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KK Chat - Jul. 29, 2001 (pt. 2)

Started by RainbowDragon, July 08, 2008, 12:12:25 PM

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KK Chat - July 29, 2001, pt. 2

[17:05] <KK> Saturday morning, she and Nicholas were tearing around the bedroom and bouncing off the walls at about 6 AM--I have no idea why.
[17:05] <scribbler> some Sunday, you should tell the hubby to grill dinner or something....
[17:05] <scribbler> bye Emily....
[17:05] <Shiral> Because they can, KK <G>
[17:05] <Jessie> bye Emily
[17:05] <Maele> Bye, Emily
[17:05] <Sedina> My kitty almost died when we had to spay her...  She had a bad reaction to the anesthesia
[17:05] <debbie_vb> It's a cat thing katherine
[17:05] <JastaElf> KatKrazies.  :-)  It's not just a rule, it's a law...
[17:05] <Emily> Bill is not so great with the grilling skills, he tries very hard tho" I love him :-)
[17:05] <hygilac> Bye Emily
[17:05] <Serenity> It's they're way of saying good morning
[17:05] <Maele> Catilepsy... strikes some earlier than others.
[17:05] <Wrengl>  LOL jasta
[17:05] <Shiral> They're furry alarm clocks, that's why
[17:05] <KK> I know it's a cat thing.  It's still amazing when they do it for so long.  At least it seemed like a long time, at that hour
[17:06] <Serenity> Lol Maele
[17:06] *** Emily has left #Deryni_Destinations
[17:06] <Sedina> My kitty's version of "kitty alarm" is to come and literally stand on my head until I wake up.
[17:06] <debbie_vb> or the cold nose thing
[17:06] <Sedina> KK - anything at that hour seems like a long time.  *g*
[17:06] <Serenity> Hope she doesn't weigh much, Sedina
[17:06] <scribbler> My boyfriend's cat used to pounce on my feet to wake me up....
[17:06] * Maele is a dog person... They're content to *lie* on the bed.  :)
[17:06] <Shiral> KK, Do you see Araxie as a cat person or a dog person? <G>
[17:06] <Rebecca> mine just meow in my ear
[17:06] <Shiral> Just out of curiousity
[17:06] <KK> Jessicat's usual AM ploy is to stick her nose in my left ear and play pizza paws on my shoulder. It wakes one up.
[17:06] <scribbler> this was one husband and many boyfriends ago....
[17:06] <Jessie> lol KK
[17:06] <Shiral> Very effectively, too
[17:06] <KK> Araxie is probably a cat person.
[17:07] <Shiral> Excellent choice
[17:07] <Sedina> Serenity - Not too much right now, but then again, we just got her back from my sister.  I think Keely tried to starve my kitty or something.  *l*
[17:07] <JastaElf> :-)
[17:07] <Shiral> And Richelle?
[17:07] <debbie_vb> Definitely, cat people rock!
[17:07] <JastaElf> she's a Brecon person.  :-)
[17:07] <KK> Fluffy puppies, perhaps.
[17:07] <Shiral> LOL!!
[17:07] <Sedina> Good choice for Araxie.  *g*
[17:08] <Sedina> LOL
[17:08] <Shiral> Probably she and Brecon will have a manor house full of doggies...
[17:08] <Serenity> How about Oksana Ramsay?
[17:08] <JastaElf> And Noelie likes merry Haldanes.  :-)
[17:08] <scribbler> Oksana is a pottery person....
[17:08] <great_hooded_one> just told mom about how c2 will be out for christmas, n she wants to know what year? ;)
[17:08] <JastaElf> Oksana collects crockery cats and dogs.  ;-)
[17:08] <Jessie> Katherine:  are you planning on a short story about Jebediah if there is another Deryni Anthology?
[17:08] <Shiral> LOL, SCribbler!
[17:08] <Serenity> Lol Jasta
[17:08] <KK> Oksana would be into status-type pets.  Borzois, perhaps, if they had them.
[17:08] <Sedina> Jasta - you're on a roll tonight, aren't you?  *lol*
[17:09] <KK> Haven't ruled it out, Jessie.
[17:09] <Shiral> Nice big deerhounds, or wolfhounds, for Oksana, then
[17:09] * Maele sees Oksana with a puppy-purse on her arm...?
[17:09] <Serenity> I guess it rains cats and dogs when Oksana's mad (crockery ones)
[17:09] <scribbler> hood -- is mom being antisocial today? She's not chatting.....
[17:09] <JastaElf> LOL, Serenity!
[17:09] <KK> Yeah, wolfhounds, probably.
[17:09] <great_hooded_one> dunno
[17:09] <Shiral> Would a story about Azim as a young Anviller knight qualify for the Michaeline anthology??
[17:09] <scribbler> I see Oksana with a big hairy Afghan hound.....
