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KK Chat -- 29 July 2012 Part 2

Started by DesertRose, July 29, 2012, 08:18:49 PM

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[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:30:31 PM] <Evie> Yeah, I should remember that not everyone deals with talk of blood and bodily fluids as normal 'shop talk'. ;-)
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:30:34 PM] <jemler> i guess that's why they called it spring cleaning.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:30:52 PM] <DesertRose> It doesn't bug me, particularly, but a lot of men get grossed out by womanly functions of whatever sort.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:31:02 PM] <jemler> the sweet honey mead looks promising.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:31:02 PM] <the_Bee> And some kids today are getting sick more often because they don't buildup any resistance to germs.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:31:16 PM] <DesertRose> My medic ex-boyfriend was proud that he'd never had to deliver a bay.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:31:19 PM] <DesertRose> *baby
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:31:27 PM] <cynicalmedic> I have delivered four
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:31:35 PM] <jemler> George Carlin 'You are all diseased' great concert
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:31:42 PM] <DesertRose> He didn't want to do it at all. He'd do cardiac massage, but no childbirth.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:31:42 PM] <Alkari> One of the Game of Thrones actors was asked what bit of modern technology he would like to take back to a medieva; world - and he replied "toilet paper"
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:31:47 PM] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:31:51 PM] <Evie> My dad and I used to talk about veterinary stuff at the dinner table, and Mom would say "Stop talking about that disgusting stuff while we're eating!" One day, she followed up by talking about Filipino "delicacies" like balut, and we asked her to refrain for the same reason. :D
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:31:54 PM] <cynicalmedic> One poor mite is running around named after me
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:32:14 PM] <KK> I saw a birth when I was in medical school; it's one of the great miracles of life.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:32:29 PM] <Jerusha> He's named Cynicalmedic? :)
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:32:34 PM] <Evie> Wow, poor child...spending the rest of her life known as "cynicalmedic"! ;-)
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:32:39 PM] <jemler> it would be a miracle if i could watch and not lose my lunch!
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:32:42 PM] <cynicalmedic> My real name is Laura
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:32:44 PM] <DesertRose> It is, but I'm glad that I live in the 21st century where we can labor in clean coonditions.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:32:49 PM] <DesertRose> *conditions
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:33:15 PM] <Evie> I've seen puppies and kittens born, and oh yeah, DS and DD as well, though I was a little more preoccupied when those two showed up.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:33:15 PM] <Jerusha> Very nice name
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:33:32 PM] <DesertRose> On the extremely slim chance that I have any more children. Actually, Mini-me (Stephani) was born in the 20th C. :)
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:33:38 PM] <jemler> well cm. i'm John
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:34:08 PM] <the_Bee> And I'm Beverly
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:34:13 PM] <DesertRose> I'm Nora, cynicalmedic. I had a roommate in my uni years named Laura; that got really confusing when it was time to answer the house phone.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:34:16 PM] <DesertRose> :D
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:34:21 PM] <Evie> LOL
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:34:25 PM] <Jerusha> My three were born in the 20th century and just act like they were born in medieval times
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:34:29 PM] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:34:40 PM] <Evie> LOL! I didn't know we shared children, jerusha
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:34:55 PM] <jemler> i should intro you to my two uncles and two cousins all named John!
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:35:01 PM] <Evie> at least the description certainly fits mine
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:35:11 PM] <DesertRose> It's like William or Augustus in my family, jemler.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:35:12 PM] <Jerusha> My oldest could be a ringer for Brion, except his hair is shorter
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:35:33 PM] <cynicalmedic> I met a Brion this week - he is one of the new residents
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:35:41 PM] <DesertRose> There are something like six Williams within 2 degrees of me in my family.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:35:50 PM] <Evie> Oh, hang on....I have a pic of my DH in his twenties that reminds me of Brion every time I read that description of Brion's "close cropped beard"
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:35:54 PM] <KK> Does he know about our Brion?
