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KK Chat -- 16 June 2019

Started by DesertRose, June 16, 2019, 07:13:15 PM

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[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:00:16 PM EDT] Join KK has joined this channel.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:00:25 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Hi, KK!
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:00:29 PM EDT] <KK> I'm back.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:00:35 PM EDT] <judyward> Hi, KK!
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:00:37 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Welcome back!
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:00:56 PM EDT] <bynw> hi again KK
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:01:11 PM EDT] <judyward> Just wanted to let y'all know, before I forget. I'm having my first (left) eye cataract surgery on the 25th.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:01:18 PM EDT] <bynw> so you can just hit that notify button and get notified anytime there is a new post in that thread via email
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:01:32 PM EDT] <judyward> OK, thanks bynw!
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:02:07 PM EDT] <Evie> Hi KK
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:02:11 PM EDT] <bynw> and its at the top of the page and the bottom too so either one once you are notified it will say unnotify so you can always turn if off if you want to
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:02:32 PM EDT] <judyward> Handy-dandy!!
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:02:37 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Good luck with the cataract surgery, judyward
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:03:01 PM EDT] <KK> Cameron has been upgrading my system and switching me over to Windows 10, since he says that Windows 7 will no longer be supported.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:03:19 PM EDT] <bynw> he is correct on that
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:03:20 PM EDT] <KK> And good luck, Judyward.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:03:21 PM EDT] <judyward> Thanks, DR. My chance to have normal vision in my life after 68 years nearsighted.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:03:35 PM EDT] <Evie> I like Windows 10. It looks a little different from 7, but it's much better than Windows 8 was.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:03:55 PM EDT] <KK> That's how it was for me. And I had astigmatism, also corrected while having the catacts dealt with.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:04:05 PM EDT] <judyward> Thanks, KK. Yes, we switched a while back to W10. Lou the computer guy, you know.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:04:06 PM EDT] <KK> Just have glasses for reading now.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:04:25 PM EDT] * bynw doesnt use windows at all
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:04:27 PM EDT] <judyward> Oh, and Lou is still on crutches.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:04:31 PM EDT] Join kiwi_71 (kiwi_71@7F791F.1DE43C.7A71FB.EAF77E) has joined this channel.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:04:36 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Hi Bee
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:04:37 PM EDT] <bynw> hi bee
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:04:45 PM EDT] <bynw> at least assuming its bee
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:04:45 PM EDT] <judyward> I look forward to only have reading glasses.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:04:49 PM EDT] Nick kiwi_71 is now known as The_Bee.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:04:53 PM EDT] <judyward> Hi, Bee
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:05:04 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Hi Judy and all
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:05:38 PM EDT] <The_Bee> any interesting news?
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:06:34 PM EDT] <bynw> KK is getting a computer upgrade, judy is having cataract surgery ...
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:06:37 PM EDT] <DesertRose> I went to an SCA event yesterday.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:07:06 PM EDT] <The_Bee> What's your SCA character?
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:07:11 PM EDT] <KK> It's wonderful to be able to go out in the rain and not have glasses clouded or spatered.. And to be able to see first thing in the morning, without having to put glasses on.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:07:34 PM EDT] <bynw> i'm not there yet :) i still have to deal with glasses
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:07:52 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Yes. My vision improved wonderfully after cataract surgery.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:07:56 PM EDT] <KK> Cataract surgery will change your live.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:08:01 PM EDT] <KK> life, too.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:08:12 PM EDT] <judyward> Lou's did too. I'm eagerly awaiting it.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:08:12 PM EDT] <DesertRose> I have two personae. My original one lives in 14th C. England, but yesterday I dressed as my secondary persona, who lives in 16th C. India.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:08:32 PM EDT] <The_Bee> And unlaser surgery, insurane covers it.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:08:45 PM EDT] <KK> Probably an apt persona, especially in summer weather.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:08:54 PM EDT] <judyward> That's imaginative, DR. Are you an Indian woman in that character?
