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KK Chat -- 29 May 2016 (Happy Memorial Day! [USA])

Started by DesertRose, May 29, 2016, 07:24:10 PM

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May 29 19:08:17 *   KK has joined
May 29 19:08:19 <DesertRose>   Hi KK!
May 29 19:08:20 <jemler>   hi kk
May 29 19:08:21 <Evie>   Hi, KK!
May 29 19:08:23 <BalanceTheEnergies>   Hello KK
May 29 19:08:31 <Eyikl>   ji KK
May 29 19:08:32 <KK>   Hello, all.
May 29 19:08:38 <DesertRose>   How was your week?
May 29 19:08:44 <Revanne>   Hi
May 29 19:09:13 <KK>   Got a lot done, but no writing.
May 29 19:09:31 <DesertRose>   Well, as much as we want you to write, sometimes there's other stuff that needs doing.
May 29 19:09:35 <Evie>   Well, poop.  But at least you got stuff done.
May 29 19:10:28 <KK>   Went to a good baroque concert on Friday evening.  Enjoyed that.
May 29 19:10:31 *   DomMelchior (Mibbit@OWIRCN-ddca4984.irvnca.sbcglobal.net) has joined
May 29 19:10:34 <DesertRose>   Oh, wow, KK.
May 29 19:10:35 <jemler>   hi dm
May 29 19:10:37 <DesertRose>   Hi DomMelchior
May 29 19:10:37 <BalanceTheEnergies>   Sounds lovely.
May 29 19:10:37 <Evie>   That sounds fun
May 29 19:10:40 <Evie>   Hi DM
May 29 19:10:40 <The_Bee>   HI DomM
May 29 19:10:41 <DesertRose>   What composers?
May 29 19:10:50 <BalanceTheEnergies>   Hello DomMelchior
May 29 19:10:52 <Eyikl>   hi DomMelchior
May 29 19:10:59 <DomMelchior>   Hi all
May 29 19:11:19 <Evie>   I'd like to go to a concert, but since I have no job, I'm too baroque....  ;-)
May 29 19:11:33 <BalanceTheEnergies>   I know that feeling.
May 29 19:11:36 *   DesertRose slaps Evie with a blue tang.
May 29 19:11:38 <DomMelchior>   That's the classical excuse
May 29 19:11:40 <Evie>   LOL
May 29 19:11:47 *   jemler throws a little minnow at Evie...
May 29 19:11:49 <BalanceTheEnergies>   :D
May 29 19:11:51 <KK>   Mainly Bach, but a few others.  The musicians play mostly period instruments.
May 29 19:11:56 *   DesertRose launches a mackerel at DomMelchior.
May 29 19:12:05 <Evie>   I need money and all that jazz before I can splurge on entertainment
May 29 19:12:06 <DesertRose>   Oh awesome, KK!  I'd have loved to see that!
May 29 19:12:32 <Evie>   I love listening to period music played with the proper instruments for the period
May 29 19:12:49 <BalanceTheEnergies>   So do I.
May 29 19:12:56 <The_Bee>   So you went for Baroque, KK?
May 29 19:13:03 <Evie>   Especially since the only instrument I play is the recorder.  The cassette recorder.  :-D
May 29 19:13:10 <KK>   It was held in our local Episcopal church, Trinity, which is one of the oldest in the area, and has Tiffany windows.
May 29 19:13:23 <jemler>   our local high school choir got to preform with Foreigner at Mountaineer Racetrack a few weeks ago.
May 29 19:13:25 <Evie>   Sounds lovely
May 29 19:13:27 <DomMelchior>   I just downloaded a bunch of baroque music this weekend.  Corelli, Geminiani, Biber
May 29 19:13:40 <Evie>   as opposed to Bieber
May 29 19:13:41 *   DesertRose throws up her hands in combined disgust and defeat and launches a catapult full of assorted fish generally.
May 29 19:13:56 <DesertRose>   Oh, cool, KK.
May 29 19:13:59 <BalanceTheEnergies>   Incoming!
May 29 19:14:28 *   Revanne has quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
May 29 19:14:37 <BalanceTheEnergies>   Uh-oh.
May 29 19:14:51 <BalanceTheEnergies>   Revanne got booted?
May 29 19:14:53 <Evie>   I managed to finish getting Jehana dressed this week, though the poor lady still has no shoes.  However, Araxie also has new feet, so at least now I can make her shoes while I'm at it.
May 29 19:15:03 <DesertRose>   I dragged my mom to a performance of Mozart's Requiem at a lovely neo-Gothic church called the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd (colloquially called the Church of the Good Pool for its indoor swimming facility).
May 29 19:15:11 *   revanne (Mibbit@OWIRCN-b72e816d.dyn.plus.net) has joined
May 29 19:15:19 <DesertRose>   Mibbit may be having a temper tantrum.
May 29 19:15:20 <KK>   Acoustics are wonderful.  In one choral number, I couldn't tell where the voices were coming from at first--then realized they were up in the choir loft behind me.  And Biber was another of our composers.  The group is called Three Notch'd Road, and they're based out of Charlotesville, where there's actually a road by that name.
May 29 19:15:21 <DesertRose>   Rehi revanne
May 29 19:15:22 <Evie>   The magically disappearing Revanne has reappeared.  Forgot to eat your peas?
May 29 19:15:23 <BalanceTheEnergies>   Rehi Revanne
May 29 19:15:24 <The_Bee>   wb revanne
May 29 19:15:27 <revanne>   rehi
May 29 19:16:15 <Evie>   I need to read more slowly, because at first I thought DR went to a Mozart performance in an Episcopal swimming pool.  Skipped a few words there, I think!
