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KK Chat -- 17 June 2012

Started by Bynw, June 17, 2012, 07:39:48 PM

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18:12 -!- KK [~kkurtz@OWIRCN-49430054.va.comcast.net] has joined #deryni_destinations
18:12 < jemler> hi kk
18:12 < Evie> hi KK
18:12 <~anlarye> hiyas KK
18:12 < derynifanatic64> hi kk
18:12 < KK> Hi, guys.
18:12 < the_Bee> I once offered her a taste of fresh fish and she wouldn't touch it.
18:12 < the_Bee> Hi KK
18:12 < KK> I hab a code id my nose.
18:13 < Evie> Awww!
18:13 < derynifanatic64> :(
18:13 < the_Bee> Poor KK (:
18:13  * Evie makes KK some virtual chicken soup
18:13 -!- jojo2 [Mibbit@D5CC77.0E8984.4B99FA.AE6EAA] has joined #deryni_destinations
18:13 < jemler> and its effecting your typing! a new computer virus.
18:13  * the_Bee sends KK anti-cold woodgies.
18:13 < jojo2> jojo back - perhaps an echo.
18:14 -!- jojo [Mibbit@EB02D1.712974.0FB6E7.AB38E8] has quit [Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client]
18:14 < KK> This one snuck up on me.
18:14 < Evie> ColdEze zinc losenges usually cut the duration of colds for me, sometimes down to just one or two days
18:14 -!- Shiralwww [Mibbit@OWIRCN-b0c85390.ca.comcast.net] has joined #deryni_destinations
18:14 < Evie> Zicam swabs did also, but I think they're off the market now because some people had bad side effects
18:15 < Shiralwww>  darn laptop I'm back
18:15 < Shiralwww>  Hi KK
18:15 < the_Bee> Which Shiral is the evil twin?
18:15 < Evie> rehi
18:15 < Shiralwww> et aL  Tat
18:15 < jemler> both of them! :)
18:15 < KK> Much coughing from sinus draining down the back of the throat--and I' now officially out of codeine cough syrup; can't get anymore until tomorrow.  Sleeping will be a bear.
18:15 < Shiralwww> that must be my Evil. Twin Martha, Bee
18:16  * jemler has his WoW alchemist mix up a healing potion for KK.
18:16 < KK> I did zinc lozenges when it first started with the tickle at the back of the throat, Wednesday night, but this time it didn't work.  Blergh!
18:16 < Evie> and we can't even send a Healer to you, since it's viral and not an injury
18:16 -!- Jerusha [Mibbit@OWIRCN-7fa15e14.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #deryni_destinations
18:16 < derynifanatic64> hi jerusha
18:16 < jemler> hi jerus\ha
18:16 < Evie> well, if it's a sinus infection, the zinc wouldn't help against that
18:16 < the_Bee> I know what that's like, KK.  My doctor called it post-nasal drip.
18:16 < Jerusha> Hi Everyone! *waves*
18:16 < Evie> hi, jerusha
18:17 < the_Bee> Hi Jerusha
18:17 < jemler> what is a pre-nasal drip?
18:17 < jojo2> hi, Jerusha
18:17 -!- Shiral [Mibbit@OWIRCN-b0c85390.ca.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client]
18:17 < KK> It's been better today, though.  Not so much coughing,a nd mucus is thickening.  Laryngitis threatening from all the coughing.
18:17 -!- Shiralwww [Mibbit@OWIRCN-b0c85390.ca.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client]
18:17 < Evie> that's when it's running down your face, jemler
18:17 < jemler> Code Milky Green!
18:17 < derynifanatic64> sheldon cooper
18:17 < KK> Not tht bad.
18:17 < Evie> Let's hope that Alaric doesn't catch it from you and give it to the entire Court, KK
18:17 < jemler> yep
18:18 < KK> As I recall, Kelson had a doozy of a cold in an earlier book.
