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KK Chat -- 15 December 2013 Part 2

Started by DesertRose, December 15, 2013, 08:52:52 PM

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[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:41:18 PM] <Texanu> Evie, yes, I've read this one)) in Russian this book has another name and I couldn't to decipher an abbreviation at the moment. =)
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:41:27 PM] <jemler> after what happened to Canall, I don't think that will be a problem!
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:41:53 PM] <Evie> I think there's a place on the Forum that has the English book titles and the letters we tend to use as abbreviations for them.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:41:55 PM] <DesertRose> LOL, jemler.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:42:00 PM] <jemler> texanu, what is the Russian title?
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:42:17 PM] <Evie> or have you found our forum yet? http://www.rhemuthcastle.com
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:44:01 PM] <Laurna> I wish every one a wonderful pre Christmas/holiday week. I am going to the movies.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:44:12 PM] <DesertRose> Okay, see you later, Laurna.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:44:18 PM] <The_Bee> which movie?
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:44:29 PM] <Laurna> Hobit time good night all
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:44:39 PM] <Alkari> Enjoy Laurna!
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:44:42 PM] <The_Bee> I want to see that one.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:44:47 PM] <Shiral> Bye, Laurna
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:44:49 PM] <Alkari> It starts her on Boxing Day
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:44:51 PM] <KK> I've heard it's better than the first.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:44:53 PM] <Alkari> * here
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:45:02 PM] <Evie> There's also the static website, Texanu: http://www.rhemuthcastle.com/static/
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:45:05 PM] <DesertRose> I enjoyed it more than the first one.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:45:08 PM] <Texanu> KK, yes, there are some. And in English books I find less mistakes than in ours. =)) Of course, may be it is of that I don't know English so good. It is anyway pleasant! And names... oh, my God! In every translation they are different! :/
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:45:10 PM] <Shiral> I'm going to go see it tomorrow
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:45:29 PM] Part Laurna has left this channel.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:46:17 PM] <Evie> Your English seems to be good enough to follow our chat, so you can probably follow the English versions of the books. It would definitely help with your fluency to read them in English.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:46:18 PM] <KK> Texanu, your English is very good! Especially, to keep up with our rapid-fire chatting here, with several conversations going on at once. Bravo to you!
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:46:36 PM] <jemler> well folks. until next week. once upon a time is almost over.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:46:51 PM] <Shiral> Your English is much much better than my Russian, I'll tell you that! =o)
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:47:01 PM] <Evie> I hope to see The Hobbit when on holiday next week
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:47:02 PM] <Shiral> Bye, Jemler
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:47:07 PM] <Texanu> jemler, the direct translation back will be "Deriny bride" I think
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:47:08 PM] <Alkari> Bye jemler
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:47:14 PM] <Shiral> Merry Christmas, Jemler
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:47:21 PM] <DesertRose> See you, jemler.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:47:21 PM] <Evie> I'll be in TN from next weekend to New Year's day
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:47:25 PM] <jemler> texanu. nice to meet you. come back again!
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:47:28 PM] <Alkari> And Merry Christmas to you and everyone else. in case I don't make Chat next week!
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:47:30 PM] * Shiral gives Jemler a Christmas swat with a minnow wearing a red bow
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:47:31 PM] <The_Bee> Merry Christmas, Jelmer and everyone.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:47:49 PM] * Alkari sends a decorative mackerel to jemler
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:47:55 PM] <Shiral> Merry Christmas Alkari
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:48:00 PM] <KK> Merry Christmas to all!
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:48:01 PM] <DesertRose> Enjoy your trip to Tennessee, Evie.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:48:02 PM] <jemler> merry christmas all!
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:48:06 PM] <DesertRose> Merry Christmas, Alkari.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:48:08 PM] <Evie> Your book covers would be different there as well, Texanu.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:48:11 PM] * Shiral won't be back until January
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:48:16 PM] <DesertRose> Merry Christmas, KK. :)
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:48:17 PM] <jemler> and toall a good night!
