The Worlds of Katherine Kurtz

Off Topic => Tid Bits => Topic started by: Aerlys on June 12, 2014, 02:02:31 PM

Title: Tripzilla!
Post by: Aerlys on June 12, 2014, 02:02:31 PM
As some of you know, we are planing a road trip with the kids across country from Washington State to Michigan to visit my family. I haven't been back there since my father's funeral more than ten years ago. Since the kids are getting older (oldest just turned 19) this will probably be our last opportunity to do a big family trip with all the kids. As DH put it, if we waited till we can actually afford it, we'd never do it. As it is, we haven't been able to do anything major as a family for six years. It's time.

We are borrowing an RV from friends, and plan to stop at Yellowstone and Mt. Rushmore along the way. Haven't decided which route we will take on the way home. That will depend on a number of factors, like how much money is left in our account and how much hair is left on our heads.

Anyway, as we are preparing for the trip (already packing two weeks ahead of time) if anyone has some tips and ideas of things to do long the way, or not to do, that'd be great.

As time and internet connections allow, I'll try to post updates from the road, at least to assure everyone we're still alive. And maybe, just maybe, I'll even finish some fanfic!

Title: Re: Tripzilla!
Post by: DesertRose on June 12, 2014, 02:24:11 PM
Enjoy the trip and travel safely!  We'll look forward to your road-trip updates.  :D
Title: Re: Tripzilla!
Post by: revanne on June 12, 2014, 02:57:07 PM
Sounds amazing - places I can just dream of visiting. What a great thing to do with the family and memories that will always be with them.


May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields
and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.

(traditional gaelic blessing)

Title: Re: Tripzilla!
Post by: Aerlys on June 12, 2014, 04:53:03 PM
We're not leaving for a couple of weeks or so. It's going to take that long to pack!
Title: Re: Tripzilla!
Post by: revanne on June 13, 2014, 03:59:19 AM
Realised last night what an ignorant Brit I am - I do know Washington state is on the West coast but not where Michigan is. It's going to be fun looking at an atlas and trying to imagine the places you're going through.

Good look with the packing
Title: Re: Tripzilla!
Post by: Aerlys on June 13, 2014, 01:36:32 PM
Quote from: revanne on June 13, 2014, 03:59:19 AM
Realised last night what an ignorant Brit I am - I do know Washington state is on the West coast but not where Michigan is.

No worries! I'm not exactly well-versed on where everything is located in the U.K., myself.  :)

Hint: Michigan is the state shaped like a mitten.
Title: Re: Tripzilla!
Post by: Jerusha on June 13, 2014, 02:52:54 PM
Quote from: Aerlys on June 12, 2014, 04:53:03 PM
We're not leaving for a couple of weeks or so. It's going to take that long to pack!

After you pack for all of your family for a cross country trip, will there be any room left in the RV for the family???  ;D

It sounds like a wonderful adventure.  Hopefully you can travel at a pace that allows you to enjoy lots of stuff on the way there and back.

(Back when we were in the military, we made several cross-country moves as a family.  Unfortunately, there were usually only "x" amount of days to get there, so we had little time to sightsee on the way.)
Title: Re: Tripzilla!
Post by: Aerlys on June 14, 2014, 12:24:34 PM
Quote from: Jerusha on June 13, 2014, 02:52:54 PM
After you pack for all of your family for a cross country trip, will there be any room left in the RV for the family???  ;D

You mean I can leave some of them behind?  ???

Actually, I've been wondering that myself. We are towing the little car, and can put stuff in there, too. Now that my mom has gone home, I can begin concentrating on what to bring. Food and clothing...two huge essentials! I'm mining the internet for easy recipes, so we're not condemned to canned chili and ramen noodles for seven days.
Title: Re: Tripzilla!
Post by: Aerlys on June 19, 2014, 01:46:40 AM
OK, so is this an omen?  :o

Since my mom's place is small, the plan is for some of us to stay at my sister's house. Well, Mom called this morning to tell us that DS's house was struck by lightning last night! No, the house didn't burn down, but all the electrical wires and every electrical appliance in their house are fried! Their well is still functioning, but an electrician told them that the wiring is damaged, and probably won't last the week. Fortunately, it looks like their insurance will cover the repairs.

