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KK Chat -- 30 December 2018

Started by DesertRose, December 30, 2018, 06:50:36 PM

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[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [6:51:26 PM EST] Join KK has joined this channel.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [6:51:30 PM EST] <Evie> Hi KK
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [6:51:31 PM EST] <Laurna> I have five dogs on my bare feet. I need to move them aside to get some hot tea
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [6:51:40 PM EST] <KK> Hello, all!
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [6:51:40 PM EST] <Jemler> hi kk
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [6:51:49 PM EST] <Laurna> Hello KK
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [6:51:51 PM EST] <DesertRose> Hi KK!
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [6:52:13 PM EST] <KK> Did everyone have a good Christmas? Sorry I wasn't able to be here lasst week.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [6:52:20 PM EST] <Evie> I did
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [6:52:25 PM EST] <DesertRose> Mine was pretty good, yes. And yours?
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [6:52:26 PM EST] <Laurna> I had a nice christmas. I hope you did too.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [6:52:31 PM EST] <Evie> First one with my whole family in years
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [6:52:42 PM EST] <Laurna> Great Evie
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [6:53:45 PM EST] <KK> We had a great visit with Cameron and Anna, though C picked up a sinus infection that had him semi-down for the week. And I picked up an upper respiratory infection that finally took me to Urgent Care on Friday. It's somewhat better today.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [6:53:57 PM EST] <DesertRose> Tis the season, unfortunately.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [6:54:03 PM EST] <Evie> Oh dear, glad you're feeling better
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [6:54:04 PM EST] <DesertRose> Glad you're feeling better, though.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [6:54:06 PM EST] <KK> Indeed, it is.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [6:54:09 PM EST] <Laurna> I have been eating lots (meaning too much) chocolate and cookies since then.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [6:54:16 PM EST] <Evie> My dad came down with a cold the day after Christmas, but not a bad one
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [6:55:01 PM EST] <KK> Have had several epic coughing fits this afternoon, and my diaphragm is sore from all the coughing, but I think it's getting better.l
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [6:55:03 PM EST] <Laurna> Same here, I caught the cold from family on christmas and I am feeling it this weekend
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [6:55:13 PM EST] <DesertRose> Yuk.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [6:55:25 PM EST] <Laurna> Hope that you get better soon.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [6:55:42 PM EST] <KK> We had good beef stroganoff for Christmas, and I finished off the bread pudding this afternoon. Yum!
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [6:55:56 PM EST] <Laurna> oh that sounds good
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [6:55:56 PM EST] <Evie> Sounds Yum!
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [6:56:04 PM EST] Join Derynifank (uid323731@OWIRCN-1325dff0.irccloud.com) has joined this channel.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [6:56:05 PM EST] <DesertRose> I cooked beef stroganoff for my parents for their wedding anniversary on Thursday. :D
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [6:56:08 PM EST] <DesertRose> Hi Derynifank
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [6:56:10 PM EST] <Evie> Hi DFK
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [6:56:15 PM EST] <Jemler> hi dfk
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [6:56:16 PM EST] <Laurna> Hello DFK
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [6:57:17 PM EST] <KK> Yum, DR. I use the stirloin tips that you get from Omaha Steaks for my stroganoff; don't have to do any prep, just throw it in the pan. All their meat is excellent, and well-priced. And convenient.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [6:57:22 PM EST] <Derynifank> Hi all. A Beef stroganoff dinner sounds like a lovely anniversary gift
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [6:57:23 PM EST] <DesertRose> Tis the season for wedding anniversaries. Thursday was my parents, yesterday was my cousin and his wife, and today is a high school friend and her husband.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [6:57:31 PM EST] <Laurna> Do to a schelduling mistake, I get tomarrow off from work. even though I did not ask for it. and that makes me happy.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [6:57:50 PM EST] <Evie> Yay!
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [6:57:52 PM EST] <KK> That'[s the kind o9f mistake I think we all like.'