May 29 19:16:18 <DesertRose>   LOL
May 29 19:16:23 <revanne>   I was using my phone but the screen size decided to shrink and not having eaten by carrots I couldn't see it. so have bravely got out of bed and come down to use the computer
May 29 19:16:42 <Evie>   Yay for bravery!
May 29 19:16:53 <DesertRose>   Revanne is probably wondering what in blazes Evie is talking about.
May 29 19:17:03 <KK>   Being able to see is always a good thing.
May 29 19:17:12 <BalanceTheEnergies>   No kidding.
May 29 19:17:20 <revanne>   Eaten my carrots - we don't have man eating carrots in England
May 29 19:17:27 <DesertRose>   LOL
May 29 19:17:28 <Evie>   Revanne always wonders what the blazes I am talking about!  :-D
May 29 19:17:43 <revanne>   I didn't like to say, Evie
May 29 19:17:46 <DomMelchior>   The Biber I just picked up is a set of 7 partitas called Harmonica Artificioso-Arioso.  Very unusual.
May 29 19:17:54 <jemler>   better for the men if the carrots aren't eating them.
May 29 19:18:08 <DesertRose>   Only in very low-grade Japanese horror films of ages past do we have man-eating vegetation.  Or really strange stage musical comedies.
May 29 19:18:24 <KK>   We had a partita with dueling violins, that was absolutely stunning.
May 29 19:18:25 <Lochiel>   whenever i hear Charlottesville I think of the Waltons. lol
May 29 19:18:55 <BalanceTheEnergies>   Wow KK!
May 29 19:19:01 <Evie>   Good night, John-Boy!
May 29 19:19:02 <jemler>   their real name was Hamner.
May 29 19:19:20 <DesertRose>   BRB
May 29 19:19:25 <Lochiel>   lol evie
May 29 19:19:30 <Eyikl>   If carrots ate people would they also eat rabbits?
May 29 19:19:38 <revanne>   What's a Partita, KK?
May 29 19:19:40 <Lochiel>   true jennifer
May 29 19:19:42 <BalanceTheEnergies>   Probably
May 29 19:20:00 <jemler>   who is jennifer?
May 29 19:20:11 <KK>   So, Evie, do we have any new pictures of Jehana & Araxie and their ew feet?
May 29 19:20:36 <Evie>   https://flic.kr/p/Hso5g8  Don't worry, their feet are clean.  ;-)
May 29 19:21:00 <revanne>   Pretty
May 29 19:21:13 <Evie>   https://flic.kr/p/H8nMjA  Araxie with new flat feet
May 29 19:21:18 <Eyikl>   I'd rather have ew feet than ewe feet.
May 29 19:21:42 <Evie>   Her high heel ones wouldn't allow her to stand without high heeled shoes, and I only had one pair that couldn't be modified to look medieval
May 29 19:21:49 <KK>   I like Jehana's new face, too.
May 29 19:21:51 *   Jerusha (Mibbit@OWIRCN-52660886.dsl.bell.ca) has joined
May 29 19:21:53 <Evie>   This is true, Eyikl
May 29 19:22:02 <revanne>   Hi Jerusha
May 29 19:22:06 <BalanceTheEnergies>   Hello Jerusha
May 29 19:22:11 <Jerusha>   Hi everyone!
May 29 19:22:12 <The_Bee>   hi jerusha
May 29 19:22:14 <Eyikl>   hi Jerusha.
May 29 19:22:18 <jemler>   hi jerusha
May 29 19:22:23 <Evie>   Thanks!  I bought that head for Jehana a while back, but her eye color had to be changed, and I just recently got around to it
May 29 19:22:31 <Evie>   Hi Jerusha
May 29 19:23:04 <Eyikl>   DId Catherine de Merdci event high heeled shoes in the 1400s or sometime after the medieval period?
May 29 19:23:27 <revanne>   I think her new head looks sort of discontented which seems right for Jehana
May 29 19:23:31 <Evie>   Actually, I think I originally bought her for the body, but then decided I liked that head for Jehana, so I just kept her on her original body. One of my few figures who got to remain intact after purchase
May 29 19:23:42 <Jerusha>   Yes, revanne, I had the same thought
May 29 19:24:03 <KK>   So, she has the improved articulation like the others?
May 29 19:24:05 <Jerusha>   "intact after purchase" - scary
May 29 19:24:18 <Evie>   I don't recall the year high heels came into fashion, but it would have been after Kelson's time period, and I think men wore them first, IIRC.  Or at least wore them also.
May 29 19:24:44 <Jerusha>   Sorry - Alaric in heels seems so very wrong
May 29 19:24:50 <DesertRose>   Hi Jerusha.  I was afk until just now.
May 29 19:24:58 <Jerusha>   Hi DR
May 29 19:24:59 <BalanceTheEnergies>   Yes, I seem to recall the Sun King wore them, but that's centuries later.
May 29 19:25:01 <DesertRose>   Pattens might have been a thing in Kelson's time.
May 29 19:25:06 <The_Bee>   Were they like today's high heels, or more like platform shoes?
May 29 19:25:14 <Evie>   She does, KK. She has an older action figure type body called Lady's Mission, which has been discontinued, but an online friend was selling off some of her collection, so I got her for just a little over the price of shipping.
May 29 19:25:20 *   Derynifank (Mibbit@OWIRCN-61abc9d2.hr.cox.net) has joined
May 29 19:25:29 <DesertRose>   Hi Derynifank
May 29 19:25:31 <Lochiel>   Evie my grandmother was a Dollhouse collector
May 29 19:25:32 <jemler>   i can't picture loris in heels.
