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A Gryphon by the Tail Chapter 19

Started by Alkari, September 27, 2010, 12:28:44 AM

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Previous chapter: http://www.rhemuthcastle.com/index.php?topic=525.msg2716#msg2716

Chapter 19.

Richenda propped her chin in her hand and stared unseeingly at the open volume of poetry on the little table in front of her.  Would the Council accept Kelson's assurance that he had approved a suitable marriage for her, or would they really need her assurance that she was willing to marry Alaric?   How had he phrased it yesterday? - "that you have accepted my proposal of your own free will."      

Your own free will.   Yes, it had truly been her decision this time, or had it perhaps already been decided for her by whatever forces shaped the cosmos?  What did I say to him that night when we spoke in the tent – that there was a bond between us, that it was fate, destiny or even the will of God?  If I had never smiled at Alain the handsome hunter with his grey eyes, if I had never asked to go with the King's army when I found out who Alain really was, if I had never spoken of my feelings to him that night, then risked a mindlink to tell him I was Deryni ...   She sighed: she'd turned these thoughts over a thousand times since Llyndruth Meadows, and always come up with the same answer.   She and Alaric Morgan would have found each other, for if she had not spoken to him, he would have spoken to her - some day, somewhere, sometime, somehow.  And whenever that was, she would have given her heart to him, freely and willingly.

Now she was free to joyfully swear before the Council - before the whole world if necessary - that yes, Alaric Morgan was the man with whom she wished to spend the rest of her life.  At least they'd had a chance to speak to Uncle Thomas, and although he had been completely surprised, she had no doubt that he'd speak up on her behalf.

Perhaps actions would speak more eloquently than words? whispered a wicked little inner voice.  What would happen if she just threw her arms around Alaric, kissed him passionately, and asked how quickly they could elope?   Richenda smiled dreamily out the window at such mischievously unladylike thought, imagining his possible reactions.  Being swept up into his arms and carried out of the room in exuberant haste would make for an interesting exit ....

Not for the first time, she tried to pull herself together.   Was it only yesterday afternoon that he had proposed?  It was months ago, minutes ago, a lifetime ago; she seemed to have lost all sense of time, and was living in an ecstatic daze.  One part of her was steadily going through the motions of everyday life – eating, sleeping, getting dressed, playing with Brendan, talking to Joan and Lily – while the other part of her was, well, floating somewhere else entirely.  Does being in love somehow melt all reason or turn your thoughts into clouds? Have I been walking around with a silly smile on my face, making no sense when I talk?  Is this what the poets mean when they speak of madness and love in the same breath?

She tried to concentrate on practicalities, such as telling her family and others who needed to know.  Kelson had said he'd send a courier to Rheljan with letters to her father after the Council had formally approved the betrothal, but she and Alaric would tell William in person when he returned to Rhemuth in a few days' time.  Brendan was another matter: she wasn't sure how much he would understand, but she would have to explain it in a way that didn't make him think they were dishonouring Bran as his Papa.   Joan and Lily would both be shocked and probably a little frightened at the news.  After that of course, there would be Giles and her men, the other women, the court gossip...

"Richenda?"  Alaric's psychic call startled her, and she hastily closed the book.   By the time he arrived at the library door she had composed herself, and his polite "Lady Richenda?" saw her acknowledge him with equal propriety.  

"The Council would like to see you now, my lady."   His tone and demeanour were formal, despite the twinkle in his eye.

"Of course, Duke Alaric. Thank you, I am ready."  Master Donagal and his clerk were ostensibly working but she knew they were watching with more than casual interest.  She took Alaric's arm, and they left the library with courtly decorum.

"The meeting was quite short.  Is everything all right?"  They slipped easily into mindspeech.

"Yes.  Mostly formal business.  Kelson's set things up nicely."  He briefly showed her the proceedings – Kelson announcing that he'd received "a request for her hand" and that, given the person who made it, he'd already given approval subject to any comments from the Council, Arilan reviewing the requirements for a 'suitable husband', and Kelson suggesting that they should hear from her in person.