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:09:20 PM EDT] <DesertRose> That's part of why I decided to go for that place/time; the traditional clothing was developed for a climate very like that of 21st C. Florida. :)
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:09:21 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Yes.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:09:43 PM EDT] <judyward> Yes, insurance covers all but $275 of each surgery & I have to pay $75 for eyedrops but it's enough for both surgeries.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:10:18 PM EDT] <judyward> Yep, hot & not much cold.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:10:30 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Hot and humid.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:10:42 PM EDT] <KK> What kind of SCA event was it, DR?
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:10:43 PM EDT] <DesertRose> At least along the coast.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:10:46 PM EDT] <The_Bee> mild and humid
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:11:00 PM EDT] <DesertRose> It was Trimaris Royal University, aka a day of classes on all kinds of topics.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:11:17 PM EDT] <The_Bee> What did you do?
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:11:19 PM EDT] <judyward> Sounds like fun!
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:12:14 PM EDT] <KK> That's how I discovered the joy of counted cross-stitch, at the Collegium Caidis. It was a great class.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:12:17 PM EDT] <The_Bee> I had a parade go past my building: Bunker Hill Day.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:13:08 PM EDT] <DesertRose> It was. I learned some new embroidery stitches, then a two-part class on smocking with a lunch break in the middle, then a round-table discussion on making the SCA a good experience for yourself and others, and then a class (taught by a man who is a RL teacher) on classroom management, which I wanted because I feel like I talk too fast particularly when I'm trying to teach.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:13:36 PM EDT] <DesertRose> I learned a lot of good stuff in that classroom management class, and because it was the last class period of the day, my brain was pretty fried, so I took extensive notes.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:13:37 PM EDT] Quit KK has left this server (Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF)).
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:13:52 PM EDT] Join KK has joined this channel.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:14:01 PM EDT] <judyward> A good fried, though.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:14:05 PM EDT] <The_Bee> WB, KK
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:14:18 PM EDT] Join Evie_ (~IceChat9@OWIRCN-df2eeb79.brhmal.sbcglobal.net) has joined this channel.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:14:19 PM EDT] <judyward> Re-hi, KK.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:14:24 PM EDT] <KK> Whoops! Kicked myself out of chat by using an old command. This will take some getting used to.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:14:46 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Rehi KK.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:14:55 PM EDT] <Evie_> Bynw, can you kick Evie so I can reclaim my nick?
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:14:57 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Yes, a good fried. I came home and slept like a rock.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:15:25 PM EDT] <The_Bee> So, KK--any progress in clering, cleaning, selling your house?
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:15:46 PM EDT] Quit Evie (~IceChat9@OWIRCN-df2eeb79.brhmal.sbcglobal.net) has left this server (Ping timeout: 121 seconds).
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:15:58 PM EDT] Nick Evie_ is now known as Evie.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:16:02 PM EDT] Mode derynibot gives channel operator privileges to Evie.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:18:22 PM EDT] <KK> Progress continues, Bee, at least with the clearing and culling. And plasterwork in the dining room is all but finished, with new capital ordered for the north column, to be here in about 2 weeks, they say.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:18:54 PM EDT] <KK> With luck, I'll be able to get it on the market in about a month.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:19:02 PM EDT] <judyward> Have you listed it yet, or waiting till the work is done?
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:19:07 PM EDT] <DesertRose> I drove a friend of mine to the event and found out that he's considering fighting for Crown in fall crown tournament (in November), with one of my favorite people as his consort (one of our local Laurels, who seems like she's good at everything she sets her hand to and is kind and gracious to boot). I would *love* to see them on the throne.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:19:13 PM EDT] <judyward> Oh, OK, that is good.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:19:53 PM EDT] <judyward> Last note to DR, too
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:19:57 PM EDT] <DesertRose> :)
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:20:17 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Do you ho[e to be in the court, DR?
