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KK Chat 12 May 2013

Started by Bynw, May 12, 2013, 07:08:03 PM

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17:57 -!- KK [~kkurtz@OWIRCN-3d2ec0ac.va.comcast.net] has joined #deryni_destinations
17:57 < jemler> hi kk
17:57 < Evie> Hi, KK
17:57 <~bynw> awesome and refresh again and tell me if the chat link comes back
17:57 < KK> Hi, all.
17:58 <~bynw> Hiyas KK, happy mother's day to my fav author :)
17:58 < Evie> It's back, Bynw
17:58 < Evie> Happy Day of Maternal Felicitations.  Or something.
17:58 < jemler> oh yrah, happy mothers day, evie, kk
17:58 < KK> Are we talking about rhemuthcastle.com?  Because I seem to be locked out.
17:58 <~bynw> yep moving to a new host be up soon
17:58 < Evie> Yes, Bynw is doing maintenance on the site
17:59 -!- the_Bee [~the_Bee@OWIRCN-5dcf5375.ma.comcast.net] has joined #deryni_destinations
17:59 < KK> OK, I was just going to see what the Littles had been doing this week.
17:59 < Evie> But there should be a link to the chatroom on the notice page now so people can find us here
17:59 < jemler> happy mothers day, bee
17:59 < KK> Hello, Bee.
17:59 < Evie> Not much, KK.  I made a little gown for Grub (my child figure), but that's about it.
17:59 < Evie> And the lady you sent me now has a better body, but I don't have photos of that yet
17:59 < the_Bee> Hi KK. I'm not a mother, jemler, but thanks for the thought.
18:00 < KK> Well, can't expect whole wardrobes every week.  :-)
18:00 -!- DesertRose [~owner@DesertRose.Editor.Writer.Creator] has joined #deryni_destinations
18:00 -!- mode/#deryni_destinations [+qao DesertRose DesertRose DesertRose] by derynibot
18:00 < jemler> hi dr. happy mothers day
18:00 < the_Bee> Hi DR
18:00 <~bynw> Hiyas DR, happy mother's day to you
18:00 <~DesertRose> Hi, thanks.  About to eat supper.  :)
18:00 < jemler> what are we having?
18:00 < Evie> http://www.flickr.com/photos/9573389@N08/8724811344/  Little girl garb
18:00 <~DesertRose> Enchiladas.
18:00 < the_Bee> Happy mothers day to all moms present.
18:00 < Evie> Thank you, Bee
18:00 < jemler> ii have beef straganoff
18:01 < the_Bee> I've just had wine and cheese.
18:01 < jemler> we used to call that fondue.
18:01 < Evie> KK, I also posted a test display of your mini-furnishings recently.  Here's one: http://www.flickr.com/photos/9573389@N08/8703755573/
18:02 < the_Bee> What do they call that style--inlaid?
18:02 < Evie> Also this one: http://www.flickr.com/photos/9573389@N08/8703755189/
18:02 < KK> Does Grub have a real name?  That can't be her baptismal name.
18:03 < Evie> Amanda, KK.
18:03 < KK> Ah, good.
18:03 < Evie> Bee, the furniture looks like inlaid wood, but it's just very skillfully painted to resemble it.
18:03 < the_Bee> very skillfully indeed.
18:03 < KK> If it wre real, Bee, I think it would be a type of markettry.  (Not sure I've spelled that right.)
18:04 < Evie> marquetry, I think
18:04 < jemler> we used to call my younger brother chubb. when he started first grade, my mother asked him what his name was, he said "Chubb"
18:04 < KK> That's it.  Duh!
18:04 < KK> Like the lock, eh?
18:04  * bynw must get some groceries will quick.
18:04 < Evie> My son has had a succession of nicknames for DD over the years.  Most recently she has been answering to "Gubby."  That one has lasted at least two years.
18:05 < the_Bee> KK, have you read the rumors that there may be a Once Upon a Time Spinoff?  Set in Wonderland with Alice as the Wicked Queen.
