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KK Chat -- 9 Oct 2011

Started by DesertRose, October 09, 2011, 07:47:36 PM

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[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:03:04 PM] Join KK has joined this channel.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:03:09 PM] <derynifanatic64> 12hi KK
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:03:09 PM] <DesertRose> KK! Hi!
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:03:16 PM] <jemler> hi KK
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:03:17 PM] <KK> Hi, people.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:03:23 PM] <Evie> Hi
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:03:55 PM] <KK> (Gus is helping me type tonight, so beware of cat-typing.)
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:03:56 PM] * Evie waves from TX
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:03:59 PM] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:04:20 PM] <DesertRose> KK, how are you and how's the family?
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:04:22 PM] <jemler> you're being type-cats
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:04:26 PM] <Evie> Luke is NOT here for once
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:04:28 PM] <KK> He has also developed a taste for rubberbands, and goes hunting for them in the various bins of my desk when he gets bored.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:04:32 PM] * DesertRose smacks jemler with a trout.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:04:39 PM] <DesertRose> LOL, silly cat.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:04:44 PM] <derynifanatic64> 12OUCH
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:05:15 PM] <Evie> Darn, no mackerel launcher on phone
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:05:17 PM] <KK> He probably will also go for that trout, if he sees it.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:05:23 PM] <DesertRose> I bet. :)
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:05:48 PM] <derynifanatic64> 12;)
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:05:52 PM] <bynw> hiyas KK
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:05:57 PM] <KK> Had an interesting dog adventure yesterday.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:06:05 PM] <DesertRose> Oh my. What happened?
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:06:33 PM] <KK> They've opened a dog-wash very close to the house, so I took our guys over, one at a time, and everybody got sparkly clean. And they smell good.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:06:48 PM] <derynifanatic64> 12lucky dogs!!
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:06:54 PM] <DesertRose> Yay! Dog spa day! :)
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:07:23 PM] <KK> Did you know that there's a special shampoo for white dogs--bright blue--that a makes their coats whiter? Sort of like old bluing for sheets, or special shampoo for grey hair.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:07:53 PM] <jemler> the one for grey hair is called Grecian Formula
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:08:00 PM] <KK> You can either wash your dogs yourself, with the supplies they provide, or they'll do it for you, for slightly more money.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:08:01 PM] <DesertRose> Doesn't surprise me. You can still buy bluing for white linens.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:08:07 PM] <Evie> Yep. My first job was as a dog groomer's assistant
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:08:25 PM] <jemler> you stood by with the pooper scooper?
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:08:37 PM] <jemler> :)
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:08:46 PM] <derynifanatic64> 12:/
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:08:58 PM] <KK> THey've got three big stainless rectangular tubs, one of them with a ramp for big dogs, and the critters just stand in those and get washed.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:09:08 PM] <DesertRose> Nice.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:09:23 PM] <KK> It was interesting, and I think this will be their regular grooming venue from now on.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:09:26 PM] <Evie> I was also receptionist and vet assistant.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:09:33 PM] <DesertRose> Cool.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:09:42 PM] * jemler shuts up
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:09:55 PM] <DesertRose> I wouldn't mind working as a vet assistant or a dog groomer's assistant if my back would hold up to being on my feet that much.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:10:08 PM] <DesertRose> BRB, cooking.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:10:43 PM] <Evie> The anesthesiologist is informally known as the gas passer, but I usually leave that off the resume. ;)
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:10:59 PM] <jemler> Good thinking
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:11:30 PM] <KK> I think it would be hard working in a vet office, and having to see animals put down. But as my vet pointed out, they more often make animals well, and most that are put to sleep are being put out of their misery. Still, I think it would be hard.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:12:03 PM] <Evie> Itcan be, yes
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:12:41 PM] <KK> I guess I'm more sensitive to this right now, having lost one of our cats 3 weeks ago.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:13:04 PM] <jemler> my brother took care of our last dog
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:13:54 PM] <KK> Interestingly enough, the entire dynamic of the remaining cats has changed. Cameron's girl cat, Penelope, has finally decided that I'm not an evil broom-chaser, and comes onto the bed and makes nice, will let me feet her. Only took her 3 years to come around.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:13:59 PM] <Evie> I worked there during a parvovirus epidemic
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:14:12 PM] <KK> Oooo, bad disease.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:14:19 PM] <jemler> feet her?
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:14:24 PM] <derynifanatic64> 12good things come for those who wait
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:14:39 PM] <jemler> what are you wating for DF?
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:14:51 PM] <jemler> waiting
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:14:59 PM] <KK> feed her.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:15:08 PM] <derynifanatic64> 12 Cat Penelope liking KK
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:15:15 PM] <jemler> ah
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:15:20 PM] <jemler> the wait is over!
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:15:41 PM] <derynifanatic64> 12just like susan lucci winning an emmy
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:16:10 PM] <Evie> My DH's. Late cat Genny only accepted me once I got pregnant
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:16:25 PM] <jemler> did Susan Luscious ever win one?
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:16:35 PM] <derynifanatic64> 12yes
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:16:47 PM] <derynifanatic64> 12it took almost 20 years
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:17:08 PM] <KK> Susan Lucci?
