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KK Chat - Aug. 26, 2001 (pt. 2)

Started by RainbowDragon, July 08, 2008, 12:26:27 PM

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KK Chat - Aug. 26, 2001, pt. 2

[17:22] <Tika> ;)
[17:22] <Garith> hi duck
[17:22] <duck> morning people
[17:22] <Kiri`> hey duck
[17:22] <JastaElf> evening, duck!
[17:22] <duck> oh lordy what a morning
[17:22] <Mike> Moo! Quack!
[17:22] * Tika is definitely NOT a morning person ;)
[17:22] <Wrengl>  HI DUCK!!!!!!!!!
[17:22] <virtualbabe> religious vows usually superscede secular vows
[17:22] <Bynw> good monday morning to you Duck
[17:22] <Shiral> Me neither, Tika
[17:22] <jenshouse> Donald, You sound tired!
[17:22] <hygilac> How is the day beginning?
[17:22] <Kiri`> what's up duck?
[17:22] * duck is all over the place like a rash
[17:22] <virtualbabe> Hey donald.  Hi
[17:22] <KK> We had hunter trials or some such horsey event here this weekend at the stables next door, and Oswald and Scrappy came home exhausted but happy both nights, after hanging out with the horses all day.
[17:22] <Sedina> LOL  But a good rash though, duck!
[17:22] <Shiral> Well exercised, KK <G>
[17:23] <Shiral> I wonder how the horses felt about it, though!
[17:23] <Wrengl>  They will sleep tonight!
[17:23] <KK> Yes.  Last night, especially, they were dead to the world after they ate their dinner.
[17:23] <JastaElf> Lucky doggies...  :-)
[17:23] <Mike> Scrappy?  What about Scooby?
[17:23] <Sedina> Sleep?  They'll like end up being catatonic!
[17:23] <KK> Tomorrow they get pigs' ears again.
[17:23] *** Guest65625 has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[17:23] <JastaElf> Oswald is a fighter pilot ace...  :-)
[17:23] <Wrengl>  Good treat for them!
[17:23] <Sedina> pigs' ears...  Eww...  My dogs used to hate those!
[17:24] <KK> They now think that any plastic bag I open has pigs' ears in it.
[17:24] <virtualbabe> thumper reccomends them highly
[17:24] <JastaElf> :-)
[17:24] <Kiri`> i just got a bag of 10 pig's ears for Fletcher
[17:24] <hygilac> my dog does not care for pig's ears
[17:24] *** Guest65625 is now known as Matt
[17:24] <Shiral> Hello Matt
[17:24] <JastaElf> hi Matt!
[17:24] <Kiri`> hi matt!!!!!
[17:24] <Matt> hey yall
[17:24] <Wrengl>  By the way, Jasta, Kathi is going to do the dog fight between von Cothofen and Captain Snoopy
[17:24] <Sedina> Mi Matt!
[17:24] <hygilac> You made it!
[17:24] <JastaElf> Oh excellent!!!
[17:24] <duck> first there was pavlov's dog, now there are kurtz's doggies
[17:24] <scribbler> hi Matt!
[17:24] <Mike> Hi Matt!  How's the job search?
[17:24] <jenshouse> hey Matt .  hows the job search?
[17:24] <duck> hey matt
[17:24] <virtualbabe> Hi Matt
[17:24] <Kiri`> i like the bit about pavlov's cat =)
[17:24] <KK> Wrengl, have you seen the film, Dogs and Cats?
[17:25] <Matt> it's going.
[17:25] <Sedina> Kiri - with cats it's not the kitty that get's conditioned, it's the owners that are the ones that become conditioned
[17:25] <Wrengl>  Hi matt
[17:25] <virtualbabe> I've seen the posters.  that cat looks like it's got a serious 'tude
[17:25] <Matt> hey all:)
[17:25] <scribbler> LOL Sedina....
[17:25] <JastaElf> KK, I wanna see that movie.  the commercials look hilarious!
[17:25] <Wrengl>  Haven't seen the film yet.
[17:25] <KK> The dogs definitely come out on top.
[17:25] <hygilac> Don't all cats?
[17:25] <scribbler> It's gotten mixed reviews, but I want to see it...
[17:25] <KK> I understand there's a sequel in progress, and the cats get a fairer shake.
[17:25] <Wrengl>  We hardly ever get to the movies.  I am surprised we actually got to see JP3
[17:25] <Sedina> It's a prereq for being a cat...
[17:25] <duck> is that because hte dogs are all underdogs
[17:25] <Tika> hehehe KK, didja like that cartoon Bynw sent? :)
[17:25] <Matt> for those who don't know, one of the sports that I abhor is Basketball.
[17:25] <Mike> Bynw!  I just got a crawler on the applet about a new newsletter!
[17:25] <KK> The Russian blue is a hoot.
[17:26] <jenshouse> i hope so -- I didn't like the movie that much
[17:26] <Matt> I have an interview with the NBA on monday:)
[17:26] <JastaElf> oh my...
[17:26] <jenshouse> i did love the Russian blue -- he looked just like my Ao-Chan
[17:26] <KK> Yes, Tika.  The artist obviously knows cats.
[17:26] <Tika> ;)
[17:26] <Sedina> Oh, good luck, Matt!
[17:26] <Matt> thanks:)
[17:26] <scribbler> LOL Matt -- good luck, if you want the job...
[17:26] <Shiral> I'm  back, had to feed the ravenous beasts
[17:26] <hygilac> Best of luck, M@
[17:26] <Bynw> yes Mike everyone did ... if they used the applet ..if not it's in the status window of mIRC or their other IRC client
[17:26] <jenshouse> what will you be doing for them Matt?
[17:26] <Wrengl>  But we've been told, on the best authority, the CAT ALWAYS WINS!
[17:26] <Matt> programming
[17:26] <hygilac> and if you can stand the commute
[17:27] <Wrengl>  Good luck Matt with the interview
[17:27] <Matt> rewriting old applications.
[17:27] <Shiral> Good luck, Matt NOthin' but net! <G>
[17:27] <jenshouse> Matt, you should look around here if you want a programming job
[17:27] <Matt> nuthin but net:)
[17:27] <jenshouse> here being DC
[17:27] <Tika> LOL
[17:27] <KK> For those who haven't heard, Julianne got the new job she was hoping for--along with a $15K raise.
[17:27] <Shiral> Woohoo!!
[17:27] <Tika> oh cool!
[17:27] <jenshouse> yay for Juliann
[17:28] <Kiri`> yea!!!
[17:28] <jenshouse> with an e
[17:28] <duck> so lunch is on julianne then
[17:28] <Wrengl>  OO Good for her.
[17:28] <KK> And the new DA is, indeed, back from the copier place.