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:20:24 PM EDT] <The_Bee> hope
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:20:45 PM EDT] <DesertRose> I wish I could volunteer to retain for them if they win, but I think the only retaining position I could manage would be their court herald. I can't move fast enough for most of the other "jobs" of royal retainers.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:20:51 PM EDT] <judyward> I once had a very interesting discussion with a Scarborough Faire person when I was there with my niece.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:21:25 PM EDT] <judyward> in Character discussion (she was in character dress, too. but I wasn't .)
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:21:33 PM EDT] <The_Bee> SCA people once told us that a large court means more people to handle the work.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:21:56 PM EDT] <DesertRose> But my slow cane-assisted walking might be okay for a court procession, and I have a good loud voice when I want to (and even when I don't, it carries farther than I intend a lot of the time), and I have a good enough grasp of linguistics to be able to pronounce names in various languages.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:22:11 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Yes. Many hands make light work holds true for an awful lot of things.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:22:48 PM EDT] <KK> It takes a lot of work from a lot of people, to build and maintain the illusion.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:22:49 PM EDT] <The_Bee> What's your Indian character's name and identity?
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:25:11 PM EDT] <DesertRose> My Indian persona is something of a work in progress, but her given name is Periya (I'm still waffling on a family name), and she lives in a city called Ahmednegar (which is a bit inland and east of Mumbai), where she is a personal servant to Chand Bibi, the aunt of the sultan. Chand Bibi was a real person, and she is *FASCINATING.*
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:25:40 PM EDT] <The_Bee> cool!
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:26:05 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Seriously, if you want to read about historical women being awesome, go look her up.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:26:39 PM EDT] <KK> In the old days, at least in Caid, we weren't that into creating personae, beyond a name and vague allusions to their noble background.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:27:17 PM EDT] <The_Bee> always noble, KK?
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:27:49 PM EDT] <DesertRose> These days, the advice to newbies is to hold off on creating a persona while you get your feet on the ground in terms of how the SCA works and what parts you want to do, and then build your persona from there.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:27:53 PM EDT] <The_Bee> My niece was a basket-weaver. She mademe a basket for Christmas one year.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:27:58 PM EDT] <judyward> SF is always fun because of the people, noble & common, who stay in character.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:28:15 PM EDT] <DesertRose> I just like making characters, so I get really INTO persona stories, LOL.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:28:18 PM EDT] <KK> Usually. Most people are more attracted to nobles rather than commoners.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:28:51 PM EDT] <judyward> The commoners are very fun, though! You get ot be sort of coarse & realistic.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:28:56 PM EDT] Join Shiral (uid327538@OWIRCN-c7444ab5.irccloud.com) has joined this channel.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:28:58 PM EDT] <The_Bee> I still have the Norman princess I wore to our Pensylvania gathering.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:29:04 PM EDT] <judyward> Hi, Shiral.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:29:07 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Hi Shiral
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:29:09 PM EDT] <Shiral> Hi all
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:29:13 PM EDT] <KK> Hi, Shiral.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:29:45 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Norman fashions were morecomfortable. no ruffs and stays.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:29:45 PM EDT] <Shiral> Was out back doing some gardening, then some lunching. =o)
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:30:00 PM EDT] <DesertRose> In the SCA, everyone is assumed to be noble and you generally address anyone as "my lord" or "my lady" even if you don't know them and/or they don't have an Award of Arms, which entitles a person to use the capitalized Lord/Lady before their name.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:30:15 PM EDT] <DesertRose> But yes, commoners are fun. My English persona is merchant class.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:30:26 PM EDT] <The_Bee> What's blooming, Shiral?
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:31:14 PM EDT] <Shiral> New nasturtium seeds planted. Lavender is blooming as is my basket of fuschias. And I have two buds on my new rose bush
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:31:28 PM EDT] <KK> Something that makes me sneeze, if it's anything like Virginia.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:31:34 PM EDT] <The_Bee> red, pink or white?
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:31:45 PM EDT] <bynw> hi Shiral
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:31:47 PM EDT] <Shiral> Sort of a pinky-peach
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:31:51 PM EDT] <Shiral> Hi Bynw
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:31:58 PM EDT] <The_Bee> pretty!
