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KK Chat -- 25 June 2023

Started by DesertRose, June 25, 2023, 07:17:57 PM

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[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:02:40 PM EDT] Join wKKeb61 has joined this channel.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:02:58 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> Hi, wKKeb6
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:03:01 PM EDT] Nick wKKeb61 is now known as KK.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:03:14 PM EDT] <KK> Hello, all.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:03:17 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> Hi Bee
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:03:20 PM EDT] * CambersGhost [discord] <Shiral> snaps fingers and produces a bathtub full of ice for our chatters in hot climates
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:03:23 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Shiral> Hello KK
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:03:23 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> Pizza sounds tasty
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:03:30 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> hello KK
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:03:37 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> Hiya KK! 🙂
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:03:39 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> Is there juice?
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:03:45 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> Hi, KK
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:03:58 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> Mmmmm, juice...*cold* juice! 🙂
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:03:58 PM EDT] <KK> Wow, haven't had pizza in yonks.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:04:01 PM EDT] <The_Bee> This was "Pizza Weekend" here in Boston.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:04:12 PM EDT] * CambersGhost [discord] <Shiral> snaps fingers and produces strawberry lemonade and some cupcakes
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:04:32 PM EDT] * CambersGhost [discord] <stnezz> adds pizza to the pile
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:04:42 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> Oh, yes! Strawberry lemonaide! Chik-fil-A has great lemonade
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:04:51 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <TM> Pizza Weekend?
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:04:54 PM EDT] * CambersGhost [discord] <laurnarose> adds rootybeer floats
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:05:00 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <TM> That's a holiday I can get behind!
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:05:10 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Shiral> Oh, good idea, Laurna!
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:05:42 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <TM> If KFC could make fried chicken for Christmas a thing in Japan ...
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:05:42 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> Hi KK
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:05:45 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <azdesertrose> Hi KK!
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:05:51 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Shiral> Hi DR
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:06:05 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Our North End has strongItalian influences. According to the news, pizzerieas frrom many cities jouned in. It ws ar City Hall Plaza.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:06:16 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> Hi, DR
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:06:19 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <TM> KK, are network and computer problems temporarily at bay?
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:06:23 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <azdesertrose> Hi Shiral Evie TM Bee Nezz HoundMistress and anyone else who's here!
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:06:50 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> Hi!
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:06:54 PM EDT] <KK> Yum, strawberry lemonade and cupcakes!
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:07:00 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> Heya DR 🙂
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:07:18 PM EDT] * The_Bee adds mango ice tea from a local restaurant.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:07:20 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Shiral> The cupcakes will be whatever your favorite flavor of cake happens to be
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:07:30 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <azdesertrose> If anyone needs a lap warmer, come visit Carys and me. She's never met a lap she didn't want to warm.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:07:34 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <DFK> Hi KK and everyone. I'm still having computer problems so using my phone. We'll see how it goes
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:07:35 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> *gasp* red velvet with cream cheese frosting?
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:07:43 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Shiral> Hi DFK
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:07:50 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <azdesertrose> Hi DFK
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:07:57 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Shiral> IF that's your thing, yes, Nezz
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:08:02 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> That sounds good
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:08:09 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> Hey, DFK
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:08:33 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <azdesertrose> Carys is in fact warming my lap right meow
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:08:34 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> Make mine carrot cake with cream cheese frosting.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:08:51 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> Oooh, I want one of those as well!
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:08:55 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> Or maybe a Viennese Chocolate Ganache Cake.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:08:55 PM EDT] * The_Bee adds ice cream with fudge, honey and maple syrup toppings.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:09:01 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> carrot cake with cream cheese frosdting
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:09:04 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> Kitty hopped on keyboard again
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:09:08 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> *snarfs a sample of all the cupcakes*
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:09:24 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <azdesertrose> Just give me the cream cheese frosting.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:09:27 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <DFK> Yummy cupcakes
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:09:29 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <azdesertrose> 😂
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:09:33 PM EDT] <The_Bee> dark chocolate with peppermint frosting
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:09:51 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <TM> I wonder whether Deryni healers could make bread rise by encouraging the growth of yeast. (Do cakes rise due to yeast or due to floof powder or what?)
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:09:57 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Shiral> Luckily, the cupcakes will keep replenishing themselves. /me takes a chocolate cupcake with vanilla frosting
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:10:06 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> cake flour
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:10:23 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <azdesertrose> Floof powder, usually, TM.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:10:24 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> I think there's some baking powder in that
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:10:25 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> Most people would use yeast, but I suppose Mrs. Weasley uses Floof Powder.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:10:39 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <azdesertrose> Do I spot a B Dylan Hollis fan?
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:10:44 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> "floof" powder?
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:10:56 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <TM> There's this frenetic fellow who does quick baking videos.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:11:00 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <azdesertrose> Baking powder, Nezz.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:11:10 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <TM> I think he uses "floof powder" to mean baking powder.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:11:24 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> Has anyone watched Crime Scene Kitchen?
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:11:27 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <TM> Yup, that's him.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:11:30 PM EDT] <The_Bee> not a baker here. Bread uses yeast, but cake?
