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KK Chat -- 23 July 2023

Started by Bynw, July 24, 2023, 09:41:49 PM

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[18:05] * web20 (49ab39c5@CCN-FD80E4E6.hsd1.va.comcast.net) has joined #deryni_destinations
[18:06] <web20> Hello, all.
[18:07] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> Hello!
[18:07] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> Is that you, KK?
[18:07] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> Or someone else? You can use the / nick command to change your name. (Without the space)
[18:08] <web20> Trying
[18:09] <CambersGhost> [discord] <TM> Going back: I tend to agree with the Araxie "being a Haldane would give her an edge in the marriage market"  despite her Cuan-shaped marriage speedbump.
[18:09] * The_Bee (47e9b9e9@CCN-BA907A04.hsd1.ct.comcast.net) has joined #deryni_destinations
[18:09] * web20 is now known as KK
[18:09] <The_Bee> Hi KK!
[18:09] <KK> There we go.
[18:09] <chris> there you go!
[18:10] <The_Bee> Sorry I missed last week; computer problems.
[18:10] <KK> How is everybody tonight?
[18:10] <The_Bee> Hot.
[18:10] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> LOL at poor Cuan being a speed bump!
[18:10] <The_Bee> not as hot as many folks.
[18:10] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> Doing fine, KK. You?
[18:11] <KK> I hear ya, Bee.  I have too many things with too many moving parts all at the same time.
[18:12] <KK> Better than last week. Making progress on back, seeing ortho Wedneday re knees.
[18:12] <The_Bee> I didn't think of that till Friday.
[18:12] <KK> Still taming the new computer and the new iPhone.
[18:13] <The_Bee> Fixing the modem, I mean.  some of my sentences sometimes vanish into thin air.
[18:13] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Jerusha2> Hi Everyone!
[18:13] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> Ack, just barely made it. Hiya.
[18:13] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> Hope they can help. In the meantime, if you have an ACE Hardware near you, check to see if they carry a lotion or cream called Two Old Goats. I love it for my achy back, knees, and shoulders, and it doesn't leave you smelling like horse liniment. It has more of a rosemary/lavender/mint scent.
[18:13] * chris is good trying to find ways of keeping the puppies downstairs
[18:13] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Jerusha2> So long as you don
[18:13] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Jerusha2> t  smell like a goat
[18:14] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> LOL, no, I wouldn't be recommending it if it smelled of goat. It would have to be VERY effective for that to not be off-putting.
[18:15] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> If there is a choice between a cream version or the regular lotion, I personally prefer the cream, but they are both good. And you don't end up reeking of menthol and wintergreen, or whatever is in most liniments of that sort.
[18:15] <The_Bee> I wouldn't want  to smell like /thor=goats--Toothnasher and toothgrinder.
[18:15] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Jerusha2> But beloved by dentists
[18:16] <KK> A friend gave me a spare tens that does stim.  I'll take it with me to physio tomorrow and they'll show me how to use it.  If I can reach the right spots to apply the electrodes.
[18:16] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> Oh, nice! Love a good tens stim. 🙂
[18:17] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> Hopefully that will help. I've never done that at home, but that did seem to help when I was going to PT.
[18:17] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> If nothing else, it feels nice. 🙂
[18:17] <The_Bee> What's a tens?
[18:17] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> machine that gives you teeny tiny shocks they use in physical therapy
[18:17] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> Electrical stimulation of the area that helps manage the pain, Bee
[18:18] <The_Bee> sounds fun
[18:18] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> it makes your muscles contract and release and it feels like a massage
[18:18] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> afterwards
[18:18] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> It's a little tingly, but it doesn't hurt
[18:18] <KK> He's also been using a percussion gadget that rally helps. Looks like an electric drill with a tennis ball-sized hard rubber ball attached where the drill bit would be inserted.
[18:19] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> LOL! Whatever works.
[18:20] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> I have a gym membership now, and am paying for the midrange level specifically because that allows me to have a hydromassage after every workout, which in turn motivates me to keep going. (I knew I would need that extra incentive!)
[18:20] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> Ooooh, smart!
[18:20] <KK> Absolutely.  And no back attack now since last Tuesday.
[18:20] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> It's ten minutes of sheer bliss, three times a week.
[18:20] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> Excellent!
[18:20] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Jerusha2> Good, KK
[18:20] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> Oh good, KK!