18:18 < Evie> yes.  QFSC
18:18 < jemler> QfSC
18:18 -!- Shiral [Mibbit@OWIRCN-b0c85390.ca.comcast.net] has joined #deryni_destinations
18:18 < derynifanatic64> wb shiral
18:18 < jemler> it won't rain for 40 days and night, but 30 and 9!
18:18 < Evie> at least you don't have to go riding across the country while you feel miserable and then give a speech in front of a bunch of bishops
18:18 < jemler> rehi shiral
18:19 < the_Bee> WB Shiral
18:19 < KK> Incidentally, Evie, sweet new lady.  She could be Princess Silke, perhaps.
18:19 < Shiral> Alright, my laptop has now rebooted after rudely kicking me of
18:19 < derynifanatic64> bad laptop
18:19 < Jerusha> Naughty laptop
18:19 < Evie> Oh, my new doll, you mean?  Have you seen today's pictures with her hair newly curled?  :-)
18:19 < derynifanatic64> teymuraz is messing with your laptop
18:19 < KK> Yep.
18:19 < Shiral> Silke Darling, where DID you get that gold lame number??
18:20 < Evie> I haven't uploaded my latest pic yet. In honor of it being Fathers Day, she was dancing with Duncan. :D
18:20 < jemler> Cold? No. Teymurazian Flu!
18:20 < Shiral> It's hell when you get the Bad Furstan Virus. =o)
18:20 < KK> Well, no one said that the clothes they're currently wearing are authentic.
18:20 < Jerusha> Hmm, new show - Dancing with the Bishops?
18:21 < Evie> I actually gave Sister Silke a cameo appearance in my last fanfic. 
18:21 < jemler> or the old Russina monarchy, Dancing with the Tsars!
18:21 < Shiral> Cardiel dances a mean tango
18:21 < Evie> Very small scene, but I figured she wouldn't have totally disappeared from the face of the earth after taking vows, and when a good reason for her to be allowed to visit Rhemuth presented itself, I couldn't resist giving her a cameo
18:21 < jemler> who does the limbo?
18:22 < Evie> (started to type "couldn't resist giving her a camel."
18:22 < Shiral> It's really rough for those who dance with Ivan the Terrible. Turns out, he was also Ivan the Terrible Dancer
18:22 < the_Bee> But Alaric waltzes with two left feet.
18:22 < Evie> Not the rest of Richenda's body, Bee? ;-)
18:22 < jemler> are they both his? :)
18:22 < Jerusha> I'd be happy with that
18:22 < KK> The waltz has not yet been iunvented.
18:22 < Shiral> Well no wonder he's bad at the waltz, since nobody was around to teach him. =o)
18:23 < the_Bee> So that's why he can't get it right!
18:23 < derynifanatic64> :D
18:23 < Evie> LOL
18:23 < jemler> well, that and the fact it hadn't been invented yet! :)
18:23 < Evie> I can see him doing some nice pavane or galliard steps, though
18:23 < Shiral> I doubt Alaric was big on dance instruction in his youth
18:24 < the_Bee> Did you know the waltz was condemned as "lascivious" when it was first invented?
18:24 < jemler> imagine what they'd think of the bump!
18:24 < Evie> He's probably got at least the basics down, though, since the courtly arts would be part of a nobleman's education
18:24 < Shiral> Puritans took the fun out of EVERYTHING
18:24 < derynifanatic64> or the lambada
18:25 < Shiral> Salsa dancing would be pretty much out, too
18:26 < Shiral> Evie, why would you give Princess/Sister Silke a camel? =o)
18:26 < jemler> or the twist
18:26 < Jerusha> One hump or two?
18:26 < Evie> I only did for a split second, Shiral, before I changed the l back to an o. :D
18:26 < KK> I'm sure Alaric knows the basic court dances, and probably can do them reasonably well; he just doesn't care for dancing.
18:26 < Shiral> Unless of course she'd considered a convent somewhere in the Anvil of the Lord
18:26 < Jerusha> Unless it is with the right partner
18:27 < Shiral> Richenda could probably teach him!