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:11:38 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> I prefer to think of it as being the kitchen equivalent of Floo Powder
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:11:50 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Shiral> SOME cakes have yeast, but most do not
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:11:57 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <azdesertrose> He looks up weird old recipes and tries them. Some come out really well and some. . . not so much.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:12:09 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Shiral> Eat the cake and you'll have no idea where you end up.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:12:10 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> Oh yeah, not yeast, since we're talking about cake.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:12:22 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <TM> Just checked: cakes rise due to baking powder, well-fluffed butter, well-fluffed eggs, and/or oven temp.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:12:33 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <TM> Better Homes and Gardens says so at least.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:12:42 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> I was thinking it was probably the eggs
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:13:18 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Shiral> Egg whites are sometimes the only leavening a cake has
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:13:28 PM EDT] <KK> Well, spent an hour or so on the phone with Cameron, and I'm afraid he has lured me over to the dark side of the Force and persuaded me to get an i-phone. Am in the process of disentangling myself from Comcast, whose customer support sucks little green rocks. Probably going with Glo Fiber for internet, and still deciding on TV. Probably
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:13:29 PM EDT] <KK> streaming with Hulu.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:13:35 PM EDT] <The_Bee> angel cake
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:13:45 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <azdesertrose> Sometimes, yeah. Angel food cake depends heavily on beating the entire living hell out of egg whites.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:13:46 PM EDT] * chris pokes his head into the chat
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:13:54 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> "Little green rocks" seems oddly specific a thing to suck. 😄
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:13:55 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> Yeah, iPhones!
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:13:59 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Shiral> Welcome to the Dark Side, Milady.. mwhaahahahahahah!
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:14:04 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Good for Cameron
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:14:19 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <TM> Sauron had an eye, Apple has an i ... coincidence? I think not!
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:14:21 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Shiral> But the meaning is clear
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:14:25 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Though I know nothing about i-phones
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:14:31 PM EDT] <KK> Yes, Evie, re Floo powder!
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:14:35 PM EDT] <chris> comcast is horrible in the service department
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:14:43 PM EDT] <chris> iphone is awesome
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:14:46 PM EDT] <The_Bee> I've tried to change cable for an antenna, but so far I get ZERO chanels on every one.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:15:21 PM EDT] <chris> is it a digital antenna Bee?
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:15:29 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> We have a Roku stick for our TV, so we get Roku programming, some Hulu, YouTube (although I heard that maybe Roku no longer carries that for people who bought it after a certain date?), Netflix. I almost never watch local channels, but I have those too.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:15:37 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Bynw are you MOVED?
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:15:45 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Shiral> Kelson: After being poorly served by a squire. "NIgel, that squire sucks little green rocks!"
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:15:56 PM EDT] <The_Bee> not sure. How do I tell/ Tree in the way may be a problem.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:16:10 PM EDT] <chris> all tv stations are broadcasting in digital now days
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:16:22 PM EDT] <chris> we moved last weekend
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:16:23 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Coming from Kelson, that Might mean something entirely different
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:16:34 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> Where did you move to?
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:16:40 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> These days, you need a digital antenna, and you might also need to configure your TV to pick up the local channels once you have the antenna installed.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:16:57 PM EDT] <chris> across the metro area of des moines
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:16:58 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Shiral> Nigel probably WOULD feel confused by the expression!
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:17:13 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> LOL true
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:17:16 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> Oh, that sounds good. House?
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:17:27 PM EDT] <chris> townhouse
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:17:28 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Since Shiral rocks are amber colored
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:17:36 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> Nice!
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:17:38 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Shiral> And the squire would no doubt never be allowed to forget serving his king poorly
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:17:40 PM EDT] <The_Bee> I've also been seeing ads for free or cheap internet, but it's too hard to figure them out.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:17:47 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <TM> The only other special rocks I remember had a death toll of 3.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:17:51 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> I'm not sure why he'd want a squire sucking shiral crystals either!
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:18:04 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Shiral> Oh, I' m sure he wouldn't want that!
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:18:06 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <TM> The only other special rocks I remember had a death toll of 3. (Kevin, Bronwen, Rimmel)
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:18:16 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> That is true that rock was green wasn't it. NOT GOOD
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:18:22 PM EDT] <The_Bee> shiral crystals are gold, not green.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:18:31 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <DFK> Shiral dare crystals not rocks. I think there is a difference
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:18:37 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> You're thinking kryptonite... 😉
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:18:45 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Bathane's little trouble making rock was green
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:18:45 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Green sounds like merasha
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:18:58 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> Oh, I thought I remembered it being blue
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:19:07 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> Oh, it was green with metallic flakes, i think
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:19:14 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> I think of Merasha as being red and therefor is easily hiden in wine
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:19:15 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> I think the other rocks referred to are jerraman crystals, but I don't recall what color jerraman crystal killed Kevin and Bronwyn
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:19:16 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Shiral> The Jerraman crystal was blue, I think
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:19:20 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> ah, I *do* remember the flakes
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:19:51 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> If Merasha is colorless, it would be even easier to hide in anything.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:19:53 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Are you sure it was blue and not green?