May 29 19:25:33 <BalanceTheEnergies>   Hello Derynifank
May 29 19:25:37 <Jerusha>   Hi Derynifank
May 29 19:25:37 <The_Bee>   Hi Derynifank
May 29 19:25:43 <revanne>   Hi
May 29 19:25:47 <Lochiel>   Hi D
May 29 19:25:48 <Evie>   Cool, Lochiel! 
May 29 19:25:49 <jemler>   hi derynifank
May 29 19:25:52 <Eyikl>   jhi Derynifank
May 29 19:26:01 <Jerusha>   I can picture Loris with a heel through is forehead
May 29 19:26:05 <revanne>   Still trying to process Alaric in heels
May 29 19:26:12 <Lochiel>   It brings back good memories
May 29 19:26:15 <Evie>   I had a little dollhouse room as a child, and in middle school I made my own Barbie house from cardboard boxes, but I've never owned a proper dollhouse
May 29 19:26:22 <Derynifank>   Hi everyone
May 29 19:26:36 <Evie>   So I'm making up for lost time
May 29 19:26:50 <Jerusha>   :)
May 29 19:27:13 <KK>   I seem to recall that heels came into fashion at the French court to give short men a boost in height.  And of course, that's a separate issue from pattens.
May 29 19:27:17 <Evie>   I've always admired them, in whatever scale, but I prefer the larger ones you can actually pose figures in over the ones too small for poseable dolls
May 29 19:27:49 <Evie>   Yes, pattens were for protecting shoes in muddy conditions, so the front was also high, not just the heel
May 29 19:27:50 <revanne>   I seem to remember reading somewhere that Louis XIV was quite short
May 29 19:28:04 <jemler>   we understand, Gulliver
May 29 19:28:09 <Evie>   And I have some wine corks I thought about trying to make pattens with
May 29 19:28:18 <KK>   Yes, pattens more like platforms.
May 29 19:28:37 <Derynifank>   I really like your dollhouse. What a neat thing to do withb
May 29 19:28:38 <BalanceTheEnergies>   To avoid horse manure in the streets, I should think.
May 29 19:28:41 <Lochiel>   My Grandmother had a really nice dollhouse which was given to my niece, she had the table settings furniture etc.
May 29 19:28:51 <Derynifank>   An oldventt
May 29 19:28:53 <The_Bee>   Cowboys wear high heels so their feet won't get caught in the stirrup.  Maybe knights wore them for the same reason.
May 29 19:28:56 <DesertRose>   All of a sudden, I got a mental image of Kelson and Alaric, et al, traipsing around Rhemuth on pattens like a bunch of kids on tin-can stilts.
May 29 19:29:05 <Evie>   Although the idea of Alaric teetering around on pattens is almost as funny to me. I suspect he'd rather just stride through the mud in his less-than-best boots.
May 29 19:29:21 <Jerusha>   Absolutely
May 29 19:29:28 <Eyikl>   I;m not sure heels would have been good for men, because don't they shorten your hamstring? That's the oppisite of how you want to position your foot if you are riding English,
May 29 19:29:32 <revanne>   Or his best boots. I can't see him bothering
May 29 19:29:40 <Derynifank>   Old entertainment centrr
May 29 19:29:59 <Evie>   You're probably right, revanne, that's what squires are for
May 29 19:30:00 <Jerusha>   "Sorry, Brendan, just do the best you can to clean them"
May 29 19:30:01 <revanne>   after all Richenda doesn't allow him into bed with his boots on.
May 29 19:30:06 <DesertRose>   LOL
May 29 19:30:08 <Lochiel>   KK I thought this would interest you in case you did not know about it  http://www.scottishtartans.org/
May 29 19:30:09 <Evie>   Thanks, Derynifank
May 29 19:30:11 <BalanceTheEnergies>   Don't men's boots have a bit of heel on them anyway?
May 29 19:30:20 <DesertRose>   At least not with his spurs still attached!
May 29 19:30:24 <Evie>   We sure couldn't sell that old cabinet, so might as well repurpose it
May 29 19:30:26 <KK>   Even then, I'm sure it was the women barking at the men not to track mud into the great hall.
May 29 19:30:47 <Evie>   They have a short heel nowadays, but not sure when heels were first added onto boots
May 29 19:30:50 <DesertRose>   Carys says Hi and purrs generally.
May 29 19:30:52 <KK>   No, good reuse of the cabinet.  And it's much sturdier than most regular doll houses would be.
May 29 19:31:00 <revanne>   I think so too KK
May 29 19:31:18 <Jerusha>   Scriches for Caryn
May 29 19:31:20 <revanne>   Hi Carys
May 29 19:31:28 <Jerusha>   Carys, I meant
May 29 19:31:40 <Eyikl>   hi Carys
May 29 19:31:43 <KK>   Heels on riding boots may have been a western thing, to better brace when roping cattle and the like.
May 29 19:31:47 <The_Bee>   HI Carys
May 29 19:31:48 <DesertRose>   She accepts the scritches and purrs at you, Jerusha.
May 29 19:31:50 <Evie>   I can't find my wide craft sticks, but I managed to measure one of the shelves and cut black poster board to that shape as a base to glue the craft stick "floor boards" to once I find them.
May 29 19:31:57 <jemler>   how's melantha?
May 29 19:32:18 <The_Bee>   She's around here somewhere.
May 29 19:32:24 <Evie>   I found some skinny coffee-stirrer ones, but those wouldn't work--it would be like us having 1" wide floorboards.
May 29 19:32:40 <DesertRose>   Nope, Evie.
May 29 19:32:48 <Evie>   Floor boards in the Middle Ages tended to be much wider
May 29 19:33:13 <KK>   Might could cut sheets of balsa wood into strips of the appropriate thickness, and then stain and varnish them.