[17:28] <hygilac> great
[17:28] <Shiral> WHich new job was that, KK?
[17:28] <Sedina> If a cat doesn't win, it's because they didn't want to win. A cat would never "lose"
[17:28] <duck> beauty
[17:28] <Matt> time to split
[17:28] <hygilac> wish I could get a payraise
[17:28] <jenshouse> yay on the da too
[17:28] *** Matt Quit (QUIT: User exited)
[17:28] <Shiral> Bye, Matt
[17:28] <Shiral> OOps, too quick
[17:28] <Wrengl>  I don't go to the office for two weeks -- I am taking a vacation!
[17:28] * Sedina does a happy dance for Julianne!
[17:28] <virtualbabe> Lucky you Wrengle
[17:28] <scribbler> Matt leaves almost as fast as Sam....
[17:28] *** Mike Quit (QUIT: User exited)
[17:28] <KK> A new library assistant job--don't remember the exact title. But her boss is someone she interned with and likes very much.
[17:28] <Gamgee> Wrengl: you're retired, you deserve a vacation.
[17:28] <Shiral> I would love a 15K payraise, especially!
[17:28] <hygilac> he's watching the kids
[17:28] <Shiral> Good for Julianne!
[17:29] <scribbler> And Mike doesn't even say goodbye....
[17:29] <hygilac> one 4, one not quite 2
[17:29] <Wrengl>  LOL, Gamgee!
[17:29] <jenshouse> pat, I'll find you in the art room at Worldcon, right?
[17:29] <duck> pat: what do you mean you want a vacation you're retired!!
[17:29] <Shiral> Yes, Julianne has announced the new DA to us at the NG
[17:29] <duck> its against the rules to have a vacation
[17:29] *** Mike has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[17:29] <jenshouse> (I hate going in the art room at a con...it's a money sucker if ever there was one)
[17:30] <JastaElf> hi Mike!
[17:30] <scribbler> WB Mike!!!!
[17:30] <Shiral> WB, MIke
[17:30] <Sedina> wb Mike!
[17:30] <hygilac> YOur second week sounds tedious, Duck
[17:30] <KK> Wrengl, didn't they call you back for a while, 'cause they couldn't function without you?
[17:30] <virtualbabe> BTW, it looks like i'll be missing darkover this year. <pout>
[17:30] <duck> wait til you hear about week three
[17:30] <Mike> My applet window went totally blank!
[17:30] <hygilac> any progress on the contract negotitions?
[17:30] <Wrengl>  Yes.  kathi and I will be in Scooters. I have an Aussie style hat I wear
[17:30] * Sedina is already planning on bringing a very large suitcase to have enough room to bring home all the things she'll likely buy at the con
[17:30] * duck ha ha ha bonk!
[17:31] <duck> that was me laughing my head off
[17:31] * Sedina giggles at duck
[17:31] <Wrengl>  But, I still go to work once a week!, Duck!
[17:31] <Sedina> No luck, huh?
[17:31] <jenshouse> yay...bigger font
[17:31] <Shiral> Look out Sedina, Cons really WILL empty your purse
[17:31] <Garith> once a week! is that all. you are retired then
[17:31] <jenshouse> now all four of us can read at the same time!
[17:31] <Kiri`> what do you have in store for week 3?
[17:31] <duck> katherine - i think i am now qualified to be your groundsman at hollybrooke
[17:31] <Wrengl>  Yes, Katherine.  They need someone to do the work and my replacement has not yet been approved by the Mayor's Office.
[17:32] <hygilac> listen to Rebecca's mantra, Sedina
[17:32] <scribbler> Worse than having a crush on a guy who works in a bookstore, Shiral?
[17:32] <Sedina> LOL  Shiral, I'm starting to think that the pay raise that I'll be getting in about 2 weeks is going to be a godsend from the way you're all talking about the con.  *lol*
[17:32] <Shiral> RESIST ALL JEWELRY!!
[17:32] <KK> Well, we could sure use a good groundsman, Duck!
[17:32] <jenshouse> "resist all jewelry!"
[17:32] <Wrengl>  Of couse my former boss can't do everything so he leaves things for me to do besides the statistics and money stuff I am supposed to do.
[17:32] <Shiral> It doesn't work on me, alas. <G>
[17:32] <duck> i can build fences, rehabilate landscapes and just in case you need a snake handler (unlikely in eireland but ...)
[17:32] <jenshouse> i met my husband in a bookstore, where he was working
[17:32] <Wrengl>  I get over $400 for one ten hour day, however!
[17:32] <KK> LOL
[17:32] <Sedina> LOL  I should likely adopt that mantra too...  I'm a sucker for jewelry!
[17:33] <Bynw> no snakes in ireland ....
[17:33] <jenshouse> wowsa
[17:33] * scribbler is sorry Mark is reading over her shoulder -- he will probably get blinders for her for World
[17:33] * Bynw wonders what happens if you bring one into the country
[17:33] <KK> Not bad at all, Wrengl!
[17:33] <Shiral> Donald wouldn't mind a snakeless job, KK
[17:33] <duck> so if there is an infestation there i'm set ... :)
[17:33] <Kiri`> donald - have the snakes thrown rocks yet?
[17:33] <KK> No snakes that I know of.
[17:33] * Sedina giggles at scribbler
[17:33] * virtualbabe has no problems with handling snakes
[17:33] <Wrengl>  BUY jewelry!
[17:33] <jenshouse> rock throwing snakes?
[17:34] <duck> its the way i describe king browns
[17:34] <Shiral> Talented little blighters, yes
[17:34] * scribbler slaps her fingers for messing up her posts....
[17:34] <jenshouse> no jewelry for me!  (Yeah, like that'll happen!) --jen
[17:34] <duck> snakes with attitude
[17:34] <KK> My niece and her boyfriend have a corn snake that's bright
yellow, and actually quite pretty--if you like snakes.
[17:34] <Sedina> LOL  Pat...as you already know, I've got a weakness for your pieces!
[17:34] * Kiri` hugs jasta and thanks for all the help =)
[17:34] <Tika> corn snake?!
[17:34] <JastaElf> :-)
[17:34] <jenshouse> i like snakes...but if they start throwing rocks, that's where I draw the line
[17:34] <KK> That's what she called it.
[17:34] <Kiri`> some snakes are quite nice.
[17:34] <Gamgee> virtualbabe: you don't understand......  had the snake duck was handling actualy bitten him, he would have been dead before he had time to say "oh SH*T!"
[17:34] <duck> not king browns
[17:34] * Sedina shudders because she really isn't a fan of snakes
[17:34] * hygilac does not like snakes at ALL
[17:34] <Shiral> Snakes and I will never be actual friends
[17:34] * Tika wonders if there are any corn snakes on the corn cam ;)
[17:34] <Wrengl>  Yes, Sedina you and Jessie both!
