The Worlds of Katherine Kurtz

Katherine Kurtz and Scott MacMillan => Archived Chats => Chat Logs => 2014 Archive => Topic started by: DesertRose on January 19, 2014, 07:33:51 PM

Title: KK Chat -- 19 January 2014
Post by: DesertRose on January 19, 2014, 07:33:51 PM
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:19:50 PM] Join KK has joined this channel.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:19:54 PM] <jemler> hi kk
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:19:55 PM] <The_Bee> Hi KK
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:19:55 PM] <DesertRose> Hi KK
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:19:56 PM] <Jerusha> Hi KK
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:19:58 PM] <Evie> hi KK
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:19:59 PM] <Shiral> maybe this way they'll go for Jemler first
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:20:01 PM] <jemler> the ice cream worked!
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:20:02 PM] <Laurna> hi kk
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:20:06 PM] <Jerusha> Traps worked, Shiral!
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:20:07 PM] <Shiral> Hi, Katherine
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:20:28 PM] <KK> Hi, guys.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:20:34 PM] <Alkari> Hi there KK
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:20:46 PM] <Jerusha> How was your week, KK?
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:20:47 PM] <Shiral> I guess the archangels of the quarters won't hold my informality against me. =o)
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:21:13 PM] <jemler> it was the butter pacan ice cream
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:21:27 PM] <KK> Not a bad week, except that I've picked up the cold and extreme sore throat that scott had last week.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:21:36 PM] <The_Bee> :(
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:21:39 PM] <Evie> :-(
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:21:39 PM] <Jerusha> Oh, sorry to hear that
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:21:45 PM] * DesertRose fixes KK a hot toddy.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:21:46 PM] <KK> Not fun.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:21:52 PM] <Alkari> uh oh - 'domestic blliss'.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:21:52 PM] <DesertRose> No, majorly not fun.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:21:57 PM] <Shiral> Hot tea with honey. It might not help much, but it will be tasty
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:22:15 PM] <KK> Just had an Alka Selzer hot drink for heavy colds, so we'll see if that helps.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:22:25 PM] <DesertRose> Sounds like a good idea.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:22:27 PM] <Shiral> If you can find Throat Coat Tea on the East Coast, that's very good for easing sore throats
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:22:33 PM] <Jerusha> They still make Alka Seltzer?
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:22:33 PM] <Alkari> Hot toddy!
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:22:41 PM] * The_Bee sends KK get-better quick woodgies.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:22:43 PM] Join Aerlys has joined this channel (
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:22:49 PM] <DesertRose> Hi Aerlys.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:22:51 PM] <Jerusha> Hi Aerlys
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:22:52 PM] <The_Bee> Hi Aerlys
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:22:55 PM] <Evie> The infirmarian prescribes chicken soup
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:22:56 PM] <jemler> hi aerlys
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:22:58 PM] <Shiral> So are zinc tablets
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:23:03 PM] <Shiral> Hello Aerlys
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:23:04 PM] <Aerlys> Hi all!
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:23:06 PM] <Evie> hi Aerlys
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:23:12 PM] <DesertRose> Chicken soup is good for colds.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:23:23 PM] <Alkari> hot lemon, honey and whisky
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:23:43 PM] <Laurna> Here is the project I started last week in sewing class it still needs a few more flurishes.;sa=view;pic=197
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:23:58 PM] <Evie> Oranges may be beneficial, if any can be brought in from Bremagne this time of year. Oh, wait....
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:24:02 PM] <jemler> i don't have whiskey. i do have dry mead
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:24:08 PM] <Laurna> Sorry to hear about your cold KK
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:24:20 PM] <KK> It's a special blend Alka Selzer especially for colds. And I sucked on a zinc lozenge last night, when I first noticed the scratchy throat, but by this morning it was a full-blown sore throat, with runny nose beginning. It's gotten worse throughout the day.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:24:24 PM] <Aerlys> Oooh, very nice, Laurna
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:24:30 PM] <Shiral> I've realized that while I was never very good at sewing, I've forgotten everything I used to know in the 25 years it's been since I last sewed anything
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:24:42 PM] <Laurna> lol
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:24:50 PM] <Jerusha> Very nice, Laurna
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:25:00 PM] <DesertRose> Beautiful work, Laurna.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:25:08 PM] <Laurna> This week I will try to do the surcoat
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:25:20 PM] <Shiral> We appreciate your dedication to come talk to us when you're not feeling your best, Katherine. Hope the pesky bug doesn't last too long
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:25:41 PM] <Alkari> That's lovely, Laurna
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:25:43 PM] <Shiral> VERY nice Laurna
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:25:47 PM] <KK> Laurna, wow! These are those much bigger dolls, aren't they?
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:25:48 PM] <Jerusha> Can Healers deal with colds?
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:25:49 PM] <Evie> lovely, Laurna! That's half-size, you say? Who will end up wearing it? A BJD?
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:25:59 PM] <Laurna> Thanks All inspired by you guys
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:26:03 PM] <Jerusha> BJD?
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:26:29 PM] <Aerlys> big jellly donut?
