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KK Chat -- 2 December 2018 Part 1

Started by DesertRose, December 02, 2018, 05:59:52 PM

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[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:06:32 PM EST] Join KK has joined this channel.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:06:36 PM EST] <Jemler> hi kk
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:06:37 PM EST] <DesertRose> It's a tradition I wish we'd import. It sounds glorious that way.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:06:38 PM EST] <DesertRose> Hi KK!
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:06:39 PM EST] <revanne> I can manage up to VI
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:06:43 PM EST] <KK> Hello, all.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:06:47 PM EST] <revanne> Hi KK
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:07:03 PM EST] <revanne> And I could manage MM but dates normally throw me a bit.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:07:15 PM EST] <The_Bee> Hi KK
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:07:26 PM EST] <DesertRose> My high school chorus director DID have us process in for the Christmas concert singing "Once In Royal David's City," but not with a treble soloist. :)
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:07:33 PM EST] <KK> Are we yearing with Roman numerals?
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:07:55 PM EST] <DesertRose> Bynw sent the players in the forum game dice with Roman numerals labeling the sides. :D
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:07:55 PM EST] <Jemler> MM - The milk chocolate melts on your mouth, not in the hand.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:07:59 PM EST] <revanne> For some reason the BBC dates their programmes in roman numerals on the screen.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:08:21 PM EST] <revanne> Probably so we can't work out how old they are.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:08:23 PM EST] Quit JediMatt1000 (~Mibbit@OWIRCN-6f7662ea.ph.cox.net) has left this server (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client).
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:08:31 PM EST] <Jemler> bye
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:08:41 PM EST] <DesertRose> US movies used to do that. I'm not sure if they still do. I usually stay through the end of the credits when I go to the cinema, because I want to see the music credits, but I'm afraid I haven't paid much attention to how the year is written. :D
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:08:46 PM EST] <KK> Programmes used to all be dated with Roman numerals.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:08:49 PM EST] <KK> And copyrights.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:08:56 PM EST] <Jemler> BBC - Because British Can.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:09:04 PM EST] <revanne> Or Can't
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:09:37 PM EST] <Jemler> brb.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:09:57 PM EST] Quit Evie (~IceChat9@OWIRCN-a202916c.al.charter.com) has left this server (Ping timeout: 121 seconds).
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:10:11 PM EST] <DesertRose> All right, ping. Stop timing people out. :P
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:10:24 PM EST] <The_Bee> KK, how is LBM doing?
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:11:17 PM EST] <KK> She's doing grerat. Took her to see The Nutcracker last night. Neither she nor I had ev er seen it live. Nice little performance. Glad we went.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:11:27 PM EST] <KK> Doing gre3at, too.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:11:32 PM EST] <The_Bee> :)
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:11:33 PM EST] <KK> Or great.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:11:33 PM EST] Join JediMatt1000 (~Mibbit@OWIRCN-6f7662ea.ph.cox.net) has joined this channel.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:11:45 PM EST] <The_Bee> wb JM
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:11:48 PM EST] <JediMatt1000> Hi peeps
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:11:59 PM EST] <DesertRose> Oh cool! I haven't seen it in years, but I have fond memories of seeing the Charleston production with the symphony orchestra and the ballet theatre working together.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:12:01 PM EST] <DesertRose> Rehi JediMatt1000
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:12:04 PM EST] <bynwII> Hi KK
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:12:06 PM EST] <JediMatt1000> sorry - got kicked off the internet's
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:12:11 PM EST] <revanne> WB JediMatt
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:12:15 PM EST] <JediMatt1000> hi KK
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:12:20 PM EST] Join Evie (~IceChat9@61024F.C2E45E.7BDA57.9666FE) has joined this channel.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:12:25 PM EST] <DesertRose> Rehi Evie
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:12:28 PM EST] <The_Bee> rehi evie
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:12:30 PM EST] Mode derynibot gives channel operator privileges to Evie.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:12:31 PM EST] <Evie> Hi
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:12:36 PM EST] <revanne> rehi Evie
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:13:05 PM EST] <revanne> I took my DDs to see Nutracker when they were pre teens and they loved it.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:13:08 PM EST] <DesertRose> Carys apparently has the hiccoughs.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:13:14 PM EST] <Evie> Awww
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:13:24 PM EST] <DesertRose> She's on my desk to my left.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:13:27 PM EST] <The_Bee> poor Carys
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:13:43 PM EST] <DesertRose> They don't seem to be bothering her, just making her move a little bit every so often. :)
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:13:51 PM EST] <bynwII> i hope everyone's weekend has been better than mine and tomorrow sucks too.at least i'm here with friends
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:13:54 PM EST] <revanne> Trying to imagine a cat with hiccups
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:14:02 PM EST] <DesertRose> Poor baby kitty has to go to the vet on Wednesday though (annual checkup, nothing wrong).
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:14:15 PM EST] <Jemler> i just FF on a movie i recently got. it does not use roman numerals
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:14:20 PM EST] Quit JediMatt1000 (~Mibbit@OWIRCN-6f7662ea.ph.cox.net) has left this server (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client).
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:14:24 PM EST] <The_Bee> There are two Nutcrackers in my area. One Boston Ballet nd one Rusian ballet
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:14:34 PM EST] <DesertRose> What's gone wrong with your weekend, bynwII?
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:14:46 PM EST] <Jemler> TMI!
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:14:54 PM EST] <DesertRose> I'm pretty sure we've got a local production here, but as I haven't the money for tix, I hadn't paid attention.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:15:22 PM EST] <DesertRose> I'm going to try to go to an orchestral concert next Sunday in which one of my friends is playing, but the concert is at 3 pm, so I should be back in time for chat.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:15:32 PM EST] Join JediMatt1000 (~Mibbit@OWIRCN-6f7662ea.ph.cox.net) has joined this channel.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:15:39 PM EST] <Evie> rehi
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:15:42 PM EST] <Jemler> wb again jm
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:15:47 PM EST] * DesertRose duct-tapes JediMatt1000's feet to the chatroom floor.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:15:52 PM EST] <The_Bee> WB JM
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:15:59 PM EST] <Evie> JediMatt1000 sounds a bit like a broom model from the Harry Potter series.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:16:04 PM EST] <bynwII> Friday my step mom passed away (my dad had passed away on my birthday in 2017) ... and tomorrow would be Susie's birthday :(
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:16:23 PM EST] <DesertRose> If you crossed the Harry Potter and Star Wars fandoms, Evie.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:16:29 PM EST] * revanne sends hugs to Bynw
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:16:33 PM EST] <KK> Bynw, End of Life activities are never fun, but I'm glad you've got friends there. So sorry for your loss.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:16:40 PM EST] <Evie> So sorry, Bynw
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:16:43 PM EST] <DesertRose> Yikes.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:16:45 PM EST] <Jemler> just this past friday?
