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Re: Work In Progress--Deryni Action Figure Project (was Duncan Action Figure)

Started by Evie, March 11, 2012, 08:52:30 PM

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Are the Dhugal/Viking feet as big as they look in the picture, or is it they way the boots are made?  They look almost twice as big as Alaric's feet.
From ghoulies and ghosties and long-leggity beasties and things that go bump in the night...good Lord deliver us!

 -- Old English Litany


LOL!  Dhugal's feet are slightly bigger but not quite that much bigger.  The shoes are made that way so they can slip on and off without having to unfasten them, as the "leather" shoelaces are plastic and not meant to be untied. And even as big as they are, it's still a bit of a struggle to get plastic feet into them.  There's also a bit of false perspective going on in that photo; the Alaric figure isn't really that much taller than the Dhugal one--all of my male figures are within half an inch of each other in height at the very most, I think, if any are even that much apart--but for some reason he seems a lot taller in that shot.
"In necessariis unitas, in non-necessariis libertas, in utrisque caritas."

I have a vocabulary in excess of 75,000 words, and I'm not afraid to use it!


They do say that there is a direct relation between the size of a man's feet and the size of. . . .Something Else.  ;D


LOL!  And here I was studiously avoiding making just that same observation....  ;D
"In necessariis unitas, in non-necessariis libertas, in utrisque caritas."

I have a vocabulary in excess of 75,000 words, and I'm not afraid to use it!



I can only attest to the fact that, in my 1:6 scale sample population at least, my scientific findings are that the axiom doesn't hold true.  All of the males in my test population have a noticeable absence of boy bits regardless of foot length or shoe size.   Duncan occasionally looks very happy to see me, but that's just due to the way his stand is designed.   :D
"In necessariis unitas, in non-necessariis libertas, in utrisque caritas."

I have a vocabulary in excess of 75,000 words, and I'm not afraid to use it!


Time for another update!

Here's Alaric showing off the latest additions to the wardrobe.  Why he looks like he's trying to guard his crotch, I have no clue.  Maybe he was taking a bit of protective action because, just before I set up this shot, we had a wrestling match to get those new boots on his non-bendy feet.  If he looks a bit annoyed, that's probably why.

Some blacks and greens for my Morgans (it's hard to tell from this shot, but that upper right fabric is a light silvery-olivish-green slubbed silk or faux silk), and a bit of harvest gold plaid that comes closer to a "Transha colors" fabric than any other I've found so far, although I'm still looking for one that meets the description better and isn't Yield Sign Yellow.

My little menfolk are fighting over who gets to wear the cool shoes and who has to go barefoot or stick to their original tennis shoes.  A pair of high topped black boots arrived in the mail last night, and with a little bit of coaxing I was able to get them onto Alaric's feet.  (I had to slather them and the insides of the boots with a bit of soap first, though.  Unlike Arilan or Dhugal, his ankles don't bend, so his feet don't slip into boots quite as easily.)  I found some boots on eBay last night that came from some old 12" Star Wars figures, so hopefully there'll be more boots in the wardrobe chest soon.

It's not a very clear shot, but here's the replacement bishop "ring" I made for Duncan now that he's on a body without separate fingers on his hands.  It's a faux amethyst self-adhesive jewel that I've put in a setting made from a ridiculously tiny amount of Friendly Plastic.   Annie told me about the plastic; it melts at very low heat and can be molded until it cools, but once it cools it's just as hard as any other toy-grade plastic and can be painted once dry or dyed while it's still melted.  This one has been painted with a acrylic gold paint.  Once I can find my Baronial Hatbox where I store my SCA coronets, I'll have the perfect adhesive to attach it to Duncan's finger.  It's the same adhesive I used to glue the gemstones and gold trim onto his crosier.

Here's a crude attempt at a dagger I made when I was first experimenting with using the Friendly Plastic.  As you can see, it still needs quite a bit of shaping (though this stuff can be sanded down, which might help), or I may just melt it and start over.

I made different sized emblems on a Word document so that I could print them onto iron-on fabric sheets that are designed for use with inkjet printers.  This gives me a variety of different size appliques that I can either apply to costumes, banners, etc. as-is, or use as a template to apply fabric paint (which is actually period) or embroidery over them.  Given the adhesive backing, the fabric might be a little stiff for embroidering through before attaching it to a garment (though I might be able to couch laid threads on it), but I'm hoping some of that stiffness might disappear if the applique is ironed on first, melting the adhesive.  If so, embroidery over the design might be easier once the emblem is ironed on.  At any rate, it won't just be a printed piece of printer paper taped onto the front of a tunic, like Kelson's current lion emblem!  For some reason the pictures look a bit washed out here, perhaps since I scanned a hardcopy of the Word document to make the .jpg that I could upload here, but they're a lot sharper and brighter in the original.  Also, you might have noticed that I'm not using the original McLain device (though maybe I should print up a few of those too for Dhugal's use?), but a new one designed for Bishop Duncan after his abdication.

And here's the fabric sheet package for the sheets I'll be using for the appliques.

All right, not really, but I discovered that one of my phone apps called Pho.to Lab (with that odd period in the middle of the first word) has the ability to recognize faces from a photo and stick them into interesting backdrops, so I played with that a bit last night.  Loads of fun!  I didn't have a good image of Kelson from after his eye repaint that showed a front-on face shot rather than a profile or more of a 3/4 view, so he's still got his original eye color in this picture instead of Haldane eyes.

