)
[07:12.35] <DesertRose> One thing I love about the fanfiction writers is that we discuss things with each other so we don't have discrepancies in fanon across fanfic writers, LOL.
[07:12.39] <DesertRose> Oh, I'm sure.
[07:13.00] <DesertRose> Kittehs are good at doing the pitiful look.  PJ is the queen of it in my family's house.
[07:13.06] <Serian> As Pillars of the Realm, Teymuraz was Fire and Branyng Air, correct?
[07:13.20] <The_Bee> I play it safe by saying my fanfic deals with the legends, not the history.
[07:13.23] <Jemler> page 401 tkd, jamyls father
[07:14.12] <The_Bee> Mathias was Earth.
[07:14.15] <Serian> Yet during the fight, Branyng is controlling Fire and Teymuraz Air
[07:14.15] <Evie> Well, even then there will be some discrepencies in fanon. I don't think Jerusha would be so keen on me killing off some of her characters and changing one entirely, so I put mine in a different AU parallel universe from hers, so to speak. :D
[07:14.44] <Evie> Oh yes. Seisyll was Jamyl's uncle rather than his father
[07:14.48] <Jemler> matyas bee
[07:14.54] <Evie> His father was Michael Denis Arilan, IIRC
[07:15.12] <DesertRose> Well, yes, but it's cool the way we do it cooperatively.  I've seen some fandoms get really ugly about that sort of thing, and it's nice that this fandom is so polite that way.  :)
[07:15.18] <The_Bee> thanks Jemler; I mis-remembered.
[07:15.38] <Jemler> it's tough name.
[07:15.53] <Evie> Contradicting the Codex isn't a big deal since the Codex is subject to revision anyway, but Seisyll was established as Jamyl's uncle in the book series
[07:16.03] <Serian> All fanfic is ultimately an AU unto itself, until approved by the creator.  It thus behooves us to play nicely together
[07:16.11] <Jemler> well, i have an appt tomorrow. i'd better sign off. until next week folks.
[07:16.18] <Shiral> Night, Jemler
[07:16.18] <DesertRose> Yes, it does, but I've seen people get nasty about that sort of thing.
[07:16.19] <Serian> Bye, Jemler
[07:16.21] <DesertRose> Night, Jemler
[07:16.26] <The_Bee> bye jemler.  Hope it goes well.
[07:16.27] <Serian> So have I, alas
[07:16.34] <Evie> bye jemler
[07:16.41] <Shiral> IT's ALWAYS nice to play with nice people rather than with the nasties, I find. =o)
[07:16.45] <DesertRose> Yes.
[07:17.01] <Evie> congratulations on a mackerel-free evening
[07:17.03] <Shiral> So yes, that's a big advantage of playing in this universe
[07:17.04] <DesertRose> It's ugly and it's immature and stupid.
[07:17.10] <Jemler> evie, have DD wake me about 7am, please.
[07:17.13] <DesertRose> (the people being nasty, I meant)
[07:17.19] <Serian> When you're playing in someone else's sandbox, it's polite not to treat it like a litter box
[07:17.22] <DesertRose> Indeed.
[07:17.26] <Shiral> Definitely
[07:17.33] <The_Bee> well said
[07:17.37] <Evie> it's rather silly to get bent out of shape over conflicting fanon, since we're all playing in someone else's sandbox
[07:17.45] <Serian> Yes
[07:17.46] <DesertRose> Yeah, it is silly but it happens.
[07:17.52] <Jemler> do you mean canon?
[07:17.55] <Shiral> Keep calm and share your bananas=law of the jungle
[07:17.55] <Serian> Some people have to be more right
[07:17.56] <KK> Definitely icer.  I've heard horror-tales about some other authors' fans.
[07:18.07] <KK> nicer
[07:18.08] <Evie> Evie smacks Jemler upside the head with a mackerel
[07:18.16] <Jemler> why?
[07:18.26] <The_Bee> MZB had to cut off her fans' fiction.
[07:18.26] <DesertRose> Nope, fanon = portmanteau of fan and canon
[07:18.35] <Shiral> Corrections can always be made in a nice way, when necessary
[07:18.38] <DesertRose> Yes.
[07:18.49] <Jemler> evie, why the fish?
[07:18.50] <Shiral> Fanthology=fanfic anthology
[07:19.13] <DesertRose> LOL, Shiral, that's not one I'd seen before.  Cool.  I like that word.
[07:19.18] <Evie> no, jemler. Canon would be KK's work, in this case. Fanon is fan work inspired by the canon
[07:19.22] * Laurna (Mibbit@OWIRCN-c05c3035.ca.charter.com) has joined channel #Deryni_Destinations
[07:19.25] <DesertRose> Hi Laurna.
[07:19.28] <Jemler> hi laurna
[07:19.30] <The_Bee> Hi laurna
[07:19.36] <Shiral> Hi Laurna
[07:19.42] <DF64> hi laurna
[07:19.44] <KK> I'd not heard that term either.  I think I like it.
[07:19.53] <Jemler> i thought it was because of DD!
[07:20.03] <DesertRose> We have quite a fanthology on RC.com.  :)
[07:20.05] <Laurna> Hello  I just realized today was supposed to be an early day. sorry.
[07:20.12] <Shiral> Actually, you heard it from  me years ago before Deryni Tales was released. =o)
[07:20.18] <Serian> From my experiences, "fanon" is usually used to refer to something that a fan writer came up with that became accepted as a kind of canon because so many other fans liked it
[07:20.29] <DesertRose> Yes.