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:17:10 PM EST] <bynwII> just this past friday Jemler
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:17:21 PM EST] <The_Bee> :( for bynw's strpmom
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:17:21 PM EST] <DesertRose> Yes, Jemler. Bynw posted about it on the forum..
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:17:50 PM EST] <DesertRose> In happier topics, Evie and JediMatt1000 have birthdays coming up this week.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:17:58 PM EST] <Jemler> i have to get on there more, but i never remember.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:18:07 PM EST] <DesertRose> So on the tea table you will find the Magic Birthday Dessert that is whatever you want it to be. :)
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:18:07 PM EST] <Jemler> i'm sorry, bynw.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:18:22 PM EST] <KK> Our Nutcracker outing was an early Christmas present. Experiences are better than things, when your parent is 93. But I've also gotten her an amazing Spock mug for a thing Christmas present, that I think she's going to love. If she doesn't want to drink out of it, she can use it for a pencil and pen pot.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:18:34 PM EST] <revanne> Happy birthday in advance to Evie and JediMatt
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:18:35 PM EST] <DesertRose> That sounds fun, KK.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:19:05 PM EST] <JediMatt1000> Thank you for the birthday wishes!
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:19:11 PM EST] <DesertRose> And even when your parents are only 70, experiences are often better than things. I generally get my stepdad a gift card for the movies, because he has enough stuff and he likes going to the movies. :)
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:19:31 PM EST] <DesertRose> This year was an exception, because I found that travel coffee cup that was so perfect for him.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:19:32 PM EST] <Evie> My dad was teasing me about my birthday being turned into a national day of mourning, although at least that's not actually because I'm turning 56! :-D
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:19:37 PM EST] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:19:43 PM EST] <revanne> We generally do experiences as a family as we have enough stuff really.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:19:55 PM EST] <revanne> 56 is young
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:19:55 PM EST] <Jemler> i'll be 56 in march.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:19:55 PM EST] <JediMatt1000> Hi KK!
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:20:19 PM EST] <Jemler> my youngest brother is 47 today.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:20:38 PM EST] <DesertRose> My youngest brother will be 54 the day after Christmas. :)
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:20:50 PM EST] <The_Bee> I'll be 76 in March. Three relatives have December birthdaays.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:21:04 PM EST] <Evie> Since I am in the habit of putting a decimal between my digits so I can continue to act my age, it's not really any hardship to move up a mere tenth of a percent.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:21:11 PM EST] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:21:17 PM EST] <DesertRose> There's the spirit!
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:21:25 PM EST] <JediMatt1000> lol
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:21:53 PM EST] <The_Bee> make that foour, One great-grandniece was born on Christmas Day.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:21:58 PM EST] <DesertRose> One of my SCA friends posted something recently in which she tangentially mentioned that she was sticking with 42 as her age, and I said I might do the same thing, even though it will no longer be chronologically accurate in January.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:22:23 PM EST] <revanne> I think there has been a mistake about my DOB somewhere. I don't get how I'll be 60 next year and even worse DD1 will be 35
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:22:23 PM EST] <Evie> I had two uncles both born on Christmas Eve, but on different years. My grandmother named them Jesus and Emmanuel.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:23:05 PM EST] <DesertRose> LOL, revanne.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:23:06 PM EST] <JediMatt1000> that's cool Evie
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:23:15 PM EST] <DesertRose> Not bad name choices, given the time of year, Evie. :)
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:23:22 PM EST] <The_Bee> Every birthday is my 21st.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:23:29 PM EST] <Evie> With the Spanish pronunciation
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:23:31 PM EST] <revanne> Interesting how some cultures are comfortable about using Jesus as a given name while for others it's a big no-no.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:23:44 PM EST] <DesertRose> I figured, since I was assuming you meant your mother's siblings. :)
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:23:56 PM EST] * bynwII will be 52 in march
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:24:11 PM EST] <DesertRose> One of my family members decided she liked 39 and stayed there.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:24:26 PM EST] <JediMatt1000> I'll be 34 on Thursday
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:24:27 PM EST] <Evie> Yes, and even combinations like "Maria-Joseph" aren't seen as unusual in some cultures
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:24:51 PM EST] <DesertRose> Every time one of her children had a birthday that was 40 or higher, she'd say, "I don't know how you can possibly be [40 or 50 or whatever]. since I'm your mother and I'm only 39." :D
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:24:59 PM EST] <revanne> JM you are younger than my DD1
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:25:10 PM EST] * revanne puts head in hands in despair
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:25:16 PM EST] <JediMatt1000> sorry revanne lol
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:25:26 PM EST] <JediMatt1000> don't despair
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:25:39 PM EST] * Evie hands Matt a plate of cookies. :-D
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:25:56 PM EST] <JediMatt1000> thanks! are they homemade?
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:26:00 PM EST] <Jemler> happy birthday JM
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:26:08 PM EST] <JediMatt1000> ty
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:26:09 PM EST] <Evie> fresh from my imaginary oven
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:26:19 PM EST] <The_Bee> I read that in Greece it's bad luck to be born on Christmas day. You shouldn't be horning in on Jesus.'s birthday.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:26:25 PM EST] <JediMatt1000> lol! those are the best!