DS said that when they were hit, it knocked my BIL out of bed, and the bulb in their bedside lamp exploded! Thankfully, no one was hurt, but what an awful experience!

So, it looks like we'll have better amenities in the RV than their house will. Go figure. The weirdness has begun!
Title: Re: Tripzilla!
Post by: Jerusha on June 19, 2014, 05:58:27 AM
Yike!  Glad to hear that everyone is OK.  That would have been an awfully rude awakening!
Title: Re: Tripzilla!
Post by: revanne on June 19, 2014, 06:15:13 AM
Gosh - thank goodness everyone is ok.

Our telephone wiring was all fried a couple of years ago by a lightening bolt ( I thought a bomb had gone off). When the man came to look at it I asked if we could claim on the insurance. He looked at my clerical collar and said "I suggest you ask your boss for a cheque". Apparently it came under the designation of "Act of God", and therefore the insurance company could wriggle out of paying. I was seriously unimpressed, and I'm sure the Boss would have denied all knowledge of it.

Glad to hear your sister's insurance company sounds a bit more rational and helpful.

Title: Re: Tripzilla!
Post by: Aerlys on June 19, 2014, 11:56:14 AM
My first thought was, "Act of way will they get coverage for that!" They must have invested in a very comprehensive policy.

As for the packing, it's been a slow-go. We needed to replace tires (not all, thank goodness!) so the RV was gone for three days. We were supposed to have it back Monday, but DH was called up to Seattle to repair a toilet that had fallen through the floor. Since a large portion of his work consists of referrals from a large plumbing company, he really couldn't say no. Anyway, he was there late, and stayed in Seattle with friends. He had the keys to the RV, so we had to wait til Tuesday evening to get it back. Yesterday was spent familiarizing myself with the layout, packing in the dry goods, and making a list of what we still need. There's both more and less storage than we thought (if that makes any sense). DD1 has been gathering the clothes for the littles. The older boys are in charge of the tools and equipment. We own a smaller camper trailer, so we've been transferring supplies between the two, and discovering all the stuff that mice nibbled aver the winter. DD2 washed sleeping bags.

So long as we don't forget anything major, we'll be OK.

The littles are not allowed in the RV. The last thing I want is for them to be tired of their surroundings before we even leave. Of course, they keep finding reasons to come check on me, or sit just outside the door "in case I need them," peering in curiously from time to time.

Still working on pictures...but that's not a priority right now. With our luck, we'll forget the camera again. I'm hoping to get the house clean before we leave, too, but that might be just a pipe dream at this point.

So, today is "Scavenger Hunt Day." Try to find all the items on Mommy's list before lunchtime.
Which reminds me, I'd better stop hiding and get back out there.  :P Sigh, back to reality.
Title: Re: Tripzilla!
Post by: DesertRose on June 19, 2014, 12:13:21 PM
Holy cow!   :o  What a startling experience.  I'm glad your sister and BIL are more or less okay, if dealing with fried appliances and the insurance company.

I stood in the kitchen in the house I grew up in one time and watched a bolt of lightning fry the phone and answering machine (that alone tells you how long ago that was--I was a teenager then and I'm almost 40 now).  It's awesome to watch, but lightning is nothing to fool with at all.
Title: Re: Tripzilla!
Post by: tenworld on June 20, 2014, 08:29:46 AM
1. you should follow Lewis&Clark trail backwards, thru Snake river
2. Yellowstone & Mt Rushmore
3. depending on where in MI, either go down the Mississippi river (Prairie Du Chen area has a great recreation of a trading post and Wyalusing is one of the best state parks)
Then go thru Madison, skip Chicago (or not) and take a ferry (pricy but fun)
3a. go north across upper MI. Macinack island is worth a day.

have fun
Title: Re: Tripzilla!
Post by: Laurna on June 21, 2014, 03:40:35 AM
Family outings are the best. Well, once they are well started. Stressful for you to get it all together, but I bet the kids are filled with anticipation. Bring a blank drawing book and tell the kids they need to be responsible for documenting the trip by drawing the fun things they see. Give the older kids their own cameras to do the same. And don't forget those musical instruments: Maracas, tambourines, and bongos. Around the camp fire, let the kids make a tone of noise.