[18:21] <The_Bee> so how is your unpacking going, KK?
[18:21] <KK> How do they do that, Evie? Sitting in a hot tub in your bathing suit?
[18:23] <KK> Unpacking is proceeding.  And got my old computer and monitor out of the house on Wednesday, also a big box of newspapers.  Good to have  them out of the house.
[18:23] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> Back pain is the worst, I think. I mean, I can still take care of most daily basic functions by myself if my shoulder hurts badly enough that I want to gnaw my own arm off, or if my knee is acting up I just need a bit more time and leverage to sit down or stand up, but when I had the bad back for three weeks, I couldn't even dress by myself, and had to allow myself something like <clipped mess
[18:23] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose>  20 minutes of lead time just to get out of bed and go to the toilet in the middle of the night because I didn't have anyone to help me get seated and pull upright.
[18:23] <The_Bee> Bummer
[18:23] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Jerusha2> Eek, Evie!
[18:24] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> Ugh! That's the worst! 😦
[18:24] <KK> Ouch, Evie! Sounds a lot like me.
[18:24] <The_Bee> Where was your DH?
[18:25] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> @KK Hydrotherapy is done on a contoured bed that is sort of like a horizontal recliner or hospital bed adjusted so you are mostly lying back but with your head slightly elevated and your knees are also slightly elevated. It is encased in some sort of waterproof material, and strong water jets under the fabric run up and down either side of your spine to give you a water jet massa <clipped mess
[18:25] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> ge from your heels to your neck, or even the back of your head if you want the massage to go that high. You stay perfectly dry, though.
[18:26] <KK> Ah.  That sounds reasonable.  Staying dry is much more efficient.
[18:27] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> DH was getting established in a new job at the time and working really long hours, but the main problem is that it is impossible to get into my house at all without going up at least one flight of stairs, which I couldn't manage since I could barely walk, so I lived with my parents for those three weeks since their entrance is on ground level and so is their guest room and bath.  <clipped mess
[18:27] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> Plus their shower is one of those large ones that can fit two people. I couldn't have managed getting into a tub.
[18:28] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Jerusha2> Do you know what you did to your back to cause this?
[18:28] <CambersGhost> [discord] <TM> A huge shower with a sitting place is a marvel. My first bought home here has it and I fell in love with it in seconds.
[18:29] <KK> That's one of the inconveniences of swimming.  Takes an extra hour by the time you get into your suit, into the pool, then get out and shower off, probably wash hair, dry off and re-dress.
[18:29] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> They're also both well past retirement age, so they were around all day if I needed assistance, whereas my husband would have had to take three weeks off his new job if I had been at home because of the level of care I needed.
[18:29] <The_Bee> How long have you had this problem, Evie?
[18:29] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> Since I fell out of a bus the first week of March in 2020.
[18:30] <The_Bee> and what's the diagnosis?
[18:30] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Jerusha2> Ouch!
[18:30] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> It was rainy, both feet slipped out from under me, and I ended up landing very hard 1 inch to the left of my spine on the edge of the top step and sliding to the curb. It was not fun.
[18:30] <KK> Not the greatest of ideas, falling out of a bus!
[18:30] <The_Bee> Yikes!
[18:30] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> Yes, 10/10 do not recommend!
[18:30] <chris> my son's baby boy born on Monday. https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/mZwmBzoX/71175233372__AD6FB963-D954-4C42-A1FF-EC61777CD0AF.JPG
[18:31] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> Ohhhhhh, cute!
[18:31] <KK> Not the greatest of ideas, falling out of a bus.
[18:31] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> Congrats, Grandpa!
[18:31] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Jerusha2> Yes, congrats Grandpa
[18:31] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Congrats on the little sweetie
[18:31] <The_Bee> a blue-and-white zebra
[18:31] <KK> What a cutie!
[18:32] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> I recovered from the back injury just in time to go back to the office for the last day they were there before sending everyone to work from home due to Covid. So basically 1 day to get all of my apps downloaded and learn how to do a front desk job from my house.
[18:33] <KK> Bynw, how do I get the names of those present to appear at the right of the screen? (Like I said, still taming the new computer.)
[18:34] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> I ended up having a greatly reduced physical therapy because of Covid, so it's probably best the accident happened when it did (if it had to happen at all), since at least I got three weeks of therapy before I had to stop.
