The Worlds of Katherine Kurtz

Katherine Kurtz and Scott MacMillan => Archived Chats => Chat Logs => 2022 Archive => Topic started by: DesertRose on August 14, 2022, 07:21:33 PM

Title: KK Chat -- 14 August 2022
Post by: DesertRose on August 14, 2022, 07:21:33 PM
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:06:43 PM EDT] Join KK has joined this channel.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:06:47 PM EDT] <bynw> Hi KK
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:06:51 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> there she is! Hullo KK
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:06:53 PM EDT] <KK> Hello, all.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:06:58 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Hi KK
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:06:58 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Hi KK
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:07:01 PM EDT] <Eris> <Laurna> Hello KK
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:07:02 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> Hi KK
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:07:30 PM EDT] <KK> How's everybody this evening?
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:07:43 PM EDT] <The_Bee> muddling through
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:07:46 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Doing OK here
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:07:48 PM EDT] <Eris> <Laurna> We are wondering if we will ever know the origins of ORIN
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:07:50 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Just ducky! 🙂
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:08:01 PM EDT] * bynw is great
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:08:01 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> We're havng fun with Derry's family line and a handsome Torenthi stranger
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:08:16 PM EDT] <bynw> 61 days to go
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:08:18 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> He ended up at my house, eating ravioli
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:08:19 PM EDT] <KK> Laurna, probably not.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:08:37 PM EDT] <Eris> <Laurna> We will be happy with the mystery
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:08:46 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Because Nezz's husband brought home a Torenthi from the grocery store rather than tortellini, thanks to autocorrect. 😉
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:08:52 PM EDT] <Eris> <Laurna> Rather playing with the mystery
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:09:07 PM EDT] <The_Bee> He had a mother and a father.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:09:11 PM EDT] <bynw> tortellini is good though
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:09:28 PM EDT] <KK> Tee-hee, re Nezz's husband. :-)
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:09:33 PM EDT] <bynw> but that's my Italian quarter talking
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:09:35 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> It is, but I ended up with a Torenthi instead of tortellini
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:09:55 PM EDT] <Eris> <Laurna> Please don't eat the Torenthi
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:09:56 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> Now where did auto correct get Torenthi to substitute for tortellini. That's a mystery
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:10:14 PM EDT] <KK> I wonder what a Torenthi was doing in the grocery store....
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:10:38 PM EDT] <Eris> <Laurna> That is why we think The TARDIS got envolved
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:10:41 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Autocorrrect must be a KK fan.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:10:43 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Dunno, but that's honest-to-goodness what happened (the predictive text for tortellini, that is)
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:11:18 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> (I can't vouch for the authenticity for the rest of it)
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:11:28 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> You may have a secret Torenthi link in your auto correct. That way they can spy on you
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:11:39 PM EDT] <Eris> <Laurna> Can you imagine going into a Portal in Baldour and coming out in a modern Grociery store
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:12:04 PM EDT] * bynw already has imagined that sort of thing
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:12:26 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> He must have been raelly confused
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:12:34 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Yes. absolutely. If I left 2021 Gwynedd via Portal and arrived in Beldour to do my grocery shopping. 😂
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:12:56 PM EDT] <Eris> <Laurna> Well Evie imagined a plane explosian and coming out in a Gwynedd Portal. So there
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:13:25 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Well, not precisely a portal, unless they've started building those in the sky.... 😄
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:13:28 PM EDT] <KK> Evie, how's your little half-timbered house coming along?
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:13:32 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> Evie's imagination has no limits
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:13:47 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Slowly, but it's coming along. I just added a coat of gesso to the front walls today.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:14:00 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Actually just added it to the inside surfaces about 15 minutes ago.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:14:11 PM EDT] <Eris> <Laurna> nice
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:14:44 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> @KK how is the war on the boxes gooing?
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:15:17 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Is it hard to reach the inside surfaces?
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:15:18 PM EDT] <KK> Slowly, but progress continues. I think I can see an end in sight.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:15:36 PM EDT] <Eris> <Laurna> Good job
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:16:22 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Have you found Daphne inside any boxes?
