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KK Chat -- 2 March 2014 Part 1

Started by DesertRose, March 02, 2014, 08:04:15 PM

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[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:17:39 PM] Join KK has joined this channel.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:17:43 PM] <jemler> hi kk
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:17:45 PM] <Jerusha> Hi KK
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:17:50 PM] <Shiral> Hello, Katherine
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:17:53 PM] <KK> Hello, all.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:17:58 PM] <Evie> I had a weird dream recently that there was a Deryni movie with a guy cast as Alaric who looked sort of like a young Paul Bettany but better looking, only it was an entirely new Deryni story rather than DR.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:17:58 PM] <the_Bee> Hi KK!
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:18:02 PM] <Evie> Hi, KK!
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:18:03 PM] Topic You set the channel topic to "he Worlds of Katherine Kurtz | http://www.rhemuthcastle.com | http://www.deryni.net | Happy birthday to bynw, Bee, jemler, ambush (in memoriam) and the rest of the March birthday people.".
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:18:03 PM] <Laurna> Hello KK
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:18:09 PM] <DesertRose> Hi KK!
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:18:24 PM] <DesertRose> Oh drat. I lost a letter.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:18:48 PM] Topic You set the channel topic to "The Worlds of Katherine Kurtz | http://www.rhemuthcastle.com | http://www.deryni.net | Happy birthday to bynw, Bee, jemler, ambush (in memoriam), and the rest of the March birthday people.".
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:18:51 PM] <jemler> T
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:18:57 PM] <DesertRose> There we go.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:19:12 PM] * Evie takes jemler's T and adds honey and lemon
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:19:18 PM] <Shiral> I didn't even have to set my author traps with ice cream
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:19:19 PM] <the_Bee> better losing a letter than losing your mind, DR
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:19:33 PM] <DesertRose> LOL, that comes in handy this time of year. Too many people I know are down with the flu, although kiddo is finally mostly over it.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:19:40 PM] <DesertRose> This is true, Bee.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:19:43 PM] <Shiral> But there's virtual tea and scones on the virtual tea table if you're in the mood, KK
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:19:47 PM] <jemler> i did that once, but i didn't ind! :)
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:20:05 PM] <KK> Sounds virtually great!
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:20:11 PM] <DF64> 12hi kk
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:20:17 PM] <Evie> I had what I thought was a bad cold all last week, but after it refused to go away, I decided it must be allergies. Took Benadryl yesterday morning, and next thing I knew, I was waking up at 10 pm
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:20:19 PM] <Shiral> No calories and nobody can spill their tea
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:20:20 PM] <Jerusha> Pass me a virtual cup, please
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:20:22 PM] <KK> Anyone else battening down for yet another winter storm?
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:20:25 PM] <DesertRose> Yes, we had a nice tea table going, KK with tea, scones, teacakes, and manchet bread with fixins. :)
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:20:35 PM] <jemler> me
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:20:38 PM] <Evie> I hear our temps are going to drop something like 30+ degrees tonight
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:20:40 PM] <Shiral> We're just seeing a storm system leave California
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:20:42 PM] <DesertRose> Not here, thank goodness, but it's supposed to cool off and rain later this week.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:20:51 PM] <jemler> it's 20 here in ohio now
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:20:53 PM] <the_Bee> anyone want brandy or shiskey in their tea?
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:20:56 PM] <Jerusha> It's -19C here
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:21:01 PM] <the_Bee> whiskey
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:21:12 PM] <KK> They're predicting 6-12 inches by this time tomorrow.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:21:17 PM] <DesertRose> I was planning to go thrift-shopping later this week; they seem to all do nice specials on Wednesdays and I need trousers.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:21:19 PM] <Shiral> I'm not a whiskey kind of girl
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:21:32 PM] <Evie> I'm in a T shirt now and we thought about opening the windows to cool the house (except I didn't want to set off the allergies), but tomorrow it should be down to freezing again, I think.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:21:38 PM] <jemler> make hers a double!
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:21:39 PM] <DesertRose> But it's going to be yukky weather on Wednesday; I'll probably go anyway.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:21:40 PM] <Evie> Or at least much colder
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:21:42 PM] <KK> Why ruin a good cup of tea with alcohol?!
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:21:43 PM] <Jerusha> I'll take your whiskey, Shiral
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:21:53 PM] <DesertRose> Hot toddy!
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:21:53 PM] <Kelric> stupid noticing that the laptop had unplugged on me
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:22:00 PM] <jemler> why ruin alcohol with tea?
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:22:17 PM] <Shiral> Jerusha, you are welcome to have it. =o) Whiskey is one of those substances I can't imagine drinking for pleasure
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:22:18 PM] <Jerusha> cheers to both!
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:22:21 PM] <KK> So we keep them separate, eh, Jemler?
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:22:23 PM] <the_Bee> our forecast say snow mostly to our south
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:22:25 PM] <Kelric> heh. my birthday was about 2 weeks ago
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:22:35 PM] <DesertRose> Well, happy belated to you, Kelric.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:22:42 PM] <Shiral> Hello Kelric
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:22:45 PM] <DF64> 12we're in the 70's here in florida
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:22:46 PM] <DesertRose> KK, how is your dad doing?
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:23:04 PM] <DesertRose> Yup, it was GORGEOUS today here in Jacksonville. Almost hot.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:23:36 PM] <Evie> happy b'day, Kelric
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:23:36 PM] * Jerusha growls at warm weather
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:23:46 PM] <DesertRose> Come down for a visit, Jerusha. :)
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:23:55 PM] <KK> He's still in rehab. It's going slowly.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:23:56 PM] <Jerusha> I am, in April
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:24:09 PM] <DesertRose> What part?
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:24:15 PM] <Shiral> It was very Marchy here, with a sky full of dramatic gray clouds, some patches of blue, and some heavy rain in short spurts
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:24:18 PM] <Jerusha> Melbourne
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:24:27 PM] <DesertRose> Bring your allergy medicine; April is a good time to sneeze in Florida. :D
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:24:33 PM] <KK> It was nice here at midday, but then the clouds came, and it ws raining by 2 PM.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:24:55 PM] <DesertRose> Are you flying in, Jerusha?