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:26:31 PM] <Evie> Ball Jointed Doll. Out of my budget, but they come in larger sizes than what I work with, and are fun to costume, or so i hear
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:26:31 PM] <Laurna> I play in half size dress forms as part of my sisters buisness
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:26:38 PM] <The_Bee> A healer didn't help Kelson when he had a cold.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:26:47 PM] <Evie> ah. Showcase pieces?
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:27:05 PM] <DesertRose> BRB
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:27:06 PM] <Alkari> So you'd really be able to play around with detailed trim and all the fancy stuff
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:27:07 PM] * Shiral hands KK a physic in a shot of Rhennish Brandy wine
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:27:13 PM] <Laurna> Exactly Evie
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:27:19 PM] <KK> I don't think Healers can do much. Remember Kelson's awful cold, when addressing the bishops? (I think it was Kelson, but may be misremembering my timelines..)
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:27:41 PM] <Jerusha> You are right, KK, and Dhugal didn'
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:27:50 PM] <Aerlys> NO ONE has a cure for the common cold, I gues
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:27:52 PM] <Jerusha> t know he could heal yet
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:27:55 PM] <Laurna> No it was Kelson who was missarable
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:27:58 PM] <The_Bee> Which book was that?
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:28:00 PM] <Jerusha> *rented fingers*
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:28:09 PM] <jemler> qfsc
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:28:10 PM] <Shiral> But they can give you a nice deep restorative sleep through the night, which has to help
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:28:18 PM] <Evie> It was Kelson, though then again, he didn't have any fully trained Healers in his day. Rhys probably would have known enough about herbal medicine to ease his symptoms, I would think.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:28:18 PM] <Shiral> Healers I mean, not fingers
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:28:54 PM] <KK> A good night's sleep without undue coughing was probably about the best they could do.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:28:59 PM] <Shiral> Seemed to me like Father Lael and Dhugal did an okay job between them for an ailment which still has no cure but time
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:29:05 PM] <Aerlys> rats, I was hoping to rent some of those fingers myself...
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:29:07 PM] <Laurna> The only two known healers at the time were no where near
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:29:50 PM] <Jerusha> Morgan was dealing with a very irritable and pregnant Richenda
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:30:09 PM] <Shiral> Seems to me Healers are most helpful if you've just been wounded in some way. But if you're ill, all they can really do is ease symptoms like any other physician
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:30:26 PM] <Jerusha> Way beyond any Healer's skill :)
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:30:52 PM] <Shiral> She finally did get him to sit down and talk about the issue though. =o)
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:31:08 PM] <Aerlys> I might have to log off early. DH is trying to stream the Seahawks game on the other laptop, and his connection is lagging.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:31:11 PM] <Shiral> All she had to do was yank the cloth off the table where he was working, =o)
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:31:27 PM] <Evie> Gigi is checking out Denis and his shovel
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:31:28 PM] <Jerusha> Ink everywhere
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:31:38 PM] <Jerusha> Denis has a shovel?
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:31:42 PM] <Laurna> lol
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:31:56 PM] <Evie> Oh, that's right. You missed the pic of Denis helping me with housework.....
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:32:07 PM] <Shiral> It got his attention though. And never say "Don't worry your pretty head" to a woman. It doesn't go down at ALL well!
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:32:09 PM] <Jerusha> You need a shovel for housework?
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:32:17 PM] <Evie> Denis shovels the fireplace ashes
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:32:29 PM] <Aerlys> in my house, maybe!
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:32:46 PM] <Shiral> Well maybe a little one
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:32:50 PM] <Jerusha> Ah, most helpful
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:33:02 PM] <Aerlys> though I've contemplated using a bulldozer, on occasion
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:33:11 PM] <Alkari> Clearing the driveway after all your snow
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:33:11 PM] <Evie> Yeah, I might find a shovel helpful in mine too just now, unfortunately. i did a little pick up work today, but housework is hard with just one arm working right
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:33:14 PM] <The_Bee> Does he save the ashes for Ash Wednesday?
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:33:19 PM] <Jerusha> Small, thermonuclear device works well
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:33:31 PM] <Shiral> That apricot dress you made looks ready for Araxie to put on, Laurna
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:33:49 PM] <Evie> Shh, Bee, don't give him ideas. i'm trying to clean out the ashes, not hoard them! ;-)
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:34:08 PM] <Alkari> waste not, want not, Denis would say!
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:34:12 PM] <Jerusha> We got another 10 cm today, Alkari, and snow squalls
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:34:20 PM] <Laurna> Thank Shiral but not that extravagant
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:34:25 PM] <KK> Is that sari fabric, Laurna?
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:34:28 PM] <Aerlys> nah, te ashes are from burnt palms
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:34:45 PM] <Shiral> Well, maybe it's for a quiet morning catching up with her royal correspondence. =o)
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:34:48 PM] <Evie> We were burning old papers in the fireplace, which is why it's so full. Denis would have enough ash to distribute to every parish in Mini-Gwynedd!
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:34:52 PM] <Laurna> Vintage silk sari from india I love Ebay
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:34:54 PM] <The_Bee> just palms, or finger too?
