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KK Chat -- 19 April 2015

Started by DesertRose, April 19, 2015, 07:01:03 PM

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[07:14.23] * KK has joined channel #deryni_destinations
[07:14.26] <Jemler> kk!
[07:14.30] <Aerlys> it worked!
[07:14.30] <DesertRose> Hey, it worked.  Hi KK!
[07:14.30] <Evie> It worked
[07:14.33] <Shiral> Nicely done, DR =o)
[07:14.35] <KK> Whoops, sorry I'm late.
[07:14.37] <DesertRose> Thanks.  :D
[07:14.39] <Shiral> Hello Katherine
[07:14.42] <The_Bee> Hi KK
[07:14.42] <Aerlys> Hello Katherine
[07:14.56] * Laurna (Mibbit@OWIRCN-b94a57fc.res.rr.com) has joined channel #deryni_destinations
[07:15.00] <DesertRose> No worries.  But I just (maybe a minute ago) made an attempt to summon you, and it worked. :)
[07:15.02] <Evie> We have a newcomer, but she got Mibbited. Hopefully she'll return
[07:15.03] <KK> How's everyone tonight?
[07:15.03] <DesertRose> Hi Laurna.
[07:15.04] <Jemler> hi laurna
[07:15.05] <Shiral> Hi Laurna
[07:15.05] <Aerlys> Hi Laurna
[07:15.06] <Laurna> Hello everyone
[07:15.07] <Evie> hi Laurna
[07:15.09] <The_Bee> Hi Laurna
[07:15.12] <DesertRose> Doing all right.  How are you, KK?
[07:15.19] <Shiral> I just bought a major piece of furniture for my diningroom
[07:15.20] <KK> Good.
[07:15.25] <Aerlys> Expecting, thank you!
[07:15.34] <KK> What did you buy?  A sideboard?
[07:15.43] <Shiral> Close, a china hutch
[07:15.46] <Laurna> Nice Shiral  fantastic Aerlys
[07:15.59] <KK> Ditto.
[07:16.07] <Evie> I read dungeon at first.
[07:16.14] <DesertRose> My mom has a really cool china hutch.
[07:16.16] <Shiral> Very pretty rosewood, Asian inspired. It will look nice with my table and chairs
[07:16.16] <Jemler> you just missed a new member, kk
[07:16.16] <Evie> I'm glad you aren't furnishing a dungeon
[07:16.17] <Aerlys> What style of china hutch?
[07:16.20] <DesertRose> Dungeon for dining room, Evie?
[07:16.27] <Evie> yes
[07:16.39] <DesertRose> That would be more Fifty Shades of Grey fandom than this one.  :P
[07:16.45] <Shiral> Well yes, Evie. I have no idea where I'd put the dungeon. =o)
[07:16.47] <Aerlys> lol
[07:17.00] <Laurna> LOL
[07:17.09] <The_Bee> or who you'd put IN it
[07:17.14] <DesertRose> YIKES!  O.o
[07:17.21] <Laurna> Alaric?
[07:17.28] <DesertRose> Let's not go there.  :D
[07:17.39] <Jemler> duncan?
[07:17.39] <Aerlys> If I had a dungeon, no one would follow me there. Hmmm...
[07:17.40] <Shiral> I went to the nearby Home Consignment Center where I found the diningroom set. My method is to wander around and look, and wait for something to make me think "Hey, I LIKE that!"
[07:17.42] <Kildara> Hi KK - sorry I missed your arrival - was multitasking a little
[07:17.47] <Laurna> Snicker.
[07:17.57] <Jemler> walking and chewing gum?
[07:18.03] <DesertRose> Hey, it works, Shiral.  :)
[07:18.10] <Shiral> That's how I found the table, and also my dining room light fixture.
[07:18.34] <KK> Sounds like a cool place, Shiral.  We used to do that in our local auction house, in Ireland.
[07:18.34] <Shiral> Nothing comes into my house if I don't like it.
[07:18.35] <Aerlys> we don't a nice home consignment place here
[07:18.36] <DesertRose> Your place probably looks more coordinated than my apartment; most of my furniture is hand-me-down stuff from my family, with the exception of my dinette set and my computer chair.  :D
[07:18.36] <Kildara> no - chatting and drying dishes
[07:18.46] <Jemler> um. ok.