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:20:06 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Shiral> Not 100%, no
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:20:13 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> It could have been blue
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:20:13 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> checking now...
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:20:22 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Nezz to the rescue
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:20:33 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <TM> "Blue crystal pulsating"
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:20:49 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Ah then I stand corrected.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:20:49 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> Blue, then
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:20:52 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> "large blue stone embedded with blood-colored flecks"
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:20:53 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <TM> ch. 16. Death toll 4: she cracked a lute on the way down.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:21:18 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> SAD CRY SAD CRY
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:21:28 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <TM> Also, Bronwyn. Can never remember -wen versus -wyn in Welsh. Sorry, KK.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:21:36 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <azdesertrose> B Dylan Hollis baking snickerdoodles and being a goofball (his default state). https://youtube.com/shorts/fRW72rdvT8Q?feature=share
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:21:39 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> If only we had a time machine
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:21:40 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> Kevin, Bronwyn, lute...who is #4? Or do you mean Rimmell, since he was executed for it?
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:21:53 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <TM> Yeah, Rimmell.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:21:54 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Shiral> I wish I could have a holodeck
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:22:21 PM EDT] <KK> I just know that Comcast customer service drives me mad.gate through their phone trees. I've had it with them. More and more unreliable. Phone service is great, but have to bundle it with one of their other items.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:22:22 PM EDT] <KK> And new keyboard is driving me mad tonight.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:22:57 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> "Oh hi!" 🤣
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:23:03 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Shiral> I guess I've been lucky with Comcast's service where I am.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:23:06 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Sorry, KK. is not one keybord simmeral to another
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:23:25 PM EDT] <KK> The touch can be very different.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:23:35 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> snickerdoodles are the crack of cookies
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:23:37 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Shiral> Oh dear. I hope you and the keyboard can work things out, KK
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:23:40 PM EDT] <KK> This one is very light.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:23:45 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> If you are a touch typist, then no, it takes a little time to get used to the feel of a new keyboard even if the key layout is pretty much the same.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:24:03 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> One of our sups has a keyboard with lighted color keys. Dri+
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:24:04 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> I dislike the light ones too. we got one at work and it drove me nutes.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:24:05 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <azdesertrose> Nezz, you get me! I love snickerdoodles.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:24:13 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> drives me crazy
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:24:21 PM EDT] <The_Bee> I am a hard-thump typer.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:24:29 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Shiral> Being driven nutes sounds unpleasant
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:24:34 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <TM> Laptop keyboard anger or sadden me. The IBM clicky clicky keyboard from 1982 is great, IMHO.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:24:39 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> I have a lighted keyboard that I love, and you have to type kind of hard which I love.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:24:52 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <DFK> I thought keyboards were pretty standardized
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:25:15 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> not always
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:25:20 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <azdesertrose> That technique is different from my recipe; mine has you roll the dough balls in the cinnamon sugar before baking, but yummy either way.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:25:24 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Shiral> My left and right little fingers often add letters to typed words that I never meant to add
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:25:29 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> I use to have this huge gaming keyboard that light up in all differnt colors for the gaming zones. So cool to play at night
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:25:30 PM EDT] <KK> The position of keys is standard. Touch can vary greatly.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:25:30 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Keyboards used to be just either manual or electric.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:25:31 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> They have small variances in where the number keys, function keys, etc. are located. Arrow keys, the delete key, stuff like that.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:25:52 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <TM> There are mechanical-based keys and ... non-mechanical. Big tall keys or low down. The side keys can be different, like cap locks can move, or ctrl, or backspace / delete.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:26:09 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> I like the big tall keys
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:26:49 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> The alphabet key positions tend to be standardized, unless you have a specialty keyboard rather than the typical QWERTY, but even so, it feels different to touch type on a keyboard made for a PC vs a slightly shorter one attached to a 15" laptop, or a really tiny one attached to an 8" notebook computer.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:27:11 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <azdesertrose> I like big keys on a keyboard. My hands are too big for small keys.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:27:43 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <TM> I like big keys and I cannot lie ...
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:27:51 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <azdesertrose> 🤣
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:28:37 PM EDT] <The_Bee> My idea for a magical keyboard: F8 is the Fate Key. Control Ffate, alter Fate, shift fate, delete Fate.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:28:51 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> This was a merc stealth keyboard. the best keyboard I ever played on until the lights stoped working. They don't make it anymore
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:28:51 PM EDT] <KK> Chris, how do you like your new home?
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:28:52 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/479836521864888347/1122669771209588776/shopping.png
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:28:57 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> Sounds workable
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:29:00 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> Since I have small hands and fingers, I prefer a smallish but not ridiculously tiny keyboard. I don't want my fingers too close and cramped together while typing, but I also don't want to have to stretch my pinky to full extension just to reach the backspace key.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:30:20 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <TM> Native plant society meeting now (plant sale in October, HoundMistress), so bye. Best to you KK in your struggle with Wencit, er, Comcast ... eh, what's the difference?
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:30:34 PM EDT] Join bynw (fenix@netadmin.communiti.chat) has joined this channel.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:30:34 PM EDT] Mode DeryniBot gives channel owner privileges to bynw.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:30:34 PM EDT] Mode DeryniBot gives channel operator privileges to bynw.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:30:36 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> I read that as "Naive plant society meeting." LOL!