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:17:21 PM] <derynifanatic64> 12erica kane
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:17:29 PM] <KK> In?
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:17:32 PM] <derynifanatic64> 12all my children
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:17:40 PM] <derynifanatic64> 12now off the air
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:17:48 PM] <KK> Ah. Not something I've ever watached.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:17:52 PM] <DesertRose> The era of the soap opera seems to be over in general.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:18:04 PM] <derynifanatic64> 12not many left
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:18:10 PM] <KK> Yeah, all the long-running ones are winding up.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:18:16 PM] <jemler> soap operas are so fake. the only things that get laid that much are pipes, bricks and eggs! :)
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:18:47 PM] <DesertRose> jemler!
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:18:47 PM] <KK> Now we have reality programs instead--which are so fake!
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:18:51 PM] <Evie> KK, I have Pocket Duncan and a new minifig who will be Dhugal or Jass here in the van right now. We're in TX.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:18:59 PM] Join the_Bee has joined this channel (the_Bee@OWIRCN-8b89eb55.ma.comcast.net).
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:19:05 PM] <DesertRose> Hiyas Bee.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:19:06 PM] <jemler> hi bee
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:19:14 PM] <derynifanatic64> 12hi bee
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:19:16 PM] <Evie> Hi Bee
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:19:21 PM] <KK> Hi, Bee.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:19:34 PM] <the_Bee> hi Dr and jemler and Evie and DF and KK and all
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:19:51 PM] <the_Bee> what have I missed?
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:20:09 PM] <jemler> me getting hit with fish
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:20:13 PM] <KK> Just chit-chat.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:20:15 PM] <jemler> again
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:20:18 PM] <derynifanatic64> 12over and over and over
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:20:21 PM] <DesertRose> We were talking about cats, then soap operas and reality TV, and jemler was being bad, which is why he got hit with fish. :)
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:20:32 PM] <derynifanatic64> 12same as always
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:20:36 PM] <the_Bee> as usual
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:20:40 PM] <jemler> SSDD
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:21:11 PM] <Evie> On our way back from my parent's 50th wedding anniversary celebration
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:21:14 PM] <DesertRose> KK, I think I asked this once before and I've forgotten the answer. Is serfdom an institution in g
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:21:23 PM] <DesertRose> Gwynedd?
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:21:36 PM] <KK> No, DR. And cool, Evie.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:22:15 PM] <DesertRose> Okay, and does Gwynedd follow Salic law?
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:22:17 PM] <KK> There are peasants, but no serfs.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:22:29 PM] <DesertRose> Okay, fair enough.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:22:29 PM] <KK> Pretty much.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:22:44 PM] <DesertRose> Okay.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:22:50 PM] <jemler> SAlic law?
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:23:07 PM] <DesertRose> The throne will pass to a male heir before a female one.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:23:10 PM] <DesertRose> In short.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:23:14 PM] <the_Bee> KK, I know they had silk in the 11 Kingdoms; how much other contact did they have with Asian nations? like rice or noodles or citrus fruit?
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:23:20 PM] <KK> Inheritance passes through the maile line; women cannot inherit titles
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:23:32 PM] <DesertRose> Okay.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:23:56 PM] <KK> There would be some interaction via the Silk Road.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:24:37 PM] <DesertRose> I'm mainly concerned with the throne, but yes, titles in general.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:24:38 PM] Join Sarah has joined this channel (Mibbit@971820.95A8FF.BEC195.C84B47).
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:24:43 PM] <DesertRose> Hiyas Sarah.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:24:52 PM] <Sarah> Hey hey DesertRose
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:24:54 PM] <derynifanatic64> 12hi sarah
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:24:55 PM] <KK> Howicce & Llannedd are different, of course.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:24:58 PM] <DesertRose> Right.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:24:59 PM] * Sarah hugs DesertRose
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:25:02 PM] <the_Bee> The era between Camber and Kelson...was that close to Marco Plo's time in our world?
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:25:06 PM] * DesertRose hugs Sarah.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:25:14 PM] <DesertRose> Marco Polo wouldn'
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:25:16 PM] <Sarah> hey the_Bee!
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:25:18 PM] <the_Bee> Hi Sarah
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:25:23 PM] <jemler> hi sarah
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:25:23 PM] * Sarah hugs the_Bee
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:25:28 PM] <Sarah> JEMLER!
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:25:34 PM] * Sarah taclke-hugs jemler
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:25:38 PM] <DesertRose> Marco Polo's time would have been later, I think. :)
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:25:42 PM] <derynifanatic64> 12with fish
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:25:50 PM] <KK> Yes. No gunpowder, for starters.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:26:03 PM] <DesertRose> Ah, yes, black powder weapons.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:26:08 PM] <DesertRose> Those puppies are LOUD!
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:26:09 PM] <Evie> I know Camber used some sort of remote viewing, but do Deryni ever use astral projection, or at least did the Airsid?