[07:18.59] * Evie_ (~IceChat9@OWIRCN-04f6a0b1.al.charter.com) has joined channel #deryni_destinations
[07:19.05] <Aerlys> My house is decorated in Early Demolition
[07:19.07] <DesertRose> Evie, did we lose you?
[07:19.19] <Evie_> Yes
[07:19.19] <Laurna> Hi Evie
[07:19.23] <DesertRose> Bummer.
[07:19.28] * Evie was kicked by DesertRose(~IceChat9@DesertRose.Editor.Writer.Creator)  - Reason (DesertRose)
[07:19.29] <Shiral> It is pretty cool, KK. I've had good luck there. I've also had some visits that were pretty "meh" and walked out without buying anything. Their jewelry counter has a way of getting me into trouble
[07:19.36] <Evie_> Evidently Otherworlders does not like my jokes
[07:19.38] <Jemler> we have a ghost
[07:19.40] * sproing (Mibbit@OWIRCN-6f6f63fd.pa.comcast.net) has joined channel #deryni_destinations
[07:19.44] <Kildara> shiral - can you send a pic?
[07:19.50] <DesertRose> Okay, I kicked the ghost, but give it a minute to clear off the server.
[07:19.50] <Jemler> hi katrinque
[07:19.51] <The_Bee> Hi Sproing
[07:19.54] <Kildara> Sounds beautiful
[07:19.57] <DesertRose> Rehi katrinque.
[07:20.12] <Shiral> I have one on my  phone, but it's not posted to the Internet anywhere right at the moment, Kilidara
[07:20.14] <KK> Hmmm, I know what you mean about jewelry counters.  I've been finding some good earrings lately, at TJMaxx.
[07:20.35] <DesertRose> Mibbit (the web browser-based chat client) can be a bit unstable; we're trying to find something better, but give us time.  :)
[07:20.35] <Shiral> Because it's all consignment, I can justify quite a lot. =o)
[07:20.38] <sproing> Hi Everyone
[07:20.39] <Evie_> I can't change my nick. *sigh*
[07:20.46] <Jemler> are they called tjmaxx bacause they max out your credit cards?
[07:20.54] <Shiral> But I bought my mother a very pretty jade necklace for last Christmas there
[07:20.57] <DesertRose> Give it a few, Evie_ and try later.
[07:20.59] <Laurna> Hi Sproing
[07:21.16] <DesertRose> I love earrings.  I have a huge collection.
[07:21.19] <Evie_> Hi sproing.
[07:21.24] <KK> Dunno, Jemler.
[07:21.31] * Evie_ is now known as Evie
[07:21.34] * derynibot sets mode +o Evie for #deryni_destinations
[07:21.36] <DesertRose> There you go.  :)
[07:21.38] <KK> Me too, DesertRose.
[07:21.44] <Shiral> I love earrings too. And unfortunately, I'm very talented at losing single earrings from pairs that I like
[07:21.59] <Aerlys> I think gremlins take them
[07:22.01] <DesertRose> Well, I also have my ears pierced multiple times, so I wear a lot of them.
[07:22.01] <Evie> Try gluing them in. Ohhh, wait.
[07:22.02] <KK> Ears pierced?  That helps a lot.
[07:22.02] <Kildara> Shiral - me too
[07:22.05] <Shiral> I could decorate a mini Christmas tree with my mis-matched orphaned earrings
[07:22.09] <DesertRose> LOL
[07:22.12] * sproing is now known as katrinque
[07:22.12] <katrinque> Hello again.
[07:22.12] * katrinque is now known as katrinque2
[07:22.18] <katrinque2> Help
[07:22.19] <katrinque2> Help
[07:22.20] * katrinque2 is now known as katrinque3
[07:22.24] <Evie> welcome back katrinque
[07:22.29] <Laurna> Glueing Earrings? yikes
[07:22.30] <Aerlys> Identity crisis!