18:05 <~bynw> Evie: keep checking the forum if the chat link goes away and stays away please let me know cause that will be a good thing (means new forum is working fine and I can take it out of maint mode)
18:05 -!- You're now known as bynw-groceries
18:06 < Evie> Bynw, refreshed ten times, and it hasn't come back yet.
18:06 -!- kirienne [Mibbit@8E7DA3.600DB1.DF5C9C.061E2C] has joined #deryni_destinations
18:06 < KK> Haven't seen that one, Bee.
18:06 < Evie> Hi, kirienne
18:06 < the_Bee> Hi Kirienne
18:06 < jemler> hi kirienne
18:06 < kirienne> Hi Everyone, I had to figure out how to get in, I usually get in from Rhemuth castle
18:07 < kirienne> Happy Mother's Day to all who are mothers
18:07 -!- Jerusha [Mibbit@OWIRCN-5f59a07a.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #deryni_destinations
18:07 < the_Bee> Glad you made it. How did you get in this time?
18:07 < the_Bee> Hi Jerusha
18:07 < jemler> hi jerusha
18:07 < Evie> Bynw is doing maintenance on it.  We had a chat link on the maintenance mode page, but Bynw just removed it again.
18:07 < Jerusha> Hi Bee!
18:07 < kirienne> I chose the live chat
18:07 < Jerusha> So did I
18:07 < the_Bee> Isn't it always live?
18:08 < Jerusha> But I do have a warm plate of triple chocolate cookies to offer
18:08 < kirienne> I usually enter directly from the forum though
18:08 < Evie> as opposed to the dead chat?
18:08 < the_Bee> Zombi Chat!
18:09 < Evie> OK, Bynw, I have now refreshed this page umpteen zillion times, and the chatroom link hasn't returned.  Which according to you means the forum is now ready to go live, but in the meantime, until it does, it also means some folks can't find the chat room.  Hint.  Hint.  :D
18:10 < Evie> So, KK, how are Brion and Alaric this week?
18:11 < Evie> DH just went outside...hopefully that means the person interested in taking our old clunker off our hands is here.
18:12 < Jerusha> Clunker as in a car?
18:12 < Evie> I'm hoping someone will take our driveway sculpture away soon
18:12 < the_Bee> how old is it, what model?
18:12 < Evie> Yes.  our old Saturn that's just been sitting around
18:12 < Evie> Saturn SL
18:12 < Evie> 1997
18:12 < Jerusha> Does it run?
18:12 < Evie> yeah, sounds like DH is out there talking to someone
18:12 < Evie> It runs really well if you are behind it pushing it downhill.
18:13 < Jerusha> :D
18:13 < kirienne> LOL
18:13 < KK> Everyone is good.  The bodies of Xenia and her baby have been rescued, with the help of Se and another mysterious Anviler knight.  They've now brought the bodies back to Cynfyn and are preparing to continue on to Rhemuth, where Brion has already arrived with his new queen..
18:13 < Evie> In other words, no. The original plan was to try to repair it for DD to drive, but it's been sitting around so long, and the parts are getting harder to find, that it's just not worth it
18:13 < Evie> Oh good, KK!
18:14 < Jerusha> Excellent!
18:14 < kirienne> Yay, KK
18:14 < the_Bee> I wish the buyer good luck, whoever he is.
18:14 < KK> Adding this new Anviler also added an element of mystery that will carry over to later books.
18:14 < kirienne> :-)
18:14 < Jerusha> Will we see the wedding scene, KK?
18:14 < Evie> DH put it on Craigslist last night and we've already had 6 inquiries or more
18:14 < the_Bee> Does that mean thee will be later books?
18:14  * Evie perks up at the mention of later books
18:14 < Jerusha> Later books?  *turns cartwheels*
18:15 < kirienne> ?me gets excited at mention of later books
18:15 < Evie> Or might this be an Anviller we've already met, named Azim?
18:15 < the_Bee> I want to meet Kelson's children.
18:15 < Evie> In a later book, I mean
18:16 < kirienne> so do I Evie
18:16 < Jerusha> I'm happy to meet anyone in later books
18:16 < KK> No wedding scene.  I've sone so many.  So this one happens off-camera.
