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January 15, 2025, 07:58:39 PM
Nezz and I were joking, Laurna, so no worries.  :)  And as for Bynw's harsh scenes, I expect they'll be no more so than any of KK's more graphic scenes, since after all he's the one who created the fanfic rules in the first place. 
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January 20, 2025, 04:57:54 PM

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KK Chat -- 20 November 2022

Started by DesertRose, November 20, 2022, 07:10:26 PM

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[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:09:05 PM EST] Join KK has joined this channel.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:09:12 PM EST] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Hi KK
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:09:13 PM EST] <The_Bee> Hi KK
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:09:14 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> Hi Kk
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:09:16 PM EST] <KK> Hello, all!
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:09:26 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> Hiya KK 🙂
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:09:44 PM EST] <KK> How is everybody?
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:09:44 PM EST] <The_Bee> How was your week, KK?
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:09:47 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> Hope computer behaves tonight
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:10:02 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> Doing well, thanks. 🙂
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:10:22 PM EST] <KK> It was fine, though I did receive word of the passing of two friends.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:10:33 PM EST] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Sorry to hear that. 😦
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:10:37 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> Sorry to hear that
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:10:37 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> : (
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:10:50 PM EST] <The_Bee> ;(
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:11:12 PM EST] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> Hi KK! Sorry to hear about the deaths.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:11:29 PM EST] <KK> One was Greg Bear, who died yesterday when life support had to be ended. He'd apparently been in a coma for many days, with no hope of recovery. He was an excellent writer and a gifted artist. I know he will be missed.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:11:44 PM EST] <The_Bee> I hope you have many good memories o cherish.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:11:58 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Hi everyone
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:12:03 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> Oh, I remember when he came to LTUE. He was good.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:12:05 PM EST] <The_Bee> Hi Shiral
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:12:05 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> Hey Shiral
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:12:08 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> Hi Shiral
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:12:09 PM EST] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Oh dear. I've heard the name before.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:12:18 PM EST] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> Hi Shiral
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:12:22 PM EST] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Trying to remember if I've read his work.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:13:10 PM EST] <KK> The other one was a friend I met through Anne McCaffrey in Ireland: Richard Woods. He was a Dominican priest, and a very fine writer as well. 81, and died from complications of two serious falls. A poignant reminder for all of us to be as careful as we can, as we age and our balance declines.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:13:28 PM EST] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> Yup
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:13:53 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> Balance becomes more of a concern
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:14:17 PM EST] <The_Bee> I neeed a railing to climb down stairs.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:14:35 PM EST] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> I've been worrying about my parents that way. Mom's back is being asinine, and Bill's diabetes is affecting his vision.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:14:48 PM EST] <KK> Hadn't seen Greg in decades, but he was a good man, married to Astrid Anderson, Poul Anderson's daughter. I'm sure she is devastated, having had to make that awful decision to pull the plug.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:14:55 PM EST] <The_Bee> not good
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:15:14 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> I have a good friend who just had to have several railings installed in his home in order to stay there
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:15:44 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Glad my mother lives in a retirement community. with elevators.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:16:33 PM EST] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> I lucked out in that, living in housing for elderly and disabled people, the bathrooms are all equipped with grab bars and we have elevators.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:16:38 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> Elevators are a big help
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:16:57 PM EST] <The_Bee> I'm hoping my new (to me( electric trike will compensate for my arthritis.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:17:23 PM EST] <KK> Having had a bad fall myself, several years ago now, I know how easily it can happen. That's one reason I had to rehome Booker, who had become a trip-hazard. I was afraid I was going to fall over him and injure or kill one or both of us. Plus, I could no longer lift him to get him into the car for vet visits.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:17:24 PM EST] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> I've been trying to lean on Mom about putting some grab bars in their bathrooms, at least the master bath.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:17:25 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> Have you ridden it yet?
