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KK Chat--15 May 2016 (Happy Pentecost!)

Started by Evie, May 15, 2016, 07:44:36 PM

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[06:13.33] * KK (Mibbit@OWIRCN-3d2ec0ac.va.comcast.net) has joined channel #deryni_destinations
[06:13.34] * Evie set out some DQ mint chocolate chip Blizzard in the east
[06:13.37] <Jerusha> Hi KK
[06:13.39] <Evie> Ah, there she is!
[06:13.41] <The_Bee> HiKK
[06:13.49] <Jerusha> It worked, Evie
[06:13.50] <Eyikl> Hi KK
[06:13.51] <Evie> Happy Pentecost, KK
[06:14.04] <KK> Evie, I heard your call!  :D
[06:14.11] <Evie> :-D
[06:14.26] <Shiral> Hello KK
[06:14.28] <Dennis> We're talking about Old Haldanes, like Bearand and Augarin.
[06:14.36] <Evie> I've been documenting the new Rhemuth Castle Dollhouse Project on the forum, KK
[06:14.57] <KK> Cool to both.
[06:15.25] <KK> Any new posts re the dollhouse?
[06:15.29] <The_Bee> Show KK the link, Evie
[06:15.35] <KK> POst a link here?
[06:15.39] <Jerusha> KK, did you get your notebook backÉ
[06:16.00] <Jerusha> (that was supposed to be a question mark)
[06:16.01] <KK> Yes!  The bag showed up Monday at about 0930.  Perfect.
[06:16.11] <Jerusha> Excellent!
[06:16.15] <The_Bee> Halleluia!
[06:16.21] <Eyikl> :)
[06:16.27] <The_Bee> Where was it?
[06:16.43] <Evie> ++http://www.rhemuthcastle.com/index.php/topic,1741.0.html,,; for the progress thus far. 
[06:16.53] * jemler (~jemler@OWIRCN-f200353b.oh.comcast.net) has joined channel #deryni_destinations
[06:16.55] <KK> If it had been truly lost, I would have been in deep begonias.
[06:16.59] <jemler> hi folks
[06:17.00] <Jerusha> Hi Jemler!
[06:17.04] <Evie> Also more photos on Flickr, if I can find the link to post here
[06:17.08] <Dennis> Huzzah!
[06:17.11] <Shiral> Glad the Notebook found its way home safely, then,
[06:17.23] <Shiral> Those begonias can be tough. =o)
[06:17.36] <Eyikl> hi Jemler
[06:17.40] <Shiral> Hi Jemler
[06:17.48] <Evie> ++https://flic.kr/s/aHskwon83b,,
[06:18.15] <Evie> I'm glad you managed to get it back!
[06:18.42] <Jerusha> A road trip besides the road to Killingford would not be good
[06:19.04] <Dennis> Did you ever get the treecats sorted, KK?
[06:19.11] <The_Bee> hi jemler
[06:19.26] <jemler> sorry i'm late.
[06:19.47] <jemler> did i miss much?
[06:20.20] * Shiral snaps fingers and produces tea, scones, strawberries and cream
[06:20.30] <Eyikl> Not Much  We talked about the first Haldanes, and Evie posted some links.
[06:20.31] <Evie> No, KK arrived just a teeny bit before you did, jemler
[06:20.36] <The_Bee> We're didcussing Evie's dollhouse project and early haldane rulers.
[06:21.22] <KK> The bag went to Charlottesviole, while I went to Roanoke, Bee.
[06:21.23] <Eyikl> Eyikl adds sugar cookies.
[06:21.43] * jemler opens the apple brandy
[06:22.01] <Jerusha> Jerusha looks for a flask of fianna
[06:22.05] <KK> Evie, the bed canopy needs to be much taller.  And can you adjust the shelves on the left even a bit, to even out the ceiling heights?
[06:23.03] <Evie> That's the height of the actual (commercially made) bed's posts, so there's not way to raise the canopy higher, although once I have actual slats on the bed, the mattress will sit lower within the frame.
[06:23.07] <jemler> i saw the pics of the spiral stairway. very nice!
[06:23.24] <KK> Also, the walls can all be whitewashed.  Will make things brighter inside, too--and it's period.