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [6:58:06 PM EST] <Laurna> agreed
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [6:58:07 PM EST] <Derynifank> Yay for an unexpected day off
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [6:58:08 PM EST] <Evie> I have tomorrow and the next day off
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [6:58:19 PM EST] <DesertRose> Well, the thing with cooking dinner for my parents is a: I'm broke b: my stepdad has been a pain about any celebratory anything for the last several years and c: I wanted my mom to have a supper she didn't have to cook or clean up after, thus I cooked (and washed up afterwards).
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [6:58:20 PM EST] <Laurna> Nice four day weekend
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [6:58:29 PM EST] <Evie> Celebrating New Years Eve with my parents
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [6:58:30 PM EST] <Jemler> i have dialysis tues
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [6:58:54 PM EST] <Laurna> On Tuesday, Sorry Jemler
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [6:59:22 PM EST] <Jemler> we only get txgiving and xmas off.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [6:59:27 PM EST] <Laurna> Well there is a good way to start off the new year
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [6:59:30 PM EST] <Derynifank> I really love any meal I don't have to cook or clean up after
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [6:59:40 PM EST] <KK> What a way to start the new year. On the other hand, what a great way to start the new year, with clean blood! Ah, modern medicine.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [6:59:54 PM EST] <Laurna> Agreed
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:00:18 PM EST] <Jemler> clean blood, dirty mind. it works. :)
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:00:29 PM EST] <DesertRose> And the recipe made enough that I could freeze about a quart of leftovers so Mom can thaw and reheat it, make some noodles and a salad, and have another supper she didn't have to work too hard to get onto the table.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:00:40 PM EST] <Laurna> Loading Fish catapult for near future use
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:00:48 PM EST] <Evie> That sounds handy, DR
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:01:03 PM EST] <Derynifank> Sounds great DR
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:01:32 PM EST] <DesertRose> I'm going to go ahead and make a horrible pun. I got new nightclothes for Christmas, and one was a long-sleeved nightshirt with a sheep wearing a Santa hat screen-printed onto the front, with the words, "Bah la la la la la la la la" under it.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:01:48 PM EST] <Evie> LOL
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:01:50 PM EST] <KK> We'll freeze some, too. And I'm going to take some down to the cottage for my mom tomorrow; haven't been down for 3 days because of my cold.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:01:54 PM EST] <Laurna> lol
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:02:33 PM EST] <DesertRose> The nightshirt came with a pair of socks that are red and white striped, and the red stripes have sparklies in them. I wasn't particularly concerned with the socks, but I found out after I washed them that they're VERY soft and comfy!
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:02:37 PM EST] <Derynifank> Boy, this cold is everywhere . I have it to
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:02:52 PM EST] <KK> I got one t hat has something about fa la la la llama--and of course there's a llama wearing a Santa hat.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:03:13 PM EST] <Laurna> I have a very mild version right now. Nothing like I had three months ago. that one was bad
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:03:15 PM EST] <DesertRose> Yeah, Evie's dad has a cold, Cameron caught a sinus infection, Laurna and KK are both fighting colds. Tis the season, unfortunately.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:03:32 PM EST] <Derynifank> Can't beat soft warm socjs. If the feet are warm the rest of you is too
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:03:54 PM EST] <DesertRose> I've seen some funny Hanukkah "ugly sweaters" (a la the Christmas ugly sweaters) featuring llamas. Happy Llamakkah, is the general idea.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:03:56 PM EST] <Laurna> Can not beat puppy slippers. the real kind.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:04:13 PM EST] <Laurna> Nice toe warmers they are
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:04:19 PM EST] <DesertRose> They are.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:04:28 PM EST] <Derynifank> Indeed
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:04:31 PM EST] <bynw> hi all
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:04:37 PM EST] <Laurna> Hello Bynw
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:04:40 PM EST] <Derynifank> Hi bynw
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:04:45 PM EST] * bynw is watching a movie right now still have 25 minutes left on it
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:04:50 PM EST] <DesertRose> So are some cats. I had a big gray tabby cat when I was married (lo these many years ago) who loved to sleep on my feet at night, which was lovely in winter, a little annoying in July.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:04:54 PM EST] <bynw> everyone have a good Christmas?