May 29 19:33:34 <BalanceTheEnergies>   Or groove a solid piece?
May 29 19:33:35 <The_Bee>   How about tongue depressors?
May 29 19:33:43 <Derynifank>   Have you tried tongue depressors?
May 29 19:33:59 <Evie>   I'd rather use craft sticks or even paint stirrers if I can, since I am almost hopeless at cutting straight lines even with a metal straight edge, so I'd rather use precut strips if I can
May 29 19:34:08 <KK>   I good width, I'd say, but awfully short.
May 29 19:34:13 <BalanceTheEnergies>   Fair enough.
May 29 19:34:29 <jemler>   popcicle sticks?
May 29 19:34:32 <Evie>   I've got a tool to snip the curved ends off, but long, straight cuts are difficult for me to manage
May 29 19:34:39 <revanne>   Although medieval floorboards wouldn't be necessarily straight
May 29 19:34:57 <Evie>   The sticks I have somewhere are like very wide tongue depressors
May 29 19:35:08 <The_Bee>   And boards can be laid end to end.
May 29 19:35:09 <Evie>   about 1" across, so 6" in doll terms
May 29 19:35:45 <KK>   Sounds like it would be worthwhile to hunt them down.
May 29 19:35:47 <Evie>   They might not be perfectly straight, but they'd be straighter than I normally manage.  Don't underestimate my ability to completely botch a straight line!
May 29 19:36:16 <Jerusha>   I totally understand
May 29 19:37:09 <revanne>   One of the churches where I was a curate had some medieval planking and it was awful. I'm sure whoever the carpenter/joiner was was desperate to finish the job to get down to the alehouse.
May 29 19:37:22 <Evie>   My mom picked up some small 4" x 4" canvases at Michael's last week, so she's going to do me some miniature watercolor paintings.  Those will probably go into my chifferobe dollhouse, though, which is a modern counterpart to my castle dollhouse
May 29 19:37:29 <revanne>   Or had just come out of the alehouse
May 29 19:37:42 <Evie>   LOL, revanne
May 29 19:37:47 <BalanceTheEnergies>   Then too, as the building settles, the boards could get warped.
May 29 19:38:09 <Jerusha>   I'll blame the alehouse
May 29 19:38:13 <Evie>   I'm sure Kelson doesn't want to be able to read a manuscript on a desk in the room below his through the chinks in his floorboards!
May 29 19:38:34 <Evie>   He's a King, he can afford decent builders, let's hope!
May 29 19:38:59 <revanne>   I'm sorry yer Majesty, it's bin a bad year for timber.
May 29 19:39:03 <KK>   So one would hope.
May 29 19:39:34 <Evie>   "Is this a floor or a labyrinth?"
May 29 19:39:37 <The_Bee>   Alaric would like it.  He's suspicious and wants to know what other people are up to.
May 29 19:39:51 <Evie>   But does he want people seeing what HE is up to?
May 29 19:40:01 <Jerusha>   :D
May 29 19:40:04 <Evie>   Or are they one-way chinks in the floor?
May 29 19:40:11 <Evie>   magical one-way chinks
May 29 19:40:11 <revanne>   He'll ward the room anyway
May 29 19:40:14 <The_Bee>   That's why he'd want to be on the upper floor.
May 29 19:40:20 <Derynifank>   I would think not
May 29 19:40:33 <Evie>   "What is that odd green glow coming through the ceiling?"  "His Grace is home."
May 29 19:40:42 <revanne>   LOL
May 29 19:40:44 <Jerusha>   Wow - I read that as one way chicks
May 29 19:40:54 <DesertRose>   Wow!
May 29 19:41:15 <BalanceTheEnergies>   :)
May 29 19:41:38 <revanne>   Richenda in her most glacial tones: Are you by any chance referring to me?
May 29 19:41:41 <Evie>   That reminds me.  In Deryni Magic, the Wards are described as spherical, only half of the sphere is below the surface.  So how would that work on an upper story floor?  When Kelson was warded in DR, did half of that ward emerge from the ceiling of the room below?  if so, hopefully it was a storeroom!
May 29 19:41:57 <Evie>   Otherwise some startled person probably wondered about the new chandelier!
May 29 19:42:28 <DesertRose>   Oh, that's a thought.  Are Wards visible to non-Deryni?
May 29 19:42:34 <The_Bee>   The floors of castles were probably pretty thick.
May 29 19:42:35 <Evie>   "My lord, what is this I hear about your one-way chicks on the floor?" Richenda asked frostily.
May 29 19:42:50 <KK>   I think it wouldn't necessarily be visible unless the person setting it wanted it to be seen.
May 29 19:43:07 <Evie>   That's a relief, then.  And I'm sure Alaric wouldn't have wanted them seen.
May 29 19:43:11 <BalanceTheEnergies>   They're also scalable. We've seen people adjust the size of them.
May 29 19:43:13 <Jerusha>   But it could be felt, if one ran into it
May 29 19:43:25 <DesertRose>   Ah, so with the Duel Arcane wards, you sort of want those visible, but with a generic ward you might not.
May 29 19:43:27 <jemler>   in the harrowing, they actually had to complete the sphere for querons caoncil oath. maybe you have to do than all the time.
May 29 19:43:34 <Evie>   fortunately no one in Rhemuth Castle is likely to be running about on the ceiling.  Not from beneath it, anyway
May 29 19:43:54 <KK>   Yes.  But possibly just as a feeling of not wanting to get closer, unless one were very determined.
May 29 19:44:13 <Jerusha>   The local castle bat might not be amused
May 29 19:44:23 <Evie>   and if the person in the room below was already asleep, it would be a moot point.