18:27 < Evie> Hopefully Richenda doesn't mind, then.  Or maybe she can drag someone else onto the dance floor when it's time for revelry
18:27 < KK> This is true.  His attitude toward dancing probably has changed, since he married Richenda
18:27 < jemler> i'll take the bullet!
18:27 < Evie> She'd be someone "safe" for Duncan to dance with, since she's family
18:27 < KK> True.
18:28 < Jerusha> KK, I have a question
18:28 < Shiral> But I imagine dancing class was somewhere near "Mass with Archbishops" on Alaric's preferred passtime list.  =o)
18:28 < the_Bee> Didn't Rothana dance a gavotte with Rory while she was still under vows?
18:29 < Evie> LOL, Shiral
18:29 < jemler> her vows were temporary
18:29 < Shiral> Ah, but she was in secular garb, too
18:29 < Shiral> Made Kelson sit up and take notice!
18:30 < derynifanatic64> :D
18:30 < KK> I suspect that the instructors would make a point of telling the boys that grace on the dance floor is related to grace with weapons.
18:30 < Evie> yes!
18:30 < jojo2> Since he learned the sword dance from Dhugal, maybe a schottish(sp) or reel precursor?
18:30 < Evie> Says the woman married to the SCA knight who is as graceful in a pavane as on a fighting field
18:30 -!- TheDeryni [~DragonsRCool@4FC299.190D3E.21D7E5.FA0776] has joined #deryni_destinations
18:30 -!- TheDeryni [~DragonsRCool@4FC299.190D3E.21D7E5.FA0776] has quit [Changing hosts]
18:30 -!- TheDeryni [~DragonsRCool@Flirt.Storyteller.Wiseass] has joined #deryni_destinations
18:31 -!- mode/#deryni_destinations [+o TheDeryni] by derynibot
18:31 < jemler> hi td!
18:31 < Shiral> Hi TD
18:31 < Jerusha> Hi TD
18:31 < jojo2> Hi TD
18:31 < derynifanatic64> hi td
18:31 < Evie> Kelson's probably pretty good at dancing as well, whether he enjoys it or not, just because I can see that being part of his royal education
18:31 <@TheDeryni> 'ello all!
18:31 < Shiral> Yes, but I can still picture Alaric  with a "let's get this overwith!
18:31 < the_Bee> goodbye hello DF
18:31 < Evie> Part of "Wooing a Suitable Royal Bride Someday 101"
18:31 < Shiral>  expression on his face at dance class
18:31 < derynifanatic64> goodbye hello bee
18:32 -!- mode/#deryni_destinations [+o KK] by TheDeryni
18:32 < Shiral> I imagine Princes have to learn to be good at an awful lot of things they'd prefer not to do at all
18:32 < Evie> Well, if Alaric is reluctant to dance with his new bride, at least they can play cardounet together.  And he might even win sometimes.  ;-)
18:32 < jemler> "I don't know why you say 'Good-bye', I say 'Hello'"
18:33 < derynifanatic64> neither do i
18:33 < Shiral> "Richenda, MUST you wear that filmy low-cut gown when we play cardounet? I can't remember a thing about the game!
18:33 < derynifanatic64> how else can i win
18:33 < Jerusha> Provocative "happy dance" - I won!
18:33 < Shiral> I don't know how many games of Cardounet they would have finished, really!
18:34 < the_Bee> Speaking of princes, I'm thinking of playing Javan Haldane in an online RPG.
18:34 < jemler> how can you think of jumping pieces on the board instead of me?
18:34 < Evie> "Just tell me you didn't wear that gown when you played cardounet against Denis Arilan, love!"
18:34 < Jerusha> Oops.
18:35 < Shiral> "I don't want to seduce Denis Arilan, now DO I?
18:35 < jemler> why not
18:35 < Evie> Let's hope not, but for once Denis might have a smile on his face! ;-)
18:35 < jemler> ! that man NEEDS to get laid!