18:16 < Jerusha> Ah
18:16 < KK> Not Azim.  He'd be too young.  This is an older man.
18:16 < Evie> Ah, OK
18:16 < Jerusha> Jehana causes enough trouble without a wedding scene
18:17 < Evie> Jehana's good at scenes.  No, wait, not quite what we mean by "wedding scene."
18:17 < Jerusha> Works for me :D
18:18 < Jerusha> The return with the bodies of Xenia and daughter could make for an interesting scene with the new queen
18:18 < Evie> I heard a motor start up and wondered how in the world they got the Saturn running. Then I realized it has to be some other vehicle...because the Saturn doesn't have a battery in it!
18:19 < kirienne> LOL
18:19 < Jerusha> A Deryni spell perhaps?
18:21 < Evie> C'mon, guy, buy my car, the basement needs new flooring. ;-)
18:21 < Jerusha> The littles need more props
18:21 < kirienne> LOL
18:21 < Evie> First I need to revamp the basement so that I have room for more doll stuff.  Then I actually need to move it down there so I can have an uncluttered upstairs when my parents are here in two weeks
18:22 < Evie> And after that, if I can finally get some designated hobby space, MAYBE more doll stuff
18:22 < Evie> But if I get more right now, DH will kill me.  It's taken over my dining room and half my rear wall in my living room
18:23 < Jerusha> And there is a problem with that?
18:23 < Evie> We're in the process of trying to convert the basement to a living area where DS can have his own "apartment" while he's in college.  If that happens, I'll have a spare room/guest room/hobby room again.
18:23 < KK> Is your bsement finished?
18:23 < Jerusha> He will need his own space.  Trust me after three boys
18:23 < Evie> Since DD has claimed DS's current room once he's out of it, so I'll take over her room as my guest/spare room
18:24 < Evie> It's finished on one end of the house, and the other half is the unfinished garage/laundry.
18:24 < KK> Is there a bathroom down there?
18:24 < Evie> There isn't, but there's a fairly spacious finished area with a large walk-in closet that is currently our SCA closet
18:25 < Jerusha> I have this vision of a little dorm room with beds for the littles
18:25 < Evie> Or at least it would be spacious if not filled with boxes of stuff we need to go through and get rid of.
18:25 < KK> How hard would it be to do a bath back-to-back with the laundry area?
18:25 < Evie> It's also our SCA library down there
18:25 < Evie> Probably not too hard, though we'd need to save up a bit longer to install that.
18:25  * bynw-groceries is back
18:25 -!- You're now known as bynw
18:25 < Evie> there would be easy enough access to plumbing there, though
18:25 < the_Bee> rehi bynw
18:25 < KK> Meanwhile, he'd have to come upstairs for a bathroom?  Not great.
18:26 < Evie> That laundry area is also directly below the bathrooms on the main level.
18:26 < KK> Helps to have them all in a row.  You can tap into the waste from the bath above.
18:26 < the_Bee> Is DS going to be commuting to college from home, or just visiting sometimes?
18:26 < Evie> He'd have less distance to walk coming upstairs than I used to have to walk to the bathroom in my college residence hall.  It's not a very big house
18:26 < KK> (I thinkI watch entirely too much HGTV.)
18:26 < Evie> commuting
18:27 < Evie> he wanted to live on campus originally, but we can't afford that
18:27 < Evie> it would be several thousand a year more to live on campus
18:27 < kirienne> I watch HGTV too, KK
18:27 < Jerusha> So do I
18:27 < the_Bee> so giving him his own space is a compromise.
18:27 < KK> Let him help pay for the improvements in the basement, since he will benefit directly.  At least draft muscle-power fr the work.
18:27 < Evie> Yes.  Keeps us both happy
18:27 < Jerusha> It's a good compromise
18:28 < Evie> He's contributing muscle power.  To contribute financially, he'll need a job first.
18:28 < the_Bee> Tell him to do his own laundry.
18:28 < KK> A job would be good.