May 29 19:44:29 <DesertRose>   For some reason, I always imagined the feeling of coming up against a ward as a mild electric shock.
May 29 19:44:40 <revanne>   Me too DR
May 29 19:44:40 <DesertRose>   I guess I was imagining something stronger than the actual sensation!  :)
May 29 19:45:07 <jemler>   also, you have to take the thickness of the floor into account.
May 29 19:45:09 <Eyikl>   so wards are more detering spells than an invisible wall?
May 29 19:45:15 <DesertRose>   Kind of like what happens when you've accumulated static electricity in your body and you touch a metal doorknob.
May 29 19:45:23 <Evie>   IIRC, upper floors were usually wood planks supported by heavy beams, unless you had stone arches below that could support heavier flooring, yes? Or am I forgetting something?
May 29 19:45:37 <BalanceTheEnergies>   They have different settings. Remember Tiercel's lesson with Conall?
May 29 19:45:47 <Evie>   But even then, the subfloor was probably wood with tile or something similar on top
May 29 19:45:54 <Derynifank>   I thought it was more like running into a smooth invidible wall
May 29 19:46:14 <Evie>   So the flooring wouldn't be as thick as the upper dome, unless you were warding something small.
May 29 19:46:30 <DesertRose>   Oh, that's right.  Conall did get sort of bitten by the ward when Tiercel set it that way.
May 29 19:46:39 <BalanceTheEnergies>   Exactly.
May 29 19:46:57 <DesertRose>   Maybe that's where I was getting my "mild electric shock" mental image from.
May 29 19:47:06 <BalanceTheEnergies>   Also possible.
May 29 19:47:08 <KK>   I think it might be graduated: you'd feel a faint resistance, that turned into a mild shock if you persisted, and then a firm resistance like an invisible wall--that could really shock if you continued to push the issue.
May 29 19:47:28 <DesertRose>   Okay, that makes sense, KK.
May 29 19:47:42 <jemler>   also, when conal first ushed against the ward, he sinply couldn't get thru.
May 29 19:48:14 <The_Bee>   KK, Didn't you say in one of your books that the spaces under the upper floors were filled with earth?  That's how come Portals could be built in upper rooms.
May 29 19:48:25 <BalanceTheEnergies>   Right. Tiercel made gestures to change the strength.
May 29 19:48:26 <Evie>   And possibly a suggestion of "don't come near this place" to start off with, so a person is uninclined to touch it even accidentally in the first place, so the other steps might only happen if someone tries to touch it deliberately
May 29 19:48:37 <jemler>   earth or stone.
May 29 19:49:05 <KK>   BTW, most upper floor castle floors that I've seen were merely thick planks.  No sub-floor.  Though one might apply thin sheets of painted wood to the underside/ceiling of floor below, for decoration, or insulation, or sound-proofing.  Or the space between the floor joists could be plastered and painted.  Lots of ways to do it.
May 29 19:49:08 <DesertRose>   Evie, that sounds like the bit in Harry Potter where the Muggles were discouraged from coming near the Quidditch World Cup site.
May 29 19:49:18 <Evie>   An upper floor could be built that way if one intended to put a Portal there, but that doesn't mean they were normally built that way
May 29 19:49:54 <BalanceTheEnergies>   Might a large stone tile be enchanted and then put into place on an upper floor?
May 29 19:50:34 <revanne>   and if the ceiling of the lower floor was vaulted then there could be earth or rubble put in to level the surface for the floor of the upper story
May 29 19:50:40 <KK>   If the upper floor was supported by stone arches, there might be earth in-filling before regular floor joists were laid.  And stone slabs could also be used instead of timber, atop support arches, in a high-status building.
May 29 19:50:41 <revanne>   storey
May 29 19:51:06 <Evie>   Yes, I was thinking of the planks serving as a subfloor only if the supporting structure was strong enough to put a tile or stone floor in an upper room.  Like in a cathedral with an undercroft, for instance--technically the nave might be an "upper room" if there's an undercroft below it, but there would be strong support for a floor made of more than planking.
May 29 19:51:22 <The_Bee>   IIRC, it was someone (Joram?) explaining to Javan about portal construction.
May 29 19:51:28 <jemler>   here's a thought. the Portal Camber made, that changed position, maybe there was a poillar under each position making a connection to the earth.
May 29 19:51:34 <KK>   Exactly, Evie.
May 29 19:51:56 <Evie>   I was thinking of making faux tile for one of the rooms
May 29 19:52:13 <BalanceTheEnergies>   Right Jemler, the one in Rhys and Evaine's bedroom at Sheele.
May 29 19:52:50 <revanne>   with a tingling sensation for a portal, Evie?
May 29 19:52:59 <Evie>   Depends on if I can find a square shaped cutter for use with air drying clay, since cutting squares out of poster board or foamcore would be a problem due to my allergy to straight lines.
May 29 19:53:09 <Evie>   But if I do a tile floor, it would probably be on that lowest floor
May 29 19:53:26 <Evie>   Which might end up being a chapel. I'm leaning that way anyway
May 29 19:53:37 <KK>   You could do some awesome tile floors, using small, dull-glazed mosaic tiles.  Could even fake it with poster board or foamcore, and grout between tiles jsut like real.
May 29 19:53:53 *   DomMelchior has quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
May 29 19:53:56 <KK>   You definitely need a chapel.
May 29 19:54:13 <Jerusha>   Yes - Duncan needs a chapel
May 29 19:54:22 <Evie>   Southeastern Surplus has some 2" x 2" tiles that look like marble, and it's less than $1 for a box of 24
May 29 19:54:36 <Derynifank>   Also really need a library
May 29 19:55:20 <Derynifank>   So muv
May 29 19:55:26 <KK>   I'd think that your dollhouse could easily accommodate a duplicate of Duncan's study/sleeping chamber.