"So they don't know it's you?"   They had almost reached the Council chamber, and she tightened her hand on his arm, letting him glimpse her sudden nervousness.

"No.   I think Meraude's somehow even managed to keep it a secret from Nigel."   His mental laughter rippled as he sent her reassurance, but she paused near a pillar, looking up at him in sudden apprehension.  

"It will be all right?"  Words rather than mindspeech.

"Yes.  There may be some jesting, but that's all.  What are they going to object to?" He quirked an eyebrow in a way that was becoming endearingly familiar, love and laughter in his eyes.  She swallowed and nodded, and they continued towards the Council chamber, where guards snapped to attention before opening the door for them.  Head high and only a little nervous now, she entered the room and curtsied.

Kelson smiled in genuine welcome; the others neck-bowed politely as they murmured acknowledgment and glanced from her to Alaric.  

"My turn first."  She felt Alaric's cool confidence as he stood beside her, waiting for Kelson's brief nod before speaking.

"Sire, my lords, yesterday I asked Lady Richenda Coris if she would consent to be my wife.  She most graciously accepted my proposal."   He spoke calmly enough, but she felt his amusement at the gasps from several men.  "His Majesty believes I meet the requirements for a husband for her ladyship.  As for her son Brendan, I will raise him just as I would my own son.  He will grow up as befits an earl, and will know the courts of both Coroth and Rhemuth, as well as his own Marley.  I therefore respectfully seek the Council's endorsement of our betrothal."  

He smiled down at her, the intensity of that look and accompanying surge of emotion at odds with the outward formality of his words.  She caught her breath, glad of his arm for support because her knees were suddenly weak and her heart was turning cartwheels.  

Ewan looked as though he was about to make a remark, but Kelson rapped on the table with his knuckles, stilling the buzz of comments instantly.  "Lady Richenda, we would not ask you to marry against your wishes.   Do you desire this marriage, and have you accepted His Grace's proposal of your own free will?"

Her wishes – her free will.  How to explain without condemning Bran in any way?   From somewhere, the right words came.  "Sire, my lords, thank you for hearing my wishes in this.   As you know, my parents arranged my previous marriage and I honoured and respected their decision."   She paused, feeling Alaric's own loving encouragement and – it surprised her – a gentle brush of support from Father Duncan.  Completely composed now, she smiled and added what was needed.   "Now that I have a choice, I wish to follow my heart and marry His Grace, Alaric Morgan."  

Whatever else Kelson may have been going to say was cut off when Prince Nigel gave a delighted whoop, slammed his hand on the table and leant back in his chair, roaring with laughter.  He gestured at Morgan.

"YOU want to get married?  My lords, approve this immediately.   Lady Richenda is happy, so for heaven's sake get them betrothed!   We've got three bishops and a priest here – why not just marry them and have done with it?"   Nigel rolled his eyes and started laughing again.  "Brion once told me he was worried that he might have to order Alaric Morgan to marry, if he did not do so before too long.   For all our sakes, Kelson, I am truly thankful we do not have to face that task!"

Even Bradene joined in the mirth and she struggled to keep her own expression suitably composed, though she could feel herself blushing.  "Wait till I get Nigel for that!" Alaric sent to her, amidst his own laughter.  

Kelson made a valiant attempt to appear serious as he looked around the chamber.   "So, no objections from anyone?  Your Excellencies?  No - excellent.   Your Ladyship, Your Grace – the Council approves, and we most happily consent to your betrothal.  This meeting is hereby adjourned!"

All semblance of formality vanished as they were surrounded by well-wishers.  A grinning Kelson, Duncan, Burchard, and then it was Ewan's turn.

"Your Ladyship, this is a most surprisin' match, though indeed a good one.  Aye, and if this Council had been tasked wi' finding you a husband, I dinnae think we'd have found a man tae compete with Corwyn's duke for your hand."

