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A Gryphon by the Tail Chapter 22

Started by Alkari, October 18, 2010, 04:02:07 AM

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Previous chapter:  http://www.rhemuthcastle.com/index.php?topic=528.msg2895#msg2895.

Chapter 22

Telling Brendan about his new Papa would have to wait for another day.   Richenda and William had only been back a few moments when a furious Joan arrived with Brendan.  He rushed into his mother's arms, cross and tearful.  

"I'm not a liar!" he sobbed to Richenda.  "I'm not, I'm not.  Duke Alaric did teach me sword fighting!"

Richenda soothed him, taking in Joan's thunderous expression.  "Of course he did, dear.   We watched you both."

"They said I was telling a lie.  They said Duke Alaric wouldn't teach me to fight.  But he did, he did!"

What had happened?   "Darling, you haven't said hello to Uncle William yet."  Brendan sniffed and looked up, rubbing a grubby hand over his tear-stained face, and managed a slight smile at his uncle.   "Of course you practised with Duke Alaric, and I know you wouldn't tell a lie about that.  Some people don't know that you're friends with him though.   Now, why don't you go with Lily and wipe your face and hands, and then show Uncle William what Duke Alaric taught you.  I told him you'd been practising and you were getting much better."    William scooped up his nephew and hugged him, and followed Lily into the inner chamber.  Richenda turned to Joan.

"What happened, Joan?"

"I told them he wasn't a liar, my lady.  But they wouldn't believe me."  Joan's eyes flashed. "That boy's a good lad, and he doesn't tell lies like that."

"Joan, start from the beginning please," she said, appreciating the woman's indignation on Brendan's behalf.   "Tell me what happened."

"They was having their sword fighting lessons, my lady, like they usually do.  And young Master Brendan was doing well, and the sword master asked whether he'd been practising.  And Brendan says yes, and that Duke Alaric had showed him what to do.  And then Master Tremayne told him not to tell stories, and that he'd be punished if he told lies.

"And Master Brendan got angry and said he wasn't telling a lie, and that Duke Alaric did show him.  And then the sword master said he was making it up, because the Duke wouldn't teach a little boy like him.  Dukes had better things to do with their time."

Richenda frowned.  "So what happened?"

"I told them that Master Brendan was not a liar, and that the Duke of Corwyn had come to give you an important message.  And that he'd seen Brendan waving his sword about, and had shown him how to use it properly.  And so Master Brendan did have a lesson with him."    The woman was almost shaking with anger.  "And they didn't believe me.  Said that I was just saying things so as to protect young Master Brendan, and that the Duke of Corwyn wouldn't be bothered with a traitor's son.  So I took Brendan away and brought him back here!"  She eyed her mistress. "I wanted to tell them you was betrothed to the Duke now, but I didn't.  I thought you might want to tell him that yourself."

Richenda took several deep breaths, controlling her own anger.  She had expected some comments directed at Brendan, but to call both Brendan and his nurse liars ...

"Joan, thank you for looking after him.  You did just the right thing.   I'm very sorry they didn't believe you, and I will take the matter up with Master Tremayne.  I will not have them insulting you or my son, especially when both of you were telling the truth.  And thank you for not saying anything about our betrothal yet.  Which of them said that Duke Alaric wouldn't be bothered with a traitor's son?"

"The sword master, my lady.   I'll go and help with Brendan now, will I?'

Richenda smiled.  "I think he can have a game with William for a while, and then a bath and his supper.  We may go to Mass later, but I think an early night.  Perhaps Lily could get his bath ready, and you could make sure he has something nice for supper.  See if there are any honeycakes, or something else sweet."

Joan bustled off, and Richenda sank into a chair, considering the best way to deal with the matter.  It would be so easy to just report it to Alaric, but it was her place to resolve this right now.  She frowned, then crossed to the small desk and started to write a note.

"Richenda?"  William arrived at her side as she was applying her seal to the folded note.  "What are you doing?"

"Writing a note to Master Tremayne, requesting him to call on me tomorrow morning.  I'll speak to him first, and then the sword master."

William snorted.  "Why not just tell Duke Alaric?  They'd be picking little pieces of those two out of the river once he got through with them!"

"Dear William – I can't go running off to Duke Alaric for every small insult like this.  And I hope he doesn't hear about it until the whole thing has blown over.  Some children do exaggerate things, though Brendan would never make up something like this.  I could understand them possibly not believing him, but to call Joan a liar too, and then make a nasty comment about Brendan being a traitor's son – I do object to that.  So could you please find Master Tremayne and deliver the note for me?   Don't say anything about our betrothal – that is not the card to play just now – but make it clear that the Dowager Countess of Marley expects him to call on her, without fail."

William grinned wolfishly.  "If he doesn't, it will be my pleasure to escort him to you at sword point.  No, on second thoughts, I'd much rather stand back and watch your future husband do so!"

She smiled: even as a little boy, William had always been her loyal defender.  "Is Brendan all right?  I'll go and play with him, and tell him a story."