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:36:01 PM] <DesertRose> And I can trace something like five men with Augustus in their name in my father's family.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:36:15 PM] <Evie> http://www.rhemuthcastle.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=110
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:36:22 PM] <Jerusha> No, but he's into Game of Thrones
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:36:27 PM] <cynicalmedic> I did not have a chance to ask him - he is training with me this week, so I will ask
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:36:56 PM] <Evie> That's a better family name than "Philander," or worse yet, "Philanderer"! There are several of those in DH's family tree. I can only hope they didn't live up to that name! Or down, rather.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:36:58 PM] <DesertRose> How did you two manage to have a redheaded child, Evie? :D
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:37:24 PM] <jemler> you know who have no imagination? The parents of Efrem Zimbalist Jr.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:37:25 PM] <Evie> redheads on both side of the family, my grandmother's generation or further back
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:37:32 PM] <cynicalmedic> He doesn't look like our Brion - he has red hair and freckles
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:37:34 PM] <DesertRose> Ah, okay.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:37:56 PM] <Evie> My grandmother had light brown hair, but two of her sisters had red hair
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:38:10 PM] <Evie> One was a strawberry blonde and the other was fiery red
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:38:12 PM] <DesertRose> Nobody in my family has red hair. We're all brunettes or dark blondes.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:38:24 PM] <KK> Handsome, Evie.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:38:25 PM] <DesertRose> I have red highlights, though, and so does my mother.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:38:28 PM] <Evie> and I think DH said his great grandfather was a redhead
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:38:36 PM] <the_Bee> I was born reddish blond, but ift faded.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:38:39 PM] <DesertRose> I also have silver streaks. :D
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:38:49 PM] <Evie> Thank you. I tend to find him easy enough to look at even now, almost 25 years later.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:38:54 PM] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:39:12 PM] <jemler> tell him, not us! :D
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:39:12 PM] <Jerusha> very nice picture
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:39:12 PM] <KK> And it's a cool photo.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:39:17 PM] <DesertRose> My daughter occasionally colors her hair some shade of red, though; she hates her natural color.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:39:44 PM] <Evie> we were newlyweds when that was taken, which accounts for the doe-eyed "We haven't a clue what we've just got ourselves into" look. ;-)
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:39:44 PM] <DesertRose> It is a cool photo, Evie. Y'all look cute. I'm assuming this was at an SCA function of some sort?
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:40:19 PM] <Jerusha> I also like the picture with DS (as a toddler)
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:40:22 PM] <Evie> Actually, no. We were dressed for an SCA demo, but it was at a "Salute to Spain" event held downtown
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:40:26 PM] <DesertRose> Oh, okay.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:40:31 PM] <KK> I've noticed lately that several kingdoms have begun doing formal portraits like that.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:41:07 PM] <the_Bee> So DH was also an SCA-er?
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:41:19 PM] <Evie> That's how we met, Bee
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:41:43 PM] <Evie> Which photo, Jerusha? Was it one with DS in SCA garb, or did you see another one?
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:41:47 PM] <the_Bee> One of my nieces is SCA; her hubby's a Norselander.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:42:02 PM] <Jerusha> I think it was in SCA garb
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:42:31 PM] <Evie> DH has been in the SCA since he was 18. I read an article about it in Starlog Magazine at around the same age, i think, but didn't find a group until my mid 20s
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:43:04 PM] <Evie> I remember reading Bjo Trimble's article, thinking it sounded really cool and wishing they'd have something like that in Alabama
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:43:48 PM] <Jerusha> I did't hear about SCA until too late in life to think about it
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:44:17 PM] <KK> Hey, it's never too late!
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:44:22 PM] <Evie> My DS tried sword and shield at his first fighter practice as a young adult, now that he's finally reached legal age to try his hand at it. I took some video of him sparring against DH. :-)
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:44:45 PM] <Evie> No such thing, Jerusha. Unless you're dead, in which case, yeah, don't wait quite that long.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:45:31 PM] <cynicalmedic> I have never gotten involved with it either. Perhaps it is something to contemplate,
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:45:36 PM] <Evie> I've met a few octogenarians in the SCA, though admittedly most just day-trip by that age
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:45:38 PM] <DesertRose> Oh, it's great fun.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:45:46 PM] <DesertRose> The only reason I'm not active right now is money.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:45:49 PM] <Jerusha> Well, I don't know of a chapter (it that's the right word) here up north. I have a friend that does Viking re-enactments, though
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:45:56 PM] <DesertRose> www.sca.org
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:46:05 PM] <DesertRose> You can find your local body there. :D
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:46:17 PM] <jemler> which kingdom evie?
