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January 15, 2025, 07:58:39 PM
Nezz and I were joking, Laurna, so no worries.  :)  And as for Bynw's harsh scenes, I expect they'll be no more so than any of KK's more graphic scenes, since after all he's the one who created the fanfic rules in the first place. 
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KK Chat - Sept. 23, 2007

Started by RainbowDragon, September 25, 2007, 06:23:22 PM

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[17:15] * KK has joined #deryni_destinations
[17:15] <DeryniBot> KK enters the chat as RainbowDragon passes around a plate of cheese.
[17:15] <jemler> kk's here
[17:15] <DesertRose> There she is.  Yayayayayayayayayayayay!!!
[17:15] <KK> Hi, gang.
[17:15] <Kiri`> Hello Katherine. =)
[17:15] <Kiri`> *waves*
[17:16] <DesertRose> Hi KK.
[17:16] <Bynw> hiyas KK
[17:16] <Mistyck> hiyas KK
[17:16] <jemler> desertrose, you've got to learn how to tackle/hug the way ambush does!
[17:16] <jemler> hi KK
[17:16] <KK> I am sitting here at my lovely new desk, into which I have been moving all weekend.  A few glitches to iron out, but for the most part, it is marvelous!
[17:17] <DesertRose> Yay!  Sounds good.
[17:17] <Kiri`> that's great news!   what kind of desk? *curious*
[17:17] <Kiri`> period?
[17:17] <KK> It's built in, with wonderful cabinets and shelves--white with a pale butcher's block work surface, curving around me on three sides.
[17:17] <jemler> it's either a very large desk, or you're very small to be moving into it! :)
[17:18] <Kiri`> sounds wonderful.
[17:18] <DesertRose> That sounds like a great desk.
[17:18] <Kiri`> no wonder it's taking you all weekend!   talk about a delight
[17:18] <KK> It's big, but I'm really only moving my "stuff" into it--and consolidating all the variouls stashes of office supplies that were all over the place in the old office.
[17:18] <RainbowDragon> Greetings, KK!
[17:19] <KK> Cabinet doors are shaker-style, with beadboard in the center parts instead of just flat.
[17:19] <KK> Hi, RD.
[17:19] <Bynw> and you can print your emails again too :-)
[17:20] <KK> Yes!  Gang, Bynw provided me with a magic formula that solved my printer problem with Outlook Express.  Now I just have to figure out how to put a secondary e-mail address into Thunderbird.  Anyone use that for their e-mail? 
[17:20] <Kiri`> I have used it.. at the moment I'm sussing out my new Mac
[17:21] <jemler> you were using Lookout Express for e-mail?!?
[17:21] <DesertRose> I've never used Thunderbird.
[17:21] * Samuel has joined #deryni_destinations
[17:21] <DeryniBot> Hi there Samuel! Welcome to the chat.
[17:21] <jemler> hi sam
[17:21] <Bynw> hiyas Sam
[17:21] <Samuel> hello all
[17:21] <jemler> i use pegasus e-mail
[17:21] <DesertRose> Hi Samuel!
[17:21] <RainbowDragon> Hi Sam
[17:21] <Samuel> what's happening?
[17:22] <KK> I'm still using Outlook Express for e-mail, Jemler.  I <hate> having to go on line to get at my correspondence files!
[17:22] <KK> What is Pegasus?
[17:23] <jemler> it's a windows based e-mail program. i won't use Lookout Express because of all the virii made for it (That's why i call it Lookout Express. Look out another virus written just for it!)
[17:23] * the_Bee has joined #deryni_destinations
[17:23] <DeryniBot> Hi there the_Bee! Welcome to the chat.
[17:23] <KK> I, too, have a new Mac, Kiri--\
[17:23] <jemler> hi bee
[17:24] <Mistyck> hiyas Sam and Bee
[17:24] <Kiri`> you do?  are you working on the mac with outlook? *surprised*
[17:24] <the_Bee> hi jemler
[17:24] <KK> A MacBook Pro.  But now that my printer glitch is fixed, I can continue using my PC for writing and e-mail, and just use the Mac for traveling.
[17:24] <Kiri`> oh I see.  well I went over into the mac wholesale. 