[18:34] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> Some of us are on Discord rather than IRC, KK, so you might not see a complete list, just like I don't see you in my sidebar.
[18:35] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> I only just arrived, family just left,  and now I am decompressing
[18:35] <KK> PT does work, though you have to do the home exercises as well as the ones they give you in the gym.
[18:35] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> And also I just realized I was set to Invisible, so you wouldn't have seen me anyway. 😄
[18:36] <chris> i think there is a button to click on
[18:36] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> I've started PT on my foot last week. I have tendinosis in the left achilles
[18:36] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Jerusha2> Oh dear, Laurna!  I read that as "decomposing."  EEw!
[18:36] <KK> I'm using he Communiti-Chat link  you send me a couple of weeks ago.
[18:36] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> Hey Laurna!
[18:36] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> LOL, let's hope Laurna isn't decomposing just yet! 😄
[18:37] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> oh I was set to invisable too. thanks Evie  I forget about that
[18:37] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> That sounds unpleasant, Nezz
[18:37] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> How about decompressing instead   LOL
[18:37] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Jerusha2> I watch too many murder mysteries on
[18:37] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Jerusha2> tv
[18:37] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> Decompressing is fine. 😄
[18:38] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> At least you aren't sat there like a highly literate zombie. 😄
[18:38] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> Wouldn't want you losing fingers from their impact on the keyboard
[18:38] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> eewww
[18:39] <KK> Bynw, should I switch to Discord?  If so, how?
[18:39] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> So far it's just stretches and strength. They're going to start doing dry-needling this week, I think.
[18:39] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Jerusha2> rented fingers versus. well, never mind...
[18:39] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> Ooh, yesssss, KK! If you are on Discord, one lovely benefit is that you can scroll up and see the chats you have missed previous to arriving here!
[18:39] <The_Bee> Then you wouldn't see the folks on IRC, would you?
[18:39] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> And  you'll be able to see all the pictures as well!
[18:39] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> Yes, we can see the folks on IRC, Bee.
[18:40] <The_Bee> thanks!  Good to know.
[18:40] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> We can't see them in the sidebar, but I see you in chat just fine.
[18:40] <KK> I see the pictures, and used to see who's present.
[18:41] <The_Bee> I was thinking sidebar. I only see you discord ers when you're posting.
[18:42] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> I tend to run on Invisible mode a lot anyway, so even when I'm here you might not see me.
[18:43] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> The discord side bar does not show tomany people on right now, Evie, Jerusha, Nezz, Me, Altrreality and then a few other names of people who are on discord but likely not on this channel.
[18:44] <chris> AltReality is always idle
[18:44] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Is AltReality a person or a Thing
[18:44] <chris> a person
[18:45] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> Or a Place? 😄
[18:45] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> It is a place for most of us
[18:45] <The_Bee> I see 7 people, 2 or 3 of whom are bots
[18:45] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> It's where I live. LOL!
[18:45] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Love that place too
[18:46] <The_Bee> chris, are both you and your bynw alter-ego here in person?
[18:46] <chris> yes. just not at my computer to type under bynw
[18:47] <The_Bee> bynw the remote
[18:47] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> Speaking of alternate realities, I just found out I have a cute little medieval garderobe in my Sims custom content, so I have slapped a few to the side walls of Kelson's hunting lodge, with large barrels underneath them to catch the waste to use as fertilizer. (Well, not that you can actually do that in gameplay, but in my mind they've got to do *something* with it all! 😂 )
[18:47] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Are you visiting the new baby?
[18:47] <chris> no. having supper
[18:47] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Jerusha2> Waste not want not?
[18:47] <chris> computers are upstairs in my office
[18:47] <KK> How are your puppies doing, Chris? Other than wanting to come upstairs where you are.
[18:48] <chris> i'm downstairs on my ipad
[18:48] <The_Bee> Most of Rhemuth Castles seems to go into the midden.
[18:48] <chris> they are 5 months old now
[18:48] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Probably looking for handouts from the dinner table.
[18:48] <KK> Where oes the new grandson live?
[18:49] <chris> in grimes
[18:49] <The_Bee> Iowa?
[18:49] <chris> still int the greater des moines metro area
[18:49] <KK> Where is that?
[18:50] <KK> Ah. Pretty convenient, then.