[17:10] <great_hooded_one> elsa's kinda getting to her today
[17:10] <KK> I'm sure they didn't have afghan hounds, but if they did, that's a good choice.
[17:10] <Serenity> great idea, shiral. Are you writing one?
[17:10] *** Kelric has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[17:10] <xmanii_away> Welcome Kelric
[17:10] <Shiral> Not right now, Serenity
[17:10] <Serenity> Hi Kelric
[17:10] <Sedina> Hi Kelric
[17:10] <Jessie> hello Kelric
[17:10] <Maele> <--- waves to Kelric
[17:10] <Shiral> Hi Kelric
[17:10] <KK> Shiral, you'd have to be careful on that one--but maybe.
[17:10] <JastaElf> Hi Kelric!
[17:10] <the_Bee> GHO==is elso 2-legged or 4-legged?
[17:10] <scribbler> hood -- sorry to hear that; tell Elsa to play nice and give your mom a hug from me and the imaginary husband....
[17:10] <Wrengl>  Hi kelric
[17:11] <Kelric> howdy.
[17:11] <great_hooded_one> 2 legged
[17:11] <Shiral> Wow, and I haven't even started it, yet. <G>
[17:11] <Jessie> which might happen first:  a michaeline anthology -- or another deryni anthology?
[17:11] <Serenity> Don't tell Jessie that, Shiral
[17:11] <KK> Another Deryni anthology, perhaps with Michaeline stories included.
[17:11] * Shiral adds sauce pan no. 567 to her backburnered stove
[17:11] * Sedina sends everyone greetings from her kitty Miss Myah. (Myah is trying to give you all kitty kisses via the computer screen)
[17:11] <scribbler> oh, hi Kelric....sorry I missed you coming in....
[17:12] <hygilac> HI Kelric
[17:12] * Maele wondered why the dogs were so interested in the screen, Sedina!
[17:12] <Kelric> I just popped in.
[17:12] <hygilac> what is the release date for the anthology?
[17:12] <the_Bee> Hyah Miss Myah!
[17:12] * debbie_vb sends miss Myah a virtual ear-scritchle
[17:12] <JastaElf> We saw that, Kelric.  Nice Portalling!  :-)
[17:12] * Serenity covers her jealous cat's eyes
[17:12] <KK> Hygilac, have you been here the whole time, and were just lurking?
[17:12] * Sedina giggles at Maele
[17:12] <Maele> :)
[17:12] <Sedina> What can I say?  My cat knows when there are "kitty people" around.  *l*
[17:13] <hygilac> I have been here
[17:13] <KK> Ah, just quiet tonight.
[17:13] * Maele has noticed that cats are actually more drawn to non-cat people....  *sigh*
[17:13] <scribbler> hard to get a word in edgewise sometimes....
[17:13] <Shiral> Would Brion have been a dog person, do you think?
[17:13] <debbie_vb> Of course they are maele.
[17:13] <KK> Wrengl, Oswald and Scrappy got very large, tasty pigs' ears this week.  And a new bed to replace the one that the cats claimed before they could get it.
[17:13] <hygilac> Keeping up with this group takes a lot of effort
[17:13] <scribbler> I think so, Shiral....
[17:13] <Sedina> Maele - not my kitty.  She runs and hides from people usually.
[17:13] <Shiral> Just keep typing and hitting return, Scribbler
[17:14] * Serenity has noticed that her cats are drawn to those whose outfits will best display their shed fur
[17:14] <KK> New bed.
[17:14] * Maele could get to like Sedina's cat!  :)
[17:14] <scribbler> if my fingers cooperate, it'd be easy....
[17:14] <scribbler> I bet they like their new bed....
[17:14] <Wrengl>  Good for them.  Thumper has had peanut butter treats this week for walking/wobbling
[17:14] <scribbler> good for Thumper!
[17:14] <debbie_vb> Cats can tell when someone is not a cat person.
[17:14] <KK> Ah, is Thumper walking then, even if it's wobbly?
[17:15] <JastaElf> Thumps looked great last weekend...
[17:15] <debbie_vb>  they also think" they haven't met ME yet though"
[17:15] <Sedina> Serenity - Ah yes...Myah's that way too.  Which is why she so _loves_ being in closets.
[17:15] <Shiral> BRB, THe lions at the Houle Zoo are demanding their feed
[17:15] <Sedina> *giggles*  Maele
[17:15] <Wrengl>  Sometimes.  I am making him walk and scramble rather than lifting his hind quarters so the legs get exercise.
[17:15] <Serenity> That way she can tackle your whole wardrobe at one time, Sedina
[17:15] <Maele> Oh, did have a KK question!  Which seem faster to write, collaborations or solo efforts?
[17:15] <KK> Oh, good!  Give him a scritch for me.
[17:15] <Sedina> Maele - you'd only like the one though...  Sadie cat sucks up to anyone and everyone.
[17:16] <Wrengl>  Will do.
[17:16] <Sedina> Oh, good for Thumper!!