Brings back memories of my family summer trips to Catalina.
Title: Re: Tripzilla!
Post by: Aerlys on July 05, 2014, 03:31:12 PM
Huzzah! We have survived the trek eastward. Wanted to post the day we were taking off, but our internet fizzled out. Not sure if it's our router or our provider.

Since there was no wi-fi on the way over (the middle of South Dakota isn't exactly a big hot spot), I wasn't able to post a more frequent log. When the RV wasn't lurching too badly, I did compose a quick diary. It's rough and unedited, but I'll just share out first two night's experience right now:

MONDAY, JUNE 22, 2014

Well, we got to a late start. VERY late. With all the last-minute errands, packing, dropping off pets, hooking up the car to the tow bar, etc., we didn't actually get on the road until 9 pm. (Yes, PM). DH drove as far as he could that night, about three hours. Long enough to get us over Snoqualmie pass and past Ellensburg.  It was slow and, well, nerve-wracking. The lanes were often narrow and rutted, and It was quite windy. Our friend had replaced the exhaust system with a better one. Unfortunately, it is also louder. So, during the entire climb, well, let's just say Harley Davidson has competition.

The kids and I tried to sleep during the drive, really we did, but without much success. It's a bit complicated, but here is the best way you can replicate our experience:

1) Gather six, old top-loading washing machines, the kind that shake and wobble across the   floor on spin cycle. Set facing each other in two rows of three, far enough apart to balance a full-size mattress on top of them.

2) Park a running lawnmower between the two rows of washing machines.

3) Balance a full-sized mattress atop the washing machines, above the lawn mower.

4) Throw three shoes in each washing machine, and set permanently on spin cycle.

5) Gather a symposium of squeaky mice, playing small percussion instruments.

6) Climb upon the mattress, along with three children, and try to sleep.

7) Finally, have someone randomly shine a flashlight into your face.

Imagine our immense relief when DH finally pulled over at a rest area!


Somewhat rested, we awoke at the rest area. It was still quite windy. Mini Mister held his blue blanket in front of the breezy window, calling, "Look! My blankie is a bubble!"

We headed across Eastern Washington, and stopped in Post Falls, Idaho to visit friends. We had lunch, the kids played and had a great time. We left a couple hours later. We asked them to pray for a safe and peaceful trip, to which my firend replied, OK, I'll remember S and P, for safe and peaceful."

We needed to pick up a couple things we still needed, so we headed into town. As DH pulled into an auto parts store, the RV bottomed out. Rather, the tow hitch for the car imbedded itself two inches into the asphalt, and wouldn't budge. We were stuck!

The car was blocking two lanes of traffic, so we unhitched it and parked it in the parking lot. Several people stopped to help. With a jack and muscle power, we were finally able to dislodge the hitch. It was bent, but still usable. We thought we were in the clear, but then the car window somehow came out of its track, and would not roll back up. We gave up, called our friends, and returned to their house for the night. DH was able to fix the window while we were there. And we were all able to shower!

I told my friend that S and P was supposed to be for "Safe and Peaceful," not "Short and Problematic."  Actually, God was probably keeping us safe from some unforeseen disaster by keeping us there another night, and we had a lovely visit.

We did finally adjust to the noise and movement of the RV, and saw some really amazing things along the way, and had some funny moments, too. Will post more as time allows.

Well, guys, the library is closing soon (no internet at Mom's, either), and I need to scoot back over to Mom's to help with dinner. She's unaccustomed to cooking for a crowd.

Take care, all!

Title: Re: Tripzilla!
Post by: DesertRose on July 05, 2014, 04:35:52 PM
What an adventure!  :)

Enjoy the trip and be safe.
Title: Re: Tripzilla!
Post by: Jerusha on July 05, 2014, 04:36:10 PM
This has all the makings for a great summer mini-series!  (I refrained from saying "blockbuster" because I was afraid something else might break.) 