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:18:09 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> Grab bars are life savers
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:18:18 PM EST] <KK> I have grab bars in my shower, ans can furniture-surf when necessary in the rest of the house.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:18:53 PM EST] <The_Bee> It's being delivered Wednesday.   I ordered it in a moment of inspiration or insanity, not sure which,
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:19:32 PM EST] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> Especially since Mom took a bad fall in the shower decades ago, fractured her pelvis, and she was younger then than I am now.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:19:48 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> Easier to fife than a two wheeler. Hope you enjoy it
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:20:05 PM EST] <KK> This replaces the trike?
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:20:57 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> Think trike is replacing a regular bike
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:21:25 PM EST] <The_Bee> My current two-wheeler, was being stubborn this morning. It did NOT want to take me to church; I had to walk part of the way. In a frigid wind.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:21:41 PM EST] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> Yuck
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:21:45 PM EST] <The_Bee> It replaces my non-electric trike.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:21:52 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> Brrr
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:22:25 PM EST] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> I was about to say, I thought Bee had a Bee-powered trike already.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:23:07 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> I thought she had a regular bike but this sounds lots better
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:23:51 PM EST] <The_Bee> I never learned to ride a two-wheeler.  I've gone through several adult trikes.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:24:27 PM EST] <KK> Not sure how much better it will be in really crappy winter weather, but I suppose she'll find out soon.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:24:34 PM EST] <The_Bee> two of which were stolen
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:24:45 PM EST] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> I have a friend in New Zealand who got an electric bike for her work commute, and she loves it, so I hope your e-trike works as well for you as Alice's e-bike does for her.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:24:56 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> At least she doesn't have to pedal it
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:25:00 PM EST] <The_Bee> ditto!
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:25:21 PM EST] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> Carys says hi and purrrrrrr
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:25:33 PM EST] <Eris> <Fruit> Genealogy
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:25:39 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> Pets for Carys
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:25:52 PM EST] <Eris> <Fruit> Hi, all! <wave>
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:25:57 PM EST] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Hi Fruit
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:25:59 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> Hey Fruit!
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:26:00 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Hi Fruit
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:26:06 PM EST] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> Purrs for you, DFK. 😻
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:26:06 PM EST] <The_Bee> I dpn't know if it needs assembly or not.  I was afraid if I asked, someoneelse would buy it while i was waiting for an answer.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:26:09 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> Hi fruit.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:26:19 PM EST] <KK> Daphne is being a pill tonight, digging in the piles of paper on my desk. Miss Clever Paws!
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:26:21 PM EST] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> Hi Fruit
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:26:23 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> Katherine, you would not believe how much work Fruit has done on the Deryni genealogies. He's amazing!
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:26:51 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Cats can't be happy unless they're in the way
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:27:06 PM EST] <Eris> <Fruit> It's only because Laurna did it first, and the Codex exists. Without those I'm as lost as anyone.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:27:08 PM EST] <KK> Or being obnoxious.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:27:11 PM EST] <The_Bee> Hi, Fruit.  Are you a citrus fruit or a drupe?
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:27:12 PM EST] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Gigi was interfering until just a moment agao
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:27:40 PM EST] <KK> Daphne hs now left the room.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:27:42 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> I think genealogy has become a bit of an obcession
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:27:44 PM EST] <Eris> <Fruit> No idea - it was a general nickname that just sort of stuck. 🙂
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:28:18 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Blessed is the Fruit. (for Handmaid's Tale fans.)
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:28:20 PM EST] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> Carys dislikes when I let the pueblo get too full. (I have a rectangular ceramic planter shaped like a pueblo that serves as my snail-mail inbox.)