[07:22.31] * Alkari (Mibbit@OWIRCN-f319b802.internode.on.net) has joined channel #deryni_destinations
[07:22.37] <EPCarpenter> The wife just got back from shopping- She needed old duds and a very old looking chair for her Hooverville display for her class. The school history fair theme is The Great Depression for some ungodly reason...
[07:22.37] <Evie> Hi Alkari
[07:22.41] <DesertRose> Hi Alkari.
[07:22.45] <Shiral> Yes, ears pierced KK, but I still keep losing them when I do thinks like answer the phone at work. I'm just too talented, that way
[07:22.46] <Alkari> Hi everyone
[07:22.47] <Jemler> hi alkari
[07:22.51] * katrinque3 is now known as katrinque
[07:22.55] <The_Bee> Do they still make earrings for non-pierced ears?  I refuse to have needless needlesstuck in me.
[07:23.01] <Aerlys> Hi Alkari
[07:23.04] <Laurna> Hi Alkari and katrinque
[07:23.08] <DesertRose> Yes, they still make clip-on earrings.
[07:23.13] <Evie> They do, Bee; they're just harder to find
[07:23.14] <Kildara> Bee - yes they do
[07:23.23] <Aerlys> Not as easy to find
[07:23.28] <Shiral> Second hand stores are a good place to look
[07:23.31] <KK> Do you put those little stoppers on the backs of the fishhooks?  Or try replacing the fishhoooks with leverbacks, from Michael's or some such.
[07:23.31] <Jemler> kk, this is katrinque, new member
[07:23.35] <DesertRose> I don't mind having holes in my ears, although my stepdad teases me about looking like I ran afoul of a sewing machine or a BB gun. :)
[07:23.41] <Shiral> Welcome Back, Katrinque
[07:23.46] <Kildara> For cheap - Claires has some - I think you can find them on Etsy, too
[07:23.51] <The_Bee> rehi katrinque
[07:23.56] <Alkari> and if you are desperate, buy an old pair and take off the fittings, then attach a pair of pierced ones that you like.
[07:24.05] <KK> Hello, katrinque.  Cool name.
[07:24.37] <katrinque> Hello KK.  Thank you.
[07:25.03] <katrinque> It's a nickname my father calls me despite my name being Patty
[07:25.10] <Alkari> LOL
[07:25.13] <Evie> revanne says hi to all. She had to get to bed.
[07:25.19] <DesertRose> But then, I have three holes in my lobes (both sides), and one in my right cartilage, so if I wear the little stainless steel ball earrings, I do look like I ran afoul of a BB gun.  :)
[07:25.25] <Evie> How do you get from Patty to katrinque?
[07:25.31] <Shiral> Yes, we all have to go to sleep, sometimes
[07:25.55] <DesertRose> revanne was up super late last night hanging out here, and I think she was tired.
[07:26.04] <Laurna> Sometimes I thing Revanne never sleeps I see her on at all hours
[07:26.09] <Evie> yes, we're a bad influence on her. ;)
[07:26.10] <KK> I've just got the 2 holes; plenty for me.
[07:26.19] <DesertRose> I think she has actually been having trouble sleeping, yes.
[07:26.20] <Alkari> me too.
[07:26.24] <DesertRose> BRB
[07:26.39] <Laurna> We are a bad influence
[07:26.43] <KK> Same question: patty to katrinque?
[07:26.53] <katrinque> I have no idea.  He still can't explain
[07:27.07] <Evie> :D
[07:27.17] <Evie> one of those mysteries of life
[07:27.24] <Aerlys> and it's pronounced..?
[07:27.56] <katrinque> lol
[07:28.08] <Shiral> Duncan must have been keeping Revanne awake
[07:28.15] <Laurna> I have lots and lots of fancy earrings but I can not wear any of them.  I will need to have my ears repierced as they closed up.
[07:28.36] <Evie> Yes, now that I'm not writing about Duncan for a change, he's gone to visit  her and tour England. ;)
[07:28.40] <Shiral> However, none of my earrings looks like the Eye of Rom
[07:28.42] <Laurna> True Shiral.  But I hope now he will let her be.
[07:28.44] <Jemler> you have toomany holes in your head?                                                                                             
[07:28.53] <Aerlys> or you could send them to me, Laurna :)
[07:29.04] <katrinque> kah- TRINK
[07:29.18] <Jemler> i must have been holding down the spacebar.
