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October 20, 2024, 03:22:24 PM
Due to a previous commitment, I might not make it to chat tonight.  Give my best to KK, though.
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October 24, 2024, 10:41:48 PM

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KK Chat -- 31 March 2024 Happy Easter!!

Started by DesertRose, March 31, 2024, 07:22:56 PM

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[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:21:05 PM EDT] Join web97 has joined this channel.
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:21:12 PM EDT] <The_Bee> It was in Paradise, CA after their big fire. Dundee was in his human's truck when someone stole it. A whole bunch of people teamed up to track him down and bring him home.
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:21:17 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <azdesertrose> Hi KK!
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:21:18 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> Oh, there would be mischief!
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:21:23 PM EDT] <bynw> Hi KK
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:21:25 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <derynifank> What about a tale about JANA when she goes to the schola. She might become friends with Briony and they could get into mischief.
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:21:28 PM EDT] <The_Bee> HI KK!
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:21:35 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> Hi KK
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:21:43 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <azdesertrose> Heck with the truck, just recover the cat!
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:21:44 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <capngramma> Happy Easter, KK
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:21:57 PM EDT] Nick web97 is now known as KK.
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:22:00 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <derynifank> Hi KK, Happy Easter
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:22:29 PM EDT] <KK> Hello, all. Happ Easter!
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:22:38 PM EDT] <KK> Happy, too.
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:22:47 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <azdesertrose> Evie said she might not make it to chat because she might be going to dinner with her parents. So I'll just convey a "Hi, KK, happy Easter!" from her.
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:22:59 PM EDT] <The_Bee> They found the truck catless. The reward money was going to be used to feed feral cats at shelters.
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:23:00 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <azdesertrose> Even though she didn't say to do that, I assume she'd say it if she were here.
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:23:01 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> How was your Easter, KK?
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:23:34 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <derynifank> The cat did make it hoke didn't he?
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:23:56 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Yes, Dundee got safely home.
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:24:05 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <derynifank> The cat did make it home didn't he?
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:24:15 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <capngramma> That's good.
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:24:18 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <derynifank> Yay for DUNDEE
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:24:33 PM EDT] <KK> No problem. If I still had a mom and dad, I'd also go with them for dinner. Separately, though, because their divorce was not amicable.
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:24:55 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <azdesertrose> That's always fun. Not.
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:25:01 PM EDT] <KK> What happened re the cat?
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:25:14 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <derynifank> Maybe lunch with one and dinner with the other?
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:25:25 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Team Dundee got him home.
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:25:37 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <azdesertrose> He'd been napping in his human's truck when someone stole it (from the Paradise, CA, area when they had that awful wildfire).
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:25:51 PM EDT] <KK> Ah, I scrolled up and found that answer. Thanks.
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:26:43 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <azdesertrose> Grandpuppy pics! His name is Maximus, and he is extremely sweet and cute.
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:26:43 PM EDT] <The_Bee> The owner left the truck to buy Dundee's medicine.
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:26:44 PM EDT] [Photos redacted for privacy]
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:26:57 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <azdesertrose> Meanwhile Carys is by my leg grooming herself.
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:27:00 PM EDT] <KK> Further on the cat front: Cameron and Anna have acquired another feline resident: a lovely big grey tiger they're naming Oliver.
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:27:19 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> Nice!
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:27:30 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <azdesertrose> Oliver Twist?
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:27:50 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> He found them, or they found him?
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:28:01 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <derynifank> How many cats do they have?
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:28:12 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <azdesertrose> Some friends of mine had a cat who came to them as a tiny kitten and they named it Oliver Twist until they took "him" to the vet, at which point the name became Olivia Twist.
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:28:34 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <derynifank> That happens a lot
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:28:38 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <azdesertrose> Yup
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:28:54 PM EDT] <KK> Cameron brought him in from a 19 degree winter night.
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:29:08 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <capngramma> xds/'
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:29:10 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> Whoa, that is cold
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:29:29 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <azdesertrose> Part of the reason my Christian kitty was so named; we couldn't tell if he were a boy or a girl at first and we figured that name would work either way, plus the character is the second lead in Cyrano de Bergerac, and we already had my Cyrano kitty.
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:29:31 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <derynifank> Wow, glad Cameron rescued him from the cold
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:29:34 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <capngramma> missmys just jumped up
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:29:37 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <azdesertrose> That is Hell No levels of cold.
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:30:17 PM EDT] <KK> They think he's about a year old, so he's still not full grown. He joins Iris, their other cat, who lost her sister about a year ago.
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:30:24 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> Well, not in Canada...😀
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:30:41 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <azdesertrose> True, 19 C is tolerable.
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:30:59 PM EDT] <KK> For short periods of time.
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:31:00 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> 19C is balmy!
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:31:01 PM EDT] <The_Bee> How do the two cats get along so far?