18:28 < Evie> But he's in five Advance Placement classes this year, so he is waiting until summer to start looking for the job
18:28 <~bynw> forum should be back up and running
18:28 < Jerusha> Yah!
18:28 < KK> Absolutely he should do his own laundry.  All men should.  All kids should, once they're old enough.
18:28 < Evie> That and he also wants to spend these last weeks of school with friends who will be leaving for distant colleges after they graduate
18:29 < Evie> Oh, he's done his own laundry for several years now
18:29 < KK> Good Mom!
18:29 < the_Bee> Good!
18:29 < Jerusha> Open washing machine, throw everything in, and hope for the best
18:29 < kirienne> :-)
18:29 < KK> And if you're lucky, they'll even separate into dark and light.
18:29 < the_Bee> That sounds like my stle.
18:29 < Evie> Both kids do their own. That way they can't complain to me if something they need to wear on a certain day hasn't been washed yet.
18:29 < the_Bee> style
18:29 < jemler>  rats! forgot the water! :)
18:29 < KK> Yep.
18:30 < Jerusha> Mine never went toward the light; at least not after the first load
18:31 < Evie> Now if I could only get them to treat dishes like they do their laundry instead of wishing the Dishes Fairy would come pick them up and take them away
18:31 < the_Bee> Boston Senior Services picks up mine once a week.
18:31 < KK> That, too, can change.
18:31 < Jerusha> I must admit, mine were always good about dishes.  I never had to worry about biology experiments
18:31 <~DesertRose> Okay, back from supper.
18:32 < kirienne> That's great, Bee
18:32 < the_Bee> WB
18:32 <~DesertRose> TY
18:32 < Jerusha> Hi Dr
18:32 < the_Bee> one of the compensations for growing old.
18:32 < Evie> I never know what I'll find with my two, although at least lately the "biology experiments" actually HAVE been meant as experiments.  Right now there is a squirrel hide tanning on the front patio.  DS is going through his Great Outdoorsman phase of life. 
18:33 < Jerusha> Poor squirrel
18:33 < Evie> He plans on eating it.
18:33 < KK> And if you're lucky, they'll even start noticing that things need doing.  Imagine my delight when I came home one day to discover Cameron cleaning the refrigerator, taking everything out, one shelf at a time, doing it properly.
18:33 < Jerusha> The hide?
18:33 < jemler> if he's looking to make a cap, he'll need a few more squirrels.
18:33 < Evie> The squirrel. Not the hide.  Ew. :D
18:33 < kirienne> Cool, KK
18:34 < KK> Then, is the squirrel in the refrigerator or frezer?
18:34 < the_Bee> My brother shot a squirrel once.  We all ate it.
18:34 < Evie> If I come home and finding one of mine cleaning the refrigerator, I'll first faint dead away of shock, then when I wake, I'll ask what it is they want and how much it costs.
18:34 < jemler> Evie, the squirrel he killed, it wasn't standing next to a moose was it?
18:34 < Jerusha> Mine clean out the refrigerator, but it has nothing to do with cleaning it. :)
18:34 < Evie> Freezer, KK
18:34 < Evie> If it was, jemler, the moose was very lost. :D
18:34 < Evie> We don't get many Alabama Moose
18:35 < jemler> i was think Rocky and Bullwinkle.
18:35 < Evie> Oh yes, mine will clean out a refrigerator that way too
18:35 < jemler> you have moose in Alabame, but in Ohio, we call the cows!)
18:36 < Evie> Moo-horsies.
18:36 < jemler> milk horses
18:36 < KK> How's he going to cook the squirrel?
18:37 < Evie> Not sure, KK.  Pan-fry, I think, though he might need to clean and retemper his cast iron skillet first.
18:37 < jemler> i've had squirrel, deer, and pheasant
18:37 < Evie> It got some rust after his last camping trip, so he's been looking up how to restore it
18:37 <~bynw> jemler: Rocky and Bullwinkle are from Frostbite Falls MN ... not anywhere near AL
18:38 < the_Bee> I've had ostrich and kangaroo and rabbit
18:38 < Evie> My grandmother used to dredge rabbit and squirrel with flour, salt, and black pepper and pan-fry it, I think.