May 29 19:55:27 <Evie>   Actually what I was thinking was either a room that could be furnished in different ways according to story needs (a Room of Requirement? LOL), so it could also be the library, or a scriptorium, or whatever
May 29 19:55:54 <Evie>   The shelf spaces aren't quite long enough. I measured.  But I already have foam insulation board precut to the right wall sizes
May 29 19:55:55 <Derynifank>   So much went on in the library
May 29 19:56:09 <Evie>   That will need to wait until I have a proper work table to build it on, though
May 29 19:56:13 *   Aerlys (~ae18c269@OWIRCN-1bdd9d77.org) has joined
May 29 19:56:21 <Jerusha>   Hi Aerlys
May 29 19:56:21 <BalanceTheEnergies>   Hello Aerlys
May 29 19:56:21 <DesertRose>   Hi Aerlys
May 29 19:56:23 <Evie>   hi Aerlys
May 29 19:56:27 <revanne>   Hi Aerlys
May 29 19:56:31 <Eyikl>   hi Aerlys
May 29 19:56:31 <Aerlys>   Hello! Just got home.
May 29 19:56:36 <The_Bee>   Hi Aerlys
May 29 19:56:37 <Evie>   Welcome home!
May 29 19:56:44 <KK>   I'd think that smaller mosaic tiles, about 1", would be a better scale.  Sheets of those are not terribly expensive, if you're only buying one or two sheets.
May 29 19:56:46 <Aerlys>   :) Evie
May 29 19:56:50 <jemler>   hi aerlys
May 29 19:57:14 <Aerlys>   Lovely ceremony but long day.
May 29 19:57:28 <Jerusha>   Ceremony?
May 29 19:57:29 <revanne>   It's a dreadful hour to just get home - it's nearly 1 am
May 29 19:57:30 <KK>   What was the ceremony?
May 29 19:57:34 <DesertRose>   Time to put up your feet a while, Aerlys?
May 29 19:57:40 <Eyikl>   Whar sort of ceremony?
May 29 19:57:43 <Evie>   1" in our scale is 6" in their scale, so that sounds about right. I'll have to see if I can find them at a decent price and that don't look too modern.  It's hard to beat $1 for 24 tiles, though.
May 29 19:58:02 <Aerlys>   First Communion (for DD3), procession for Corpus Christi, and potluck.
May 29 19:58:04 <Evie>   Which would be 1 foot square tiles in their scale
May 29 19:58:18 <KK>   Oh, cool!
May 29 19:58:22 <Evie>   :-)
May 29 19:58:23 <Jerusha>   Busy day!
May 29 19:58:31 <revanne>   Sounds lovely
May 29 19:58:35 <Evie>   Sounds like a good but very full day
May 29 19:59:07 <Aerlys>   Wish I could share pictures
May 29 19:59:15 <Evie>   LOL, revanne, I suspect she didn't return to YOUR home!
May 29 19:59:39 <revanne>   Corpus Christi is a wonderful day for a first communion
May 29 19:59:53 <Aerlys>   Yes, quite fitting
May 29 19:59:57 <DesertRose>   Pesky time zones.
May 29 20:00:17 <revanne>   Yep
May 29 20:00:22 <Jerusha>   Almost works for time travel
May 29 20:01:03 <Aerlys>   I'm just about ready for a nice glass of shiraz
May 29 20:01:14 <DesertRose>   Sounds like a plan.
May 29 20:01:19 <revanne>   sounds good
May 29 20:01:36 <jemler>   i'm all out of mead, maybe some brandy..
May 29 20:01:48 <Evie>   I thought this morning I was having some strange sort of Portal experience when, at the end of our church service, the organist played a tune for the recessional that made me think, "Why is he playing 'God Save The Queen'?"  Then I realized this is Memorial Day weekend, and it was meant to be "My Country 'Tis of Thee"!
May 29 20:01:52 <BalanceTheEnergies>   I've got an Italian red to go with my supper.
May 29 20:01:55 <Aerlys>   Oooh...oh wait, we're out of brandy
May 29 20:02:11 <revanne>   Too much hobnobbing with Brits, Evie
May 29 20:02:19 <Aerlys>   lol
May 29 20:02:20 <Evie>   Yes, you lot are rubbing off on me!
May 29 20:02:25 <BalanceTheEnergies>   :D
May 29 20:02:34 <Aerlys>   We're such Anglophiles
May 29 20:02:37 <Evie>   I was SO CONFUSED, though!
May 29 20:03:13 <Aerlys>   and you're not even blonde
May 29 20:03:17 <KK>   Tomorrow, we plan to drive down to Bedford, VA, where the national D-Day Memorial is located.  Bedford lost more men in the Normandy invasion than any other town in the US.
May 29 20:03:33 <revanne>   LOL - not as confused as I would have been. I'd have leapt to my feet and wondered why no-one else was.
May 29 20:03:36 <Evie>   "I like Her Majesty just fine, but we're not the Colonies anymore, are we?!"
May 29 20:03:37 <DesertRose>   LOL
May 29 20:03:45 <Evie>   LOL, revanne!
May 29 20:03:55 <Aerlys>   :)
May 29 20:03:59 <jemler>   my great-uncle Ray fought in the Battle of the Bulge.
May 29 20:04:06 <The_Bee>   I once wrote a Father's Day song for my dad to the tune of My Country 'tis of thee.  I played it on my flute while my mother and sister sang it to him.
May 29 20:04:19 <Jerusha>   Nice, Bee
May 29 20:04:22 <Aerlys>   What a great memory, Bee
May 29 20:04:31 <Evie>   In the Philippines, I found out that they play their national anthem before a movie starts, and everyone stands. I wasn't prepared for that!