[18:50] <chris> about 10 miles from me
[18:50] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Jerusha2> That's close
[18:50] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> Close enough for regular grandson spoiling
[18:51] <The_Bee> close enough, but not too close for privacy.
[18:51] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Nice
[18:51] <KK> Daphne just stepped onto a pile of papers and caused a landslide. Grrr.
[18:51] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> Yeah, that's a good distance. Similar to the distance between my house and my parents or my MIL in the other direction.
[18:52] <chris> https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/7qlv0U7e/1690156325.JPG
[18:52] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> Awww
[18:52] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Jerusha2> You could fit four more in that bed
[18:52] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> cute puppies!
[18:53] <KK> Did you tell us his name, or was that while I was trying to get in?
[18:53] <The_Bee> Remind me--which is which?
[18:53] <chris> it's a beanbag
[18:53] <chris> grandson is greyson
[18:53] <chris> white puppy is myra
[18:53] <KK> Ah.  Cool name!
[18:53] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Got to love pets.   Mom came in to the house today, put her stuff, including her glasses on the counter.  We went out side and did stuff and then when we came back inside. she asked where her glasses were.  An hour later I found them under a chair.  I am sure Lyla puppy had jumped up on the counter and knocked them off and them some other dog sliedd them 15 feet away under the ch <clipped message>
[18:53] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> air.  Other wise they flew there on their own.
[18:54] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> My son's best buddy in daycare was named Greyson
[18:54] <chris> brown puppy is milo
[18:54] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Cute puppies
[18:54] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Jerusha2> GS1 is Grayson
[18:55] <The_Bee> alias Robin the Boy Wonder?
[18:55] <chris> https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/qDUssSRi/1690156523.JPG
[18:55] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Those Ears? 😄
[18:56] <CambersGhost> [discord] <TM> Can hear a treat from 3 counties away?
[18:56] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> lol
[18:56] <CambersGhost> [discord] <TM> No segue I can think of, but I had a little question for KK before we adjourn:  What's the origin of the word "killijálay"?
[18:58] <CambersGhost> [discord] <TM> No segue I can think of, so I can only jump in with a little question for KK before we adjourn:  What's the origin of the word "killijálay"?
[18:59] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> I don't remember that word: what was the context?
[19:00] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> It was in KKB in Liam's coronation ceremony
[19:00] <chris> its the furstan power ritual for torenthi kings
[19:00] <CambersGhost> [discord] <TM> Power assumption at the tomb of Furstanananan the Firstananan.
[19:00] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> LOLananananan
[19:00] <The_Bee> doing what exactly?
[19:01] <The_Bee> to assume power?
[19:01] <CambersGhost> [discord] <TM> Liam drops shield, treacherous uncles treacher, smacked around, Liam gets the power of Greyskull.
[19:01] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> nanananananana... Furstman!
[19:02] <The_Bee> and the good uncle (name?) wields the power of Earth.
[19:02] <CambersGhost> [discord] <TM> More fully, a formal procession with Kelson and Matyas and the Two Evil Uncles surrounding Liam, up to the tomb of the furst Furstan, ritual, but to get the power LIam has to drop his shields.
[19:02] <KK> I think that was a Rob Reginaldism.  He'd come up with it before I really started to delve into Torenth very deeply, so I decided to use it.
[19:03] <CambersGhost> [discord] <TM> Kelson was water, I think -- West, and also had to walk behind a horse at one point I think.
[19:03] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Jerusha2> A dangerous moment
[19:03] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> Walking behind a horse is not my favorite position
[19:03] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Jerusha2> Nope
[19:03] <KK> Not mine either.
[19:03] <CambersGhost> [discord] <TM> Yeah, the Haldane ritual seems better -- always wear your shielding PPE.
[19:04] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> Fair, though I don't really fancy driving a long brooch pin through my palm either!
[19:04] <CambersGhost> [discord] <TM> Anyway: "killijálay" come up with by this Rob? (Sorry, I don't know who that is or was or will be.)
[19:05] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> Robert Reginald, aka the other Codex Derynianus author
[19:05] <chris> came up with some gems and some duds
[19:05] <The_Bee> When did he die?
[19:06] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> It's been a few years ago now
[19:06] * web18 (49ab39c5@CCN-FD80E4E6.hsd1.va.comcast.net) has joined #deryni_destinations
[19:06] * web18 is now known as KIK
[19:06] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> Is that KK returning, or someone new joining in?