At least he hasn't mentioned wedding and bedding.  She smiled at the crusty old warrior.  "Thank you, Duke Ewan.  I assure you that in my eyes, there is no man who could possibly compete with Duke Alaric."  He can take that in whatever way he will.

To her left, she glimpsed her uncle talking to Arilan and Bradene.  She'd have to go and speak to them, although Cardiel's benign expression indicated no concern.  But now she was holding out her hand to Prince Nigel, and there was certainly no doubt about his feelings.
"I suspect that my dear wife has been keeping a few things from me," he chuckled as he bowed over her hand and kissed it gallantly.  "At least, I assume this is the reason for the 'small family dinner' she's arranged for this evening?"

"I'm afraid we confided in Duchess Meraude yesterday," she admitted, "though she has been aware of our feelings for each other for a little while now."

"Hmmm, indeed.  My wife has an uncanny sense about these things, and she certainly holds you in very high regard."   Nigel's grey eyes twinkled in a manner that was oddly similar to Alaric, as he studied her shrewdly.  "Lady Richenda, I was lucky enough to find the woman of my dreams when I was quite young.  Alaric Morgan has had to wait much longer, but I know he has finally found exactly the right one for him too.  And you've made a remarkably fine choice of husband yourself!"  

"Thank you, Your Highness."  Under the humour, Nigel's sincerity and obvious approval touched her, for the Duke's reputation was of a man whose praise had to be well and truly earned.  

Alaric appeared at her side again.  "I think I should go and speak to Uncle Thomas," she murmured, nodding across at the three bishops.  "I don't think there are any concerns, but poor Archbishop Bradene did look somewhat startled.  And perhaps we should ask that this be kept quiet until we've had a chance to speak to William and write to Father?"

"I've already suggested that," he replied, and even as he spoke, Kelson once again rapped on the table and called for silence.   "My lords, I forgot to mention one small matter.  We intend to advise her ladyship's father and brothers over the next few days, and in order to give them a chance to hear of this before the tongues wag from here to Torenth, I ask that you not discuss the matter openly at this stage.  The banns will be posted in Marley when Lady Richenda returns there after the Synod, and she and Duke Alaric will choose how to make people aware of the situation before then.  

Murmurs of assent greeted this request, though Richenda wondered whether the news could be kept quiet for very long, given their respective ranks and Alaric's Deryni notoriety.  After excusing herself to him, she walked over to the bishops.

"Uncle Thomas, Your Excellencies" she said, curtseying and bending to kiss each of their rings, before congratulating them on their new appointments.  "I fear we have taken you by surprise."

Cardiel beamed.  "My dear, I'm certainly glad you told me beforehand, or else I think I would still be sitting here quite speechless!"

She laughed and turned politely to Bradene.  "Excellency, I understand that you are attending His Majesty's Council for the first time.  I hope future meetings do not produce quite as many unexpected revelations."

"We were just commenting on that, Lady Richenda," replied Bradene, smiling.  "Though if all surprises are as delightful as this one, I am sure there would be no objections.  My very best wishes to both of you."   He studied the lapis brooch.   "That is a truly magnificent brooch, and earrings too I see.  Are they a gift from Duke Alaric?"

"Oh yes.  They're so beautiful aren't they – they belonged to his great grandmother, Grania de Corwyn."   I could hardly bear to take them off last night.

"Grania de Corwyn?  A renowned beauty by all accounts.  And Deryni of course."  Denis Arilan's eyes had the slightly challenging twinkle she'd seen when they played cardounet.  

So – what was he implying?  As a bishop, was he challenging her about marrying a known Deryni?  Well, it was a bit late for that now. "Yes, and Duke Alaric says they were supposedly made by a Deryni craftsman."  Her chin lifted slightly, returning his challenge.  "Are you suggesting I should not be wearing them?"    