[06:23.32] * The_Bee adds a bottle of sparkling Vezaire
[06:23.44] <Jerusha> Thanks, Bee!
[06:23.53] * Alaric1 (Mibbit@OWIRCN-61abc9d2.hr.cox.net) has joined channel #deryni_destinations
[06:23.58] <KK> Can you do taller posts, or add a bit, with a decorative band between?
[06:23.58] <Evie> The center shelf is permanently fixed in place, so they have already been adjusted to allow enough headroom in each chamber
[06:24.02] <The_Bee> Hi Alaric1
[06:24.03] <jemler> hi alaric1
[06:24.06] <Jerusha> There would have been paintings on the walls, though
[06:24.08] <Eyikl> Hi Alaric1
[06:24.17] <Evie> I'm going to do the interior walls in time.
[06:24.22] <Jerusha> Hi Alaric1
[06:24.49] <Evie> Yes, I will probably have painted details at least on the wall borders and possibly on the ceiling beams if they are smooth
[06:24.51] <Alaric1> Hi sll
[06:24.59] <Shiral> Hi Alaric1
[06:25.15] <KK> Could have been paintings, but whitewash was also good.  And you could paint some nice, pointed-arch windows on some of the walls, and maybe build out a window seat or two.
[06:25.27] <Jerusha> Jerusha remembers the interiors of Secrets of the Castle
[06:26.02] <Evie> Maybe, though I don't know if I can actually cut a hole in the walls, since that's an extremely heavy cabinet, and if I disassemble it, I'm not sure I could get it back together
[06:26.54] <The_Bee> better be cautious about that
[06:27.07] <Evie> I thought about doing the walls and flooring with poster board backing, so they could slide into place but be removable if I want to redecorate the rooms. That way I can get multiple uses from each room.
[06:27.28] <Jerusha> And can change sets, so to speak
[06:28.41] <KK> The sets are a good idea.
[06:29.05] <KK> And you wouldn't have to cut holes in the walls.  A painted scene or two would work as well.
[06:29.32] <jemler> like a triptych?
[06:29.37] <Evie> True.  Or a foam false back wall with a window niche cut into it
[06:30.27] <Alaric1> I have a cousin who painted a castle on the walls of a bedroom. It looked 3 dimentional and looked great
[06:30.31] <KK> That would also work, though you'd lose some floor area.
[06:31.15] <Evie> True, though if it's narrow enough foam, it needn't be much floor area lost
[06:31.46] <Evie> and if it's removable, then it's easy enough to reclaim that floor space for another room and scene
[06:31.49] <Eyikl> Would you make a false ceiling too, or would the ceilings be the same in all the rooms?
[06:32.27] <Evie> I'm thinking of buying some basswood or balsa square strips, staining or painting them, and using double sided tape to attach them to the shelves above
[06:32.27] <KK> Whitewashing all the walls would be a good place to start.  And some of the ceilings could have beams, with the flat parts between the beams painted blue, with little stars.  (For that matter, the beams could be painted with decorative designs.)
[06:33.10] <Jerusha> Almost everything was painted back then
[06:33.38] <Evie> Instead of whitewashing the actual cabinet, I'm looking for the textured paper that looks like plastered walls, which I could attach to the poster board that is cut the right size to slide into each cubicle. Any seams in the paper could be covered with dark timbers to look like a timber and plaster wall.
[06:33.58] <Eyikl> Like the place de Merdi
[06:34.31] <Evie> And then painted decorations could also be added to the textured paper, though the tapestries will also cover some of the white areas
[06:34.33] <The_Bee> Would timber and plaster fit the period?
[06:34.49] <Evie> I've also considered using craft sticks to make wainscoting, but not too much of it or it will be too dark
[06:34.52] <KK> Yeah, if you want to keep your options open, re returning the unit to more normal purposes, it's probably a good idea <not> to actually paint the insides of the shelves.
[06:34.56] <Evie> Yes, it would fit very well, Bee
[06:35.56] <Evie> Well, it will never be turned back to an entertainment center since it is made to hold deeper TVs than are on the market now, not to mention VCR tapes, but I'd rather be able to get many rooms out of it rather than just three smaller rooms and the Great Hall
[06:36.19] <KK> Paneling would be more more authentic than wainscoting.  and paneling need not be way-dark.  Oak paneling starts out light, and darkens with age.