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:48:20 PM] <Evie> Merry Christmas
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:48:24 PM] Quit jemler has left this server (Quit: ).
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:48:25 PM] <DesertRose> Enjoy your Hawaii trip, Shiral.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:48:27 PM] <Shiral> Merry Christmas, KK!
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:48:27 PM] <KK> And I'll be here next week, but maybe not the week between Christmas and the new year, since Cameron will be here.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:48:39 PM] <Evie> that should be enjoyable
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:48:44 PM] <Shiral> Looking forward to the next Childe Morgan book
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:48:49 PM] <Alkari> I'm going to get going too, so Merry Christmas everyone ! :)
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:48:57 PM] <Shiral> Night, Alkari
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:48:59 PM] <DesertRose> See you, Alkari.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:49:03 PM] <KK> Indeed. He gets to set up my new computer for me! :-)
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:49:04 PM] <Shiral> Merry Christmas and happy New year
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:49:06 PM] <Evie> Yes, I can hardly wait for it to be in the store, so I'll know more than one scene that happens in it. :D
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:49:09 PM] <The_Bee> Merry Christmas to all and to all a goodbye
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:49:14 PM] <KK> (Yes, it's here!)
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:49:17 PM] <Shiral> Oh hooray, KK gets a new machine!
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:49:18 PM] <Evie> Yay!
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:49:24 PM] Quit Texanu has left this server (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client).
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:49:25 PM] <Alkari> I definitely won't be here next week as I remembered I have to go up and get my stitches out
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:49:31 PM] Join deryni_guest4783 has joined this channel (Mibbit@297948.7A2187.1CC9DA.C8AE37).
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:49:32 PM] <DesertRose> Yay for new computer!
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:49:42 PM] <The_Bee> Hi DG
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:49:42 PM] <Alkari> So see you all around New year.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:49:47 PM] <Evie> welcome back, Texanu, if that's you
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:49:53 PM] <DesertRose> Happy birthday a little early, Alkari.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:49:57 PM] * Shiral blesses new machine with enormous powers of inspiration
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:49:59 PM] Nick deryni_guest4783 is now known as Texanu.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:50:07 PM] <Alkari> Thanks DR. Might see you before then :)
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:50:16 PM] <KK> Yes! Monitor arrived less than a week after I ordered it, and the box this past Friday. Dell is FAST!
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:50:20 PM] <Alkari> Bye all - stay safe and have a wonderful Christmas.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:50:25 PM] <Evie> Oh yes, New Year Baby, aren't you? I almost forgo
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:50:26 PM] <Evie> forgot
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:50:33 PM] <Texanu> Yes, it's me :)
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:50:44 PM] <Texanu> Bye
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:50:50 PM] <KK> Good night to you all, and happy new year to those we won't see until then.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:50:51 PM] * Alkari waves and steps into her tinselled Transfer Portal
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:51:01 PM] Quit Alkari has left this server (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client).
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:51:23 PM] * The_Bee is buzzing off too
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:51:24 PM] <Evie> I'm glad the tinsel doesn't create interference with the transfer portal magic
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:51:27 PM] <DesertRose> See you, Bee.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:51:41 PM] <KK> And Texanu, do come back! We've enjoyed having you here.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:51:41 PM] <Shiral> Night Bee. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:51:56 PM] * The_Bee flies throught her portal, wafting fratgances of poinsettias and evergreens.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:52:05 PM] Quit The_Bee has left this server (Quit: ).
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:52:19 PM] <Evie> I'm glad you had a good trip, KK. Which cruise line did you use?
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:52:43 PM] <KK> Yes, tinsel might act like it does on electric train tracks--at least the old metal tinsel they had when I was little. My sister and I used to deliberately put strands across the tracks, then run the engine over them, to see the sparks.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:52:45 PM] * Shiral steps onto her portal, waves farewell and disappears in a cloud of tropical flower petals
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:52:46 PM] <Evie> We briefly looked at some river cruise on the Rhine, but I forget the company name. Viking, maybe?