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:26:33 PM EST] <DesertRose> Never mind that Jesus was likely NOT born in midwinter.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:26:37 PM EST] * revanne hands round mince pies
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:26:41 PM EST] <Evie> Evie's Ever-Changing Magical Cookies. They turn into your favorite flavor on demand.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:26:57 PM EST] <JediMatt1000> mint chocolate chip
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:26:57 PM EST] <DesertRose> The shepherds would hardly have been in the fields with their flocks by night in the middle of December in that part of the world. :D
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:26:58 PM EST] <Evie> Or your least favorite, if you want to play a prank with them.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:27:15 PM EST] <The_Bee> probably in the spring. Laambing season
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:27:27 PM EST] <Evie> ExLax Chocolate Chunk, for instance
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:27:34 PM EST] <JediMatt1000> lol
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:27:34 PM EST] <revanne> But here in the dark north I'm very grateful for a midwinter celebration
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:27:45 PM EST] <revanne> It's dark by 4pm these days
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:27:53 PM EST] <DesertRose> Indeed.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:27:54 PM EST] <Jemler> ah right bynw. wasn't christ called the lamb of god?
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:28:27 PM EST] <Evie> Yup
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:28:44 PM EST] <JediMatt1000> Yes He was
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:28:55 PM EST] <DesertRose> Probably the historical reason Christmas is in December is because Constantine declared Christianity the official religion of (what was left of) the Roman Empire, but he was a bit too politic to take away Saturnalia (winter solstice holiday) from the people in general. :D
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:29:11 PM EST] <Evie> It's 4:28 here but not yet sunset, but then I'm a bit south of you in the UK
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:29:12 PM EST] <Jemler> if you use exlax, the chocolate won't be in chunks.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:29:16 PM EST] <revanne> I am trying to imagine what my work load would be like if Christmas and Easter were both celebrated in the spring. Not to mention confusing.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:29:17 PM EST] <The_Bee> That's whatI've reaad, Evie
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:29:51 PM EST] <Evie> Not once consumed, definitely!
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:29:55 PM EST] <bynwII> all of our resident priests would be very busy
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:29:55 PM EST] <DesertRose> Wow.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:29:57 PM EST] <DesertRose> TMI
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:30:03 PM EST] <KK> Yes, in Ireland it was dark in mid-winter by about 4. Very dreary.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:30:29 PM EST] <bynwII> it will be fairly dark in the next 30 minutes for me
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:30:39 PM EST] <Evie> Luke is here to purr in everyone's general direction
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:30:40 PM EST] <DesertRose> It's 5:30 pm and it's almost dark in Florida, although probably that is in part due to cloud cover.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:30:43 PM EST] <revanne> Yes we are quite far north latitude wise - Newfoundland i think but those kind folks in Florida send the gulf stream our way and make the weather much milder than it should be by rights.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:30:49 PM EST] <The_Bee> very dark hre
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:30:51 PM EST] <JediMatt1000> I think December 25th was largely celebrated as Mithras' birthday and the early Christians adopted that date to celebrate Christ's birth to avoid persecution.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:30:55 PM EST] <KK> Looks like it's dark here.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:31:07 PM EST] <DesertRose> Carys is here pestering me to do something, but since she doesn't speak English, I'm not sure what she wants.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:31:08 PM EST] <Evie> We had a blissful day in the low 70s here today. I got some spray painting done.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:31:12 PM EST] Quit JediMatt1000 (~Mibbit@OWIRCN-6f7662ea.ph.cox.net) has left this server (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client).
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:31:17 PM EST] <Evie> Spray sealant, anyway
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:31:23 PM EST] Join JediMatt1000 (~Mibbit@78A221.016495.776569.4E42D4) has joined this channel.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:31:42 PM EST] * Evie hands JediMatt the duct tape
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:31:45 PM EST] <KK> It was very mild here today in Virginia, but I'm told there may be snow by next weekend.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:31:48 PM EST] <DesertRose> Rehi JediMatt1000. Should I break out the super glue?
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:31:50 PM EST] <revanne> It's dark here but then it is 10.30
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:31:59 PM EST] <JediMatt1000> Internet gave me the boot again
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:32:04 PM EST] <DesertRose> Apparently Carys just wanted me to hold her, because she's purring now.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:32:09 PM EST] <Evie> Tape yourself into your chair
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:32:15 PM EST] <revanne> Velcrokitty
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:32:18 PM EST] <DesertRose> Yup
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:32:48 PM EST] <JediMatt1000> there's a cat on my lap - already pretty secured in my chair
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:32:51 PM EST] <Evie> Luke is curled up on my tummy and purring like a motor
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:32:54 PM EST] <JediMatt1000> lol
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:33:20 PM EST] <revanne> I miss having kitties but Cassie (the dog) definitely doesn't.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:33:23 PM EST] <Jemler> the christians screwed up anyway. christ was crucified the day before passover. his body was placed in the tomb, during passover no work was done. the next day the women prepared the oils and material for burial. the next day was the weekly sabbath, no work. on the next day the faound the open tomb. so christ was crucified on wedneday, thursday was passover, friday the prepared,
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:33:23 PM EST] <Jemler> saturdaay sabbath, sunday empty tomb. so much for good friday.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:34:06 PM EST] <revanne> Depends which Gospel you read and how you define three days, I think.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:34:06 PM EST] <JediMatt1000> that's always been a topic of scholarly debate Jemler
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:34:34 PM EST] <Jemler> jewish day sunset to sunset.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:34:56 PM EST] <JediMatt1000> that and the location of where the nails were placed - hands or the wrists
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:35:20 PM EST] <The_Bee> And Today is the first day of Hannukah.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:35:39 PM EST] <revanne> Three days, or "on the third day"?
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:35:43 PM EST] <JediMatt1000> Happy Hannukah everyone!
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:35:53 PM EST] <Evie> On the third day
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:36:00 PM EST] <revanne> Like when do you start counting the Twelve days of Christmas.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:36:05 PM EST] <JediMatt1000> Latkes sound really good right about now
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:36:07 PM EST] <DesertRose> It is. I'm seeing a parade of photos of cats playing with dreidel and hanging out by a menorah and so forth on one of my online spaces.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:36:16 PM EST] <DesertRose> Hanukcats. :)
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:36:29 PM EST] <revanne> LOL
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:36:31 PM EST] <Evie> From Christmas to epiphany
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:36:44 PM EST] <Evie> I dpn
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:37:18 PM EST] <Evie> I don't mind hearing Christmas carols during Advent, since that season leads into Christmas, but I draw the line on hearing them before we've even done Thanksgiving. :-D
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:37:36 PM EST] Quit JediMatt1000 (~Mibbit@78A221.016495.776569.4E42D4) has left this server (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client).