"If you intend to wear the Duke's wedding ring, Lady Richenda, I hardly think we could object to you wearing his betrothal gift," said Bradene dryly.  "Though I would expect you to have given the Deryni aspect much thought before accepting his proposal."

The new Primate of Gwynedd.  Is he going to warn me about my immortal soul if I marry Alaric?   She paused before replying, choosing her words carefully.  "Excellency, His Grace was born Deryni.  It is a part of who he is as a man.  I can hardly love the man without also loving that which is Deryni."  She paused.  "I am aware of what the Church has preached about Deryni evil, but if you will forgive me, I cannot find it in me to believe that all Deryni are bad, any more than I can believe that all ordinary men are bad.  I believe – no, I know from the bottom of my heart – that I will be marrying a truly good and honourable man, whom I love and respect.  A man who just happens to be Deryni."

She met Bradene's eyes, aware that Arilan was now studying her thoughtfully.  Had she been too forthright in her response to Bradene?  Would Arilan suspect that she knew about him?  Would he guess her secret?  

"Lady Richenda, there is nothing in your words that requires forgiveness.  I think many of us will be pondering those ideas, as we seek healing and reconciliation in Gwynedd," said Bradene softly.  "I wish you both great joy in your marriage – and indeed, here is your future husband come to claim you."  

More congratulations were exchanged as Kelson, Alaric and the others joined the bishops.  Eventually, Burchard and Ewan took their leave, with Bradene too admitting he needed to depart.  "I'm afraid old de Lacey is fading fast," he said sadly.  "I have known him for many years, and would like to visit him this evening before he is too far gone."  Arilan too slipped away after once more wishing Richenda and Alaric well.  

Kelson watched the door close behind the bishop.  "Well, that's that," he said, looking relieved and boyishly gleeful.  "I'm glad it's all formally approved, and no one objected.  Not that they would have, after Uncle Nigel's remarks!"  He winked at the still-grinning Nigel, then turned to Cardiel.  "Your Excellency, we have made a small guest chamber ready for you, as we hoped you would join us to witness their betrothal and then dine with us after that."

"Thank you, Sire. That will give me great pleasure, and perhaps enable me to have another word with Richenda."  He smiled at her.

"Good.  Then this is what we have arranged."

*     *     *

Kelson had offered his private apartments for the simple betrothal ceremony.  They gathered in a small inner room while Rory, Payne and Morgan's squire Rogan made the dayroom ready for a celebratory supper afterwards.  

Richenda had donned the gown she'd worn for Twelfth Night court, truthfully telling Joan that she was dining with His Majesty and Archbishop Cardiel.   Maidens wore their hair loose on such occasions; as a widow, she'd simply coiled hers more softly than usual, holding it in place with a fine gold net and a simple blue and gold woven circlet.   Alaric's earrings and brooch glowed in the soft candlelight: if Joan noticed them, she did not mention it.  

Alaric was garbed in a dark green tunic with gold bullion embroidery instead of his customary black, with a matching deep green cloak.  He wasn't wearing a coronet, merely his two rings and a gold chain of office, while his sword hung from his white knight's belt in a finely tooled scabbard.  

The two of them stood before Father Duncan, with Kelson, Nigel, Meraude and Cardiel ranged behind them.  Richenda let herself link with Alaric in light rapport as Duncan led them first in a brief prayer before speaking.  

"The Bible tells us that weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.  All of us here have certainly wept much this last year or more, but now the words of the psalm are being fulfilled, because I cannot think of a more joyful way to begin our new year than this betrothal.  May it be the start of a long, loving and happy life together for two people who are very dear to us.

"Lady Richenda and Alaric, you have agreed that your marriage will take place before midsummer, though I believe that the date you plan is the first of May?  And the banns will be published in Marley on your return there, Lady Richenda?"   They each nodded.   "Then let us proceed with your vows."