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:32:16 PM EDT] <judyward> Yes, sounds pretty.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:32:32 PM EDT] <The_Bee> I planted some stuff, but i don't know if it survived the rains.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:32:43 PM EDT] <bynw> ..
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:32:43 PM EDT] <bynw> We are doing some redecorating over on the bridged Discord chat. We are rebranding it as the Rhemuth Castle Discord server and additing additional chats related to the various Worlds of Katherine Kurtz and the Deryni. To augment the forums and this chat.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:32:43 PM EDT] <bynw> .
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:32:43 PM EDT] <bynw> You can always get into the Discord chat by following this link:
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:32:44 PM EDT] <bynw> https://discord.gg/dtafukT
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:32:46 PM EDT] <bynw> ..
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:32:47 PM EDT] <Shiral> My mother grew this amazing climbing rose on her old house. It was called Royal Sunset, and was in that same peach/pink family of colors
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:33:37 PM EDT] <The_Bee> I don't have much luck with flowers.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:34:06 PM EDT] <The_Bee> I like the small roses.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:34:07 PM EDT] <judyward> My one rose out front grows despite my neglect of it.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:34:20 PM EDT] <Shiral> After last week's heatwave, I decided my old crop of nasturtiums just weren't going to recover
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:34:45 PM EDT] <KK> What do those look like, Shiral?
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:34:50 PM EDT] <Shiral> So I have now fulfilled my goal for this weekend
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:34:53 PM EDT] <The_Bee> I had a rose that bloomed one year, but it didn't survive the 2014 snowmageddon.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:35:09 PM EDT] <The_Bee> 2015
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:35:26 PM EDT] <Shiral> Well....like large, classically shaped roses. =o)
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:35:45 PM EDT] <Shiral> She also had a wonderful white rose called Margaret Merrill
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:35:59 PM EDT] <The_Bee> As aa child we had pink ramblers roses along a fence.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:36:06 PM EDT] <Evie> Mom has dinner ready, so I need to go
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:36:11 PM EDT] <judyward> My grandmother loved roses & had LOTS of them.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:36:21 PM EDT] <judyward> Bye,Evie, have a good week!
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:36:25 PM EDT] <bynw> ok Evie see you later
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:36:26 PM EDT] <Shiral> But the royal sunsets lived up to their name. Every summer, they COVERED the corner of the house where they were planted
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:36:28 PM EDT] <The_Bee> enjoy your meal and your family, Evie.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:36:28 PM EDT] <Evie> See y'all later!
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:36:28 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Later, Evie!
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:36:30 PM EDT] <Shiral> Bye, Evie
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:36:35 PM EDT] <Evie> Evie steps onto the Transfer Portal and disappears in a shower of blue-violet sparkles.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:36:42 PM EDT] Quit Evie (~IceChat9@OWIRCN-df2eeb79.brhmal.sbcglobal.net) has left this server (Quit: It's a dud! It's a dud! It's a du...).
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:37:17 PM EDT] <Shiral> They were also good for indoor bouquets. It's one of the things I really miss about that house
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:38:40 PM EDT] <The_Bee> I wanted to do some cuttings, but the instructions confused me.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:38:41 PM EDT] <Shiral> So I'll see how well my new rose does
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:40:26 PM EDT] <judyward> Roses are so pretty. You'd love the Tyler Rose Show.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:40:59 PM EDT] <The_Bee> The new England Flower Show was in march.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:41:02 PM EDT] <Shiral> I'm the child of two gardeners, and my step mother also gardens.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:41:42 PM EDT] <Shiral> I never THOUGHT of myself as a gardener, but then I look out on my back patio and there sure are a lot of green growing things out there for someone "who isn't a gardener."