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:35:03 PM] <jemler> you're burning your palms? try vaseline!
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:35:10 PM] * jemler ducks
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:35:26 PM] <Evie> You sent me a swatch of that fabric, didn't you, Laurna? At least I seem to recall a remnant in that color.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:35:26 PM] * Shiral lobs a lobster at Jemler
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:35:34 PM] <Jerusha> Jerusha throws roasted smelt at Jemler
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:36:01 PM] <jemler> no butter? that is not couth!
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:36:06 PM] <Laurna> I think so but now I don't remember maybe Evie
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:36:35 PM] * Aerlys flings some butter at jemler
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:36:59 PM] <Laurna> Oh who has the fring pan I want some lobster and butter
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:37:09 PM] <Evie> You sent some very fine fabric that color, and also some in a blue fabric with silver embroidery. At least one of those was sari fabric; I remember you mentioned that in your letter.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:37:21 PM] <The_Bee> straight butter or lemon butter?
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:37:28 PM] <Shiral> Dmitri has arrived to complain that I'm paying too much attention to the Little Box again and not enough to him
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:37:35 PM] <Laurna> Both were sari fabric but only the gold is silk
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:37:40 PM] <The_Bee> Hi Dmitri
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:37:49 PM] <Jerusha> Hi Dmitri
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:37:50 PM] <Evie> I used some of the blue fabric for Meraude's gown. Haven't used the gold yet
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:37:51 PM] <Laurna> Lemon butter
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:38:08 PM] <DesertRose> Hello Dmitri.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:38:11 PM] <Jerusha> Alas, I am allergic to lobster
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:38:11 PM] <Evie> But wasn't Araxie's wedding dress some sort of gold or yellow silk?
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:38:12 PM] <Aerlys> maybe we should offer Smitri some smelt
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:38:26 PM] <Aerlys> Dmitri
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:38:30 PM] <Shiral> It was, pale yellow I think
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:38:39 PM] <Jerusha> Jerusha tosses a smelt to Dmitri
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:38:41 PM] <The_Bee> Yes, Evie.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:38:48 PM] <jemler> don't worry jerusha. i'll take your share! :)
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:38:55 PM] <Jerusha> Feel free
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:38:57 PM] * Shiral gives smelt to Dmitri
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:39:03 PM] <Shiral> He says "Thank you!"
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:39:13 PM] <Jerusha> You are welcome, Dmitri
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:39:48 PM] <Shiral> He's off again, he's just seen something interesting out the window
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:39:49 PM] <jemler> he said "thank you"!? do you speak cat shiral?
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:39:59 PM] <Shiral> Fluently, yes Jemler
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:40:10 PM] <Shiral> But I don't yet read and write in it very well
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:40:32 PM] <jemler> oh good! i've always what the meow mix theme translated to. :)
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:40:42 PM] <Aerlys> lol
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:40:54 PM] <Evie> Klutz-Kitteh (Luke) just dive-bombed off the back of my recliner by accident
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:41:01 PM] <DesertRose> LOL, silly Luke.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:41:14 PM] <Alkari> is he now washing himself out of embarassment?
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:41:18 PM] <Jerusha> Did he have a target?
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:41:18 PM] <Shiral> I'll bet he's pretending he meant to do it, right?
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:41:48 PM] <Evie> I couldn't tell, since he landed behind me, but now he's jumped back up beside me, and yes, he's washing himself and saying "That never happened."
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:42:04 PM] <Shiral> That was some OTHER much clumsier cat"
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:42:07 PM] <The_Bee> "When in doubt, wash."
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:42:12 PM] <Alkari> Of course. Rule #1 in Cat language - when in doubt, WASH!
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:42:30 PM] <Alkari> LOL Bee - I see we can trans;late the same way
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:42:40 PM] <Laurna> Is there a good translation for "sweetheart" or valentine in Latin?
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:42:59 PM] <The_Bee> Jenny's advice to Peter. Anyone recall the book that came from?
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:44:13 PM] <Evie> not me
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:44:42 PM] <Evie> Luke is now washing Gigi's face
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:44:51 PM] <Laurna> ahh
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:44:58 PM] <DesertRose> PJ hates Merlin too much to let him wash her face.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:45:23 PM] <Evie> she has escaped, after meowing the feline version of "Stop! Staaaahhhhppp!"
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:45:25 PM] <Jerusha> Is Gigi mortified?
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:45:57 PM] <Evie> no, just mildly annoyed
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:46:01 PM] <Aerlys> "charissimus, -a -um" is "dearest" dilectissimus, -a, -um is "beloved"
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:46:13 PM] <Aerlys> most beloved
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:46:39 PM] <Laurna> Thanks Aerlys
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:46:50 PM] <jemler> hogan calls charissa cara mia. my love?