18:35 < Shiral> Uh, I think Bradene might have a different idea about that, Jemler =o)
18:36 < Jerusha> Or certainly Thoma Cardiel
18:36 < Evie> Even his buddy Cardiel might want to give him a stern, fatherly talking-to
18:36 < Shiral> So would Alaric, if Richenda was involved!
18:36 < jemler> he wouldn't if he spent any time with him!
18:36 < Jerusha> Alaric or Cardiel?!!
18:37 < Shiral> The whole Camberian Council would get their knickers in a collective knot
18:37 < jemler> alaric would dose him with merasha and slowly fillet him
18:37 < derynifanatic64> if they wear knickers
18:37 < the_Bee> even Sofiana?
18:37 < Shiral> The 12th century equivalent of knickers, then
18:37 < Evie> Though if Vivienne were still alive, she'd say "At least both Denis and Richenda are full-blood Deryni
18:37 < Evie> braes
18:37 < Shiral> Sofiana is fond of Alaric, I believed
18:38 < Shiral> Or at least she approves of him as a husband for Richenda
18:38 < Jerusha> He is a relative-in-law
18:38 < Evie> I wonder how one would fillet with a stiletto?  perforate and then peel?
18:38 < derynifanatic64> very carefully
18:39 < jemler> it would take a while
18:39 < Shiral> And cause a big mess
18:39 < jemler> he is Sofiana's nephew by marriage
18:39 < Evie> that reminds me...KK, the good news is, I actually found 1:6 scale stilettos on eBay!  The bad news is, it was a boxed pair of quality reproduction miniature stiletti that was priced at $160, so no, didn't bid on that. :D
18:40 < Jerusha> Yipe!
18:40 < derynifanatic64> if only you could bid down the price
18:40 <@KK> Wow, pricey.
18:40 < Evie> Bid down to $1.60? :D
18:40 < jemler> ask the seller if he has any more as a single.
18:40 < Shiral> :POh...... you meant the WEAPON, not the shoes!
18:40 < Evie> or even $16, though even that might have been a bit much for two weapons about toothpick sized!
18:41 < the_Bee> Have they actually gotten a bid at that price?
18:41 < Evie> in the collector market, possibly, Bee
18:41 < Evie> but not from me
18:41 < the_Bee> I meant, has anyone actually bid on them.
18:41 < Shiral> So are Llion and Alazais safely married now, KK?
18:41 < Evie> I don't think it's open for bidding. That was a "buy it now" price, IIRC
18:42 < jemler> what about those little plastic swords they use for hors douvres
18:42 < the_Bee> So the seller might take the best price they can get?
18:43 < Evie> A trifle too long and not the right blade profile or hilt for a stiletto, jemler.  If I get better at sculpting moldable plastic, I might make one.
18:43 <@KK> Yes.  And at Brion's suggestion, Llion has now been made Castllan of Morganhall, to give a hand to the two Morgan aunts and keep the estate intact for when Bronwyn inherits it.
18:43 < Evie> I've got several mini-daggers, just not a stiletto
18:43 <@KK> Could those swords be cut down and customized?
18:44 < Evie> not really, or at least I don't think so. I think it would be easier just to sculpt one to the right shape and size
18:44 < Shiral> Llion has truly come up in the world. =o)
18:44 < Jerusha> I have some brass Spanish swords, but I think they are less than 1:6 scale
18:44 < Evie> Or, if he's just going to wear it concealed anyway, maybe just the hilt of one
18:45 < jojo2> Could you whittle down a floral pick, then spray paint?
18:45 < Evie> possibly
18:45 < Shiral> I hope Alaric doesn't get into a fight then realize he's only wearing his prop dagger hilt. =o)
18:45 < Jerusha> Will Llion and Alazais have children?