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:42:00 PM EDT] <Shiral> Genes sure are sneaky
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:42:21 PM EDT] <judyward> Yep.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:42:30 PM EDT] <The_Bee> My dad used to plant vegetables, but we werealways away when they ripened.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:43:05 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Grandpa had corn.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:43:10 PM EDT] <KK> Neither of my parents had the gardening genes.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:43:34 PM EDT] <DesertRose> I love roses, especially climbing roses.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:43:41 PM EDT] <judyward> When I was little near Tallahassee, we had a big garden.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:43:41 PM EDT] <Shiral> My brother used to have a vegetable gardening, but the lettuce always got away from him
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:44:04 PM EDT] <judyward> Runaway lettuce plants?
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:44:15 PM EDT] <Shiral> It would shoot into flower and after that, it would taste bitter.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:44:15 PM EDT] <KK> As in, it over-ran the place, or as in, everything died.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:44:22 PM EDT] <DesertRose> My grandmother used to grow several rosebushes in her back yard, and my one successful bit of gardening entailed planting climbing rosebushes around the fence and the front porch (which was screened and had lattice on the bottom half of the porch enclosure.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:44:24 PM EDT] <The_Bee> How fast did they run?
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:44:40 PM EDT] <Shiral> Slowly. They were lettuces, after all. =o)
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:45:03 PM EDT] <Shiral> Sounds pretty, DR.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:45:33 PM EDT] <Shiral> But we ate a LOT of salad
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:45:46 PM EDT] <judyward> Salad is good for you!
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:45:55 PM EDT] <DesertRose> It was. I alternated pink, white, and red roses; it was a rental house, and the last time I drove past it, the climbing roses were still there, along with the George Taber azaleas I planted along the area in front of the bedroom windows (which faced the street).
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:46:39 PM EDT] <The_Bee> I once read about making cuttings, but the instructions sid to cut above the shoot. To me, that meant cutting through the air beyond the end of the stalk.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:46:43 PM EDT] <judyward> NIce to see they were still there, wasn't it.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:46:48 PM EDT] <Shiral> Yes. That argument didn't always work on me though. Especially after my dad got interested in health foods in the 1970's. What he made was technically "good for us" but it was never terribly appetizing
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:47:07 PM EDT] <DesertRose> But after that, I've never been able to keep plants alive. Some of it is probably not having a good place to put them, but I'm also horrible for neglecting house plants; the yard reminds me to take care of the plants, but somehow indoor plants become invisible, LOL.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:48:00 PM EDT] <Shiral> I know. They never speak up and let you know when they're thirsty!
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:48:08 PM EDT] <DesertRose> It was. And I have fond memories of living in that house in general anyway. That landlord was the best, and the owner of the property lived next door (she was an older lady, so she'd hired out the property management, but she'd stand in her yard and talk to me while I was gardening or weeding or whatever.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:48:17 PM EDT] <The_Bee> In my first apartment, there were plants. I'd been there several weeks before I discovered they weren't plastic.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:48:21 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Plants don't meow.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:48:37 PM EDT] <Shiral> Which is a great drawback to their survival
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:48:50 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Carys will let me know when she needs food or water (or attention); a house plant just sits there and withers, alas.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:49:02 PM EDT] <judyward> Nope, they just get sadder and sadder.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:49:05 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Yup
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:49:24 PM EDT] <The_Bee> There's potting soil that's spposed to help with that.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:50:04 PM EDT] <The_Bee> And "almonds don't lactate."
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:50:09 PM EDT] <Shiral> Yup. I tried replanting one of my camellias last week. Gave it a bigger pot and food. Little ingrate lost all it's leaves. And my azalea (which the previous owners planted) is also moribund.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:50:42 PM EDT] <judyward> I've always wondered where almond milk came from.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:50:55 PM EDT] <The_Bee> LOL
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:51:05 PM EDT] <Shiral> You have to get up SO early to milk the almonds. Tiny fingers help, though
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:51:17 PM EDT] <judyward> Azaleas are very picky
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:51:34 PM EDT] <KK> I've just discovered the joys of almond milk, thanks to my sister's visit last month. Yummy on cereal, which I very much like.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:51:35 PM EDT] <The_Bee> The phrase came from dairy farmers who resented the term "almond milk"
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:51:45 PM EDT] <judyward> Do they make tiny milking machines?