[19:07] <CambersGhost> [discord] <TM> I think it was an effective scene, BTW.  ... oh, wait, to make it clear: I was just wondering about etymology of the word, not who might have thought of the setup.
[19:07] <The_Bee> 'Sophonisba" was Rob's contribution to Kelson and Araxie's children's names, wasn't it?
[19:07] <KIK> Sorry, clicked on the wrong spot and got kicked out.  Had to hunt for the link again.
[19:07] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Jerusha2> WB, KK
[19:08] <The_Bee> Cool! We have two of you now.
[19:08] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> Sophonisba was his contribution to the Morgan line, but that name ended up as Grania Marie in another part of the Codex.
[19:08] <CambersGhost> [discord] <TM> "Sorry, clicked on the wrong spot and got kicked out" -- Transfer Portal accident?
[19:08] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> That is a cool word,  I think Rob R used most stuff that reffered to real life stuff.  I had alwasys imagined it was similar to a real reituall somewhere.
[19:08] <KIK> He came up with the name.  Had a fondness for Polish and Russian and Baltic words/names.
[19:09] <CambersGhost> [discord] <TM> Something close to "Saudarkar" got used for Morag's thug in mugging Derry, and that came from Dune, which combined two things from Persia / northern India.
[19:09] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Cool
[19:09] <KIK> He was quite a linguistic scholar.
[19:09] <CambersGhost> [discord] <TM> About "coming up with something", I noticed something close to "Saudarkar" got used for Morag's thug in mugging Derry, and that came from Dune, which combined two things from Persia / northern India.
[19:09] <The_Bee> He named some characters after vegetables.
[19:09] <CambersGhost> [discord] <TM> !!!!!
[19:10] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> or tobacco products
[19:10] <CambersGhost> [discord] <TM> Aubergine de Bescacon?!
[19:10] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> And there were three cigeretes
[19:10] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> And Chef Boiardee
[19:10] <CambersGhost> [discord] <TM> [groan]
[19:10] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> Yeah, he wasn't above the occasional pun
[19:10] <The_Bee> Lake Pericomo
[19:10] <chris> hey
[19:11] <chris> opps
[19:11] <CambersGhost> [discord] <TM> Oops?
[19:11] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> We have a forum topic where you can add to the list of punes  if you find them
[19:11] <CambersGhost> [discord] <TM> Why oops?
[19:11] <chris> because a line got typed iby accident
[19:12] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> I imagine Lake Pericomo as a picturesque area where the local troubadours go around singing Perry Como's songs.
[19:12] <CambersGhost> [discord] <TM> oh dear lord I just got that
[19:12] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Lo ve it Evie
[19:12] <KIK> You'll not see Sophonisba in anything I write.  But yes, he played a lot with puns and such, especially in areas where he guessed I wouldn't be going.
[19:12] <CambersGhost> [discord] <TM> thank you and i hate you Evie
[19:12] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> LOL!
[19:12] <CambersGhost> [discord] <TM> thank you and i hate you Evie (but mostly thanks)
[19:13] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> I named a character Sophronia, but she prefers to go by Sophie, and even I wasn't so cruel as to saddle the poor girl with the name Sophonisba! 😄
[19:13] <CambersGhost> [discord] <TM> Anyway, thank you for letting me divert into something completely different.
[19:13] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> THank you KK for not using Sophonisba  We all like Grania Marie better
[19:13] <KIK> Makes a lot more sense.
[19:15] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Alaric and Richenda's children_ Briony, Kelric, Grania Marie, Washburn  ( Just had to add in my take on the last child )
[19:15] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> Gigi's full name was actually Giraffe Giraffe Pickle Sophronia Annabeth I-Nibble-Toes [surname]
[19:15] <The_Bee> Will we see Kelson and Araxie's children born?
[19:15] <KIK> In emptying boxes, I've run across a stash of folders with notes on possible writing projects, most of which I doubt I'll ever get around to writing.  But it was interesting to read about where my mind was going then.
[19:15] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> OH how cool is that KK
[19:16] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> That's cool!
[19:16] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> It's always fun to discover a stash of notes like that
[19:17] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> As long as you don't gringe and say, I was going to do that to that character.  Maybe I better rethink that part.