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:05:14 PM EST] <Laurna> It was good and now it is good that it is over
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:05:22 PM EST] <KK> I always wear socks for sleeping in the winter. And a couple of years ago, Scott got me a foot warmer that goes under the sheets on my side of the foot of the bed, like a mini-elecytric blanket. Niiiiice.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:05:28 PM EST] <Derynifank> It was quiet but good. How about you
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:05:30 PM EST] * Jemler reading from "A Visit from St. Nick" "Sticking a finger up his nose, and giving a nod, up the chimney he rose."
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:05:36 PM EST] <DesertRose> Oh, nice! Good Hubby points for Scott!
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:05:52 PM EST] <Evie> No matter how cold it is or how many blankets I have piled on, I can't sleep with socks anymore, because I start to feel overheated.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:05:56 PM EST] <Laurna> Question is whether to take everything down on new years or wait until twelfth night.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:06:14 PM EST] <Evie> Twelfth Night
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:06:19 PM EST] <Evie> The traditional end to Christmas
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:06:31 PM EST] <DesertRose> Peak Floridian Stunt I pulled a few years ago. I went to an SCA event in February, stayed in a tent (because the cabins at that site at the time had a mold problem, since repaired), and it was actually pretty chilly. I did not even think to pack socks.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:06:33 PM EST] <Derynifank> Kk, those socks are descended from the hit water bottles all the British used
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:06:41 PM EST] <Laurna> Yes I have started doing that because of this forum
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:07:05 PM EST] <Derynifank> Hot
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:07:15 PM EST] <KK> Decorations down on Twelfth Night.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:07:17 PM EST] <DesertRose> My feet were COLD, because it got into the upper 30's F overnight.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:07:31 PM EST] <DesertRose> Yup. Xmas decs stay up until Epiphany. :D
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:07:31 PM EST] <KK> Or sooner, but you shouldn't be dinged for leaving them up until the 6th.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:07:32 PM EST] <Derynifank> Brrrr
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:08:10 PM EST] <Laurna> Well sometimes they stay up until February, just not turned on. LOL
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:08:21 PM EST] <DesertRose> But I need to see if I can find some sort of winter-themed door decor to put on my front door in place of my bells. I don't really want to put up the spring wreath this early.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:08:50 PM EST] <DesertRose> Winter but not Christmas-y, I should have said.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:09:13 PM EST] <Derynifank> Some people leave them up all year not turned on
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:09:46 PM EST] <Evie> Some people have the tradition that if they haven't taken Christmas decorations down by Epiphany, they go ahead and leave them up until Candlemas (Feb 2, aka Duncan's Birthday. :-D )
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:10:05 PM EST] <Laurna> My sister left last years light on the house all year. but then this year they never got around to plugging them in. I just laugjed
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:10:10 PM EST] <KK> I--erm--clears throat--have been to leave ours up until late in January. Sometimes stuff happens.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:10:16 PM EST] <Evie> I had a friend who left his up year round one year, and just redecorated it for other holidays like 4th of July
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:10:57 PM EST] <KK> I've heard of holiday trees, whose decorations change for the seasons. Seems like it would be a great temptation for cats, though.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:11:38 PM EST] <Derynifank> Think cats would see it as the perfect cat toy
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:11:48 PM EST] <Laurna> I forgave them the outside lights, what with the wedding and all. But I was the one to decorate their inside and force them to put the tree up.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:11:59 PM EST] <DesertRose> Here are my bells: https://postimg.cc/LYqgQgQv
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:12:16 PM EST] <Evie> We tend to put the non-fragile stuffed fabric ornaments on the bottom branches so the cats aren't tempted by breakable shiny things.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:13:03 PM EST] <Derynifank> Cool bells
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:13:17 PM EST] Join Shiral (uid327538@OWIRCN-c7444ab5.irccloud.com) has joined this channel.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:13:25 PM EST] <Jemler> hi shiral
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:13:28 PM EST] <Derynifank> Hi shiral
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:13:29 PM EST] <DesertRose> Solution for people with cats: https://www.facebook.com/180016842026013/photos/a.552675101426850/2465862943441380/?type=3&theater ;)
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:13:29 PM EST] <Shiral> Hi all
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:13:32 PM EST] <DesertRose> Hi Shiral
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:13:37 PM EST] <Laurna> I have a live tree. I love live trees. They also force you to take them down close to newyears or they are a fire hazard
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:13:51 PM EST] <Laurna> I saw that one mad me laugh
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:13:52 PM EST] <Evie> Hi Shiral
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:13:59 PM EST] <Shiral> Hello everyone
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:14:02 PM EST] <Derynifank> Love it Darcy
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:14:17 PM EST] <Derynifank> DR
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:14:18 PM EST] <Evie> LOL @ cat tree
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:14:55 PM EST] <Evie> Bit of a difference between DR and Darcy! :-D
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:15:00 PM EST] <DesertRose> Indeed!