18:38 < jemler> ohi forgot rabbit!
18:38 < jemler> bynw, i've seen moose in new york, at the macy's parade!
18:38 < Evie> But since I've never been much for game meats, I didn't ask her exact recipe
18:39 -!- Alkari [Mibbit@OWIRCN-5426fdae.internode.on.net] has joined #deryni_destinations
18:39 < Jerusha> I'll stick with chicken
18:39 < Evie> Hi, Alkari
18:39 < jemler> hi alkari
18:39 < Alkari> Hi everyone. 
18:39 < the_Bee> Hi Alkari
18:39 <~DesertRose> Hi Alkari.
18:39 < kirienne> Hi Alkari
18:39 < Alkari> Tried to log in earlier but kept getting 'site is down' message   :(
18:39 < Jerusha> Hi Alkari! *waves*
18:39 <~DesertRose> Yeah, bynw just changed hosts for the message board.
18:39 < kirienne> I  don't like game meats either, Evie
18:39 < the_Bee> Bynw's been working on the site, Alkari
18:40 < Evie> I prefer chicken.  Or beef and pork.  Lamb, if it's Middle Eastern style instead of roasted with mint sauce.  But not into game, except maybe venison, but only if prepared correctly to get rid of the "gamey" taste.
18:40 < Alkari> Glad to see that Teymuraz hasn't managed to shut things down :D
18:40  * jemler puts out pretzel sticks and nutella
18:40 <~bynw> Alkari: should be up now
18:41 <~DesertRose> Okay, I'll stay logged in but I should be helping clean the kitchen.  BBIAB.
18:41 < Alkari> Thanks bynw.  Yes, I logged in via the site
18:41 < the_Bee> Indian restaurants serve good lamb dishes.
18:41 < Alkari> Greek restaurants usually do superb lamb dishes
18:41 < Jerusha> DH does the kitchen for me on Sundays.  Mondays I try to find everything again
18:41 < Evie> Yes, Alkari was one of the people I was thinking of earlier when I said we needed a chat link on the maintenance message, bynw.  Not everyone has an IRC client or knows where to find the Otherworlders server elsewhere if the forum is down.
18:41 < jemler> but you can't get a steak to save your life!
18:41 < kirienne> I love lamb, but not mint sauce
18:42 < the_Bee> mmany Indian restaurants, fewer Greek.
18:42 < Alkari> Some of their slow-cooked ones have the lamb just melting off the bone
18:42 < Alkari> Slow-cooked lamb shanks ...mmmm.
18:43 < the_Bee> Lamb Saag...
18:43 < Evie> After my mom leaves the end of May, I'll be trying to find all my kitchen stuff again.  But it will be worth it to have her making Mom-cooked food while she's here.
18:43 < Evie> And there's no keeping my Mom out of the kitchen even on her vacation, since she loves to cook.
18:43 < Alkari> LOL @ problems of someone else in kitchen 
18:43 < Jerusha> Then enjoy, Evie!
18:44 < Alkari> Yes, having someone else do the work is worth a few 'lost' utensils :D
18:44 < Evie> Oh, I will!  I might need larger clothing once she leaves, but I'll definitely enjoy it when she's here. ;-)
18:44 < jemler> but, remember to eat all your veggies, they're good for you! and you won't get any desert! :)
18:45 < Evie> My mom isn't a big dessert maker, but her food is to die for, so I don't mind buying some baked goods.
18:45 < Evie> my daughter is the one who enjoys desserts, and has started baking so we can keep some sweets on hand.
18:46 < jemler> Evie, I've seen your Facebook page. You don't have anything to worry about.
18:46 < Alkari> I am making a yummy lemon cake for tomorrow night when a friend comes round for dinner and some trip planning
18:46 < kirienne> yum. I like to bake too
18:46 < Evie> yum!
18:46 < Jerusha> Trip planning, Alkari?
18:47 < the_Bee> When my younger sister was in junior high, she wrote an essay on Australia, in which she said that 3/4 of it was dessert.