[07:29.37] <KK> So, no A sound on the end.  Interesting.
[07:30.03] <Laurna> I was thinking it was Cat rin K
[07:30.29] <Evie> KK, Aerlys needs a nice list of Deryni names that also happen to be saint names. :D
[07:30.34] <Laurna> That is why I can not spell I can not pronounce things.
[07:30.40] <Shiral> Maybe she should send Duncan over to bother Evie =o)
[07:30.44] <Jemler> i was thinking yoda, catrin queen, abbrev.
[07:31.37] <Evie> Cat-rin-K would actually be a logical guess, Laurna. I could see that as an alternate pronunciation
[07:31.47] <KK> Saints' names can be anything one wants.  After all, anyone has the potential to become a saint.
[07:32.11] <Evie> Duncan has bothered me enough, thanks. I'm in 21st Century with his descendents at the moment.
[07:32.13] <Aerlys> She's referring to our time, KK
[07:32.26] <Laurna> Speaking of Cats  here is mine blocking my screeen
[07:32.42] <KK> Why, how could that have happened?
[07:32.47] <Jemler> you mean, there could actually be a Saint John?
[07:32.49] <Aerlys> But I enjoy reearching saint names
[07:32.59] <DesertRose> Okay, back.
[07:32.59] <Laurna> And stepping on my keyboard
[07:33.02] <Evie> Yes, probably should have said real world saints with names that happen to be shared by Deryni in your world
[07:33.16] <DesertRose> Sorry, had to check on supper and start some rice cooking to go with the chicken.
[07:33.19] <Kildara> Thanks, for that KK - because I get challenged, from time to time on both my kids' names - so I really like how you just put it.
[07:33.25] * Shiral2 (~Shiral@OWIRCN-36ba981f.ca.comcast.net) has joined channel #deryni_destinations
[07:33.28] <KK> Where do you think I got some of the Deryni names?  There are books of saints, you know....
[07:33.43] <Shiral2> Stupid connection hiccup!
[07:33.56] <DesertRose> And there are websites full of saints' names, too.  :)
[07:34.00] <Aerlys> I have a fine collection of name/saint books
[07:34.04] <KK> What are your kids' names, Kildara?
[07:34.08] <Shiral2> Try the Catholic Encyclopedia
[07:34.14] <Kildara> Jocelyn Bernice and Melanie Sage
[07:34.21] <Evie> True, but she may be needing a specific list sometime in the next...um...6 months?
[07:34.22] <Jemler> like saint ebay, saint facebook..
[07:34.27] <DesertRose> Those are pretty names.
[07:34.29] <Laurna> KK is Kelson's first daughter Princess Roxelane or (Araxandra) Louise Sivorn Cecile Haldane?
[07:34.34] <Kildara> Thanks, DR
[07:34.35] <Jemler> thank you.
[07:34.42] * Shiral (~Shiral@OWIRCN-36ba981f.ca.comcast.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[07:34.43] <Aerlys> Catholic Online has a better and easier list to follow than th CE
[07:34.44] <DesertRose> Not you, Jemler, I meant Kildara.
[07:34.51] <DesertRose> :P
[07:35.38] <katrinque> I cannot keep up with you guys
[07:35.45] <Laurna> lol
[07:35.51] <Evie> We're pretty rapid fire
[07:35.54] <Laurna> Takes a while katrinque
[07:35.55] <Jemler> takes practice.
[07:36.00] <DesertRose> Yeah, we fairly frequently have two or three threads of conversation going at a time.  :)
[07:36.01] <Shiral2> You'll get up to speed soon, Katrinque
[07:36.07] <Kildara> It can be confusing Katrinque = just stay with it - it sorts itself out eventually
[07:36.22] <Aerlys> before you know it you'll be a crazy as the rest of us
[07:36.28] <Evie> If a reply makes no sense, it might be a response to something said earlier
[07:36.30] <DesertRose> Don't scare her off, Aerlys.
[07:36.31] <Jemler> we'd go slower but dan quayle isn't a member.