May 29 20:04:39 <revanne>   We went to the normandy beaches a few years back and it was very moving - especially Omaha Beach which was a total death trap
May 29 20:04:45 <DesertRose>   My maternal grandfather was in the Army Air Corps during WWII but he was stationed in the Pacific (I'm not sure where).
May 29 20:05:00 <Evie>   Cool, Bee!
May 29 20:05:29 <DesertRose>   My paternal grandfather was in the shipbuilding trades (can't remember which one), so when WWII started, he was exempted from military service because they needed him to stay put and build ships.
May 29 20:05:45 <Jerusha>   Alas, I must go.  Still trying to catch up after being away on vacation.  Night everyone, and have a good week!
May 29 20:05:52 <BalanceTheEnergies>   My mother's uncle was a career Navy man, and he was at Pearl Harbour when it was attacked.
May 29 20:05:52 <DesertRose>   Okay, g'night, Jerusha
May 29 20:05:53 <revanne>   Night
May 29 20:06:02 <BalanceTheEnergies>   Good night Jerusha.
May 29 20:06:09 <jemler>   nite jerusha
May 29 20:06:09 *   Jerusha has quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
May 29 20:06:16 <DesertRose>   Well, I shouldn't say when it started.  When the US got involved.
May 29 20:06:17 <The_Bee>   My dad served in the Coast Guard during WWII, He once stood guard over the Queen Mary.
May 29 20:06:19 <Evie>   My mom remembers the Japanese occupation of the Philippines.  Her family called her "the little collaborator" because she was only 4, and the Japanese soldiers thought she was cute and gave her candy.  She lost a half-sister in a concentration camp during the war, though.
May 29 20:06:25 <Aerlys>   We actually did our procession through town. It was raining this morning, but thankfully it had stopped. Of course, DD's dress is floor length, but I think she managed to not get it dirty.
May 29 20:06:35 <KK>   Scott's dad was a much-decorated lead bombadier in the Air Corps, bombed the hell out of Eastern Europe and Italy.
May 29 20:06:35 <DesertRose>   Yikes, Evie!
May 29 20:06:40 <Evie>   Goodnight, Jerusha
May 29 20:06:54 <Aerlys>   That's sad, Evie
May 29 20:07:20 <revanne>   My Dad was a rear-gunner in a Lancaster Bomber
May 29 20:07:31 <Evie>   Yes. I don't think my Mom really remembers her half-sister, although she grew up with that half-sister's children, who were around her age
May 29 20:08:13 <Evie>   Hard to keep a long dress clean in the rain.
May 29 20:08:15 <The_Bee>   BTE, did your mother's uncle survive pearl Harbor?
May 29 20:08:30 <Aerlys>   DH's grandfather fought in WWII in Europe. Four times he lost his entire squad
May 29 20:08:35 <revanne>   Especially a long white dress
May 29 20:08:45 <Evie>   We knew someone who was at Pearl Harbor also
May 29 20:08:54 <Evie>   Ouch, Aerlys!
May 29 20:09:18 <BalanceTheEnergies>   Yes, and lived to ripe old age. My paternal grandfather also survived the Pacific (chief gunner's mate), went on to be an SP and a police officer in civilian life.
May 29 20:09:35 <Evie>   That happened to a friend's father.  He had three tanks blown up around him, but survived each time.
May 29 20:09:42 <KK>   Scott's dad flew B-24's.  There's one still flying with the Freedom Flight that comes through here every year, and we bought Cameron a ride on one when he was in his late teens/early 20's.  He got to sit up in the nose where his grandfather would have sat.  Made it really special for him. 
May 29 20:09:44 <DesertRose>   Guardian angels working overtime.
May 29 20:10:02 <Evie>   blown up or shot up somehow, not sure which, but he was the sole survivor at least one of those times
May 29 20:11:07 <Evie>   Apparently my guardian angel's duties don't extend to guiding my hand in cutting straight lines
May 29 20:11:10 <Eyikl>   that sounds very traumatic
May 29 20:11:18 <The_Bee>   Dad had a cousin who was killed in WWII, but I don't know much about him.
May 29 20:11:21 <KK>   I sure hope our kids and <their> kids remember what those men (and women) did.  It was extraordinary service at an extraordinary time.  And we must not forget.
May 29 20:11:27 <Aerlys>   I can't cut a straight line to save my life.
May 29 20:11:35 <Aerlys>   I can't even slice cheese
May 29 20:11:40 <jemler>   you need a guardian angle for that. :)
May 29 20:11:54 <Aerlys>   I agree, KK
May 29 20:11:58 <Evie>   LOL, true, jemler!
May 29 20:12:19 <Aerlys>   lol
May 29 20:12:19 <revanne>   To slightly link conversations HM is apparently the only British monarch who can change a wheel on an armoured car from her time in the ATS ( women's army).
May 29 20:12:21 *   The_Bee lobs a flounder at Jemler
May 29 20:12:29 <DesertRose>   LOL, revanne
May 29 20:12:34 <jemler>   why bee?
May 29 20:13:08 <Evie>   Not to mention HM can scare the bejeebers out of visiting Saudi princes who aren't used to women driving, much less Queens!
May 29 20:13:14 <The_Bee>   for PUN-ishment, of course ;)
May 29 20:13:20 <KK>   LOL, yes I read about that.
May 29 20:13:21 <revanne>   LOL Evie
May 29 20:13:32 <BalanceTheEnergies>   I expect that's right Revanne, weren't the rest of the family in the Navy?
May 29 20:13:42 <revanne>   Mostly - yes
May 29 20:13:44 <DesertRose>   I read that and wasn't sure whether to believe it.