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:47:04 PM] <Shiral> Cara is dear, I think
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:47:14 PM] <Jerusha> Yes, I think it is
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:47:17 PM] <Alkari> Aerlys I was going to take up Latin again - but figured I would do some german first, as Latin is not as much use when troting around Europe.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:47:23 PM] <Shiral> And Mia is mine.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:47:51 PM] <Shiral> Unless you were taking a trip 2,000 years back at the same time
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:47:58 PM] <Shiral> =o)
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:48:02 PM] <The_Bee> "Dear" is more appropriate than "love" from a father to a daughter.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:48:07 PM] <Jerusha> You beat me too it, Shiral
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:48:18 PM] <Evie> I have a tour guide for Ancient Rome if you decide to use a time machine, Alkari
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:48:21 PM] <Shiral> Cara Mia= "My dear" basically
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:48:27 PM] <Aerlys> Latin was the only language I was any good at. )"was being the operative word!)
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:48:43 PM] <Aerlys> gads, I can't type tonight
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:48:57 PM] <Laurna> the google translation said cor dulce but that did not sound very romantic
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:49:09 PM] <Alkari> Not going to ROme :p
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:49:13 PM] <Shiral> I took French in High School and Latin and German in College. The grammar of both Latin and German soon brought me to great grief
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:49:14 PM] <Jerusha> Sounds like a desert
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:49:16 PM] <Aerlys> sounds more like a cannibal desert,,,
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:49:22 PM] <Aerlys> dessert
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:49:30 PM] <Evie> that would be a literal translation for "sweet heart," but what Aerlys said, Laurna.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:49:42 PM] <Evie> Endearments don't always translate well when translated literally
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:49:45 PM] <Shiral> Avoid cannibal deserts where you might well end up as dessert
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:49:48 PM] <DesertRose> Have we lost KK, or is she just observing?
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:49:52 PM] <Alkari> I figured that I could get by with high school French, as at least I can read better than I speak it
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:50:15 PM] <jemler> lurking
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:50:32 PM] <Jerusha> She may have decided to pass on the cannibal desert-dessert
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:50:38 PM] <Evie> lol
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:50:45 PM] <DesertRose> I think we all would. :)
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:50:49 PM] <KK> I'm observing--and sniffling.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:50:52 PM] <Evie> pass on as in bypass it, or as in sharing it?
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:50:57 PM] <Shiral> I refreshed my French before going in 2011, thought I was hot stuff since I remembered more than I thought. But every time I tried to speak to actual French speaking people, My mind promptly went blank.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:51:00 PM] <DesertRose> Bypass.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:51:02 PM] <Aerlys> I quit French. The teacher was a total git. I Took Vlaival greeck in college. Boy, was I glad I took 8 years of Latin beforeheand! THAT would bring you to tears!
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:51:03 PM] * Alkari hands KK a large box of tissues
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:51:06 PM] <The_Bee> My sister once wrote a paper in which she said that 3/4 of Australia was dessert.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:51:17 PM] * Shiral passes KK some fine lace trimmed handkerchiefs
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:51:25 PM] <Alkari> LOL - was that a pavlova dessert?
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:51:54 PM] <Shiral> I've always thought it would be fun if fattening to end up on a dessert Island
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:51:55 PM] <The_Bee> She was in 8th grade at the time.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:52:02 PM] <Alkari> Shiral, I am going to do a brush up 'French for travellers' course too
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:52:04 PM] <Laurna> I'm seriously laughing
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:52:07 PM] <Aerlys> my finger dyslexia is acting up toight
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:52:20 PM] <Aerlys> SEE!!!
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:52:24 PM] <Evie> LOL!
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:52:35 PM] <Evie> I hate it when my fingers are uptoight. ;-)
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:53:01 PM] <Shiral> Don't even bother with those cut rate fly by night finger rental places!
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:53:04 PM] <jemler> as opposed to downtoight?
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:53:17 PM] <Aerlys> yeah, makes them sound cockney.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:53:36 PM] <Alkari> sounds like a round to it
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:53:40 PM] <Jerusha> Two thumbs for the price of one
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:53:40 PM] <jemler> she does sign language with a brooklyn accent!
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:53:49 PM] <Aerlys> Unfortunately, I bought my fingers at a blue light special
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:53:51 PM] <Alkari> I had one of those hanging on my office wall at one stage
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:54:05 PM] <Jerusha> A thumb?
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:54:09 PM] <Evie> lol
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:54:12 PM] <Aerlys> A Round Tuit?
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:54:12 PM] <Shiral> Awfully hard to typee with Dmitri's foreleg and paw sprawled over the key board
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:54:21 PM] <Alkari> Yes Aerlys
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:54:38 PM] <Alkari> or a to-it, depending on your finger!