[19:17] <KIK> I've kept the files, of course, though I'm trying to be pretty ruthless.
[19:17] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> They can be handy when you need a jumpstart for ideas, even if you end up not using them as-is
[19:17] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> Sort of like priming the pump
[19:18] <KIK> Very true, Evie.
[19:18] <The_Bee> IIRC, KK, you decided not tlet the King seduce alyce; Kenneth didn't deserve that.
[19:19] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> ALYCE didn't deserve that either!
[19:19] <CambersGhost> [discord] <TM> It's also interesting just to see your own thoughts from the past -- I've been amused by my own cleverness in Facebook memories, which sound egotistical but does make me think my jokes sometimes land.
[19:19] <The_Bee> definitely not
[19:19] <KIK> I also came across first drafts of sections I later reworked differently.
[19:20] <CambersGhost> [discord] <TM> I'm glad too that Alyce escaped the clutches.\
[19:20] <KIK> Made ya worry, though, Bee, didn't I?
[19:21] <The_Bee> When you wrote Deryni rising, did you know or hope it would be the first of a series?
[19:21] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> Donal narrowly escaped being my most hated Haldane king of all time rather than simply...um...my least favorite Haldane king of all time?  😅
[19:21] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Revanne, showed a post on five years ago that said they just opened a black sarcofigus in Egypt and what could it matter becuase they could not let out a curse worse than it was 5 years. ago.  UMMMMM!  I think that explains the plast 4 years.
[19:21] <The_Bee> You were inspired by the story of King Arthur's birth, i believe.
[19:22] <KIK> I had a contract for three books.  As I wrote them, that's when I became intrigued with St. Camber, and his backstory. 
[19:23] <The_Bee> DR could have stood alone.  Glad it didn't.
[19:23] <CambersGhost> [discord] <TM> whenever I see a news story about "we unearthed an interesting artifact" or "we unearthed a unique grave" I'm like "PUT THAT BACK WHERE YOU FOUND IT RIGHT NOW SO HELP ME HAVEN'T YOU SEEN THE WORLD LATELY?!?!?"
[19:23] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Love Rhys and Camber
[19:23] <CambersGhost> [discord] <TM> Contract for 3 books? Huh! Good job!
[19:24] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> One thing I loved about the first three upon later readings was watching your writing evolve. I didn't notice it the first time around since I was mostly focused on the story unfolding, but reading it more critically in later years it was really cool to see how much growth there was between book 1 and book 3.
[19:24] <CambersGhost> [discord] <TM> Contract for 3 books? Huh! Good job! I expect that wasn't so common.
[19:24] <The_Bee> Javan is my favorite.
[19:24] <KIK> He'd just started out as a name for a Deryni saint, and I took the name from Camberwell in England, and Camberley.  Figures those name probably came from a local saint.  And then he grew.
[19:24] <CambersGhost> [discord] <TM> Aren't there road signs for "Adverse Camber"?
[19:24] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Oh nice
[19:25] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> Yeah, I had an entire story grow from a passing reference to a shrine in another story that was named for some random saint I plucked out of the Codex. It's funny how that happens. 😄
[19:25] <KIK> Oh, yeah, I learned a lot in writing those first 3 books. DR came from a dream, the other 2 books evolved as I wrote them.
[19:26] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> I always thought it was intriguing how Camber had to "die" so you could turn him into a saint. I though that was very clever on your part.
[19:26] <chris> i must go get ice cream
[19:26] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> Where did you get the name Kelson from?
[19:26] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> Enjoy that ice cream, chris
[19:26] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> There is a typo in the Library of Congress (I think?) listing, which references the Chronicles of King Nelson or something like that.
[19:27] * The_Bee wants ice cream!
[19:27] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> I had ice cream earlier today, and now I want more! 🙂
[19:27] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> I would not have been able to take "King Nelson" seriously. 😄
[19:27] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Ice cream would be nice
[19:27] <KIK> Well,I'd already posted his death date in those genealogies in the first trilogy, so I had to figure out how to get around that.
[19:28] <CambersGhost> [discord] <TM> I did see a "Kelson" in a business name in Virginia, which surprised me.
[19:28] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Jerusha2> Chocolate, please
[19:28] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> Now you've made me want vanilla ice cream on top of hot apple pie
[19:28] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Nelson is the name for admeralty on the high seas.  Glod Kelson was not a Nelson
[19:28] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Nelson is the name for admeralty on the high seas.  Glad Kelson was not a Nelson
[19:28] <The_Bee> Peppermint stick with fudge sauce!