[07:36.45] <DesertRose> :)
[07:36.51] <Evie> :-P
[07:37.02] <Aerlys> just a fair warning...
[07:37.03] <Shiral2> We pack a lot of talking into an hour's chat once a week =o)
[07:37.11] <Laurna> Now Kitty is on my shoulder trying to get the keyboard
[07:37.14] <DesertRose> Yes, yes we do.
[07:37.17] <Evie> LOL Laurna
[07:37.18] <DesertRose> Hi Laurna's kitty.  :)
[07:37.26] <Shiral2> Cesca is here lying on top of my ipad
[07:37.30] <katrinque> Question:  I can't remember for sure but does Kelson happen to be a descendant of Camber?
[07:37.31] <Jemler> btw, katrinque. you can read past logs at rhemuthcastle.com
[07:37.35] <Shiral2> So I guess that makes it an iPawPad
[07:37.42] <Laurna> Why Yes!
[07:37.43] <DesertRose> KK, speaking of kitties, is Gus in his usual position in the basket?  :)
[07:37.45] <Evie> yes, katrinque
[07:38.02] <katrinque> Oh Awesome
[07:38.07] <Evie> actually, Laurna has just posted some genealogical charts of Camber's descendents
[07:38.18] <DesertRose> Laurna has been hard at work documenting the genealogies.  :)
[07:38.21] <Evie> very detailed charts that make you wonder if she ever sleeps
[07:38.23] <katrinque> Cool
[07:38.31] <Laurna> Nearly all done. 4 out of 6charts posted
[07:38.36] <Aerlys> she's the geneology queen
[07:38.41] <Kildara> where are they posted?
[07:38.44] <The_Bee> Link?
[07:38.44] <KK> Laurna, I can't find it in writing just now, but I seem to remember changing Rob's Roxelane to Araxandra.  Remember that he was messing with items that hadn't yet been written, so they're not set in stone.
[07:38.45] <katrinque> Obviously the people she charts do.
[07:38.48] <Alkari> Bother - have been trying to post a pic of female saints church hangings from Caen but may need to save them to Photobucket.
[07:38.51] <Jemler> i don't think so. he's descedant of cambers dauter inlaw, elinor, after she married jamiedrummond (michaela drummond married rhys michael)
[07:38.52] <Laurna> Thank you to KK and to Robert
[07:38.57] <Shiral2> And Evie has a fondness for exchanging dollheads and bodies
[07:39.03] <Alkari> They had wonderful ones e.g. Saint Scholastica
[07:39.12] <DesertRose> +http://www.rhemuthcastle.com/index.php/topic,1441.0.html,
[07:39.13] <Evie> Are you on the Rhemuth Castle Forum yet, katrinque? If so, they're on there. 
[07:39.14] * Shiral2 likes Araxandra better
[07:39.25] * Shiral2 is now known as Shiral
[07:39.38] * Shiral too
[07:39.39] <Laurna> Ok  thanks KK I will switch the names and Make Araxandra the prominent name.
[07:40.01] <Alkari> Or rather, Sainte Scholastique
[07:40.12] <DesertRose> Cool, Alkari.
[07:40.41] <KK> I need to get a new copy of a genealogy program that will work with my old files.  Lost the old progream when I changed computers last year.
[07:40.50] <DesertRose> Jemler, I think a later generation descendent of Camber's (possibly via Rhysel) married into the Haldane line, so that would make Kelson a descendent of Camber.
[07:40.53] <Alkari> Oh that is SO annoying KK.
[07:41.04] <Shiral> Francesca is here to purr her hello, KK
[07:41.14] <Aerlys> Darn. The sleepies have suddenly hit.
[07:41.22] <Jemler> rhysel, rhys' daughter. ok, forgot her.
[07:41.23] <DesertRose> I hate when that happens, KK.  That's my least favorite part of getting a new computer; that and having to move all my music and stuff.