[17:25] <the_Bee> Hello, KK. Glad to see you back.
[17:25] <Kiri`> I'm really liking it.. just a little steep on the initial switching over curve
[17:25] <KK> Not me.  That might happen when the PC needs to be retired, but that way I can ease into it.
[17:25] * Kagi has joined #deryni_destinations
[17:25] <DeryniBot> Kagi enters the chat as RainbowDragon passes around a plate of cheese.
[17:25] <jemler> hi kagi
[17:25] * Taenor has joined #deryni_destinations
[17:25] <DeryniBot> Hi there Taenor! Welcome to the chat.
[17:25] <Kiri`> my screen dropped over one afternoon.  I dind't get to do it nicely. =)
[17:25] <Mistyck> hiyas Kagi and Taenor
[17:26] <Kagi> 'ello
[17:26] * boud2565 has joined #deryni_destinations
[17:26] <DeryniBot> boud2565 enters the chat as RainbowDragon passes around a plate of cheese.
[17:26] <Kiri`> hello everyone *waves*
[17:26] <Mistyck> hiyas boud2565
[17:26] <DesertRose> Hi Kagi and Bee and Taemor and boud.
[17:26] <the_Bee> Hi Kagi!  Where's Andi?
[17:26] <boud2565> hi guys
[17:26] * Taenor is now known as ambush
[17:26] <Bynw> lol
[17:26] <Kagi> I haven't seen Andy in quiet sometime
[17:26] <the_Bee> hi boud! welcome back
[17:26] * ambush tackle-pounces KK
[17:26] <boud2565> thanks
[17:26] <jemler> ambush will now tackle KK
[17:26] <Bynw> Kagi, the_Bee we revering to my cats
[17:26] <jemler> timing's off <snaps fingers>
[17:27] <Mistyck> aha...It was an ambush in disguise!
[17:27] <ambush> lol
[17:27] <Kagi> You named one of your other cat Andi? lmao!
[17:27] <boud2565> im sorry i can talk about dreyni rising could find it had to resort to ebay still waiting on it to get here
[17:27] <Bynw> er referring that is
[17:27] <the_Bee> KK, boud2565 is a big fan of Scott's books
[17:27] <Kagi> How many of the cats are named after long time network lurkers Bynw?
[17:27] * ambush tackle-pounces jemler
[17:27] * ambush tackle-pounces the_Bee
[17:27] <Bynw> just my 2
[17:27] <jemler> ouch
[17:27] * ambush tackle-pounces RainbowDragon
[17:28] <Kiri`> I see ambush has arrived.. *grinning*
[17:28] <ambush> :P
[17:28] <KK> Then the rerelease of the first one will be welcome news.  No. 2 comes out in October.  Buy lots, because that's what will determine if they contract for #3.
[17:28] * the_Bee tickle-pounces ambush
[17:28] <ambush> eeekk!
[17:28] <boud2565> i did notice they reissued knights
[17:28] <ambush> no tickling!
[17:29] <KK> Bynw, I went to your photo site and looked at the girls after chat last week.  They've really turned into gorgeous ladies!
[17:29] <jemler> bee, how did you know ambush was ticklish?
[17:29] <boud2565> please tell me this means 3 is on the way
[17:29] * Bynw points out Kagi and says this is who one of them is named after (its a long story)
[17:29] <KK> Only if you guys buy lots and lots of 1 and 2.
[17:29] <jemler> only if we buy lots of 1 and 2!
[17:29] <the_Bee> lucky guess :D
[17:29] <Bynw> everyone must buy the Knights of the Blood books!
[17:29] <Mistyck> I will rebuy 1 and 2.... :)
[17:29] <jemler> mind-speech :)
[17:29] <Bynw> everyone must buy the Knights of the Blood books!
[17:29] <Bynw> everyone must buy the Knights of the Blood books!
[17:29] <Bynw> everyone must buy the Knights of the Blood books!
[17:29] <Bynw> everyone must buy the Knights of the Blood books!
[17:29] <Bynw> everyone must buy the Knights of the Blood books!
[17:30] <Bynw> :-)
[17:30] <KK> Better covers, this time around....
