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Codex inconsistency list? Codex #3 "fix" list.

Started by wombat1138, June 09, 2010, 12:05:07 AM

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I've seen a website that mostly concentrates on genealogical conflicts among different books and within the Codex itself, but is anyone maintaining a master list?

A few things I've noticed during my series re-read:

1.) When Caitrin is first introduced in TBH, she's described as being 61 years old at the time. The Codex says that after she surrendered, she went into a convent and died some years later-- at age 61.

2.) The novels state several times that Torenth's support of Ariella is largely because her mother was a member of the Torenthi royal family. The Codex lists Ariella's and Imre's mother as a fairly minor-sounding noblewoman-- something like Contessa Pasqualletta di Torenti? (my cats are currently lying down on my Codex so I can't check)-- who *could* be related to the Torenthi royals but certainly doesn't sound like someone in the immediate family of the king.

(I think there were one or two other minor things, but for now they've either slipped my mind or are uncheckably under cats.)


Spotted one today.  The second child that Bran and Richenda had, a girl who died aged a year old, is listed under Bran's entry as Ysabeau Rhiannon and under Richenda's as Rhiannon Ysabeau.

Rhiannon Ysabeau Lady Coris  (Under Richenda Codex pages 216, and the timeline pages 324 and 326)
Ysabeau Rhiannon Coris (Under Bran Codex  page 48.)


This site lists a large number of Codex inconsistencies or errors -  http://www.mindspring.com/~rebldavis/codex.html.

The genealogical tables are interesting and very useful, although I have noted that they too give rise to various queries.  For example, I was checking about Richenda's parents: the Codex doesn't have entries specifically for them, but the entry for Sofiana of Andelon refers to her "deceased sister" Michendra.  However, the genealogical table doesn't show a date of Death for Michendra.  Also, the table shows Richenda's father as being human, whereas I was always under the impression from the books that she was pureblood Deryni.


Quote from: Alkari on June 20, 2010, 03:17:15 PM
This site lists a large number of Codex inconsistencies or errors -  http://www.mindspring.com/~rebldavis/codex.html

I think that list was based on the Codex 1.0 limited-edition hardback, and some of them were fixed for the Codex 2.0 paperback reprint-- the only item I've checked so far is the Oriel marriage dates, whose three entries are now completely consistent but have different page numbers.


Another glitch that I don't see on the mindspring list; I may add more eventually, though I won't try to force the "Childe Morgan" books into matching the Codex--

1.) The birthdates of the Hort of Orsal's children don't quite fit Duncan's and Morgan's short visit during Deryni Checkmate in which they see the the Orsal's most recent "lusty bairn", counted off as the seventh child. They don't seem entirely certain of counting off "little Orsals one through six", but there are some other difficulties besides that.

Their visit takes place on 25 March 1121. Princess Aynbeth (mini-Orsal #6) isn't born until 31 Oct. 1121. Her prior siblings, the twins Marcel and Marcelline (mini-Orsals 4&5), were born back in 26 Sept. 1113; at ~7 years old, they're a bit old (and plural) to be called "a lusty bairn".

2.) (will fill in later when the cat is willing to get back off my notes again)


We were checking up the various Corwyn officers and retainers, and there's another one for Lord Hamilton. 

In QFSC, Morgan tells Richenda that his senior men like her and that "Hamilton looks upon you almost as the daughter he never had".   However, when the entry for Hamilton in the Codex says he married in 1075 and had children - three daughters and two sons!   There's no reference to any of them dying young, so a definite inconsistency.  (Given the dates for Hamilton, Richenda was young enough to have been his grand-daughter, not his daughter.)


In Codex, it says that the capital of Orsal and Tralia is Orsalis, which is "situate on the coast of Tralia at the mouth of the River Thuria" but on the map at the front Orsalis is definitely on the Ile d'Orsal.

And just an observation, but the old maps show St Neots as about 15 miles from St Torins, close enough I guess for Duncan to consider it worth a punt at finding a TP to get a barely conscious Alaric to Rhemuth.  In the Codex map it is about 60 miles south of Dhassa, which is a heck of a ride.  Codex says that St Neots is on the Corwyn side of the Lendour Mountains, which actually works for both locations.

The maps in Codex have been used in the recent books too, so it's not just a Codex problem, per se.


Hello Fans,

I've had a communication from Rob Reginald, this evening.  Since there will be a new print and electronic version of the Codex that will cover the people, places and events of the Childe Morgan books after Childe 3 is finished, Rob would appreciate help from the fans in finding inconsistencies in the current Codex editions so he can correct them for the forthcoming one.  Rob can be reached through his website: www.millefleurs.tv  He tries to reply to emails within 24 hours whenever  possible.  But please don't give up if it takes a little longer.

If you've ammassed a list of Codex inconsistencies in need of correcting, this would be a good time to contact Rob concerning them. Obviously page numbers and article topics for each item would make the corrections easier to find for him and help the work go the fastest.

Thanks everyone!

You can have a sound mind in a healthy body--Or you can be a nanonovelist!


I look foward to buying both books when they are published.
We will never forget the events of 9-11!!  USA!! USA!!


Some of the names for background or supplementary characters probably need 'adjusting'.    Of course it's a monumental task to find suitable names across such a wide world with so many different regions, and Rob Reginald has done a wonderful job, but perhaps we can flag some of the ones we suggest could be 'corrected' in Version 3. 