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:25:14 PM] <Evie> We've had an absolutely beautiful day, all the more to be enjoyed since we know it won't last long
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:25:14 PM] <the_Bee> Around here, upper 30s is considered a heat wave in March.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:25:15 PM] <Jerusha> Yes - I made the mistake once of driving through the mountains of West Virginia
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:25:21 PM] <Shiral> So KK, do you have a general idea of what your next book project might be? =o)
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:25:35 PM] <DesertRose> Oh yeah, that's fun. My ex-husband had family in West Va and it was a pain to drive in.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:25:48 PM] <KK> Not a clue yet. Too much else on my plate. And my regular editor is retiring.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:25:50 PM] <Jerusha> White knuckle driving all the way
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:25:51 PM] <DF64> 12I nearly got run off the road in west Virginia over 10 years ago
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:26:01 PM] <DesertRose> Shucks, if you were driving, I'd say stop in Jacksonville for lunch or supper or coffee or something. :)
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:26:05 PM] <Shiral> Yikes, that must be unsettling about the editor
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:26:13 PM] <Jerusha> Not before CM3, I hope, KK
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:26:17 PM] <KK> Yep. No idea who I'll get next.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:26:19 PM] <DesertRose> Aw, that's annoying, KK.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:26:33 PM] <Jerusha> I would if we were driving, DR
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:26:38 PM] <Shiral> Well... perhaps you'll get somebody really terrific
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:26:40 PM] <KK> Present editor is handling CM3.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:26:50 PM] <DesertRose> Oh, speaking of editors, we had a discussion running on the message boards about the fact that a really good editor is worth his/her weight in gold.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:27:01 PM] <KK> Indeed.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:27:07 PM] <Jerusha> Absolutely
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:27:26 PM] <the_Bee> You were talking a while back of a prequel to the Adept series, weren't you?
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:27:28 PM] <DesertRose> The discussion has kind of run to a conclusion now, but we were talking about fanfiction and how so much of it (not so much in this fandom) is poorly edited.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:27:41 PM] <KK> Yes, but I'm not that excited about it.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:28:18 PM] <DesertRose> I'd like to read the story of how Philippa knew John Graham, myself, in the Adept world.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:28:33 PM] <DesertRose> That's just me being nosy. :D
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:28:56 PM] <KK> I'm inclined to do a Deryni next.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:29:12 PM] <Shiral> I have no objection to another Deryni book. =o)
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:29:16 PM] <Jerusha> Yea!
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:29:17 PM] <DesertRose> Cool. What time frame were you thinking?
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:29:20 PM] <Evie> I could live with that
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:29:25 PM] <KK> Nothing specific yet.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:29:28 PM] <DesertRose> Okay.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:29:44 PM] <Evie> there's a certain year in which Lots of Stuff Happens that we could stand to know more about
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:30:00 PM] <the_Bee> the year so many die?
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:30:00 PM] <Jerusha> 918?
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:30:07 PM] <Evie> You could include a box of tissues with each book
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:30:08 PM] <DesertRose> I can get behind another Deryni book.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:30:09 PM] <Kelric> I thought it was 1025
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:30:10 PM] <Shiral> NOT that we're trying to hint, or anything. =o)
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:30:11 PM] <jemler> true. but that's lotsa writing!
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:30:18 PM] <Shiral> No, 948
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:30:19 PM] <jemler> 948
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:30:24 PM] <DesertRose> No, 948 is when we lost a bunch of people.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:30:27 PM] <Jerusha> I could have the year wrong
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:30:49 PM] <DF64> 12 948--illness, 1025--war
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:30:50 PM] <DesertRose> 918 has been covered.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:30:52 PM] <Shiral> 1025 was Killingford
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:30:55 PM] <KK> Could be 948, could be Orin & Jodotha, could be 1025, could be CM4, could be KKB sequel. All are possibilities.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:30:55 PM] <Jerusha> I think I blocked it out because we lost so many
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:31:04 PM] <DesertRose> Oh boy. :D
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:31:08 PM] <Shiral> King Kelson's Kids
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:31:12 PM] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:31:21 PM] <DesertRose> That's the KKB sequel's nickname as of now, Shiral.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:31:22 PM] <Evie> Do we really want a book with the abbreviation KKK???
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:31:24 PM] <Jerusha> CM4?? Wow!
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:31:28 PM] <DesertRose> Well, that's true.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:31:29 PM] <the_Bee> I'd like to get to know Jerusha. We don't see many female Healers.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:31:35 PM] <Shiral> No, I suppose not, Evie
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:31:39 PM] <Evie> :D
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:31:57 PM] <Shiral> That's why I wrote it out so that nobody would think I was referring to anything....else
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:32:03 PM] <KK> KKK would actually be KKC or KKH. (Children or Heirs.)
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:32:13 PM] <DF64> 12once upon a time returns next week!!
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:32:21 PM] <Evie> Before KKB came out, certain of my friends insisted on referring to it as "King Kelson Finally Gets Laid"
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:32:22 PM] <jemler> a short story about jehana and barrett de laney.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:32:25 PM] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:32:30 PM] <Shiral> Have you ever thought of a sequel maybe 100 years post keelson?
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:32:32 PM] <DesertRose> Ooh, that would be cool, jemler.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:32:35 PM] <the_Bee> so does daylight savings.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:32:43 PM] <DesertRose> Ugh. I HATE the time changes.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:32:48 PM] <Jerusha> Me too
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:32:58 PM] <DF64> 12we lose an hour next weekend
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:33:02 PM] <KK> No, Shiral, because tht would take it into the time of gunpowder and such.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:33:04 PM] <jemler> did they cancel once upon a time in wonderland?
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:33:29 PM] <KK> I hope so.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:33:32 PM] <DesertRose> My mom tells me there was a year that I never quite adjusted to the time change. I don't really remember it but apparently I was a real pain to get out of bed in the morning and into bed at bedtime.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:33:37 PM] <the_Bee> My tv list s a new episode on OOnce in Wonderland.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:33:52 PM] <DF64> 12not yet--there will be new episodes though
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:34:24 PM] <the_Bee> My DVR keeps deleting programs before I watch them.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:34:25 PM] <Jerusha> Tudor Monestary Farm starts on BBC Canada tomorrow
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:34:53 PM] <KK> aven't been able to get into Wonderland, and Once Upon a Time has started to get a bit too much line Lost, or some other reality show.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:35:33 PM] <KK> too much like Lost
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:35:49 PM] <Evie> I love Tudor Monestary Farm!