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:26:32 PM] <KK> Some do or did.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:26:52 PM] <the_Bee> But Gwynedd was ahead of us in other matters. They had spyglasses, which we didn't have til the 16th century.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:26:57 PM] <DesertRose> True.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:27:35 PM] <DesertRose> Oh, Evie, the Sagart question.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:28:12 PM] <Evie> I asked it already. :)
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:28:18 PM] <DesertRose> Oh, okay.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:28:49 PM] <DesertRose> I'm trying to think of the other questions I had written down, because they're in my Windows platform, and I'm in Ubuntu right now.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:29:00 PM] * Sarah settles on the floor in the corner, listening quietly.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:29:35 PM] <KK> Ubuntu--that's another computer language?
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:29:46 PM] <jemler> operting system
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:30:05 PM] <DesertRose> What jemler said.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:30:07 PM] <KK> I've heard of it. But I don't even do Mac.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:30:29 PM] <the_Bee> offered free last I heard. I'm a Mac-o-phobe.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:30:42 PM] <DesertRose> Ubuntu is generally easier to use than Windows, but there are some things that are just not compatible, so I dual boot my machine.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:30:43 PM] <KK> Me too. We hates it!
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:30:50 PM] <Evie> I dreamed Duncan woke up. Outside his body, which was unnerving since he didn't know that was possible. Hence the astral projection question
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:31:00 PM] <derynifanatic64> 12:)
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:31:09 PM] <DesertRose> Yes, Ubuntu is free.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:31:13 PM] <the_Bee> Jemler sent me an Ubuntu CD--thanks, Jemler--, but I couldn't get it to work.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:31:26 PM] <derynifanatic64> 12:(
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:31:29 PM] <jemler> You dream of Duncan?
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:31:57 PM] <Evie> Only rarely, jemler.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:31:59 PM] <derynifanatic64> 12DUNCAN, DUNCAN, DUNCAN
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:32:10 PM] <jemler> just every other night, huh?
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:32:14 PM] <the_Bee> I dream of Mom sometimes.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:32:27 PM] <Evie> And other Deryni also
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:32:52 PM] <KK> Anybody know what would break one's Google page? When I google something, and get those pages of links, when I click on one, it takes me back to my google page. WOuld reinatalling help, does anyone know?
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:32:59 PM] <DesertRose> bynw?
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:33:14 PM] <DesertRose> That sounds like you've got a virus.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:33:20 PM] <Evie> Depends on if Imp thinking of my storyline when falling asleep
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:33:30 PM] <KK> Not according to my security stuff.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:33:49 PM] <KK> I asked Cameron about it, but he's never heard of such a thing.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:33:53 PM] <DesertRose> Hmm. Bynw might know better than I would, or maybe Festil.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:34:19 PM] <DesertRose> BRB, tending to supper.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:34:30 PM] <KK> I may pop into Staples tomorrow and ask their tech desk folk.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:34:41 PM] <Sarah> I dislike Ubuntu. I'm used to windows XP.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:34:53 PM] <KK> And I need to think seriously about a new computer, once the book is finished.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:34:58 PM] <the_Bee> I use Windows 7.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:35:17 PM] <KK> I'm still on XP.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:35:21 PM] <jemler> same here bee
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:35:36 PM] <KK> This machine is 5-6 years old.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:35:37 PM] <derynifanatic64> 12i'm now on windows 7
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:35:41 PM] <DesertRose> I like 7 far better than Vista, but that's not saying a whole lot.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:35:43 PM] <Sarah> Hey KK, didnt realize you were here :)
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:35:51 PM] <KK> Hi, Sarah.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:36:10 PM] <KK> I've heard that 7 is pretty good; much better than Vista.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:36:21 PM] <Sarah> my mom has windows 7 on her laptop and i still have to fix it as well as xp, and a rather old and dysfunctional '98.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:36:24 PM] <DesertRose> It is a lot better than Vista was, and not near the memory hog, either.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:36:24 PM] <jemler> i went from XP to 7
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:36:40 PM] <the_Bee> I have too many "improvement" or "protective" programs; they overlap. I need to find out what does what.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:36:51 PM] <bynw> KK, i'm not sure what would do that off hand
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:36:54 PM] <KK> I think my machine is too old to take 7.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:37:01 PM] <jemler> per Sheldon Cooper, 7 is more user friendly than Vista. He doesn't like that.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:37:08 PM] <derynifanatic64> 12i can put several pictures of my niece on my computer as a slide show desktop
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:37:08 PM] <Evie> DR has talked for months of a story she and Festil planned to write someday. I made the mistake of betting Festil couldn't finish one chapter before I finish my current story
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:37:25 PM] <DesertRose> Evie lit a fire under Festil's behind, basically. :)
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:37:27 PM] <the_Bee> I got 7 when I bought my current computer.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:37:34 PM] <Sarah> I prefer XP over the others because I learned through school how to work with it and such. I hate Vista because its on my grandmother's computer and im constantly trying to fix it
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:37:40 PM] <Festil> I wouldn't say all that. Evie's simply my muse. :)
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:37:44 PM] <bynw> vista is the new Mistake Edition of Windows
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:37:59 PM] * bynw doesn't care for windows at all though
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:38:01 PM] <Sarah> I agree with bynw
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:38:09 PM] <jemler> ah, good old windows me (Moron EDition)
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:38:11 PM] <Sarah> at least when it comes to vista
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:38:47 PM] <derynifanatic64> 12i wonder what sheldon cooper hates more--Vista or Wil Wheaton
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:38:50 PM] <DesertRose> Vista is dreadfully unfriendly, and it's a horrible memory hog to boot.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:39:03 PM] <DesertRose> Who the heck is Sheldon Cooper?