18:45 < Evie> http://www.ebay.com/itm/Pair-Of-Mini-Stilettos-Scale-1-6-/360211289228?pt=Collectible_Knives&hash=item53de44148c
18:46 < Evie> LOL!  If he does, Shiral, he'll quickly recover and rummage through the ziploc bag for the belt knife, the sword, the axe, or the athame. :D
18:47 < derynifanatic64> nice stilettos
18:47 < Jerusha> Athame?
18:47 < Evie> actually, looking at the stiletto pic I just linked to, I'm thinking a leather needle has the right triangular shape, and I could mold a plastic handle for it and paint it
18:48 < Evie> a type of dagger, Jerusha
18:48 <@KK> BRB.  Must take dry laundry out of dryer.
18:49 < the_Bee> Athame is used in some ceremonies, IIRC
18:49 < Shiral> On the other hand, ALaric is a walking armory, so I can't imagine he'd walk around without his weapons. He'd go naked in public before he
18:50 < Shiral> would do that
18:50 < Evie> used for ceremonial magic.  The 1:6 one is actually from a necklace--it was a dagger shaped pendant, but since it has a crystal and runes on it and has the same blade shape as athames I've seen online, I am guessing that's what it's meant to be
18:50 < Shiral> (And all the court ladies would get quite a show.)
18:50 < Jerusha> Sign me up
18:51 < Evie> either that or a sword, but since it's too short for that, I figured it would be a dagger used for Deryni rituals
18:51 < Jerusha> *blushes*
18:51 < Shiral> Alas, Jerusha, I'm sure Richenda would object to any such plan. =o)  Probably because she'd think Alaric was running a high fever
18:51 < Evie> Somehow, I think if Alaric were to walk into court naked, I think that wrist stiletto would still escape notice. :D
18:52 < Evie> but only because people probably wouldn't be gawking at his wrists!
18:52 < Jerusha> *blushes furiously*
18:52 < Shiral> No kidding!
18:52 < derynifanatic64> :D
18:53 <~anlarye> you are all such naughty ladys
18:53 < Evie> But anyway, it's hard to go naked while in the darkling phase of life, unless one has a very dark tan. :d
18:53 < Shiral> I don't think Alaric looks like the crazy tanning bed lady, somehow
18:53 < Evie> lol
18:54 < the_Bee> what darkling phase?
18:54 < Evie> In the first trilogy, Alaric tended to wear mostly black and dark colors
18:54 < Shiral> Kelson "Alaric....PLEASE go put something on! Your winter-white skin is blinding me!
18:54 < the_Bee> oh yes.
18:54 < derynifanatic64> turn off your high beams
18:55 < Jerusha> Step into the light
18:55 < Evie> Duncan at least had an excuse for his winter-white skin.  Not a lot of priests go sunbathing, and a cassock isn't the best outfit for it. :D
18:56 < Shiral> Details, details
18:56 < Evie> that reminds me...he still needs his "training scars."  :D
18:56 < Shiral> Evie.... this is an intervention..... =o)
18:56 < Jerusha> Alaric should have some training scars, I would expect
18:56 < Evie> LOL, Shiral!
18:56 < Shiral> You should call yourself The Get A Head Doll Salon. =o)
18:57 < Evie> I just won another Obitsu doll similar to my new one, only this one has eye sockets so I can use acrylic eyeballs rather than painting my own
18:57 < Jerusha> That sounds disturbint
18:57 < Jerusha> disturbing
18:57 < Evie> I've just discovered this weekend I have 3 spare female heads now, so maybe one can get made over into an Araxie
18:58 < Shiral> It does...a little!
18:59  * Shiral wonders if the dryer attacked KK
18:59 < derynifanatic64> maybe she had a big load
18:59 < the_Bee> Maybe she's folding the clothes.
18:59 < Jerusha> Maybe she found an extra head
19:00 < Shiral> Perhaps the centrifugal force of the dryer popped her into Gwynedd
19:01 < Evie> LOL
19:01 < Evie> If so, I'm going to start futzing with my dryer in hopes it will do that for me. ;-)
19:01 < jojo2> new source for portals... dryers
19:02 <@KK> Yep, I had to fold clothes.  My summer clothes are wrinkly enough, as it is.