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:15:03 PM EST] <Laurna> lol
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:15:11 PM EST] <KK> Yes, DR!
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:15:14 PM EST] <Shiral> Haven't had a tree for a long time. Dmitri is a search and destroy kind of guy.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:15:23 PM EST] <DesertRose> See the link, Shiral. ;)
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:15:29 PM EST] <Derynifank> Not to ac which always gets me
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:15:45 PM EST] <Laurna> My dogs were really good with the tree this year. no broken ball so far
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:16:08 PM EST] <KK> Ours lives in the library, which is always closed off unless there are people in there. Keeps it cleaner, and keeps critters from the occasional accident in there.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:16:10 PM EST] * Shiral snaps fingers and fills the chatroom teapot, and sets a plate of shortbread cookies on the table
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:16:13 PM EST] <DesertRose> The vet clinic who take care of my parents' cats have "Meowy Christmas and Yappy New Year" on the marquee in front of the clinic.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:16:26 PM EST] <Shiral> I don't really have a way to close off my livingroom
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:16:32 PM EST] <Laurna> Reminded me of my tea. Brb
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:17:03 PM EST] * DesertRose adds chocolate cupcakes with chocolate ganache frosting, which she is actually going to bake for real soonish.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:17:11 PM EST] <Evie> Yum!
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:17:22 PM EST] <Derynifank> Yum
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:17:29 PM EST] <Shiral> I see the tree. Still wildly optimistic to decorate it with ornaments!
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:17:42 PM EST] <DesertRose> Well, our baronial scribal group gets together one Saturday a month, usually the second Saturday, which if it happens on the second Saturday this month, will be my birthday.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:17:46 PM EST] * Laurna adds sliced oranges for those with a cold
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:17:54 PM EST] <Evie> One of my SCA friends used to make a chocolate ganache "cake" that was actually multiple layers of crepes with ganache between each layer and also all over the top and sides.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:18:02 PM EST] <DesertRose> And another baronial scribe's birthday is 2 January, so I thought I'd make birthday cupcakes for us both.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:18:08 PM EST] * Jemler puts out hot, spiced apple cider and hot cocoa with pepermint and marshmallows, along with hot, fresh cinnamon rolls.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:18:09 PM EST] <DesertRose> Yum!