[06:36.27] <Evie> Especially if I can do so by just sliding a wall or two out and replacing some bits of furniture
[06:36.41] <Jerusha> Where are you going to put the moatÉ  :D
[06:37.02] <Evie> I have some fairly light "Windsor Oak" stain that looks light but not too moderrn
[06:37.06] <Evie> modern
[06:37.20] <Evie> The carpet is a bluish-gray, does that count for a moat?  ;-)
[06:37.27] <The_Bee> What about wall hangings?
[06:37.30] <Jerusha> Close enough
[06:37.34] <Evie> I have a few wall hangings already
[06:37.48] <KK> Paneling can also be painted.
[06:37.55] <Evie> One is made from some Bayeux Tapestry trim that I got in the mail just a day or two ago
[06:38.16] <Jerusha> Love that trim, Evie
[06:38.18] <jemler> clip those little red alligators off your husbands shirt for the moat. :)
[06:38.29] <Evie> I've seen some great tutorials on making faux paneling out of mat board (like the sort used for framing pictures)
[06:38.46] <Eyikl>  Alligators that far north?
[06:38.57] <Evie> LOL, jemler.  ;-)   I don't think DH would recognize an Izod shirt if it bit him on the bum
[06:39.02] <The_Bee> call then stenrects
[06:39.16] <Evie> Kelson's already acquired two plastic dragons.  ;-)
[06:39.25] <Evie> and a couple of gigantic cats who love to visit
[06:39.30] <Jerusha> Yes to dragons!
[06:39.38] <Shiral> Even cats can look at a king.
[06:39.41] <Jerusha> Love the conjured cat
[06:39.43] <Dennis> And cats.
[06:39.54] <Evie> Though if I could find a cheetah in the right scale, Dhugal might claim dibs on it.  :-D
[06:39.56] <Shiral> Especially when the king is smaller than the cats. =o)
[06:40.06] <jemler> forget dragons! i want a fire-lizard from Pern!
[06:40.37] <Alaric1> Cats think they are kings/queens
[06:40.43] <Evie> I have a lion that might visit.  I mean, if Aslan can live in an old wardrobe, can't he appear in an old entertainment center?  :-D
[06:40.45] <Dennis> I'm sure somewhere out in fanfic land, there's a crossover where a Deryni has a fire lizard.
[06:40.49] <Eyikl> If Kelson gets sea-sick wouldn't he get air-sick?
[06:41.28] <Evie> Imagining A'laric in his black riding leathers fighting Thread.  ;-)
[06:41.37] <Jerusha> The cat, the Deryni and the wardrobe
[06:42.08] <Jerusha> Oh yes! (fans self briskly)
[06:42.40] <Evie> Except Duncan would be out of a job on Pern.  He'd have to go to Harper Hall instead, I suppose.
[06:42.49] <Eyikl> Alsan would hae no problem fighting thread
[06:43.04] <Dennis> I was thinking more along the lines of young Alaric using his Deryni powers to help his bronze fire lizard to spy on the evil Archbishop de Nore.
[06:43.13] <The_Bee> Evie, any pics of cats visiting the doll house?
[06:43.30] <Evie> LOL, yeah, because that wouldn't be conspicuous, Dennis....  :-D
[06:43.34] <Jerusha> Or flame the evil Archbishop
[06:43.38] <Evie> Yes, Bee, hang on, I'll find one.
[06:44.21] <Jerusha> Pardon me, your Grace - just a little well done
[06:44.33] <Dennis> Well, they could convince de Nore it was the DTs. You're not really seeing that bronze fire lizard. You're just drunk again, and it's subbing for the pink elephant.
[06:44.44] <Evie> ++https://flic.kr/p/H44dVJ,,
[06:45.08] <Eyikl> Does De Nore get drunk? He's a serious Bishop
[06:45.22] <Evie> And ++https://flic.kr/p/H462WA,,
[06:46.01] <Dennis> According to one of the short stories, de Nore was a oenophile with a discriminating palate, and Codex notes that he was prone to visits from "holy spirits" especially in his later years.