"Yes, we had a sword fight and he's feeling better.  He's going to help Lily get his bath things ready.  I believe Sir Knight is about to kill the sword master though.  In a rather bloodthirsty fashion."   He kissed her cheek.  "I'll go and find Master Tremayne.  I'm quartered with the Earl's men, if you need me.  I'll see you at supper."

Brendan had cheered up considerably.  Sir Knight had been very angry and had dismembered both nasty masters with his broadsword, so honour had been satisfied for the moment.  Joan returned with several honeycakes as a treat before supper, insisting that Richenda have one too, so she and Brendan sat in front of the fire and enjoyed their sticky sweetness, before Lily announced that the bath was ready.  

Richenda had just washed her hands when a page in Haldane livery arrived, with the message that His Highness Prince Nigel and Duchess Meraude would appreciate it if the Countess of Marley could attend them as soon as possible.   Hastily she donned her cloak and, leaving Brendan in Joan's care, followed the page to the Prince's apartments.

Meraude greeted her with a hug, ushering her inside to where Nigel was talking to Payne.  "Richenda, my dear," he said warmly, taking her hands as she curtsied.  "No need for that – please come in and tell me what's been going on.  I've just been hearing some things from Payne."

"Things, Your Highness?" she asked, taking the seat next to Meraude.   Nigel sat opposite them, and at a glance from his father, Payne left the room.

"Do please call me Nigel," he said mildly, "at least in private like this.  Payne has just told me there was a rather unpleasant incident this afternoon with young Brendan – apparently he was called a liar because he said that Alaric had given him a sword fighting lesson?  Payne knew Brendan wasn't making it up, but he didn't think he should argue with Master Tremayne or Master Chaiban, so he came straight to us. "

"Yes.  At least, that's what I heard from Brendan, and from my maid Joan."  She told Nigel and Meraude about Alaric's impromptu lesson, and what she'd heard of the afternoon's incident.  

"I've never met the sword master, but I've sent a note to Master Tremayne and asked him to call on me tomorrow morning."  She looked steadily at Nigel.   "I know little boys sometimes tell tall stories, though it's hardly likely Brendan would make up one about Duke Alaric.  But I do not appreciate his nurse being called a liar, and the comment about being a traitor's son was hurtful and uncalled for.  I intend to tell him that."

Nigel leant back in his seat, stroking his beard.  "No my dear, you won't be telling him that at all.  Nor will you be speaking to Master Chaiban.   Who is an assistant sword master, by the way. I will deal with them."  His face was grim.

Richenda swallowed.  Surely the incident was not important enough to warrant the royal Duke's intervention.  "Nigel," she said hesitantly, but the Duke held up his hand.

"Richenda, I am responsible for training all the royal pages and squires, and that includes the Palace schoolroom.  Brendan may not be a page yet, but he will be, either here or in Corwyn – and he is the future Earl of Marley.  I expect proper discipline in the schoolroom, but I will not tolerate this sort of behaviour.  Master Tremayne should know better than to accuse a child of lying about such things, especially when an adult verifies the truth of what he's said.   The same for Master Chaiban – and I need to remind him that you and Brendan are not responsible for Bran's treachery."

He smiled at her.  "My dear, you don't have to fight these battles on your own, you know.  You probably think it's a trivial matter, and perhaps it is – but even so, you are the Countess of Marley, and you, your son and your servants deserve respect.  Not to mention that you are Alaric's future wife, and Brendan will be his stepson."  He chuckled wickedly.   "Of course, I could just tell them about your betrothal, which would explain why Alaric was giving Brendan a lesson.  But telling Master Tremayne would rather spoil the surprise in store for certain ladies when they see your ring, I fear."  

"Thank you, Nigel," she said softly.  "I have no wish to cause any trouble, but – thank you."

"Payne and Rory don't normally come running to me telling stories about the masters or other boys – I won't have my sons being telltales – but Payne was right to do so in this case.  I believe Meraude asked him to look after Brendan," he smiled at his wife, "and I'm pleased he's taking his duty seriously."  He sighed and rose to his feet.  "I will see you two lovely ladies at supper."  

The women watched him leave.  "Meraude, I don't want to create a problem for Brendan," said Richenda slowly.  "If the two masters think I've gone running to Nigel about this, I'd hate to think they would take it out on Brendan in other ways in future."

"Don't you worry about that," Meraude replied firmly. "Nigel's dealt with this sort of thing many times before, where boys have been bullied or insulted unduly.  He's very good at sorting it out.  And if the problem persists," she shrugged, "there are always other tutors and sword masters only too eager to replace them.   A court position in Rhemuth is not to be sneezed at.  Was Brendan terribly upset about the traitor's son bit?"

"To be honest, I don't know how much he noticed it.  He was mostly upset at being called a liar.   That's not to say he won't mention it later – hard to know what he took in."