[17:30] <Mistyck> cool
[17:30] <DesertRose> Cool.
[17:30] <ambush> :)
[17:30] <Mistyck> because I want #3 :)
[17:30] <boud2565> i own the old series but i went ahead and bought the new edition
[17:30] <boud2565> i like the old cover
[17:30] <KK> Unfortunately, they didn't tell us they were rereleasing, so we didn't get to go through and repolish.
[17:31] <Kiri`> Didn't tell you?!  why on earth not?
[17:31] <boud2565> it was great the 1st time
[17:31] <Mistyck> ooh..that ham is going to make some GOOOD Red Eye gravy!!!
[17:31] <DesertRose> You're making me hungry, Mistyck.  :D
[17:31] <Kiri`> Mist..  you're making me hungry
[17:32] <ambush> hmmmm.....i've been thinking of writing a short story of a knighting of Liam........(inserted random comment)
[17:32] <Mistyck> I had a country ham delivered yesterday
[17:32] <jemler> i already saw that recipe on that web site you listed
[17:32] <Kiri`> and dinner isn't for at LEAST 3 hours.
[17:32] <Mistyck> sorry Kiri
[17:32] <jemler> 9:30 tonight! wow, do you eat late!
[17:32] <the_Bee> what's your time zone, kiri?
[17:32] <Kiri`> Pacific.
[17:33] <Kiri`> I"m going out to Bodega Bay fro dinner tonight
[17:33] <boud2565> i cant wait to start reading kks series
[17:33] <DesertRose> That sounds good.
[17:34] <the_Bee> KK, you haven't met Melantha yet!
[17:34] <Bynw> melantha?
[17:34] <KK> I think we may go to Applebee's tonight.  I'm hungry for their steak and shrimp skewers on Weight-Watchers menu--reasonable size, and it's really good!
[17:34] <the_Bee> she's black, one year old, and loves to lap-sit
[17:34] * Shiral has joined #deryni_destinations
[17:34] <DeryniBot> Hi there Shiral! Welcome to the chat.
[17:34] * DeryniBot sets mode: +v Shiral
[17:34] <DesertRose> Hi Shiral.
[17:34] <jemler> hi shiral
[17:34] <Shiral> Hello all
[17:34] * ambush tackle-pounces Shiral
[17:34] <the_Bee> hi shiral!
[17:35] <Bynw> the_Bee, do you have a pic of her posted on rhemuthcastle.com ??
[17:35] <Bynw> hiyas sis
[17:35] <Shiral> Hiyas all
[17:35] <the_Bee> sorry, don't own a camera
[17:35] <Kiri`> Headed fro the Sandpiper.  Katherine next tme you are out here you have to go there.. it's a good restuarant
[17:35] <KK> Melantha.  What a pretty name, I'm sure for a pretty lady.
[17:35] <Mistyck> hiyas Shiral
[17:36] * Bynw needs to get batteries for his camera
[17:36] <boud2565> i gota run ill be back next week
[17:36] * boud2565 Quit
[17:36] <DesertRose> I need to download pics from my camera.
[17:36] <the_Bee> Melantha means "dark blossom"
[17:36] <Kiri`> Hi Shiral. =)
[17:36] <KK> BTW, Martine has a black and wbite tuxedo foundling that needs a home--only about 2 1/2 months old, and gorgeous.
[17:36] <DesertRose> I have some new ones of Tessa and Sweetie Pie sleeping in the kitchen chairs.
[17:36] <KK> Bye, boud.
[17:36] <Shiral> Hi Kiri
[17:37] <Shiral> Hi Mistyck, Hi KK
[17:37] <KK> Hi, Shiral.
[17:37] <KK> Are you at work or at home?
[17:37] <Shiral> I knew you'd finally turn up on a Sunday I had to work =o\
[17:37] <Mistyck> poor Shiral
[17:37] <KK> Ah, work.
[17:37] <the_Bee> how was your mom, KK?
[17:37] <Shiral> Yup, and it's back to the salt mine at four
[17:38] <Bynw> poor Shiral :(
[17:38] <KK> Jessie has decided that she likes the new desk--atop the scanner, atop a shelf, sprawled on the work surface....