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:54:54 PM] <Evie> Yes, cats make typeeing awfully difficult, Shiral
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:55:08 PM] <The_Bee> or a toe-it, if you're taking foodnotes.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:55:17 PM] <The_Bee> footnotes
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:55:18 PM] <Aerlys> lol
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:55:21 PM] <Jerusha> I can make if difficult without feline help
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:55:22 PM] <Shiral> Ain't it the truth Especially when they want attention
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:55:36 PM] <DesertRose> Tell Dmitri to move it or lose it. :D
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:55:45 PM] <Alkari> Their motto is: Come and Sit On It.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:55:53 PM] <Jerusha> He's looking for the foodnotes
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:56:00 PM] <DesertRose> I've evicted Merlin from my laptop more than once.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:56:14 PM] <Shiral> I've shifted him, which should work for about 5 minutes
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:56:15 PM] <Evie> at least Luke isn't trying to sit on my wrists tonight. I'd have to banish him to the bathroom
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:56:18 PM] <The_Bee> It's been a while since Melantha tried to join the chat.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:56:20 PM] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:56:31 PM] <Shiral> He also likes to help me sew and paint and read
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:56:41 PM] <Laurna> That is where dogs are the best. they happily sit on your lap and feet but not on your keyboard.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:56:50 PM] <Aerlys> I'm glad dogs don't do that
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:57:05 PM] <DesertRose> Yes, but dogs have to be taken outside rain or shine.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:57:06 PM] <Jerusha> They would have to get off the couch, first
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:57:29 PM] <Laurna> That is what a large yard and a dogdoor are for
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:57:29 PM] <Shiral> Or when frostbite would settle if you stayed out more than 3 minutes
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:57:31 PM] <Aerlys> I'd suffocate if Pepper tried to sit on me
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:57:46 PM] <Jerusha> Pepper is a dog?
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:57:54 PM] <The_Bee> What breed is Pepper?
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:57:54 PM] <Evie> You two never had the Chihuahua that owned me in high school. He did get into my lap and everything i tried to do, and if I tried to move him, he'd try to drape himself around my neck like a scarf. Nice in winter, but annoying in August
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:57:58 PM] <Aerlys> 100 lb American Bulldog
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:57:59 PM] <Shiral> Dmitri is big, heavy and floppy
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:58:26 PM] <Aerlys> Sorry, not a big fan of chi's
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:58:27 PM] <Jerusha> Yes, you would suffocate, Aerlys
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:58:27 PM] <DesertRose> Merlin is a monster. He weighs about 13 pounds.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:58:32 PM] <Laurna> Big Pepper
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:58:39 PM] <DesertRose> Big doggy, indeed.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:58:52 PM] <Aerlys> Mindy, on the other hand, is only about 8 lbs.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:58:55 PM] <Shiral> I think Dmitri must be around the 12 or 13 lb mark, o
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:58:57 PM] <Shiral> too
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:58:59 PM] <Jerusha> Even for an American bulldog
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:59:00 PM] <Laurna> Jessa has grown to about 10lsbs
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:59:06 PM] <Laurna> 10lbs
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:59:12 PM] <Evie> He wasn't a typical Chihuahua. he thought he was a hunting dog. Actually, he was one of my granddad's best hunters. Treed squirrels and tracked rabbits.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:59:22 PM] <Jerusha> How old is she now, Laurna?
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:59:29 PM] <Laurna> 8months
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:59:49 PM] <Laurna> Went to her first show two weeks ago and her next show is next weekend
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:59:53 PM] <Jerusha> So cute!
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:59:54 PM] <The_Bee> What is she--an elephant?
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [07:59:55 PM] <Aerlys> American Bulldogs get up to about 120 lbs if the are males. Pepper is a bit fat, but it is winter and she is a Southern breed so avoids going out.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:00:39 PM] <Jerusha> How did she do, Laurna?
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:00:57 PM] <DesertRose> KK, is Gus with you tonight?
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:01:07 PM] <Laurna> She happily jumbed all the way around the ring and then up and down on the judge. no ribbons lol
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:01:10 PM] <KK> He's in the basket above my desk.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:01:20 PM] <DesertRose> LOL, snoopervising chat.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:01:36 PM] <Jerusha> Judges usually allow puppies a bit of exhuberance
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:01:41 PM] <Aerlys> Laurna, they lady we got Mindy from has another dog, a Cavalier-ShihTzu mix. Itought about taking her in, but her name is Shredder...
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:01:45 PM] <Alkari> and applying sympathy for sniffles
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:01:45 PM] <KK> Sounds like Pepper had an illustrious beginning to her show career.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:02:06 PM] <Shiral> The late beloved Panther had a favorite round basket in my former kitchen. Every now and then, I'd see the basket had two black ears and a long tail. =o)
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:02:17 PM] <DesertRose> LOL, Shiral.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:02:21 PM] <Laurna> lol we have been training for better walking this week.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:02:29 PM] Join Evie_ has joined this channel (
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:02:35 PM] <KK> Black cats have a talent that way.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:02:38 PM] <DesertRose> Oh, Evie's modem is acting up.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:02:41 PM] <Evie_> Dagnabbit!
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:02:46 PM] <Shiral> "Shredder" sounds ominous, Aerlys
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:02:47 PM] <Jerusha> So long as the tail wags, Laurna, its OK :)
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:02:55 PM] <Shiral> He was lovely cat. I still miss him
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:03:04 PM] <Evie_> I. Want. That. New. Modem. Installed. NOW!
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:03:10 PM] <DesertRose> PJ, my family's elder cat, is just the right shade of grey that she blends into shadow. She hides really well.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:03:13 PM] Quit Evie has left this server (Ping timeout: 121 seconds).