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:18:10 PM EST] <Derynifank> Thanks Launa
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:18:25 PM EST] <Evie> I think he said it was a Viennese chocolate ganache cake. He would make it for SCA feasts.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:18:38 PM EST] <DesertRose> And true, Shiral, re ornaments on cat tree.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:19:14 PM EST] <Laurna> I am not sure the SCA should have chocolate. Didn't chocolate get to Europe only after Drake in the 1500's
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:19:50 PM EST] <DesertRose> Well, some of the Spanish conquistadores encountered chocolate with the Aztecs, a little earlier than Drake.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:19:52 PM EST] <Evie> We go up to the end of Elizabeth's reign, so early 1600s.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:20:04 PM EST] <Laurna> lol
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:20:25 PM EST] <Evie> Although admittedly not normally served in a gateau in period
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:20:31 PM EST] <DesertRose> True. :)
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:20:36 PM EST] <Evie> He fudged the rules a bit. Pun intended. ;-)
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:20:44 PM EST] <Laurna> lol love it
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:20:56 PM EST] * DesertRose loads a cod onto the catapult and shoots it at Evie.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:21:00 PM EST] <Shiral> The middle ages, complete with itchy clothes, plague and bad plumbing would have been a lot more bearable if they'd had chocolate, though.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:21:01 PM EST] <Evie> :-D
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:21:17 PM EST] <Derynifank> True
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:21:29 PM EST] <Evie> They had access to carob, I think, though again, not sure if they had the sweetened mock-chocolate form of it
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:21:30 PM EST] <Laurna> KK do the Deryni have a chocolate-like drink?
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:21:34 PM EST] <KK> I once ventured a pseudo-ganache cake with flour tortillas and Nutella. It was....interesting.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:21:47 PM EST] <Evie> LOL!
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:21:50 PM EST] <Laurna> Pass on that one
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:21:59 PM EST] <Evie> I'd be willing to try it at least once if it has Nutella
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:22:05 PM EST] <KK> Haven't thought about it, Laurna. Don't see any reas9on why they might not, though.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:22:06 PM EST] <DesertRose> Well, they had desserts; a lot of those recipes involved honey, since cane sugar was fairly expensive in Europe in the medieval/Renaissance eras.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:22:21 PM EST] <Shiral> Nutella can hide a multitude of sins, but it can't fix everything
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:22:24 PM EST] <Evie> There was a restaurant in town here that had sweet potato fries served with a Nutella dip, which was one of the more popular things on the menu
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:22:32 PM EST] <DesertRose> Or maple syrup/sugar, if there were a lot of maple trees in the area.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:22:45 PM EST] <KK> I love maple sugar flavoring!
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:22:57 PM EST] <Shiral> Um...I think sugar maples are indigenous to North America
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:22:59 PM EST] <KK> Maple sugar candy, maple syrup.... Yum!
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:23:02 PM EST] <bynw> ok i'm here now :)
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:23:03 PM EST] <Shiral> and candy
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:23:27 PM EST] <DesertRose> There was a Greek-American restaurant in Charleston I used to visit a lot when I was a student (inexpensive food + pool tables), and they did sweet potato fries dusted with cinnamon sugar. Yum!
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:23:36 PM EST] <Derynifank> How was your movie
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:23:36 PM EST] <DesertRose> That might be the case, Shiral. I'm not sure about maple trees.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:23:37 PM EST] <KK> Pinhead oatmeal with butter and maple syrup and just a bit of milk. Yum!
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:23:57 PM EST] <Laurna> Cannor imagine pan cakes with out maple syrup
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:24:00 PM EST] <Shiral> Maple syrup makes me able to eat oatmeal
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:24:15 PM EST] <Shiral> I can't either, Laurna
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:24:16 PM EST] <Evie> Whose movie, DFK? I'm still watching Fantastic Beasts, but it's near the end.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:24:27 PM EST] <DesertRose> bynw was watching a movie, Evie.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:24:32 PM EST] <Evie> Ah
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:24:44 PM EST] <Derynifank> Thought bynw was watching
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:24:49 PM EST] <Shiral> Went to see the new Mary Poppins movie. My whole family loved it. Got our Christmas off to a great start
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:25:04 PM EST] <Laurna> I want to see that
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:25:18 PM EST] <Shiral> It's not the original, but it is a very very very good sequel
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:25:21 PM EST] <Evie> Gigi is on my tummy "making biscuits" in preparation for lying down on it, and seems perturbed there is less tummy to knead than there used to be. :-D
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:25:44 PM EST] <bynw> i was watching a movie, a netflix original
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:25:49 PM EST] <Laurna> My sister and her hubby are going to see Manhiem Steemroller in concert tonight and they didn't get me a ticket too. I was like WHAT!