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:16:24 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> Just think, one day there will be no boxes in your rooms. You may actually miss them
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:16:49 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> What will you do then? You'll be at a complete loss with nothing else to do.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:16:50 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> LOL! Just watched a game ad in another window that was meant to say "Witness the land that was once so prosperous," but instead it said (and the captions also repeated) "Witness the lamb that was once so prosperous." I have to wonder about that poor lamb that fell upon hard times! 🤣
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:16:56 PM EDT] <Eris> <Laurna> No one misses boxes once they are gone. Unless you are a cat
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:17:08 PM EDT] <KK> No, so far, she doesn't particularly seem to be a box cat.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:17:35 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> I used to bring home the occasional box from the store so Luke could have a hidey hole. (Gigi occasionally likes them, but Luke was the box fan in our household.)
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:17:54 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Well, not literally a box fan, like the sort you put in the window. 😂
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:17:59 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> None of mine seem particularly interested in boxes. They're very strange that way. 🙂
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:18:07 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Melantha once got into a shopping bag and got her head caught in the handle.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:18:43 PM EDT] <The_Bee> I saw the bag running around my apartment.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:18:58 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> Murray avoids boxes. I wonder if he thinks they are a form of cat carrier which he tries to avoid at all costs.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:18:59 PM EDT] <Eris> <Laurna> I was a my friends home, she had three paper backs lieing open on there sides around the living room. Occassionally each one with shake and rattle. There was a cat in each bag sleeping.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:19:39 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> Paper backs or paper bags?
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:19:59 PM EDT] <KK> Back at Holybrooke, I remember Edgar getting his head through one of the handles of those plastic shopping bags and having it follow him as he galloppedd down the corridor, trying to escape. And the time he got a claw hooked in a stuffed animal and having it
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:20:03 PM EDT] <Eris> <Laurna> That is funny Bee, Sorry paper Bags. I should read what I write before posting
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:20:09 PM EDT] <KK> bounce along with him as he tried to flee.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:20:26 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> LOL, poor Edgar
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:20:41 PM EDT] <Eris> <Laurna> Sweet Edgar and the poor bag
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:20:55 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> Edgar must have wondered why these things were pursuing him
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:21:22 PM EDT] <KK> He did survived. And the stuffed animal was an orange and white Bear clone that looked just like the real thing, and had often beaten up on Edgar when he first arrived.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:22:47 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> How did the stuffed bear manage to beat up on Edgar? Did he have an accomplice?
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:23:10 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> Or was there magic at work?
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:23:17 PM EDT] <KK> No, the real Bear beat up on him, and he remembered.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:23:32 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Eep!
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:23:36 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> You had a real Bear?
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:24:20 PM EDT] <The_Bee> "HELP! I'm being haunted by Bear's ghost!"
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:24:49 PM EDT] <KK> Gus's predecessor was orange and white, and we called him the Marmalade Bear. Theory was that a polar bear had fallen into a bowl of orange marmalade and tried to wash it off, but only got some of it. The rest stained.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:25:11 PM EDT] <The_Bee> brb
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:25:42 PM EDT] <KK> There's another orange and white cat in the neighborhood that I occasionally refer to as the Gus Clone.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:25:43 PM EDT] Quit The_Bee ( has left this server (Quit: Connection closed).
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:26:14 PM EDT] Join The_Bee ( has joined this channel.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:26:25 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> WB Bee
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:26:29 PM EDT] <KK> Bear was the cat we took with us from California to Ireland, where he had to spend 6 months in quarantine at our expense.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:26:53 PM EDT] <KK> He lived out a good life in Ireland.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:27:02 PM EDT] <KK> Gus was his worthy successor.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:27:12 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Thanks.  My screen outgrew my monitor.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:27:51 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> Did he and Edgar eventually become friends or learn to coexist?
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:28:20 PM EDT] <KK> Oh, yes. But he was always wary of the Bear Clone.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:30:19 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> Can't blame him for that
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:30:54 PM EDT] <KK> Nope.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:31:32 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> The horrible heat wave here finally broke Friday and we have had 2 gorgeous days with low temps and humidity. Hope it contiues
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:32:46 PM EDT] <The_Bee> It broke Wednesday here.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:33:15 PM EDT] <KK> Amen to that. I saw somewhere that the --ember months are nearly upon us, along with the colors thereof.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:33:34 PM EDT] <KK> And cooler temperatures. It's been nice here the past few days.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:33:52 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> For us, too. Highs in the low to mid 80s
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:34:29 PM EDT] <KK> It's actually gotten down into the high 70's here in the daytime, and lower at night.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:34:38 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> DD1 and I actually were able to go walk in the botanical garden and not cook.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:34:48 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Ooooh, nice!
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:34:49 PM EDT] <The_Bee> I remember seeing the seasons change one late summer afternoon.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:35:09 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> Recently?