[17:38] <Shiral> So really, it's Jessie's desk, right?
[17:38] <Mistyck> hehe
[17:38] <DesertRose> Isn't that just like a cat, to take over?  :D
[17:38] <Kiri`> she'll just "allow" you to use it now and then.. ;)
[17:38] <KK> My mom is great!  Thanks for asking.  If all goes well, she's planning on taking the train to us just before Thanksgiving, and coming to Darkover this year.
[17:39] <the_Bee> cool!
[17:39] <Mistyck> oh how cool!
[17:39] <DesertRose> Good.
[17:39] <Shiral> Tell Jessie you have books to write
[17:39] <Shiral> Nice time of year for a trip
[17:39] <KK> Jessie does seem to have staked out her space.  She even came to growls and hisses at Nicholas this afternoon--and she likes him!
[17:39] <Kiri`> she'll enjoy taking the train.. it's fun.
[17:39] <KK> Fortunately, it's a big desk--big enough for both of us!
[17:40] <Bynw> lol
[17:40] <Shiral> Ah, but cats HAVE to be at the center of the action
[17:40] <DesertRose> Too true, Shiral.
[17:40] <KK> She loves the train--and I've ridden it with her all the way across country.  It's less hassle for her than flying.
[17:40] * Shiral just realizes she'd been tackle pounced by Ambush, and pounces back
[17:40] <Kiri`> after my last flight... i agree
[17:40] <DesertRose> When I'm in here on the computer, my cats show up and want to be petted, because heaven forbid I pay attention to the computer and not them.
[17:40] <Kiri`> last
[17:40] <KK> She can go to Chicago, then straight down to Staunton from there.
[17:41] <Mistyck> cool
[17:41] <Bynw> thats neat ... amtrak i take it
[17:41] <KK> Yep.
[17:41] <Kiri`> I like the glass roofed car and the dining..  the dining the really impressive.
[17:41] <ambush> hehehe
[17:41] * ambush snuggles Shiral
[17:41] <KK> It stops here about 3 times a week.
[17:41] <ambush> :P
[17:42] <KK> Right at the old station in Staunton.
[17:42] <Shiral> You're cute for a dangerous person, Ambush
[17:42] <DesertRose> That's cool.
[17:42] <Shiral> A much more pleasant way to travel. Very civilized
[17:42] <ambush> learned it from tika.....its her fault
[17:42] <Samuel> air travel is getting just plain stupid.
[17:42] <DesertRose> I like taking the train.
[17:43] <DesertRose> I haven't gone anywhere by train in over a year, but I like it.
[17:43] <the_Bee> trains are nice, but I don't know of any going to Vermont
[17:43] <Shiral> I just ride the local commuter train now and then
[17:43] <KK> Yes, very relaxed.  And if you have a sleeping compartment and the meals included, it's great.  Good food, too! We had some world-class lamb chops a couple of years ago.  I had them twice, they were so good!
[17:43] <DesertRose> I haven't really traveled this year except for two weekends away from home.
[17:44] <Samuel> Bee: check out www.amtrak.com. 
[17:44] <Bynw> flying is fast once you get in the air but damn ... the security at airports is just plain stupid
[17:44] <Shiral> Fine Ambush, blame it on your poor mom!
[17:44] <the_Bee> thanks, Sam. I will
[17:45] <Shiral> When did the new desk arrive, KK?
[17:45] <ambush> ok, fine, the cute part is my fault :)
[17:45] <KK> Anyway, with any luck, I may even get to start writing by the end of the week.  Mind you, we have to move out of the master bedroom for a couple of weeks, so it can be wallpapered.  But it's my <plan> to get back to the writing....
[17:46] <the_Bee> write on!
[17:46] <KK> Thursday.  They have to come back this week to finish up a few odds and ends.
[17:46] <DesertRose> Yay!
[17:46] <KK> It's built-in, by California Closets.
[17:46] * Shiral sends little writing woodgies to Staunton
[17:46] <Samuel> flying....  show up at the airport 2 hours early with no gaurentee of getting through security in time to meet your flight
[17:47] <KK> Has a pull-out keyboard tray, and a pull-out rack for the CPU that's awesome.