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:03:16 PM] <KK> Unless the dog is jumping up and down on a show judge. Or any other kind of judge, for that matter.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:03:17 PM] <Laurna> Oh the tail goes a mile a minute. Shredder sounds cut
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:03:19 PM] <Laurna> Cute
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:03:23 PM] Nick Evie_ is now known as Evie.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:03:33 PM] <Jerusha> "Cut" works too, Laurna
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:03:36 PM] <Aerlys> Apparently Shredder received her moniker because she likes to shred paper. I decided I had enough to clean up.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:03:41 PM] <Shiral> My Aunt Barbara is very much into Golden Retreivers
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:03:42 PM] <Laurna> hehe
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:03:43 PM] Mode derynibot gives channel operator privileges to Evie.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:03:59 PM] <Alkari> smart move Aerlys
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:04:16 PM] <Jerusha> I read that as "given up to Evie"
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:04:18 PM] <The_Bee> Black cats blend in very well too. The other day I tossed a book onto my recliner chair and nearly hit Melantha.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:04:23 PM] <KK> Booker decided last night to pull most of the stuffing out of their office dog bed. Mounds of green stuffing all over the floor.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:04:34 PM] <Shiral> Neighbors tried to talk my Mom into adopting a Lhassa Apso named Maggie. But Mom thought she looked too much like a dust bunny
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:04:35 PM] <DesertRose> Oh dear, KK.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:04:43 PM] <Laurna> Oh my KK
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:04:55 PM] <Shiral> Not a happy discovery first thing in the morning
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:04:57 PM] <Aerlys> We had a beautiful black cat named Blackie (7 y/o named her) She was an amazing huntress. She would catch large rabbits for her kittens
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:04:58 PM] <Jerusha> Big green dust bunnies
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:05:01 PM] <The_Bee> Does he often do thingslike that?
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:05:06 PM] <KK> I stuffed the stuffing back into the bed and turned it over. Now it's fine--until next time.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:05:12 PM] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:05:23 PM] <KK> This is twice now. Have no idea why he does it.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:05:25 PM] <Shiral> Maybe he was doing battle in a dream
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:05:27 PM] <The_Bee> Wa he feeling neglected?
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:05:44 PM] <Laurna> Might want to sew up the hole, make them work at it before the do it again.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:05:45 PM] <Jerusha> Dogs often like to "unstuff" things
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:05:51 PM] <Evie> It's a fun game, KK. Eviscerate The Bed.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:06:01 PM] <Jerusha> Eww
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:06:07 PM] <KK> Probably. We were having a dinner party, and the dogs were banished from the main house, but they had access to my office.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:06:19 PM] <Shiral> "I keep trying to tell her I want a different color bed, but she just flips it over..."
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:06:23 PM] <Jerusha> "Ignore me, and you will pay!"
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:06:40 PM] <Laurna> And they wanted you to know how unhappy they were from being evicted
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:06:58 PM] <KK> Fortunately he doesn't do this kind of thing often. But they do un-stuff toys, so we get the unstuffed ones to start with.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:07:00 PM] <Alkari> They need to greet the guests just like you do
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:07:26 PM] <jemler> no. dogs like to sniff things!
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:07:28 PM] <KK> Oh, they'd greeted the guests. We just didn't want them in the dining room. And they took exception to this.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:07:38 PM] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:07:53 PM] <KK> They're actually very good dogs, now that they're mature.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:07:58 PM] <Shiral> "This is a nice bed, it would be a pity if something happened to it..."
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:08:01 PM] <Evie> "Mama banished us from the Tasty Noms Hour! Well, we'll show her!"
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:08:16 PM] <Laurna> hehe
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:08:17 PM] <The_Bee> Booker and --?
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:08:23 PM] <KK> Warner.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:08:23 PM] <Aerlys> "What? No steak?"
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:08:37 PM] <KK> We had lasagna. Garfield would have approved.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:08:44 PM] <Aerlys> lol
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:08:45 PM] <Jerusha> But lots of green stuffing
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:08:47 PM] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:08:48 PM] <Shiral> Sounds like a pair of TV police detectives =o)
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:09:08 PM] Join Evie_ has joined this channel (
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:09:15 PM] <Jerusha> wb, Evie
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:09:15 PM] <KK> Well, they <are> scent-hounds, so they like to follow clues.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:09:24 PM] <The_Bee> Hi Evil Evie
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:09:30 PM] <jemler> mibbit, stop cloning Evie!
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:09:35 PM] <Shiral> Thanks for popping in, Evie
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:09:35 PM] * Evie_ mutters words that her mama never taught her, which may be more AngloSaxon than Latinate
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:09:40 PM] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:09:46 PM] <Jerusha> lol
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:10:00 PM] * jemler passes mouthwash to Evie_
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:10:35 PM] <Evie_> I really should behave. I've sitting not five feet away from a miniature priest. ;-)
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:10:42 PM] <Shiral> A new TV Series "Booker and Warner on the Scent"
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:10:51 PM] <Laurna> lol
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:10:56 PM] <Shiral> And one with a shovel, too!