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:51:48 PM EDT] <Shiral> Evidently mine didn't like living in the shade of my ferns
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:52:23 PM EDT] <Shiral> I can understand that. But who is going to buy "nut juice"?
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:52:23 PM EDT] <bynw> almond milk isnt milk any more than turkey bacon is bacon
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:52:43 PM EDT] <judyward> Right, bynw!
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:52:50 PM EDT] <The_Bee> and pussywillows aren't pussies.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:52:58 PM EDT] <judyward> LOL!
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:53:08 PM EDT] <Shiral> When it comes to bacon, I'll have the real thing or NOTHING
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:53:22 PM EDT] <judyward> Yes, real bacon, no fake!!
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:53:33 PM EDT] <KK> And whoever thought of making "milk" from almonds, or from soybeans?
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:53:40 PM EDT] <The_Bee> You can't tell a dogwood by its bark.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:53:51 PM EDT] <judyward> Somebody did!
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:54:05 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Oats, too. :)
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:54:25 PM EDT] <KK> Oat milk?
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:54:34 PM EDT] <Shiral> My dad tried to get me interested in tofu. That is MAKING tofu. It was an epic failure.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:54:38 PM EDT] <judyward> I love oatmeal! Especially with brown sugar!
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:54:51 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Yes, there is such a thing as oat milk.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:54:52 PM EDT] <judyward> I can take a little tofu in Chinese food.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:54:52 PM EDT] <KK> Even better with maple surple.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:54:53 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Yes! or honey
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:54:53 PM EDT] <Shiral> On a chilly morning, oatmeal is very comforting
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:54:59 PM EDT] <DesertRose> I noticed it in Publix not too long ago.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:55:19 PM EDT] <Shiral> In chinese food, tofu is fine. BUt I do not seek it out
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:55:21 PM EDT] <KK> And needs to be steel-cut, which is chewier.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:55:35 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Or when your stomach is upset, oatmeal is gentle on it.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:55:43 PM EDT] <Shiral> I'm fond of McCann's Irish oatmeal
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:55:49 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Real butter and a little cinnamon and brown sugar, raisins if I have them.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:55:53 PM EDT] <judyward> I wondered what steel-cut meant.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:55:57 PM EDT] <The_Bee> or ginger for an upset stomach
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:56:02 PM EDT] <judyward> Yes, must be real butter!!
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:56:10 PM EDT] <KK> Yes!
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:56:12 PM EDT] <bynw> yeah steel-cut oats are better
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:56:17 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Oh yes, I buy crystallized ginger all the time because of my gut issues.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:56:19 PM EDT] <judyward> Ginger snaps will help an stomach upset.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:56:22 PM EDT] <Shiral> Margarine is just plain disgusting
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:56:34 PM EDT] <The_Bee> or ginger beer
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:56:39 PM EDT] <bynw> margarine is almost plastic
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:56:49 PM EDT] <bynw> butter butter butter butter
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:56:50 PM EDT] <Shiral> Pineapple ginger sorbet was a success, and alas it is now gone
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:56:53 PM EDT] <judyward> Yes, near plastic.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:57:05 PM EDT] <judyward> That sounds good!
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:57:16 PM EDT] <Shiral> Butter, because I don't want to outlive my retirement savings.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:57:28 PM EDT] <bynw> i follow the paula dean cooking method drop in a stick of real butter it improves everything :)
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:57:36 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Indeed, and it looks like the science of nutrition is on the side of the (strikethrough) angels (end strikethrough) butter; butter, as long as you're not eating pounds of it a day, is better for your health (even your heart!) than margarine.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:57:44 PM EDT] <judyward> No danger of that! The house already took care of that.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:58:29 PM EDT] <judyward> We usually eat a little at breakfast unless we have dinner rolls.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:58:38 PM EDT] <DesertRose> I buy unsalted butter for baking and the Land-O-Lakes butter with a little olive oil in it to help it spread neatly for toast or whatever.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:59:04 PM EDT] <KK> Land-O-Lakes with canola oil is my favorite, currently.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:59:21 PM EDT] <judyward> We eat enough that it doesn't spoil in the few days it's out in the butter dish.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:59:24 PM EDT] <DesertRose> There is no margarine in my kitchen. Full stop.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:59:30 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Does it come with oilor do you add it?