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:36:08 PM] <Jerusha> I will be watching every episode
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:36:19 PM] <KK> I'm looking forward to Game of Thrones returning, and will grumpily await the next season of Downton Abbey.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:36:33 PM] <Evie> I think there were only 6 or 7 episodes. I watched them on YouTube
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:36:45 PM] <Evie> unless there's a second season?
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:36:47 PM] <Jerusha> That would be about right.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:37:02 PM] <Jerusha> Each "farm" lasts about that long
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:37:36 PM] <Jerusha> They've done Victorian, Edwardian and WWII farm so far
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:37:43 PM] <Evie> I can watch YouTube videos via my living room TV, so that's how I ended up watching that show
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:37:54 PM] Join xorcon has joined this channel (Mibbit@OWIRCN-f8690a95.ma.comcast.net).
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:38:05 PM] <Jerusha> Hi xorcon
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:38:07 PM] <DesertRose> Hi xorcon.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:38:09 PM] <jemler> hi xorcon
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:38:10 PM] <Evie> hi xorcon
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:38:15 PM] <Shiral> on phone with mom back soon
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:38:22 PM] <DesertRose> Okay, Shiral. :)
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:38:26 PM] <the_Bee> As a child I once once drivien to tears trying to understand the time change. "But what time will it really be?" I got so upset Mom even offered not to change the clocks.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:38:53 PM] <the_Bee> HHi Xorcon
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:39:01 PM] <DF64> 12hi xorcon
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:39:15 PM] <Evie> brb...luke is attacking DD's necklace
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:39:20 PM] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:39:34 PM] <Jerusha> I hope DD isn't wearing it
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:39:41 PM] <DesertRose> Seriously.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:39:52 PM] <Evie> no, it's on the desk, and he was trying to alternately eat it and/or bat it onto the floor
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:39:59 PM] <DesertRose> LOL, silly cat.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:40:06 PM] <DesertRose> Is it made of peas? :P
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:40:16 PM] <Evie> it was apparently prey or an intractable foe
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:40:21 PM] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:40:48 PM] <Evie> he's now upset and trying to sit on the keyboard
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:40:56 PM] <DesertRose> Aw. Pouty kitty.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:40:58 PM] <Evie> qAQ
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:41:05 PM] <DesertRose> Hi Luke.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:41:13 PM] <Jerusha> Hi Luke
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:41:15 PM] <xorcon> Hi Luke
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:41:17 PM] <Evie> TRYing to type around Lardbutt
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:41:20 PM] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:41:29 PM] <Jerusha> Tsk
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:41:51 PM] <xorcon> I think I'm both Xorcon and Bee. I seem to have 2 mibbit windows open.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:41:59 PM] <DesertRose> Sounds like trying to type around Merlin.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:42:02 PM] Quit xorcon has left this server (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client).
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:42:09 PM] <DesertRose> Merlin weighs something close to 15 pounds.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:42:17 PM] <jemler> don't sit on the keyboard luke, use the furce!
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:42:24 PM] <Shiral> F
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:42:29 PM] <Evie> repeatedly poking Luke in the haunch with my fingernail isn't shifting him
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:42:40 PM] <Shiral> S0rry cat butt
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:42:45 PM] <Jerusha> Stubbon kitty
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:42:46 PM] <Evie> ok, there he goes
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:42:46 PM] <DesertRose> Dmitri, Shiral?
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:42:51 PM] <Shiral> yup
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:43:11 PM] <DesertRose> He's usually the one to cause a chat disruption.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:43:21 PM] <jemler> soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:43:24 PM] <Shiral> yes he is
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:43:28 PM] <DesertRose> KK, is Gus with you?
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:43:49 PM] <DF64> 12happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr purr purr
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:43:56 PM] <the_Bee> Melantha does not like to be picked up. She'll climb in my lap, but it has to be her choice.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:44:03 PM] <Evie> that's like Gigi
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:44:03 PM] <Shiral> BIG ball of fur in Dmitri's case. He's a big boy
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:44:04 PM] <DesertRose> I know cats like that.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:44:26 PM] <Shiral> Francesca is the same way. She's very sociable as long as it's HER idea
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:44:29 PM] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:44:54 PM] <Evie> Luke just does not care how he gets attention as long as he's getting some
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:44:56 PM] <Shiral> She and I always have a cuddle session at bedtime every night
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:45:27 PM] <Jerusha> I just try to get the whippets to move over and leave me a small space
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:45:37 PM] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:45:57 PM] <Shiral> This season of Downton was quite generous, 8 episodes
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:45:58 PM] <Evie> Gigi's thing is to sneak into the bedroom and hide under the bed so that when I close the door at night, she waits until I'm mostly asleep and then sneaks out to join me
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:46:11 PM] <Evie> knowing I'll be too tired to evict her
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:46:19 PM] <DesertRose> LOL, just like a cat.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:46:37 PM] <Shiral> Whenever I talk on the phone, Dmitri's all over me like cheap perfume
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:46:58 PM] <Evie> which results in me having to do contortions to roll over in the middle of the night without disturbing her
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:47:23 PM] <Jerusha> I swear whippets grow additional legs at night
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:47:33 PM] Join anlarye has joined this channel (~fenix@OWIRCN-430da2e8.pools.spcsdns.net).