18:47 < Alkari> It is one of those where you pour hot lemon syrup over it immediately it comes out of the oven, then let it cool in the tin, and then put some light lemon icing on when it is cold
18:47 < Evie> LOL, Bee
18:47 < Jerusha> Was it chocolate dessert?
18:47 < Alkari> Yes Jerusha - friend and I are going to the World Equestrian Games in Normandy in Aug-Sept next year
18:47 < Evie> Alkari, my MIL makes a lemon cake that sounds a lot like that
18:47 < kirienne> Alkari, that sounds wonderful
18:47 < Jerusha> Sounds like a great trip, Alkari
18:48 < Jerusha> That's 2014?
18:48 < the_Bee> ginger bread, with all the red stone in Os.
18:48 < the_Bee> Oz
18:48 < Alkari> We have booked for the actual games section, as we are going on a package trip where tickets to the events and such are all arranged, but we want to do a few river / canal cruises afterwards, so we are looking at brochures and starting to plan
18:49  * bynw made mug chocolate cake yesterday ... 2 of them in fact
18:49 < Jerusha> Wonderful
18:49  * bynw likes being able to make a cake in 5 minutes
18:49 < Alkari> We want to do the upper Rhine of course, but there are some lovely ones also down the Danube and in eastern Europe, and one that goes from Moscow down to St Petersburg, which I would love.   But
18:49 < Jerusha> There should be castles to see in Normandy
18:50 < Evie> also along the Rhine
18:50 < Jerusha> Moscow to St Petersburg?  Nice
18:50 < Alkari> Yes, we are waiting to see what we can get associated with the tour e.g. perhaps to the French cavalry school at Saumur
18:50 < Evie> DH and I were looking into a Rhine river tour also, though not anytime in the immediate future
18:51 < Alkari> At least with WEG going into September, we will be over the worst of the holiday season by the time we get to travel afterwards
18:51 < Jerusha> I would love to do the rivers in the British Isles
18:51 < the_Bee> There's a company that specializes in river tours.
18:51 < Alkari> Europe in August is a no no  :(
18:51 < Jerusha> Too many tourists, or not good weather?
18:52 < Alkari> Yes, I would love to do the UK canals too, but not this trip.  May not even make it across to London, though I *am* thinking of checking whether a round the world air ticket is worthwhile, so I can come back via the States
18:52 < the_Bee>  My parents enjoyed traveling by Eurrail.
18:53 < Alkari> Maybe hop across to NY, then go up into New England etc.  What time do I get all the autumn colour in NE USA?
18:53 <~DesertRose> Depends on where you are.
18:54 < Evie> I used to have a student Britrail pass.  That was nice, and quite inexpensive, since I had a student discount
18:54 < Jerusha> October, I would think
18:54 < the_Bee> Late September to mid-october, depending on how far north.
18:54 < Alkari> Yes, that may work - I'dprobably get there late September, early October if we do a couple of week long cruises
18:55 < Jerusha> May I carry your suitcase, Alkari? :)
18:55 < Alkari> Will just have to see about the money!!  As we are flying business class - NO WAY am I doint any more long hau;l flights in cattle class
18:55 < Alkari> I am too old and I like my creature comforts  :D
18:56 < the_Bee> I was in Vermont early September one year, for my sis-in-laws burial.  I got some very colorful pics.
18:56 < Alkari> That woudl be great
18:57 < Evie> Oh lordy...the last time I flew an international flight in business class was by accident (my mom and I had economy class tickets, but I got seated in Business), and by the time we got to Anchorage, I had spent the last 4 hours with a Korean businessman trying to propose to me. :D
18:57 < Alkari> LOL.
18:57 < Evie> That was...memorable.  :D
18:57 < Jerusha> You didn't say yes? :D
18:57 < kirienne> LOL
18:57 < the_Bee> Was that before or after you and DH were married?