[19:28] <CambersGhost> [discord] <TM> (With vanilla ice cream, try real maple syrup. Heavenly!)
[19:28] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> Ooh, that sounds decadent!
[19:29] <The_Bee> As a descendant of Vermonters, I agree with real maple syrup.
[19:29] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> My favorite doughnut is maple glazed with crumbled bacon sprinkled on top.
[19:29] <KIK> Kelson came from Keelson, a Scandanavian name of a seaarer.
[19:29] <CambersGhost> [discord] <TM> !!!!! Not "Kelso" the name?
[19:30] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> was Keelson the son of a guy who got keel-hauled? Nah, he probably made keels...
[19:30] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> I did find a reference to Kelson being a variant on Keelson, but I had to really go digging to find it.
[19:30] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> It's also the name of a part of a ship
[19:31] <CambersGhost> [discord] <TM> I figured it was slight differences from Our World's Names just to show it as Different: Brian -> Brion, Kelso -> Kelson. Thanks for the correction!
[19:31] <KIK> Now you're making me want the ice cream that sits in my freezer right now.  I get Klondike bars, the ones with dark chocolate, of course, and I put 1 in a bowl and nuke it 13 sec.  Melts it just enough to be a bowl of vanilla ice cream with hard chocolate shell.  Yum!
[19:31] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> yumm
[19:32] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> Oh man, that tears it! *sends the ol' man for ice cream*
[19:32] <The_Bee> My Dad had a job in a general store as a boy.  Once he poured maple syrup into someone's car motor, thinking it was oil.
[19:32] <KIK> And it's a controlled portion, so I don't feel too guilty.
[19:32] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> That sounds good
[19:32] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> Oh noooo, Bee!
[19:32] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> See, if my husband brings me some ice cream, it's a controlled portion. If I get my own, I get about double the amount he gives me. 😄
[19:33] <The_Bee> Oil and maple syrup came in identically-shaped cans.
[19:33] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Jerusha2> It does pay to do some things yourself, Nezz
[19:33] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> My dad likes to take the small individual portion ice cream cups from Walmart and put it in the microwave for just a few seconds to release the full flavor. They had a house guest who saw him do that and thought he would try it too, but he nuked his for about 30 seconds, which was about three times too long, and it ended up as vanilla soup.
[19:34] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> my idea of controlled portion is usually not so controlled
[19:34] <The_Bee> I buy the large size and finish it in 2 days.
[19:35] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> I love ice cream, but usually only eat about a cup at a time, so it will last me a while unless DH discovers it. Then it's gone in a flash. 😄
[19:35] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> Which I usually discover if I'm suddenly really craving it, and then find the empty carton in the trash.
[19:35] <KIK> I <could> do that, Bee, but that's why I rarely buy a large carton.  But maple syrup on vanilla ice cream is a life delicacy. Pure syrup, not the fake ones.
[19:36] <The_Bee> MAPLE!  REAL MAPLE!
[19:36] <KIK> Yes!
[19:37] <CambersGhost> [discord] <TM> Oh, yes, real maple syrup. I had grown up on Log Cabin, and only discovered the Real Thing late in life, and I am slightly peeved.
[19:37] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> I don't know what maple flavored abomination DH brought home once that purported to be "diet maple flavored syrup," but that stuff disintegrated my pancakes!  I was like "What is this? Maple flavored battery acid?!"  😄
[19:37] <CambersGhost> [discord] <TM> (btw, keelson (in English): A longitudinal beam fastened on top of the keel of a vessel for strength and stiffness.)
[19:37] <The_Bee> a large carton of vanilla, plus maple syrup, chocolate syrup and honey. I like variety.
[19:38] <CambersGhost> [discord] <TM> I'd never thought of honey. Thank you.
[19:38] <KIK> I like the maple sugar candy, though that's hard to find, and expensive--which true maple syrupel also is; expensive, that is.
[19:38] <The_Bee> wel, I AM the Bee.
[19:38] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Ah ha!  the beam that holds the whole vessel together.  that sounds Like a good analogy for King Kelson
[19:39] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> Oh yeah, in Mexican restaurants here fried ice cream used to be a staple, and they featured vanilla ice cream, honey, and cinnamon, as well as whatever batter allowed them to be briefly fried without melting.
