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House closing in 30 minutes.  too soon to be holding your Breath, Bywn  but I have my fingers crossed for you.
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Forgotten Shadows / Re: FS Out of Character Chat
Last post by Marc_du_Temple - Today at 01:06:52 PM
I feel trouble coming.
Forgotten Shadows / Re: Forgotten Shadows
Last post by Marc_du_Temple - Today at 01:04:49 PM
The guiding guard continued to lead the three investigating men through the forests outside the city of Grecotha. They no longer followed a road or a footpath or even the guard's shortcuts, but instead the trail of what might have been a handcart on a meandering, improvised course back towards the city. Signs of a struggle starting at the windmill had ended where the wheelmarks had began. As the treeline parted, the sun was high overhead, and they reached a split in the tracks, where the men had left the cart and begun dragging a small body towards the wall of Grecotha.

"This is where the men found the second lad," the guard stated in explanation. "We were too late to see his killers carrying him here."

"You did what you could," Airich said, riding up to the man to slap his shoulder comfortingly. Not that the man was visibly moved, but Airich felt he must be, or that he ought to be.

Edwin whispered cynically to Bede, "What they could do is not enough, to my sight."

"God..." was all Bede could mutter, grasping for something useful in all this civilized brutality. At rare moments of reflection, he almost believed that only Mearans could be so vicious, to as much pride as there was shame. He found little satisfaction in being wrong.

"Come," the guiding guard shouted while he roused his horse to motion. "Let us see where the wagon was destroyed and the footprints became obscure, and then end this exercise."

"It's already more obscure than a shiral," Edwin remarked.

((Bede looks around where Alfie was found 2d6 5 + 6))((Bede Perceives 2d6 6 + 2)) Bede let his gaze wander and frowned. "Hold, friends." There was something about the cool grass, besotted by beautifully dying leaves. But now was no time for poetry. A few yards from the base of the wall, an odd little displacement of such leaves. He dismounted Winnie with purpose and grace and stood low to the ground, gently brushing the area until he felt cold metal and glass. He lifted it like a newly baptized babe before a church: a scuffed pair of eyeglasses, tinted green like a false jade. "Come take a gander here, lads," he bid the other three dismount. "Perhaps poor Alfie got a lucky hit on one of his tormentors before his time was over."

Enthusiastically, Airich was the first to open his hands to receive them. He wheeled on his feet to face away from the other men and tried to focus. ((Airich looks at the glasses 2d6 3 + 3)) He frowned, though none saw it, for he felt nothing. "They must have been nice, a short time ago." He then proffered them to their guard. "What do you make of it?"

Their guard rejected the offer. "I know nothing of glassware, sir knight."

Airich pursed his lips. The least the man could have done was try. It is his city, after all. "Edwin?"

((With permission from Revanne, Edwin examines the eyeglasses with Education 3d6 6 + 5 + 2))Gingerly, the scholar took them in his hands and looked them over from every angle, in the sunlight and in the shade. There was something very familiar about them. "They're a genuine Fiannan pair, but that's beside the issue. I know the face and the name of their owner. He's a student, all right. I haven't spoken to him before, but I've heard his name called many times. Pale, for where he's from, but with dusky bags around his eyes, and with a serious stoop in his shoulders, like a vulture. Eustace of Bremagne."

Bede nodded approvingly, "Do you suspect he was involved? This is the scene of the crime."

"I don't want to rush to conclusions," Edwin shook his head. "Technically, the scene of the crime extends for some miles, does it not?"

"Aye," Airich agreed. "Let's head back into the city, then. We've gleaned what we can, I think."

((Bede is Vigilantly quick. 3d6 5 + 6 + 1)) Before any could move further, Bede took the eyeglasses back into his hand and dropped them into a pouch on his belt. He grinned and his nose seemed to turn like a magpie's beak when he explained: "Finders keepers."
Quote from: drakensis on Today at 12:58:45 AMI'm glad Colin is considering Catalina's feelings at last. He was at least considering those of people other than himself last chapter, but more his existing family than others. Understandable, particularly when grieving.