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:35:26 PM EDT] <KK> I love living in a place where we have changes of season. Ireland also had seasons, which I'd never seen before, growing up in south Florida.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:35:52 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> Do you miss living in Ireland?
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:36:04 PM EDT] <The_Bee> many years ago.  I was crossing the Public Garden and I suddenly noticed the change in the light.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:36:14 PM EDT] <KK> Only occasionally. I like it here in Virginia very much.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:36:29 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> What made you decide to move back to the US from Ireland?
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:37:15 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Hi everyone!
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:37:20 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> It's been cooler here too. We had a staff retreat at the lake on Friday, and the sun was out but it was pleasant enough in the shade, and I didn't get any sunburn. (Of course, I was also wearing sunscreen, but sometimes that doesn't help much if you're outside for hours.)
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:37:20 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Hi Jerusha!
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:37:26 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Hi Jerusha
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:37:35 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Hi Jerusha!
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:37:37 PM EDT] <KK> We were finishing the restoration of Holybrooke, when it was at its highest value, and we could see the economy getting ready to tank. We decided we'd rather be poor in America than poor in Ireland.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:37:42 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> I remember one Sunday afternoon at the end of an earlier awful heat wave when the temperature suddenly dropped from90 to the 70s. This was the end of August and it never got hop again.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:38:02 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Hop to it!
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:38:24 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> I hope you aren't ␝terribly␝ poor here in the US...
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:39:01 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> Hi Jerusha
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:39:30 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> BRB.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:40:10 PM EDT] <KK> No, we did well on the sale of Holybrooke, so we were well set for setting down new roots here.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:40:16 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Re cats and bags (I'm at the desk for a few and caught up on the chat): Cat and Bag (
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:40:58 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> OH, that's brilliant!
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:44:12 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> KK, how are you doing, overall? Everything going well?
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:44:52 PM EDT] <KK> Yep, fine. I've started some intensive physical therapy to work on my balance and knee issues, and to generally get stronger. Needs to be done.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:44:57 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> love it
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:46:13 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> It's very quiet....
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:46:36 PM EDT] * The_Bee drops a pin.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:46:40 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> It is... shall we head back to Torenth? 😉
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:47:09 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Let's try Bremagne instead.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:47:21 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> Maybe you can find out who your handsome Torenthi visitor is
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:47:25 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Plenty of cute guys there?
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:47:33 PM EDT] <KK> Bynw, I saw that you noticed Holly's good news, like your own. I'm so happy for her. And a little jealous. Makes me miss Scott all the more.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:47:57 PM EDT] <bynw> yes i did see Holly's news
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:48:26 PM EDT] <bynw> we all miss Scott
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:48:32 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> How are Cameron and Anna doing?
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:49:56 PM EDT] <KK> Cameron and Anna are in Las Vegas at the hackers' convention, and fortunately haven't drowned yet. There's been serious flooding there again.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:50:19 PM EDT] <The_Bee> I heard!
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:50:24 PM EDT] <KK> I think it's called DEFCON.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:50:43 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> Glad they are safe. A hackers convention?
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:50:48 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> The convention and not the flood?
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:50:50 PM EDT] <KK> Spread across 4 hotels, 35,000-40,000 attendees.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:50:52 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> they're hackers?
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:51:11 PM EDT] <KK> They're both computer security folk.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:51:29 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Ah, so they need to know what the hackers are up to
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:51:42 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> Maybe we could round them all up and send them to the dungeons with no internet access
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:51:42 PM EDT] <The_Bee> anti-hackers
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:51:56 PM EDT] <KK> Yep. Cameron is also a Private Investigator, and Anna is a programmer.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:52:05 PM EDT] <KK> Yep. White hats.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:53:50 PM EDT] <bynw> hacking isn't necessarily a bad thing by definition
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:54:18 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> Well they seem to cause a lot of trouble
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:54:31 PM EDT] <The_Bee> That depends on what you're hacking and why.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:54:35 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> It depends on who is doing the hacking and why
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:54:43 PM EDT] <bynw> exactly
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:54:46 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> depends on which side of the definition you are on
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:54:47 PM EDT] <bynw> it's like fire isnt a bad thing
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:55:15 PM EDT] <KK> Nope, you need good guys to catch the bad guys.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:55:47 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> If you are hacking in order to find out who is involved in a child porn ring so you can bring them to justice, or hacking to discover terrorist activity so you can stop it, that's a good use of hacking.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:56:01 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Mickey just came to visit.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:56:11 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Hi Mickey!