[17:34] <Bynw> lol
[17:35] <virtualbabe> the corn snake is a legitimate breed of ophidian
[17:35] <duck> they're the third or fourth most venomous snake in the world extremely bad tempered
[17:35] <scribbler> I like non-poisonous snakes....
[17:35] <Wrengl>  By the way, Sedina, your package went out Friday via priority mail.
[17:35] <JastaElf> Ooo, she said Ophidian!!
[17:35] <Sedina> Pat - and Jessie and I are discovering that our tastes are far too similar!  *lol*
[17:35] <KK> Could be.  I'm told they're yellow because they live in corn fields.
[17:35] <JastaElf> :-)
[17:35] <Shiral> I'm good all year, but get me to the Darkover Huckster's room and I'm a lost soul!
[17:35] <Kiri`> would their temper improve if they were first or second?
[17:35] <Sedina> We're gonna have to start racing each other to speak for the pieces that we like.  *giggles*
[17:35] * Mike starts singing, "I don't like spiders and snakes..."
[17:35] <jenshouse> you all need to watch crocodile hunter
[17:35] * scribbler must be related to the corn snakes about one week a month....
[17:35] <jenshouse> I won't comment on what scrib said...
[17:35] <Shiral> KK, Any progress on the bathroom tiles, this week?
[17:36] <Sedina> And thanks, Pat.  *g*  That means I should get it tomorrow. *bg*
[17:36] <KK> I've seen Crocodile Hunter--strange guy!
[17:36] <KK> Yes!
[17:36] <Shiral> Oops, should have said  "and now for something completely different"
[17:36] <jenshouse> very strange...slightly insane
[17:36] <Wrengl>  Save some money for the art show jewelry, Shiral!
[17:36] <duck> total lunatic
[17:36] <scribbler> Sign above Dealer's Room: "Abandon hope, all ye who enter here".....
[17:36] <Kiri`> have agree there..
[17:36] <Tika> LOL
[17:36] <KK> Bathroom tiles are done and beautiful, and the plumber put in the toilet in the back guest bathroom on Saturday.
[17:36] <Garith> and the most irritating voice i have ever heard
[17:36] <Sedina> Just slightly insane?  I think that boy's a bit more than slightly insane
[17:36] <duck> the things people do for the camera
[17:36] <Tika> we have that to contend with at DragonCon next weekend ;)
[17:36] <Shiral> I shall, Pat.  I also want to get a painting into the art room at d=over if it's not too late
[17:36] <KK> He'll be back Thursday to do the sink and shower, and finish the stuff in the front guest bath.
[17:36] <jenshouse> supposedly, croc dude's Dad saw he was ADHD, and got him into his current line of work
[17:36] *** Kelos_al-Hazar has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[17:36] <Sedina> scribbler - I think that should be "abandon all money"
[17:37] <Shiral> Woohoo!! Tiles on the walls!!
[17:37] <Sedina> wb Kelos
[17:37] <JastaElf> wb Kelos!
[17:37] <Shiral> Progress
[17:37] <Shiral> WB Kelos
[17:37] <scribbler> WB Kelos_al-Hazar!!!!
[17:37] * Bynw 's favortite place at con's is the Dealer's room
[17:37] <Kiri`> re kelos
[17:37] <KK> They look really great!
[17:37] <Wrengl>  They don't do reservations for Darkover.  You bring your art and find a place to hang it after filling out the forms!
[17:37] * virtualbabe has yet to be at any con
[17:37] <Shiral> The design sure sounded nice, KK =o)
[17:37] <KK> Dealer's Room is a dangerous place.
[17:37] * Kelos_al-Hazar looks tightlipped at his computer...and at peer... Peer cowers in fear
[17:37] <scribbler> I haven't been to a con in about 15 years....
[17:37] <Sedina> progress on the bathrooms...definitely a good thing, KK *g* 
[17:37] <jenshouse> KK -- definately!
[17:37] <Shiral> Yes, they are. But lots of fun!
[17:37] <Mike> Me neither, VB
[17:38] <Shiral> Expensive fun!
[17:38] <jenshouse> Kelos -- like peer stays afraid for long
[17:38] <scribbler> oh, yes.... 
[17:38] <Bynw> so everyone must come to Darkover .....
[17:38] <KK> Absolutely.
[17:38] <JastaElf> KK, got a question for you: was Nigel knighted a month and a half before his birthday because there weren't going to be any other major court occasions before the campaign? :-)
[17:38] <Wrengl>  Shiral, I have never seen all the hanging space fill up - 3D tables are aften short but hanging space is not.
[17:38] * Kelos_al-Hazar has STILL got to get his check cut and sent there!
[17:38] * Sedina is glad that she was a sucker and gave into pressure to get a ticket to the con
[17:38] <jenshouse> we'll all be at darkover -- maybe even Laura
[17:39] <jenshouse> she does exist -- I've seen her. :)
[17:39] <Shiral> Aha, Jasta's back on Nigel. <G>
[17:39] <KK> Probably, Jasta.
[17:39] <hygilac> ???
[17:39] <Gamgee> you, know......  I find it amazing that I can go to the dealer's room(s) at SCI-FI conventions, Spend $100 on books, and not come away with any FICTION, much less Science Fiction.
[17:39] <Jessie> Katherine:  If someone were accepted as a Michaeline postulant before they were knighted -- could they be assigned as a squire to one of the Michaeline Priests?
[17:39] <hygilac> what about Turkey?
[17:39] <JastaElf> Figured, but needed to ask.,...  :-)
[17:39] <Shiral> ALso, NIgel was a prince -- royalty hath privileges
[17:39] <JastaElf> :-)
[17:39] <Sedina> Is Nigel ever very far from Jasta's thoughts?
[17:39] <KK> More likely, a squire to a Michaeline Knight.
[17:39] <JastaElf> never far, Sedina.
[17:39] <Jessie> such as Joram or Jeb?
[17:39] <Shiral> KK, What color habits did the sisters of St Dymphna's convent wear, or do you not have a strong image of them?
[17:40] <KK> Nigel was probably knighted alone, since he was a prince.
[17:40] <JastaElf> Ahh....
[17:40] <KK> No image yet, Shiral.
[17:40] <jenshouse> oh...well we're trying to kidnap her.  Don't tell her
[17:40] * JastaElf makes a note to change something in her story... :-)
[17:40] <Sedina> Jasta - you know, they do have drugs to help deal with people's obsessions.  *lol*
[17:40] <hygilac> there is an idea
[17:40] <Shiral> On the other hand, Kelson and Conall were knighted en masse with several other young men
[17:40] <virtualbabe> aren't most nuns kind of basic black?