Yes, in the shock of the initial week or two after Uthyr's death, while everyone else was grieving one loss, Colin was (and still is) grieving two. His entire world has just been upended, but as inconvenient as a long overland trip can be, at least it will give him a little more time to think through how to approach this unexpected new chapter in his life. (Like, literally a new chapter...sorry, couldn't resist....  ;D )

QuoteSoraya continues to be right in what she does but then doing so in the most abrasive ways. I did wonder if Cinhil might strongly hint that she take time away from court to grieve but from what he says here, that would probably be far more of a blow than I had thought for her and understandable he'd not want to do that to his mother even at the best of times. I hope she has a confessor willing to lead her to better understanding.

Soraya tends to be right quite often. Even when she is wrong, there is usually still some kernel of truth in her reasoning. Everything she does, she does out of genuine love for her family, but having grown up without healthy role models to teach her more effective ways to parent, she tends to live up to the old saying "Hurt people hurt people," and just because one loves one's children, that doesn't necessarily mean that one knows how to show it in a healthy and effective way that they understand to be born out of love. One of the more satisfying things about writing this story was watching how certain characters evolved over time, often in ways I didn't expect when I first began writing it and was still wondering who these new people were who had just walked onto the page.
I'm glad Colin is considering Catalina's feelings at last. He was at least considering those of people other than himself last chapter, but more his existing family than others. Understandable, particularly when grieving.

Soraya continues to be right in what she does but then doing so in the most abrasive ways. I did wonder if Cinhil might strongly hint that she take time away from court to grieve but from what he says here, that would probably be far more of a blow than I had thought for her and understandable he'd not want to do that to his mother even at the best of times. I hope she has a confessor willing to lead her to better understanding.
I really do love maps. Every map tells so many stories.

Quote from: Evie on July 22, 2024, 09:11:17 AM
Quote from: drakensis on July 22, 2024, 01:00:54 AMHowicce and Llanedd reunited and brought in Connait.

It also seems that Torenth has seen a secession in the north.

Quite so! Also, Vezaire got swallowed up by Joux about two generations ago when a Vezairi heiress married the ruler of Joux, which also happened shortly before the all-too-recent Forcinn Wars that are alluded to several times in this story. Alver and Autun have both been reincorporated into Bremagne, Jaca is now part of the Anvil, and Fallon is currently the same color as Fianna because I think the sovereign of Fallon is still a minor, but closely related to the Fiannese Queen who is on the Regency Council, so they will become fully autonomous again in a few years. (I haven't fully figured out all those details yet, so that's why that description is a bit vague.)
Forgotten Shadows / Re: FS Out of Character Chat
Last post by Nezz - July 25, 2024, 01:55:34 PM
Quote from: DerynifanK on July 25, 2024, 01:53:18 PMI am so glad that Elspeth found the information she needed on Talicil and how to produce it. I hope Edwin will be able to produce a complete copy for them so they will be able to make it as needed for their patients.
I wonder how Feyed will deal with the crowning of a king of which he strongly disapproves. I would not want to be the one crossing him and the Order.
Of course, now we have to look at it like "Does Feyd really disapprove of this king? Or is Bynw just trying to make us think that Feyd disapproves?"

But that way lies madness, so never mind. :D
Forgotten Shadows / Re: FS Out of Character Chat
Last post by DerynifanK - July 25, 2024, 01:53:18 PM
I am so glad that Elspeth found the information she needed on Talicil and how to produce it. I hope Edwin will be able to produce a complete copy for them so they will be able to make it as needed for their patients.
I wonder how Feyed will deal with the crowning of a king of which he strongly disapproves. I would not want to be the one crossing him and the Order.
Forgotten Shadows / Re: Forgotten Shadows
Last post by Bynw - July 25, 2024, 01:34:41 PM
"Master" the voice calls from the other side of the door. "It is most urgent."

He knocks again on his Master's door. "Apologies for disturbing your work Master. But the council has said to disturb you with this."