[06:46.21] <Evie> LOL
[06:46.52] <The_Bee> thanks, evie.  Luke looks especially soniter in the second one.
[06:46.55] <Evie> Hubert also wasn't a paragon of saintly virtue, despite his status in the Church
[06:46.56] <Eyikl> oh dear
[06:47.12] <Evie> Yes, I assure you he's really not a demon cat, despite the glowing eyes
[06:47.34] <Evie> Though at least I had several bishops on hand in case an exorcism was required.  ;-)
[06:47.42] <jemler> bee, do you mean sinister?
[06:47.44] <Dennis> Yeah, Hubert was pretty much degenerate. I imagine de Nore just having this one terrible vice.
[06:47.50] <The_Bee> Im eant "sinister," not soniter
[06:47.54] <Jerusha> Denis did look a bit startled in the background
[06:48.28] <Evie> Wouldn't you?
[06:48.38] <Jerusha> Most certainly
[06:48.54] <Dennis> Missy says meow.
[06:49.05] <The_Bee> HI Missy
[06:49.23] <Evie> Meow!
[06:49.27] <Shiral> Dmitri has also stopped by to say hello
[06:49.29] <Dennis> Heh.
[06:49.30] <Eyikl> mew
[06:49.36] <Dennis> Is KK still here?
[06:49.38] <Shiral> Hi to Missy
[06:49.45] <KK> I'm here.
[06:49.49] <Evie> She may have been kidnapped by the demon eyed cat
[06:49.52] <Jerusha> The whippets crack and eyelid and go back to sleep
[06:50.00] <Dennis> Heh.
[06:50.08] <The_Bee> Melantha is asleep on my pillow.  She's going to the vet for her shots Tuesday.
[06:50.29] <Evie> Luke is happy because he gets a doll castle to play in.  I'm happy because it's too sturdy for him to knock over!
[06:50.39] <Dennis> Would you say that's accurate? That Hubert had many vices, while de Nore (aside from being full of hate) only had a problem with drink?
[06:51.23] <Evie> I don't recall seeing any hints of other vices from De Nore, though his extreme Deryni hatred was bad enough
[06:51.55] <The_Bee> worse than Loris?
[06:51.57] <Evie> However, Hubert was a hot mess.  :-D
[06:52.03] <KK> One of the many advantages of moving that unit into a separate room is that you can close the door when you go out of it, so that cats can't knock things over in an unsupervised way.  (Of course, when you and they are in the room, all bets are off.)
[06:52.37] <Evie> He almost never knocks anything over inside the rooms, but when the rooms were made of foamcore board, I had to worry about walls getting knocked down
[06:52.53] <Dennis> Well, also got many more looks at Hubert, so we get to see how awful he is in so many ways.
[06:52.57] <KK> Yes, they can be incredibly dainty when they want to.
[06:53.04] <The_Bee> any dangerously fragile stuff?
[06:53.21] <Jerusha> Is it Gigi that tends to run off with things
[06:53.31] <Evie> And yes, I can shut the door, but then I have to listen to a crying, scratching cat while I work.  So I usually leave it open, but then open the window as well, and he's so fascinated by the outdoors that he sits on his pillow and sniffs the new fragrances through the screen.
[06:53.47] <Shiral> Or they can be the Destroyer--Dmitri managed to break some of my favorite small glass vases  by knocking them off the mantel shelf
[06:54.02] <Jerusha> Oh dear, Shiral
[06:54.08] <Evie> Yes, Gigi's the one I have to watch out for, but she's most prone to stealing little furry things, so I just won't leave any fur rugs out
[06:54.24] <Shiral> He protested his innocence of course, but I wasn't fooled for a minute. =o)
[06:54.28] <KK> Bigger danger would be them knocking things out of the dollhouse, then chasing them under something or into another room.  At lest if they're in there and you're there to supervise, you're more apt to notice if one of the props becomes a cat toy.
[06:54.35] <Evie> Gigi mainly likes to watch as I work, and I do make sure the cats are out of the room before I close the door, so she's never in there unsupervised
[06:54.46] <Dennis> The Miss decided to do some acrobatics in the kitchen and broke my wife's keepsake figurine. That was not a good day.