19:02 < Jerusha> Instead of balancing the energies, you go for the spin cycle
19:02 < the_Bee> WB KK
19:02 < Evie> except I'd want a round trip ticket to Gwynedd, not just a one-way
19:03 <@KK> I suppose one <would> want to come back, especially if one has family.
19:03 < Jerusha> KK, is there a detailed decription of the Camber medal anywhere in your stories?
19:03 < Evie> here's the newest lady in my life.  Once she has eyes, hair, and a face, she'll look much better: http://www.ebay.com/itm/150836102371?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2648
19:04 < Shiral> Well, if you showed up in 918, I'm SURE you'd want to come home
19:04 < Evie> Yes, I need to know about that too, KK.  And also descriptions of Alaric's rings and Kelson's.
19:04 < Evie> I want the Eleven Kingdoms Cruise tour with a return flight (or Portal) home afterwards
19:05 < Shiral> My copy of Baedekker's Torenth is really outdated. =o) It's the 1128 ed.
19:05 < Shiral> And you just can't find Rick Steve's The Forcinn States ANYWHERE
19:06 < jojo2> lol
19:06 < derynifanatic64> the connaiti chronciles are also very hard to find
19:06 < Evie> I'd start in Cassan and follow the coast until I got around Howicce and Llannedd and up to Rhemuth, stay a week or so, go up river from there on a barge or two for another week or so to visit the heartland, then back down river and along the coast toward Corwyn
19:06 < the_Bee> or Fodors Guide to The Forcinn
19:06 < Shiral> Lonely Planet Guide to Gwynedd
19:06 -!- Jerusha [Mibbit@OWIRCN-7fa15e14.dsl.bell.ca] has quit [Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client]
19:06 < Evie> And from there, go across the way to Bremagne and the Forcinn, towards Orsalia and eventually Torenth
19:07 -!- Jerusha [Mibbit@OWIRCN-7fa15e14.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #deryni_destinations
19:07 < Evie> and I'd collect recipes along the way, and bottles of wine or the local beverage of choice
19:07 < the_Bee> rehi jerusha
19:07 < Shiral> Sounds like a great cruise Evie, can I come? =o)
19:07 < derynifanatic64> i'd like to see the camberian council chamber
19:07 < Evie> sure!
19:07 < Evie> yes, but I think the CC is on the "Secrets of the Lendour Mountains" tour
19:08 < derynifanatic64> by invite only
19:08 < jemler> the keill under it, with altar raised
19:08 < Evie> that might have to be booked separately, and yes, you'd probably need a special pass
19:08 < Shiral>  "Dhassa for 10 Royals a day"
19:08 < Evie> OK, well here's Kelson, Sofiana, Liam-Lajos, Col...wait, not those Royals.  Hm.
19:09 < derynifanatic64> the cariesse tomes were lost centuries ago
19:09 < Shiral> The COIN, silly!
19:09 < jemler> they are probably hidden under the keill
19:09 < Jerusha> I'll be on the archeological dig in Gregotha
19:09 < Evie> be right back, then.  Need to make some money.  (goes to find the moldable plastic and some metallic paint)
19:09 < Evie> which profile will Kelson want on his coins, KK? ;-)
19:10 < jemler> his own
19:10 < Shiral> His own probably, Evie!
19:10 < Evie> LOL
19:10 < jemler> LOL
19:10 < Shiral> With Araxie on the obverse
19:10 < Evie> I knew someone would say that as soon as my fingers hit Enter
19:11 < Evie> what I really need is something that will take life sized objects and spit out 1:6 sculpts for me.
19:11 < the_Bee> a compactor?
19:12 < Jerusha> An "Easy Sculpt" oven?
19:12 < Shiral> A very small sculptor?
19:12 < jojo2> they have computerized lathes and mchine tools that run kinda like a 3d printer...