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:25:51 PM EST] <KK> I want to see Bohemian Rhapsody before it leaves.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:26:24 PM EST] <Evie> I love Mannheim Steamroller
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:26:25 PM EST] <bynw> KK do, that is all i can say about that one. Do see it
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:26:32 PM EST] <Laurna> Me too. I want to go
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:27:28 PM EST] <bynw> I saw it when it first came out. It was excellent
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:28:39 PM EST] Join jerusha (uid321239@OWIRCN-53280135.irccloud.com) has joined this channel.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:28:44 PM EST] <bynw> i just watched bird box on netflix, its a post apocolyptic thriller ... edge of your seat ...
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:28:45 PM EST] <Laurna> Hello Jerusha
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:28:46 PM EST] <Evie> Hi Jerusha
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:28:52 PM EST] <DesertRose> Hi jerusha
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:28:57 PM EST] <jerusha> Hi Everyone!
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:29:10 PM EST] <Derynifank> Hi Jerusha
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:29:21 PM EST] <jerusha> Hi DerynifanK
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:29:23 PM EST] <DesertRose> I want to see Bohemian Rhapsody too. Looks like a good one.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:29:48 PM EST] <Shiral> Hi Jerusha
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:29:55 PM EST] <jerusha> Hi Shiral
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:30:16 PM EST] <Jemler> hi jerusha
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:30:23 PM EST] <jerusha> Hi Jemler
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:30:28 PM EST] <Derynifank> I have a list of movies I want to see,Now all I need is tine and money
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:31:02 PM EST] <jerusha> There are not that many movies I really want to see
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:31:25 PM EST] <Evie> I want to see the new Mary Queen of Scots one
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:31:35 PM EST] <jerusha> Until there is a Deryni movie 😁
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:31:48 PM EST] <Laurna> A day shift came up and I almost got it. only the one person above me took it on trial for 30 days. If he doesn't like it than I will get it. then i will have eveneings off for TV and moveies.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:32:01 PM EST] <jerusha> The problem with Mary Queen of Scots is that I know how it ends
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:32:08 PM EST] <KK> Evie, Yes!
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:32:10 PM EST] <Derynifank> I want to seev"On the a basis of Sex
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:32:14 PM EST] <bynw> i still havent seen the 2nd fantastic beasts movie. i want to see that one
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:32:26 PM EST] <Evie> I'd rather go to the movies during the day, honestly, because night prices are insane now, but matinees are a few bucks cheaper.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:32:36 PM EST] <Laurna> Bynw I was disapointed in the 2nd movie. which is too bad.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:32:47 PM EST] <jerusha> Good luck, Laurna, on getting the day gig
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:33:03 PM EST] <Laurna> I'll find out around February
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:33:09 PM EST] <Evie> I loved that movie, Bynw, but it helps to have read or seen the whole series, or you might not know all that is going on.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:33:23 PM EST] <Laurna> I have not worked days in 28 years. Should be Interesting
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:33:25 PM EST] <Evie> Fortunately I had just reread Deathly Hallows, which helps
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:33:45 PM EST] <jerusha> That would be a big change, Laurna
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:33:57 PM EST] <Derynifank> I like going to the early matinee aroundv11, prices much better
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:34:17 PM EST] <Evie> Unfortunately The Crimes of Grindelwald isn't playing in theatres here anymore, but still isn't available via Redbox or Netflix
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:34:55 PM EST] <Evie> I will snap that DVD up the moment it's out, because Yumbledore. ;-)
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:35:12 PM EST] <Laurna> What I didn't like about it would be a Spoiler. so I won't say it.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:35:14 PM EST] <DesertRose> I'm of two minds about the Mary Queen of Scots movie. It looks like the film has Mary and Elizabeth meeting in person, which I don't think they ever actually did or did so only once.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:35:23 PM EST] <DesertRose> Jude Law is definitely yummy. :P