[06:54.46] <Jerusha> Father Nivard tries to keep his curls under control
[06:55.28] <Jerusha> Ouch
[06:55.32] <Evie> LOL!  Yes, Gigi hasn't paid much attention to his wig yet, but the one time she tried to make off with a doll, it was Meraude, and I found Gigi starting to drag her off by the hair
[06:55.33] <The_Bee> Does Gigi think the furry little things are kittens or prey?
[06:56.03] <Jerusha> Did Nigel dash to the rescue
[06:56.05] <Evie> I'm not sure, Bee. I just know that given a choice between something furry/fuzzy and a smooth plaything, she goes for the furry one almost every time
[06:56.21] <The_Bee> mice
[06:56.41] <Evie> I need to put Nigel back in medieval clothes.  He's hanging around in jeans and a nice T-shirt at the moment
[06:57.06] <Jerusha> Shocking
[06:57.20] <Jerusha> Meraude will be intrigued
[06:57.26] <Dennis> I'm sure it's a good look for him.
[06:57.34] <Evie> I think so
[06:57.40] <Jerusha> Muscle shirt for Nigel
[06:57.49] <Shiral> Definitely not dressed for formal court
[06:58.23] <The_Bee> What was casual wear for royals back then?
[06:59.10] <Shiral> Something with less embroidery/fur/and fabric, perhaps?
[06:59.13] <Jerusha> Loose shirt and hose, maybe
[06:59.19] <Dennis> Any Killington news KK?
[06:59.30] <jemler> killingsford
[06:59.33] <KK> Depends on the weather, and the royals, and the period.
[06:59.44] <Evie> Tunic, undershirt, and hose, I'd think, just like for anyone else, though with less fancy material if one is dressing down
[06:59.53] <KK> Nope, I still haven't gotten it started, though I have hopes for this week.
[07:00.09] <Jerusha> Yes!
[07:00.15] <KK> I doubt kings dressed down much.
[07:00.18] <Dennis> Ah, delayed by the notebook, right?
[07:00.23] <Evie> yes, it would be pretty rare
[07:00.32] <KK> Yes, and then life intervening this past week.
[07:00.50] <Jerusha> I have a feeling that Kelson would love to dress down in private
[07:00.51] <The_Bee> ?
[07:00.54] <Evie> "Dressed down" comparatively speaking.  I doubt he'd wear the same thing to a Twelfth Night court as he would when checking out the Royal Stables.
[07:01.00] <Dennis> It has a way of doing that, alas.
[07:01.08] <Evie> But he'd still look pretty fancy compared to a merchant in Rhemuth
[07:01.30] <Jerusha> Life is OK, KK
[07:01.32] <The_Bee> was life doing anything in particular, KK?
[07:01.32] <jemler> much finer silks, etc.
[07:01.45] <Evie> If nothing else, the quality of his linens and woolens would be higher than someone from a lower class could afford
[07:01.46] <KK> Hunting attire, maybe.
[07:01.59] <Shiral> I'm sure Araxie has experienced a wardrobe upgrade since marrying him, as well.
[07:02.27] <Evie> Given her royal blood on both sides, i doubt it needed to be upgraded too much
[07:02.42] <Eyikl> Well since he did train as a knight and fight in battle, would he want to wear anything like silk that wouldn't wash easily?
[07:02.50] <KK> Just life, Bee.  I had a dentist appointment on Thursday, and my suspicions of a filling going bad were confirmed.  Have to go this Wednesday to have it drilled out and refilled.  In fairness, it's probably one of the oldest ones in my mouth.
[07:02.55] <Shiral> No, but she has become a married woman, and a queen. It will be up to her to set the trends for Courtly dress from now on
[07:03.18] <Shiral> No fun, KK =o(
[07:03.22] <Jerusha> Dentist visits are never fun
[07:03.47] <Dennis> The Royal Chroniclers will be very surprised in 1132, when Araxie makes feety pajamas a new Royal trend.