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:30:37 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> cya TM
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:30:40 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <azdesertrose> Later, TM! Be well!
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:30:42 PM EDT] <KK> Truly!
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:30:51 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> Enjoy meeting about naive plants!
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:30:55 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <DFK> Bye TM
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:31:03 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Shiral> Bye, TM
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:31:08 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> night TM
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:31:15 PM EDT] <bynw> there. off my phone and on the computer for chat
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:31:18 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> IBLK & Bubba are playing on the back of my chair!
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:31:20 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Shiral> Well, Plants aren't always street smart, right?
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:31:41 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <DFK> Native plants are great, not sure about naive ones
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:31:45 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Shiral> We have to look out for them!
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:32:00 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> Well, true. Smart plants don't grow in the middle of the street because they'd constantly be driven over.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:32:28 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Why do I think of Derry and Wincent when we talk about naive plants and comcast
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:32:32 PM EDT] <KK> brb
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:32:45 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <DFK> They should avoid sidewalk cracks too
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:32:52 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Shiral> Derry, or Bran Coris?
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:33:11 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> Why Bran Coris?
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:33:17 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> I have no idea why naive plants or Comcast would remind you of either Derry or Wencit! 😂
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:33:25 PM EDT] <The_Bee> What soouonds workable?
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:33:30 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Shiral> Because it was very easy for Wencit to seduce him into treason
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:33:34 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <azdesertrose> Derry is a dandelion; Wencit tried to break him but failed.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:33:37 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> Comcast - Evil
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:33:39 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> I was thinking of poor Derry getting caught. I don't think Bran was naive, just greedy and stupid
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:33:47 PM EDT] <The_Bee> bye TM
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:33:57 PM EDT] <The_Bee> bye TM
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:34:05 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> Bye TM
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:34:28 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> I'm in the greedy camp
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:34:33 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> for Bran
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:34:34 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> I thought Derry's hair was curly, not fluffy? 😄
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:34:48 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <azdesertrose> And now the Corwyn children play with him (Derry) all the time.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:35:07 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> Obviously he's just a big ol' marshmallow. 🙂
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:35:09 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Dandelion is the Translated name for Jaskar in the witcher books. so glad the show went back to the polish name
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:35:10 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <azdesertrose> Uncle Sean.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:35:18 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <DFK> It was curly, never heard fluffy
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:35:19 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> At least hopefully Derry's hair won't go to seed and fly away!
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:35:39 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Shiral> Yup. Derry is the Baby sitter of choice
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:35:49 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <azdesertrose> Hopefully not, though the littles may turn it white!
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:35:52 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> I was referring to Derry being a dandelion, DFK
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:36:00 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> Wonder if Derry will ever marry
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:36:04 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> Far more likely for that to happen to Alaric; blonds tend to lose their hair a lot more than brunets
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:36:10 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <azdesertrose> Especially once Celsie gets a hold of him.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:36:11 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Shiral> Yes, Imagine raising Alaric Morgan's son!
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:36:24 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> I married Derry off, but that's just in my AU Gwynedd.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:36:43 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> I hope you married him well
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:36:49 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <azdesertrose> Maidens of Mayhem, yeah?
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:36:59 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> I beg to differ Nezz. My father was a total blond and he had a full head of hair at the age of 88. I had to give him a hair cut or two.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:37:03 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <DFK> I think your Celsie was perfect for him
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:37:04 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> The Demoiselle and Derry
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:37:32 PM EDT] <The_Bee> or Derry and the mermaid
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:37:38 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> Though yes, Celsie was all moony-eyed over him in MoM too, but he wasn't ready to settle down with anyone yet, much less a dreamy-eyed teen.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:38:03 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <azdesertrose> Ah, okay. Wrong story, right series at least.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:38:09 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> I'm going to have to read that story
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:38:20 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <azdesertrose> It's on the forum.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:38:20 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> Laurna, same with my dad and brothers. I merely referred to the tendency. blond hair is generally finer and there are fewer hairs then those of brown-haired folk
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:39:06 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> I was told by my hair dresser that even though my hair was really really fine. I had twice as many hairs per follicle as most people.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:39:08 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> My dad had very fine very dark hair & it was receding at the temples
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:39:08 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> It would be best to read them in this order if you do, HM: Demoiselle in Distress, Maidens of Mayhem, and The Demoiselle and Derry. The three stories complete the Derry/Celsie story arc.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:39:25 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <DFK> Whole story line, prequels then MoM then Derry and Celsie meet again and marry
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:39:28 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> Can you email me the list please?
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:39:37 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <azdesertrose> My youngest brother would also beg to differ. His hair is brown but since the front of his hairline is around the back of his skull, he shaves it completely.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:39:38 PM EDT] <KK> I'm back.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:39:43 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Love Celsie's embroderies
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:39:53 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> Sure, HM, hang on....
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:40:02 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> Thanks!
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:40:14 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> ah, wonder KK didn't weigh in on the topic at hand... 🙂
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:40:32 PM EDT] <KK> Is Celsie with a hard or soft C?