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:11:05 PM] <Evie_> and he's armed with a shovel and a scowl.:D
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:11:06 PM] <Aerlys> nice series of kids books
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:11:23 PM] <jemler> which sin is considered smaller? venal and something else.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:11:31 PM] <The_Bee> Putt Dennis to work cleaning the litter-box.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:11:44 PM] <Jerusha> Now that's penance
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:11:47 PM] <Alkari> Tell Denis toblock his ears
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:11:48 PM] <Aerlys> venial is a lesser sin. Mortal is the grave sin
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:11:52 PM] <Alkari> With ashes, even
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:11:53 PM] <The_Bee> venial is small, mortal is big.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:12:03 PM] Quit Evie has left this server (Ping timeout: 121 seconds).
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:12:09 PM] <Jerusha> Aack
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:12:10 PM] Nick Evie_ is now known as Evie.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:12:28 PM] Mode derynibot gives channel operator privileges to Evie.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:12:32 PM] <Laurna> wow evie Morbit does not like you tonight
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:12:35 PM] <Evie> There, I can get my name back now
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:12:38 PM] <jemler> then di venial, and have your mini-dude alsolve you. small priests, small sins.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:12:40 PM] <Aerlys> Ashes and sck cloth for Evie from Denis?
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:12:44 PM] <Aerlys> sack
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:13:02 PM] <Jerusha> Morbit sounds about right, Laurna
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:13:03 PM] <DesertRose> Evie said her modem is dying.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:13:11 PM] <Evie> Just ashes. Hefty bags don't work as well as sack cloth. ;-)
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:13:19 PM] <Aerlys> Denis can give it last rites while he is at it
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:13:29 PM] <jemler> have denis give it tha last rights. and a few lefts.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:13:58 PM] <Evie> what if I give it the rights and lefts, and then he can give me absolution for losing my temper?
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:13:59 PM] <The_Bee> My computer keeps telling me to update Firefox, even though I've already updated it. Several times.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:14:19 PM] <DesertRose> LOL, Evie.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:14:22 PM] <Jerusha> Sounds fair, Evie
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:14:39 PM] <Aerlys> Ah, halftime and the Seahawks are losing. I told DH they only lose when he watches the game.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:14:53 PM] <Aerlys> Firefox is annoying sometimes
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:14:54 PM] <The_Bee> Patriots list. :(
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:14:58 PM] <The_Bee> lost too
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:15:11 PM] <DesertRose> Aw, I'm sorry.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:15:15 PM] * Evie pictures the Patriots listing to one side
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:15:20 PM] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:15:30 PM] <Shiral> LOL or making grocery lists
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:15:37 PM] <Shiral> Folks, just play the GAME
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:16:00 PM] <Aerlys> At least if they lose, he won't feel so bad about missing the Superbowl. We are going out of town (finally) for our anniversary on Feb 2nd.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:16:01 PM] <Shiral> I'll just have to apologize for the might of the 49ers.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:16:21 PM] <Evie> Oh, there's mini-Duncan! I wondered where he went off to! It looks like he's making the acquaintance!
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:16:33 PM] <Shiral> Even though I pay no attention to football, myself
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:16:33 PM] <Jerusha> Going to Vancouver Island, Aerlys?
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:16:35 PM] <DesertRose> Mmrr?
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:16:57 PM] <Jerusha> Yda?
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:17:03 PM] <Shiral> LOL "GIve Absolution, I must."
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:17:05 PM] <Jerusha> *Yoda
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:17:11 PM] <Aerlys> No Leavenworth (the Alpine town, not the prison)
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:17:28 PM] <Evie> I have a small Yoda figure. I think he came in a Happy Meal years ago
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:17:29 PM] <Shiral> I think the town would be more fun, definitely
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:17:42 PM] <Jerusha> Oh good, Aerlys - you had me worried for a moment
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:18:02 PM] <Aerlys> The thngs we do o get away from the kids:D
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:18:07 PM] <Evie> he's just over knee high to a male action figure, so I kept him, since I've got a Luke Skywalker figure here somewhere
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:18:37 PM] <Shiral> "Mommy and Daddy are going to er... pay our debt to society this weekend, kids."
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:18:42 PM] <Evie> LOL
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:18:55 PM] <Laurna> lol
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:19:00 PM] * Aerlys has Weird Al's "Yoda" going through her head
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:19:01 PM] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:19:03 PM] <Alkari> Mummy and Daddy find prison to be nice and peaceful!
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:19:22 PM] <Shiral> Conjugal visits and all!
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:19:28 PM] <Evie> I love Weird Al, Aerlys! DH took me to Weird Al's concert last year for our anniversary
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:19:30 PM] <The_Bee> except when there's a riot.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:19:49 PM] <Alkari> Oh, they don't go to one of THOSE prisons.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:20:27 PM] <Aerlys> At the state fair, Weird Al is the only concert that completely sells out. He's a riot!
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:20:36 PM] <Aerlys> I think Ill opt for a padded cell
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:20:45 PM] <The_Bee> I don't know him.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:21:09 PM] <Evie> He specializes in parodies of pop music, although his original songs tend to be just as funny
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:21:31 PM] <Evie> and I often like the parodies better than the original songs he spoofs
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:21:39 PM] <Aerlys> me too!