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:52:55 PM] <Evie> lol
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:53:04 PM] <DesertRose> Bye, Shiral.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:53:11 PM] <Shiral> Ah yes. the good old days of tinsel!
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:53:31 PM] <KK> Viking. The ships are great, the staff are wonderful, our stateroom was immaculate and had everything, even a shower with pressure. (Better than my one at home, if the truth be told.)
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:53:35 PM] <Texanu> KK, and I'm glad to find such a chat.)) It was just a randomness, but such a good randomness! =)
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:53:36 PM] <Evie> My husband's family used to use real lead tinsel that had to be applied strand by strand
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:53:51 PM] <Shiral> Anyhow, Merry Christmas to all, and a happy new year until I get back. Evie, I hope that shot reduces your arm pain in a miraculous way!
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:54:13 PM] <Evie> Oh, that's good to know! If it looks like travel in that area will be a possibility in the near future, we'll give them another look
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:54:16 PM] <Shiral> Night, Texanu, do please keep coming to chat! =o)
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:54:20 PM] <Evie> Thanks,Shiral. I hope so!
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:54:30 PM] <Shiral> Now I'm really going, says the disembodied voice of Shiral
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:54:38 PM] <KK> Be very suspicious of "coincidences," Texanu. :-) You obviously were meant to find us.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:54:42 PM] <Evie> Yes, we tend to be VERY random around here, Texanu.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:55:05 PM] <Evie> And if you like cats, we also tend to talk about cats a LOT. And dogs too, since KK has several of each
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:55:27 PM] <Evie> But I think we have more cat owners here than dog owners, or at least more vocal cat owners
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:55:38 PM] <Shiral> Mraaow!
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:55:42 PM] <Evie> Sometimes we even talk about Deryni. :D
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:55:43 PM] <DesertRose> :)
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:55:46 PM] <Shiral> Couldn't resist
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:55:49 PM] <Shiral> =o)
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:56:05 PM] <KK> And the littles. Has anyone told him about the littles?
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:56:17 PM] <Evie> And this is a good place to come with questions about the books, since we have the author here
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:56:23 PM] Quit Shiral has left this server (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client).
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:56:47 PM] <Evie> I don't think we have mentioned the littles except in passing. I have made several of the book characters as 1:6 scale action figures.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:57:16 PM] <Texanu> Evie, you've wrote that my English is better than your Russian? The history of massages cleaned, when I reentered... Russian is much more difficult, not only grammatically but also in lots of meanings of the words and in contexts... :)
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:57:20 PM] <Evie> http://minideryni.weebly.com/ Here are a few of the Deryni in doll form.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:58:02 PM] <Evie> Your English has to be better than my Russian, since the only Russian I have is "da" and "nyet," and I'm not even sure if "da" is right. :D
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:59:20 PM] <Evie> and I couldn't write them in the Cyrillic alphabet to save my life
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [08:59:24 PM] <Texanu> Evie, it is right. =))))
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:00:11 PM] <Evie> I think it sounds beautiful, though, even though I have no clue what people are saying.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:01:34 PM] <Evie> My daughter wants to visit either England or Russia when she finishes high school. She says she wants to visit England because she could see castles, and she already knows the language. She has no idea why she wants to see Russia, but she wants to see it anyway.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:02:48 PM] <KK> She might see a bit of Russia, but it's vast.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:03:12 PM] <Evie> KK, we looked into the Viking cruises because our friends in TN has promised both of our children a trip to wherever they want to go as a graduation present, and originally DS wanted to go to Germany.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:03:38 PM] <Texanu> I want to see England very much! May be after the exams at univercity... don't know... It is said that there are problems with visa :(
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:03:44 PM] <Evie> So DH and I thought it would be nice to go too, on a separate trip yet close enough to their destinations to be on hand in case of an emergency.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:04:13 PM] <Evie> Are you at university, Texanu? My son is a first year student at our local university.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:04:24 PM] <KK> So, are you at university in Petersburg?