[19:40] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> crushed cornflakes!!  😄
[19:40] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> Or Kelson the Great, as he is known to 21st Century schoolkids in Gwynedd. 😉
[19:40] <The_Bee> Has anyone ever had Baked Alaska?
[19:40] <KIK> I've heard of fried ice cream, though I've never tried it.  If I wan dessert in a Mexican restaurant, I'll order flan.
[19:40] <CambersGhost> [discord] <TM> "has a backbone" is also a good analogy.
[19:40] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Jerusha2> Kelson probably would have been embarrassed by that
[19:41] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> I think I have, Bee, but that was years ago
[19:41] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> I like flan also.  Specifically Filipino leche flan.
[19:41] <The_Bee> someday maybe
[19:41] <KIK> I think the keel connection is an apt one.
[19:41] <CambersGhost> [discord] <TM> Baked Alaska is ice cream inside, something outside?
[19:42] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Jerusha2> I believe they light it on fire
[19:42] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> If we're talking Mexican desserts, I'll take the tres leche cake
[19:42] <The_Bee> yes.  chiffon?
[19:42] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Love flan with the caramelized sauce.  I am not sure which liquor my friend uses but It is SOOO good.
[19:42] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> I think Baked Alaska has a meringue on the outside and they pop it into the open to brown the meringue
[19:42] <CambersGhost> [discord] <TM> ah, ice cream lined with sponge cake, topped with  meringue , baked briefly.
[19:43] <KIK> Merangue, I think, just slid under the broiler long enough for the merangue to brown slightly.
[19:43] <The_Bee> That sou  Thanksnds, right, Nezz.
[19:43] <The_Bee> My keyboard likes to mix up my sentences.
[19:43] <CambersGhost> [discord] <TM> Someone recently came up with Frozen Hawaii, I'm told: ice cream outside, red-colore djam or jelly or something inside, microwaved for a little bit. Liquid jam / jelly is much better about absorbing microwaves than frozen ice cream, so you get lava.
[19:44] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> And then you set the Baked Alaska on fire and send it down the river.  Well, OK, without the sending it down the river part.
[19:44] <KIK> Ah, all this talk of ice cream has me craving mine more than ever, so I think I'll bail.  Besides that, my back is beginning to tell me I've been in this chair long enough.
[19:44] <CambersGhost> [discord] <TM> Disappear in a cloud of chocolate sprinkles?
[19:44] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baked_Alaska
[19:45] <KIK> See you guys next week, and have a great week.
[19:45] <The_Bee> Can you get yourself out of your lap?
[19:45] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Have a wonderful Week KK.  THank you for joining us.
[19:45] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> You enjoy your ice cream and have a great lay-down to make your back feel better
[19:45] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> There are also pictures of the flaming version on that page
[19:45] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> WOW to that desert
[19:45] <CambersGhost> [discord] <TM> Thank you, KK.
[19:45] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Jerusha2> Have a good week, KK
[19:45] <The_Bee> Very good week, KK.  Thanks for coming!
[19:45] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> Maybe a lumbar support pillow for your chair will help, KK
[19:45] * KIK steps onto her Poral, waves goodnight, and disappears in a shower of green sparkles.
[19:45] <CambersGhost> [discord] <TM> (Kelson is lumber support)
[19:46] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> I use one fairly often for added back support
[19:46] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> LOL  TM
[19:46] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Jerusha2> I think I shall go as well.  Have a good week, everyone!
[19:46] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> night Jerusha
[19:46] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> Kelson would be kind of hard-edged if using his books as a back pillow
[19:46] <The_Bee> I was thinking KIK was sitting in KK's lap.
[19:46] <KIK> I have something called a back friend, but it's been less comfortable since I started having back issues. I'll find something.
[19:47] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> I also wear a back support brace on bad back days
[19:47] <KIK> Nighters, all, and enjoy your ice cream.
[19:47] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> It just velcros around my waist, but provides a little extra support.
[19:47] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> ngiht 🙂
[19:47] * KIK (49ab39c5@CCN-FD80E4E6.hsd1.va.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: Client closed)
[19:47] * KK (49ab39c5@CCN-FD80E4E6.hsd1.va.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: Client closed)
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