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:37:45 PM EST] <DesertRose> I think it's interesting how, if you look at medieval practices, Christmas was actually a very solemn observance; Twelfth Night/Epiphany was the party.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:37:46 PM EST] <The_Bee> If December 25 is the first day of christmas, shouldn't the 12th day be January 5?
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:38:08 PM EST] Join JediMatt1000 (Mibbit@OWIRCN-6f7662ea.ph.cox.net) has joined this channel.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:38:11 PM EST] <Evie> One of our local radio stations starts playing Christmas carols the day after Halloween, and i listen to other stations until December 1 at the earliest.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:38:14 PM EST] <JediMatt1000> Sigh
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:38:25 PM EST] <DesertRose> Sundays don't count, same as with enumerating Lent. It's forty days before Easter, but the Sundays don't count.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:38:25 PM EST] <revanne> That's the problem Bee? - says she who has just been busy counting on her fingers
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:38:39 PM EST] <revanne> WB JM
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:38:44 PM EST] <DesertRose> Rehi JediMatt1000.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:39:29 PM EST] <DesertRose> I think there's some medieval-church justification for that. Not sure.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:39:38 PM EST] <Evie> That sounds right, Bee. Which would make Jan 6 the first day of Epiphany
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:39:44 PM EST] <JediMatt1000> having a lot of internet probs peeps - going to try and restarting everything
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:39:50 PM EST] <DesertRose> Okay. We'll be here.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:39:52 PM EST] <Evie> Good luck, Matt
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:39:57 PM EST] Quit JediMatt1000 (Mibbit@OWIRCN-6f7662ea.ph.cox.net) has left this server (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client).
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:40:20 PM EST] <revanne> Yes DR we've swapped it round and made Advent/Christmas the party and indulgent and certainly over here there is quite a move to keep January as dry January when no one drinks alcohol and generally trys to be abstimeous
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:40:44 PM EST] <revanne> I don't drink much but I refuse to keep dry January when Lent is just around the corner.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:40:50 PM EST] <The_Bee> 25, 26, 27. 28, 29, 30, 31, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ... I thought Epiphany was supposed to be the 12th day of christmas.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:41:04 PM EST] <DesertRose> I refuse to put up any variety of Christmas decoration until the day after Thanksgiving, and only when I have participated in Christmas choral productions do I want to hear the first note of Christmas music before very late November. :D
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:41:47 PM EST] <The_Bee> I still haven't strung my lights
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:42:17 PM EST] <Evie> Epiphany comes immediately after the 12 days of Christmas
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:42:32 PM EST] <revanne> By longstanding family tradition (at least 15 years) the decorations don't go up here until at least one offspring has returned home.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:42:44 PM EST] <The_Bee> Oh, so that's it!
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:43:01 PM EST] <DesertRose> I have put bells and greenery on my front door (in place of the autumnal arrangement of silk flowers that were there before and will be again next fall), but that's about as decorated as I get, because some feline will turn indoor decorations into hockey pucks.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:43:02 PM EST] Join Laurna (Mibbit@OWIRCN-c11153d9.ca.charter.com) has joined this channel.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:43:04 PM EST] <DesertRose> Hi Laurna
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:43:16 PM EST] <Laurna> Hello, hello everyone
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:43:17 PM EST] <revanne> They will then go with DH to get the tree, find most of the best have been sold and the annual Christmas tree row will take place.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:43:22 PM EST] <revanne> Hi Laurna
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:43:27 PM EST] <DesertRose> Oh dear
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:43:31 PM EST] <KK> No decorations up here yet. Maybe next week--or the week after.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:44:08 PM EST] <revanne> It's fine - it's all very ritualistic and no trees are injured in the process.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:44:12 PM EST] <The_Bee> I have a Santa outside my apartment door year-round. no place else to put him.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:44:25 PM EST] <Evie> LOL, revanne
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:44:30 PM EST] <Laurna> I'm at my sister's house dog sitting and puttingup the wedding flowers on her banister.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:44:37 PM EST] <DesertRose> "He sees you when you're sleeping, he knows when you're awake . . . " (Re: Bee's outdoor Santa)
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:44:41 PM EST] <revanne> St Nicholas needs to rest up somewhere
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:44:44 PM EST] <bynwII> we dont put up decorations up yet either due to having a december birthday and dont want them ever to be mixed
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:44:59 PM EST] <The_Bee> outer hall, not out-doors.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:45:07 PM EST] <DesertRose> Well, even so. He's monitoring. :D
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:45:17 PM EST] <Evie> I'm not decorating this year, though I've lent my mom our (artificial) tree and am making a set of decorations for it for her to keep, since she sold most of her own before the move here
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:45:21 PM EST] <The_Bee> LOL
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:45:34 PM EST] <DesertRose> BRB
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:45:43 PM EST] <Laurna> That works evie
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:45:58 PM EST] <revanne> Will you do Christmas day at your folks, Evie?
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:46:04 PM EST] <Evie> Yes
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:46:23 PM EST] <The_Bee> I usually spend Christmas with family in Vermont.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:46:29 PM EST] <KK> And Santa will never forget where Bee lives! ;-)
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:46:34 PM EST] <Evie> Since we've only been able to do so twice in the past 15 years, and she has more room than I do in her living room
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:46:38 PM EST] <revanne> LOL KK
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:46:44 PM EST] <Laurna> I do a live tree so I will get one next week.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:47:11 PM EST] <KK> Of course, if Bee goes to Vermont....
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:47:40 PM EST] <The_Bee> He always finds me.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:47:55 PM EST] <Laurna> I think of Vermont and Holliday Inn,
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:48:46 PM EST] <Laurna> Does everyone already have snow?
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:49:01 PM EST] <KK> Of course he finds you. He's magic!
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:49:01 PM EST] <Evie> Given it was in the 70s here today....no. :-D
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:49:05 PM EST] <revanne> We're going to a Christmas market in London next week with DH's neice and nephew - should be fun.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:49:26 PM EST] <Laurna> fun
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:49:26 PM EST] <DesertRose> Heck, no, I'm in Florida. We don't DO snow.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:49:29 PM EST] <KK> Not yet here.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:49:30 PM EST] <revanne> No snow here, and after last year's freeze I hope it stays that way.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:49:52 PM EST] <bynwII> we got snow today but around here its mostly all melted its been above freezing all day
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:49:52 PM EST] <The_Bee> In my family everyone puts out a stocking or a boot. "Don''t come in here, we're filling your stocking!"