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:04:27 PM] <Evie> and I work at the same uni
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:05:32 PM] <KK> Evie, the Viking cruises are awesome. And it would be quite safe for a young lady traveling alone.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:05:35 PM] <Texanu> Evie, yes)
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:05:53 PM] <KK> What are you studying?
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:07:24 PM] <Texanu> medicine... Medical faculty of State SPb Univercity. :)
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:07:27 PM] <Evie> KK, are there Viking cruises that include Amsterdam? I have a friend in the Netherlands near Amsterdam, so having that as an end point would be great.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:07:56 PM] <Evie> Oh, nice! My university is also a teaching hospital. University of Alabama at Birmingham, in Birmingham, Alabama.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:08:06 PM] <Evie> The Birmingham in the United States rather than in England.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:08:14 PM] <KK> Yes, I think so. Go to their website. They do dozens of cruises. And I learned on the trip that Viking actually started in Russia.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:09:00 PM] <Evie> That's appropriate, given the ancient Rus. :-)
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:09:43 PM] <KK> Medicine. Wow! I don't envy you that preparation. I went to medical school for a year, you know--University of Miami, in Florida--but decided after a year that I would rather write about medicine than practice it. I'm glad I went, though.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:10:06 PM] <Texanu> KK, I'll necessarily see, thanks)))
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:10:32 PM] <Evie> We're glad you decided to write too, all things considered. :-)
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:10:42 PM] <KK> So am I.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:11:05 PM] <irina> amsterdam isn't really on a river though
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:11:06 PM] <Evie> Otherwise I'd be making little 1:6 action figures wearing scrubs...oh, wait, I guess I wouldn't be. ;-)
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:11:39 PM] <irina> but it's easy to get there by train from anywhere in the netherlands
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:12:03 PM] <KK> No, but they often bus you to or from end or beginning point and your ship. We ended out tour in Passau, but flew back from Munich, which is neary two hours by bus.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:12:06 PM] <Evie> No, but I think some of the cruises end somewhere in or near the Netherlands, and if I can get to the Netherlands, it's easy enough to get to Zoetermeer from there.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:12:30 PM] <irina> oh! I wouldn't call Zoetermeer "near Amsterdam"
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:12:51 PM] <Evie> "Near" is a relative term, Irina. It's about an hour or so drive, isn't it?
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:12:58 PM] <irina> but I've probably got a different idea of scale than people in the US
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:13:02 PM] <Evie> Remember, I live in the US. :D
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:13:08 PM] <irina> not sure about driving but it's about an hour by train yes
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:13:25 PM] <Evie> I consider Atlanta Georgia to be "near," because it only takes 2.5 to 3 hours to drive there.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:13:25 PM] <KK> Well, maybe by American standards. Europeans who come to America for the first time are always amazed at how huge this country is.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:13:32 PM] <irina> that makes *me* live near Amsterdam
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:13:43 PM] <irina> (1:25 by train)
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:13:56 PM] <irina> I think of it as being on the other side of the country
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:13:59 PM] <Evie> See, for me that makes it practically in the back yard. :D
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:14:09 PM] <Texanu> Well. I like medicine. But I don't want to become the practicing doctor... something closer to science. Everyone says that than I should study abroad, because there it will be easier. But I'm afraid.)) May be later... but not now. =)
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:14:27 PM] <irina> Texanu: Rotterdam is a good place to study medicine
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:14:31 PM] <irina> the Erasmus university
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:14:55 PM] <irina> (my best friend's daughter is studying medicine there, will get her doctorate in January)
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:15:04 PM] <KK> Are you interested in research, then?
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:15:06 PM] <Evie> And if you decide to study in the US, then UAB is a good university/hospital
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:15:15 PM] <Evie> lots of research going on at UAB
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:15:32 PM] <KK> Or UVA--University of Virginia.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:16:35 PM] <Evie> When my daughter was born, she had a rare heart condition, and we were told that it was fortunate that she was born here in Birmingham, because outside of UAB, the top two other hospitals for the neonatal surgery she needed were in London and Paris.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:16:57 PM] <DesertRose> Oh my.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:18:31 PM] <Texanu> Wow. You're really fortunate. Is everything is ok now?