We made our own vows to each other yesterday. Duncan held out the Gospel, and she let the link with Alaric deepen as she placed her hand on it.  

"Richenda Rayma Anisa Coris, before God and these witnesses, do you promise and covenant to contract honourable marriage with Alaric Anthony Morgan, before midsummer next, according to the rites of our Holy Mother the Church?"

Her voice was low but clear as she responded with calm certainty.  "I do so promise and covenant, here before God and these witnesses."    

Then it was Alaric's turn.  "Alaric Anthony Morgan, before God and these witnesses, do you promise and covenant to contract honourable marriage with Richenda Rayma Anisa Coris, before midsummer next, according to the rites of our Holy Mother the Church?"

"I do so promise and covenant, here before God and these witnesses."   Alaric's voice had the calmness of total conviction, its even tone at odds with the intensity of emotion they were sharing.

The rest of the ceremony passed in a glorious blur.  A part of her mind watched Alaric pass something to Duncan for a brief blessing, then take her left hand and slip a ring onto her finger.  She caught an impression of gold and blue, but somehow the only thing that mattered was his face and the look in his eyes as he smiled at her.  She never wanted to look away, barely hearing Duncan's words as he confirmed their vows and spoke the final blessing.    

Alaric took her hands and carried them to his lips, before leaning in for a formal kiss of peace, chaste and proper.   But as he drew back, she felt the merest brush of his lips to hers, and the touch of his mind was like liquid lightning ...   She wondered if Kelson or Duncan had caught a glimpse of their emotion.  

Only now did she lift her hand to examine his ring more closely.   Not the deep glow of lapis this time, but an oval stone of sky blue, which flashed with silver white as she turned her hand slightly.  A perfect star sapphire with a small diamond either side, set snugly into a plain gold band.  It fitted perfectly.

"Oh Alaric!  It's so beautiful."  She felt the tingle of tears gathering in her eyes, and blinked hastily.  "Is it a family heirloom too?"

"No.  I chose the stone and had it made.  Though the diamonds came from my mother's ring."   I wanted something special for you, and the sapphire was perfect.  

Arm in arm, they turned back to receive the congratulations of their friends.  

"Well, I don't know that you got it entirely right, Duncan," said Nigel, staring into his goblet of wine and swirling it carefully while Payne and Rogan served the meal.  

"Oh?"  Duncan looked startled.  

"That bit about a time of joy.  Shouldn't we be declaring weeks of formal mourning in Gwynedd?  Most of the unmarried women under the age of forty are going to be in complete despair.  Not to mention all their mothers, sisters, aunts and grandmothers.  The handsome but elusive Duke of Corwyn has finally decided to get married."  

The entire table erupted in laughter.  "Should I send a sympathy note to Lady Parkton?" inquired Alaric, raising an eyebrow at Meraude.  "And all her remaining daughters?"  

"Probably not until you are both well away from Rhemuth. Though there are a few other ladies who will be sorely upset," she replied, and smiled at Richenda.  "My dear, it should be quite interesting in the solar when they notice your ring.  I look forward to Lady Lyndall's reaction. "

"You must make sure you are there," agreed Richenda mischievously.

"It'll be even worse in Corwyn and Lendour, Meraude," sighed Duncan.   "All those state dinners, all those women who've been carefully paraded and introduced to Alaric.   He hasn't even noticed them – and now for some strange reason, he's fallen in love with Richenda."    He shook his head in mock despair.  

"Oh, I certainly noticed them," said Alaric airily, smiling at Richenda and putting his hand gently over hers.  "Some of them were quite attractive.  But I just wasn't interested in marrying any of them."   There will only ever be one woman for me.  I just needed to find her.

And only ever one man truly in my heart. She looked at the smiling faces around the table, sensing the genuine delight in their betrothal.  

"Well, I'm glad no one raised any objections in Council," said Nigel.  "Saved me a lot of trouble really – I'd have had to arrange for a couple of fast horses so they could elope, and then made sure there was no pursuit for at least a couple of days!"