[17:40] <JastaElf> Yes, but mag.cit. doesn't help THAT!  :-)  LOL!
[17:40] <Shiral> I'm not sure Jasta wants a cure, Sedina
[17:41] <jenshouse> basic black is a benedictine thing, isn't it?
[17:41] <scribbler> VB -- I thought the St. Brigid's nuns were light blue, IIRC....
[17:41] <Shiral> Not the rainbow nuns!
[17:41] <JastaElf> Not for Nigel, OR Duncan, OR Alaric, or any of the other gorgeous men KK has created for us!  :-)
[17:41] <Wrengl>  Not necesisarily, Debbie.  I have known blue and grey habits and white.
[17:41] <Tika> oooooooh, I got a question...   a waitress where we had lunch today was wearing habit - do young nuns take secular jobs to minister to the public ever?
[17:41] <Sedina> LOL  Other meds, Jasta!  *giggles*
[17:41] <Jessie> Katherine:  Jeb was a "lay Knight" -- what would be the proper way to address him?
[17:41] <hygilac> the Franciscans wear brown, and the Dominicans white
[17:41] <Shiral> I wonder if Deryni blood has a correlation with being good looking?? <G>
[17:41] <jenshouse> tika--sometimes
[17:41] <JastaElf> :-)
[17:41] <scribbler> and there's a Spanish telenovela with nuns in pink habits; I don't speak Spanish, but I like to watch it 'cause there's a cute little girl in it....
[17:41] <jenshouse> but maybe she was a muslim
[17:42] <jenshouse> no, just being a good guy, shiral
[17:42] <Wrengl>  Some dominicans wear black and white
[17:42] <Kiri`> would the rainbow nuns use the colors as rank designators?
[17:42] <KK> I think he was referred to as Lord Jebediah.
[17:42] <JastaElf> If Jeb *is* a lay knight, he's prob. Sir Jebediah or Lord Jebediah.
[17:42] <Kiri`> perhaps as waist cords?
[17:42] <JastaElf> KK, is he a lay brother in the OSM?
[17:42] <JastaElf> or just a lay knight?
[17:42] <Jessie> Beat me to the question Jasta
[17:42] <JastaElf> :-)
[17:42] *** Gamgee is now known as Gamgee_Away
[17:43] <Shiral> She does that sometimes, Jessie <G>
[17:43] <JastaElf> I have no memory these days....
[17:43] <KK> There are usually no rank designators in religious orders, other than between novices and regular, fully vowed members.
[17:43] <virtualbabe> IIRC,  Jeb was addresses as Lord jebediah several times
[17:43] <JastaElf> So as a lay knight, he's a Michaeline Regular?
[17:43] <Kelos_al-Hazar> And (of course) the Abbot or Abbess... :)
[17:43] <duck> but wasn't that because he was the earl marshall?
[17:43] <JastaElf> He was earl marshall of the realm, Duck.
[17:43] <virtualbabe> possible donald
[17:43] *** Garith Quit (QUIT: User exited)
[17:43] <Shiral> Are there any IRregular Michaelines? MIchaeline Factory seconds? <G>
[17:43] <Jessie> and Grand Master of the Michaelines
[17:43] <KK> He's lay, in that he isn't a priest, but he's still vowed--a professed knight, I think is the proper term.
[17:43] <JastaElf> Grand Master of the Order, yes?
[17:44] <JastaElf> Oh cool, what a neat term!
[17:44] <Sedina> LOL Shiral
[17:44] <hygilac> LOL shiral
[17:44] <duck> but didn't he have an honorary title because he was earl-marshall
[17:44] <jenshouse> do they have afaxctory outlet?
[17:44] <jenshouse> factory
[17:44] <Shiral> I think he did, Duck...
[17:44] <Kiri`> i was thinking that maybe the nuns who went out into the community would wear one cord while the contemplative nuns might have a different cord.. and then the sisters holding specific offices.
[17:44] * JastaElf doesn't want to THINK about irregular Michaelines right now... ;-)
[17:44] <Kiri`> or maybe just those holding specific offices..
[17:44] <scribbler> Or maybe Michaeline Tall or Petite, Shiral....
[17:44] <Shiral> Snert!!
[17:44] * Sedina giggles at Jasta
[17:44] <KK> He was probably equivalent to Master of the Order, though he would have ranked below the Vicar General.
[17:45] <Shiral> They had to wear all the mail hauberks that didn't quite fit the regular Michaelines <G>
[17:45] <Jessie> Jasta -- we are going to definitely have to chat some more -- just had all kinds of holes punched into some things
[17:45] <KK> Remember that a habit is a uniform.
[17:45] <JastaElf> KK, from the top down, what are the ranking officers in the OSM?
[17:45] <Kelos_al-Hazar> Who would the Vicar-General of the Michaelines have been at the time of the Retreat?
[17:45] <JastaElf> Jessie, yes.  :-)
[17:45] <Shiral> Jasta we've MISSEd you in the chat room in recent weeks!!
[17:45] <Sedina> This chat isn't very helpful to your story, is it, Jessie? *l*
[17:45] * Jessie hangs her head -- no
[17:45] <jenshouse> why be helpful?  that's not much fun. :)
[17:45] <KK> Can't recall off hand.  Probably very similar to Templar offices.
[17:46] <Bynw>  I've got a question for the modern day OSM, since there are several (at least 3) members of that order here.  Would the OSM like an online chat forum where they could meet virtually?  I could set that up for the Order.  :-)
[17:46] <jenshouse> trouble making is the only way to go
[17:46] <JastaElf> And those are? 
[17:46] * JastaElf would love an online chat, but we'd have to ask the others....
[17:46] <jenshouse> Bynw, the chat pusher
[17:46] <JastaElf> What are the Templar offices, KK?
[17:46] <Mike> What is the OSM?
[17:46] <KK> I don't know how much time they'd have to actually use it, Bynw.  Our list is only moderately active.
[17:46] <JastaElf> Order of St. Michael
[17:46] <Sedina> LOL  Bynw's a nasty enabler of our chat addictions
[17:46] <Mike> OK
[17:46] <scribbler> Order of Saint Michael -- Jasta knows the URL....
[17:46] <JastaElf> :-)
[17:47] <jenshouse> KK--not getting out of that one easily!:)
[17:47] * Tika just shakes her head
[17:47] <Tika> he's gonna have his work cut out for him next weekend ;)
[17:47] <Tika> and Richard Hatch will be here!
[17:47] <jenshouse> why next weekend?
[17:47] <Tika> and Dirk Benedict!
[17:47] * Sedina would love to learn more about the OSM
[17:47] <jenshouse> what am I going to miss?