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:19:10 PM] <Evie> And even then, even though her cardiologist had done that procedure on other infants, he normally only saw one or two cases a year. And by some odd coincidence, there just happened to be another baby in hospital with the same condition...and her mother came from the same small town where I finished high school!
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:19:29 PM] <Evie> She's fine now. She sees a cardiologist every few years just for a check up.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:20:07 PM] <DesertRose> BRB
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:20:30 PM] <Evie> everything is progressing normally. She had a short lived problem with fainting spells last year, but the doctor said to just increase her sodium and water intake.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:21:00 PM] <Evie> and she's never going to be a long distance runner, but aside from that, she's healthy as a horse.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:22:08 PM] <Texanu> that's great =))
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:23:12 PM] <Evie> KK, I haven't had a chance to work on Mini-Rhys and Mini-Evaine much this month, but if I can get them done in the next week or two, I'm hoping to get them shipped sometime during the holiday.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:23:40 PM] <Evie> I just need to repaint Rhys' eyes and give him a Healer kit. Evaine has a new inkwell and quill pens.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:23:56 PM] <KK> Whenever it's convenient, evie. Don't over-stress that shoulder. No rush whatsoever.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:24:30 PM] <Evie> If this cortisone shot helps as much as everyone tells me it will, I should be able to do the fine detail work once the inflammation goes down.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:24:37 PM] <KK> And on that note, I think I'm going to sign off for tonight. Jet lag is catching up with me.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:24:53 PM] <Evie> Yes, get some rest.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:24:55 PM] <DesertRose> Okay, have a good week!
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:25:05 PM] <Evie> And I don't even want to know how late it is in St Petersburg! :D
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:25:14 PM] <Evie> or is it early morning now?
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:25:39 PM] <KK> Studying, Texanu? (Or <supposed> to be studying?)
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:26:10 PM] <Evie> Irina, are you just going to stay up straight until Mass, or just staying up until the bread is done baking?
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:26:25 PM] <irina> until the bread is done baking
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:26:37 PM] <irina> if I stayed up until Mass I'd have to stay up a whole week :-)
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:26:42 PM] <irina> it's early Monday morning here
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:26:46 PM] <KK> It will smell good in your house. :-)
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:26:47 PM] <Evie> LOL! Don't do that, then. :D
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:26:53 PM] <irina> it's in the oven now, another 20 min or so
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:26:55 PM] <Evie> Yes, I forgot the day
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:27:08 PM] <Evie> My mind still thinks it's Saturday instead of Sunday here.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:27:14 PM] <irina> if it was Sunday I'd be likely to stay up, yes
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:27:17 PM] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:27:36 PM] <irina> otoh if it was Sunday I wouldn't be baking brown bread
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:27:52 PM] <irina> it's for students to take in their lunch boxes
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:27:53 PM] <Evie> I woke up barely in time to get to church this morning, but felt like I'd been kicked by a mule, so I thought I'd close my eyes for a few moments, and instead went back to sleep.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:27:53 PM] <KK> My mind hardly knows what day it is. Catching up, though. Nighters, all. And merry Christmas.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:28:03 PM] <DesertRose> Night, KK. :)
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:28:07 PM] <irina> night KK! and merry Christmas!
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:28:10 PM] <Evie> Merry Christmas
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:28:29 PM] * KK steps onto her Portal, waves good-night, and disappears in a shower of green sparkles.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:28:35 PM] <Evie> My littles are using your little candleholder as an Advent wreath
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:28:38 PM] <irina> no tinsel?
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:28:46 PM] <KK> That's what it is.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:28:52 PM] <Evie> so I figured. :D
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:29:02 PM] <KK> From Austria, I think.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:29:16 PM] * irina throws a handful of tinsel into KK's portal
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:29:32 PM] <KK> <spark, flash>
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:29:37 PM] * DesertRose rings bells and hangs mistletoe above the Portal.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:29:38 PM] <Evie> :D
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:29:41 PM] <KK> Nighters!