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:47:33 PM] Mode derynibot gives channel owner privileges to anlarye.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:47:33 PM] Mode derynibot gives channel admin privileges to anlarye.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:47:33 PM] Mode derynibot gives channel operator privileges to anlarye.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:47:42 PM] <Shiral> If the cat is foolish enough to lie on top of me, they just have to put up with being displaced once in a while
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:47:43 PM] <DesertRose> Merlin likes to wake my stepdad up so he can be petted.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:47:45 PM] <DesertRose> Hi anlarye.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:47:47 PM] <jemler> hi bynw
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:48:04 PM] <Shiral> Hi Bynw
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:48:08 PM] <DesertRose> I'm surprised to see you here. I thought you had to work tonight.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:48:09 PM] <the_Bee> Melantha usually sleeps at the foot, but once in a while she curls up in cuddling distance.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:48:11 PM] <Jerusha> Hi Bynw
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:48:12 PM] <Evie> Gigi does that. "It's 3:00 am, you may pat me now."
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:48:15 PM] <jemler> the cat or your stepdad? :)
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:48:18 PM] <anlarye> hi
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:48:43 PM] <the_Bee> Hi byne and Anlarye
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:48:47 PM] <DesertRose> The cat. :P
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:48:57 PM] <KK> Penelope like to meatloaf on Scott when he tries to go to sleep, and seems to have an internal gyro that keeps her on top even if he rolls.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:49:00 PM] <anlarye> i am. at break and using my phone to slip on
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:49:06 PM] <DesertRose> Ah, gotcha.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:49:13 PM] <Evie> Gigi is sitting on the computer tower at the moment, about a foot from my right knee.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:49:23 PM] <Shiral> That must be some version of the cat landing on it's feet, KK
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:49:25 PM] <Shiral> =o)
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:49:31 PM] <KK> Must be.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:49:46 PM] <DesertRose> LOL, Shiral.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:50:02 PM] <Shiral> "Nice warm bed, but he sure moves around a lot under there."
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:50:09 PM] <DesertRose> Yup.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:50:11 PM] <KK> But she won't walk or sit on me. It was a major concession for her to allow me to pet her...if she's on the bed. And neither of us can pick her up.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:50:28 PM] * anlarye misses being in chat on sundays
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:50:35 PM] <Shiral> I can pick Francesca up, but she always complains
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:50:40 PM] <DesertRose> PJ likes to sit where someone just was. If you get up from your chair in my parents' house, expect to find a gray cat in your place when you get back.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:50:50 PM] <the_Bee> She's one of Cameron's cats?
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:51:22 PM] <the_Bee> Humans make good chair=warmers.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:51:24 PM] <Shiral> If I get out of my armchair while watching TV, when I come back, Dmitri's always curled up on the seat
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:51:26 PM] <DesertRose> We miss having you around, bynw.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:51:48 PM] <Shiral> Humans=Heated padded food dispensers
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:51:52 PM] <DesertRose> Truly.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:52:10 PM] <Shiral> And occasionally a masseuse
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:52:13 PM] <DesertRose> That too.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:52:21 PM] <DesertRose> And toy tossers.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:52:45 PM] <anlarye> cant stay though break goes by fast
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:52:51 PM] <DesertRose> Merlin LIVES to play. The only times he doesn't want to play are when he's eating and when he's sleeping.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:52:56 PM] <DesertRose> Aw.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:52:57 PM] <Evie> good to see you, bynw
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:53:07 PM] <Shiral> Sunday work interferes with chat far too often
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:53:18 PM] <KK> Yes, formerly Cameron's cat. Also Algernon, who loves Scott, and meatloafs on his lap while they watch TV.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:53:26 PM] <Jerusha> :( at Bywn having to leave
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:53:29 PM] <Shiral> Dmitri has a champagne cork he loves to bat around in the depths of the night
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:53:32 PM] <anlarye> must be iutlawed
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:53:34 PM] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:53:54 PM] <Shiral> I know how you feel, Bro
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:54:10 PM] <Jerusha> He can have the cork if I get the champagne :)
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:54:22 PM] <DesertRose> :D
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:54:26 PM] <Shiral> Champagne bottle was drunk up on Thanksgiving
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:54:31 PM] <anlarye> ttfn
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:54:34 PM] <DesertRose> See you!
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:54:39 PM] <Shiral> Bye, Bynw
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:54:46 PM] <jemler> bye bynw
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:54:51 PM] Part anlarye has left this channel.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:54:51 PM] <the_Bee> bye bynw
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:54:54 PM] <Jerusha> Must go - just found out Tudor Monestary farm is on tonight instead of tomorrow!
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:54:58 PM] <DesertRose> Okay, see you, Jerusha.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:55:02 PM] <DesertRose> Have a good week.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:55:02 PM] <jemler> bye jerusha
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:55:08 PM] <DF64> 12nite
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:55:08 PM] <the_Bee> bye jerusha
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:55:09 PM] <Jerusha> Bye!
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:55:11 PM] Quit Jerusha has left this server (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client).
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:55:12 PM] <Shiral> I read that as Tudor Monetary farm
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:55:13 PM] <Evie> bye
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:55:19 PM] <Shiral> Oops, missed Jerusha
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:55:39 PM] <Evie> it's a really good show
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:55:48 PM] <Evie> started to say a really good sow
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:55:56 PM] <Evie> there are good sows on it. Boars too.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:55:57 PM] <Shiral> I have more roofing to do on my little pagoda
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:56:00 PM] <the_Bee> weell, the y may have been intended as monetary ventures
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:56:13 PM] <DesertRose> Oh, for those who don't pop on the RC.com message board much, kirienne has asked for prayers/good energy/whatever, because they found more tumors in her abdomen. She's going to have to have surgery and more chemo/radiation.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:56:13 PM] <jemler> no you didn't, you were gonna say snow!
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:56:25 PM] <Shiral> I gave up on the wall putty, and used a poultice of flour, water and glue on my roof tiles.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:56:47 PM] <the_Bee> bummer for Kirienne!
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:56:51 PM] <Shiral> It''s a labor intensive process, but I'm pleased with the result
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:57:01 PM] <Shiral> I know. Poor Kirienne
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:57:02 PM] <Evie> can hardly wait to see it, Shiral
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:57:04 PM] <DesertRose> Yes indeed, Bee.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:57:12 PM] <DF64> 12kirienne has my prayers for her
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:57:15 PM] <Shiral> After all she wen through last year to find the cancer back so quickly!