[17:47] * Tika drools
[17:47] <JastaElf> Richard Hatch??  where!!!
[17:47] <Tika> ;)
[17:47] <JastaElf> oh my...
[17:47] <jenshouse> at dragoncon?
[17:47] <scribbler> I have NO idea what's going on....
[17:47] <KK> Can't remember the exact offices for Templars off hand, but I can look them up for you.
[17:47] <Wrengl>  Galactica Con?
[17:48] <hygilac> Dirk Benedict
[17:48] <Tika> yes - they have their online chats here too, just not very often ;)
[17:48] * hygilac is drooling
[17:48] <JastaElf> Cool, that would be neat, KK!  Thank you!  No huge rush tho...
[17:48] <Bynw> LOL Pat
[17:48] <Wrengl>  Or just online?
[17:48] <Jessie>  Vicar General - Grand Master - Seneschal - Commander  with Draper under the Seneschal?
[17:48] * Mike hands hygilac a napkin
[17:48] * Shiral thinks "there are reasons why I haven't written a fanfic story about the Michaelines, yes, yes
[17:48] * Tika nods nods at hygilac
[17:48] <KK> It was certainly useful to be able to hash out wedding ideas here yesterday.
[17:48] <JastaElf> It sure was!
[17:48] <Bynw> Richard Hatch and other Galactica folks are regulars at Dragon*Con
[17:48] <Sedina> LOL Shiral
[17:48] <Wrengl>  Ah.
[17:48] <Tika> yes it was KK!
[17:49] <Wrengl>  Liked those two but did not care for the show very much.
[17:49] <KK> Jessie, that's a good start.
[17:49] <jenshouse> yeah, they were rude to the panelists at one panel I attended when they were next door and refused to turn their music down
[17:49] <Tika> infinitely better than a phone call - we have logs to go back and review! ;)
[17:49] <Wrengl>  They had neat fighters - not as good as X-wings or Spitfires but okay.
[17:49] <JastaElf> nothing beats an Albatros d4...  :-)
[17:49] <hygilac> I did not care much for the robot dog, tho
[17:50] <JastaElf> "Space the kid and trash the Daggit!"  :-)
[17:50] <Wrengl>  A sopwith Camel does, Jasta
[17:50] <scribbler> shoulda sicced the Cylons on them, jenshouse....
[17:50] <JastaElf> uh-UH....  :-)
[17:50] <Sedina> And as I pointed out earlier Tika, you'll actually still be able to afford the wedding...  Could have been rather iffy if you had tried to actually use the phone
[17:50] <jenshouse> Pat, where are you?  Werent you suppose to be at Jen's house
[17:50] <Tika> Sedina, so true!
[17:50] <hygilac> or a Fokker triplane! 
[17:50] <Wrengl>  I agee with the sentiment Jasta
[17:50] <JastaElf> Or even a Fokker....  :-)
[17:50] <JastaElf> Gotcha, Pat...
[17:50] <scribbler> I don't remember the robot dog....
[17:51] <jenshouse> a wagget
[17:51] <virtualbabe> I do.  <shudder>
[17:51] <Wrengl>  No. I am in Brooklyn, NY
[17:51] <JastaElf> in the pilot, the whiney kid lost his dog so they built him a robot one.
[17:51] <JastaElf> <shudder>
[17:51] <jenshouse> or, was it a dagget?
[17:51] <Wrengl>  Besides we are working on stuff for the World Con art show.
[17:51] <duck> well people i have to head off, things to do and i'm about an hour behind where i should be
[17:51] <Shiral> Bye, Duck!
[17:51] <scribbler> oh, okay -- I thought we were confusing Galatica with Doctor Who for a minute....
[17:51] <Tika> good to see you duckster!
[17:51] <scribbler> bye, Duck....
[17:51] <JastaElf> poor duck... can we send you real food?
[17:51] <KK> Bye, Duck.
[17:51] <Sedina> Aw...  Bye Duck!  Have a good day!!
[17:51] <virtualbabe> better run then Donald
[17:51] <Shiral> Enjoyed the latest installment
[17:51] <jenshouse> bye donald!
[17:51] <hygilac> bye duck
[17:51] <virtualbabe> Bye-eee
[17:51] <Shiral> Look out for snakes!
[17:52] <Kiri`> bye donald..
[17:52] <Wrengl>  Have a good SAFE week Duck.  No more King Browns and no Tiger Snakes, either
[17:52] * duck figures he should be heading westwards down the road on the sunny side
[17:52] <jenshouse> esp. the rock throwing kind
[17:52] <Bynw> galactica had the robot daggit ... and the good Doctor had K9
[17:52] <Sedina> and try not to ruin any more tires
[17:52] <JastaElf> K9 rules!!
[17:52] <Shiral> And steer clear of the Tai-pans, too
[17:52] <JastaElf> I wish I HAD a K9....
[17:52] <duck> taipans are king browns :)
[17:52] <Kiri`> i'm using k9 now ( grins)
[17:52] <Shiral> Oh. DUH
[17:52] <Kiri`> do they come in other colors?
[17:52] <duck> cheers everyone
[17:52] <Shiral> Well, I'd sure run from those!
[17:52] <Kiri`> maybe a nice red..
[17:52] *** duck Quit (QUIT: User exited)
[17:52] <Sedina> LOL Shiral
[17:52] * scribbler wishes SOMEONE was showing Dr. Who now....
[17:53] <Kiri`> well it might be airing on a cam somewhere..
[17:53] <Shiral> I"m just not up on the poisonous snakes of Australia, that's all!
[17:53] <Kiri`> =)
[17:53] <jenshouse> that seems to be all they play on our pbs station
[17:53] <JastaElf> BRB -- gotta go take care of something.
[17:53] * Sedina thinks she's obviously not old enough to really know much about Dr. Who
[17:53] <Wrengl>  I am.  Studied a lot about Australia
[17:53] <Shiral> We get stuck with hours of "The Antiques Road Show
[17:53] <hygilac> I caught an episode on BBC America last month
[17:53] <scribbler> there's a PBS station that does carry it, but at the ungodly hour of 11pm on Saturdays, I think....
[17:53] * virtualbabe remembers a blend between the doctor who theme and Rock and Roll part ii 
[17:54] <Sedina> I know that PBS used to show it...at least the channel that I watch
[17:54] * Bynw is a Whovian, Trekker, Star Wars Fan, Galactica Fan... and a few others. B5 is good too!
[17:54] <Wrengl>  We like Antiques Roadshow, but I like the British one better that the American
[17:54] <jenshouse> red dwarf is better than dr. who
[17:54] <Bynw> Red Dwarf is a comedy though Dr Who isnt
[17:54] <Sedina> Red Dwarf...now that's a show that I've seen
[17:54] <Shiral> FOr me, it has about 10 minutes of entertainment value <G>
[17:54] <Bynw> but Red Dwarf is funny
[17:54] <jenshouse> i like b5...and andromeda...and other stuff
[17:54] <Shiral> Antiques Road show, I mean
[17:54] <jenshouse> tyr...