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:40:39 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> @HoundMistress Here you go, just bookmark this link: https://www.rhemuthcastle.com/index.php/topic,498.0.html
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:40:42 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <DFK> I think she was temp. Absent
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:41:05 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> Soft C. It's a nickname for Celeste
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:41:09 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <azdesertrose> IIRC it's short for Celeste
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:41:12 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> Great! Thanks!!
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:41:14 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <azdesertrose> Lol
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:41:19 PM EDT] <KK> I was. Now I'm back.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:41:19 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> So pronounced like "Sell-sie"
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:41:20 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> DR, I'm not talking about specific. There are always exceptions. I was simply talking about the generality of blond-hair vs. brown hair.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:41:31 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> You might think that is a long list of stories. but they read fast and are great fun
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:41:44 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <azdesertrose> No, I know. I'm just being a wiseass.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:42:04 PM EDT] <The_Bee> That reminds me : Is Cinhil hard C or soft C?
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:42:11 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <DFK> I thought it was like Kelson
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:42:21 PM EDT] <KK> Hard C.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:42:21 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> That's good, and I don't mind long. I loved the game story.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:42:30 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <azdesertrose> Blondes at least don't show their gray hair as easily.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:42:35 PM EDT] <The_Bee> thanks, KK
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:42:37 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> Years ago, I taught an after school French class for K-5th grade kids, and one of the 5th graders was named Celsie, which was short for Celeste. I liked it, so when I needed a name in the story, I remembered that one and decided to use it.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:42:44 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> ah good I was pronouncing someones name right all along
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:42:57 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> I'm blonde & my grey is white.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:43:09 PM EDT] <KK> True. My hair has gone more ashy. I don't color it at all anymore.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:43:16 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> Heh, I'd always pronounced it "Chelsie" in my head until Evie told me otherwise last month.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:43:35 PM EDT] <The_Bee> former strawberry blonds
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:43:48 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> I would have said it Kelsie
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:43:53 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Shiral> I've resorted to coloring my hair, so that it's more brown than gray after a trip to the salon. But it fades out more gently
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:43:56 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <azdesertrose> I believe Cinhil is with the hard C, like KIN -il with almost no stress on the second syllable.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:44:16 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Shiral> That's how I think of it too, DR.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:44:23 PM EDT] <KK> Yep.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:44:26 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> I quit coloring mine, too.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:44:29 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> I've started dying mine again, but only because I wanted something that was a little more memorable
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:44:40 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Shiral> And Cinhil spent a lot of time in my virtual kennel. It can't have been easy to be his wife or child.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:44:50 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <azdesertrose> I quit fooling with coloring mine once my silver streak made it to the front of my hair.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:45:00 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> I'm pretty sure that in her first story, she is introduced formally at one point as Celeste, which I was hoping would be a clue to how to pronounce Celsie, but since I've only used her full name once or twice, I can see that detail not sticking.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:45:04 PM EDT] * The_Bee 's hair color is natural.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:45:21 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> when I first read CoC, I was 16, and I always pictured Cinhil as such an *old* guy... 😄
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:45:28 PM EDT] <KK> I grew out the last of the sunshine during pandemic.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:45:41 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Shiral> I get about half-coverage, so that things look more natural as the color fades
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:45:52 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> LOL, yeah, the characters seem younger and younger with each passing year. 😉
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:46:09 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Shiral> Ain't that the truth!
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:46:10 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> LOL that is so true, Evie
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:46:20 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> Yep I'm 40 years older than Alaric when we first met
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:46:34 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> HM, LOL! 🙂
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:46:42 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> Isn't he such a kid to you, now?
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:46:49 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> And I was 5 years younger than him then
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:46:49 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <azdesertrose> I did some pandemic purple streaks, but ran out of steam to maintain them. I had to double process it just to get it light enough for the purple to show up.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:47:01 PM EDT] <The_Bee> I'm about 50 years older than DR Alaric
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:47:19 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> He was discribed as a "young Man of 29 years old" when I first read about him at age 18. I did not think that very young. but I did think him very very handsome
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:47:28 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> I wasn't that much older than Kelson in his second trilogy when I first read the books, so he was on my crush list, but now I'm like "You're such a good king, lad; would you like some milk and cookies?" 😂
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:47:33 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> Laurna, YES!
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:47:46 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> Oh, yes! I fell absolutely in love with Alaric!
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:47:49 PM EDT] <The_Bee> I'm 80 now.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:47:51 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Shiral> Welll, Kings have to grow up FAST
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:48:10 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> 72 here
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:48:13 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> I think I was in love with... um... most of them at one time or another. 😄
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:48:15 PM EDT] <KK> Yeah, my DIL tried blues and purples, and it looked great, but she said it was just too hard to maintain.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:48:30 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <DFK> Me too Nezz
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:48:41 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> I was tired of my red but Lou loved it
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:48:54 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> At my age now, I'm more like "Hm, well, Cardiel isn't all that much younger than me. Too bad KK's stuffed him in a cassock too!" 😂
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:48:56 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> Purple dye is really fun if you have white streaks in your hair: mild purple all over, but brilliant purple where those streaks are
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:49:00 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Shiral> I still think he's a fine man, but at this point he'd look at me and think 'Cougar.'