[17:16] * Maele attracts cats like crazy --- and is allergic.  Gotta figure, right? :)
[17:16] <Rebecca> Cats go for the allergic people first
[17:16] <KK> Maele, I don't know, because I don't know how long it takes Debby to produce the draft she sends to me, written from my outline.
[17:16] <hygilac> Cats know that as well
[17:16] <Sedina> Serenity - I think she's thinking more along the lines of making sure that it's got her stamp of approval ahead of time.  *g*
[17:17] <Shiral> And I'm back
[17:17] <scribbler> wb....
[17:17] <Serenity> A fashion critic, huh, Sedina?
[17:17] <Sedina> Maele - That's usually how it works, isn't it?
[17:17] <Sedina> Serenity - Nah...just really possessive.  *l*  She's got to mark "her humans" and all
[17:17] <Maele> Oh, that's your arrangment!  I script with a partner and we break down the scenes required, split them, then switch to polish.  Always seems to go sooo much faster.  :)
[17:18] <Sedina> wb Shiral
[17:18] <Shiral> Do you know how hard it is to type with hungry cats looming over you?
[17:18] <hygilac> my cats make sure no one leaves this house without a bit of fur to mark them
[17:18] <Maele> If you're waiting on one another, it could be a longer process than working alone!
[17:18] <Sedina> Shiral - I know all too well.  *g*
[17:18] <KK> Ours is more a master/apprentice situation--or a master/journeyman arrangement, these days.
[17:18] <KK> Someone has to have the last word.  And in my universes, that's me.  :-)
[17:18] <JastaElf> :-) As well it should be!
[17:18] <Sedina> hygilac - Yup...  Gotta be sure that you're "taking them with you".  *g*
[17:19] <debbie_vb> Wasn't Debby writing before she and you got together?
[17:19] <Shiral> Sounds sensible to me, KK!
[17:19] <Shiral> <G>
[17:19] <Serenity> That's a good way to run a universe, KK
[17:19] <Maele> Ah, just a different style of work.
[17:19] <scribbler> "My world, my rules", KK....
[17:19] <Sedina> KK - makes sense to me.  *g*
[17:19] <Gamgee> KK: too many Gods spoil the broth?
[17:19] <Shiral> Or BOil the broth Gamgee.
[17:19] <KK> Yes, but had only done the one trilogy.  Alas, her solo work still hasn't really taken off, though she's an excellent writing partner for the kinds of things we've been doing.
[17:20] <Maele> My partner and I work in the same room; makes dialogue, for example, much easier.
[17:20] <debbie_vb> I've totally enjoyed your collaborations with her
[17:20] <Kelric> time to take off again.  fare thee well all ye deryni faithful :)
[17:20] <Maele> I *love* her Caledon series.  It's wonderful.
[17:20] <Shiral> Personal chemistry must count for a lot when you're writing in a partnership with another person
[17:20] <scribbler> take care, Kelric....
[17:20] <Sedina> Bye Kelric
[17:20] <Serenity> Bye Kelric
[17:20] <debbie_vb> Bye Kelric
[17:20] <KK> We've rarely actually written in the same place, though we meet regularly for sotry conferences, and have done a number of research trips together.
[17:21] <Shiral> Oops, Missed him
[17:21] <KK> In the early days, before she was on line, we used to send disks back and forth.
[17:21] *** adupuis has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[17:21] <xmanii_away> Welcome adupuis
[17:21] <Jessie> hello adupuis
[17:21] <Shiral> Hi Anne
[17:21] <Sedina> Hi adupuis
[17:21] <Serenity> Hello adupuis
[17:21] <JastaElf> Hi adupuis!
[17:21] <the_Bee> Hi adupuis
[17:21] <debbie_vb> Thank  heavens for the internet
[17:21] <adupuis> Sorry I'm late -- hadn't expected to get here at all, though. Katherine! You're still up! :-)
[17:21] <KK> Aha, Ms. Grey Ghost remembered to join us tonight.  :-)
[17:21] <Maele> I've done it long distance as well, just didn't seem to work as well.  The immediate interaction works for us, but that's, again, personal chemistry.  I've worked with other people and it was misery.
[17:22] <scribbler> KK -- still planning to go to Ethiopia for third Temple book?
[17:22] <Wrengl>  hi Anne
[17:22] <Maele> <--- waves to adupuis!
[17:22] <Rebecca> Hi Anne
[17:22] <Sedina> Exactly who is this debby that you write with, KK?  I always like to read works by new authors (or at least, authors that are new to me)
[17:22] <KK> Hope to--though I doubt it will happen.  Of course, we've gotta get the contract first.
[17:22] <hygilac> HI Anne
[17:22] <debbie_vb> Debbie Turner harris
[17:22] <Rebecca> We have conflicting rumors going around about when the atlas will come out.  Before Darkover or after?