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:50:02 PM EST] <Evie> Though we had snow flurries a few weeks back, earlier in the year than I've ever seen it snow here
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:50:23 PM EST] <Laurna> My friend lives in Big Bear, a mountain resort about 45 muinutes away. and they had 6inches of snow two days ago
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:50:35 PM EST] <bynwII> all you non snow people can come visit me this winter
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:50:52 PM EST] <DesertRose> If you're paying for the airline ticket, sure.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:50:55 PM EST] <Laurna> Sorry Bynw, Too cold for me
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:51:13 PM EST] <bynwII> lol
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:51:14 PM EST] <DesertRose> I am NOT about to drive to Iowa in winter, even if my car didn't need new tires.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:51:26 PM EST] <Evie> I love snow, as long as I get to stay inside by the roaring fireplace with my cider or hot cocoa and a fully stocked kitchen.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:51:50 PM EST] <Laurna> and a good book\
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:52:08 PM EST] <revanne> I'm with you there Evie. Make it mulled cider though.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:52:09 PM EST] <Evie> Yes. Or at least a good movie, but there's something about the fireplace and book combo
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:52:13 PM EST] <DesertRose> A good book, a way to play music, hot cocoa or hot tea, and a cat in my lap and I'm good. :D
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:52:15 PM EST] <Evie> Yes, hot mulled cider
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:52:36 PM EST] <DesertRose> Or mulled wine. That works too. :)
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:52:42 PM EST] <Laurna> OH cider sounds good to me
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:52:44 PM EST] <Evie> And a cozy blanket
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:52:48 PM EST] <revanne> I prefer mulled cider.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:53:05 PM EST] <Evie> Or my Snuggie
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:53:09 PM EST] <DesertRose> Wine or cider, both fine by me.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:53:18 PM EST] <revanne> We have some fleecy throws we had when Dad lived with us and they are so cosy.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:54:00 PM EST] <Laurna> i'm there, what is your portal signature?
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:54:03 PM EST] <DesertRose> I found a recipe, I think last year or maybe the year before, for making hot cocoa in the slow cooker, for a party or some other reason you'd need a lot of it.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:54:07 PM EST] <Evie> My Snuggie is basically a fleecy throw with sleeves attached, so I have my hands free even when I'm completely wrapped up.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:54:11 PM EST] <revanne> Though "cozy" is really good if you are playing scrabble and have a pesky "Z" to get rid of.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:54:52 PM EST] <Evie> I'll send you that brain wave pattern via PM, Laurna. ;-)
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:55:14 PM EST] <Laurna> I am nibbling on chochlate, rasberry wedding cake. so good
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:55:31 PM EST] <Laurna> LOL evie\\
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:55:32 PM EST] Join Shiral (uid327538@8027A0.235D62.8B8330.E7DBA2) has joined this channel.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:55:32 PM EST] <DesertRose> If proper names were allowed in Scrabble, my allergy medication's brand name would be a high-scoring word. (Xyzal)
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:55:35 PM EST] <DesertRose> Hi Shiral
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:55:37 PM EST] <The_Bee> My snuggie is zebra-striped.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:55:43 PM EST] <The_Bee> Hi Shiral
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:55:44 PM EST] <Shiral> Hello all
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:55:52 PM EST] <revanne> Hi Shiral
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:55:55 PM EST] <Laurna> hello shiral
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:55:56 PM EST] <Evie> Mine is leopard spotted, Bee
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:56:00 PM EST] * Shiral snaps fingers and sets up the tea table
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:56:02 PM EST] <Evie> Hi Shiral
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:56:06 PM EST] <Laurna> mine is pink
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:56:25 PM EST] <DesertRose> Shiral, the tea table is set with cookies and Magic Birthday Yum since Evie and JediMatt1000 (who is trying to unsnarl his internet but may be back) have birthdays this week.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:56:43 PM EST] * Shiral makes second tea table disappear
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:56:47 PM EST] <revanne> But extra goodies always welcome.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:56:56 PM EST] <Evie> What day is JM1000's birthday?
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:56:56 PM EST] * revanne too late
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:57:01 PM EST] <DesertRose> About to say, this is a big crowd. Two tea tables should be fine. :D
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:57:03 PM EST] <DesertRose> Thursday.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:57:09 PM EST] * Shiral adds fresh baked shortbread
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:57:12 PM EST] <DesertRose> Yum!
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:57:20 PM EST] <Laurna> Happy Birthday future birthdays
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:57:22 PM EST] <Evie> Ah, Sinterklaas
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:57:25 PM EST] <DesertRose> Yup
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:57:42 PM EST] <Shiral> Happy Birthday to Evie and JM1000
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:58:09 PM EST] <Evie> My best friend has trouble remember my birthday, never mind that 1) he's Dutch, and 2) it's the day before Sinterklaas. :-D
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:58:19 PM EST] <revanne> I'm going to be limited to virtual goodies since I struggled to get into my posh frock for a St Andrew's day do last Friday and I'm determined to be able to breathe in it on Burns Night.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:58:19 PM EST] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:58:20 PM EST] <Evie> *remembering
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:58:28 PM EST] <revanne> LOL
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:58:52 PM EST] <Shiral> How about a wee virtual dram to keep you warm, Revanne?
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:59:08 PM EST] <KK> A posh frock is a good way to keep one's body in shape--so long as you wear it often!
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:59:10 PM EST] <Jemler> i was born 3 days before my mothers 20th birthday.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:59:24 PM EST] <revanne> Slainte, Shiral
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:59:28 PM EST] <Shiral> Fine Cassani whiskey!