I'm looking forward to more installments, or the final novella.   :D

I also wish you a safe and peaceful trip, with small adventures that make you smile and make for great memories.
Title: Re: Tripzilla!
Post by: Laurna on July 05, 2014, 09:37:01 PM
Keep trekking, Every trip is bound to have some mishap. Stuck in asphalt should be your biggest problem. So for here on out it should be S&P, Safe and peaceful, Sane and Playful, Sunny and Pleasurable. I wish you and your family all the above. At my house, we always said it should be 'smooth sailing from here on out.'
Title: Re: Tripzilla!
Post by: Aerlys on July 12, 2014, 05:43:15 PM
Left my mom's yesterday, and visiting friends in Ohio today. Went to the National
Museum of the United States Air Force today, which was FABULOUS! I'm a history nut and spent the day engrossed in the sections dedicated to early flight through WW 2.

Next installment is not ready, since I am on my Kindle. But DH added sound proofing (thank God!), and DS2 cut his finger, necessitating seven stitches. After his brother's misadventures, it wasn't a big deal. Maybe if I retrieve my laptop from the RV I will add a bit more tonight.

Dinner's about done, so I need to scoot.

Title: Re: Tripzilla!
Post by: Jerusha on July 12, 2014, 09:11:10 PM
Wait a minute.  Seven stitches for DS2 are not a big deal compared to his brother's misadventures???  What happened??? Spill, woman!  ;D

I remember taking our sons to the Air Force museum.  They loved the flight simulator.  (I seem to remember DRAGGING them away) It was a stop we made moving from Northern Ontario to Victoria, BC.  (Love those military moves.)
Title: Re: Tripzilla!
Post by: revanne on July 13, 2014, 01:27:59 AM
Quote from: Jerusha on July 12, 2014, 09:11:10 PM
Wait a minute.  Seven stitches for DS2 are not a big deal compared to his brother's misadventures???  What happened??? Spill, woman!  ;D 

You had me scrolling all the way back up to see if I had missed anything :D

Sounds like your family's guardian angels are having to put in overtime.
Title: Re: Tripzilla!
Post by: Evie on July 13, 2014, 02:39:44 PM
Quote from: revanne on July 13, 2014, 01:27:59 AM
Quote from: Jerusha on July 12, 2014, 09:11:10 PM
Wait a minute.  Seven stitches for DS2 are not a big deal compared to his brother's misadventures???  What happened??? Spill, woman!  ;D 

You had me scrolling all the way back up to see if I had missed anything :D

Sounds like your family's guardian angels are having to put in overtime.

I remember how many are required to protect the Aerlys Family Stair Steps?   ;D

Reminds me of when my daughter was a toddler, just starting to talk very fluently.  One day (I think it was a weekend morning), we were standing in the kitchen when I noticed her staring very intently at a spot behind me.  I turned to see what she was looking at, but saw nothing looked like she was just staring at the center of the room, or perhaps the dishwasher just beyond it, but there was nothing unusual going on with the dishwasher that would capture someone's attention.  So as I turned back to her, about to ask her what was so fascinating, she asked, "Mommy, who are they?"  And she pointed to the center of the room.

Having no clue what she meant, I asked her, "Who do you mean?"

She said, "Those three men!"  Pointing, she continued, "There...and there, and there!"

I still saw nothing, but to humor her, I walked a little closer to the room's center and pointed to the areas she had indicated.  "Here, and here, and here?"


"I don't know, honey.  What do they look like?"  I figured she'd reached the age of making up imaginary friends, so I was willing to play along.

"They're really tall, and they're very shiny!"

I shrugged.  "I guess they must be angels."  She seemed satisfied by my answer, and I didn't think anything more about it, other than that maybe I just had a creative little kid who was beginning to enjoy imaginary play.

Then, fast forward to just a few years ago.  I lead a Celebrate Recovery support group at my church for women who are abuse survivors.  One evening, there was a lady in my group who had never visited us before, and who has never been back since.  She was fairly quiet during the group meeting, sharing nothing out of the ordinary for that sort of support group, but she seemed a little preoccupied with staring at me or just past me, which was a little disconcerting.  After group was over, she approached me and said, "You might think I'm crazy--I know most people don't believe in this sort of gift, even in church--but as long as I can remember, I've been able to sense if angels or demons are present, and on occasion I can actually see something.  And tonight, during the entire meeting, there were three angels standing right behind you.  It was a little distracting!" 