May 29 20:14:05 <revanne>   Although Prince Harry has served in the army
May 29 20:14:05 <Evie>   I've seen it from multiple sources, so hopefully it's true, because it's a great story
May 29 20:14:08 <jemler>   comes from living on an island.
May 29 20:14:13 <DesertRose>   (about HM scaring the life out of a Saudi prince by driving like a bat out of hell along some Scottish roads)
May 29 20:14:30 <revanne>   In think it's true because it comes from the British Ambassador at the time
May 29 20:14:35 <KK>   And she doesn't even have a driving license.
May 29 20:14:36 <DesertRose>   Oh, okay.
May 29 20:14:54 <BalanceTheEnergies>   And one or two of them are pilots, Prince Andrew I think?
May 29 20:14:54 <revanne>   Or a passport
May 29 20:14:56 <DesertRose>   I wanted to believe it, but I was like, wow, really?
May 29 20:15:01 <Evie>   I suspect no one is going to arrest the Queen for driving without a license.  :-D
May 29 20:15:06 <DesertRose>   Probably not.
May 29 20:15:16 <DesertRose>   Prince William is a search and rescue pilot.
May 29 20:15:22 <KK>   Andrew, William, and Harry are all pilots.
May 29 20:15:39 <KK>   William flies air ambulances now.
May 29 20:15:49 <BalanceTheEnergies>   That's it, and Prince Andrew saw service in the Falklands/Malvinas thing.
May 29 20:15:59 <Evie>   I remember that
May 29 20:16:05 <KK>   They would never let the heir to the heir fly combat.
May 29 20:16:24 <Evie>   Much to his chagrin, I suspect
May 29 20:16:41 <revanne>   No - There was enough difficulty keeping it a secret when Prince Harry was in Afghanistan
May 29 20:17:00 <Eyikl>   Is Charles still in the line of sucession?
May 29 20:17:06 <KK>   Well, Harry did the real service.  And it was the papparazi who blew the whistle on him.
May 29 20:17:14 <The_Bee>   Yup.  First in line.
May 29 20:17:16 <revanne>   Yes... and counting
May 29 20:17:20 <KK>   Yes, CHarles will be king next.
May 29 20:17:25 <jemler>   i always suspected those medals were for courtesy, not real achievements.
May 29 20:17:32 <revanne>   Assuming he outlives his mother
May 29 20:17:38 <Eyikl>   if he doesn't die before the queen.
May 29 20:18:00 <KK>   Barring accident, he will follow her.
May 29 20:18:09 <The_Bee>   Then William, Geoge and Charlotte
May 29 20:18:58 <DesertRose>   If his mother follows in the footsteps of her mother, he might not!
May 29 20:19:11 <Derynifank>   Need to go now. Hooe everyone hasca great
May 29 20:19:14 <revanne>   Yes - they've changed the law of succession so that if Charlotte had been born first she would have been before George
May 29 20:19:15 <DesertRose>   Seeing as the Queen Mum made it to 102.
May 29 20:19:21 <revanne>   Night
May 29 20:19:24 <DesertRose>   Good night, Derynifank.
May 29 20:19:27 <Evie>   Goodnight Derynifank
May 29 20:19:33 <BalanceTheEnergies>   Good night Derynifank
May 29 20:19:36 <The_Bee>   bye Derynifank
May 29 20:19:37 <jemler>   nite derynifank
May 29 20:19:40 <Evie>   I will need to go soon too.  DH and I are about to visit MIL for a bit
May 29 20:19:43 <Derynifank>   Great week
May 29 20:19:44 <Eyikl>   goodnight Derynifank
May 29 20:20:21 <KK>   Good night, all.  Remember that it's 5 PM next week.
May 29 20:20:31 <KK>   I'm heading out, too.
May 29 20:20:32 <DesertRose>   Yup, early chat next week!
May 29 20:20:34 <Evie>   I have Fray-check drying on my future bedcurtains, so hopefully I can get the bed canopy sorted this week
May 29 20:20:35 <jemler>   until next week. nite kk.
May 29 20:20:42 <revanne>   Yes - much appreciated too.
May 29 20:20:47 <DesertRose>   G'night, KK.  Have a good week!  Thanks for coming to see us!  :D
May 29 20:20:55 *   Derynifank has quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
May 29 20:20:56 <Evie>   Goodnight, KK
May 29 20:20:57 <The_Bee>   Good nights, KK.  Have a good week and thanks forcoming tonight.
May 29 20:21:02 <Lochiel>   Gn all
May 29 20:21:09 *   KK steps onto her Portal, waves goodnight, and disappears in a shower of green sparkles.
May 29 20:21:11 <Eyikl>   night KK
May 29 20:21:12 <BalanceTheEnergies>   Good night KK, and thanks for the reminder. Will keep y'all posted on my (PVD) eye thing.
May 29 20:21:19 <DesertRose>   Yes, do, BalanceTheEnergies.
May 29 20:21:23 <Evie>   Yes, please do, BTE
May 29 20:21:38 <Evie>   DR and I are apparently sharing a brain now
May 29 20:21:41 <KK>   Nighters.
May 29 20:21:44 <Evie>   That's a scary thought
May 29 20:21:47 <revanne>   Night
May 29 20:21:48 <BalanceTheEnergies>   I should probably make supper myself.
May 29 20:21:49 <DesertRose>   Not for the first time, Evie.  :P
May 29 20:21:51 *   KK has quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
"If having a soul means being able to feel love, loyalty, and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans."

James Herriot (James Alfred "Alfie" Wight), when a human client asked him if animals have souls.  (I don't remember in which book the story originally appeared.)