"But it upset you, didn't it.  And on a day where you had to go to a funeral, with all those memories."  Meraude regarded her sympathetically, and Richenda felt tears prickle at her eyes.  She thought she'd dealt with the funeral quite well, but clearly the memories had still been lurking near the surface.

"Yes," she whispered, and hurriedly got to her feet before she started crying.  

Meraude came and hugged her.  "Go and get ready for supper, and hold hands with Alaric under the table.  I'd suggest he tuck you into bed tonight," she winked, "but you'll both have to wait a few more months for that!"

"And perhaps 'tucking me in' would not be exactly the sort of comfort he had in mind?"  Richenda smiled despite her tears, and Meraude chuckled.  

"Well, you'll have to make do with a proper good night kiss then.  I'm sure Alaric can manage one of those!"


Next chapter: http://www.rhemuthcastle.com/index.php?topic=586.0.


I would not want to be on the receiving end of Prince Nigel's ire.  Ever.   :D
"In necessariis unitas, in non-necessariis libertas, in utrisque caritas."

I have a vocabulary in excess of 75,000 words, and I'm not afraid to use it!


I wonder what sort of saving throw is needed against an irate Haldane?   Does that perchance require a God call?  Maybe I should ask Bynw....  ;)
"In necessariis unitas, in non-necessariis libertas, in utrisque caritas."

I have a vocabulary in excess of 75,000 words, and I'm not afraid to use it!


Quote from: Evie on October 18, 2010, 09:43:21 AM
I would not want to be on the receiving end of Prince Nigel's ire.  Ever.   :D
No.   Absolutely NO.   I think his "polite" discussion with these two would be rather 'interesting'   :D

And that of course is before Alaric finds out.  He is thinking of asking Master Chaiban to be his sparring partner for a practice session later in the week ...  ;)


I almost feel sorry for the man.

* Evie hands Alaric his sword and, for afterwards, a roasting spit from the Royal Kitchens and a nice, juicy apple
"In necessariis unitas, in non-necessariis libertas, in utrisque caritas."

I have a vocabulary in excess of 75,000 words, and I'm not afraid to use it!


Master Chaiban, I believe, spent the next few days reviewing career options somewhere the other side of Byzantyum ...   :D

Master Tremayne is still recovering from his discussion with Nigel, and is seriously considering whether a spell in a monastic establishment doing 'further studies' might be beneficial to his health ;)


Quote from: Alkari on October 18, 2010, 03:28:28 PM
Master Chaiban, I believe, spent the next few days reviewing career options somewhere the other side of Byzantyum ...   :D

He sure managed to get halfway across the world awfully fast!  Was he propelled there by the force of an outraged betrothed Duke's bellow?   :D
"In necessariis unitas, in non-necessariis libertas, in utrisque caritas."

I have a vocabulary in excess of 75,000 words, and I'm not afraid to use it!


LOL - no, he is just 'thinking' of the possible career options.   Or whether his very elderly mother in Llannedd needs a visit from her long-absent son a.s.a.p.

kirienne (RIP)

How dare those masters treat Brendan and Joan in such a fashion, but I think Nigel will soon have them regretting their cruel words. This had me wanting to take a sword and skewer them myself ...but I'm sure a 'meeting' with Prince Nigel will be far more painful..


I sure wouldn't want to be those guys when Nigel gets to them.  He'll blister their ears but good.
"If having a soul means being able to feel love, loyalty, and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans."

James Herriot (James Alfred "Alfie" Wight), when a human client asked him if animals have souls.  (I don't remember in which book the story originally appeared.)


Being called onto the carpet by Nigel is the sort of thing that could make a man go to his father confessor for Last Rites, on his way over. :)  You do NOT anger the Royal Duke if you want to keep  your position at court!  And you really don't anger a Deryni Duke by treating his future step-son that way.   I'm envisioning a VERY public fencing lesson for Brendan by Alaric in full view of the castle armory and any sword smiths who are stupid enough to criticize the young Earl of Marley!

You can have a sound mind in a healthy body--Or you can be a nanonovelist!


Quote from: Shiral on October 18, 2010, 05:01:35 PM
I'm envisioning a VERY public fencing lesson for Brendan by Alaric in full view of the castle armory and any sword smiths who are stupid enough to criticize the young Earl of Marley!

ROFL, Melissa!   Of course, both Tremayne and Chaiban have also indirectly insulted Alaric himself, by presuming to say what he would / would not do, and how he would treat Brendan.  An aspect which Nigel manages to get through to both of them in his little 'chat'.   :D    Not something calculated to make either man rest easy at night ... and I'm afraid Alaric rather likes the idea of letting them stew for a bit.   And it would be a terrible shame if Brendan, William and Rogan happened to attend the Duke's practice session with Masster Chaiban, wouldn't it?!


Even though I would never want to get on Nigel's bad side, I would pay any amount of money to witness the very severe tongue-lashing those 2 are about to receive.
We will never forget the events of 9-11!!  USA!! USA!!