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:28:28 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> Yeah, between Laurna and Fruit, I think they've figured out at least one line of genealogy from everyone in the codex. And just about everyone is descended from that one Torenthi king.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:28:48 PM EST] <KK> Well, Rob Reginald was a serious genealogist, so I'm always surprised when I discover an inconsistency.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:28:54 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> Interesting but I get lost in it sometimes unless it relates to something I am reading or writing
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:29:09 PM EST] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> The equivalent of Charlemagne in the real world
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:29:29 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> And Genghis Khan
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:29:34 PM EST] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> (That one Torenthi king)
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:29:42 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> Maybe based on him
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:29:55 PM EST] <Eris> <Fruit> I haven't got everyone. My charts only have...2556 people in it. Laurna's has more.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:30:03 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Be Fruitful and Multiply
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:30:21 PM EST] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> Sorry, typing on my phone around cat making biscuits of my left arm.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:30:26 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> They certainly took it seriously
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:31:16 PM EST] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> For a moment there I had a vision of Carys making Pillsbury biscuits on your arm, which was disconcerting.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:31:22 PM EST] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> Lol
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:31:23 PM EST] <Eris> <TM> THOT: That Highness Over in Torenth
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:31:30 PM EST] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> ROFL
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:31:36 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Making some very serious whoopee
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:31:45 PM EST] <KK> Laurna and Fruit, please send me emails and I'll send you the files I'd created, which will include some reconciling I did when I'd encounter hiccups in the Codex.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:31:50 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> He was one busy guy
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:32:14 PM EST] <Eris> <TM> Wenchin' of Torenth
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:32:18 PM EST] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> So were his wives and paramours.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:32:37 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Have to wonder when he had time to rule
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:32:39 PM EST] <Eris> <Fruit> Yes! What's your email address!
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:32:53 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> They must have been exhausted
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:33:26 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> Fruit, one of us can send you her email so she doesn't have to enter it into public chat.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:34:06 PM EST] <The_Bee> He probably had servants to take the blame for his mistakes.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:34:18 PM EST] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> Reminds me of that musician joke about Bach (who sired 13 children with his first wife and 7 with his second).
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:34:30 PM EST] <bynw> hi all. i totally forgot about chat tonight. i was busy watching my viking lose :(
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:34:50 PM EST] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> KK, is it okay if I PM your author address to Fruit?
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:35:14 PM EST] <KK> Absolutely.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:35:29 PM EST] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> Pretty sure Laurna already has it, but her too, if she doesn't or has misplaced it.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:35:57 PM EST] <The_Bee> DR-- Do you mean the one that said Bach used to practice on an old spinster in the attic?
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:36:19 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> Ouch
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:37:17 PM EST] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> No, the "no stops on his organ" joke.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:38:02 PM EST] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> Which is funnier if you understand how a pipe organ works
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:38:41 PM EST] <Eris> <TM> 8 children. Everyone forgets PDQ Bach
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:38:50 PM EST] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> 😄
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:38:57 PM EST] <The_Bee> The "spinster story supposedly came from a child wring for a school assignment.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:39:13 PM EST] <KK> Good one.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:40:26 PM EST] <The_Bee> Paul Revere was another man with many children by more than one wife.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:40:58 PM EST] <Eris> <TM> Midnight Ride indeed
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:41:08 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> ␝snork␝
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:41:35 PM EST] <Eris> <TM> Two if by C
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:41:38 PM EST] <KK> Which reminds me that I'm currently reading an excellent book called Creators: Chaucer to Walt Disney. Scott had bought it but never got around to reading it, and it recently surfaced during my mad downsizing. Really, really excellent read. Reminds me of some of the stuff we used to read in my Honors Humanities classes as an undergraduate. Can't remember
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:42:04 PM EST] <KK> the name of the author off the top of my head, but if you google the title, I'm sure it will pop up.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:42:05 PM EST] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> It wasn't all that uncommon in the days before reliable contraception and cleaner birthing environments.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:42:49 PM EST] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> Men having a boatload of children by several wives or paramours
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:43:13 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> Men could have lots of children since they didn't have to care or deliver them
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:44:06 PM EST] <bynw> irresponsible men
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:44:23 PM EST] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> Yup.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:45:31 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Strictly speaking, they still can
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:47:53 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> ␝drops pin␝
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:47:57 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> CLANG!!