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:49:07 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> I thought about trying pink. but I just have not had the courage
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:49:16 PM EDT] <The_Bee> If i ever dyeno disguising gray. my hair, I'll want it to LOOK dyed.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:49:20 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> I was just thinking of purple streaks!
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:49:37 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Hey if he looked at me and thought cougar, I would not mind at all
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:49:47 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> I've done teal hair in a shampoo-out color for Halloween, and it looked pretty good.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:49:52 PM EDT] <The_Bee> The above sentesnce is weird. My keyboard does that.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:50:02 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Shiral> But then I'd have to compete with Richenda. I'd rather she liked me than not!
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:50:09 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <azdesertrose> Purple streaks and purple t-shirt
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:50:09 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <azdesertrose> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/479836521864888347/1122675129097392158/More_Purple_Streaks_19_Aug_2020.jpg
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:50:22 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> And my hair had very subtle burgundy highlights when I first met DH, but they were so subtle, we were engaged before he even noticed I had them!
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:50:31 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> Cute, DR!
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:50:44 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <DFK> The purple looks cool
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:50:45 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> Awww! I was my natural when I met Lou.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:50:55 PM EDT] Quit HoundMistress (181b3bb6@CCN-8817821E.austin.res.rr.com) has left this server (Quit: Client closed).
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:51:19 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <azdesertrose> They've grown out now. If it weren't such a hassle, I'd have kept them.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:51:22 PM EDT] Join HoundMistress (181b3bb6@CCN-8817821E.austin.res.rr.com) has joined this channel.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:51:27 PM EDT] <The_Bee> I'd feel dishonest if I dyed my hair.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:51:27 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> Re-hi
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:51:39 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <DFK> Rehi hm
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:51:47 PM EDT] <The_Bee> WB HM
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:51:55 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Shiral> I've never been all that adventurous, stuck pretty much to my natural shade
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:52:04 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> I accidentally bumped myself out
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:52:13 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Shiral> But my sister has a blue streak in hers
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:52:21 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Jerusha2> Hi everyone!
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:52:26 PM EDT] <KK> That happens, HoundMistress.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:52:31 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <DFK> Hi Herusha
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:52:32 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> Yep
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:52:38 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Shiral> Hello Jerusha
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:52:44 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> Glad to have remembered to chat this time
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:52:45 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> My natural shade is dirty blond and it really does look dirty every time it starts to grow out. which makes me die it every two months or so.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:52:46 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <DFK> Oops. Jerusha
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:52:49 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Hello Jerusha
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:53:05 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> Hi, Jerusha
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:53:07 PM EDT] <bynw> Hi Jerusha
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:53:16 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Jerusha2> I've been here for a bit, but catching up on the previous dialogue
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:53:19 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> I was brushing my hair in front of DH's bathroom mirror (before he became my DH) and he happened to notice my highlights under the mirror lights and asked me, "Do you know you've got red streaks in your hair?" I said "Yes." He said "I don't mean like natural auburn, I'm talking about actual RED. Like burgundy!" I told him, 'Yes, I know. I put them there." Him: "When did you d <clipped mess
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:53:19 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> o that?!" Me: "Before I met you, Mr. Observant!" 😂
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:53:25 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> Hi Jerusha
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:53:34 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <azdesertrose> I'd probably be more adventurous with hair color if my natural hair weren't so darn dark. The bright colors are fun but having to bleach it twice before I can even think about fun color showing up is a pain in the neck.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:53:38 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <azdesertrose> Hi Jerusha
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:54:28 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Hi Jerusha1 Are you home now?
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:54:40 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Jerusha2> Yes, and surrounded by smoke
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:54:56 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Jerusha2> Not a lovely day
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:54:57 PM EDT] <KK> Yuck to the smoke!
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:54:59 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> I prefer gold/redish highlights. but hard to find that color in the grocier store so I usually end up with just medium blond
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:54:59 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Oh Yes! The fires
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:55:05 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <DFK> Oh dear. Fires still burning?
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:55:12 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> I have to go, darn it. They are bringing my groceries in a fw. Loved seeing everyone & everybody be safe this week!
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:55:16 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Smoke? not good
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:55:18 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> That's what I liked about the burgundy highlights. They were meant to be used on dark hair, and I didn't have to bleach it first for them to show up. But that's also why they were so subtle, because it was more like a color glaze over dark hair rather than a complete color change.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:55:20 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Jerusha2> Very exhuberantly
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:55:24 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> cya HM
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:55:32 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Good night HM
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:55:43 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <azdesertrose> The Pod-Child's natural color is that dark blonde-light brown shade, and she went years without seeing her natural color. Blue, red, highlighter yellow, auburn, Rogue from X-men . . .
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:55:45 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Jerusha2> Nighters, HM
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:55:52 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <azdesertrose> G'night HoundMistress
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:55:53 PM EDT] <The_Bee> By HM
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:55:56 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> Ugh, Jerusha! I hope that's under control soon.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:56:00 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> "night, all!