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:59:41 PM EDT] <KK> Comes that way.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [7:59:43 PM EDT] <DesertRose> It's packaged with the oil already in it.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:00:04 PM EDT] <KK> Lovely white tub with a red lid.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:00:15 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Or blue lid, for the olive oil variety. :)
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:00:41 PM EDT] <KK> Booker loves to lick out the empty tub, once it's all gone for humans.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:00:44 PM EDT] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:00:50 PM EDT] <The_Bee> hmmm...I'll think about it. noy too fond of olive oil
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:00:55 PM EDT] <Shiral> Such a helpful dog!
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:01:00 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Well, get the canola oil variety, Bee.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:01:01 PM EDT] <KK> You can't taste it, Bee.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:01:17 PM EDT] <judyward> Dogs love people who cook and messy babies.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:01:19 PM EDT] <DesertRose> And it isn't much oil in any case, just enough to keep it soft enough to be spread-able from the fridge.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:01:33 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Market Basket house brand is cheaper.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:01:56 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Thanks for the advice.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:01:59 PM EDT] <KK> Is it spreadable?
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:02:00 PM EDT] <DesertRose> :)
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:02:09 PM EDT] <Shiral> I keep my butter dish in my dish cupboard, out of reach of interested noses and paws. Dmitri had sent two butter dishes to their deaths before I realized it was him.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:02:20 PM EDT] <The_Bee> only when it's out of the fridge.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:02:28 PM EDT] <Shiral> Cleaning buttery glass off the kitchen floor is nasy
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:02:32 PM EDT] <Shiral> nasty, too
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:02:36 PM EDT] <judyward> Yep, irresistible to dogs
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:02:53 PM EDT] <KK> Doesn't make their tongues happy, though.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:03:00 PM EDT] <The_Bee> I had to move the butter out of Melantha's reach.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:03:17 PM EDT] <judyward> We have to keep it up at the back of the cabinet.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:03:37 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Oh, butter-adjacent, I found a recipe for cacio e pepe (Italian dish of pasta with cheese and pepper) involving a little lemon juice and fresh arugula and while my first attempt failed on a texture/technique issue, the flavor was OUTSTANDING and I will be trying it again, with a modification to my technique from America's Test Kitchen.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:03:38 PM EDT] <The_Bee> And I still haven't gotten her pills into her.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:04:23 PM EDT] <judyward> try peanut butter for pills
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:04:52 PM EDT] <The_Bee> I thought of that, but hervet vetoed the idea.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:05:09 PM EDT] <KK> Why?
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:05:18 PM EDT] <judyward> Weight problem?
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:06:07 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Bad for her condition. She needs a low protein, high fat diet--or is it theother way?
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:06:30 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Speaking of cats, Carys says "Hi" and "Pet me!"
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:06:31 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Melantha needs to gain weeight--or at least stop losing it.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:06:51 PM EDT] <Shiral> Dang...now I wish I weren't thinking about Shortbread....
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:07:09 PM EDT] <judyward> I would think PB would have enough fats in it,
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:07:10 PM EDT] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:07:11 PM EDT] * Shiral reaches through screen to scritch Carys behind her ears
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:07:18 PM EDT] <KK> That's a common challenge for elderly cats: losing weight. Have you tried sardines?
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:07:20 PM EDT] <DesertRose> She purrs at you, Shiral.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:07:33 PM EDT] <Shiral> Such a nice, mannerly kitty
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:07:41 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Melantha has only one kidney. Dr. Olga is pro-active about keepingit healthy.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:07:58 PM EDT] <judyward> Oh, OK, special diet.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:08:02 PM EDT] <Shiral> Well look who's here. Dmitri has announced his arrival
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:08:12 PM EDT] <The_Bee> sardine's I'll have to see if she likes tham.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:08:16 PM EDT] <KK> By all means, follow the vet's guidance.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:08:37 PM EDT] * The_Bee skritches Dmitri.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:08:48 PM EDT] <judyward> Well, Lou said "Where's dinner?" so I better go feed him. Y'all have a lovely week!