[07:41.26] <Laurna> Oh no KK.  I would love to see your charts
[07:41.48] * frogonia (Mibbit@OWIRCN-1f1df03a.la.charter.com) has joined channel #deryni_destinations
[07:41.52] <katrinque> I thought so too, that Rhysel married a Haldane
[07:41.56] <DesertRose> Hi Francesca.  *offere ear scritches*
[07:42.08] <Evie> Laurna found the elusive link between Camber and Alaric, KK
[07:42.13] <DesertRose> No, she married an Ainslie, but I think one of her descendents married into the Haldane line.  :)
[07:42.16] <KK> They helped me deal with some discrepancies with Rob's material--though he was a genealogist, among other things, and mostly did a fantastic job fleshing out things.
[07:42.17] <DesertRose> *offers
[07:42.22] <Alkari> My hard drive crashed after I came back from my trip last year, but lucky the gurus were able to restore and I did not need all my backup discs.  At least I *had* saved everything before I went.
[07:42.24] <Shiral> She says thanks, DR
[07:42.36] <Laurna> I found it all  just had to look from camber to alaric.   Not from Alaric to camber
[07:42.44] <The_Bee> I think Rhysel married a human
[07:42.54] <Laurna> Robert Ainsile
[07:42.57] <DesertRose> I miss having a kitty, so I have to pet vicariously when I can.
[07:43.00] <Alkari> That is a long and complex chain, isnt it Laurna
[07:43.10] <Laurna> It is fun
[07:43.27] <Laurna> Lots and lots of fun.  I have ben at it since January
[07:43.33] <DesertRose> My parents' older cat tolerates me, and their younger cat blames me for him being neutered, so he doesn't like me, so I have to pet friends' kitties.
[07:43.35] <Alkari> I want a kitty too.  :(  Maybe they are going to change the by-laws where I live so I can get one
[07:43.42] <Shiral> You  have loong arms to be able to reach clear from Florida!
[07:43.51] <DesertRose> The magic of modern technology.
[07:43.52] <The_Bee> I wonder if Alaric and Duncan might be descended from Jerusha.
[07:44.07] <DesertRose> That, or I finally figured out a way to build a Portal on the 14th floor.  ;)
[07:44.09] <Evie> Are Alaric and Duncan from Canada? ;)
[07:44.27] <Shiral> Ask them to say "About" and find out =o)
[07:44.36] <katrinque> ugh.  I can't remember enough.  I guess I need to re-read yet again.
[07:44.47] <katrinque> KK do you have any idea when more of the Deryni books will  published on Kindle?
[07:45.02] <Evie> Such a hardship, katrinque, having to read them all again. ;)
[07:45.02] <Laurna> Alaric is ...Kenneth, Madonna, Adelicia, Tambert II, Fane, Tiphane, Rhysel, Evaine, Camber. ...Kenneth, Madonna, Arnall, Roger, Nerina, Tiphane, Rhysel, Evaine, Camber.
[07:45.22] <DesertRose> katrinque, there is a chatter from Canada who uses the name Jerusha; that's what the Canada joke is about. :D
[07:45.39] <Laurna> Duncan is ...Jared, Andrew, Adelicia, Tambert II, Fane, Tiphane, Rhysel, Evaine, Camber.    ...Jared, Andrew, Arnall, Roger ,Nerina, Tiphane, Rhysel, Evaine, Camber.
[07:46.08] <KK> No, I need to check with my agent on that.  I owe him an e-mail.  Last I heard, that was in progress.
[07:46.09] <Laurna> KK if there is an error  i would love to know.
[07:46.14] <DesertRose> Wow, Laurna, you've got those charts about memorized.  That's impressive.
[07:46.29] <Laurna> Cut and Paste my dear LOL
[07:46.32] <Shiral> I can't even trace MY  family tree that fast!
[07:46.32] <DesertRose> :D
[07:46.36] <Alkari> LOL
[07:46.44] <Shiral> And well...I'm pretty sure I'm not related to Camber
[07:46.47] <DesertRose> Me neither, not without cheating and looking at Ancestry.com.  :P
[07:47.13] <katrinque> Did I just ask an impertinent question?
[07:47.17] <DesertRose> Heck no.
[07:47.23] <DesertRose> That's a good question, katrinque.  :)
[07:47.28] <Evie> I definitely want the Camber books on Kindle. And if a new narrator can be signed on, on Audible as well
[07:47.28] <Shiral> I leave the genealogy to other family members. I don't have enough patience for it.