[07:20.30] <KK> Fanthilogy, but not fanon.
[07:20.38] <KK> fanthology
[07:20.48] <Shiral> Oh, right. All these conversations at once ganged up on me, again
[07:20.56] <Jemler> if you write 3 stories, is it a fantrilogy?
[07:21.07] <Serian> Why not?
[07:21.11] <DesertRose> Evie has a fanthology all her own, prolific thing that she is. :)
[07:21.12] <Laurna> interesting word fanthilogy
[07:21.28] <Evie> Asking DD to wake you up at 7:00 am :D
[07:21.28] <Evie> and also because you hadn't been mackereled yet this evening
[07:21.28] <Evie> It was time
[07:21.28] <Evie> speaking of fanthology, I wonder if there will be a next edition of Deryni Archives?
[07:21.28] <Evie> hi Laurna
[07:21.33] <KK> I have no idea what that would be.
[07:21.44] <Jemler> well, g'night all
[07:21.44] <Shiral> If you make someone else's characters speak with your voice, does it make you a fantriloquist?
[07:21.44] <Evie> LOL DR
[07:21.48] <KK> I need to contact Julianne.
[07:21.53] <Shiral> Night, Jemler
[07:21.58] * Jemler (~jemler@OWIRCN-9733da4b.oh.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: )
[07:22.03] <The_Bee> Jelianne was under the weather recently, according to her facebook page.
[07:22.11] <DesertRose> Well, it seems like a lot of fanfiction is getting published online these days, so I'm thinking that paper fanzines may be going by the wayside a bit.  Sad that.
[07:22.17] <Shiral> SHe's reeocvered, now though
[07:22.27] <Serian> Understandable, though
[07:22.36] <Evie> Yes, but at least it saves on the cost of paper
[07:22.38] <Serian> Paper printing can be beastly expensive
[07:22.45] <DesertRose> Indeed and postage too.  :)
[07:22.58] <Evie> and it's a lot easier to fix errata at the last minute when it's published electronically
[07:23.05] <DesertRose> LOL yes.
[07:23.05] <Serian> Lord yes
[07:23.13] <Shiral> When we post online, we also don't have to wait for months.
[07:23.21] <Aerlys> Meh, very distracted tonight. Gonna scoot. Night all!
[07:23.26] <Evie> it might be nice to have a fanzine in a PDF format that can be printed if someone wants to keep it in hardcopy, though
[07:23.28] * Aerlys (~4bac5bbe@OWIRCN-1bdd9d77.org) Quit (Quit: CGI:IRC)
[07:23.29] <DesertRose> I caught one in Miracles where I said the same thing twice in the presence of the same character, and I was like, Oops.  Fix that.
[07:23.30] <Shiral> Night, Aerlys
[07:23.30] <The_Bee> bye Aerlys
[07:23.35] <Evie> or just read online if they don't
[07:23.36] <Shiral> oops, she disappeared fast
[07:23.37] <Laurna> Night Aerlys
[07:23.41] <DesertRose> Missed Aerlys.
[07:23.43] <DesertRose> Drat.
[07:24.33] <The_Bee> I sent my submisson over a year ago. I hoe it didn't get lost.
[07:24.44] <Evie> Also, online fanfic means there can be a comments section, which is fun and sometimes thought-provoking, or helps generate new story ideas
[07:25.11] <Serian> I found a lot of resistance to using PDF format when I still had my website
[07:25.11] <DesertRose> LOL, yes.
[07:25.13] <Evie> I know Julianne received my submission, but I haven't heard anything since then, and that was a couple of years ago, I think
[07:25.42] <Laurna> I admit the comments are my favorite part
[07:25.44] <DesertRose> :D
[07:25.46] <DesertRose> BRB
[07:25.49] <The_Bee> I don't know how to send musical notation via email.
[07:26.07] <Evie> I've had some of my stories converted for me into Kindle format and then emailed back to me, which is fun
[07:26.08] <Shiral> The one advantage to the paper copies are the illustrations
[07:26.37] <Serian> I did a few of my things in ePub and mobi formats
[07:26.59] <The_Bee> My brother-in-law has one of those devices that let you send pictures.
[07:27.12] <Evie> yes! Though there are ways to include illustrations electronically, it's just not as easy to include them in unless you know how to scan and upload the images
[07:27.18] <Serian> You can imbed images into ePub format, but it takes a lot of work
[07:27.44] <Serian> Musical notation would be most easily sent as an attached image
[07:29.07] <Serian> I found that out when a flautist in Germany wanted the score for a movement of one of my symphonies.  Image was the only way to do it because they didn't own the notation program I use
[07:29.28] <The_Bee> When I was working in a medical library, a photocopy  the Journal of Psychosocial Nursing came out as somethinglike "Journal of Psycho Nuns."
[07:29.35] <Serian> LOL
[07:29.41] <Evie> LOL
[07:30.20] <Shiral> From the Holy Order of Psycho Nuns, Sister Order to the Ordo Custodum Fidei, no doubt!
[07:30.32] <DesertRose> LOL
[07:30.40] <Evie> *dies*
[07:30.43] <DF64> :D
[07:31.06] <Laurna> Sister Disarray is not from that order.
[07:31.09] <DesertRose> LOL
"If having a soul means being able to feel love, loyalty, and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans."

James Herriot (James Alfred "Alfie" Wight), when a human client asked him if animals have souls.  (I don't remember in which book the story originally appeared.)