[17:47] <DesertRose> Ooh, that does sound cool.
[17:48] <Shiral> Well, I suspected as much, Ambush =o)
[17:48] <KK> As for the security, blame 9-11.
[17:50] <KK> Anyway, I probably ought to get moving, if we're going to get supper and then break down the bedroom.  Ugh, I hate dismantling rooms--but I'm going to love the new wallpaper!
[17:50] <the_Bee> what's the pattern?
[17:50] <DesertRose> What does the new wallpaper look like?
[17:51] <Shiral> But you just BOUGHT the house KK, and now you're going to break it apart???? =o)
[17:52] * Kagi Quit
[17:52] <KK> The background is sort of a duckegg green/blue, with sort of medium-sized flowers; we used the tan background of this pattern in one of the bedrooms at Holybrooke.
[17:52] <Kiri`> wait a second.. you're going to remodel the new house? !
[17:52] <DesertRose> Sounds pretty.
[17:52] <KK> We're just decorating.  Everything was soft white when we moved in.
[17:52] * the_Bee likes blue-green
[17:52] <Shiral> Sounds like my apartment
[17:52] <Mistyck> have fun KK
[17:53] <Shiral> Soft white that is, not duck-egg blue
[17:53] <DesertRose> Better than my place; everything here is kind of a watered down pink color.
[17:53] <DesertRose> We haven't gotten around to repainting yet, so my walls look like watered down Pepto Bismol.
[17:53] <Shiral> Lovely to live with!
[17:54] <DesertRose> Yeah.
[17:54] <KK> Oriental carpets have helped a lot.  And we put a vibrant red on the walls in the dining room, and a lovely leaf-green above the walnut paneling in the TV room.
[17:54] <DesertRose> I'm thinking of doing the bedroom blue, and the living room/kitchen green.
[17:54] <DesertRose> (The master bedroom that is)
[17:54] <KK> At least it was a blank canvas.  And the soft white on the woodwork doesn't have to be redone.
[17:55] <Shiral> That's true
[17:55] <Shiral> You don't have to get rid of anything monumentally ugly, then
[17:55] <DesertRose> I wish mine were soft white; it would be better than this awful pink.
[17:55] <the_Bee> My walls are plain off-white, but I have butterfly and rose stick-ons
[17:56] <KK> We're also painting all the exterior woodwork--deferred maintenance.  Actually, <we> aren't doing it; we're having it done. 
[17:56] <KK> No, nothing was ugly.
[17:56] <Shiral> A good place to start
[17:56] <KK> Everything was fresh and nice--just somewhat boring.
[17:56] <Shiral> We'll need new pix for the website
[17:56] * Shiral looks innocently at the ceiling and whistles
[17:56] <KK> Yep.  When we've finished decorating.
[17:56] <DesertRose> Let her get it decorated first!
[17:56] * Duck has joined #deryni_destinations
[17:57] <DeryniBot> Duck enters the chat as RainbowDragon passes around a plate of cheese.
[17:57] <Samuel> and new ghost stories!
[17:57] <Bynw> i agree Shiral for both websites ( www.deryni.net and www.rhemuthcastle.com )
[17:57] <RainbowDragon> Hi duckers
[17:57] <KK> Duck, as I live and breathe!
[17:57] <the_Bee> hi Duck!
[17:57] <Bynw> hey Duck!!!!
[17:57] <Shiral> Hello, Donald
[17:57] <Duck> hello people
[17:57] <Kiri`> Duck! *waves*
[17:57] <DesertRose> Hi Duck!
[17:57] <Shiral> ALas, you arrive just as I must go
[17:57] <KK> What's brewing in the Outback?
[17:57] <Duck> the sun never sets on the deryni empire shiral!
[17:57] <Mistyck> hiyas Duck
[17:57] <KK> Bye, Shiral.  Short visit, but delightful.  Scritch the girls for us.
[17:58] * Shiral waves farewell, wishes KK a happy return to writing, steps onto her transfer portal and disappears in a cloud of duck-egg blue steam
[17:58] <Bynw> cya later Shiral
[17:58] <Shiral> Bye!
[17:58] <DesertRose> Bye shiral!