[17:23] <scribbler> Maele -- I'm going to have to do a group project when I take my last writing class...I'm hoping it goes okay....
[17:23] <Sedina> Cool...  *makes note of the name*  I read books so quickly that I'm always looking for new authors to read
[17:23] <KK> But I have to put the 3rd Templar anthology together first. And then Betsy will be expecting the proposal.
[17:23] <Shiral> No rest for the wicked!
[17:23] <Maele> Sedina, she's written a wonderful series:  Caledon of the Mists, The Queen of Ashes... oh, what's the third one!  *senior moment*
[17:23] <hygilac> and the talented
[17:23] <Shiral> Definitely, Linda
[17:23] <scribbler> good thing you've got the laptop!
[17:23] <Serenity> When is Darkover?  Will the atlas be available in regular bookstores?
[17:23] <Shiral> BAD peer!!
[17:24] <JastaElf> peer strikes again....
[17:24] <adupuis> The Atlas is scheduled as a December release. But there'll be a full color poster map available by Darkover. :-)
[17:24] <scribbler> time for peer counseling....
[17:24] <JastaElf> darkover is thanksgiving weekend
[17:24] <KK> Peer knows that Bynw is not here to keep him in line tonight.
[17:24] <adupuis> I'm looking into doing some color pages for the Atlas, which may add some time to publication.
[17:24] <Rebecca> cool
[17:24] <debbie_vb> Where will it be available?
[17:24] <scribbler> adupuis -- is there a website we can get information about map/atlas?
[17:24] <Jessie> Anne:  the map will be available from bookstores or where by Thanksgiving?
[17:24] <Shiral> Or Kelos with the frozen tigershark
[17:25] <adupuis> The Atlas will be available in bookstores if they're smart.... We'll certainly be offering it to them! Marketing to the book buyers begins in a couple of weeks.
[17:25] <scribbler> maybe Elsa is playing Peer tonight?
[17:25] * JastaElf wonders where Kelos is tonight....
[17:25] <KK> That's right.  Kelos swings a mean tigershark!
[17:25] <debbie_vb> which means Chapters pro'lly wont carry it
[17:25] <Maele> Adupuis, will you have a direct marketing site online? Nearest bookstore for me is over 600km of nasty dirt road... :(
[17:25] * scribbler still mourning the loss of her neighborhood fantasy bookstore....
[17:25] <hygilac> and where is Bynw?
[17:26] <Shiral> Oh BAD PEER!!
[17:26] <xmanii_away> Welcome Sedina2
[17:26] <scribbler> Oh my, Peer's on a rolL!
[17:26] <Shiral> ANd where is Tika, too?
[17:26] <Sedina2> Arg...  I had a prickly feeling on the back of my neck. Should have known Peer was gonna get me
[17:26] <scribbler> wb Sedina (or Sedina2.....)
[17:26] <KK> Bynw had something else he had to do today; mentioned it last week.
[17:26] <Jessie> they are in route home from a trip
[17:26] *** Sedina2 is now known as Sedina
[17:26] <xmanii_away> Welcome great_hooded_one
[17:26] *** xmanii_away is now known as xmanii
[17:26] <scribbler> wb hood....
[17:26] <great_hooded_one> hallo again
[17:26] <Sedina> wb hood
[17:26] <Shiral> Well, when Jasta and I get to writing a story in tamdem, we can test the partnership theory. <G>
[17:27] <Jessie> Anne:  the map will be available from bookstores or where by Thanksgiving?
[17:27] <scribbler> peer got you and Sedina in one swell foop.....
[17:27] <Shiral> WB all ye who have been Peered
[17:27] <adupuis> The map will be availabe via direct order from Grey Ghost and also via Wizards' Attic (my game distributor fulfillment service, they also do direct sales). I'm looking into ways to package it for possible sale through bookstores as well, but haven't found a good way yet.
[17:27] <Serenity> The peered of the Realm
[17:27] * Maele thinks you could start a new round table with all the Peers in here.
[17:27] <Sedina> Peer really seems to like me for some reason.
[17:28] <JastaElf> Shiral, we'll be fine.  :-)
[17:28] <KK> My machine is dinging, but I don't see anything red anywhere. Strange.
[17:28] <Shiral> A Peer-Counseling group
[17:28] <Shiral> I know <G>
[17:28] <Serenity> How do we contact Grey Ghost, adupuis?
[17:28] <Shiral> It'll be fun!
[17:28] <JastaElf> It's the CC trying to contact you, KK....
[17:28] <KK> Ack
[17:28] <JastaElf> :-)
[17:28] <adupuis> The map will be availabe in 2 formats -- folded (for fairly cheap) and rolled (for about $12 more to pay for much increased shipping cost and the tube itself).
[17:28] <Sedina> Run in fear, KK.  *g*
[17:28] <Shiral> Vivienne would like a word with you, KK <G>
[17:28] <great_hooded_one> kk, are you scrolled up from the bottom?