Alaric snorted.  "What makes you think I didn't have horses already saddled?  Three of them actually – thought we'd better take a priest with us."  He winked at Duncan.  

"I did tell him that if people thought he was abducting me, it might not do his Deryni reputation much good," said Richenda.

"Yes, but you promised not to scream very loudly," retorted Alaric, to more laughter.   His hand brushed hers again and she hoped her cheeks hadn't gone the colour of Kelson's red tunic at the decidedly intimate suggestion about their wedding night which he added.  

The meal continued with easy conversation and ready jests, though Richenda was grateful that none were too bawdy.  Uncle Thomas had relaxed and proved to be good company, entering the spirit of the evening and telling several humorous anecdotes.  She was glad of Meraude's presence too, as the Duchess had a dry wit that neatly counterpointed her husband's.  Richenda shared in the merriment, but as the meal wore on, she found herself more content to just sit quietly beside Alaric, listening to the conversation and letting the mood of the evening wrap around her like a warm but invisible cloak.  In light and constant rapport with him, she wore his happiness with her own.

Eventually, Cardiel took his leave, followed by Nigel and Meraude, with the Duchess hugging Richenda and suggesting that she and Brendan could share her carriage next morning to attend Mass at the Cathedral.  Richenda and Alaric lingered a little longer with Kelson and Duncan, thanking Kelson for the supper and chatting as the dishes were cleared away, but when Payne disappeared with the last of the platters, Alaric said it was time they all turned in.

"We'll need to get down there early for Mass, you know," he said.  "Only tonight, dear cousin, I am not feeling at all penitent.  About anything at all."  

Duncan clapped him on the shoulder and winked at Richenda.  "Now you're safely betrothed, it's at least quite proper for you to escort Richenda back to her chambers without a chaperone."  

"Proper?"  Alaric feigned astonishment.  "Why, I thought that when you were betrothed, you were almost obliged to spend a great deal of time together.  Getting to know each other better."

"A most onerous requirement," Duncan sympathised.  "So be sure you both carry it out diligently."

"Of course, Father.  I'll try to be very dutiful," Richenda promised solemnly.   Duncan laughed and hugged her, Kelson kissed her cheek, and a smiling Rogan held the door open as they departed.

She took Alaric's arm and leant into him as they walked.  "Now dearest, I think that means we are obliged to say good night properly."


Next chapter:


This is blinkin' fabulous!  Love Nigel's reaction, and I'm sitting here with a big cheesy grin on my face.  Love it!


Thank you :) 

Yes, beneath all the teasing, Nigel is genuinely chuffed for Alaric, and is also delighted that Richenda is so happy.   He hasn't quite had the chance to get to know her yet like Meraude, but he's a shrewd judge of character and knows A Good Thing when he sees it (or Her, in this case, LOL) and thoroughly approves of Richenda so far.  And he approves even more when he finds out she's Deryni, as he recognises what that means for both of them.  (I'm told he was heard muttering to Meraude that he wished Jehana was a bit more like Richenda!)


Woohoo!  About time they got betrothed.  I was about to...um...lend Alaric something....  *hastily returns ladder to storage shed*

I suspect it takes a rather long time for a betrothed couple to bid each other goodnight.  All in the name of proper diligence to their onerous duty to one another, of course.   ;) :D

And as for this bit:
Quote"That bit about a time of joy.  Shouldn't we be declaring weeks of formal mourning in Gwynedd?  Most of the unmarried women under the age of forty are going to be in complete despair.  Not to mention all their mothers, sisters, aunts and grandmothers.  The handsome but elusive Duke of Corwyn has finally decided to get married.

Aren't there nine ever-so-moderately-used ex-virgins in Lendour who'll be mourning as well? After all, think of all the Deryni orgies they'll be missing out on now...according to the rumor mill, anyway!   ;D
"In necessariis unitas, in non-necessariis libertas, in utrisque caritas."