[17:54] <Shiral> BUt I'm way too busy chatting to watch TV these days
[17:54] <scribbler> Bynw -- you going to check out the new Trek show in September?
[17:54] <Sedina> LOL Shiral...
[17:54] <Kiri`> RD is really funny.=)
[17:55] <Wrengl>  we will look at the new Trek show
[17:55] <Bynw> hmmm, to do so I would need to get a couple of things I dont currently have
[17:55] * Tika giggles
[17:55] <scribbler> like a TV?
[17:55] <Sedina> I so rarely watch tv these days.  think I "watched" the most yesterday when I watched Camelot and Les Mis
[17:55] <Bynw> for one
[17:55] * Shiral starts to hum "I wonder what the King is doing tonight?"
[17:55] <Kiri`> i wathced the court jester about 1am this morning.
[17:55] <Wrengl>  LOL
[17:55] <Tika> hehehe
[17:56] * Sedina smacks Shiral with a monkfish
[17:56] <Sedina> You're evil!!!!
[17:56] <Shiral> You already knew that!
[17:56] <virtualbabe> I watched the re-release of Batman
[17:56] <Kiri`> grins at shiral..   you been spying on Kelson again?
[17:56] * Sedina starts to trill in Shiral's direction
[17:56] * Bynw would need a TV and probably cable to view anything
[17:56] <jenshouse> not that monkfish again...
[17:56] <Shiral> Where did our guest of honor go?
[17:56] * Sedina likes her monkfish
[17:56] <hygilac> no, that ould be the Seven deadly virtues
[17:56] <KK> I'm here.
[17:56] <Shiral> Just checking <G>
[17:56] <jenshouse> we're talking about tribbles now
[17:57] <jenshouse> you don't need cable to watch trek
[17:57] <hygilac> probably wondering if she has wandered down the wrong corridor of time here
[17:57] <scribbler> Kiri -- Court Jester is one of my favorite movies....
[17:57] * Shiral is running through a mental catalog to see if she has further questions for KK this week...
[17:57] <hygilac> I want a tribble
[17:57] <Tika> jenshouse, here you pretty much need cable to watch anything
[17:57] <jenshouse> i love court jester!
[17:57] <JastaElf> Back....
[17:57] <Shiral> You'd better want LOTS of tribbles, Hygilac
[17:57] <Kiri`> it was a real trip to watch.. i've not seen it in years. =)
[17:57] *** Bynw Quit (Connection reset by peer)
[17:57] <Shiral> And they'd freak out the cats!
[17:57] <JastaElf> KK, guess what? Brian has his first day of College classes tomorrow!
[17:57] <hygilac> this is true
[17:57] <jenshouse> now bynw got zapped by peer
[17:57] <scribbler> uh-oh, Peer got Bynw!
[17:58] <KK> Oh my God!  Brian in college!
[17:58] <Tika> hehehehe, they are screening Trouble With Tribbles and City on the Edge of Forever at the con next weekend
[17:58] <hygilac> so does my nephew
[17:58] <Shiral> Woo hoo, Jasta!
[17:58] <JastaElf> he's taking Latin (bless the lad....) and probability and psych and Western Civ....
[17:58] * Shiral whacks Peer with a monkfish
[17:58] <Wrengl>  By the way, Katherine, I won't be here next week.  The modem on the laptop is hinckey and I don't think I will get it to work. Haven't yet
[17:58] <jenshouse> tika, I lived without cable for a long time...i have it now b/c my reception on one of my favorite channels got crappy
[17:58] <hygilac> Jasta--my nephew is taking Russian
[17:58] * Sedina grabs a monkfish and wallops Peer with it unmercifully
[17:58] <JastaElf> he's also taking a class in comparative theatre techniques.
[17:58] <JastaElf> rUSSIAN IS cool.  hARD, BUT COOL...
[17:58] <virtualbabe> well, all, I'm afraid I'm going to have to get going
[17:59] <scribbler> I'll be missing next week too -- spending quality time with Mark and hopefully watching the SF Giants win a game for once....
[17:59] * JastaElf smacks her caps lock key smartly....
[17:59] <Tika> now Jasta, what did you do with the keyboard I gave you? :)
[17:59] <jenshouse> russsian is very cool
[17:59] <Jessie> Katherine:  just so that I make sure I have it right:  a 15 yr old could become a postulant in the Michaelines and while a postulant could be squired to one of the Priest Knights or Knights (Joram or Jeb) while he is a postulant -- would have to be knighted secularly -- and can't enter as a Novice until after age 18?
[17:59] * scribbler slaps Jasta's CapsLock key with a monkfish....
[17:59] <Mike> Nice chatting with ya, Debbie
[17:59] <JastaElf> I ate it, Tika.  :-)
[17:59] <Shiral> Bye  VB!
[17:59] <scribbler> night, VB....
[17:59] <Sedina> LOL Jasta
[17:59] <Sedina> Night VB!
[17:59] <Wrengl>  bye VB
[17:59] <JastaElf> good question, Jessie!
[18:00] <JastaElf> bye VB
[18:00] <KK> Not a problem, Jessie.  If the young man is of rank to be knighted, he'd still be knighted--probably by his father, at the appropriate time.
[18:00] <Wrengl>  Puts the whole thing in a nutshell Jessie
[18:00] <hygilac> night vb
[18:00] <Shiral> Michaelines in a nutshell?
[18:00] * Tika giggles
[18:00] <hygilac> nichalnuts
[18:00] * virtualbabe steps on the portal and dissapears in a shower of pink sparklies
[18:00] <Wrengl>  Yup.  Nutty michaelines!
[18:00] *** virtualbabe Quit (QUIT: User exited)
[18:00] <Shiral> Pretty crowded in there
[18:01] <Shiral> Irregular MIchaelines....
[18:01] <Tika> pretty!
[18:01] <hygilac> Laura--are you there?
[18:01] <JastaElf> noooo, no irregular Michaelines....  :-)
[18:01] <jenshouse> yes
[18:01] * Tika watches the pink sparklies fade
[18:01] <hygilac> private message
[18:01] <jenshouse> i told you we were kidnapping her
[18:01] <jenshouse> we're using the java chat, so I don't know
[18:01] * JastaElf is gonna have fun with leather and patterns.... :-)
[18:01] *** Bynw has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[18:01] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Bynw
[18:01] <jenshouse> try it
[18:01] <scribbler> WB Bynw!!!!