[17:28] <JastaElf> Ooo, that's creepy, since V is dead...  ;-)
[17:29] <Rebecca> Anne which way will you bring it to Darkover?
[17:29] <xmanii> Welcome Adept
[17:29] <Shiral> Not in KK's present time frame, she's not!
[17:29] <adupuis> Grey Ghost's site is at http://www.greyghostpress.com or www.greyghostgames.com or fudgerpg.com, take your pick. The site's a bit outdated right now -- webmaster's in the process of moving from the West Coast to New Jersey. :-/
[17:29] <scribbler> hi Adept....
[17:29] <Shiral> Hi Adept
[17:29] <Sedina> Hi Adept
[17:29] <Serenity> Ask not for whom the Computer dings
[17:29] <Adept> Hello?
[17:29] <Jessie> Katherine -- are you possibly not at the bottom of your screen
[17:29] <great_hooded_one> if so, it'll make a noise every time someone sends a message
[17:29] <Jessie> hello Adept
[17:29] <Serenity> Hi Adept
[17:29] <Adept> How should I know if I'm at the bottom of the screen.  Adept is KK.
[17:29] <Maele> <--- waves to Adept
[17:29] <Jessie> use the arrow key
[17:29] <Adept> How do I get my other name back?  Peer is after me, I think.
[17:29] <JastaElf> Oh, you might have frozen then, KK!
[17:30] <Jessie> or the scroll at the right
[17:30] <adupuis> I'll bring rolled maps to Darkover, of course! :-)
[17:30] <Rebecca> Katherine type /nick and your name
[17:30] <Adept> I tried that.
[17:30] <scribbler> KK -- you're on twice?
[17:30] <Maele> */nick KK without the asterix
[17:30] <JastaElf> Your other KK is still on the list.
[17:30] <Jessie> Katherine:  type  /ns ghost KK <password>
[17:30] <scribbler> she might have to log off the other one first?
[17:30] <Jessie> that will kill the ghost kk
[17:31] <Adept> I can't remember my password.
[17:31] <adupuis> ooh.... ghost hunting!
[17:31] <Maele> :)
[17:31] <scribbler> oh, thx Jessie...
[17:31] <Jessie> ah
[17:31] * debbie_vb hums the twilight Zone theme do-do-do-do- do-do-do-do
[17:31] <Gamgee> I thought it was Ghost Busting!
[17:31] <Adept> OK, I'm going to exit and come back, with both names, I
[17:31] <Rebecca> where's Chris when we need him?
[17:31] <Jessie> I don't have bynw's powers to look up your password Katherine -- sorry
[17:31] * scribbler thinks that Bynw should never take a Sunday off....
[17:31] <Rebecca> him
[17:31] <Maele> Can an operator boot in this room?
[17:31] *** KK has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[17:31] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o KK
[17:31] <xmanii> Welcome KK
[17:32] <Jessie> wb kk
[17:32] <Sedina> wb KK
[17:32] <JastaElf> welcome back!  :-)
[17:32] <Shiral> I agree, Scribbler
[17:32] <the_Bee> wb kk
[17:32] <Wrengl>  wb katherine
[17:32] <scribbler> there we go -- wb....
[17:32] <Serenity> WB, KK
[17:32] <KK> Well, that was exciting.
[17:32] <Shiral> WB in your true persona KK
[17:32] <Jessie> yes an op can boot
[17:32] <debbie_vb> interesting
[17:32] <scribbler> Ain't technology wonderful?
[17:32] <Serenity> computer schizophrenia
[17:32] <Shiral> To err is human, to really louse things up takes a computer
[17:32] <Gamgee> maele: yes they can.  but that doesn't help, because the nickname would still be in use.
[17:32] <hygilac> I get computer depression all the time
[17:33] <Wrengl>  LOL shiral
[17:33] <KK> Adept was my ICQ screen name.  I've booted that, though.  Not nearly as good as mIRC.  I could never get in.
[17:33] <Sedina> Hey, don't be giving my computer any ideas, Shiral... *lol*
[17:33] <hygilac> why not schizophrenia too
[17:33] <debbie_vb> We are windows of Borg.  you will be assimilated. resistance is futile.
[17:33] <Shiral> OOps, sorry!
[17:33] <Serenity> Lol, debbie
[17:33] <Jessie> Katherine:  any other news on Childe Morgan?
[17:33] <Wrengl>  LOL Debbie
[17:33] <Shiral> Has Nigel been born yet <G> winks at Jasta
[17:33] <Sedina> lol debbie
[17:34] <Gamgee> Debbie: now you've convinced me....  as soon as I have the money for another computer I'm putting Linux on it.
[17:34] <debbie_vb>  I thought of that when i noticed that the 3-D pipes screen saver always seems to produce something that  looks like a borg cube.
[17:34] * scribbler loves her iBook....