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:48:04 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> EEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:48:04 PM EST] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> LOL! Large pin!
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:48:16 PM EST] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> Bowling pin?
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:48:38 PM EST] <The_Bee> STRIKE!
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:48:48 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Just a little something to get the conversation rolling again
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:49:16 PM EST] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Gigi is back and catching up on the chat
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:49:27 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> Does she have any comment?
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:49:45 PM EST] <The_Bee> i was wondering if much has changed re who gets blamed for out-of-wedlock pregnancies.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:49:50 PM EST] <KK> Everybody getting ready for Turkey Day?
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:49:51 PM EST] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Not today. Probably because I'm blocking her from stepping on the keys again.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:49:59 PM EST] <Eris> <Fruit> I'll add it to my reading list, thanks! I'm currently rereading your novels though.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:50:07 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Yes, since it will be at my house
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:50:11 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> I don't have to do any of the cooking, so I'm totally prepared. 😄
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:50:22 PM EST] <The_Bee> I've ben told I'll get a dinnersent ome.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:50:22 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> Me too
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:50:32 PM EST] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Just trying to figure out what side dish(es) to bring to Mom's house on Thursday. Or more likely, cook there so I don't have to transport them.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:51:01 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> It will be my ninth thanksgiving turkey. I think I'm getting the hang of it
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:51:06 PM EST] <The_Bee> any traditional side dishes in your family?
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:51:16 PM EST] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> Mom is making cornbread dressing, pie, rolls, and green beans, but Chef Publix is doing the rest of the cooking.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:51:33 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> We always have to have cranberry orange relish
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:51:36 PM EST] <KK> I'm going down to a friend's house in Salem, and taking bread pudding as my dessert contribution. And she does stuffed Cornish game hens, because she's not fond of turkey.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:51:49 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> Sounds good, Bee. Hope you enjoy it
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:52:18 PM EST] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> Yum, KK!
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:52:20 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> I think flexibility is never a bad thing on Thanksgiving. I love the turkey dinner, but once a year is enough
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:52:35 PM EST] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Usually turkey and cornbread dressing, and usually some combination of the following sides: cranberry-orange sauce, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, sweet potato casserole, corn souffle, and whatever Filipino food my mom tosses in for kicks and grins.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:52:35 PM EST] <The_Bee> Sage dressing and peanut dressing were a tradition in my family.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:52:54 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> My brother is bringing rolls, my sister is bringing dessert and my stepmother is contributing a green salad.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:52:56 PM EST] <Eris> <Fruit> Small world - I'm going to friend's house in Revere. 🙂
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:53:01 PM EST] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> Lumpia for Thanksgiving
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:53:20 PM EST] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Yup, DR! It's been known to happen. Along with pancit and fried rice.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:53:38 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> We have lumpia also. Love it
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:53:54 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> Lumpia?
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:53:56 PM EST] <The_Bee> What is lumpia?
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:54:07 PM EST] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> Filipino spring rolls
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:54:10 PM EST] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Though Mom isn't feeling up to cooking a lot this year (or so she says), so hopefully she'll limit herself to the turkey and dressing that she has offered to make, and won't decide to go crazy adding on a bunch of other sides at the last minute.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:54:15 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> I'm doing make ahead mashed potatoes. Makes the last minute dinner prep much easier
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:54:20 PM EST] <Eris> <Fruit> I have to run - food on the stove - hopefully I'll be back in time, but if not - good night! <wave>
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:54:22 PM EST] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> Smaller than Chinese style
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:54:26 PM EST] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Lumpia is sort of like a Filipino take on an egg roll.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:54:29 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> cya Fruit
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:54:31 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> Philippine egg rolls. Yummy
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:54:39 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Bye Fruit, Happy Thanksgiving
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:54:44 PM EST] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> Later, Fruit!