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:21:51 PM] <DesertRose> He's actually a really talented musician.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:22:37 PM] <The_Bee> this generation Allan Sherman?
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:22:41 PM] <Evie> who puts on an amazing concert, btw. Well worth seeing, even at today's ticket prices (though as I recall, DH managed to get a good deal on tickets somehow)
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:23:00 PM] <Aerlys> must've been a really fun anniversary, Evie
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:23:05 PM] <Evie> very
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:23:30 PM] <Aerlys> Even his videos are great parodies of the originals
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:23:45 PM] <Shiral> Sorry, I've been wrestling with the cat. He keeps encroaching over the keyboard
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:23:57 PM] <Alkari> You have to be very good indeed to do successful parodies
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:24:02 PM] <Jerusha> Are you winning?
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:24:12 PM] <Evie> Not familiar with Allan Sherman, Bee, but if you remember Tom Lehrer, that's the closest parody artist I can think of from an earlier generation than Weird Al
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:24:13 PM] <Shiral> Not sure
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:24:13 PM] <Aerlys> Car wretling?
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:24:20 PM] <Aerlys> wrestling
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:24:26 PM] <jemler> i've heard of a spelling bee, but never a typing cat.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:24:41 PM] <Shiral> No, car is in the garage, the cat is the one causing problems. =o)
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:24:50 PM] <Evie> and actually Weird Al started off in the 1980s, IIRC (or that's when I first heard his songs), but continues to this generation
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:24:53 PM] <The_Bee> Allan Sherman specialized in Jewish parodies. "Hello Muddr, hello fadder."
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:25:11 PM] <jemler> here i am at, camp grenada
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:25:17 PM] <Evie> Ah, OK. I've heard that one, but didn't know who did it
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:25:23 PM] <Jerusha> Take me home...
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:25:26 PM] <The_Bee> Tom Lehrer and Mark Russell.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:25:31 PM] <Shiral> Camp is very entertaining and they say we'll have some fun when it stops raining"
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:26:04 PM] <jemler> all the counselors hate the waiters, and the lake has alligators!
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:26:58 PM] <Kelric> and the head coach wants no sissies, so he reads from something called Ulysses
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:27:09 PM] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:27:26 PM] <Evie> :-D
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:27:43 PM] <jemler> ranks right up there with mr custer!
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:27:58 PM] <Kelric> please mr. custer. I don't wanna go.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:28:27 PM] <Aerlys> haven't haerd that one for a while
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:28:53 PM] <jemler> my parents used to find them when i was a kid.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:28:54 PM] <KK> Well, my symptoms are not particularly improving, so I think I'm going to check out and take my cold to bed. That's provided I can sleep. Grump!
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:29:04 PM] <jemler> nite kk
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:29:09 PM] <Evie> I hope you feel better soon, KK!
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:29:09 PM] <Jerusha> Hope you feel better soon, KK
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:29:14 PM] <Shiral> Night, KK. HOpe you feel better in the morning
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:29:20 PM] <Shiral> Drink lots of fluids
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:29:25 PM] <Laurna> Good night KK get better soon
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:29:26 PM] <The_Bee> Good night, KK. Hope you feel better soon.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:29:31 PM] <Aerlys> Take care of yourelf, KK. Hope that cold gows away soon.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:29:32 PM] <Kelric> tie ot make a cup of tea.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:29:32 PM] <Alkari> Night KK. Hope you manage a good night's sleep and feel better
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:29:36 PM] <Shiral> Starve a cold, feed a fever and give PMS whatever it wants
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:29:36 PM] <Evie> I'll send you a Healer if I can get around to repainting his eyes. ;-)
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:29:42 PM] * KK steps onto her Portal, waves goodnight,mops at her nose, and disappears in a shower of green sparkles.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:30:10 PM] <Shiral> Hope you can get some sleep tonight
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:30:16 PM] <Jerusha> Duncan's or Denis, Evie?
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:30:38 PM] * jemler starts talking in hopes of boring kk to sleep
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:30:39 PM] <Evie> Need to make sure I can hold a paint brush without it quivering first. (My grip is still a bit weak, and tends to tremble a bit, as I noticed earlier this afternoon.)
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:30:43 PM] <Evie> Rhys, jerusha
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:30:50 PM] <Laurna> Wait Shiral that is feed a cold starve a fever.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:30:51 PM] <Evie> I just have his eyes left to repaint
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:31:04 PM] <Shiral> Eh, I always mix them up!
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:31:08 PM] <Evie> but am waiting for my hands to be more fit so I don't mess them up
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:31:17 PM] <Aerlys> did you have your MRI, Evie
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:31:21 PM] <KK> Nighters, all.
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:31:25 PM] <Jerusha> I forgot about Rhys *hangs head in shame
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:31:25 PM] <Evie> Scheduled for the 29th
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:31:31 PM] <Evie> I have two scheduled
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:31:32 PM] <Shiral> Night, KK thanks for stopping by
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:31:37 PM] <The_Bee> thanks for coming, KK
[Sunday, January 19, 2014] [08:31:37 PM] Quit KK has left this server (Quit: ajax IRC Client).