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:56:18 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Hey Mickey!
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:56:21 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> Hi Mickey
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:56:29 PM EDT] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> Sometimes hackers hack at the express invitation of the software/site builder, because they want to know about the vulnerabilities from someone who has good reason to tell them so they can fix them before they cause problems.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:56:58 PM EDT] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> Hi Mickey
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:57:38 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> Maybe we need different terms to separate good hackers from bad hackers.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:58:32 PM EDT] <KK> Yep. And they're both good at sorting out computer problems for me at a distance, as is her dad. That's how they met, via her dad. He and Cameron met at this same convention, and Dave (the dad) told Cameron about his daughter in LA, and how they should meet. Which they did. The rest, as they say, is history.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:58:42 PM EDT] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> Well, the process is the same. It's only the motivation that makes it white-hat or black-hat.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:58:47 PM EDT] <KK> White hats and black hats.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:59:42 PM EDT] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> It's like, fire is still fire, whether it's toasting marshmallows or killing people.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [7:59:53 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Reminds me of MADs spy versus spy
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [8:00:02 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Mmmmm, toasted marshmallows...
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [8:00:40 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Or if you're Loris, toasting people
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [8:00:52 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Probably not killing marshmallows, though
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [8:00:53 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Ewww, nasty dude!
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [8:01:10 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> I have an arm full of cat now
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [8:01:22 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> Lucky you
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [8:01:28 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Hi Gigi!
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [8:01:31 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Frankie is curled up next to me, having a bath.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [8:01:42 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> Of course makes it a little hard to type
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [8:01:47 PM EDT] <The_Bee> in WATER?
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [8:02:03 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> with his tongue. He's a kitty.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [8:03:10 PM EDT] <The_Bee> I once read a very funny book on giving a cat a bath.  Sometimes it's necessary.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [8:04:01 PM EDT] <KK> Daphne is curled up under the side desk on my left. That's where she's decided is a good place to be when I'm at the computer.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [8:05:02 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> One of my cats, Merlin loved to sit on the side of the tub and play with the bubbles if I had any until the day he slipped and fell in. He leaped out of the tub and had to be chased all over he house with a towel. He left a very wwet trail
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [8:06:38 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Wet cats are too funny. 🙂
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [8:06:52 PM EDT] <The_Bee> I bet he never sat there again.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [8:06:59 PM EDT] <KK> Yeah, when they slip and fall in, it's always quite a drama, not least if they fall on a person who gets clawed in the escape attempt.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [8:07:19 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Did that happen to you, KK?
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [8:07:22 PM EDT] Quit bynw ( has left this server (Connection closed).
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [8:07:35 PM EDT] <KK> No, but I know people who've had it happen.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [8:07:53 PM EDT] <KK> Not fun.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [8:08:19 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> I was lucky, did not get clawed in his escape
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [8:08:29 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Mickey is hiding, probably in my closet.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [8:08:45 PM EDT] Join bynw ( has joined this channel.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [8:08:45 PM EDT] Mode derynibot gives channel owner privileges to bynw.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [8:08:45 PM EDT] Mode derynibot gives channel operator privileges to bynw.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [8:08:46 PM EDT] <KK> Looking for his girlfriend.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [8:09:23 PM EDT] <The_Bee> I wonder if he still expects to find her.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [8:09:55 PM EDT] <The_Bee> But he used to visit before I adopted Melantha
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [8:10:12 PM EDT] <KK> Well, I think I'll boogie. I was making good inroads in the area around my comfy chair, and would like to accomplish a bit more before I retire to my bed with brand-new mattress of 3 nights. This will be the 4th. A vast improvement over the old one.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [8:10:46 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> Congrats on the new mattress. Sleep well and have a good week.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [8:10:47 PM EDT] <KK> Ah, then he is a long-term visitor.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [8:10:48 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Hope you get to enjoy your comfy chair soon. and enjoy the lovely new bed. 🙂
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [8:10:53 PM EDT] <KK> Anyway....
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [8:11:00 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Have a good week, and enjoy the new matress, KK
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [8:11:14 PM EDT] * KK steps onto her Portal, waves goodnight, and disappears in a shower of green sparkles.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [8:11:23 PM EDT] <KK> Nighters to all!
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [8:11:24 PM EDT] <The_Bee> You've earned a good rest, KK.  Thanks for coming and have a good week.
[Sunday, August 14, 2022] [8:11:34 PM EDT] Quit KK has left this server (Quit: Online IRC Client).