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:09:04 PM EDT] <DesertRose> G'night, judyward! Have a good week.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:09:07 PM EDT] <bynw> you too judy, see you next week
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:09:08 PM EDT] <KK> It seems to be a love-hate thing, with sardines. Some cats love them, others will turn up their noses.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:09:14 PM EDT] <bynw> or anytime inbetween the chat is always here
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:09:19 PM EDT] <Shiral> LOL, silly cat was leaning into my hand as I scratched behind his ears and fell OFF the edge of the desk.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:09:22 PM EDT] * DesertRose offers scritches to Dmitri and Tatiana and Melantha.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:09:22 PM EDT] <The_Bee> I've got kidney-friendly dry and moist food. She eats some then leavesthe rest.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:09:31 PM EDT] <judyward> I know, and thanks, bynw.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:09:32 PM EDT] <KK> LOL, Shiral.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:09:34 PM EDT] <Shiral> Now he's sitting on the rug bathing a paw\
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:09:39 PM EDT] <judyward> Bye!
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:09:42 PM EDT] <Shiral> "I meant to do that, of course."
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:09:47 PM EDT] Quit judyward (judyward@OWIRCN-cdcc182c.res.rr.com) has left this server (Connection closed).
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:09:55 PM EDT] Join TheDeryni (~TheDeryni@Flirt.Storyteller.Wiseass) has joined this channel.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:09:55 PM EDT] Mode derynibot gives channel operator privileges to TheDeryni.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:09:59 PM EDT] <The_Bee> leaving, Judy?
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:10:09 PM EDT] <The_Bee> already left.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:10:11 PM EDT] <DesertRose> That George Carlin routine about cats, "I meant to do that, I meant to do that. Something broke? Ask the dog!"
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:10:12 PM EDT] <Shiral> Oops, Judy left, but The Deryni has just arrived
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:10:14 PM EDT] <bynw> i noticed that big time with catnip with my 2 bengals ... andi didn't care for it at all, barely noticed it. kagi on the other hand goes berserk
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:10:20 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Hi TheDeryni!
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:10:21 PM EDT] <Shiral> Hello TD
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:10:27 PM EDT] <bynw> hi TD
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:10:28 PM EDT] <TheDeryni> Hiyas!
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:10:29 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Hi TD
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:10:48 PM EDT] <KK> She's gone. And I also need to check out, so that Cameron can get back to tweaking this computer. See you guys next week, and have a good one.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:11:00 PM EDT] <Shiral> Tati in the mean time has decided the stair tread one down from the top of the stairs is HER territory.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:11:01 PM EDT] * TheDeryni tackle-hugs DR
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:11:06 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Okay, have a good week. Thanks for coming to see us! See you next Sunday.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:11:15 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Mickey adores catnip, Melantha ignores it.\
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:11:18 PM EDT] <Shiral> Bye, KK. Have a good, productive week
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:11:20 PM EDT] * DesertRose is flattened and tackle-hugged, but hugs TheDeryni back.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:11:28 PM EDT] * KK steps onto her Portal, waves goodnight, and disappears in a shower of green sparkles.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:11:43 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Nighters, KK.. Have a good week and thanks for coming
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:11:47 PM EDT] <TheDeryni> Hi & bye Katherine.
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:11:50 PM EDT] <KK> Nighters!
[Sunday, June 16, 2019] [8:11:54 PM EDT] Quit KK has left this server (Quit: CGI:IRC).
"If having a soul means being able to feel love, loyalty, and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans."

James Herriot (James Alfred "Alfie" Wight), when a human client asked him if animals have souls.  (I don't remember in which book the story originally appeared.)