[18:01] <Bynw> thanks
[18:01] <Shiral> WB, Bynew
[18:02] <jenshouse> hey bynw
[18:02] <Shiral> how much fun, Jasta? <G>
[18:02] <jenshouse> laura has been away from her puter for a week
[18:02] <Mike> WB, bin.w
[18:02] <JastaElf> :-) dyeing them blue...
[18:02] <Wrengl>  wb bynw
[18:02] <jenshouse> no not pepsi....bleck
[18:02] <Shiral>  IS that going to be worn with a length of McLain tartan?
[18:02] <JastaElf> cutting out jerkins and trews...
[18:02] <jenshouse> blue?
[18:02] <hygilac> ok
[18:02] * Bynw chugs the pepsi down in one gulp
[18:02] <Sedina> wb Bynw
[18:02] <JastaElf> maybe... but those would be brown.  :-)
[18:02] * Sedina giggles at the thought of dyeing things blue
[18:02] <Shiral> Oh right!
[18:02] <hygilac> Sad new some have hear then, Laura
[18:03] <hygilac> Janus was hit by a car on thursday
[18:03] <hygilac> she did not make it
[18:03] <jenshouse> :(
[18:03] <Shiral> But wouldn't a Haldane be wearing RED leathers
[18:03] <Mike> Who is Janus?
[18:03] <jenshouse> poor Janus...that's so sad
[18:03] <Shiral> Ooooo, Sorry Hygilac?
[18:03] <Shiral> Sorry, Hygilac, I mean
[18:03] <Shiral> =o(
[18:03] <Mike> Who was Janus?
[18:03] <hygilac> David's cat
[18:03] <scribbler> 8-(
[18:04] <JastaElf> Oh dear... poor David!
[18:04] <Mike> Oh....... so sorry
[18:04] <Shiral> Poor Janus, too
[18:04] <Sedina> Aww...Linda, sorry to hear that.  Give David hugs from me.
[18:04] <jenshouse> we all are glad that we keep our kitties inside -- dc is too busy for outdoor kitties
[18:04] <hygilac> yes
[18:04] <Bynw> poor kitty :(
[18:04] * Bynw tries to keep his kitty inside but she's bad and sneaks out sometimes
[18:04] <JastaElf> Please tell David we're so sorry, and will be sending him good thoughts!
[18:04] <KK> I've lost two that way here, and one in Calif, years ago.
[18:05] <Shiral> If I tried to keep my cats in, they'd howl my apartment down. Fortunately I'm back from the street
[18:05] <Sedina> My kitties like to "think" that they're outdoor kitties, but they're both big wusses and are really indoor kitties
[18:05] <Wrengl>  I am about to lose the Daughter Cat, Preacher, to lymphoma
[18:05] <KK> We have lots and lots of land adjacent, but sometimes they do wander too far.
[18:05] <scribbler> my sister had a cat that was hit by a car, but it came out with just a dislocated jaw....it could still eat, but just drooled a lot...
[18:05] <Mike> But KK, I thought you lived way out in the boonies (so to speak)
[18:05] <hygilac> Mine too, Sedina
[18:05] <JastaElf> Oh, Wrengl, that is so sad.  I lost a wonderful cat that way.  :-(
[18:05] <Sedina> Oh, Pat...  *huggles*
[18:05] <jenshouse> emily just scared my cat!
[18:05] <Kiri`> well i'm off to the pet store to return the new carrier.. doesn't meet the airline requirements.. *sigh*    later everyone..
[18:05] <hygilac> I don't let them out very long at a time--nor do they want to go
[18:05] <JastaElf> get some rest, Kiri....
[18:05] <Shiral> Bye < kiri
[18:05] <hygilac> Bye Kiri
[18:05] <Kiri`> oh wrengl *hug*
[18:05] <KK> We used to live in the country; now we're practically in the 'burbs.  We didn't move, but civilization did.
[18:05] <jenshouse> but not on puurrrrpose!
[18:05] <Wrengl>  Had her back from the vet but there is nothing to do for her
[18:05] <Kiri`> bye all
[18:05] <Shiral> Hugs, Wrengl
[18:06] <Wrengl>  night kiri
[18:06] <scribbler> take care, Kiri....
[18:06] <Sedina> About the closest that my kitties get to going outside is sitting in the window and fantasizing about what they would do to the birdies if they were outside
[18:06] <Sedina> Night Kiri!
[18:06] * Kiri` waves to everyone smiles to KK - write swiftly please! =)
[18:06] *** Kiri` Quit (QUIT: User exited)
[18:06] <JastaElf> :-) no pressure....
[18:06] <Shiral> Not from us. <G>
[18:06] <KK> Jessicat did a birdie early this morning--a rook.
[18:06] <Mike> I see.
[18:06] <scribbler> ah yes, urban sprawl strikes across the Pond....
[18:06] <jenshouse> sedina, that's how emily scared my cat -- she was telling a story of her cat doing the same thing (and then bashing into the window to get a bird)
[18:06] *** Tika Quit (Connection reset by peer)
[18:06] <JastaElf> ooo, rooks are pretty big!
[18:06] <KK> Marching bungalows.
[18:06] <jenshouse> bye kiri
[18:06] <Shiral> Bad PEER
[18:06] <JastaElf> uh-oh, peer strikes again....
[18:06] <scribbler> peer pressure....
[18:07] <hygilac> a rook!  good heavens, that's a big bird
[18:07] * Shiral whacks peer with appropriate fish
[18:07] <Sedina> LOL  My cats do that ALL the time.  *giggles*   And then they do this little "I meant to do that, really I did"
[18:07] <KK> This one was about a foot long, including tail.
[18:07] <jenshouse> no dessert peer until you stop!
[18:07] <Shiral> Jessicat must have been VERY proud of herself
[18:07] <jenshouse> poor rook -- whytcrow likes rooks
[18:07] <JastaElf> Brian calls urban sprawl "satan's mushrooms"...  :-)
[18:07] <KK> She was still upstairs when I went downstairs and found it, so I don't know.
[18:07] <KK> She didn't even try to eat it, though.
[18:07] <jenshouse> rebecca calls them fungus houses
[18:07] <scribbler> Mark says "Better bungalows than monster houses", like we're getting on the Left Coast....
[18:08] <Shiral> Aww, she brought you a present, KK
[18:08] <Sedina> She was leaving it as a gift for you, KK
[18:08] <Bynw> just sport hunting then
[18:08] <JastaElf> my mom's cat Mr. Wu brought her a dead mink the other week.
[18:08] <Shiral> Scribbler, I agree!!
[18:08] <KK> She'd gotten a mouse last night, though all I saw was one back leg and part of the tail.
[18:08] <jenshouse> yipes!  a dead mink ?!?!