[07:47.32] * frogonia (Mibbit@OWIRCN-1f1df03a.la.charter.com) Quit (Quit: +http://www.mibbit.com, ajax IRC Client)
[07:47.56] <Evie> She answered, katrinque. You may need to scroll up. :)
[07:47.57] <Shiral> I liked the narrator for the original trilogy.
[07:48.02] <Evie> I did too
[07:48.10] <Alkari> I have the Kindle app on my iPad but still haven't used it
[07:48.12] <Evie> Like the original narrator, that is
[07:48.14] <DesertRose> Yes, the original narrator was fine; the later one is not optimal.
[07:48.20] <Shiral> The second sounded too much like he gargled with gravel for fun
[07:48.26] <The_Bee> My sister once got a genealogy chart for one branch of my family.  it goes back to the first or second century AD, so I'm not surehow accurate it is.
[07:48.56] <Alkari> wow - I wouldn't have thought you COULD trace back so far!
[07:49.00] <Laurna> gargled with gravel for fun ?  Oh dear
[07:49.00] <katrinque> Great.  on both questions
[07:49.02] <katrinque> Amen
[07:49.17] <Evie> Highly unlikely to be accurate, unless you can trace back to royalty, and even then it's dubious
[07:49.27] <Kildara> We have a genealogy chart for one branch that goes back to the Doomsday (sp?) book
[07:49.32] <Shiral> Well, Adam Sinclair might find it helpful to go back that far since he's been around the block a few times reincarnationally speaking
[07:49.42] <KK> I need to mention that to my agent.  I actually talked to the first one, to give him accurate pronunciations.  I never talked to the later one, and haven't listened to any of those.
[07:50.04] <DesertRose> Yes, the second narrator is...suboptimal.
[07:50.08] <Alkari> Yes, if you can go back to something like that Kildara, it is possible in some cases
[07:50.10] <The_Bee> She found it on the Mormons' website.    Don't know if they double-check what their informant gives them.
[07:50.17] <Shiral> The first sounded quite distinguished
[07:50.18] <Laurna> I think one family member had my family going back to Richard the conqueror  but I could not prove it.
[07:50.38] <KK> Adam's genealogy would be....complicated, since bodies and souls don't necessarily follow the same tracks.
[07:50.45] <Alkari> And I heard somewhere that there is one jewish family (the Coens??) that can trace theirs back pretty well
[07:50.52] <EPCarpenter> Some people can trace that kind of ancestry, but only people from Royal or high noble blood lines. No one else kept track back then.
[07:50.52] <The_Bee> I'm supposedly descended from Old King Cole (AKA Coel)
[07:50.57] <Shiral> I wouldn't want to be the one who had to trace it for him. =o)
[07:50.58] <Evie> Let me put it this way, KK. DH walked into the room when I was listening to the prologue of TKD, heard one paragraph, and asked "Whose book is that narrator butchering, and does the author know?" or words to that effect.
[07:51.02] <DesertRose> I can get a branch of my father's line back to the Norman conquest, but I'm not descended from William himself, just one of his knights who wound up with a good bit of Yorkshire after the Battle of Hastings.
[07:51.03] <Kildara> Cool Bee
[07:51.08] <Alkari> Oh wow - that is an interesting concept KK - bodies and souols not following
[07:51.35] <Shiral> Not to mention that you might be a man in one life and a woman in the next
[07:51.42] <Evie> Yes, Alkari, since Coen/Cohen means "priest," so they'd be Levites
[07:51.43] <DesertRose> Indeed.
[07:52.08] <DesertRose> Sorry, that "Indeed" was to Shiral.  Evie just typed at about the same time I did about the Coen/Cohen thing.
[07:52.11] <Shiral> Probably best to stick to Adam's traceable family ancestors =o)
[07:52.23] <The_Bee> The nthere are the "synthetic Cohens"
[07:52.23] <Alkari> I gather they have done some interesting genealogical studies re medical research on the Cohens
[07:52.56] <Kildara> I heard about that Alkari
[07:53.09] <Kildara> Don't remember specifics now
[07:53.09] <Alkari> But going back beyond the Doomsday book would be a bit iffy.  Unless you were clear nobility.