[07:03.53] <Evie> And silk was sometimes used even on the battlefield, though I'm sure the laundry wasn't very fun to do.  :-D
[07:03.54] <KK> I doubt they worried much about setting trends.  But they would have dressed as sumptuously as they were able, to show their wealth.
[07:04.04] <Shiral> So would Kelson, Dennis. =o)
[07:04.14] <Dennis> There is that.
[07:04.31] <Evie> 1:6 footy pajamas might have to happen now.  ;-)
[07:04.37] <Evie> With the little bum flap
[07:04.44] <Shiral> She'd hardly be a Vogue covergirl, but there would be subtle shifts, I'm sure.
[07:04.49] <Jerusha> :D
[07:05.00] <Dennis> Well, of course. You have to have the bum flap, or it's not trendy.
[07:05.06] <Evie> and a hood.  With bunny ears.  In pink flannel.
[07:05.10] <jemler> don't forget the bunny slippers
[07:05.11] <KK> Have never cared for pajamas.  Sleep shirts and nightgowns for me.
[07:05.27] <Dennis> You don't need bunny flippers if you have feeties, Jemler.
[07:05.31] <Evie> I think Kelson is raising his eyebrows in alarm at me
[07:05.56] <Evie> Trying to figure out how to negotiate newlywed bliss when faced with a bride in pink flannel with bunny ears
[07:06.18] <Jerusha> Rabbits do like to breed....
[07:06.25] <Shiral> Imagine how Alaric would feel, having to wear something like that, if Kelson were to turn up in the pink bunny footie jams.
[07:06.39] <KK> You need slippers, so the feeties don't get dirty and then get the sheets dirty.
[07:07.03] <Dennis> That's true. Especially without washing machines.
[07:07.05] <Shiral> That's where the flap comes in, Evie
[07:07.13] <Jerusha> Here, my Prince, are your bunny slippers
[07:07.31] <Evie> "You dress me in that and you die."  "But Your Grace, His Majesty said you need to look fashionable!"  "Oh, all right, but I draw the line at pink bunnies.  Where's my Green Gryphon PJs?"
[07:07.46] <Dennis> I'd also love Cardiel explaining to Alaric why pink bunny ears and feetie pajamas are godly clolhes.
[07:07.52] <Dennis> er, clothes.
[07:07.53] <Shiral> The Brave Knight of Order of the Pink Bunny Slipper...
[07:07.54] <Dennis> :)
[07:08.18] <jemler> for once i'm not the one being suggestive.
[07:08.25] <Evie> Richenda:  "Oh do wear it, Alaric!  The floppy ears are so cute, and besides, the pink will go with your tutu....
[07:08.29] <Shiral> Dmitri is determined to be sociable, this afternoon
[07:08.35] * Alaric1 (Mibbit@OWIRCN-61abc9d2.hr.cox.net) Quit (Quit: ++http://www.mibbit.com,, ajax IRC Client)
[07:08.46] <Jerusha> And the purple boa
[07:09.01] <Evie> Duncan is sidling slowly away in hopes that no one thinks to dress him in outlandish sleepwear
[07:09.19] <Evie> He says it's bad enough I put him in spandex swim trunks!
[07:09.23] <Shiral> Dhugal is following him
[07:09.37] <Shiral> Hoping to avoid the same thing
[07:10.22] <Evie> Here's that picture of Nigel in the jeans and T-shirt:  ++https://www.flickr.com/gp/9573389@N08/WA603m,,
[07:12.44] <Dennis> Very nice. It is a good look.
[07:14.00] <Evie> I like letting them have fun in the modern world on occasion.  Helps me see the modern world through new eyes.  ;-)
[07:14.42] <Evie> Also, as much as I enjoy making medieval clothes, I sometimes like to try out modern clothes for a change of pace.
[07:15.24] <Jerusha> Alaric in black motorcycle leathers
[07:15.34] <Evie> That could happen
[07:16.01] <Jerusha> I will be happy to ride on the seat behind him
[07:16.13] <Jerusha> Holding the gryphon banner
[07:17.02] <KK> Motorcycle leathers are much akin to riding leathers, and for much the same reasons of protection.
[07:17.37] <jemler> protection from accidents or jerusha?