For example, Duke Ewan McEwan's grand-daughters, the daughters of Graham McEwan.   We know Ewan was a tough and bristly old highland warrior, so having a son named Graham and an eldest grandso n named Angus Fearchair is quite in keeping.  BUT - Codex #2 lists Angus's siblings as including sisters Sigarette, Tiparilla and Nectane!  (The one called Llivia is OK).

Can we please change the first three names!!   Somehow, they just don't quite fit with a tough highland family like this :D  (Not to mention that the world of Gwynedd may not have even discovered tobacco at this stage!)

Marriages and heirs.
Is Saer de Traherne (brother of Meraude) and Earl of Rhendall, married by time of KKB?   KK commented in a recent Chat that he "probably had a family back at home' - in which case the entries for him and a few others need adjusting.  Example: according to Codex, in 1129 Angus McEwan apparently marries a daughter of Sanborne de Traherne, heir presumptive to Rhendall.  If Saer himself is married with a family, then he will have direct heirs.

Amazing what you discover as you research people for fics, including people likely to be within certain age groups! 


Bumping this because KK specifically asked for help finding discrepancies and inconsistencies in the Codex in today's chat.  :)
"If having a soul means being able to feel love, loyalty, and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans."

James Herriot (James Alfred "Alfie" Wight), when a human client asked him if animals have souls.  (I don't remember in which book the story originally appeared.)


One that we came across recently in another thread is the succession to the Earldom of Kierney. The timeline indicates it passed to Tairchell McLain (son of Roger and Glorian) and then to his brother Arnall in 1060. The listing for Kierney states it went directly from Glorian to Arnall in 1033.


Here are a few items I found that have an error or could use some clarification.
Page 239 Tambert I Fitz-Arthur Quinnell
... the Lady Nerina, a twin to her brother, who intermarried with Sir Andrew McLain, father of Sir Roger McLain.

*    For the sake of clarification, should this read "and by him had a son, Sir Roger McLain." or is Roger, a son of Sir Andrew's from a different marriage? Although I personally hope that Roger is the son of Nerina and Andrew.

Page 310- timeline 1033, November 11 - Glorian MacInnis Countess of Kierney dies, age LXXIII years, and is succeeded by her son Lord Arnall McLain.

* Glorian is succeeded by her first son Lord Tairchell, not her second son Lord Arnall.

* Verify the age at death. If she was 73 in 1033 then she was born in 960. She married Roger in 990 and therefore was 30 years old. I am curious if there is a reason she did not marry until age thirty. She has two sons by Roger, Tairchell, 990 and Arnall 992, which is correctly stated in the time lines under those years.

Page 175 McLain, House of.  Sir Roger McLain married Lady Glorian MacInnis Heiress of Kierney on the XIth day of March in the year 990, and their son Sir Arnall, inherited the county of Kierney on the XIth day of November in the year 1033. He married lady Adelicia Heiress of Cassan, and their son Lord Andrew, inherited the Duchy of Cassan at birth on the 1st day of December in the year 1034.

* Roger and Glorian oldest son is Lord Tairchell who was Earl of Kierney from 1033 to 1060.  Their younger son, Arnall, was Earl from 1060- 1076.

Page 148. The listing for Earls of Kierney is Incorrect.
Page 175. The listing for Lairds of Leanshire is correct.

Page 309- timeline 1022, February 20- Arnall McLain Hereditary Count of Kierney marries Adelicia Fitz-Arthur Quinnell Heires of Cassan.

Page 311- Timeline 1034, December 1 - Lord Andrew is born to Arnall McLain hereditary count of Kierney and Adelicia Fitz-Arthur Quinnell Heiress of Cassan, and becomes Duke of Cassan at birth.

*This is not an error, however, it would be helpful to state Adelicia's other children who were born after her marriage in 1022 yet before Lord Andrew was born. One of those children would be her second daughter Madonna Lady McLain who was likely born between 1025-1030 and who married Kai Anthony Morgan. I am guessing Madonna was married between the years 1042-1044, due to the fact that Kenneth Morgan (her second child) was born Oct. 7, 1046.
May your horses have wings and fly!


Here is one most everyone has read

Page 22- Alaric...  He intermarried with Richenda... and by her he had children: Briony...Kelric...; the Countess Sophonisba Alyca Richenda...

Page 216 Richenda has the same listing for her children by Alaric.

Page 340 Timeline 1129, April 12: Lady Grania Marie Araxelle is born to Alaric Duke of Corwyn and Richenda Lady of Rheljan.

* Either the names need to be changed, or Grania is a third daughter that needs to be added to their list of children.
May your horses have wings and fly!


Page 154
The list for Earls of Lendour

Festil I (son of King Festil I of Gwynedd)
* This is confusing and should be changed to Festil II. Even though he is the first Earl of Lendour, he is also Festil Junior( the Lame) and later becomes Festil II King of Gwynedd in his own right.

Festil II (Son, Duke)
* As stated above this should be changed to Festil III (the greybeard)

* In the Child Morgan series we learn that Kenneth Kai Morgan is granted the title of Earl of Lendour by rights of his wife. Therefore he needs to be added into the list.

* Kelric, son of Alaric should also be added to the list.
May your horses have wings and fly!