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:39:11 PM] <Evie> I may end up having to cough up$20 after all.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:39:12 PM] <derynifanatic64> 12big bang theory
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:39:14 PM] <jemler> i haven't seen that episode yet
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:39:21 PM] <Evie> ;-D
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:39:21 PM] <the_Bee> I was turned off by my first experience with Mac. When I pressed a key a help message appeared, but as soon as I released the key it vanished.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:39:27 PM] <derynifanatic64> 12played by jim parsons
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:39:41 PM] <jemler> Three-strikes Sheldon!
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:40:03 PM] <DesertRose> Oh, that Sheldon.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:40:04 PM] Join Rahere has joined this channel (Mibbit@3EB374.DF0587.AF4BFD.85BA3F).
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:40:09 PM] * DesertRose doesn't really watch TV.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:40:09 PM] <jemler> hi rahere
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:40:11 PM] <the_Bee> "Private Practice"? I thought they were two different characters.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:40:14 PM] <DesertRose> Hi Rahere.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:40:22 PM] <the_Bee> Hi Rahere
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:40:25 PM] <derynifanatic64> 12hi rahere
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:40:48 PM] <KK> brb
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:40:53 PM] <DesertRose> K
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:41:01 PM] <Rahere> Hi All, stopping by as I noticed my comments on the Cosmati pavement hgad come up a couple of weeks back.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:41:07 PM] <Evie> I've never been a Muse before; how should I dress?
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:41:20 PM] <Rahere> Amusingly?
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:41:25 PM] <Evie> Hi Rahere
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:41:26 PM] <the_Bee> In Grecian style, I suppose.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:41:27 PM] * jemler ducks
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:41:37 PM] * DesertRose beats jemler with wet spaghetti.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:41:53 PM] <derynifanatic64> 12flavored with fish
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:42:01 PM] <jemler> that wasn't me, i weas just getting out of the way!'
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:42:03 PM] <Evie> I showed KK a link to that Cosmati pavement
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:42:23 PM] <Evie> Gorgeous floor
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:42:50 PM] <Rahere> Yes, I spotted.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:43:18 PM] <jemler> what's up with red line?
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:43:25 PM] <DesertRose> BRB
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:43:59 PM] <KK> back
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:44:15 PM] <the_Bee> what rd line?
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:44:25 PM] * Evie hands Rahere a Welcome to Chat kit and a mackerel shield
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:44:43 PM] <Rahere> Many thanks, I was floundering
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:45:05 PM] <KK> Groan! Not another punster.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:45:07 PM] <Evie> *groan*
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:45:13 PM] <Rahere> Now I'll be a dab hand
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:45:28 PM] <KK> As in sand.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:45:39 PM] <jemler> i've got a bright red line between Evie and Rahere
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:45:49 PM] <derynifanatic64> 12;)
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:45:52 PM] * Evie recalibrate mackerel launcher
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:46:01 PM] <derynifanatic64> 12and reloading
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:46:18 PM] <Rahere> Ah, a sand witch!
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:46:37 PM] <Evie> Maybe it's my firewall, jemler. ;)
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:47:33 PM] <bynw> jemler: using mIRC? its a line marker, you either clicked on another window covering mIRC briefly or you accidently hit the key combination to leave a line marker
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:47:52 PM] <Rahere> The dearest wish of every FB poster, to go firewall
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:48:35 PM] <jemler> bynw, that was it. i was deleting some files earlier and it appeared
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:48:48 PM] <Evie> I'm on my phone, so my" red line" is around the text box
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:49:05 PM] <Rahere> Evie, in passing, I posted a reply to your Square Braiding cincture question
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:49:26 PM] <DesertRose> Back.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:49:30 PM] <Evie> Ok, will check in a bit
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:49:44 PM] <jemler> front
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:49:50 PM] <the_Bee> side
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:49:55 PM] <DesertRose> Smart alecks.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:49:57 PM] <DesertRose> :)
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:50:02 PM] <jemler> :)
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:50:10 PM] <the_Bee> :D
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:50:14 PM] <Evie> Did you see in the Gallery how the cincture turned out?
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:50:17 PM] <jemler> we needed another side
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:50:24 PM] <the_Bee> otherside
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:50:36 PM] <jemler> inside
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:50:37 PM] <Rahere> No, I'll have a looooook
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:51:09 PM] <Evie> I ended up making two
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:51:22 PM] <the_Bee> KK, any writing updates?
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:52:17 PM] <Evie> Suppressed the urge to use words Mama didn't teach me while making them, too
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:52:25 PM] <KK> Alaric is now a Haldane page, and is attending his first court as a page. He's finding it different: being in front of lots of people, but not the center of attention. He's paging gfor the queen right now.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:52:58 PM] <the_Bee> remind me_-who's queen now?
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:53:12 PM] <Evie> Cool! Still Richeldis?
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:53:22 PM] <KK> Still Richeldis; queen mother.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:54:29 PM] <the_Bee> Alaric's 9 and Brion is__?