The bolt of the door is heard to be slammed and the door is opened. Master Feyd is tired looking and exhausted from his research and lack of proper sleep.

He responds to young page curtly. "What is it that is so important that I am to be disturbed?"

The boy knells and hands his Master a scroll. "Begging your pardon Master but they insisted."

Feyd jerks the scroll out of the pages hand without a word and Mind Sees the seal to authenticate the scroll's origin. Within seconds he breaks the seal and reads the scroll.

"They have crowned a king ..." he mutters and then raises the boy up. "Tell the council that I will personally see to this matter." With that he waves the boy off and shuts the door.
Forgotten Shadows / Re: Forgotten Shadows
Last post by Jerusha - July 25, 2024, 12:33:11 PM
Note:  the source for the information on the Willimites comes from the Codex Derynianus by Katherine Kurtz and Robert Reginald

The rector himself had come to the infirmary to escort Elspeth and Amy to the university library.  If he was dismayed by the idea of women within the university walls, not to mention inside the library, he kept his thoughts to himself.  He was an older man and probably thought he had seen it all, until now. 

Nevertheless, he was a courteous man, and had taken great pride in relating the history of the library as they walked openly across the quadrangle.  Elspeth had thought he would try to sneak them through a backdoor to avoid being seen, but the openness of their approach as they walked quelled any objections from the few students present.  It didn't prevent the horrified stares, though, and Eslpeth made sure her hood was in place.

The library was on the second floor above the Divinity School.  The rector explained that this arrangement helped to protect the library from the damp.  He stepped aside as they entered, allowing them a clear view of the vast room.  Elspeth stopped in her tracks.

The vast room took up the entire length of the building.  Oak bookcases stood at right angles to the walls, with monk's desks built into them for study. The three shelves above the desks were filled to capacity with books and scroll cases.  Huge windows located in the middle of each wall let in an ample amount of light.  Large, oak arches supported the ceiling, which was decorated with panels painted with the arms of Grecotha University.

Amy could not resist pinching her friend's wrist lightly to bring her back to the task at hand.  The rector was waiting for them to follow, a knowing smile on his face.

"Happens all the time on the first visit," he said kindly.  "Now where would you like to start?"

"First, we would like to review anything you may have on the Willimites," Elspeth said, keeping her voice low out of respect for her surroundings and the need for privacy.  "After that, any medical volumes you have dating from before the Regency."

"Information on the Willimites has been more popular than usual," the rector said conversationally as he led them to the correct bookcase. 

"Anyone in particular?" Amy asked as nonchalantly as she could..

"Canon Damian for one, a variety of students, and a young novice."  He indicated a desk at the end of the room.  "I'll be there when you are ready to move on to your next topic.  If you need any help, please don't hesitate to ask."  The rector smiled and moved toward his desk.

"Somehow Canon Damian doesn't surprise me, under the circumstances," Elspeth said as she scanned the volumes before them. 

The Codex Derynianus proved to be the best source.  It related how the Order of Saint Willim had been founded in the memory of the martyred saint, who had been a young victim of Deryni ill use.  The Order was sworn to punish any Deryni criminal who escaped justice.  This mandate had soon expanded to any Deryni they could find, whether guilty or innocent.  Several notable victims were mentioned. 

They had fallen out of favor under King Imre, but became active again during the later half of the reign of King Cinhil as a fundamentalist religious sect bent on forcing Deryni to give up their powers and live a life of penitence. The other sources they reviewed said much the same.  No mention was made of the Order expanding its mandate  to include humans who befriended Deryni.  This appeared to be a new development.

"I think that is all we can learn about the Willimites for now," Elspeth stated as she rose from the desk.  "Let us turn to the medical section now."

Elspeth led the way to the rector's desk.  Before it stood a young novice, speaking quietly to the rector.  ((Will Elspeth and Amy recognize the novice?  2d6, 4+4=8.  Nope.))  As they approached, the novice turned away.  He seemed familiar to both of the women, but the hood of his cowl was drawn up and they could not see his face clearly.  Elspeth knew her own hood served her in the same way.  Was there a reason he wanted to remain hidden?  The novice bowed to the rector and turned away, retreating to the far door. 