[17:58] <the_Bee> bye shiral
[17:58] * Shiral Quit
[17:58] <Duck> lots of fieldwork in the outback coming up kk just as it starts to warm up slightly
[17:59] <Bynw> ltns there Duck
[17:59] <Kiri`> where are you working these days ?
[17:59] <KK> Gus has discovered snakes here in Virginia.  Fortunately, all small and non-poisonous.
[17:59] * ambush tackle-pounces Duck
[18:00] <DesertRose> Yikes!  I don't do snakes very well.
[18:00] <KK> He's gotten a garter snake and a ringneck snake so far, each one under a foot long, and pencil-thick.
[18:00] <the_Bee> let's hope gus sticks with *small* snakes
[18:00] <KK> ringneck snake
[18:00] <jemler> hi duck, didn't see you
[18:00] <Duck> is gus training to be come rikki=tikki gussi?
[18:01] <KK> I'm hoping we don't have <big> snakes here in our garden!
[18:01] <DesertRose> I hope not too!
[18:01] <KK> It looks like it.
[18:01] <KK> Oh, and he brought a chipmunk into the house this week.  Fortunately, I was able to rescue it before he damaged it.
[18:02] <KK> Never saw one up that close before.  Cute little guys.
[18:02] <the_Bee> good
[18:02] <Bynw> yeah snakes are something new for them ... no snakes in Ireland last i knew
[18:02] <DesertRose> Poor little chipmunk.  I bet it was scared to half to death.
[18:02] <Samuel> Sounds like gus just wants a pet or two of his own
[18:02] <the_Bee> we used to see chipmonks near our cottage in Vermont
[18:02] <KK> They are, of course, ground squirrels, in the same family as groundhogs.  But they're much cuter.
[18:02] <KK> Gus breaks his pets; plays them too hard.
[18:02] <Bynw> we have them all over our apt complex
[18:03] <the_Bee> Do you have red squirrels, KK?
[18:03] <KK> But actually, he's very gentle about bringing them in.  So far as I could see, there were no punctures on the little guy.
[18:03] <Samuel> Of Chipmunks and Puppies?
[18:03] <KK> Grey squirrels.
[18:03] <jemler> in kent ohio, they have jet black squirrels.
[18:04] <jemler> cute little buggers
[18:04] <KK> Actually, I rather like the black squirrels over at Washington National Cathedral--the only place I've ever seen them.
[18:04] <the_Bee> When you've been scolded by a red squirrel, you KNOW you've been scolded!
[18:04] <KK> Probably true.
[18:05] <Bynw> they used to scold my mom's dog all the time in the summer
[18:05] <KK> The crows like to scold our cats.
[18:05] <jemler> how did the dog react?
[18:05] <KK> Especialoly that time Gus all but caught one of them!
[18:05] <DesertRose> Uh oh.  :D
[18:05] <Mistyck> lol
[18:06] <the_Bee> I can imagine!
[18:06] <Bynw> for my mom's dog ... she would run from them and bark back hiding behind something
[18:06] <Mistyck> ahh...that was good ham.  I must remember to cook some up and bring some over to Darkover this year
[18:06] <KK> He just hunkered down with his ears flat and backed off.  Smart cat!
[18:06] * Kiri` Quit
[18:06] <KK> And then Mom came ot the rescue--of the crow, as well as the cat!
[18:06] <DesertRose> LOL
[18:07] <KK> Virginia living has its interesting moments.
[18:07] <Mistyck> this was a salt cured VA ham, KK
[18:07] * Kiri` has joined #deryni_destinations
[18:07] <DeryniBot> The smell from Wrengl's kitchen draws Kiri` into the chat.
[18:07] <Mistyck> wb Kiri
[18:07] <the_Bee> rehi kiri
[18:07] <DesertRose> WB, Kiri.
[18:07] <Bynw> i miss that dog ... and my mom :(
[18:07] <Kiri`> thanks =)
[18:07] <Mistyck> :( Bynw
[18:08] <DesertRose> (((Bynw)))
[18:08] <KK> Anyway, I really should get moving, before my drooling over Mistyck's ham shorts out my keyboard!