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:56:08 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Jerusha2> Me too.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:56:09 PM EDT] <KK> Nighters.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:56:11 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <DFK> Nite hm
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:56:14 PM EDT] Quit HoundMistress (181b3bb6@CCN-8817821E.austin.res.rr.com) has left this server (Quit: Client closed).
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:56:14 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> Bye HM!
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:56:41 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Jerusha2> But I don't think it will be as soon as I'd like it to be
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:57:09 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <azdesertrose> Yesterday would be good (for the smoke to be gone).
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:57:12 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> 😦
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:57:33 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Jerusha2> The smell becomes very annoying
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:57:42 PM EDT] <The_Bee> The smoke darkened skies all over the northeast.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:57:48 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Weren't rain stormes heading your way. or are they not going that far north
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:58:12 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Jerusha2> the forecast calls for rain, and then it never shows up.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:58:16 PM EDT] <KK> I had adventure in my back yard today. A doe and her fawn were there for nearly half an hour. So beautiful.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:58:20 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Typicle
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:58:23 PM EDT] <The_Bee> We've had many little rain storms, some thunder.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:58:27 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Jerusha2> Lovely, KK
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:58:42 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> WOW, nice KK. love to see a fawn
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:58:58 PM EDT] <KK> Doe had been through 2 out of 3 earlier days.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:59:04 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> I'll bet! We had a day several years ago when I was convinced the woods were on fire just a mile or two up the road from me, but it turned out being the smoke and haze blowing westward from the wildfires in South Georgia at the time. But we only had the wind conditions for that smoke to reach us for a day or two, not for the entire time the fires were burning. And even so, that <clipped mess
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:59:04 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> day or two was more than enough.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:59:07 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <DFK> Didn't just hit the northeast. Made it all the way to the mid Atlantic. The Washington monument disappeared at one point
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:59:08 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> Oh, how great! I always thought if I had one of those yards near the wilds, I'd grow a garden specifically for the wildlife to munch on
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:59:15 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Jerusha2> Had a racoon and three babies pay a visit when we went to pick up our mail
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [7:59:42 PM EDT] <The_Bee> someone found a bear in their house recently. anothr bear in truck
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:00:23 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Dear yes, raccoons fine from a distance. Bears? NOOOO
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:00:26 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> We have a small herd of deer who live in the woods adjacent to my neighborhood, and they love to stroll through my yard as if they own the place. And they have next to no fear of us. I've pulled into my driveway and had them just watch me from about 5 feet to one side of it, completely unfazed.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:00:27 PM EDT] <KK> Saw 2 piliated woodpeckers earlier in the week.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:00:33 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Jerusha2> I was not impressed when deer ate my home-grown popcorn just before I was going to harvest it
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:00:44 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> They dash off once I start to get out of the car, but seeing me arrive? No fear at all.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:00:52 PM EDT] <The_Bee> rabbits and skunks a few times
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:00:57 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Deer yes, raccoons fine from a distance. Bears? NOOOO
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:01:41 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> nice KK. love the woodpeckers. but we only have small acorn ones.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:01:45 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> We have rabbits too, though thankfully I haven't spotted any skunks around. I know there are some, but they tend not to get close to the houses.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:01:56 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Raccoons can be rabies carriers. Make sure you pets are vaccinated.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:02:07 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <DFK> Not sure I would want a visit from a bear unless it was Paddington
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:02:16 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> DH always has to watch out for rabbit nests in the Spring, because it upsets him if he misses one and mows over baby bunnies.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:02:20 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> We just have a thousand squirrels.( and I will try to not spell that like Squires)
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:02:33 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Jerusha2> Poor bunnies!
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:02:42 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> LOL, Laurna!
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:03:01 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> I wouldn't mind having a few dozen squires to help me clean out the basement. 😉
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:03:09 PM EDT] <KK> I have at least one pair of rabbits, a groundhog under my shed, a lovely pair of cardinals, lots of robins. Great wildlife here.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:03:15 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Jerusha2> Squires with bushy tails - what a picture!
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:03:25 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> RIGHT
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:03:43 PM EDT] <KK> I've been making great progress on my office this past eek. Yay!
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:03:51 PM EDT] <KK> week
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:03:54 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <DFK> Yay for you!
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:03:56 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> When Nigel says he wants his squires to be bright-eyed and bushy tailed, he doesn't mean it literally. 😄
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:03:57 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Jerusha2> Excellent, KK
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:04:01 PM EDT] <The_Bee> EEK! a Ghost!
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:04:11 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> When winter was still hanging on here in APril we had about three dozen robins parked in my yard waiting for the temps to warm up to move into the mountains
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:04:12 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> Yay, KK!
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:04:30 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> First warm day we had and they were gone
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:04:33 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> Were there three dozen Batmen with them?
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:04:54 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> LOL NOPe. Just lovely redbreasted birdies
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:04:59 PM EDT] <KK> That'd be a lot of bats!
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:05:18 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Jerusha2> You would need a large cave
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:05:22 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> And a butler
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:05:28 PM EDT] <The_Bee> That's what batcaves are for.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:05:47 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> I have bats flying around my barn in the evenings
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:05:51 PM EDT] <KK> They don't live in a batery?