I have a vocabulary in excess of 75,000 words, and I'm not afraid to use it!


I was beginning to think, "Come on, you two, elope already."  I was half expecting to see one of them tied across the other's saddlebow disappearing at a high gallop.  And I wasn't sure which would be tied to the saddlebow and which would be actually steering the horse.


*dies laughing*  Well, come to think, that is a bit of a family tradition in the Corwyn side of Alaric's family....   ;D
"In necessariis unitas, in non-necessariis libertas, in utrisque caritas."

I have a vocabulary in excess of 75,000 words, and I'm not afraid to use it!


QuoteAren't there nine ever-so-moderately-used ex-virgins in Lendour who'll be mourning as well? After all, think of all the Deryni orgies they'll be missing out on now...according to the rumor mill, anyway!
Oh yes - Richenda teases Alaric in private about them, and of course, that will be Lord Torsin's comment when he eventually hears the news!

QuoteI suspect it takes a rather long time for a betrothed couple to bid each other goodnight.  All in the name of proper diligence to their onerous duty to one another, of course.
Of course.  And the King's Champion would never be neglectful of his duty, would he?  However onerous and time-consuming the task ... ;)

QuoteI was half expecting to see one of them tied across the other's saddlebow disappearing at a high gallop.  And I wasn't sure which would be tied to the saddlebow and which would be actually steering the horse.
ROFL - well, Richenda did consider the possibility of being carried off!  And yes, Evie, there is a history of that on Alaric's side, though I'm not sure Richenda is aware of Keryell/Stevana.  I'm sure it crossed Alaric's mind though  ;)


Duncan clapped him on the shoulder and winked at Richenda.  "Now you're safely betrothed, it's at least quite proper for you to escort Richenda back to her chambers without a chaperone." 

If I were Duncan, I might well discreetly follow them at a safe distance to make sure Alalric is not too "Dilligent"  Or that he succumbs to too much temptation.   ;)

Nice chapter, but how are they going to tolerate waiting until May 1????

Write, woman, write!

You can have a sound mind in a healthy body--Or you can be a nanonovelist!


Well, if you look up the various customs about 'betrothal', you will see that this often did entitle them to virtually have a trial marriage ;)   Fortunately, neither of them has access to Wikipedia and other such sources ...

QuoteThe responsibilities and privileges of betrothal vary. In most cultures, the betrothed couple is expected to spend much time together, learning about each other. In some historical cultures (including colonial North America), the betrothal was essentially a trial marriage, with marriage only being required in cases of conception of a child. In almost all cultures there is a loosening of restrictions against physical contact between partners, even in cultures which would normally otherwise have strong prohibitions against it.

Probably it's just as well that Richenda will be heading back to Marley when the Synod is over and Bishop Ifor returns there, as she will travel with him.  And Alaric heads back to Coroth, muttering about cold baths ...  :D

kirienne (RIP)

Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. I loved this chapter, and nearly fell from my chair I was laughing so hard at Nigel's reaction.  It's so nice to see how much in love with each other Alaric & Richenda are. This brightened a day that really needed brightening. :D


Quote from: Alkari on September 27, 2010, 03:31:42 PM
asn't sure which would be tied to the saddlebow and which would be actually steering the horse.
ROFL - well, Richenda did consider the possibility of being carried off!  And yes, Evie, there is a history of that on Alaric's side, though I'm not sure Richenda is aware of Keryell/Stevana.  I'm sure it crossed Alaric's mind though  ;)[/quote]

Actually, I was sort of thinking of Richenda carrying off Alaric.


Quote from: Elkhound on September 27, 2010, 10:43:45 PM
Actually, I was sort of thinking of Richenda carrying off Alaric. 

I'm sure she'd think that suggestion had merit!  ;)    Although they'd probably be laughing so much they'd fall off the horse ...