[18:08] <DesertRose> LOL
[18:08] <Bynw> lol
[18:08] <Mistyck> I promise I'll bring some
[18:08] <Bynw> bring some straight up I 35 someday Mistyck
[18:08] <Mistyck> I will do that too Bynw :)
[18:08] <jemler> i was wondering if you could smell the ham cooking!
[18:08] <KK> It sounds really good.  /me wonders whether they have ham on the menu at Applebee's....
[18:08] <Kiri`> we'll have to get KK a droolproof keyboard
[18:09] <Mistyck> they may KK, especially over your way
[18:09] <Mistyck> I got mine from Clifty Farms
[18:09] * KK suspects that comments like this have to come at the beginning of a line. Ah, well.
[18:09] <Mistyck> which is in TN, but it's still a salt cured ham
[18:09] <Samuel> tehy make plastic keyboard covers designed for drink spills.  I'll bet they'd work for drool
[18:09] <KK> LOL, Samuel!
[18:09] <Bynw> lol
[18:09] <Mistyck> hehe
[18:10] <DesertRose> LOL
[18:10] <jemler> we'll send you a bib, KK
[18:10] <DesertRose> No, send her some ham!
[18:10] <Duck> no drool to your heart's content
[18:10] <KK> Actually, I need to give my keyboard agood cleaning--or better still, replace it and the mouse with cordless ones, to eliminate some of the wires!
[18:10] <Mistyck> you've had country ham before right?
[18:10] <KK> Yep.
[18:10] <jemler> mistyck can send her ham, i'll sne d her a bib!
[18:10] <Mistyck> cool!  I'll definitely bring some then
[18:11] <DesertRose> I'll make some more pot roast and send it!
[18:11] <Samuel> When you clean your keyboard, DON'T put it in the dishwasher.
[18:11] <Bynw> ooooohhhh pot roast
[18:11] * Bynw drools
[18:11] <Mistyck> ham and biscuits and red eye gravy=YUMMY
[18:11] <the_Bee> are you speaking from experience, Sam?
[18:11] <Mistyck> I'm taking some to work tomorrow
[18:11] <DesertRose> I made pot roast last Sunday night.
[18:11] <Kiri`> stop that  i don't get to have dinner until after 6!
[18:11] <Kiri`> *grin*
[18:11] <Mistyck> lol, sorry Kiri
[18:11] <KK> I remember those delicious spiral-cut hams that Pat Nolan and Kathi used to bring to the Rampant Lion Pub.  Hope there'll be one this year....
[18:11] <Duck> blimey its already time for the bus, i must away, have a good rest of the weekend all
[18:11] * Duck Quit
[18:12] <DesertRose> Sorry Kiri.
[18:12] <KK> Bye, Duck!
[18:12] <the_Bee> seeya duck!
[18:12] <Samuel> not mine..... a tech support friend of mine had a call about that happening.
[18:12] <Mistyck> bye Duck
[18:12] <Kiri`> tis ok =)
[18:12] <jemler> bye duck
[18:12] <Kiri`> "m going to go.. I think my program isn't happy here yet.
[18:12] <Kiri`> Nice seeing you KK =)
[18:12] <Kiri`> later everyone!
[18:12] <DesertRose> Bye Kiri!
[18:12] <Bynw> cya Kiri`
[18:12] <Mistyck> take care Kiri
[18:12] * Kiri` has left #deryni_destinations
[18:12] <KK> I'm out of here, too.  Applebee's calls!
[18:12] <DesertRose> Enjoy your supper!
[18:12] <Mistyck> have fun KK
[18:12] <the_Bee> good eating!
[18:12] <Mistyck> and have a great week
[18:12] <jemler> g'night KK. bon appetit!
[18:12] <Samuel> bye bye KK
[18:13] * KK steps onto her Portal, waves goodnight, and disappears in a shower of duck-egg green sparkles.
[18:13] <Bynw> cya KK, same time next week or later or whatever you decide is good for us :-)
[18:13] <KK> Same time next week.
[18:13] <DesertRose> Yay!
[18:13] * KK Quit


Mercy Buckets for posting the chat log, RD!  :D

You can have a sound mind in a healthy body--Or you can be a nanonovelist!