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:29:45 PM] <Evie> g'night
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:29:45 PM] <DesertRose> Night! :)
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:29:48 PM] <Texanu> KK, no.))) I was going to bed, when I decided to look for something about "earls for life". So, I get here, and chatted nearly all the night long. :D And I don't know if there any sense go sleeping now)))
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:30:08 PM] <Evie> :D
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:30:22 PM] <KK> You found us by googling earls for life? Wow.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:30:23 PM] <irina> Texanu: good training for when you're a doctor!
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:30:28 PM] <Evie> This is a longer than normal chat, Texanu. It normally only lasts an hour.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:30:41 PM] <irina> I'm glad it was still going on when I got up
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:30:46 PM] <Evie> But KK has been gone for a few weeks, so we are catching up
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:30:47 PM] <Texanu> I'm writing to slow :(
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:31:01 PM] <DesertRose> It's okay, Texanu.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:31:28 PM] <KK> I usually boogie at 8, for Once Upon a Time, but I'm losing interest. But after the first of the year, it will be Downton Abbey again.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:31:55 PM] <Evie> Just when I finally bought season 3 of Downton Abbey (but haven't watched it yet, so no spoilers!)
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:32:22 PM] <KK> My lips are sealed. Or my fingers are.... Oh, well.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:32:29 PM] <DesertRose> :)
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:32:49 PM] <Evie> I already know one spoiler I wish I didn't. *sigh*
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:33:54 PM] <Evie> I would watch season 3, but DS is watching the series with me.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:34:06 PM] <KK> I've heard that the series is runing out of steam, and that season 4 is not as good. Ah, well nothing lasts forever.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:34:13 PM] <DesertRose> So you have to wait for him?
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:34:43 PM] <Texanu> Evie, One day I wanted to find an English chat - a good practice in English. :D That one that I found was full of swearings and so on. And there were a lot of daily words that I didn't understand at all. After that I finished looking for English cats.))
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:34:44 PM] <Evie> I either have to wait for him or else keep my lips zipped to avoid spoiling it, so I'd rather watch it with him.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:34:54 PM] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:34:56 PM] <Evie> LOL, Texanu!
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:35:14 PM] <Evie> There's almost no swearing here, but lots of cats, English or otherwise.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:35:19 PM] <DesertRose> Well, in some circles, English speakers do swear a good bit. :)
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:35:31 PM] <DesertRose> Not much hereabouts, though.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:35:54 PM] <KK> We're very polite, and only rarely swat Jemler with a virtual mackeral (or other fishy thing) when he makes too bad a pun.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:35:57 PM] <Texanu> mm... cats? =\
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:36:23 PM] <DesertRose> Or if his sense of humor starts to break the PG13 guidelines. :)
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:36:32 PM] <Evie> especially in England. I remember my son doing some online gaming, and afterwards he told me, "The German players are really nice, and the Irish are OK, but those English and their swear words...when they found out I'm American, I had to go to Urban Dictionary just to look up what I am!" :D
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:36:44 PM] <KK> Most of us serve as staff to cats. (Dogs have masters; cats have staff.)
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:37:30 PM] <KK> Only common Brits swear like that.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:37:44 PM] <DesertRose> But if you want to practice your English, Texanu, this is probably a good place for it.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:37:50 PM] <Evie> Dogs: "My human loves me, my master feeds me, he takes me on walks...He must be God!" Cats: "My human loves me, my human feeds me, he cleans the litter box...I must be God!"
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:38:51 PM] <Evie> Oh, I don't remember running into a lot of foul language when I was in the UK back in the 1980s. Then again, that was the 1980s. And it wasn't all that prevalent here then either compared to now.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:38:54 PM] <DesertRose> LOL, Evie, that's just about true.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:38:56 PM] <KK> <Good grief, there's a cat sitting on my lap right now!>
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:39:02 PM] <DesertRose> Gus, KK?
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:39:14 PM] <KK> How did you guess?