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:57:19 PM] <DesertRose> Yeah, I know.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:57:20 PM] <Evie> Yeah, it's hard news to hear after she thought she was in the clear. :(
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:57:29 PM] <DesertRose> :( yes
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:57:46 PM] <Shiral> Let's hope for a better result after this round of chemo
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:57:49 PM] <DesertRose> Truly.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:58:15 PM] <DesertRose> Sorry to be a downer, but I thought people would want to know if they didn't see her post on the board.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:58:25 PM] * the_Bee sends healing woodgies to Kirienne
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:58:29 PM] <Shiral> Actually, she had the surgery on 2/25-- I read it on Facebook
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:58:44 PM] <DesertRose> Oh, good. Is she doing all right?
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:58:47 PM] <Shiral> The schedule was moved forward, so she bit the bullet and had it
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:58:56 PM] <Shiral> I don't know the result, yet
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:59:11 PM] <Shiral> But better to get that over with and not have too much time to dread it
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:59:17 PM] <DesertRose> Okay. Keep us posted if you can. I'm sure she doesn't much feel like getting on the computer right now.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:59:27 PM] <DesertRose> Yes, true, Shiral.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:59:38 PM] <Shiral> I'll post what I find out as soon as I hear any news
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:59:43 PM] <DesertRose> Okay, cool. Thanks.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:59:46 PM] <Shiral> Her sister is looking after her, I think
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [07:59:56 PM] <DesertRose> Good. She probably needs family around for this.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:00:28 PM] <Shiral> Anybody would want family.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:00:43 PM] <DesertRose> Pretty much, yes.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:00:55 PM] <Shiral> And a security blankie and their teddy and....
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:01:00 PM] <DesertRose> That too.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:01:15 PM] <the_Bee> Shiral, do you know her name on Facebook?
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:01:20 PM] <KK> Where does she live?
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:01:22 PM] <Shiral> Geri Kittrell
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:01:31 PM] <Shiral> I think she's in Sacramento
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:01:39 PM] <DesertRose> I was about to say West Coast somewhere.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:02:08 PM] <Shiral> I don't know her mailing address, though
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:02:55 PM] <Shiral> Prayers, goodwill, woodgies, whatever we want to call them, Kirienne needs our support
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:03:44 PM] <DesertRose> I just sent her a friend request on Facebook along with a note explaining who the heck I am. :)
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:03:50 PM] <Laurna> Sorry I was away but Shiral I agree with you
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:04:23 PM] <Shiral> I hope I haven't been indiscreet, but I can't imagine her not being willing to Friend a Rhemuth Castle friend
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:04:50 PM] <DesertRose> Hopefully. :)
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:05:28 PM] <Shiral> Now that the horse is stolen, I apologize for not locking the bar door. =o)
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:05:50 PM] <Evie> LOL
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:05:59 PM] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:06:10 PM] <Evie> You had your horse in a bar? ;)
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:06:19 PM] <Evie> Does he have a wobbly gait now?
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:06:21 PM] <DesertRose> Rented fingers. :D
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:06:22 PM] <Shiral> He has a drinking habit, loves beer
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:06:25 PM] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:06:29 PM] Quit the_Bee has left this server (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client).
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:06:33 PM] <DesertRose> Whiskey for my men, beer for my horses? :P
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:06:37 PM] <Shiral> SO embarrassing to have a drunken horse
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:06:57 PM] <KK> Think: Blazing Saddles.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:06:59 PM] <Shiral> After all, beer is made from grains
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:07:00 PM] <DesertRose> ROFL
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:07:10 PM] <Evie> He likes to shamble. It's like a walk, but sort of wandering side to side
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:07:25 PM] <Shiral> Having to apologize for all the inappropriate jokes he makes... it's hell
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:07:35 PM] <Evie> Your horse is jemler???
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:07:46 PM] <Shiral> no, no
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:07:49 PM] <Evie> :D
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:07:56 PM] <Shiral> Just indiscreet when he has a snootfull
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:07:56 PM] Join Bee has joined this channel (Mibbit@OWIRCN-f8690a95.ma.comcast.net).
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:08:02 PM] <Shiral> WB Bee
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:08:06 PM] <DesertRose> KK, I love the Blazing Saddles reference. My mom and stepdad saw it when they were dating and wouldn't let me go. Now that I'm older, I understand why.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:08:14 PM] <DesertRose> Rehi Bee.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:08:24 PM] <DesertRose> I was about 8 when they saw it.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:08:38 PM] <Bee> My computer decided to reboot itself. itself
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:08:45 PM] <Laurna> I saw it in a theater standing room only
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:08:46 PM] <DesertRose> Well, phooey on your computer, Bee.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:08:56 PM] <DF64> 12bad computer
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:09:19 PM] <Bee> It's been trying to download a whole bunch of video players.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:09:38 PM] <KK> Virus of some sort?
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:09:49 PM] <DesertRose> Seriously.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:09:53 PM] <Evie> KK, any word on the next Deryni Archives magazine stories?
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:10:10 PM] <Evie> that doesn't sound good, Bee
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:10:22 PM] <KK> I think Julianne has been seriously hammered by life this winter.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:10:30 PM] <DesertRose> A lot of people have been.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:10:33 PM] <Bee> i DOWNLOAded malwaRE. i'M USING MY LAPTOP, WHICH HAS ITS OWN MALWARE.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:10:42 PM] <DesertRose> Uh oh, Bee.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:11:03 PM] <Bee> I keep hitting capslock
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:11:12 PM] <Shiral> Yes, I think the North East has had it's fill of snow
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:11:14 PM] <DesertRose> It's easy to do on some keyboards.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:11:20 PM] <KK> You do know that Staples can fix that....?