[17:34] <KK> Not really.  I thought it was a major achievement to figure out how Alyce got pregnant with Alaric via Donal without being a willing or unwilling co-conspirator.
[17:34] * JastaElf perks up at mention of Nigel....
[17:34] <Maele> :)
[17:34] <Shiral> I thought you would, dear <G>
[17:34] <great_hooded_one> well, windows xp will put all other previous windows to shame
[17:35] <KK> Nigel is going to be born this week.
[17:35] <Jessie> it is a major achievement Katherine-- but I can always hope for more deryni fix
[17:35] <scribbler> KK -- sounds like a neat trick....
[17:35] <JastaElf> YAY!!!
[17:35] <Shiral> Happy dance!!
[17:35] <Sedina> I would certainly think so, KK...
[17:35] * JastaElf pictures a little baby Nigel... and coos happily....
[17:35] <Shiral> I agree, Sedina and KK
[17:35] * JastaElf loves babies....
[17:35] <Shiral> I think Jasta just volunteered to babysit, <G>
[17:35] * Maele ponders that one... :)
[17:35] <Shiral> Especially Nigel!
[17:36] <JastaElf> Heh!  You bet!!
[17:36] * scribbler loves babies too....if they're someone elses.....
[17:36] * Sedina is very curious to learn exactly how that was accomplished
[17:36] <KK> Sedina will have to wait.  :-)
[17:36] <Sedina> Darn...  *lol*
[17:36] <Serenity> Zzip!
[17:36] <Shiral> We all will  =o(
[17:36] <JastaElf> LOL!
[17:36] <xmanii> Welcome Kiri`
[17:36] <Kiri`> Hi Kiri` !
[17:36] <Shiral> WB, Kir
[17:36] <Wrengl>  wb Kiri
[17:36] <Shiral> Kiri
[17:36] <the_Bee> KK did you abandon the Uther&Irgaine plan?
[17:36] <Serenity> Hi Kiri
[17:36] <Kiri`> re
[17:36] <Maele> <--- waves to Kiri
[17:36] <hygilac> So, Kk, what are you bringing to Darkover to read to us?
[17:36] <scribbler> wb Kiri -- Peer's been on the warpath today.....
[17:36] <KK> Yep.
[17:36] <debbie_vb> KK, Will we be seeing Jorian's  ordination from Alaric's POV?
[17:36] <Kiri`> scrib - so's my isp..
[17:37] <Sedina> You know, some days I'm not sure if my having found this room is a good thing for my "addiction"...or if it's just torture in disguise
[17:37] <Shiral> Or rather, his execution?
[17:37] <JastaElf> :-)
[17:37] <Sedina> wb Kiri
[17:37] <KK> Eventually, yes, debbie_vb.
[17:37] <Maele> Sedina, well, an itch is just low-level pain... :)
[17:37] <JastaElf> wb Kiri!
[17:37] <Shiral> That does seem to have been a watershed event in ALaric's young life
[17:37] <Jessie> ?
[17:37] <Shiral> Jorian's execution, Jessie
[17:37] <scribbler> it would be in anyones....
[17:37] <Sedina> Maele - *lol*  There are many days when I think my "itch" is much more that low-level.  *l*
[17:38] <Shiral> WAY more than low-level, Maele
[17:38] <Sedina> Yes...WAY, WAY more
[17:38] * Maele still can't grasp the notion of people standing about watching executions... I know intellectually that it happened, just can't... conceptualize it.  You know?
[17:38] <Shiral> I'm looking forward to meeting Jamyl Arilan myself...
[17:39] <Kiri`> ooh can we take him to dinner? 
[17:39] <hygilac> KK, will we get to hear some of CM at Darkover this year?
[17:39] <Shiral> Especially not THAT kind of execution, Maele
[17:39] <KK> I think there's a morbid fascination, to a certain extent.
[17:39] <great_hooded_one> hey, how do i send message to one person?
[17:39] <KK> Yes, probably.
[17:39] <Sedina> Maele - the worst is that for some, it was a form of
"entertainment"  *shudders*
[17:39] <adupuis> Picture people watching in fascination as a Nascar car
goes up in flames....
[17:39] <Shiral> Or will it be THe Green Tower?
[17:39] <Kiri`> Hi whytcrow !
[17:39] <scribbler> Like at the Crucifixion?
[17:39] <Shiral> Hi Jen
[17:39] <whytcrow> hey there!
[17:39] <adupuis> Hi, Jen! Fancy meeting you here. :-)
[17:39] <Serenity> Hi whytcrow
[17:39] <scribbler> Hi Jen!
[17:39] <Rebecca> Hood click on that persons name in the namelist
[17:39] <whytcrow> just a brief stop in
[17:39] <Maele> <--- waves to whytcrow
[17:39] <whytcrow> hey ann!
[17:39] <Wrengl>  hit whytcrow
[17:39] <Rebecca> Hi Jen!
[17:39] <debbie_vb> Why do people rubberneck at bad accidents then?