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:59:33 PM EST] <DesertRose> My mother was born nine days after her mother's birthday, and my middle brother six days after our father's birthday.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:59:43 PM EST] <revanne> Indeed
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:59:51 PM EST] <DesertRose> And I think my youngest brother was a few-days-belated birthday present to his mom.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:59:52 PM EST] <Jemler> my father's birthday is tuesday.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [5:59:57 PM EST] <Shiral> From His Grace the Duke's cellar
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:00:11 PM EST] <DesertRose> But I can't remember their mom's birthday, just that it was near Christmas.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:00:21 PM EST] * Shiral pours Evie a birthday snifter so she won't feel left out
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:00:24 PM EST] <revanne> Maybe he'll share a bit with his loyal supporters
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:00:42 PM EST] <Evie> Thank you, Shiral
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:00:50 PM EST] <Shiral> What would have been my father's 91st birthday was the day before Thanksgiving
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:01:35 PM EST] <revanne> True about the frock KK - I have a beautiful one which I had for the Milennium but I have a long way to go before I can get back into that.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:01:40 PM EST] <Shiral> And my brother shares a birthdate with the Armistice.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:01:53 PM EST] <DesertRose> And I suppose I was a belated birthday present to my uncle, since he turned 22 five days before I was born. Happy belated birthday, you now have a niece.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:02:07 PM EST] <revanne> My DS was born the day before my 28th birthday - he was due three weeks earlier.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:02:32 PM EST] <Shiral> Took his own sweet time, then
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:02:45 PM EST] <revanne> And has done ever since.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:02:45 PM EST] <Laurna> three weeks late? you must have gone crazy?
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:02:48 PM EST] <KK> I was born ON my uncle's 18th birthday. Talk about a birthday present... And of course, it was in the middle of a hurricane.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:03:02 PM EST] <DesertRose> I believe revanne has said of her DS, "started as he meant to go on," which is also true of my daughter, born eight days after she was due.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:03:17 PM EST] <The_Bee> all my relatives were born on one day or another.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:03:21 PM EST] <DesertRose> And still does things in her own sweet time.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:03:28 PM EST] <revanne> Something like Laurna, both DD's were 5 days late so I was expecting him to be late but not three weeks.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:03:33 PM EST] <Evie> I've been happily buying a few new bits of wardrobe along with my Christmas shopping, since I've discovered I've gone down a size in some things in the past six months or so.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:03:38 PM EST] <revanne> Very true DR
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:03:47 PM EST] <revanne> That's great Evie
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:03:54 PM EST] <Laurna> Boys always take there time.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:04:04 PM EST] <Jemler> their
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:04:18 PM EST] <DesertRose> It's not English class. :P
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:04:23 PM EST] <Shiral> I really need to get on the ball with Christmas shopping. So far, I've found a nice cat bed, and a sweater for me.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:04:24 PM EST] <bynwII> i was born on my Aunt's birthday
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:04:28 PM EST] <KK> Excellent, Evie.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:04:28 PM EST] <Laurna> Thank you Jemler lol
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:04:35 PM EST] <bynwII> and then found out that it's the same as Scott's too
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:04:38 PM EST] <Jemler> lol
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:04:49 PM EST] <Evie> Giving birth in the middle of a hurricane sounds like it would be some unlooked-for excitement on the occasion. :-)
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:05:13 PM EST] <DesertRose> And contrary to the expectation of a (mini) baby boom 40 weeks after a hurricane. :D
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:05:13 PM EST] * Jemler sings Stormy Weather
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:05:16 PM EST] <Shiral> Well, the one emergency might have taken LBM's mind off the other.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:05:21 PM EST] <Evie> My DS was 9 days early
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:05:55 PM EST] <KK> They were telling her to hurry up and have that baby before they lost power and the lights went out!
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:05:57 PM EST] <DesertRose> There's a reason it's called an estimated due date. I was ten days early myself, and fully expected the Kiddo to follow suit. I think she delayed just to irk me. :P
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:06:03 PM EST] <Evie> LOL, KK!
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:06:20 PM EST] <Shiral> Talk about pressure! =o)
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:06:21 PM EST] <KK> So far as I ;know, the lights did not go out.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:06:22 PM EST] <Evie> L'il Girl (Gigi) is here to blink at me like an owl
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:06:24 PM EST] <Laurna> oh dear kk
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:06:44 PM EST] <DesertRose> LBM likely had her attention well occupied. :D
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:07:57 PM EST] <KK> Yes, and understandably scared, since her mother had died years before and, in those days, fathers did not go into the delivery room with the mother.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:08:10 PM EST] <DesertRose> I bet!
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:08:32 PM EST] <DesertRose> I'm not sure if my father was in the delivery room with my mom or not. I know he went to Lamaze classes with her, so I assume he was.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:08:35 PM EST] <Shiral> Must have been a pretty scary situation for her. But all turned out okay in the end!
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:09:06 PM EST] <Laurna> I have seen a few fathers wish they had not gone into the delivery room. at least two have walked out into the hallway and passed out before me.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:09:21 PM EST] <revanne> Think I am going to head for bed, which DH has kindly put a hot water bottle in for me. Tomorrow we have to return some tables to school which we borrowed for the Fair, take an Advent Assembly in one school, take an Advent service for a ladies group, attend the Mothers' Union Christmas lunch and take another Advent Assembly in another school. Then
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:09:21 PM EST] <revanne> deal with whatever else the day throws at me. Have a great Christmas everyone - Let me know what you decide about early chat for January. Thanks very much for making it early tonight.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:09:23 PM EST] <DesertRose> But one of the nursery nurses carded him before she'd let him have me, because the indigenous ancestry was strong when I was a baby, and Dad looked pretty Anglo. (We were not far off the main Navajo reservation).
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:09:31 PM EST] <Shiral> Night, Revanne
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:09:36 PM EST] <DesertRose> Okay, g'night, revanne!
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:09:44 PM EST] <Jemler> night revanne
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:09:47 PM EST] <Laurna> Good Night Revanne
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:09:57 PM EST] <The_Bee> nighters, Revanne
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:09:58 PM EST] <DesertRose> As far as I know, January early chat will be the 6th, unless KK has other plans. :D
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:10:28 PM EST] <revanne> Ok - Night everyone.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:10:30 PM EST] <Evie> When we were scouting out hospital labor and delivery units, trying to decide which to use, we had one OB nurse trying to urge us to videotape the birth. She got a little over-enthusiastic and proclaimed, "We like to encourage everyone to videotape everything from conception to delivery," which made
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:10:30 PM EST] <Evie> DH and I both crack up. 'Oops, I missed taping the conception, so I think we'll pass on the delivery too," DH told her.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:10:35 PM EST] <KK> Fine by me. Happy Christmas, Revanne.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:10:42 PM EST] <DesertRose> LOL, Evie!