I was nonplussed--after all, what does one say in response to that sort of thing?  So I just nodded and said, "Cool!  Um...what did they look like?"

"They're very tall, almost to the ceiling"--she held her hand up high, indicating around 7 or 8 feet up, perhaps--"and I see them as shining.  That's how I know they're angels; the others look like shadows to me."

So she left, and I thought, "Hm!  How about that.  Interesting coincidence.  Maybe my daughter really did see three angels once!"

And then, right on the heels of that thought, came another one.  "Wait, what?  Three?  I need THREE guardian angels?"   It's become sort of a private joke between me and my daughter now that I'm so high maintenance, evidently I need more than one angel watching over me, even in the safety of my church and my own home!  ;D
Title: Re: Tripzilla!
Post by: Aerlys on July 18, 2014, 11:41:57 PM
On the subject of guardian angels, I remember learning that \ additional guardian angels are given to an individual who have greater responsibilities e.g. a king, president, etc.  IIRC, becoming a parent is one of those occasions.

On the update side of things, we are stuck in St. Mary's, KS for an undetermined amount of time. The engine computer freaked out, and no one in the entire state of Kansas appears to have the part. Looks like we will need to order it from New York.

On the downside, DH really needs to get back home and back to work, as the coffers are dwindling. On the upside, this is where I went to school for six years, and have lots of people here we know, and have been able to stay with friends. We are all itching to get home, but at least we are in a good place.

Sigh. Man proposes, God disposes!

It has been a rather exhausting day, so I'll try to log in again in the morning and type more. Er, later this morning.
Title: Re: Tripzilla!
Post by: revanne on July 19, 2014, 12:51:22 AM
My immediate thought was "Aerlys and her brood must have enough guardian angels amongst them to bring the part from New York" but I guess that isn't part of the job description.

Sounds as though you have had enough excitment for a triple-decker novel and I can't help thinking you are some sort of miracle-woman, stuck miles from home with seven children and you can still type coherently :)

More seriously, lots of prayers for you and your family to come safely home
Title: Re: Tripzilla!
Post by: Aerlys on July 19, 2014, 09:44:36 AM
Quote from: revanne on July 19, 2014, 12:51:22 AM
Sounds as though you have had enough excitment for a triple-decker novel and I can't help thinking you are some sort of miracle-woman, stuck miles from home with seven children and you can still type coherently :)

LOL! I don't feel very coherent...

All I can say is that I've had one of those lives that seems to descend into chaos on a regular basis, so this is just par for the course. We are fortunate to be here among friends (though some of them I haven't seen for 20 years), so at least we're not paying for a hotel. Whether we can stay friends after being stuck with us for so long remains to be seen!  :)

God has his reasons for keeping us here. We just need to stay flexible and stress out as little as possible.

Overall, it has been a really great trip. We've seen and done some amazing things, and reconnected with special people in our lives. So long as we can get home (or DH, at least) before we go bankrupt, we'll be OK.
Title: Re: Tripzilla!
Post by: Aerlys on July 19, 2014, 11:10:52 AM

There's no place like home. There's no place like home...

Title: Re: Tripzilla!
Post by: Laurna on July 19, 2014, 02:53:02 PM

There's no place like home. There's no place like home...

"Poof" Wishing you a transfer portal at your location connected to you home.

Short of that, I am wishing you an engine part quickly delivered to get your mobile chariot functional again.
Nothing like a vacation to keep for your memoirs, but nothing like returning home and everything returning to normal.
I hope the part gets there before you husband has to leave. I'm not sure I like the idea of you driving home with the family, alone. I know you can, it just seems a long way to go with only one driver.
Sounds like you are enjoying the days regardless of the obstacles. Just keep up the energy levels. Remember, Deryni lend each other their strength when it is too much for one person to handle. Glad you have friends there.

Still sending much S&P your way.
Title: Re: Tripzilla!
Post by: Jerusha on July 20, 2014, 01:03:21 PM
Quote from: Aerlys on July 19, 2014, 11:10:52 AM

There's no place like home. There's no place like home...

But Aerlys, you ARE in Kansas!   ;D

Since your home is closer to the Pacific Ocean, you probably need sapphire slippers, instead of ruby.  Click three times, and you and your family will be safely home.  Of course it will work, right?