"The medical section next?" the rector asked pleasantly.  "Before the time of the Regents," he added.

"Yes, and thank you," Elspeth replied.

"So where do we start?" Amy asked.  The collection was too large to go through them all.

"We'll start with the herbals, concentrating on the oldest ones first.  I hope we can find the same one we found before," Elspeth added wistfully.  ((Will Elspeth find the volume with the talicil formula intact?  2d6, 3+5=8.  Success!))  She scanned the shelves and suddenly grabbed Amy's arm.  "I think it's this one!"

Elspeth pointed at the book and Amy lifted it down, placing it on the desk, propped up against the lectern. Elspeth closed her eyes and said a brief prayer before turning the pages.

"Here!  Oh, it's here!"  It was a challenge for Elspeth to keep her voice down, but she managed it. "The page is whole, and includes the full description and how it must be made.  We have it all!"  Elspeth hugged Amy out of pure joy.

"Too bad Edwin isn't here," Amy said as she extricated herself from her friend's embrace. "If we both copy it to our wax tablets, he should be able to make a fair copy between the two of them."

"Agreed!  Let's get to work," Elspeth pulled her tablet from her satchel, and Amy grabbed her own.

The light was fading as they packed their tablets into their satchels and returned the book to the shelf.  The rector reached them as they moved to the center aisle of the library.

"It is time for us to leave," he said.  "I'll escort you back. I hope your allowed time here has been beneficial."

"Allowed time?" Amy echoed.

"I was not given any direction about a return visit. You will have to ask the canon about that." The rector motioned toward the exit.

"I will, but we have learned a lot in the time we had today," Elspeth said as they walked with the rector to the exit.  She noted that there was no sign of the novice lingering anywhere.  "Please extend our thanks to Canon Damian."
Quote from: DerynifanK on July 25, 2024, 11:29:05 AMEvie you always amaze me. You are a master (or mistress) at creating intrigue, so many twist and turns. I Loved what Cinhil said to his mother about arranging a marriage for her. That certainly stopped her in her tracks, at least temporarily. I do wish Nicholas kept one name or the other. Don't like Colin as much but can get a little confusing. I really enjoy your description of the political intrigues, especially the Forcinn States and the earlier Forcinn War. One of my characters in the fic I'm working on is a very ambitious prince from Vezaire. If you don't mind I might include a foreshadowing of the Forcinn War. I loved this and can hardly wait for the next chapter.

The Forcinn War would have been in the current King's grandfather's day, so maybe 75 years or so earlier. The current king of Joux (King Renier) isn't old enough to have lived through that time period, but he would have grown up hearing stories of "Joux's glory days" and wanting to bring them back. If you are writing in Kelson's time, I don't know if the conditions that led to the Forcinn War would have had even their early origins yet, since that was some 300 years earlier, and a lot of what sparked the war 75 years earlier was one man's ambition to expand his territory beyond what was rightfully his, plus his desire to overthrown the Hort of Orsal's suzerainty over Joux and the other Forcinn States. It is possible that some earlier ruler of a Forcinn State was equally desirous of rebelling against his overlord the Hort, though, despite the fact that the Forcinn states are at least semi-autonomous, so maybe this isn't the first time a war in the Forcinn has happened for similar reasons.

Re: nicknames, I tend to only use my full first name for legal documents or sometimes in my professional duties at work. Otherwise, it is simply the name my mother or sometimes my husband calls me if they are really upset with me.  ;D  At least 90% of the time, I use my nickname. I think it likely that Nicholas/Colin would do the same. One reason he prefers Colin, in fact, is that Soraya pretty much always calls him Nicholas, and she is nearly always displeased with him for some reason or another, so that would have a negative association in his mind. But on the other hand, it is his legal name, so he would definitely use it for more formal settings.