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:10:42 PM EST] <Laurna> Twelfth Night
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:10:43 PM EST] <Evie> Bye, Revanne
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:10:50 PM EST] Quit revanne (revanne@OWIRCN-72285f29.dyn.plus.net) has left this server (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client).
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:11:01 PM EST] <The_Bee> Happy Christmas, REvanne
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:11:07 PM EST] <Shiral> Did I miss any news earlier?
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:11:21 PM EST] <DesertRose> LBM is doing well and she and KK went to see a production of The Nutcracker. :)
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:11:43 PM EST] <Laurna> Nice. I would love to see that
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:11:46 PM EST] <Shiral> Hope LBM's current positive state stays that way
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:12:12 PM EST] <Evie> Gigi is in my lap demanding I use both hands to pet her
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:12:34 PM EST] <Shiral> Reminds me I need to go feed the pygmy lions. BRB
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:12:42 PM EST] <DesertRose> When I saw the photos that were taken after the Kiddo was born, I swore that I would not let anyone near me with a camera until I'd gotten a hold of a comb or hairbrush if I ever had another baby.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:12:53 PM EST] <DesertRose> My hair was scary, y'all. :D
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:13:00 PM EST] <Evie> :-D
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:13:03 PM EST] <Laurna> lol
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:13:29 PM EST] <Laurna> Must make you smile now to see those pics. It was a work in progress
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:13:50 PM EST] <DesertRose> Of course, it was Ridiculous O'Clock (she was born at 3:08 a.m.) and I'd been in labor for the preceding eight hours, so I suppose I can be forgiven the bad hair day.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:14:26 PM EST] <DesertRose> Some of them, yes.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:14:30 PM EST] <Evie> No one really expects a brand new mom to come out looking like a supermodel mere hours after labor.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:14:38 PM EST] <Laurna> not like you have a hair and makeup artest at the hospital bed side.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:14:40 PM EST] <DesertRose> No, but my hair looked like that of Medusa. :P
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:14:41 PM EST] <Evie> Even the Duchess of Cambridge had help managing to pull that off. :-D
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:15:08 PM EST] <DesertRose> That was when I had the extremely unfortunate pixie haircut that never really looked good unless it had been professionally styled, too.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:15:30 PM EST] <DesertRose> Silly me, I thought cutting my hair short would prevent the baby pulling it. HA!
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:15:40 PM EST] <Laurna> lol
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:15:57 PM EST] <Laurna> At least with long hair you can put it up or pull it back.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:16:01 PM EST] <DesertRose> Yup.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:16:11 PM EST] <Evie> My mom had her hair and fingernails cut short by the OB nurses when she went into labor. Apparently that was a thing back then.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:16:19 PM EST] <DesertRose> It hasn't been shorter than chin length and mostly not shorter than shoulder length since then, either.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:16:22 PM EST] <Shiral> And I have returned
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:16:26 PM EST] <DesertRose> Rehi Shiral
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:16:26 PM EST] <Laurna> The one time I had short hair I spent an hour everyday trying to make it look good.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:16:33 PM EST] <DesertRose> Pygmy lions fed?
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:16:48 PM EST] <Jemler> fed to what?
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:17:01 PM EST] <DesertRose> Yeah, same problem here, Laurna. My hair has just enough natural curl to give it a mind of its own if it's short.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:17:02 PM EST] <Laurna> Jemler>>>?
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:17:11 PM EST] * DesertRose decks Jemler with a catfish.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:17:12 PM EST] <Evie> Though that might have been because, as we found out years later, the anesthetic they used doesn't actually put the mom to sleep, just makes her forget the entire experience, so the nurses were used to laboring mothers putting up a bit of a fight in the process of giving birth.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:17:18 PM EST] <Jemler> what were the pygmy lions fed to?
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:17:23 PM EST] <Shiral> Don't worry, DR, most women are seriously understaffed
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:17:38 PM EST] <Shiral> They were fed their suppers
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:18:15 PM EST] <DesertRose> That's why I hit Jemler, for suggesting that Shiral would feed Dmitri and Tatiana TO something. :D
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:18:38 PM EST] <Shiral> Things always get very quiet after the bowls are on the floor
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:18:41 PM EST] <Laurna> My sister's dogs are seriously starved for attention. they all want to be in my lap
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:19:03 PM EST] <DesertRose> "Look, y'all are really cute, but I've got only so much lap!
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:19:05 PM EST] <DesertRose> "
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:19:07 PM EST] <Shiral> It was very chilly last night, and Tatiana was very affectionate when I got into bed.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:19:39 PM EST] <The_Bee> Melaantha wwould rather eat treats than real cat food.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:19:56 PM EST] <Shiral> When I first got home from my trip, she acted like she could barely remember me. And what she remembered wasn't to my credit.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:19:58 PM EST] <Laurna> Now I need to wash my glasses off. HEHE
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:19:59 PM EST] <Evie> I would rather eat treats than real food too. :-D
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:20:09 PM EST] <DesertRose> I don't think Carys is too impressed with the weather we've had lately. It goes from 80 F to 50 F and back again every few days, or it has for the last couple of weeks.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:20:14 PM EST] <KK> Gus has taken to going upstairs when <he> thinks it's time to go to bed; so he's usually there curled up against my pillows when I go up. And Nicholas has taken to spending time on the bed, too.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:20:23 PM EST] <DesertRose> LOL, KK!
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:20:41 PM EST] <DesertRose> "It's bedtime, because *I* said it's bedtime!"
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:20:46 PM EST] <Laurna> The warm spot
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:20:46 PM EST] <Shiral> Oh yeah, I always wake up with two companions. Especially in winter
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:20:55 PM EST] <KK> Well, or course. He's the Cat.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:21:06 PM EST] <Shiral> That should be reason enough for anyone
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:21:55 PM EST] <The_Bee> Melantha likes to jump into the middle of the bed so I can't get under the sheet.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:22:36 PM EST] <Shiral> I just push them out of the way. I am the one with the opposable thumbs and the job, after all
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:23:00 PM EST] <Laurna> I have five pups that warm my spot and i have to move them each aside before I can get into bed.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:23:42 PM EST] <bynwII> our kitty doesnt sleep in the bed with us .... she'll sleep on it during the day but not at night. her sister used to sleep next to me all the time
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:25:28 PM EST] <DesertRose> Petris: Trying to put the human(s) and all pets on the same bed.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:26:12 PM EST] <KK> LOL, yes, DR.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:26:22 PM EST] <bynwII> lol
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:26:36 PM EST] <bynwII> Andi took up a lot of space on the bed
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:26:36 PM EST] <DesertRose> Carys is on my bed now, but she gets evicted from the bedroom when I go to bed because she likes to wake me up after three or four hours, and I am a very grouchy DesertRose if I have not had enough sleep.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:28:05 PM EST] <DesertRose> She gets to snuggle me if I take a nap, though.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:28:27 PM EST] <Shiral> I did shut the cats out of the bedroom while putting clean sheets on the bed yesterday. The task goes much faster without 'help.' WHen I opened the door, he was waiting there, and looked so hurt!