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:54:40 PM] <KK> 19
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:55:03 PM] <DesertRose> BRB again.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:55:13 PM] <Rahere> E, I rather suspected so: either that or you had some spare cording afterwards! I came up with something different based on WWII military engineering practice, which actually goes back to mediaeval days. A military engineer could often be faced with needs for a shortish rope, so they spliced one end of a 6-foot length into a loop and another around a toggle.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:55:32 PM] <the_Bee> How did Brion manage to hold his throne against the Marluk until Alaric came of age to empower him>
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:55:53 PM] <KK> The Marluk didn't make his move sooner.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:56:04 PM] <the_Bee> Why not?
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:56:05 PM] <Evie> Just a few more years until the trip to Bremagne, KK?
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:56:19 PM] <Rahere> Lose the toggle and it would be perfect for a cinture, passing end A through first loop in B, end B through first loop in A and so on...
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:56:28 PM] <KK> His heir wasn't old enough to necessarily survive on her own if he'd lost sooner.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:56:40 PM] <the_Bee> ah, ok
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:58:54 PM] <DesertRose> Okay, back.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [07:59:57 PM] <Evie> If Deryni still know about astral projection in Nelson's. Day, who would have that knowledge? Anvillers?
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:00:13 PM] <DesertRose> Autocorrect gotcha, Evie? :)
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:00:25 PM] Join Alkari has joined this channel (Mibbit@B83485.B30A8A.81D456.30F332).
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:00:27 PM] <derynifanatic64> 12:D
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:00:27 PM] <Evie> Darn autocorrect! Kelson
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:00:30 PM] <DesertRose> Hiya Alkari.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:00:39 PM] <the_Bee> hi Alkari
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:00:41 PM] <jemler> rehi alkari
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:00:41 PM] <derynifanatic64> 12wb alkari
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:00:43 PM] <Alkari> Hi there
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:01:07 PM] <Alkari> Hello KK.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:01:30 PM] <Alkari> And Evie-on-the-road :)
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:01:30 PM] <Evie> Hi Alkari
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:01:35 PM] <Evie> Yep
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:01:37 PM] <Rahere> Just to let KK know I'm now in London, preparing to pursue the interesting detail on the Templars formally in the hallowed portals of the Warburg Institute. You know me as J from Brussels. KK
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:01:45 PM] <jemler> Wouldn't WEncits Ring be a form of Remote Viewing?
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:02:07 PM] <KK> Ah. Understood, Rahere. Good luck.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:03:13 PM] * Sarah sneezes.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:03:17 PM] <DesertRose> Bless you.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:03:21 PM] <Sarah> Thank you.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:03:43 PM] * Evie hands Sarah a tissue
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:03:56 PM] <Sarah> thanks, Evie.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:04:02 PM] <jemler> Code Milky Green.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:04:10 PM] Join Shiral has joined this channel (Mibbit@504018.A7BCBA.6044E5.E2E484).
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:04:10 PM] <DesertRose> Ew.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:04:14 PM] <DesertRose> Shiral! Hi!
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:04:16 PM] <derynifanatic64> 12hi shiral
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:04:17 PM] <jemler> hi Shiral
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:04:17 PM] <Shiral> Yoo hoo
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:04:18 PM] <Sarah> That just sounds gross.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:04:22 PM] <DesertRose> I was saying ew to something Jemler said.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:04:22 PM] <Alkari> Greetings Shiral
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:04:23 PM] <Sarah> hey hey Shiral
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:04:26 PM] <the_Bee> Hi Shiral! You made it!
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:04:26 PM] <Evie> Hi Shiral
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:04:31 PM] <Rahere> Sympathetic magic, a-tissoo get a-tissue
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:04:37 PM] <Shiral> Yup, I just got off desk
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:04:41 PM] <KK> Re astral projection--I suppose it would equate roughly with remote viewing. And certainly some Deryni still know how to do it. I'd guess that Master Isaiya and his inner order might have that knowledge.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:04:50 PM] <bynw> hi sis
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:04:52 PM] * Alkari was wondering what an atheist says instead of "bless you" for a sneeze :D
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:04:52 PM] <Shiral> Well, I'm glad you weren't saying it to ME, DR! =o)
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:04:58 PM] <DesertRose> Nope, never. :D
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:05:10 PM] <the_Bee> "gesundheit!"
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:05:12 PM] <Shiral> Gesundheit, I imagine, Alkari
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:05:18 PM] <Shiral> Hiyas bro
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:05:20 PM] <derynifanatic64> 12:)
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:05:24 PM] * Sarah laughs.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:05:25 PM] <Shiral> What have I missed?
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:05:27 PM] <KK> Hi, Shiral. Thanks for the Simon's cat link.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:05:33 PM] <Shiral> Hi KK, you're welcome
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:05:50 PM] <the_Bee> Many languages say "Health" not "bless>"
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:05:58 PM] <Shiral> Good writing week? Bad Writing week? Somewhere inbetween?
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:06:00 PM] <DesertRose> KK, do we know where the Gabrilites who managed to escape the regents went?