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:31:04 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <derynifank> 19 C is way different from 19 F
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:31:43 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> Hi and Happy Easter!
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:32:02 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <derynifank> Hi Nezz. Happy Easter
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:32:03 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> Hi Nezz
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:32:08 PM EDT] <KK> So far, Iris is putting up with him, immediately informed him she was the Alpha cat in the household. And he knows about living in a house, great manners.
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:32:38 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Happy Easter to all observers of the day.
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:35:24 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <capngramma> I figured out how to get MissMys to stop presenting her butt. Last time she did it, I blew a tiny puff of air at the target. She turned around as if to say. "Mom, you sniffed backwards!"
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:35:38 PM EDT] <The_Bee> LOL!
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:35:49 PM EDT] <bynw> LOL
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:36:06 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <derynifank> Too funny
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:36:17 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> I just swipe their tails down when they do that to me or the camera
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:40:16 PM EDT] * The_Bee drops a pin.
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:40:27 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> *ting*
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:40:31 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Hello Happy Easter
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:40:46 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> Hi Laurna
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:40:46 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> Hi Laurna!
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:41:03 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Hello everyone
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:41:06 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <capngramma> MissMys is trying to sleep on my lap, but my stomach rumbling keeps waking her up. Should probably go eat supper.
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:41:21 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> I just tried my hand at Deviled eggs. Eadible by barely so I will not be sharing the real thing. LOL
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:41:31 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <derynifank> We were supposed to have a warm sunny day today but the weatherman missed again. It was more cloudy than sunny and much chillier than expected\
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:41:34 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> I just tried my hand at Deviled eggs. Eadible but barely so I will not be sharing the real thing. LOL
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:41:40 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> Did you use vinegar in them?
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:41:41 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <derynifank> Hi Laurna
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:42:01 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> I boiled them with some vinigar
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:42:08 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> I'm in Texas atm and it's cloudy and 80*
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:42:27 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> Mix it in the yolks and they will be properly "devilish"
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:42:36 PM EDT] <KK> What did you put in your deviled eggs? Seems hard to mess up; at least that's been in my experience.
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:42:42 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Cold and very rainy here. It snowed at my sisters yesterday and last night
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:43:13 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> I only had mircle whip and some paprika. definitly needs something else.
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:43:29 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <capngramma> mustard
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:43:39 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Mustard free home
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:43:40 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> I do mine with miracle whip, a bit of mustard, and apple cider vinegar.
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:43:42 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> Salt-n-pepper and mustard powder
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:43:55 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> And paprika on top
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:44:06 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Maybe some vinegar would help
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:44:13 PM EDT] <The_Bee> I add feta cheese crumbles when I make deviled eggs. They've gone over well at church potlucks.
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:44:18 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> " The devil inside"
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:44:31 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> LOL
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:44:50 PM EDT] <KK> Well, my weeping cherry burst into bloom literally overnight, putting on her Easter finery.
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:44:50 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <derynifank> I don't use vinegar. mustard, mayo, paprica and sometimes a little pickle relish
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:44:58 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> Feta cheese... that sounds intriguing
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:45:02 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> pretty KK
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:45:05 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> I don't like mustard in anything except deviled eggs and egg salad
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:45:25 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> Oooh, cherry blooms! 🙂
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:45:44 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> Spent my day putting together Lego cherry blossoms
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:45:45 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> Jerusha, me too! 🙂
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:45:54 PM EDT] <KK> Sadly, they don't last very long.
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:46:18 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Long enough to make you smile
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:46:29 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <derynifank> The japanese Cherry blossoms in Va Beach were at peak last weekend. Gorgeous
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:46:33 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Beautiful, KK!. Does it have pink or white blossoms?
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:48:04 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <capngramma> Fortunately the forsythia is about done here. Almost two weeks of all the flu symptoms except the fever.
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:48:36 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> two weeks of flue, YUCK
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:48:46 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Forsythia has flu?
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:48:57 PM EDT] <KK> Pink,
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:49:00 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> No, but good for allergies
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:49:11 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Love pink
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:49:33 PM EDT] <KK> I need some forsythia in my yard.
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:49:33 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <capngramma> I've been highly allergic to forsythia since getting the pollen in some scratches in the late '70's
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:50:06 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> In spite of the pollen, very pretty in spring
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:50:44 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <derynifank> @CapnGramma You had the flu for 2 weeks. That's awful. We have had a really wicked flu going around but luckily it only lasted about 3 days
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:51:11 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> Did you mean forsythia allergies?
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:51:38 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <capngramma> Not flu. Allergy, but all the symptoms except fever.
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:52:18 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> Yuk
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:54:51 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> 52F here and I keep having to micowave my tea to keep it warm.
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:55:53 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> i thought we were starting to get spring weather two days ago, but we have reverted back to winter.