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:36:02 PM EST] <DesertRose> The Sherlock movies with him as Watson and Robert Downey Jr as Holmes are great fun.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:36:15 PM EST] <Evie> I'm not sure if they ever met either, although it seems most retellings of their story (Mary vs Elizabeth) depict them meeting once before Mary's death.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:36:25 PM EST] <KK> I believe they never met. And the Watson movie is reported to be dreck.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:36:27 PM EST] <Evie> Yes, I saw the first of those but missed the second one.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:36:33 PM EST] <jerusha> It's kind of like having Edith Pargenter's the Brothers of Gwynedd; you know how it ends
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:36:49 PM EST] <DesertRose> Oh, the new Watson movie with Will Ferrell, yes, yuk, hard pass.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:37:19 PM EST] <jerusha> I have not heard a thing good about it. I saw the trailer and hated it
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:37:20 PM EST] <Evie> Not interested in seeing that oen
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:37:23 PM EST] <Evie> *one, even
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:37:38 PM EST] <Evie> We saw Mortal Engines and loved that one, though
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:37:45 PM EST] <KK> And what's the one about Queen Anne and her court, The Favorite? That's supposed to be very good.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:37:56 PM EST] <DesertRose> The Law/Downey ones didn't exactly stay super close to the source material, but they were fun.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:38:09 PM EST] <DesertRose> I wanted to see that one, The Favorite.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:39:28 PM EST] <bynw> Evie, i've seen all the HP movies and the first fantastic beasts movie
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:39:47 PM EST] <Jemler> i have read the cursed child
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:39:47 PM EST] <Evie> OK, then you should probably be able to follow CoG just fine.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:40:03 PM EST] <jerusha> I saw the first ones, but missed a lot of the later ones
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:40:42 PM EST] <bynw> Evie, yeah i wont have any trouble following CoG at all
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:40:46 PM EST] <DesertRose> I think the last movie I saw at a cinema was "Wonder Woman." I don't get to the movies much. :)
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:40:55 PM EST] <Evie> I just reread the entire series. The books are better than the films, not that I disliked the films.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:41:11 PM EST] <Evie> But films end up having to leave so much out
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:41:12 PM EST] <DesertRose> The books almost always are better than the film adaptations. :D
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:41:37 PM EST] <bynw> Evie, Laurna, Derynifank, jerusha, and revanne (who is not in chat) just sent y'all some private messages on the forum :)
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:41:38 PM EST] <Evie> I actually saw a copy of Wonder Woman in the bargain bin today and almost bought it, but didn't.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:41:46 PM EST] <Evie> OK
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:42:10 PM EST] <jerusha> I'll look after chat; I'll probably disconnect otherwise
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:42:17 PM EST] <Jemler> brb. dinner. rigatoni.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:42:19 PM EST] <KK> brb
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:42:32 PM EST] <Evie> DH just got home
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:42:34 PM EST] <jerusha> We had KFC; morally degenerate, but very tastey
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:42:35 PM EST] <DesertRose> It was a good movie. Played a little fast and loose with Greco-Roman mythology, but eh, it's a movie based on a series of comic books based loosely on Greco-Roman mythology. :D
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:42:49 PM EST] <Laurna> The thing with CoG is that the two sisters are supposed to be really close. (like my sister and I are) and at no time in the whole movie did the more responsible sister ever even mention the younger sister. nor did she look for her. That really pissed me off
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:43:00 PM EST] <Jemler> save me some cole slaw!
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:43:15 PM EST] <jerusha> You can have it all, Jemler!
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:43:16 PM EST] <DesertRose> My mom found a copycat recipe for KFC coleslaw.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:43:27 PM EST] <Jemler> thank you!
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:43:42 PM EST] <jerusha> Enjoy!