19:13 < the_Bee> a body shrinker
19:13 < Evie> I was trying to decide if the inkjet compatible Shrinky Dinks plastic sheets could be used to make a St. Camber medallion.  Find a saint's medallion of someone wearing a hood, copy the image on the Shrinky Dinks, make a large hole at the top, shrink it down to the right size, and then string it on a thin cord.
19:13 < Jerusha> But would the Saint Camber likeness be a hooded figure?  Wouldn't that be kind of ominous?
19:14 < the_Bee> He's concealing his identity
19:14 < Evie> he's quite often cowled in his appearances, isn't he?
19:14 <@KK> Yes.
19:15 < Jerusha> But in those cases, isn't he trying to keep his identity semi-secre?
19:15 < the_Bee> What does the St. Camber medal look like?
19:15 < Jerusha> secret
19:15 < Evie> isn't there a picture of one, or maybe his seal, in the frontispiece to the Codex?
19:15 < Evie> I know there's something in there--or maybe the RPG--that has the "Defensor Hominem" (sp?) motto on it
19:15 <@KK> I believe so.  It's celtic style.
19:16 < the_Bee> my codex cover has portraints of Kelson and Camber
19:16 < Jerusha> The Codex shows him hooded, but the good is pushed back, so he's not concealed
19:16 < Evie> Hm.  OK, so if I can reduce that on a photocopier, then copy the graphic to Shrinky Dinks plastic, lightly color it in with silver, and then shrink it more, that might work.
19:17 < Evie> or would the medals be gold or brass?
19:17 <@KK> Hoods go both up and down.
19:17 < Jerusha> Alaric's was silver
19:17 <@KK> Silver.
19:17 < Evie> I tended to imagine them as silver, but maybe because most saints' medals I've seen are silver
19:18 < Evie> OK, that would work, and if they darken in the shrinking process, I could say the silver got tarnished. ;-)
19:18 <@KK> Or wait and paint them after they're shrunk.
19:18 < the_Bee> you could re-polish the silver.
19:19 <@KK> Except that it isn't really silver.
19:19 < Evie> that could work too, except it's much harder to paint in the lines on medals about the size of a grain of rice, so I'd rather not paint afterwards.
19:19 < the_Bee> re-paint it then
19:20 < Evie> that's been my hesitation on making the King's Champion and the Gryphon signet rings too.  Not knowing enough about the details, plus trying to do a gryphon or lion on that scale
19:20 < Evie> I could just paint a blobby gryphon or lion, but the problem is, photos would magnify the details
19:21 <@KK> Experiments are called for.
19:21 < Evie> with Duncan's ring, I just had to make a setting for an amethyst, so that was a lot easier
19:22 <@KK> I've got to go, guys.  Coughing is kicking in again.
19:22 < Evie> Alaric also doesn't have separate fingers, so I would need to make something with a shallow curve that could be glued in place
19:22 < Evie> OK.  Take care!
19:22 < jemler> nite kk
19:22 < Jerusha> Hope you feel better soon, KK!
19:23 < Shiral> Bye, KK, get over that cough!
19:23 <@KK> I'm going to hit the hay early tonight.
19:23 <@TheDeryni> Bye Katherine. Take care!
19:23 < Evie> get some more cough syrup in the morning!
19:23 < the_Bee> Get well soon, KK.  Good night and feel better
19:23 <@KK> See you next week.
19:23 < Jerusha> Whiskey works well.
19:23 < jemler> what did the hay do to you!? :)
19:23 < Shiral> Be careful of dryer vortexes. =o)
19:23 < derynifanatic64> nite KK
19:23 < Evie> or try honey and lemon, either on its own or in hot tea
19:23 < derynifanatic64> get better
19:23 -!- jojo2 [Mibbit@D5CC77.0E8984.4B99FA.AE6EAA] has quit [Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client]
19:23  * KK steps onto her Portal, waves goodnight, and disappears in a shower of green sparkles.
19:24 <@KK> Nighters.
19:24 -!- KK [~kkurtz@OWIRCN-49430054.va.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: ]

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