[07:18.01] <Jerusha> Funny you should ask that
[07:18.07] <Evie> LOL
[07:18.13] <Eyikl> Would you have to use your hands to keep from falling off the motorcycle?
[07:18.14] <jemler> you started it.
[07:18.18] <Evie> I can't imagine they'd be much protection from Jerusha.
[07:18.27] <Jerusha> Not a chance
[07:18.39] <Evie> For that he might need a chastity belt instead
[07:19.02] <jemler> just remember, richenda is formally trained.
[07:19.04] <Jerusha> Wait - I am a woman of honor!
[07:19.19] <Evie> And also not a woman who is fool enough to cross Richenda!
[07:19.23] <Jerusha> But I could be coerced
[07:19.34] <Evie> Speaking of Richenda, I'm thinking of swapping her head out
[07:19.49] <Jerusha> Talk about crossing Richenda!
[07:20.19] <Jerusha> Hold still, your Grace, while I give you a little twist
[07:21.01] <Evie> I have another doll that I just got in the past year or so, but she has hair that seems to fit the book description a lot better than the present Richenda's hair does
[07:21.12] <Evie> Hang on, let me find the photos
[07:21.15] <KK> Sorry, wasn't shouting.
[07:21.25] <Jerusha> Richenda  might be
[07:21.35] <Shiral> I was just thinking the same thing. =o)
[07:22.51] <Evie> Back view:  ++https://flic.kr/p/GXM7KW,,;  and front view:  ++https://flic.kr/p/GXLzCL,,
[07:23.20] <jemler> raquel welch?
[07:23.26] <Evie> The eye color would need to be changed, but I had to change the original Richenda's eye and lip color also when I first got her
[07:23.52] <Jerusha> Is it a smaller head
[07:24.08] <KK> Is she smaller, or do the clothes make the other one look larger?
[07:24.11] <Evie> It might be, and if it is, that means it's more human proportional
[07:24.20] <Evie> If I swap bodies, she'd keep her action figure body
[07:24.25] <Jerusha> (keyboard is messed up again, so question mark comes out something Spanish
[07:24.40] <Evie> her current body is smaller, but it doesn't pose as well
[07:25.05] <KK> Are the heads the same size?
[07:25.19] <The_Bee> So why not make the whole new doll the new  richenda?
[07:25.49] <Evie> More recent Barbie heads are bigger than the older Barbie heads because for some reason Mattel is going for a more bobblehead look (which I dislike) with their current playline figures.  I actually prefer the older style heads, being more natural in their proportions.
[07:26.29] <Evie> Because she has a body that doesn't pose as well, Bee, and I always try to put main characters on the best quality bodies I can afford for them
[07:27.05] <Eyikl> The head sizes don't look too different to me.
[07:27.10] <KK> I like the newer head.  She looks a bit pixie-ish, with a twinkle in her eye, up to mischief.
[07:27.37] <Evie> Secondary characters stay on the thrift store bodies, as long as those bodies have decent articulation, but I try as much as I can to put main characters on action figure bodies unless their heads are totally incompatible for a head swap
[07:27.54] <jemler> i solemnly swear that i am up to no good.
[07:28.14] <Evie> OK, good.  If she meets your approval, I'll try repainting her eyes to Richenda's cornflower blue and see if she still looks like Richenda to me afterwards
[07:28.15] <KK> Would the new head swap onto the old body ok?
[07:28.24] <Jerusha> I do not picture Richenda as pixie-ish
[07:28.26] <Evie> It should swap just fine
[07:28.36] <Eyikl> Are you going to sneak into Hogsmead or something?
[07:28.48] <The_Bee> I'm not sure which is the old and which the new.
[07:29.00] <KK> Wasn't quite the right word.  I like the new one better.
[07:30.00] <Evie> The current Richenda's hair is shorter than usual, and bone straight, so very hard to style even under a veil and wimple.  The other head has longer and softer hair that can be braided or gently restrained under a wimple or coif and still look attractive.  Plus it's closer to the 'candlelight" red gold that I usually envision when I read the books
[07:30.21] <Evie> The one with the darker red hair and the ponytail holder is the old one, Bee
[07:30.38] <Jerusha> And Richenda had curls, if I remember correctly
[07:30.53] <Evie> For Barbie hair, it's very short, so I haven't been able to find a better style for it
[07:31.08] <The_Bee> Thanks.  She seems to be wearing more suitable costume for theperiod.