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:11:24 PM] <Shiral> I'd gladly take some of it off their hands if I could
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:11:32 PM] <DesertRose> I think a lot of the northern US and Canada are thoroughly sick of snow.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:11:43 PM] <Evie> Staples can get rid of snow in the Northeast? ;)
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:11:47 PM] <DesertRose> jemler would be glad to ship you some, Shiral.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:11:47 PM] <Shiral> LOL
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:12:03 PM] <Bee> I have to boot up before i can remove the malware, and remove the malware before I cqan boot up.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:12:04 PM] <Shiral> I never suspected they had a Snow-Away App
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:12:12 PM] <DesertRose> He keeps trying to send some to me, and I keep telling him no freaking way.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:12:25 PM] <Bee> I'm taking it to my guru this week, weather permitting.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:12:31 PM] <DesertRose> Good.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:12:49 PM] <Shiral> I'm almost ready to start sprinkling water on maps of California, like Ariella working weather magic
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:13:00 PM] <Evie> KK, if you're between writing books at the moment and want to catch up on reading, there's an entire Deryni Fanfic section of the board that has materialized in the past 2-3 years while you were working on CM3.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:13:16 PM] <DesertRose> LOL, at least your heart is in the right place with the weather working, Shiral.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:13:29 PM] * Shiral reports having a slight urge to write more fanfic
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:13:36 PM] Quit Shiral has left this server (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client).
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:13:47 PM] <DesertRose> Come back, Shiral! :(
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:13:47 PM] <jemler> well, folks. appt tomorrow. up early. until nest week.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:13:50 PM] * Evie tries a Jedi hand wave to prompt Shiral to write more.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:13:52 PM] <DesertRose> Okay, see you, jemler.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:13:54 PM] <Bee> BAD MIBBIT!
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:14:00 PM] <Evie> dagnabbit, she missed my hand wave!
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:14:01 PM] <DesertRose> Have a good week.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:14:14 PM] <KK> Nighters, Jemler.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:14:18 PM] <Evie> bye jemler
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:14:21 PM] <Bee> bye jemler
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:14:24 PM] <DF64> 12bye
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:14:24 PM] <jemler> they have a mardi gras celeb at the clinic on tues.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:14:32 PM] <DesertRose> Fun. :)
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:14:34 PM] <Evie> Luke just scratched at the screen to say bye
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:14:35 PM] <Laurna> good Night Jemler
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:14:42 PM] <Evie> well, he scratched at it, anyway.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:14:45 PM] <jemler> night all
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:14:47 PM] <KK> Is it Mardi Gras already?!
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:14:50 PM] <DesertRose> Just about.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:15:00 PM] Quit jemler has left this server (Quit: ).
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:15:00 PM] <Evie> Ash Wednesday is this coming week
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:15:03 PM] <Bee> are you going in costume, jemler?
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:15:06 PM] <Evie> so yes
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:15:32 PM] Join Shiral has joined this channel (Mibbit@OWIRCN-2c6f1b6a.ca.comcast.net).
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:15:32 PM] <Evie> I need to make more purple stoles for my little priests
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:15:38 PM] <DesertRose> WB, Shiral.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:15:42 PM] <DesertRose> Indeed, Evie.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:15:47 PM] <Shiral> Dag nab bit,
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:15:56 PM] <DesertRose> We were cursing Mibbit for you.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:16:01 PM] <Evie> Shiral, you neatly evaded my Jedi Wave to prompt you to write more fanfic
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:16:02 PM] <Bee> rehi shiral
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:16:05 PM] <Laurna> I am waiting for some fabiric to arive from india Iam in hope it will make a nice 1000's gown
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:16:32 PM] <Shiral> as I was saying when I got kicked off that I would HOPE I'm working weather magic for the right reasons.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:16:54 PM] <KK> Dang, it's snuck up on me, while I was caring for parents in Fla. and moving the parent in Staunton.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:17:09 PM] <Evie> Luke is sitting at the monitor with his nose an inch away, just staring
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:17:21 PM] <DesertRose> Silly Luke.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:17:30 PM] <DesertRose> And yeah, KK, life has a tendency to do that.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:17:35 PM] <Shiral> I'm waiting for my new glasses to arrive. Wearing glasses that are held together with hot glue is not a winning fashion statement
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:17:53 PM] <DesertRose> Oh dear, Shiral.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:18:20 PM] <Evie> he keeps staring at the Microsoft Publisher icon.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:18:40 PM] <KK> LOL, I hear ya, Shiral. I've had to put off my new pair until I see the surgeon again in June--though my opthalmologist here says that the surgeon will do it then. We can only hope.]
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:18:47 PM] <Bee> I lost a lenseon my way to an appointment and didn't even notice. The amazing thing is that I found it on the sidewalk
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:18:58 PM] <KK> Meanwhile, I have lenses that are getting yellower by the day.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:19:00 PM] <Shiral> But breaking my old glasses was the impetus for buying the new ones. I have that middle-aged problem with my arms being too short suddenly
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:19:06 PM] <DesertRose> Oh, I had something like that happen to my mobile phone.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:19:20 PM] <Evie> Your mobile phone's arms are too short now?
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:19:23 PM] <Bee> KK< what surgery?
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:19:25 PM] <DesertRose> My phone fell out of my purse and I accidentally kicked it under my car.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:19:26 PM] <Evie> I hate when that happens
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:19:32 PM] <Shiral> Like a T-Rex?
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:19:53 PM] <KK> Hopefully, to correct my double vision enough that I don't have to wear such thick prisms.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:19:53 PM] <Evie> Luke is sniffing the icon now
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:19:54 PM] <DesertRose> I didn't realize what I'd done until I got where I was going and found that I didn't have my phone. Miraculously, it was still in the parking space when I got home.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:20:22 PM] <Bee> I have tht too., p;ost-catarACT?
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:20:27 PM] <KK> You're lucky you or someone else didn't run over it.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:20:40 PM] <DesertRose> Indeed.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:20:46 PM] <DesertRose> Incredibly lucky.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:20:47 PM] <KK> Nope, it's been getting progressively worse over the years.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:21:01 PM] <Evie> LOL...now he's sniffing and scratching at the folder containing my novel manuscript draft. I guess that's a sign I need to do some editing and rewrites. :D
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:21:13 PM] <DesertRose> Silly kitty.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:21:37 PM] <Shiral> My new glasses wiill take some getting used to-- can't even remember how long I had had my old pair
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:21:56 PM] <Evie> hopefully that will be corrected, KK
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:21:58 PM] <KK> It's a muscle imbalance, resulting in double-vision from crossed eyes.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:22:00 PM] <DesertRose> I tend to need a new pair about every two years; my vision changes a lot.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:22:56 PM] <Shiral> Evie, got this story kicking around in my head about what happens when a Haldane Princess used to the Ile d'Orsal has to.. Adjust to life in Meara
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:23:05 PM] <DesertRose> And probably either my next eye exam or the one after that, it'll be bifocal time for me.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:23:10 PM] <Shiral> Ihop
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:23:19 PM] <Shiral> Hope so, K
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:23:25 PM] <Shiral> PDA
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:23:30 PM] <Evie> Yes, you need to write that one so I can read it, Shiral. I have the hardest time reading fanfic that's not written yet.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:23:33 PM] <Shiral> Darn IPad!