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:56:01 PM EDT] <The_Bee> 50F outside, 80F in my apartment
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:56:05 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> Ha, I'm warmer than you today Laurna. It's 80 where I am. 🙂
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:56:16 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Jealous.
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:56:38 PM EDT] <KK> 60 here
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:56:43 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> My inside is set at 70F but the heater just keeps going on and does not seem to heat the house up much.
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:56:58 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Burr KK.
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:57:16 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> 77F here in Florida
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:57:35 PM EDT] <KK> That isn't bad.
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:57:41 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Nice Jerusha. but what is it at your reall home?
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:57:46 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <derynifank> We thought spring had sprung but it has gone back into hiding. Cold front coming though tonight with rain
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:58:00 PM EDT] <The_Bee> indoors or outdoors, KK?
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:58:12 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> 3 C
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:58:19 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Dfk, you are getting the weather we had yesterday. Snow down to 3000 elevation
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:58:34 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <derynifank> What is that in F?
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:58:39 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> 3C well..... above freezing, I guess.
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:59:01 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> I have been watching the Big Bear Valley eagles. Nest and female eagle were covered in snow overnight
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:59:45 PM EDT] <The_Bee> F=9/5 C+32
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:59:48 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Yes, sadly they are not going to hatch their eggs this year. Fingers crossed that next year will be better. they sure are dedicated in all this snow.
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [7:59:57 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> 37 F
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [8:00:06 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> I love watching Shadow and Jackie
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [8:00:18 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <derynifank> 3C is 37F so jusy above freezing
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [8:00:27 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Burr
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [8:00:34 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> But balmy for this time of year
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [8:00:35 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <derynifank> 3C is 37F so just above freezing
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [8:00:51 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> They are quite the pair, Laurna
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [8:01:04 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Yes love to watch them.
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [8:01:23 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> True love is demonstrated by a stick
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [8:01:37 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> I also have been watching another pair that just hatched two eaglets.
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [8:01:47 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <derynifank> Cool
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [8:01:48 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> LOL
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [8:01:56 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Good!
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [8:02:17 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> I saw a sand hill crane baby beside it's mother the other day. All legs and fluff
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [8:02:26 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <derynifank> We thought spring had sprung because the Ospreys are back
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [8:02:27 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Oh fun
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [8:03:39 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> It was not a tiny chick
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [8:03:51 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <derynifank> @Jerusha Have you become a snowbird, winters in Florida and summers in Canada?
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [8:04:00 PM EDT] <KK> My robins are back.
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [8:04:03 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> Yes, and I like it that way
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [8:04:18 PM EDT] <KK> Not nearly as exciting as raptors,though.
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [8:04:56 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <azdesertrose> But pretty
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [8:05:04 PM EDT] <bynw> some iowa eagles: https://sportsmansparadiseonline.com/bald-eagle-cams/decorah-north-nest/
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [8:05:12 PM EDT] <The_Bee> PBS Nature is doing an episode about raptors in a week or two.
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [8:05:21 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> Robins protecting their nests are not for the faint of heart
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [8:07:35 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> I love the robins. but I have yet to see any this year
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [8:07:44 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <capngramma> Heading off. Need to eat.
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [8:07:53 PM EDT] <KK> Don't know where my robis are nesting, but I have a fair about of woods behind my house.
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [8:07:54 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> Nighters, CapnGramma
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [8:07:56 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Good Day to you Capn
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [8:08:02 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Enjoy your !
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [8:08:09 PM EDT] <The_Bee> meal, capn
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [8:08:17 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <derynifank> nite CapnGramma
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [8:08:32 PM EDT] <KK> Ak, I need to go as well. Call the Midwife has just started.
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [8:08:44 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <jerusha2> Have a good week, KK
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [8:08:44 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <azdesertrose> Zoom next week, KK?
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [8:08:54 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Last year the Robins spent about a month in my front yard around the fountain before the weather turned warm and then they went up into the mountains to nest.
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [8:08:55 PM EDT] <KK> Zoom next week. Have a good week.
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [8:08:59 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <azdesertrose> G'night and good week, and thanks for coming to see us!
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [8:09:18 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Good night KK, have a good first week of April
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [8:09:24 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <derynifank> nighters kk
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [8:09:48 PM EDT] * KK steps onto her Portal, waves goodbye, and disappears in a shower of purple sparkles.
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [8:09:56 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Thanks for coming, KK. Enjoy your show and your week. Zoom next sunday?
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [8:10:08 PM EDT] <KK> Nighters, all.
[Sunday, March 31, 2024] [8:10:16 PM EDT] Quit KK has left this server (Quit: Client closed).
"If having a soul means being able to feel love, loyalty, and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans."

James Herriot (James Alfred "Alfie" Wight), when a human client asked him if animals have souls.  (I don't remember in which book the story originally appeared.)