[07:31.32] <KK> I like the sidelong look on the face of the newer one.  And she'll look a bit different in proper garb.
[07:31.38] <Evie> Yes, that's my original Richenda, in part because when I first started out this project, she was my first redhead.
[07:31.56] <KK> Then she's earned an upgrade.
[07:32.13] <Evie> The sidelong look is both a blessing and a curse. It's very expressive, but it also means having to be careful about camera angles to get the right look from her if I want her facing the viewer.
[07:33.05] <Jerusha> Can I get an upgrade, too :D
[07:33.07] <Evie> At first I didn't like it, but over the past year it's really grown on me, because sometimes when I set up a scene it's like she's giving me "that look" and it cracks me up
[07:33.16] <Eyikl> Isn't the hair on the newer doll too blond?
[07:33.18] <The_Bee> Could the original Richenda become Jehana?  I picture her with hair a darker shade of red, like auburn
[07:33.39] <Evie> It's a strawberry blonde, sort of a very light red
[07:34.35] <Evie> She could, I suppose, if I paint her eyes green.  I have a Jehana with the more high-cheekboned look that is mentioned in the books, but I haven't redone her eyes yet
[07:34.47] <Evie> Let me see if I can find a photo of that one
[07:34.59] <KK> Strawberry is what I pictured. 
[07:35.40] <The_Bee> Alaric would waltz with the strawberry blonde...
[07:35.56] <Evie> ++https://flic.kr/p/fBAiax,,;  Here's the one I bought to turn into Jehana
[07:36.06] <KK> And the band played on.... :-)
[07:36.23] <Evie> Well, actually I bought her to give her body to Richenda, but getting a head with auburn hair was a bonus.  :-D
[07:36.36] <The_Bee> Yes.  Her expression looks more Jehana-ish.
[07:36.38] <Jerusha> Yes, that is the way I picture Jehanna
[07:37.05] <KK> I like her expression.  And the auburn is very good.
[07:37.40] <KK> Hmmm, just looked at the clock and gotta run.  See you guys next week.
[07:37.44] <Evie> I'll take that back, I didn't take her original body for Richenda, she's still got it.  ++https://flic.kr/p/fJscpy,,
[07:37.58] * Shiral (~Shiral@OWIRCN-e6adf1cc.ca.comcast.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[07:38.06] <Evie> OK, see you later!  I will hopefully be here, though it depends on my parents and what they want to do next Sunday
[07:38.07] * Shiral2 (~Shiral@OWIRCN-e6adf1cc.ca.comcast.net) has joined channel #deryni_destinations
[07:38.07] * KK steps onto her Portal, waves goodnight, and disappears in a shower of green sparkles.
[07:38.13] <Evie> Since they are in town until after DD's graduation
[07:38.16] <jemler> nite kk
[07:38.24] <Shiral2> Night, KK
[07:38.26] <Evie> Goodnight!
[07:38.33] <Jerusha> Night KK, thanks for coming
[07:38.33] <The_Bee> bye KK!  thanks for coming.  have a good week.
[07:38.41] <Evie> Now I just need to find a Captain Picard action figure to be Barrett.  ;-)
[07:38.42] <KK> Nighters, all.
[07:38.45] <Shiral2> Hope the dentist appointment goes okay
[07:39.00] <Eyikl> goodnight KK
[07:39.05] <Jerusha> I should to as well.  Have a good week everyone!
[07:39.13] <KK> Old fillings drill out easily, and they numb you first.
[07:39.20] <KK> It'll be fine.
[07:39.29] <Shiral2> I'm sure it will. But it's never fun
[07:39.37] <KK> Night, all.
[07:39.42] <Evie> Goodnight!
[07:39.44] * KK (Mibbit@OWIRCN-3d2ec0ac.va.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: ++http://www.mibbit.com,, ajax IRC Client)
"In necessariis unitas, in non-necessariis libertas, in utrisque caritas."

I have a vocabulary in excess of 75,000 words, and I'm not afraid to use it!