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:24:05 PM] <Shiral> excuses excuses, Evie
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:24:09 PM] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:24:32 PM] Join charmander has joined this channel (Mibbit@OWIRCN-f8690a95.ma.comcast.net).
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:25:05 PM] <Evie> now that I can type for longer periods of time again, I need to try to finish one of my own stories in progress. And I've got a few stories I'm due to beta read soon, I think.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:25:11 PM] <charmander> I'm having another identity crisis!
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:25:13 PM] <Shiral> hello Charmander
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:25:26 PM] Quit charmander has left this server (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client).
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:25:35 PM] <Evie> hi charmander
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:25:45 PM] <Shiral> I just need to get back to writing... Anything
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:26:07 PM] <DesertRose> That was Bee, I think.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:26:24 PM] <DesertRose> Is the shoulder getting better, Evie?
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:26:37 PM] <Evie> I think Annie's going to be sending me snippets of her third book soon for pre-editing
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:26:41 PM] <DesertRose> Cool.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:26:44 PM] <Shiral> Sounds like her computer is giving her a hard time
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:26:56 PM] <DesertRose> Yes, I think so, Shiral.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:26:58 PM] <Bee> Charmander was AKA Bee
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:27:19 PM] <Elim> Hello DesertRose
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:27:25 PM] <DesertRose> Hi Elim. How goes?
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:27:32 PM] <Elim> Busy.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:27:34 PM] <Evie> It is. It's going to take months to heal fully, but it's gone from constant, extreme pain all down that arm to just an annoying twinge in a certain spot of the shoulder
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:27:36 PM] <DesertRose> I kind of figured.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:27:38 PM] <Elim> Very very busy.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:27:41 PM] <DesertRose> Oh, that's good, Evie.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:27:43 PM] <Shiral> Francesca says hello-she's rubbing my fingers with her cheeks
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:27:48 PM] <DesertRose> Hi Francesca.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:27:58 PM] <Elim> It's always busy when you have horses.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:28:14 PM] <Shiral> Hello Elim
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:28:18 PM] <Evie> haven't scheduled with an orthopedist yet because last week's cold used up most of my sick time
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:28:20 PM] <Elim> Hello Shiral
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:28:30 PM] <Evie> So I am trying to build it back up before i schedule more doc visits
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:28:34 PM] <DesertRose> Right.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:28:37 PM] <Bee> Hold your horses, Elim!
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:28:48 PM] <DesertRose> Well that's true enough, Elim.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:28:52 PM] <Evie> hi Elim
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:28:57 PM] <Elim> Hello Evie
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:29:15 PM] <Shiral> How many horses, Elim?
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:29:32 PM] <Elim> We own 4 and are boarding another four at the moment.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:29:48 PM] <DesertRose> Holy cow. That'll keep you hopping.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:29:52 PM] <Evie> Right now the shoulder is twinging, but my hand and arm are fine even with all this typing. So it's progress.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:29:58 PM] <Shiral> Yikes, yes. I can see why they keep you busy
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:30:02 PM] <Evie> wow, that's a lot
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:30:41 PM] <Laurna> four is a normal amount, IHave four Horses too lol
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:30:54 PM] <Shiral> Sounds better, Evie
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:31:39 PM] <Elim> I got to see my mare under saddle for the first time last week, it was nice to see how excited she was, it's bee a long road to that point, she was abused and I spent the past four months training her.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:31:45 PM] <Evie> I started to try to finish Rhys today so I could send him and Evaine on, KK, but then reconsidered mailing you little Mini_Deryni covered in my current germs. :D
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:31:47 PM] <Shiral> Two cats are about what I can manage
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:32:05 PM] <DesertRose> Aw. Poor horse.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:32:15 PM] <Elim> Seven year old Quarab.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:32:26 PM] <Elim> Mare.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:32:41 PM] <Shiral> What color is she?
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:32:45 PM] <Elim> Sorrel
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:32:59 PM] <Shiral> Lovely =o)
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:33:12 PM] <KK> No rush, Evie. And I don't need your germs at this end!
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:33:25 PM] <Evie> That's what I figured. :D
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:34:54 PM] <Shiral> Quarab = quarter horse and Arabian?
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:34:59 PM] <Elim> So between the horses, the new job, moving in with my fiance, and stuff on the farm, holy cow I am busy.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:35:03 PM] <Elim> Shiral, Yes.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:35:30 PM] <Shiral> 8 horses an a holy cow
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:35:31 PM] <Evie> Fiance? Congratulations!
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:35:50 PM] <DesertRose> Sounds it, Elim.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:35:55 PM] <Bee> yeelim
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:36:03 PM] <Shiral> Good busy though
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:36:11 PM] <Bee> congrats, elim
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:36:45 PM] <Laurna> congrats Elim
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:36:54 PM] <KK> Congrats, indeed.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:37:15 PM] <DesertRose> Congratulations. :)
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:37:24 PM] <Shiral> :D
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:37:44 PM] Quit DF64 has left this server (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client).