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:44:12 PM EST] <Jemler> i know that recipe, too.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:44:19 PM EST] <Evie> Did Tina even know Queenie was there, though? I got the impression she didn't.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:44:26 PM EST] <Evie> at least not until near the end
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:44:50 PM EST] <Derynifank> Took some cold med so fading a nit. If I disappear probably fell asleep. Just in case, Happy New Year everyone !
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:44:58 PM EST] <Laurna> The boys should have said she was.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:45:02 PM EST] <Evie> Queenie knew Tina was there, but I don't think Tina knew Queenie had followed her
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:45:17 PM EST] <jerusha> Hope you feel better, DerynifanK
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:45:31 PM EST] <Derynifank> Thanks
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:45:34 PM EST] <Evie> But I'd have to rewatch it to be sure of the sequence
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:45:50 PM EST] <Evie> Or buy the book, since the screenplay is available in book form
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:46:25 PM EST] <Evie> Which I may do with some of my remaining Christmas money, if there's enough left over once bills are paid
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:46:29 PM EST] <Laurna> I can understand if they tried to find her and could not. but no one eve thought to try
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:47:00 PM EST] <KK> I'm back. But I think I'd better take my cold off to the kitchen for some Lem-Sip, or the local equivalent--Alka-Seltzer, I think. Hopefully, I'll be over this in another few days.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:47:01 PM EST] <bynw> Laurna, sometimes things in the story dont make it to the screen
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:47:06 PM EST] <Laurna> Sorry about the spoilers. some things just irk me so
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:47:15 PM EST] <DesertRose> G'night, Derynifank, hot tea with honey and lemon or a hot toddy before bed!
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:47:19 PM EST] <Shiral> Feel better soon, KK
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:47:21 PM EST] <Evie> Yes, but that's why sequence is important, since no one tends to look for someone they don't realize has gone missing, and until the Climactic Scene We Won't Spoil, I don't think T even knew Q was around.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:47:26 PM EST] <KK> Meanwhile, a happy, healthy, and prosperous new year to all of you, and see you at 5 PM next week!
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:47:33 PM EST] <DesertRose> And same to you, KK!
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:47:34 PM EST] <jerusha> Yes, KK, please feel better soon
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:47:36 PM EST] <Shiral> Night, KK
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:47:37 PM EST] <Derynifank> Thanks, sounds good
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:47:39 PM EST] <Laurna> Have a Happy new year KK
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:47:44 PM EST] <Laurna> Rest up well
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:47:45 PM EST] <Shiral> Stay warm and drink fluids
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:47:46 PM EST] <Jemler> nite kk
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:47:51 PM EST] <jerusha> Happy new year, KK
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:47:53 PM EST] <bynw> have a good night KK get better, see BH as soon as you can
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:47:59 PM EST] <Evie> And there are still 3 more movies to come in the series
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:48:02 PM EST] <KK> I am actively working on feeling better! You all stay healthy, or get healthy!
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:48:03 PM EST] <DesertRose> Oh, good, you got there before I asked. Early chat next week, have a good week, thanks for coming to see us, Happy New Year, and Rest and Feel BETTER! :D
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:48:05 PM EST] <Evie> Goodnight, KK
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:48:08 PM EST] <jerusha> Whisky works, too
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:48:26 PM EST] * KK steps onto her Portal, waves goodnight and blows kisses to all, and disappears in a shower of green sparkles.
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:48:27 PM EST] <DesertRose> Rum or brandy taste better than whiskey in a hot toddy. :D
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:48:29 PM EST] <Laurna> lol to that medicine Jerusha
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:48:34 PM EST] <Evie> My movie ended even as KK stepped on the Portal. LOL!
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:48:46 PM EST] <Evie> Great timing there
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:49:03 PM EST] <Jemler> where's bee?
[Sunday, December 30, 2018] [7:49:03 PM EST] Quit KK has left this server (Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF)).
"If having a soul means being able to feel love, loyalty, and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans."

James Herriot (James Alfred "Alfie" Wight), when a human client asked him if animals have souls.  (I don't remember in which book the story originally appeared.)