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Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered--Chapter Sixteen

Started by Evie, August 08, 2011, 09:25:30 AM

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LOL!  No, dear.  It's Friday.  You surely don't want me to rush to the very end of Sextus's story TOO quickly, do you?  Because the story queued up for posting after that hasn't reached a state where I'm ready to start posting early chapters yet, so if I post the final chapter of Sextus's story early, that'll only increase the wait time for the first chapter of the next story-in-progress.  Patience....   ;D
"In necessariis unitas, in non-necessariis libertas, in utrisque caritas."

I have a vocabulary in excess of 75,000 words, and I'm not afraid to use it!


Who would have ever thought it - rushing through the weekend to get to Monday......... ;)
From ghoulies and ghosties and long-leggity beasties and things that go bump in the night...good Lord deliver us!

 -- Old English Litany


Uncle Denis will be officiant, of course; how else can he be sure that he get Sextus properly married off unless he does it himself?  Ses will be Best Man---if only so he'll be in place to tackle Sextus if he should decide to bolt.  (He won't though; she's hooked him, reeled him in, and he's flopping in the bottom of the boat; all that's left is to fillet him, roll him in breadcrumbs, and pop him into the oven.)

Grub's a little old for Flower Girl, but not quite old enough for Junior Bridesmaid.  Sextus young stepson-elect is about right for ringbearer


Hm.  I wonder if wedding attendants were customary in Gwynedd as they are in the modern US and England, among other places?  KK never really mentions them in her descriptions of weddings, as far as I can recall, which is why I've tended to leave them out of my own descriptions as well.  Some of their early roots might be springing up around this time, though, or perhaps slightly later.  We've come a long way from the times when the role of the "best man" was to help the bridegroom steal his bride from some neighboring tribe and then cover his swift retreat.   ;D

Wedding customs also vary from culture to culture.  For instance, bridesmaids tend to be adults, or at least older teens, here in the US (they're generally the bride's closest friends and/or family, so they're usually peers with her in age), but in some countries (like England, I think, at least judging from the Royal Weddings I've seen on TV) the bridesmaids are much younger girls.  It's possible Gwynneddan weddings, if they have some traditions aside from the exchange of vows on the church or chapel steps and then the nuptial Mass inside the church immediately afterwards, might be similar to the British ones, or they may have altogether different customs of their own. 
"In necessariis unitas, in non-necessariis libertas, in utrisque caritas."

I have a vocabulary in excess of 75,000 words, and I'm not afraid to use it!


For the two weddings in KKB, there is no mention of bridesmaids - the brides simply arrive on the arms of their fathers.  However, for the weddings of Rory and Brecon KK describes "a bevy of little girls" who follow the bishops, and they carry baskets of flower petals which they scatter before the brides.  For Kelson's wedding there are "brightly clad children, among them those of the ill-fortuned Conall, strewing flowers in their way", so it seems there could be boys as well as girls.

These are obviously very ceremonial royal weddings, but if there is a tradition of scattering flower petals for the bride then you could probably expect Grub and Avisa's two children to do the same.


Yes, that would work, then, and perhaps Seisyll's children could be included in the fun.  Seisyll himself, of course, is too old to be scattering flower petals, though if Hortense were still around, he might be tempted to throw her and her cloying floral perfume at his brother....   :D
"In necessariis unitas, in non-necessariis libertas, in utrisque caritas."

I have a vocabulary in excess of 75,000 words, and I'm not afraid to use it!


Yes, with the actual wedding ceremony taking place on the steps of the church, followed by the nuptial mass inside, it seems that things were slightly less formal in general (unless you were of very high rank).  So I'm sure Seisyll's children would happily join in with the flower and petal tossing.

I did send a message to Sextus suggesting that he should consider inviting Hortense, if only to give dear Denis yet more grey hairs and worries.  After all, the two of them could surely discuss the various forms of birds of paradise ;D    Sextus thought this would indeed be great fun, but luckily for all concerned, Avisa assures me that Hortense cannot be located these days: seems she had a very good offer from some man without a sense of smell ...


I haven't any siblings; most of my experience with weddings has been as a musician--either organist or singer---I play/sing my pieces, collect my check, and go home.

A friend of mine who has several siblings, has told me that:

The groom's brother just has to be sure he's there---clothed and sober.  Or, if only one of the two, the former.

The bride's brothers have two jobs.  One brother should be at the front of the church; if the groom should decide to bolt, he should be prepared to tackle him and frog-march him back to the altar.  The other brother should be at the back of the church, and if the groom's old girlfriend should show up with a carving knife, or the bride's old boyfriend shows up with a shotgun, he is supposed to deal with them.  (Of course, these days it might be the groom's ex boyfriend or the bride's ex girlfriend,  but that makes things too complicated.)