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:28:41 PM EST] <Evie> LOL
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:29:06 PM EST] <Shiral> 'He' being Dmitri, naturally.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:29:48 PM EST] <Evie> I figured Tatiana didn't suddenly turn male
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:30:08 PM EST] <Shiral> Nope. There's not a lot of gender fluidity around here.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:30:12 PM EST] <Laurna> Hehe you should see me trying to put new sheets on the bed while constantly removing at least two dogs at every step.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:30:27 PM EST] <Evie> Just the usual boneless-seeming cat fluidity?
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:30:32 PM EST] <Shiral> I can imagine that slows things down, Laurna
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:30:44 PM EST] <Laurna> LOl Yes a bit
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:30:58 PM EST] <Shiral> Yup! Dmitri likes to get on my pillow and give me a scalp massage
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:31:17 PM EST] <KK> Aw, but Shiral, they probably wait expectantly for <days> for it to be sheet-changing day. And then you didn't let them play.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:31:29 PM EST] <Shiral> For which I'm not that grateful, since having a cat "make biscuits" on your head gets painfully prickly
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:31:46 PM EST] <Shiral> I know, I'm a terrible cat Mom, KK
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:32:11 PM EST] <Evie> Gigi likes to sniff and gently tug on my freshly shampooed hair with her teeth
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:32:18 PM EST] <Shiral> But I did just buy them a nice woolly cat bed that's kind of like a wool igloo for cats, and put some catnip in it
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:32:45 PM EST] <Laurna> Rhys has just pulled all the stuffingout of the toy I just brought.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:32:46 PM EST] <DesertRose> Carys is intrigued by the way my hair smells when I've recently touched up the henna.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:32:48 PM EST] <KK> Fortunately, our cleaning lady changes the sheets. And I think the cats make themselves scarce when she's doing it. We also have a platform that raises the head and foot of the bed, which makes noises but also makes it sooooo much easier to get the fitted sheets on.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:33:02 PM EST] <Shiral> Dmitri was very intrigued when I opened the box and even sniffed it, and then got in and lay down. But of course, he got right out again, after I'd picked up the camera.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:33:25 PM EST] <KK> Naturlich.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:33:48 PM EST] <Shiral> He's photogenic, but I have to surprise him.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:34:21 PM EST] <DesertRose> My usually-good Google Fu is failing me, but there's a silly thing that's made the rounds of the internet a few times, a letter from a human to their pets, and it says something about lying on the bed with their tongues sticking out to occupy maximal space is pure sarcasm.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:34:26 PM EST] <DesertRose> It's cute.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:34:32 PM EST] <Evie> Great. A stink bug has gotten into the house, and he's buzzing around my living room and being annoying
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:34:55 PM EST] <Laurna> eeck
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:35:26 PM EST] <KK> Yuck! Catch that sucker (gently) and give him the Big Flush!
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:35:41 PM EST] <The_Bee> And Luke and Gigi are doing nothing about it, I ssuppose.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:35:49 PM EST] <Laurna> The other day a snail got in the house and the dogs sat 15 feet away a barked at it.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:35:55 PM EST] <Evie> Neither of my useless excuse for predators are paying the least bit of attention to it, though that's probably for the best since i don't want the room smelling of irate stink bug.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:36:28 PM EST] <Evie> LOL @ snail
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:36:53 PM EST] <Evie> Bravely sounding the alarm at that snail, I see.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:37:21 PM EST] <Laurna> you never know , it could be one of the medieval killer snails you see in the old manuscripts.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:37:26 PM EST] <Evie> LOL
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:37:40 PM EST] <KK> Yes, indeed.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:37:41 PM EST] <DesertRose> I want to know what they were putting in the ale in medieval scriptoria.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:37:48 PM EST] <Evie> Seems very likely
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:37:58 PM EST] <DesertRose> Some of those illustrations look like the result of a bad trip on a hallucinogen.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:38:01 PM EST] <Laurna> I love all the killer rabbits too
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:38:12 PM EST] <DesertRose> Maybe they'd made ale out of rye that had ergot? *shrug*
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:38:15 PM EST] <Evie> <Luna Lovegood voice> Could be nargles. </Luna Lovegood voice>
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:38:33 PM EST] <Laurna> lol to Nargles
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:39:13 PM EST] <Shiral> Luna became one of my favorite characters
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:39:22 PM EST] <Evie> Pretty sure nargles in my hallway are the true cause for Kitty Crazy Time (TM)
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:39:29 PM EST] <DesertRose> House sprites. :)
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:39:48 PM EST] <DesertRose> They taunt the pets and play nasty tricks on humans like putting the keys in the fridge. :)
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:39:57 PM EST] <Evie> Every single Harry Potter personality test I've taken says I have a Luna Lovegood personality. No one who actually knows me disputes this. :-D
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:39:58 PM EST] <Shiral> If we lived in the Middle Ages, we'd all need SOMETHING to take our minds off reality!
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:40:11 PM EST] <Laurna> lol
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:40:27 PM EST] <Evie> And we're even both Ravenclaws
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:40:28 PM EST] <DesertRose> Well, most of medieval Europe drank far more (very weak) wine and beer than modern people do.
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:40:48 PM EST] <Shiral> So their tolerance was also probably less
[Sunday, December 2, 2018] [6:41:10 PM EST] <DesertRose> Well, the water wasn't clean enough to drink, too.
"If having a soul means being able to feel love, loyalty, and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans."

James Herriot (James Alfred "Alfie" Wight), when a human client asked him if animals have souls.  (I don't remember in which book the story originally appeared.)