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KK Chat - Feb. 16, 2003

Started by RainbowDragon, November 17, 2008, 12:55:09 PM

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KK Chat - Feb. 16, 2003

[18:09] * KK has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[18:09] * ChanServ sets mode: +o KK
[18:09] <Mistyck> hi KK
[18:09] * hygilac is waiting eagerly
[18:09] <jm> Hi KK
[18:09] <jp> Hi KK
[18:09] <Wrengl> howdy katherine!
[18:09] <hygilac> Hi KK
[18:09] <RainbowDragon> Welcome, Katherine!
[18:09] <Debbie-VB> Welcome Katherine
[18:09] <the_Bee> KK! You made it!
[18:09] <RainTurtle> Good evening, Katherine
[18:09] <kirienne> Hi katherine :-)
[18:09] <Ghostgames> Hi, Katherine!
[18:09] <JastaElf> Hi Katherine
[18:09] <Wrengl> how goes the writing katherine?!
[18:09] <Hadraniel> hi KK
[18:09] <KK> Hello, all.  Just taking a very quick break while a chapter prints out.
[18:09] <JastaElf> Ooo cool....
[18:09] <JastaElf> :-)
[18:09] <Shiral> Hello Katherine!!
[18:09] <jm> as we all pause anxiously
[18:09] <KK> Charging along the homestretch.
[18:09] <RainTurtle> Cool
[18:09] <kirienne> great
[18:09] <Mistyck> cool!
[18:09] <Shiral> Hooray!
[18:09] <RainbowDragon> How's the deadline looking?
[18:09] <hygilac> yay!
[18:09] <the_Bee> before the important stuff: is it SHIR-al or shi-RAHL?
[18:09] <JastaElf> BTW thanks for your note, Katherine!!!!!
[18:09] <jm> Yes
[18:10] <Shiral> Wouldn't you know you'd come in just when I had toggled out
[18:10] <Shiral> =o)
[18:10] <Wrengl> lol shiral
[18:10] <KK> Well, the deadline is way missed, and tomorrow I have to e-mail my editor and beg piteously for more time--which she's gonna have to give, because it just isn't quite done yet--though it's getting VERY near.
[18:10] <the_Bee> we have a new chatter, KK: Hadraniel
[18:10] <RainTurtle> Had a weird "Twilight Zone" moment this morning at church...a visiting minister did the sermon in two parts, and the second was started with "we stand outside time in a place not of earth"....weird, eh?  :)
[18:11] <Hadraniel> lol, I would not call myself a chatter
[18:11] <KK> Shi-RAHL.
[18:11] <the_Bee> chatter in training
[18:11] <Debbie-VB> Maybe he was another fan RT
[18:11] <jm> chatter apprentice
[18:11] <KK> Sounds like a fan, Turtle.
[18:11] <the_Bee> thanks
[18:11] <RainTurtle> I think so...  :D
[18:11] <Shiral> Oh wow, I've been mis-pronouncing it right along!
[18:11] <jp> Part of the chattering classes
[18:11] * Shiral covers her head in embarassment
[18:12] <Wrengl> lol shi RAHL
[18:12] <KK> Hello, Hadraniel.  Are you an angel?  The -iel names often are.
[18:12] <Shiral> My own chat nick too!
[18:12] <hygilac> lol shiral
[18:12] <Hadraniel> lol, yeah guard to the 2nd gate of heaven
[18:12] <Ghostgames> Better put that one on the pronunciation/glossary list, Melissa. ;-)
[18:12] <Hadraniel> 10 million miles tall as well
[18:12] <Shiral> It IS on there, But I think I have to tweak it, Ann <G>
[18:12] <KK> Pretty big.
[18:12] <RainTurtle> hi, Bynw
[18:12] <JastaElf> hard to find pants that fit, I daresay....
[18:12] <kirienne> wb bwnw
[18:12] <KK> LOL, Jasta.
[18:12] <Shiral> LOL
[18:13] <jm> wb bynw
[18:13] <KK> And yay on Jasta's new job!
[18:13] <Andy_Hock> Is the line from RainTurtle's sermon taken from real-life ceremonies, or is it original writing? 
[18:13] <Shiral> Indeed
[18:13] <JastaElf> thanks!
[18:13] <jp> I thought it was Sheer-hell
[18:13] <Mistyck> wb Bynw
[18:13] <the_Bee> can you dance on the head of a pin, Hadraniel?
[18:13] <Shiral> Thanks I think, JP
[18:13] <Mistyck> lol
[18:13] <KK> Well, it's sort of expanded from real stuff I've seen.
[18:13] <Shiral> Maybe a BIG pin?
[18:13] <Hadraniel> hehe
[18:14] <KK> What does Hadraniel mean?