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:46:18 PM] <Evie> The link DR just posted will tell you what's closest
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:46:20 PM] <cynicalmedic> I have been a reluctant costume wearer at Civil War re-enactments, though
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:46:25 PM] <Evie> Mine, jemler? Meridies
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:46:27 PM] <Jerusha> I'll check it out.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:46:41 PM] <DesertRose> Civil War costumes are a pain. Late medieval is much more comfortable.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:46:43 PM] <Evie> I know several people involved in CW re-enacting as well as SCA
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:47:12 PM] <the_Bee> Norman dress was more comfortable than Tudor.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:47:15 PM] <jemler> i'd join the sca, but in a wheelchair? nah.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:47:22 PM] <DesertRose> And Civil War re-enactors tend to be...highly anal retentive about authenticity, let's say.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:47:23 PM] <Evie> I started as Elizabethan, but given my distaste for sewing, I've tended to drift more and more towards 12th or 11th C. lately
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:47:32 PM] <cynicalmedic> They needed medical staff, and the rule was costumes. It was tough finding a dress for me - I am six feet tall
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:47:33 PM] <DesertRose> Norman is comfy too.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:47:43 PM] <DesertRose> I hear ya, cynicalmedic.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:47:47 PM] <DesertRose> I'm 5'9"
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:47:56 PM] <Evie> We've got all levels of authenticity in SCA, from the extreme sticklers to those who show up just for the beer
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:48:00 PM] <DesertRose> Yup.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:48:21 PM] <Jerusha> Just for the record, I'm not an octogenarian - yet :D
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:48:23 PM] <DesertRose> Or the wenches. I know a fair few men who show up to see pretty, fullbusted women in low-cut gowns. :D
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:48:32 PM] <KK> Jemler, the late Baron of Califia, Baron Talanque, was in a wheelchair, and it never slowed him down.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:48:47 PM] <Evie> I love the look of true medieval, but I also love having a cooler of soft drinks hidden under that tablecloth or inside that wooden chest as well. :-)
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:49:26 PM] <cynicalmedic> And Under Armor to wear underneath those ridiculous skirts
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:49:39 PM] <Alkari> I'm 5'8
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:49:39 PM] <Evie> LOL! Oops, sorry, wasn't meaning to imply that you were, Jerusha. But see, you've got something to aspire to now. Wearing Court finery into your eighties. ;-)
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:49:40 PM] <DesertRose> I absolutely adore my garb. It's really comfortable until it's time to go to the loo, when I've got to wrestle four yards of fabric. :D
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:49:59 PM] <DesertRose> (And that's just the skirt.)
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:50:00 PM] <KK> I did a lot of authentic costuming, and won a Laurel for it, but I was also fond of what I call "fairytale medieval."
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:50:00 PM] <jemler> how'd he get to be a Baron in a wheelchair? i thought you had to be King once to get that rank.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:50:17 PM] <DesertRose> Nope, you can be a baron because the king and queen say you are.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:50:26 PM] <DesertRose> You can also be a territorial baron, head of a local barony.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:50:46 PM] <the_Bee> or a marchlord?