[17:40] <Sedina> hi whytcrow
[17:40] <JastaElf> Hi Jen!
[17:40] <xmanii> Welcome whytcrow
[17:40] <great_hooded_one> ah, there
[17:40] <whytcrow> ah, seems just about everyone is here
[17:40] <hygilac> Hi Jen
[17:40] * Maele doesn't rubberneck, usually too busy being sick.
[17:40] <Shiral> We're a lively bunch, today
[17:40] * scribbler tries to say a prayer when going by an accident....
[17:40] <whytcrow> i don't rubberneck, too busy driving and preventing being hit by people not watching the road
[17:40] <Rebecca> Emily was here earlier but had to go fix dinner
[17:40] <Maele> I know folks watch "The Operation" as entertainment on the tube too, but I can't do that either...
[17:40] <Sedina> When accidents are involved, I'm usually too busy trying to figure out what I can do to help.  (Is a First Responder)
[17:41] <whytcrow> silly emily!
[17:41] <adupuis> Jen and I will be in Milwaukee (at the GenCon game convention) later this week -- if anyone's in the area, make sure you sign up for one of the Fudge Deryni games! Even if you've never played a roleplaying game before. :-)
[17:41] <KK> I watch Operation--but as education, not entertainment.
[17:41] <scribbler> that's awesome, Sedina!
[17:41] * debbie_vb tried watching the operation. got thourally squicked
[17:41] <hygilac> watching executions was a big time spectator sport for people from way back
[17:41] <Rebecca> The RPG is fun
[17:41] <whytcrow> i just started packing for GenCon -- eep!
[17:41] <Serenity> not to mention the gladiator days
[17:41] <Shiral> I tend to stay away from anything that involves blood if possible
[17:41] <hygilac> today, we have Nascar races for the people who get off on that kind of thing
[17:41] <Sedina> scribbler - until my senior year of college I was intending to go to med school
[17:41] * Sedina loves to rp
[17:41] <KK> Remember that I was a medical student.  I've dissected a human body.
[17:41] <whytcrow> thanks rebecca!  don't forget -- we have an official slot at Darkover as well!
[17:41] <Serenity> and boxing
[17:42] * Shiral turns a delicate shade of green...
[17:42] <scribbler> that's right, KK, I forgot....
[17:42] <whytcrow> KK is braver than I. :)
[17:42] <Sedina> KK - with you on that one.  *thinks of her college human anatomy class*
[17:42] <Maele> <--- started a nursing degree.  Decided it wasn't for me. :)
[17:42] <Gamgee> I want in on the game at Darkover!!!!
[17:42] <JastaElf> me too!!
[17:42] <scribbler> my husband is still amazed at all the jobs you've done, KK....
[17:42] <Shiral> Me three!
[17:42] <debbie_vb> Do you still practice hypnosis katherine?
[17:42] <Kiri`> i'm ok as long as my nose has a clothespin.
[17:42] <Wrengl>  Me four!
[17:42] <KK> The human body is fascinating.  And dissections--or autopsies--are generally carried out with the utmost of respect.
[17:43] <Shiral> I'm just not cut out for a medical career. <G> So it's lucky I'm not in the field
[17:43] <scribbler> I've been re-reading "Deryni Magic" and love "The Examen"....
[17:43] <whytcrow> i think the body is fascinating, as long as it keeps the bits inside that belong inside. :)
[17:43] <Sedina> There are always a few who don't respect the process, but you're right, KK...they generally are.  And as they should be.
[17:43] <KK> Thank God there are people who will give their bodies to medical science when they're done with them.  What a great gift!
[17:43] <whytcrow> Gamgee--you've got a spot at Darkover!
[17:43] <Shiral> I can READ about it, including "the examen", but as to doing it.....noo.....
[17:43] <Serenity> My favorite high school English teacher donated her body to science
[17:44] <Kiri`> we can join th game of we come to darkover?
[17:44] <Gamgee> whyt: thanks!  I havn't gamed in WAY too long....
[17:44] <Sedina> Sign me up to rp!!
[17:44] <KK> Ah, but if you really could heal by laying hands on an injury....can you think of anything much more awesome?
[17:44] <Gamgee> oh no....  that means I have to pack another bag for Darkover.....  my dice bag....
[17:44] <whytcrow> kiri -- anyone who comes to darkover can play in the game.  If I have too many for one, I'll do a second slot on SUnday
[17:44] <Shiral> If I were a Healer, I would do whatever was necessary to learn the best use of my gift, of course.
[17:44] <Maele> It is one thing to autopsy a dead person, another altogether to torture a live one.  People in Nascar choose to be there, you know?  The gladitorial games, and executions aren't usually volunteer events.  :)
[17:44] <debbie_vb> My uncle who recently passed on allowed them to take anything they could to give to someone else who needed the parts
[17:44] <Sedina> KK - I think that would be the ultimate gift...