18:58 < Alkari> What sort of riches was he promising you?  ;0
18:58 < Evie> He said, "God has told me that we are going to get married, have eight children, and start a Korean Baptist mission in New York City." I said, "I'm sorry, but I talk to God daily and he has never mentioned you. Sorry."  :D
18:59 < Jerusha> LOL
18:59 < jemler> Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock.
18:59 <~DesertRose> LOL, Evie.
18:59 < Alkari> ROFL
18:59 < Evie> Well before I met DH, Bee
18:59 < kirienne> LOL
18:59 < Jerusha> He must have been shocked!
18:59 < Evie> He was a millionaire.  I missed my chance. ;-)
18:59 < jemler> yea, he caught evie on the rebound1
19:00 < Alkari> 'MY god talks to me and SHE said to avoid all Korean businessmen!'
19:00 < Evie> I still have his business card somewhere. :D
19:00 < jemler> ooooohhhh!
19:00 < Jerusha> The eight children might have given me pause
19:00 < Evie> Y'think, Jerusha? ;-)
19:00 < Alkari> Yes - I'd have insisted he bear the last six!
19:00 < Jerusha> Oh yeah!
19:00 < kirienne> :-)
19:01 < Jerusha> Time for Once Upon a Time, so I must sign off!
19:01 < Alkari> And time for GoT and live chat there. 
19:01 < kirienne> night Jerusha
19:01 < the_Bee> bye Jerusha
19:01 < Jerusha> Bye everyone!
19:01 -!- Jerusha [Mibbit@OWIRCN-5f59a07a.dsl.bell.ca] has quit [Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client]
19:01 < Alkari> Bye jerusha   have a good week
19:01 < the_Bee> Bye KK, I assume.
19:01 < Evie> Yes, he decided after a few hours of conversaton with me that I was "American enough to live in the US without culture shock, but Asian enough to be a good traditional Asian wife."  I gently informed him the only thing Asian about me is my DNA. :D
19:01 < jemler> it's already started!
19:01 < Evie> And even then, only part of it. :D
19:01 < Alkari> Tyemuraz has kidnapped her
19:02 < the_Bee> thanks ofr coming, you-all
19:02 < Alkari> OK, see you all next week - gotta go.   Stay safe and healthy all of you  :)
19:02 <~DesertRose> See you, Alkari.
19:02  * Alkari waves
19:02 < kirienne> Night Alkari
19:02 -!- Alkari [Mibbit@OWIRCN-5426fdae.internode.on.net] has quit [Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client]
19:04 < the_Bee> KK's still here??
19:04 < Evie> apparently
19:04 < Evie> though maybe absent from keyboard
19:04 < the_Bee> lurker mode
19:04 < Evie> DR, do you have the chat log tonight?
19:04 < Evie> (Or Bynw?)
19:04 <~DesertRose> No, I came in late, so I missed part of it.
19:05 < Evie> ah, OK
19:05 <~DesertRose> I pm'd bynw about it, but I haven't gotten a response.
19:05 < KK> Sorry, I got a Happy Mother's Day call from my son--and now it's Once Upon a Time.
19:05 < KK> But I did catch you up on thebook, so I thin I'm caught up.
19:05 < Evie> Ah, that explains it
19:05 < jemler> it's already started KK
19:06 < the_Bee> glad you came.
19:06 <~DesertRose> Okay, see you, KK.  Thanks for coming by.  :)
19:06 < Evie> See you later, KK!
19:06 < jemler> until next week, everyone!
19:06 < kirienne> Night night KK
19:06 < KK> I know, I have it on.  Turned it on with the phone in my hand.
19:06 < kirienne> huggles
19:06  * jemler throws a fish at himself
19:06 < KK> Good night, all.
19:06 < Evie> Good night!
19:06 < the_Bee> good night, KK
19:06 <~DesertRose> Night night!
19:06  * KK steps onto her Portal, waves goodnight, and disappears in a shower of green sparkles.
19:06 <~bynw> night KK
19:07 -!- KK [~kkurtz@OWIRCN-3d2ec0ac.va.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: ]
President pro tempore of The Worlds of Katherine Kurtz Fan Club
IRC Administrator of #Deryni_Destinations
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