I do hope that part comes in quickly, so you can get back on the road and home soon.  Travel safely, with only pleasant adventures along the way, and no chaos.
Title: Re: Tripzilla!
Post by: Aerlys on July 21, 2014, 10:33:50 AM
Great news! As it turns out, the new distributor that was installed on Friday was faulty. So, we didn't need to go to the Wizard to get the RV a new brain!

God willing, we will be back on the road this afternoon. WOOOHOOO!
Title: Re: Tripzilla!
Post by: revanne on July 21, 2014, 11:46:23 AM
Great news -I have to admit that I'm not altogether sure what an RV is, but as it sounds way too big to go through a portal I'm glad that you can get back on the road.  :)
Title: Re: Tripzilla!
Post by: Evie on July 21, 2014, 12:24:49 PM
Quote from: revanne on July 21, 2014, 11:46:23 AM
Great news -I have to admit that I'm not altogether sure what an RV is, but as it sounds way too big to go through a portal I'm glad that you can get back on the road.  :)

An "RV" is a recreational vehicle; I think on your side of The Pond you call it a "caravan."

Aerlys, that's great news!  I hope the rest of your trip is without incident.   ;D
Title: Re: Tripzilla!
Post by: Jerusha on July 21, 2014, 12:29:53 PM
Woo hoo indeed!  Happy travelling!
Title: Re: Tripzilla!
Post by: Laurna on July 21, 2014, 12:31:20 PM
Yah  the road home.  Enjoy it as much as the road out and you will be home in no time.
Title: Re: Tripzilla!
Post by: Aerlys on July 25, 2014, 01:39:33 PM
Breathes there the man, with soul so dead,
Who never to himself hath said,
    This is my own, my native land!
Whose heart hath ne'er within him burn'd,
As home his footsteps he hath turn'd,
    From wandering on a foreign strand!

Sir Walter Scott, from 'The Lay of the Last Minstrel', Canto sixth

Heh, just noticed that I forgot to log out before we hit the road. Easy to do when DH says that we're all loaded up and its time to HEAD HOME!!!

We arrived home safe and sound last night, bittersweet as we welcomed the familiarity and comfort of home, and bid farewell to a precious chapter in our lives, perhaps the last trip all nine of us will ever make together.

It was nice to sleep in my own bed again, though I still had the three youngest scrunching in with me. A few days ago we were in 110 degree weather. Last night, it was half that temperature, and this morning it was 47 degrees. Gee, Toto, we're not in Kansas anymore. Welcome home to Washington!

The three littles (my youngest kids, not action figures  :)) have some sort of virus, running fevers and nursing headaches. DH went back to work today, since he's self employed and that's the only way to pay the bills. I've weeded though all my unread e-mails, made phone calls, skimmed most of the posts on the forum that I missed (still recovering from the shocking sight of Camber's head in a pan), and generally avoided unpacking the RV all morning.

Overall, it was an amazing trip, with memories to cherish for years to come.  As time allows, I'll try to share some more of them with you. For now, it's back to reality, except for that writing I promised Revanne so our stories might match up. (Haven't forgotten, Revanne! It's all in my head, since I became too carsick when tried to type on the road.)

Glad to be back, folks. More later.

Title: Re: Tripzilla!
Post by: revanne on July 25, 2014, 02:23:39 PM
Deo Gratias that you're all home safe and reasonably well.

We had a holiday about 8 years ago that I thought would be our last as a family and as you say bittersweet. The good thing is that we've had at least another three since then...

I've been stuck for ages on chapter 4 (irritatingly chapter 5 wrote itself ages ago and keeps grinning out of my notebook at me) - manic busy and too tired to think and trying to get Ansel and Joram to have a meaningful conversation as a follow up to chapter 3 and then they finally deigned to tell me that they're not ready to open up that much to each other. Do they not realise how much paper and ink they've made me waste on meaningless scribbles!