[17:45] <Kiri`> whytcrow - aha.. i havent gamed in years..
[17:45] * scribbler would like Rhys to lay hands on her arm with the infection; but she'll settle for Queron....
[17:45] <Maele> Just can't imagine hords of people standing there and not being.. sick, appalled, something?
[17:45] <Kiri`> twould be fun to do again.
[17:45] <KK> Yep.  Scott's dad's eyes went to give the gift of sight back to two people.
[17:45] <scribbler> my body's in such bad shape it'd probably be rejected....
[17:45] <whytcrow> When I'm dead, they can have whatever they want for whatever.  I'll be done with it.
[17:46] <Shiral> I could donate my organs when I was finished with them.
[17:46] <Sedina> My sister would have liked to have donated her body, but she wasn't allowed because all her organs had been damaged by the chemo she had to undergo
[17:46] <Shiral> After all, I woudn't feel it
[17:46] <debbie_vb> and your pianos too
[17:46] <Shiral> LOL, Debbie
[17:46] <scribbler> LOL debbie....
[17:46] <Shiral> And my violins, as well!
[17:46] <KK> If it's enemies being tortured, or someone you're scared of, like Deryni, then watching such a spectacle is understandable, at least on some level.  Not a good thing, but understandable--sort of.
[17:46] <scribbler> let's not harp on the subject, Shiral....
[17:47] <hygilac> If there are any parts left I haven't worn out, someone else is welcome to them
[17:47] <Shiral> I'm just fiddling, Scribbler
[17:47] <Jessie> that strikes a chord with me scribbler
[17:47] <scribbler> I guess that was the draw for the Crucifixion, then....
[17:47] <Kiri`> Hi duck !
[17:47] <xmanii> Welcome duck
[17:47] <Shiral> Hi Duck
[17:47] <Jessie> hello Duck ;-)
[17:47] <Wrengl>  Hi duck!
[17:47] <Serenity> Hi duck
[17:47] <debbie_vb> Hi Duck!
[17:47] <the_Bee> Quack!
[17:47] <whytcrow> quack!
[17:47] <JastaElf> Hi, Duck!
[17:47] <Rebecca> Hello Donald
[17:47] <duck> good morning all
[17:47] <KK> Duck, you're back from out back!
[17:47] <scribbler> anyone else want to horn in?
[17:47] <Kiri`> hi duck...
[17:47] * Sedina starts beating on Shiral in an attempt to keep "Evil" at bay
[17:47] <Sedina> Hi duck!
[17:47] <hygilac> Oh, Great Editor--welcome!
[17:47] <Maele> <-- waves to duck
[17:47] <Wrengl>  Woof, WOOF from Grommet and Thumper
[17:47] <Shiral> You've got a lot of brass, Scribbler
[17:47] <scribbler> Duck, it's a Duck!
[17:47] <duck> soon to go away again though
[17:48] <whytcrow> give pats to Grommet and Thumper from me
[17:48] * Shiral ducks away from Sedina's blows
[17:48] <Jessie> scribbler:  I am just fiddling around
[17:48] * Kiri` starts humming in sedina's direction
[17:48] <Wrengl>  Will do whytcrow
[17:48] <Shiral> Cello salad, Scribbler?
[17:49] <KK> On that note, folks, I think I'd better sign off.  Scott's got
an early flight to London tomorrow, just for the day.
[17:49] <Shiral> Or am I just being wood-winded
[17:49] <scribbler> Oh my, you got me....
[17:49] * Sedina starts to go after Evil's twin, Evil2 (Kiri)
[17:49] <hygilac> running from the flamingos, are you Duck?
[17:49] <debbie_vb> Nighters katherine.  Sweet dreams
[17:49] <Jessie> good evening Katherine and thanks for chatting
[17:49] <Shiral> See you later, KK, thanks for dropping by!
[17:49] <Serenity> Good night KK
[17:49] <Maele> Night, night!
[17:49] <JastaElf> Goodnight, KK!
[17:49] <Sedina> Night KK....  Was wonderful getting to meet you!
[17:49] <scribbler> KK -- you're getting out of here just in time ---
[17:49] <the_Bee> goodnight kk
[17:49] <Rebecca> nigth KK
[17:49] <KK> See you next week, same Bat time, same Bat Channel.
[17:49] <whytcrow> bye KK!
[17:49] <scribbler> night KK
[17:49] <Wrengl>  night katherine
[17:49] <hygilac> night KK
[17:49] <Shiral> Before we orchestrate a great rebellion
[17:49] <Kiri`> night KK
[17:49] <Kiri`> bats!
[17:49] * Kiri` hold out bait
[17:50] <Shiral> Oo, are you going to bring some bats, KK? <G>
[17:50] * KK steps onto her portal and waves goodbye, vanishing in a shower of green sparks.
[17:50] <Kiri`> shh. ... secret...
[17:50] *** KK Quit (QUIT: User exited)