Helena practices scrying by using a mirror to conjure up a vision of Duncan.  She's also got some pretty spiffy furniture for a woman in 1136...either that, or there was some odd Transfer Portal accident and she accidentally got transported through time rather than through distance!  Not that she's noticed yet, with Duncan's handsome face peering back at her from that mirror....  (I wish Flickr could have preserved this pic in its original file format.  It was an animated .gif to begin with, I think, and the mirror kept tilting back and forth very subtly so you could see the reflection in it shifting slightly with each slight turn of the glass.)

Haven't had time to sew lately, so that's it for now!  Hopefully I'll have more to show after the weekend.
"In necessariis unitas, in non-necessariis libertas, in utrisque caritas."

I have a vocabulary in excess of 75,000 words, and I'm not afraid to use it!


You do realize Richenda is going to want Alaric to take those boots right back off, don't you?   ;D

Nice progress, though, and I especially like the green gryphons.  :)
From ghoulies and ghosties and long-leggity beasties and things that go bump in the night...good Lord deliver us!

 -- Old English Litany


At least Alaric isn't wearing spurs.  Yet.   :D
"In necessariis unitas, in non-necessariis libertas, in utrisque caritas."

I have a vocabulary in excess of 75,000 words, and I'm not afraid to use it!


But he was wearing short indoor boots in that scene! 

Believe me (years of experience with knee-length riding boots!), Alaric wouldn't have been able to kick those long boots off quite so quickly :D
Of course, removing those - with his wife's loving assistance - might have produced a very interesting, er 'wrestling match' ;)


Depends on the cut of the boots.  It's never taken me more than than a few seconds to get into or out of knee high boots, though admittedly I've never had actual riding boots, just regular pull on boots.
"In necessariis unitas, in non-necessariis libertas, in utrisque caritas."

I have a vocabulary in excess of 75,000 words, and I'm not afraid to use it!


A few new pictures today:

Alaric in his ducal finery.  I may go back and add "emeralds" to his coronet later, and if I can find some way to add properly ducal "strawberry leaves" to it, I want to add those at some point, but since that seems rather unlikely, I'll go with the assumption that Gwynedd has different heraldic/sumptuary laws from Medieval England when it comes to coronet styles.  

Here's a closer view.  I'm still undecided as to whether or not to add a gryphon applique to his surcoat.  I'm half afraid of ruining it!  The belt adds a suggestion of Corwyn's green to the outfit as it is, although I might try ironing a applique to a test piece of fabric and seeing how well that does, and if it turns out all right I might reconsider whether to add it to this outfit.  I'm not sure how well the adhesive would stick to the velvety pile, though; I suspect it's meant to be ironed on to a smoother fabric and that the iron on patch won't stick very well, or might look odd standing out slightly from the background fabric.  I picked this particular gold trim to finish the outfit partly because it curves well enough to follow the small neckline, and also in part because the looped pattern sort of suggests the flory counterflory tressure bordering Alaric's coat of arms, and I am not going to try reproducing that in teeny tiny gold stitches on velour!

From the side view, you can see the bottom hem of the undertunic and the faux suede trousers tucked into his boots.  Or at least you can see the hem of the undertunic if you're looking at it in person rather than in this photo, where the shadowed dark gray blends in so well with the black fabrics around it that it melts into invisibility.

I also got a four place setting collection of 1:6 scale "pewter" dinnerware in the mail today--plates, bowls, goblets, and spoons--so there might be another picture forthcoming in the near future, but I want to set a pretty table first before I show the new acquisitions off.   :D
"In necessariis unitas, in non-necessariis libertas, in utrisque caritas."

I have a vocabulary in excess of 75,000 words, and I'm not afraid to use it!


Rawr!  :D Alaric looks very good in his court finery.  I had to giggle at the yellow post it note on  your computer esp. in conjunction with Alaric's presence: Does he need the brochures to deal with the Gwynedd Clergy? =o)

Seriously, you've done a lot of work, Evie! 

You can have a sound mind in a healthy body--Or you can be a nanonovelist!


LOL!  Yeah, he plans to brochure-bomb old Loris with anger management and bullying prevention brochures in the dead of night.  ;)
"In necessariis unitas, in non-necessariis libertas, in utrisque caritas."

I have a vocabulary in excess of 75,000 words, and I'm not afraid to use it!


As promised, the dinner scene:

Duncan and Alaric wait for the servants to bring forth their meals.  If Alaric looks a bit too tall compared to Duncan, that's because he wasn't properly seated.  I didn't notice the height difference until after this photo was taken.

Alaric and Duncan switch places.  Now Alaric is just a little taller than Duncan rather than towering over him.

The table and chairs aren't exactly in proper 1:6 scale, but they are puzzle pieces from an interlocking puzzle box I happened to have on hand, and I figured they'd be close enough to the right size to use for a photo shoot.  Unfortunately the "table" is the largest piece in the puzzle, and it's not quite high enough for a proper feast table.  I figure this must be some more private meal, maybe in Duncan's study or Alaric's private apartments.

The cousins offer up a toast to the provider of this fine feast...or of the fine feastware, at least.  Thank you, Xenobia at The Doll Page!
"In necessariis unitas, in non-necessariis libertas, in utrisque caritas."

I have a vocabulary in excess of 75,000 words, and I'm not afraid to use it!