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:06:34 PM] <KK> I saw that some idiot school is forbidding kids to say God bless you when a fellow student sneezes in school. Talk about idiocy.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:06:42 PM] <DesertRose> Oh for crying out loud.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:06:46 PM] <jemler> We know that one stayed behind: Simonn.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:06:47 PM] <Alkari> Political correctness gone mad
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:07:01 PM] <DesertRose> Yes, he managed to, but what about the rest of them?
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:07:06 PM] <derynifanatic64> 12pc going too far
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:07:06 PM] <jemler> I am politically correct. I'm a Democrat!
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:07:07 PM] <KK> They scattered.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:07:13 PM] <DesertRose> Okay.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:07:21 PM] <Shiral> Gabrillite Diaspora
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:07:28 PM] <DesertRose> Evidently. :(
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:07:35 PM] <KK> Gone <very> bad.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:07:47 PM] <Alkari> tried to blend in to the regular community as far as possible
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:08:01 PM] <DesertRose> I'd like to see the Annales Queroni. He knew a LOT, and he's one of my favorite characters.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:08:10 PM] <Evie> Got haircuts
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:08:10 PM] <jemler> Queron cut his hair.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:08:13 PM] <KK> Yep. And within a few generations, a lot would have forgotten what they were.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:08:32 PM] <Shiral> I hope some of them decided to preserve the race and had kids
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:08:49 PM] <Alkari> ONly many of them would not have told their kids what they were
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:08:54 PM] <Alkari> safest that way.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:09:06 PM] <Rahere> The real-world issue of the Templars suggests other Orders were only to glad to take them in in return for some of the loot. Have a look at Rudy Cambier's work demolishing Nostradamus to see what happened to the treasure. I think it got as far as the Abbey of the Dunes before turning East, I've traces in Brussels.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:09:07 PM] <jemler> After being excommunicated by the church, they wouldn't have to be dispensed with their vows.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:09:32 PM] <Shiral> Talk about a pick-up line in a tavern!
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:09:37 PM] <KK> Nope, they'd dispence themselves.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:09:46 PM] <KK> dispense
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:09:53 PM] <Evie> Passing by Corpus Christi
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:09:59 PM] <Alkari> They didn't have much chance to take a lot of loot with them, did they?
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:10:10 PM] <the_Bee> but some of them might still consider themselves bound. "Sacerddos in Aeternam."
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:10:13 PM] <jemler> maybe they used travellers checks
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:10:13 PM] <Alkari> Certainly ST Neots and the others sacked that day
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:10:15 PM] <KK> Ah, but knowledge is more important than loot.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:10:24 PM] <Shiral> Not after the destruction of St. Neots
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:10:36 PM] <KK> Priests, yes. Religious, no.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:11:17 PM] <Shiral> Is it more dangerous or less dangerous to be Deryni in Bremagne, or about the same?
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:11:42 PM] <jemler> maybe that's where the Servants got the idea of consecrated brethren. they were consecrtated, but not officially priests.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:11:47 PM] <the_Bee> King Ryol managed to stay king.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:12:05 PM] <jemler> but did he know of his pure Deryni heritage?
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:12:10 PM] <Evie> Should I start praying for Duncan to get excommunicated again? :)
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:12:26 PM] <Alkari> In terms of lost knowledge, I always think sadly of the two big library losses in our world - Alexandria, and also (much later) the libary and facilities in Lisbon after the earthquake
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:12:31 PM] <Shiral> Evie, you naughty girl! ;)
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:12:35 PM] <KK> About the same, though I think there's more of a social stigma than a moral one. Some of both, of course, but it would be sort of like bastarty--not talked about in polite society.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:12:41 PM] <Evie> :D
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:13:02 PM] <jemler> just remember Evie. unless the whole thing ewnds with "Bippity bobbity boo" it doesn't count! :)
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:13:08 PM] * Shiral stows information away in her scrip
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:13:10 PM] <the_Bee> like a pope's "nephews."
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:13:33 PM] <KK> Very much, Bee.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:13:44 PM] <Alkari> Yes. The vows of "chastity" and "celibacy" were oftenhonoured more in the breach than the observance
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:14:01 PM] <Rahere> Keep an eye on Timbuktoo for lost documents. Also the cache they're working through from Pompeii discovered about a year ago.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:14:03 PM] <Shiral> But as I recall, Duncan didn't have much time for dalliance the LAST time he got excommunicated
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:14:17 PM] <derynifanatic64> 12there were popes in our world who were neither celibate or chaste
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:14:22 PM] <KK> There wree records that survived in Pompeii?
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:14:29 PM] <Shiral> And he had one or two other issues on his mind at the time!
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:14:35 PM] <jemler> he didn't get drunk enough, and couldn't find a good mattress! :)
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:14:37 PM] <Evie> He was busy staying alive
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:14:42 PM] <Alkari> Exactly
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:14:44 PM] <Rahere> That's what got me shifting in Brussels, Leo XIII's mistress
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:14:53 PM] <Shiral> One died while committing adultery. A pope that is, not a Derynie
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:14:58 PM] <Alkari> And mourning Kevin and Bronwyn
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:14:59 PM] <Shiral> Deryni darn rented fingers...