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:54:47 PM EST] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Bye, Fruit
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:54:59 PM EST] <The_Bee> Happy thanksgiving, Fruit
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:55:16 PM EST] <KK> Bye, Fruit.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:55:26 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> Bye Fruit. Happy Thanksgiving
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:57:04 PM EST] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> Lumpia are delicious but don't tell your cardiologist. (Deep fried, plus the filling is usually a mix of ground beef and ground pork plus cabbage, carrots, and onions diced super fine and sautéed together before being stuffed in the wrapper)
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:57:45 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Well....Thanksgiving dinner is pretty rich all the way around.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:57:46 PM EST] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> My mom has taken to making an air fryer version too, which is nearly as tasty, but healthier since it's not fried.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:58:01 PM EST] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> But it does taste better the traditional way
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:58:13 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Lotsa carbs and then there's the gravy.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:58:15 PM EST] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> I bet they lend themselves well to convection cooking!
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:58:51 PM EST] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> My mom used to make her own lumpia wrappers by using a house paintbrush to brush the thin batter onto a Teflon skillet and then peeling them up with her fingernails.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:59:23 PM EST] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Now she just uses storebought, which are good but aren't quite as thin and crisp as her homemade ones were.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:59:31 PM EST] <The_Bee> I hope the painbrush hadn't been used to paint!
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:59:40 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> Wow. That's a lot of effort
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [7:59:49 PM EST] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> LOL! No, it was reserved for making lumpia.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [8:00:41 PM EST] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> It sounds like a lot of effort, but it really went pretty quickly. She could have a stack of wrappers ready to roll within minutes.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [8:01:03 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> Wow
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [8:01:03 PM EST] <KK> brb
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [8:01:54 PM EST] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> One of the Filipino men from the church I grew up attending made the best lumpia (we all agreed, even his wife said so), and as a joke, he called them lumps.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [8:02:34 PM EST] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> 😄
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [8:02:54 PM EST] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Gigi is in my way and I'm having trouble feeling for my home keys whenever I move my fingers from the keyboard
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [8:03:22 PM EST] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> She's being a little pill
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [8:03:44 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> I'm sure she thinks she is helping
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [8:05:06 PM EST] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> She's helping about as much as a sledgehammer on my skull. 😄
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [8:05:15 PM EST] <KK> Well, guys, I'm going to sign off before I have to strangle Daphne, who is being a noodge. I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving, with lots to be thankful for, and will see you next week
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [8:05:22 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> Big headache
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [8:05:35 PM EST] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> Carys is on the footstool now but she's pretty happy. My friend Chelsea came over earlier to help me get the balcony stuff inside (again, but the reason this time is building reno) and help with the laundry, and she has cats so she gives good pets. Carys is fond of her.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [8:05:38 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> Poor Daphne.... You have a great week and a wonderful Thanksgiving, KK 🙂
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [8:05:39 PM EST] <Eris> <TM> Bye!
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [8:05:48 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Have a good thanksgiving, KK.
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [8:05:53 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> Happy Thanksgiving KK
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [8:06:00 PM EST] * KK steps onto her Portal, waves goodnight, and disappears in a shower of green sparkles. Or maybe purple. I'm feeling adventurous tonight. :-)
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [8:06:02 PM EST] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Happy Thanksgiving!
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [8:06:03 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Hope Daphne will redeem herself!
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [8:06:05 PM EST] <The_Bee> Than! a very happy Thanksgiving to you
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [8:06:15 PM EST] <bynw> night KK have a good Thanksgiving!
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [8:06:16 PM EST] <KK> Nighters!
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [8:06:22 PM EST] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Happy Turkey Annihilation Day
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [8:06:23 PM EST] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> G'night, KK, happy Thanksgiving, thanks for coming to see us. See you next week!
[Sunday, November 20, 2022] [8:06:24 PM EST] Quit KK has left this server (Quit: https://mibbit.com Online IRC Client).
"If having a soul means being able to feel love, loyalty, and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans."

James Herriot (James Alfred "Alfie" Wight), when a human client asked him if animals have souls.  (I don't remember in which book the story originally appeared.)