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:06:11 PM EDT] <KK> Or maybe a battery. No, that cant be right.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:06:17 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Jerusha2> Oh dear, Laurna. I read that as flying around your brain
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:06:19 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> lol
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:06:20 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> What sort of battery will fit in a bat anyhow? 9 volt?
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:06:21 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <DFK> Bats are great. They eat lots of bugs, especially mosquitoes
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:06:34 PM EDT] <The_Bee> we used to have bats around our summer cottage. They eat insects.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:06:38 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Shiral> Nigel would worry about pages and squires who were actually Bushy tailed
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:06:43 PM EDT] <KK> Love bats!
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:07:00 PM EDT] <The_Bee> even vampire bats?
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:07:07 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> Bats are great! Mice with wings!
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:07:11 PM EDT] <KK> I wonder where that term came from.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:07:26 PM EDT] <KK> bushy-tailed.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:07:30 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> I like them as long as they're eating our mosquitos and not flopping around on the ground looking sick, because then I worry about rabies.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:07:39 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Fliedermaus = german for bat
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:07:41 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Jerusha2> We had a bat in the house a while back. It kept flying aroung the ceiling fan. Never connected with a blade once!
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:08:11 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <DFK> People used to think they ducked blood like vampires. Doesn't Dracula remind you of a bat?
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:08:12 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> crazy
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:08:36 PM EDT] <KK> We used to get them in the great hall at Holybrooke. Cats would bring them in.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:08:42 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <DFK> That was bats
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:08:43 PM EDT] <The_Bee> We had a buttterfly in the library once. beautiful orangy-red.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:08:43 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Actually there is a large afracan bat that does suck blood from cattle
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:09:07 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Actually there is a large African bat that does suck blood from cattle
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:09:15 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> Vampire bats suck blood, but they're not native to this area. But the ones that are can carry rabies, so I prefer to appreciate their bug eating skills from a distance.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:09:29 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Jerusha2> I agree, Evie
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:09:36 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Agreed
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:10:15 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> They're on my list of "Things I'm not afraid of but don't want inside my house."
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:10:40 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <TM> "You're such a good king, lad; would you like some milk and cookies?" -- somewhere I just ran across someone (Alaric?) musing that Kelson was mature beyond his years, but still overconfident and thought he knew more than he did.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:10:42 PM EDT] <KK> Yep. And on that note, I think I need to sign off for tonight. I ate earlier, but the hungries are attaching again. Time for a snack.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:10:59 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> I turned over a bail of hey the other day. and this small snake slithered away. scared me silly
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:11:01 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Shiral> Night, KK. Enjoy the snack
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:11:04 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> In other words, he was a teen? 😄
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:11:07 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <stnezz> You enjoy that snack, and have yourself a great week! 🙂
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:11:14 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Good Night KK
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:11:15 PM EDT] <KK> Attacking, too. Danged keyboard!
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:11:16 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Nighters, KK. Zoom next sunday?
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:11:17 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Shiral> Yup, teenaged!
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:11:19 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Jerusha2> Have a good week ,KK
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:11:20 PM EDT] <bynw> have a good night KK
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:11:21 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <DFK> Snack sounds good. Enjoy
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:11:28 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Thanks for coming KK.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:11:42 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <DFK> Nite KK have a good week
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:11:50 PM EDT] <The_Bee> good week to all
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:11:50 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> Oh! DH found a channel on our Roku list that had the remake of the TV series V, and I saw the young actor KK was considering at one point for Kelson, though he'd be way too old now.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:11:52 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Shiral> Have a good week and hope you and the keyboard are able to form a good working relationship
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:12:02 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> amen to that
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:12:15 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Shiral> Not that I'm hinting, or anything....
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:12:29 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> Have a good week, KK
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:12:30 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Jerusha2> Of course not!
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:12:37 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Shiral> Who, ME????
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:12:56 PM EDT] * CambersGhost [discord] <laurnarose> shyly snickers
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:13:01 PM EDT] <KK> Yep, we'll try for zoom next week. The new zoom was working great, but then I clicked on a wrong button, thinking I was setting up a permanent bookmark or something. It's permanent, all right. Haven't been able to get back in since.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:13:05 PM EDT] <The_Bee> If Deryni ever gets a movie, young Alaric will probablly be a new actor.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:13:33 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Shiral> Well..... we'll hope to see the movie one of these days
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:13:41 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <laurnarose> Not Henry Clival?
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:13:45 PM EDT] * KK steps onto her Portal, waves goodnight, and disappears in a shower of green sparkles.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:13:52 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Shiral> NIght, KK!
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:13:58 PM EDT] <KK> Nighters, all!
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:14:03 PM EDT] <CambersGhost> [discord] <Evie the Verbose> I'm still rooting for Timothee Chalamet for Kelson, though the movie would practically need to be made this week for it to be filled before he gets too old to play a teen king convincingly.
[Sunday, June 25, 2023] [8:14:14 PM EDT] Quit KK has left this server (Quit: Client closed).
"If having a soul means being able to feel love, loyalty, and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans."

James Herriot (James Alfred "Alfie" Wight), when a human client asked him if animals have souls.  (I don't remember in which book the story originally appeared.)