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:50:54 PM] <KK> Talanque was a territorial baron.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:50:56 PM] <DesertRose> A lot of event sites these days are even wheelchair accessible.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:51:06 PM] <jemler> i was thinking a writing a program to list all the blazons of people.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:51:15 PM] <DesertRose> Some of them are a little tough around here, because of the sandy soil.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:51:18 PM] <Evie> With the doll costuming, I draw the inspiration for it from more authentic costuming, but then I remind myself I'm dealing with fantasy world action figures with plastic limbs, and I allow myself small deviations from strict authenticity.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:51:31 PM] <cynicalmedic> I am looking forward to our renaissance festival this year.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:51:43 PM] <DesertRose> You'd probably make a good herald, jemler.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:51:49 PM] <DesertRose> If you're interested, go check it out if you can.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:51:59 PM] <jemler> no, court jester maybe :)
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:52:02 PM] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:52:09 PM] <Evie> I was a territorial baroness for 8 years. I quite enjoy being "retired" now. :-)
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:52:11 PM] <DesertRose> Heralds keep track of people's blazons.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:52:28 PM] <KK> Heraldry would, indeed, be good for Jemler. (And heralds are famous for their puns!)
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:52:34 PM] <jemler> i'm in midrealm
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:52:45 PM] <DesertRose> Well, go check out a local meeting. You might have fun. :)
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:52:47 PM] <Evie> heralds don't pun, they cant.... *ducking and running*
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:53:00 PM] <Jerusha> Evie!
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:53:06 PM] * DesertRose steals Evie's catapult and fires a round of tuna at her.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:53:19 PM] <Evie> ("Canting arms" are visual puns, for those who don't know heraldic conventions)
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:53:37 PM] <KK> They do both. MY DH was a real herald in Ireland, and still does consulting.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:53:50 PM] <Evie> Oh, that's cool!
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:54:04 PM] <jemler> what would the lingo be for the Cassani blazon?
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:54:17 PM] <DesertRose> I knew Scott knew his way around heraldry, but I didn't realize he did it for real.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:54:24 PM] <DesertRose> That is cool.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:54:29 PM] <Alkari> He needs to design Bishop Duncan some arms then, KK - so Evie can use them :)
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:54:49 PM] <Evie> Maybe Scott would know what the blue blazes the cross on my arms is properly called. I haven't been able to get it past Laurel because I don't know how to emblazon the fool charge.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:54:58 PM] <jemler> i know it's sleeping lion on roses
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:55:02 PM] <the_Bee> Cassan was roses and a sleeping lion, wasn't it?
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:55:12 PM] <DesertRose> Gee, Evie, a little annoyed? :P
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:55:14 PM] <Evie> That's his McLain arms, jemler, but he'd have new ones as a Bishop
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:55:15 PM] <Jerusha> Yes
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:55:37 PM] <Evie> Well, DR, I've carried this device for 25 years. It's about time I made it official. :-)
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:55:38 PM] <Jerusha> KK, have you ever described the Claiborne arms
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:55:39 PM] <KK> What does the cross look like, Evie?
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:55:41 PM] <DesertRose> Truly.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:56:06 PM] <Evie> Let me see if I can find a pic of it online, KK. It's basically a round cross with the space between the arms being round as well
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:56:15 PM] <the_Bee> Would they be based on the McLain arms or completely diffrent?
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:56:48 PM] <DesertRose> They might reference the McLain arms.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:57:07 PM] <DesertRose> Like, still having a dormant lion somewhere, or still having the roses.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:57:24 PM] <DesertRose> Or using the same colors.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:57:38 PM] <Evie> I've come up with some arms I rather like for Bishop Duncan that are similar to the McLain arms but different as well
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:58:05 PM] <the_Bee> KK, when I read about Nigel's crescent-charged lion, I envision a lion standing on a crescent like a rocking horse.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:58:12 PM] <Evie> It uses the same colors as his original arms, and the red roses, but has a rampant lion with a crozier, IIRC
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:58:23 PM] <Evie> :-D
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:58:26 PM] <KK> Bring your sketches to Dragoncon, Evie. And we'll get Scott to blazon your SCA arms, too.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:58:34 PM] <Jerusha> LOL @ Bee
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:58:36 PM] <Evie> The crescent would be on top, though, I think, if it's a mark of cadency
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:58:51 PM] <Evie> Will do, KK. Thanks!
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:59:10 PM] <Jerusha> Can you imagine Nigel with a rocking horse on his shield? :D
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:59:16 PM] <Evie> Sketches of my arms, or Duncan's?