Then, and this is Jerusha's fault, Brendan stuck his oar in and told me a story about him and Briony. It's light relief after Joram but rather doing my head in. And speaking of heads

Quote from: Aerlys on July 25, 2014, 01:39:33 PM

(still recovering from the shocking sight of Camber's head in a pan)

- as long as it's not Joram's head!
Title: Re: Tripzilla!
Post by: Jerusha on July 25, 2014, 03:00:54 PM
Quote from: revanne on July 25, 2014, 02:23:39 PM
Then, and this is Jerusha's fault, Brendan stuck his oar in and told me a story about him and Briony. It's light relief after Joram but rather doing my head in.

I'm happy to have been so helpful!  ;D

Hope your littles are feeling better soon, Aerlys.
Title: Re: Tripzilla!
Post by: Evie on July 25, 2014, 04:29:08 PM
Glad you're back, safe, and mostly sound.  I hope your wee ones get over their bug soon, and that Camber's disembodied head wasn't too severe a shock on your system.   ;D  (And yes, Revanne, Joram's disembodied head is sitting on top of my crafts cabinet, but only until I can find a suitable body for him and figure out how to alter his neck to fit it.  Warning: this will probably require a fair bit of plastic surgery.  Literally.) 
Title: Re: Tripzilla!
Post by: revanne on July 25, 2014, 04:37:26 PM
Quote from: Evie on July 25, 2014, 04:29:08 PM
  (And yes, Revanne, Joram's disembodied head is sitting on top of my crafts cabinet, but only until I can find a suitable body for him and figure out how to alter his neck to fit it.  Warning: this will probably require a fair bit of plastic surgery.  Literally.) 

That's why he's not speaking to me any more LOL
Title: Re: Tripzilla!
Post by: Evie on July 25, 2014, 05:00:53 PM
Quote from: revanne on July 25, 2014, 04:37:26 PM
Quote from: Evie on July 25, 2014, 04:29:08 PM
  (And yes, Revanne, Joram's disembodied head is sitting on top of my crafts cabinet, but only until I can find a suitable body for him and figure out how to alter his neck to fit it.  Warning: this will probably require a fair bit of plastic surgery.  Literally.) 

That's why he's not speaking to me any more LOL

His mouth works just as well as it ever has, and since you weren't after him for his body, that should suffice, right?   ;)
Title: Re: Tripzilla!
Post by: DesertRose on July 25, 2014, 09:18:23 PM
Aerlys, I'm glad y'all enjoyed your trip and made it home!  :)
Title: Re: Tripzilla!
Post by: revanne on July 26, 2014, 12:56:04 AM
Quote from: Evie on July 25, 2014, 05:00:53 PM

His mouth works just as well as it ever has, and since you weren't after him for his body, that should suffice, right?   ;)

Given his known disapproval of shape changing and other such goings on I should imagine the poor man is in a state of total shock. One disembodied head is more than enough for any family  :o
Title: Re: Tripzilla!
Post by: Aerlys on July 26, 2014, 10:34:10 AM
Hmm, I always saw Joram as someone who could keep his head in the midst of adversity.  What a blow to his reputation!
Title: Re: Tripzilla!
Post by: Aerlys on September 12, 2014, 10:14:52 PM
Quote from: Jerusha on July 12, 2014, 09:11:10 PM
Wait a minute.  Seven stitches for DS2 are not a big deal compared to his brother's misadventures???  What happened??? Spill, woman!  ;D

I nearly forgot to answer this. Sorry about that.

Four years this December, DS1 was constructing the competition field for his robotics team at the local junior high school. He was using the table saw when the blade hit a knot in the wood. It kicked back, and threw DS's hand into the saw blade. He lost his index finger, and his thumb and middle finger were badly mangled. The attempt to reattach his finger was unsuccessful. He had a total of 14 hours of surgery, was in the hospital a week, and spent months in PT. Yes, it was his dominant hand.

But, this turned my painfully self-conscious kid into a more confident young man, who can now easily talk about his accident, and freely jokes about his missing digit ("High four, guys!") Every time he gets discouraged about something, I remind him that he's been through worse, and can overcome hardship better than he thinks. And he does. :)

So, yeah, seven stitches seems kinda minor.  :D

Title: Re: Tripzilla!
Post by: Laurna on September 13, 2014, 02:49:25 AM
"Misadventures!"  Aack! The term seems a bit mild for that turn of events.

Your reminding me to use extra caution when we brake out the miter saw to cut crown molding. It's a good thing there are no knots in that wood.