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:15:05 PM] * DesertRose beats jemler with wet pasta again.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:15:25 PM] <Rahere> KK Yes, they discovered a roomfull about a year ago and they're taking it slow and very steady, of course
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:15:40 PM] * Evie perks up at Pompeii. Used to live near there
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:15:43 PM] <KK> Actually in Pompeii?!
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:15:45 PM] <Shiral> So if Duncan got re-excommunicated, it would mean a lot of turmoil in the Kigndom
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:15:58 PM] <Shiral> Kingdom, too
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:16:01 PM] <Alkari> though whether they are just órdinary
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:16:13 PM] <Rahere> Yes, I don't have all the details to hand but I flagged it as a follow-up
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:16:35 PM] <Alkari> "ordinary" documents or some of the lost learning from Alexandria and other places remains to be seen Rahere
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:16:40 PM] <the_Bee> So what exactly are you seeking, Rahere?
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:16:59 PM] <KK> Of course, I never got the impression that Pompeii was that much a center of learning. More oriented toward pleasure?
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:17:11 PM] <Evie> Wow. I'd have figured on documents surviving Herculaneum before Pompeii
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:17:34 PM] <Rahere> A mackerel shield, of course. KK, do you want me to say any more?
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:17:54 PM] <KK> If sheltered enough, or underground and sealed, maybe. Still... No, Rahere.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:18:14 PM] <the_Bee> Hmmmmmmm
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:18:37 PM] <KK> That pyroclastic wave would have wiped out most things, as we know.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:19:11 PM] <KK> Was Hercuclaneum more of an intellectual center?
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:19:21 PM] <Rahere> I think it was down the far end somewhere, making it Herculaneumish. You'll have to check the details
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:19:39 PM] <Shiral> Just the way Joram teased Evaine about finding Jodotha's shopping list.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:19:41 PM] <DesertRose> No, but I think it was further from the eruption.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:19:48 PM] <KK> Will googling turn up some links, do you think?
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:19:56 PM] <Rahere> Certainly
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:20:02 PM] <Shiral> Would be interesting if someone found cache of Old Deryni Documents that got hidden by some natural disaster....
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:20:08 PM] <the_Bee> if your google behaves.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:20:14 PM] <derynifanatic64> 12:D
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:20:18 PM] <Alkari> what have they found at Timbuktoo? Preservation in the desert might be more likely, as per Dead Sea Scrolls and gnostic gospels.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:20:20 PM] <Evie> There was a. ROTAS square inscription discover carved in a wall in Pompeii or Herc, I forget which.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:20:25 PM] <derynifanatic64> 12bad google
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:20:32 PM] <Rahere> Pompeii
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:21:32 PM] <Evie> Only known sign of Christianity in the area by 79AD, IIRC
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:22:18 PM] <Rahere> Timbuktoo was a muslim university town and every house retained a set of documents, contents very much unknown in the attic. The UN's on a massive trawling expedition at the moment, coming up with records of Islamic knowledge from 7-800 CE, and we're hoping for another Cremona
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:22:27 PM] <Evie> Brb...rest stop. Stretching legs
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:22:49 PM] <derynifanatic64> 12yea rest stop
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:23:12 PM] <DesertRose> There's a thought, Shiral.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:23:21 PM] <Shiral> Sorry, what's a thought?
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:23:41 PM] <jemler> something i could use!
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:23:51 PM] * Shiral thinks all the time... honest!
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:23:53 PM] <KK> Interesting, Rahere.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:23:58 PM] <Rahere> Preserved docs. You'd be surprised what's still in libraries and private collections
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:24:31 PM] <Alkari> KK, changing tack slightly - did your Gwynedd have a legal system approximating that of medieval England?
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:25:08 PM] <Alkari> The parallel systems of "king's justice" and courts, as against ecclesiastical courts
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:26:11 PM] <KK> Yes.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:26:51 PM] <KK> Remember Alyce's excommunication, and the punishment meted out to Donal for trying to buck the Church.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:27:06 PM] <Alkari> Good! I might find some use for my ancient legal history textbooks (if I can find them!!)
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:27:21 PM] <Alkari> Yes. I was thinking of some of the day to day aspects too.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:27:48 PM] <KK> Yes. We often see Kenneth and others sitting in local courts.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:27:50 PM] <Alkari> And also practicalities - the senior nobles oculd hardly hear every single complaint or case!!
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:28:05 PM] <KK> Yep. There are sheriffs and such.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:28:06 PM] <the_Bee> KK, you mentioned "high justice" in a short story, the right of a nobleman to order someone's death.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:28:14 PM] <KK> Yep.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:28:26 PM] <Alkari> And I figured that trade centres such as Coroth would have to have remedies for commercial disputes
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:28:27 PM] Quit Evie has left this server (Ping timeout: 121 seconds).
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:28:33 PM] <Shiral> So don't cheese off your lord!
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:28:38 PM] <KK> Yep.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:29:14 PM] <derynifanatic64> 12like Alaric helping with the swordsmith Ferris
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:29:29 PM] <Shiral> Better hope your lord wasn't in a bad mood on the day you have to face him
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:29:52 PM] <Rahere> There was an interesting period following that when the rise of the Craft Guilds was specifically motivated by the need to protect your speciality from being sequestered by the local Lord.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:29:54 PM] <Alkari> Yes, But that was a secular court convened by the Bishop as liege lord of the area
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:30:07 PM] <the_Bee> What restrictions were there on a lord's power within his own domain?