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:59:18 PM] <KK> Crescent would actually be <on> the lion, probably on the shoulder.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:59:19 PM] <Jerusha> Er, rocking lion
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [08:59:55 PM] <the_Bee> I saw a picture in an old DA-Zine. IIRC the crescent was sort of hovering over the lion's head.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [09:00:34 PM] <KK> I think he's also been described as using a demi-lion. I need to make up my mind about that.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [09:00:55 PM] <Evie> I can visualize that. The marks of cadency were normally at the top of the shield, so "hovering over the lion's head' sounds right.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [09:01:29 PM] <Jerusha> Weren't his colours reversed from Kelson's? A red lion on a gold background?
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [09:01:36 PM] <Evie> I've always liked Nigel's colors as well. Although I like Haldane crimson, I'm personally partial to royal blue.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [09:01:39 PM] <KK> Evie, for the longest time, I had a silver cross such as you're describing; had it on my keyring. Alas, it came off and got lost somewhere. I got it in England, from a vendor at a Con.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [09:02:20 PM] <Evie> I could change the cross slightly if I absolutely have to, but I've had 25 years to grow attached to it
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [09:02:33 PM] <KK> I can understand that.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [09:02:42 PM] <Evie> I even had one local herald suggest trying to pass it as "Four axe heads conjoined in annulo"
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [09:03:08 PM] <Evie> But I can imagine that one getting a lot of head scratching. :-D
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [09:03:11 PM] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [09:03:16 PM] <KK> Well, gotta go. I've been watching the Olympics in the background, and Women's Gymnastics are about to start.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [09:03:17 PM] <cynicalmedic> Is it a Maltese cross like firefighters use?
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [09:03:23 PM] <Evie> Oh fun!
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [09:03:33 PM] <Evie> And it's similar to a Maltese cross, but not quite the same
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [09:03:39 PM] <KK> No, that has flat ends. I think hers has rounded ends.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [09:03:43 PM] <Evie> yes
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [09:03:51 PM] <the_Bee> When are the equestrian events?
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [09:04:05 PM] <Evie> Rounded ends, and the part between the arms is fully circular as well, not just curved
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [09:04:23 PM] <KK> Anyway, off to the Olympics. Bee, you'll be lucky to see any equestrian. THey don't televise much of it over here.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [09:04:27 PM] <DesertRose> Okay, enjoy the Olympics, KK.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [09:04:28 PM] <Alkari> They are on during the day - have just finished Day 2 of the eventing dressage
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [09:04:29 PM] <cynicalmedic> Night, KK
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [09:04:32 PM] <DesertRose> See you next week?
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [09:04:43 PM] <Alkari> I get a WHOLE CHANNEL of them on pay TV here!
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [09:04:45 PM] <Evie> In my Easter pics for Action Figure Duncan, he's wearing one as his pectoral cross, I think
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [09:04:48 PM] <Jerusha> Night KK - thanks for coming
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [09:04:53 PM] <the_Bee> Nighters, KK. Enjoy the games and have a good week.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [09:04:57 PM] <KK> Might show some cross-country tomorrow, maybe some show-jumping later on.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [09:05:10 PM] <Evie> At least I think that's the same style cross as mine, since I seem to recall DH buying that pendant for me because it matched my device's main charge
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [09:05:11 PM] <KK> See you next week.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [09:05:16 PM] <Evie> Bye, KK!
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [09:05:21 PM] <DesertRose> Okay, KK, have a good week!
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [09:05:21 PM] <Alkari> Thanks for ocming, see you next time
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [09:05:29 PM] <DesertRose> Thanks for dropping in!
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [09:05:35 PM] <jemler> nite kk
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [09:05:45 PM] * KK steps onto her Portal, waves goodnight, and disappears in a shower of green sparkles.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [09:05:49 PM] <KK> Nighters.
[Sunday, July 29, 2012] [09:05:52 PM] Quit KK has left this server (Quit: ).
"If having a soul means being able to feel love, loyalty, and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans."

James Herriot (James Alfred "Alfie" Wight), when a human client asked him if animals have souls.  (I don't remember in which book the story originally appeared.)