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:39:23 PM] <DesertRose> He's the usual suspect. :)
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:39:29 PM] <Evie> Luke is cat-pouting because i won't let him sit on my bad arm.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:39:29 PM] <KK> He missed me.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:39:45 PM] <Evie> he keeps trying to administer purr therapy
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:39:58 PM] <DesertRose> It depends on where you are in the UK. I have a very dear friend who is British and can swear up a storm when he wants to but is usually very polite.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:40:03 PM] <Texanu> I understand about cats and stuff... But what is the affair between cats and chat room?:/
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:40:16 PM] <DesertRose> Just don't break a machine at his work, and he won't generally swear at you.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:40:21 PM] <KK> And the dogs apparently started pining for me after about 2 days--and tearing stuff up, and looking for me.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:40:32 PM] <Evie> Texanu, there is almost always someone here on Sunday evenings (or possibly Monday early morning where you are), but sometimes you can find a few people here in what would be early afternoon or evening in the US.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:40:39 PM] <DesertRose> Texanu: you made a typo of "cat" where you probably meant "chat."
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:40:53 PM] <DesertRose> (A few minutes ago)
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:40:59 PM] <KK> Which is a French cat.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:41:03 PM] <Evie> A lot of us are cat owners, Texanu
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:41:14 PM] <KK> Cat staff.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:41:15 PM] <Evie> And KK has several cats and dogs
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:41:27 PM] <DesertRose> She has dogs; the cats have her. :D
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:41:41 PM] <KK> Evie's cats are also quite the characters, and "help" her with the Littles.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:41:50 PM] <Evie> True. A LOT of "help."
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:42:02 PM] <DesertRose> Especially Luke, it seems from the pictures.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:42:09 PM] <Evie> I have trouble taking photos of them without Luke trying to get into the scene
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:42:19 PM] <Evie> Gigi is more polite
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:43:37 PM] <Evie> I had lots of trouble making Rhys' wig because Luke wanted to play with mohair
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:45:57 PM] <Evie> and Gigi is obsessed with furry things, so I have to hide him in a cabinet to keep Gigi from dragging him off by the hair.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:46:04 PM] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:47:18 PM] <irina> is it very decadent to eat ice cream at 3:45 in the morning?
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:47:26 PM] <irina> I had a sudden craving and there was some in the freezer
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:47:28 PM] <Evie> Yes. So enjoy being decadent.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:47:35 PM] <irina> am doing that
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:47:36 PM] <KK> Arrrrr! There be giant pumas waiting to drag off the unwary!
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:47:38 PM] <irina> it's pecan caramel
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:47:43 PM] <DesertRose> Yum! :)
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:47:58 PM] <Evie> I think the jet lag is making KK hallucinate. ;-)
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:48:02 PM] <KK> Now you've got me wondering if there's any ice cream left in our freezer....
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:48:12 PM] <Texanu> I'll go to sleep a bit...)) Glad to meet you all. See you later)) :)
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:48:18 PM] <DesertRose> We actually did not set ice-cream author traps tonight.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:48:22 PM] <Evie> good to meet you, Texanu!
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:48:22 PM] <DesertRose> That's moderately unusual.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:48:34 PM] <KK> Good night, Texanu.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:48:35 PM] <DesertRose> Good to meet you, Texanu. Come back and see us again sometime!! :)
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:49:01 PM] <KK> And I, too, am outa here, taking my pesky cat with me.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:49:08 PM] <Evie> good night, KK
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:49:11 PM] <KK> Again, Merry Christmas to al.
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:49:15 PM] <KK> all
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:49:15 PM] <DesertRose> Night, KK!
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:49:19 PM] <Evie> and the rest of the states too
[Sunday, December 15, 2013] [09:49:19 PM] Quit KK has left this server (Quit: ).
"If having a soul means being able to feel love, loyalty, and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans."

James Herriot (James Alfred "Alfie" Wight), when a human client asked him if animals have souls.  (I don't remember in which book the story originally appeared.)