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:30:18 PM] <KK> Yes. Points up that the two sometimes overlapped.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:30:30 PM] <Alkari> Yes, and of course the Church vs State conflict played out in the way the courts developed and the changes to jurisdiction
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:30:30 PM] <Rahere> Ah, but the Bishop of Liège was a Prince in his own right through descent from the HRE
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:30:49 PM] <the_Bee> HRE?
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:30:57 PM] <DesertRose> Holy Roman Empire, I think.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:30:59 PM] <Rahere> Holy Roma Emperor
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:31:01 PM] <KK> THere was due process, especially if there was the possibility of execution as a punishent.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:32:00 PM] <Alkari> One of William I's senior bishops was tried for treason - he complained that he could only be tried in ecclesiatical courts, but was told he wasbeing tried in his secular capacity as a noble!
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:32:05 PM] <Alkari> End of treasonous bishop :D
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:32:20 PM] <derynifanatic64> 12:D
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:32:25 PM] <Alkari> Same as happened with Loris and co, obviously
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:32:25 PM] <Rahere> Depends on period and race. If you were Saxon in 1080, not much. Welsh in Chester, more,
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:32:56 PM] <jemler> Loris & Co were excommunicated first
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:33:13 PM] <Rahere> Easier to execute an infidel
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:33:15 PM] <DesertRose> Loris & Co got much less than they deserved. Jerks.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:33:20 PM] <KK> Which then gave the secular court the authority to try them.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:33:25 PM] <Alkari> Yes, but they were effectively executed for secular treason
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:33:27 PM] <Shiral> Loris pretty much didn't accept anyone's authority but his own
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:33:36 PM] <KK> Yes to both.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:34:08 PM] <Alkari> even if Loris had not been executed, raising arms against your king = treason
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:34:14 PM] <derynifanatic64> 12i don't miss them at all
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:34:17 PM] <Alkari> *excommunicated
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:34:22 PM] <Shiral> Me neither, DF
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:34:29 PM] <Alkari> good riddance
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:34:31 PM] <Shiral> I'm sure Duncan REALLY doesn't!
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:34:35 PM] <DesertRose> Seriously.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:34:46 PM] <Rahere> That was very much the history of feudalism, cutting yourself as much slack as you could, England just post-Bouvines was a case in point
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:34:58 PM] <KK> Yipes, look at the time. No wonder my DH has been wandering around making hungry faces.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:35:03 PM] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:35:06 PM] <DesertRose> Poor DH.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:35:08 PM] <Shiral> Kelson probably doesn' miss Loris, either
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:35:11 PM] <derynifanatic64> 12FEED ME!!
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:35:19 PM] <Alkari> Like a cat, KK?!
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:35:23 PM] <Shiral> Pass Scott a Husband Biscuit!
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:35:27 PM] <jemler> he doesn
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:35:29 PM] <DesertRose> Okay, KK, thanks for coming to see us.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:35:36 PM] <Shiral> Thanks for stopping by, KK
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:35:42 PM] <the_Bee> I bet he'd be interested in Those Templar-related discoveries.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:35:42 PM] <Rahere> Tara
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:35:46 PM] <Alkari> Yes, nice to see you
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:35:48 PM] <jemler> he doesn't know how to make a sandwich? Give him a pop tart! :0
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:35:50 PM] <KK> Well, I should have more to tell you guys next week. I've just gotten past a difficult section and am about to skim over a couple of years.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:35:52 PM] <Shiral> Have a good week of writing!
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:35:55 PM] <DesertRose> And thanks for letting us pester you with questions.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:36:01 PM] <derynifanatic64> 12good night KK
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:36:01 PM] <jemler> nite kk
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:36:02 PM] <the_Bee> nighters, KK. good week and good writing.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:36:04 PM] <KK> No problem. It's always fun.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:36:12 PM] * Alkari makes plans to Chat next week too
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:36:17 PM] <Shiral> Even if Scott keeps needing food!
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:36:18 PM] <Alkari> Bye KK
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:36:26 PM] * KK steps onto her Portal, waves good night, and disappears in a shower of green sparkles.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:36:29 PM] <DesertRose> See you, KK. Have a good week, and happy writing.
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:36:30 PM] * Shiral hopes to be here next week
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:36:39 PM] <KK> That happens on SUnday evenings. :-)
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:36:52 PM] <KK> Nighters!
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:36:55 PM] <Alkari> I am retiring in 3 weeks, so once that happens, I can Chat peacefully!!
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:36:55 PM] * Shiral looks forward to Brion and Alaric getting together as friends!
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:37:03 PM] <Shiral> Night, KK
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:37:06 PM] <Rahere> Bout one o'clock Monday morn my time
[Sunday, October 09, 2011] [08:37:20 PM] Quit KK has left this server (Quit: ).
"If having a soul means being able to feel love, loyalty, and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans."

James Herriot (James Alfred "Alfie" Wight), when a human client asked him if animals have souls.  (I don't remember in which book the story originally appeared.)