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:38:11 PM] <Laurna> Did the horses come with the Fiance or are you bringing them.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:38:19 PM] <Shiral> Mid bit is being naughty again today
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:38:31 PM] <Evie> KK, I can probably keep from mailing you germs. Cat hair is another story. Luke loooooves to cuddle with Mini-Deryni, so despite my best efforts, you'll probably find a cat hair or three on Rhys's mantle or Evaine's gown.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:38:32 PM] <Bee> I assume your fiance is an animal-lover, elim
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:38:40 PM] <KK> And when is the big day?--or haven't you decided yet.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:39:08 PM] <KK> Cat hairs we can cope with. We have several here.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:39:12 PM] <DesertRose> Given that KK has plenty of cats herself, I don't think that's a huge problem, Evie. :)
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:39:14 PM] <Shiral> Hope the fiancé also likes animals
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:39:40 PM] <Evie> You can consider them Luke's autographs, then
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:39:44 PM] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:39:53 PM] <Shiral> Cats just seem to generate fur
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:40:45 PM] <Shiral> If a painting of mine doesn't have at least one cat hair, it ain't a Houke
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:40:52 PM] <Shiral> HOULE darned fingers
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:41:12 PM] <Evie> I figured that the L got changed to a K by the cat hairs
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:41:21 PM] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:41:35 PM] <Shiral> Exactly so
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:41:44 PM] <DesertRose> KK, if you want to, send me pics of Penelope and Algernon and I'll add them to the gallery if you like.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:43:26 PM] <KK> I can do that.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:43:29 PM] <DesertRose> :)
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:43:57 PM] <Elim> The date is tenetatively set on the 23rd of December.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:44:06 PM] <DesertRose> Cool.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:44:28 PM] <Shiral> Lots of time to plan
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:44:30 PM] <Laurna> That will come up faster than you think. Wonderful
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:44:36 PM] <Elim> She came with the horses, but my mare, she had rescued and intended to trade shortly, but she attached to me almost instantly.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:44:37 PM] <Laurna> lol
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:44:42 PM] <Evie> yes, yes it will. :
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:44:43 PM] <Evie> :D
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:45:26 PM] <Evie> Glad she attached to you, then. :D
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:45:32 PM] <Bee> your fiance or your mare?
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:45:35 PM] <Elim> It's essentially a case of if we don't get married before that date, we will do it then.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:45:35 PM] <Shiral> Planning to ride down the aisle on horseback?
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:45:38 PM] <Elim> Both?
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:45:50 PM] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:46:09 PM] <Elim> Shiral, I don't think so.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:46:17 PM] <Bee> Will Coluch Crittur be ring-bearer?
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:46:36 PM] <Elim> Doubtful, she is ambivilant towards my fiance.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:46:37 PM] <Shiral> I suppose that would complicate wedding plans
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:47:02 PM] <DesertRose> Aw. Poor Couch Critter, having to share your attention.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:47:15 PM] <Elim> Quite,'
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:47:16 PM] <Bee> doesn't want competition from another woman.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:47:44 PM] <Evie> I was "the other woman" in my husband's relationship with his first cat
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:47:50 PM] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:48:05 PM] <Elim> I think that there is much to learn about being a person if you look at animal training.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:48:08 PM] <Shiral> Lol
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:48:15 PM] <DesertRose> True.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:48:15 PM] <Evie> she considered me the enemy for years, until I got pregnant, and suddenly she decided to start kissing up to me
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:48:25 PM] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:48:46 PM] <Elim> Before my mare I had never been around horses, she taught me how to treat a horse and I taught her how to treat a person.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:48:46 PM] <Shiral> I guess I have to be nice, she's going to have one heck of a big litter!
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:49:13 PM] <Laurna> lol
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:49:34 PM] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:49:45 PM] <Elim> "Do you imply that I am an animal?" "No, I imply that you might be human."
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:49:58 PM] <Elim> Paraphrase of course.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:50:03 PM] <DesertRose> :)
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:50:05 PM] <Evie> :)
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:50:50 PM] Quit Shiral has left this server (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client).
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:51:04 PM] <Laurna> Poor Shiral
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:51:07 PM] * Evie gets out the duct tape to tape Shiral to the chat room
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:51:16 PM] <Laurna> lol
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:51:18 PM] Join Shiral has joined this channel (Mibbit@OWIRCN-2c6f1b6a.ca.comcast.net).
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:51:25 PM] <Laurna> Hello Shiral
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:51:38 PM] <Shiral> Hello again, all
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:51:42 PM] <Bee> WB
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:51:44 PM] * Evie hands Shiral the duct tape
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:51:51 PM] <DesertRose> Poor Shiral.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:52:12 PM] <Elim> KK, I have a question for you as an author if you don't mind.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:52:19 PM] * Shiral takes wallops Mibbit
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:53:30 PM] <Elim> Do you find that your current study of interpersonal interaction and philosophies colors your writing?
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:55:12 PM] <Shiral> Never underestimate the power of duct tape
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:55:16 PM] <KK> I think that all of our experience colors our writing. But earlier, when I was first starting to write, I think there was a more direct influence.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:55:48 PM] <DesertRose> I saw a flowchart on Tumblr about engineering that implied that the solution to everything is either duct tape or WD40.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:56:17 PM] <KK> Works for me.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:56:28 PM] <Shiral> If it doesn't move and should, use WD-40
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:56:34 PM] <DesertRose> If it moves and it shouldn't, duct tape.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:56:44 PM] <Shiral> Exactly
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:56:47 PM] <Shiral> Mae
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:57:01 PM] <Elim> I tend to write philosophy, and I find that while some concepts are especially powerful and others though profound tend to be more parts of greater things.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:57:02 PM] <DesertRose> :)
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:57:19 PM] <Shiral> Evie have you tried WD40 on your shoulder? =o)
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:57:36 PM] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:57:52 PM] <Evie> LOL! No, but it sometimes feels like it's been duct taped down
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:57:56 PM] <DesertRose> :D
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:58:03 PM] <Elim> I always find it interesting to be reading and go "Ah, this author at this point was exploring this concept."
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:58:34 PM] <Shiral> I suppose you'd need DH's help to aim the nozzle to the needed place
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:59:37 PM] <Elim> I read Book of the New Sun, a little while back, and I found it interesting to see the course that Gene Wolfe took through philosophies durring the series.
[Sunday, March 02, 2014] [08:59:56 PM] <Laurna> I need to head out, thank you for the chat every one. Have a good week.
"If having a soul means being able to feel love, loyalty, and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans."

James Herriot (James Alfred "Alfie" Wight), when a human client asked him if animals have souls.  (I don't remember in which book the story originally appeared.)