[07:53.20] <EPCarpenter> Lots of interesting references to people in the Bible who they took no great pains to identify in depth. My favorite is the Nephilim.
[07:53.21] <Shiral> I like natural fiber Cohens better--they breathe so much better
[07:53.24] <Kildara> Minor nobility - very minor
[07:53.34] <DesertRose> My mom made a crack after watching Raiders of the Lost Ark that if she were for some odd reason to run across the Ark of the Covenant, she'd start looking for a rabbi with the Cohen name rather than go near it herself.
[07:53.49] <Alkari> ROFL @ DR
[07:54.01] <Evie> LOL
[07:54.21] <DesertRose> Supposedly only the Levites were allowed to touch it, and she was thinking not to take any chances on that. :)
[07:54.23] <Kildara> And this chart was for a female great-grandmother - so no hereditary claims here
[07:54.39] * Jerusha (Mibbit@OWIRCN-9e53f447.mco.bellsouth.net) has joined channel #deryni_destinations
[07:54.44] <DesertRose> And there's Jerusha.
[07:54.44] <Evie> hi Jerusha
[07:54.47] <Shiral> Hello Jerusha
[07:54.48] <Laurna> Hello Jerusha
[07:54.48] <Alkari> HI Jerusha
[07:54.51] <Kildara> hi Jerusha
[07:54.57] <Shiral> Any new news on The Road to Killingford, KK?
[07:55.37] <Aerlys> hi jerusha
[07:55.57] <Kildara> I guess great-grandmothers have to be female - just read my answer - typing faster than my brain again
[07:56.07] <KK> Nope.  I'm just starting to get a handle on the Honorverse story I owe David Weber.
[07:56.12] <EPCarpenter> If you look for the strange genealogical trees out there for some famous people, you can find one that allegedly traces George Washington back to Priam of Troy. It isn't a new creation, either. Old George really hails back to the Lords of the Isles, and THEY really thought they went back to Troy...
[07:56.15] <Shiral> Oh, that's right
[07:56.20] <Evie> LOL, Kildara. Yes, being female helps
[07:56.21] <Kildara> I'm looking forward to that one KK
[07:56.28] <The_Bee> Synthetic Cohans:  When the immigration officials were interviewing Jewish immigrants, if they couldn't pronounce the real name, they wrote down "Cohan."
[07:56.37] <The_Bee> or Cohen
[07:56.45] * katrinque (Mibbit@OWIRCN-6f6f63fd.pa.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: +http://www.mibbit.com, ajax IRC Client)
[07:57.23] <The_Bee> Hi Jerusha
[07:57.41] <Jemler> nite katrinque
[07:57.48] <Laurna> There goes Mibbit being mean
[07:58.16] <Evie> Bad Mibbit. no oatcake
[07:58.24] <KK> Hmmm, it's nearly 8.  GOtta dash.  See you guys next week, I hope.
[07:58.34] <The_Bee> we hope so too
[07:58.34] <Evie> Goodnight, KK
[07:58.36] <Laurna> Game of Thrones tonigh
[07:58.37] <Kildara> G'nite KK
[07:58.39] <Jerusha> Hi Everyone!
[07:58.41] <Laurna> Good Night KK
[07:58.45] <EPCarpenter> GNight KK
[07:58.45] <Evie> hi Jerusha
[07:58.50] <The_Bee> Thanks for comomng, KK. have a good week.
[07:58.51] <Jemler> nite kk
[07:58.54] <DesertRose> Night, KK!
[07:58.54] <Shiral> Night, KK
[07:58.55] * KK steps onto her Portal, waves goodnight, and disappears in a shower of green sparkles.
[07:58.57] <DesertRose> Have a good week.
[07:59.02] <KK> Nighters.
[07:59.04] <Alkari> Night KK
[07:59.09] * KK Quit (Quit: +http://www.mibbit.com, ajax IRC Client)
"If having a soul means being able to feel love, loyalty, and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans."

James Herriot (James Alfred "Alfie" Wight), when a human client asked him if animals have souls.  (I don't remember in which book the story originally appeared.)