[18:08] <KK> A dead mink!  They're vicious!
[18:08] <jenshouse> those are really mean, aren't they?
[18:08] <JastaElf> Yup!  Nasty little critters....
[18:08] <jenshouse> well, not dead, I guess
[18:08] <hygilac> my cats prefer to bring me thier live prey
[18:08] <JastaElf> She told me she hopes he isn't trying to make her a coat.  ;-)
[18:09] <Wrengl>  She was showing you how to hunt, Katherine, you obviously don't know how
[18:09] <jenshouse> Ebony likes to eat crickets and other bugs
[18:09] <Shiral> ooo, that would take a while, one mink at a time, Jasta
[18:09] <KK> In Jessicat's case, I think it was too big to tear open. Besides, she's still learning.
[18:09] <JastaElf> :-) One more and she has a collar tho...
[18:09] <hygilac> I find it hard to praise them much when there are things running/flying/slithering through the house
[18:09] <Mike> You'd be mean and nasty too if people wanted to wear YOUR skin
[18:09] <JastaElf> :-)
[18:09] <Mike> *G*
[18:09] <Shiral> <G> True
[18:09] <JastaElf> true enough, mike!
[18:09] <scribbler> your mom could make a mink scrunchie....
[18:10] <jenshouse> just tell Jessiecat to stay away from my crows and their relatives. :)
[18:10] <Shiral> Fortunately, nobody's ever tried to make a Houle Coat
[18:10] <JastaElf> :-) she wears her hair way short tho.  :-)
[18:10] <Sedina> Miss Myah likes grasshoppers and crickets.  She thinks they make great toys... That is until she's mutilated them too much and they only have 2 legs left.  They don't move so well at that point
[18:10] <Shiral> A mink coin purse, perhaps?
[18:10] <KK> Crows are way smart.  I don't think cats get them very often. Besides, they're BIG.
[18:10] *** Tika has joined #Deryni_Destinations 
[18:10] * JastaElf could wear a mink scrunchie now, tho... Hmmm...
[18:10] <scribbler> WB Tika!!!!
[18:10] <JastaElf> Hi Tika! WB!
[18:10] <Tika> hey hi ho
[18:10] <Shiral> Depends on how badly Mr. Wu mauled the Mink
[18:10] <Wrengl>  wb tika
[18:11] <KK> Well, guys, it's after Pumpkin time, so I'd better head out.
[18:11] <Shiral> WB Teeks
[18:11] <jenshouse> a mink scrunchie?  to keep your hair warm?
[18:11] * JastaElf hides KK's clock
[18:11] <Tika> mmmm pumpkin time ;)
[18:11] <Shiral> Good writing this week, KK
[18:11] <jenshouse> bye KK!
[18:11] <Bynw> have a good night Katherine :-)
[18:11] <Sedina> I used to have this one kitty would always seemed to be able to bag a crow every now and again.  She was a very good hunter though
[18:11] <Tika> have a great week KK!
[18:11] <KK> Can't do that, Jasta; it's on the computer.  :-)
[18:11] <Shiral> There's an e-card on it's way to you. <G>
[18:11] <Sedina> Night Katherine!
[18:11] <Shiral> And thanks!
[18:11] * JastaElf hides KK's computer -- oops, that won't work...
[18:11] <JastaElf> :-)
[18:11] <scribbler> have a good writing week, KK -- actually two, since I'll be gone next week...
[18:11] <Tika> LOL
[18:11] <Shiral> Sleep well and write well, KK
[18:11] <hygilac> goodnight Katherine
[18:11] <Wrengl>  night Katherine.  See you in two weeks!
[18:11] <JastaElf> goodnight, KK!
[18:11] <Bynw> !top10
[18:11] <Bender> Top10(words): 1. Sedina(21483) 2. Jessie(20245) 3. Shiral(8922) 4. JastaElf(6535) 5. hygilac(6215) 6. Kelos_al-Hazar(5223) 7. Bynw(5052) 8. Scribbler(4210) 9. duck(3252) 10. Tika(1689)
[18:11] <Sedina> Jasta - don't hide it...  Change what it says!
[18:11] <jenshouse> you can turn off the clock, you know
[18:11] <KK> Send me the next installment when you've had a chance to massage it, Jasta.
[18:12] <JastaElf> Will do!
[18:12] * Bynw sends the /disable KK's clock command
[18:12] <Sedina> Hey, I'm only a little over 1k ahead of Jessie.  *lol*
[18:12] <Shiral> A Massaged wedding??
[18:12] <Shiral> Wow......
[18:12] <Sedina> LOL Shiral
[18:12] <Tika> mmmmmmmm
[18:12] <JastaElf> Everyone will be VERY relaxed, Shiral...
[18:12] <Tika> hehehe
[18:12] <Sedina> Well, it depends on the type of massage.
[18:12] <jenshouse> the opposite of a normal wedding!
[18:12] <JastaElf> :-)
[18:12] <Shiral> All to the good where weddings are concerned
[18:12] <jenshouse> damn, I wish I'd done that for mine
[18:12] <KK> I sent her some good bits and pieces, Tika & Bynw.
[18:12] * scribbler wishes her wedding had been massaged....she was very tense that day....
[18:12] <Bynw> cools
[18:12] <Mike> G'night, KK!
[18:13] <KK> Night, all.
[18:13] * JastaElf is happy..., I get to commit Liturgy!
[18:13] <Shiral> NIght
[18:13] <JastaElf> Night KK!
[18:13] <Bynw> !top20
[18:13] <Jessie> Night Katherine
[18:13] <Sedina> commit liturgy?  *lol*  You make that sound like it's a bad thing
[18:13] <Bender> Top20(words): 11. Gamgee(1573) 12. the_bee(1420) 13. KK(1258) 14. Garith(675) 15. mike(609) 16. Emily(431) 17. Rambart20(396) 18. Serenity(264) 19. rebecca(202) 20. cYz(175)
[18:13] <Sedina> Sleep well Katherine!
[18:13] * KK steps onto her Portal and disappears in a cloud of green sparkles.
[18:13] <scribbler> better to commit liturgy than to be committed....
[18:13] <jenshouse> (jen) I was just freezing on mine...was colder than it should have been, and outside weddings...well..if the day decides to be cold
[18:13] <Shiral> Oh dear, I"m out of the top ten
[18:13] <JastaElf> ooo, green!
[18:13] <jenshouse> oh my...
[18:13] <Bynw> must be a healer
[18:13] <hygilac> she may be that too
[18:13] <Sedina> Oh, we should all be committed, I'm sure
[18:13] <Tika> ;)
[18:13] <hygilac> of course
[18:13] <Shiral> At a wedding, yes
[18:13] *** KK Quit (QUIT: User exited)