[18:14] <Hadraniel> Right hand of God
[18:14] <Mistyck> cool
[18:14] <hygilac> ah. . .
[18:14] <KK> You guys should know that the Gustopher Cat is being a pill tonight, climbing on <everything>, driving me bonkers.
[18:14] <Debbie-VB> Did you know that god has to do everything with his left hand
[18:14] <KK> That's what comes of sleeping all day.
[18:14] <the_Bee> so Jesus is sitting on you?
[18:14] <Shiral> KK, I sympathize
[18:14] <Wrengl> indeed
[18:14] <Hadraniel> haha
[18:14] <kirienne> LOL KK
[18:15] <Shiral>  I am a jungle Gym for Cats
[18:15] <KK> Me too, Shiral.  And my office, too.
[18:15] <Wrengl> sorry about trying to work with gustopher cat playing
[18:15] <Shiral> Hard to get work done!
[18:15] <hygilac> my yongsters have been playing and are now sleeping it off
[18:15] <KK> Gus has a thing for rubber bands tonight, keeps dragging them out of their box.
[18:15] <Shiral> Maybe you should tell your editor it's Gustopher's fault the book's not done?
[18:15] <Shiral> <G>
[18:15] <Wrengl> lol
[18:15] <Mistyck> there's nothing like an 80 lb dog that decides your head makes a good pillow
[18:15] <Debbie-VB> Sure.  blame it on the cats
[18:15] <KK> Ah, the sight of rubber bands trailing from the cat mouth--almost as funny as a cat with a mouthful of hairy bron spider.
[18:15] <jm> Yeah blame it on the cat
[18:16] <Wrengl> gustopher cat stole the manuscript and won't give it back!
[18:16] <hygilac> ah, me muxtve channeling Charlotte
[18:16] <Devin> KK: awww. Now I miss my cats!
[18:16] <jm> gustopher isn't through proofing the manuscript
[18:16] <KK> I thought of telling her that the cats ate it, but I don't think she'd buy it.
[18:16] <Mistyck> yep
[18:16] <Mistyck> lol
[18:16] <jp> lol
[18:16] * Debbie-VB giggles
[18:16] <Shiral> He has to put HIS paw print imprimatur on it, KK
[18:16] <Mistyck> why not...Chance ate half a dollar bill earlier today
[18:16] <Wrengl> no but the dogs might have eaten it!
[18:16] <Shiral> <G>
[18:16] <the_Bee> they just shredded the manuscript
[18:16] <hygilac> tell her they are sitting on it
[18:17] <Hadraniel> tell her your cat is writing this one and it is just taking longer
[18:17] <jm> that's the problem with having computers- there is always the back up
[18:17] <Shiral> "The Dog ate my novel -- REALLY!"
[18:17] <hygilac> that's what mine do
[18:17] <KK> Well, that chapter has printed now, so I've got to get back to work.
[18:17] <Shiral>  Night, Katherine, Huggles!
[18:17] <Wrengl> good writing
[18:17] <KK> I expect to be able to report a done deal next week!
[18:17] <kirienne> k, nighters and many huggles KK
[18:17] <RainTurtle> be well, Katherine
[18:17] <Wrengl> night katherine
[18:17] <hygilac> night KK
[18:17] <the_Bee> are yours still bungee jumping Linda?
[18:17] <Mistyck> nite KK, huggles
[18:17] <Shiral> Good luck at the finish!]
[18:17] <Hadraniel> g'night
[18:17] <jm> have a good nite Katherine or is it morning
[18:17] <jp> Once again " GO GIRL "
[18:17] <Debbie-VB> OK, and thanks for stopping by Katherine
[18:17] <hygilac> blessings on you!
[18:17] <JastaElf> Night Katherine!  Stay warm!
[18:17] <Shiral> Write well, Katherine
[18:17] <KK> Good night, all.  (It's morning.)
[18:17] <Shiral> Good morning, then <G>
[18:18] * KK leaps onto her Portal and disappears in a shower of green sparkles.
[18:18] <Wrengl> good morning then
[18:18] <Mistyck> KK:  Harvey said HI
[18:18] <Shiral> See you next week!
[18:18] <Mistyck> he can't get in the chatroom
[18:18] <the_Bee> have a good week.  have some fun when vbook is done
[18:18] <Ghostgames> Good night, KK!
[18:18] * Devin has left IRC
[18:18] * Devin Quit (Connection reset by peer)
[18:18] * KK has left IRC
[18:18] * KK Quit