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January 15, 2025, 07:58:39 PM
Nezz and I were joking, Laurna, so no worries.  :)  And as for Bynw's harsh scenes, I expect they'll be no more so than any of KK's more graphic scenes, since after all he's the one who created the fanfic rules in the first place. 
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KK Chat -- 9 October 2022

Started by DesertRose, October 09, 2022, 07:34:53 PM

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[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:04:24 PM EDT] Join KK has joined this channel.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:04:25 PM EDT] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> Nezz shared a pic of her niece, who celebrated her quinceaƱera yesterday, and I said that now that I'm older, I understand the fit my grandmother pitched over the neckline of the pink dress.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:04:25 PM EDT] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> Like, no, who said you're allowed to look so grown?
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:04:32 PM EDT] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> Hi KK
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:04:33 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Hi KK
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:04:40 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> Lou and I got married (legally) in 88!
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:04:41 PM EDT] <KK> Hello, all.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:04:43 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Hi, KK!
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:05:01 PM EDT] <bynw> Hi KK
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:05:09 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> Hi, KK
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:05:34 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Hello kk!
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:05:38 PM EDT] <bynw> the countdown continues ... https://tinyurl.com/ycbvvxve
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:05:53 PM EDT] <Eris> <Laurna> hello KK
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:06:03 PM EDT] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> My mom had to inform her that the pink dress was about the only non strapless formal dress we could find in my dress size. (I think it was size 10.)
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:06:10 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> But whose counting, eh bynw?
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:06:13 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Present and accounted for, though somewhat sleepy since I stupidly stayed up past 2:00 AM re-reading my first Deryni story, looking for a particular detail from a particular scene, but then getting so caught up in the story that I forgot what I looked it up to find! LOL!
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:06:40 PM EDT] <KK> lol, Evie!
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:07:03 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Major senior moment. 😄
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:07:26 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> I have those all the time!
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:07:31 PM EDT] <KK> Shall I say, been there, done that?
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:07:37 PM EDT] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> But Nezz's niece picked a great gown for her quinceaƱera. I love the bodice detail, almost looks like a Tudor bodice with a partlet
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:07:44 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Oh good, that's reassuring, KK! 😄
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:08:28 PM EDT] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> We're selling t-shirts for having been there and done that. 😂
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:08:31 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> You can see how they had to modify the neckline for modesty
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:09:17 PM EDT] <KK> Can you send the pic again, Nezz?
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:09:40 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> There's a link above.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:09:50 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Bynw has to since you're on irc... Chris?
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:10:03 PM EDT] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> Oh, was the white bit an alteration? I thought it was how the dress was originally made, which honestly probably means I've been eyebrows deep in SCA garb for entirely too long.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:10:08 PM EDT] <bynw> above links don't work if one isnt in the chat when they are posted
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:10:18 PM EDT] <bynw> i'll repost them
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:10:33 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> Oh, didn't know that, bynw
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:10:38 PM EDT] <KK> Link was posted before I got here.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:10:53 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> We'll, I'm assuming it was modified... no one actually said so
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:11:07 PM EDT] <bynw> this is the pic Nezz posted:
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:11:08 PM EDT] <bynw> [link redacted for privacy]
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:11:15 PM EDT] <bynw> and this is the pic DR posted:
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:11:31 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> I can hear Papa saying, "Oh, no you don't go like that!"
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:11:31 PM EDT] <bynw> [link redacted for privacy]
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:11:42 PM EDT] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> That would be a deep plunge neckline for a fifteen-year-old.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:11:52 PM EDT] <KK> Pretty.  But she's wearing it over a tank top, and for good reason.  What did it look like after alterations?
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:12:11 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Ah, confirmed: her mother sewed that in
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:12:55 PM EDT] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> It's pretty that way, so Mama did a good job.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:12:59 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> So it's essentially like a type of dickey added as a modesty panel
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:13:12 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Or at least that's what I gather
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:13:14 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Lol, yes! 😄
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:13:59 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Essentially a "No way you're flashing that much cleavage at 15" piece. 😉
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:14:14 PM EDT] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> Lol, yup
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:14:42 PM EDT] <KK> The straps  from the tank top are still visible in that picture.  I assume the alteration for the night was just the modesty panel?
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:14:46 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> It's really hard to find formal dresses suitable for young teens
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:15:34 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> I know! Some of those other girls' dresses were so short!
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:15:47 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Or the straps might be added to imply a second garment worn beneath, like a faux chemise rather than a separate garment
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:16:04 PM EDT] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> Like how I wouldn't make chemises for the Pod-Child with a drawstring neckline until she was 18. She could just be out of period with an elastic channel but the girls covered.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:16:34 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Hello all
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:16:39 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Hi Shiral
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:16:44 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Hi Shiral
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:16:50 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> Hi, Shiral
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:16:52 PM EDT] <bynw> Hi Shiral
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:17:04 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Hiya Shiral
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:17:13 PM EDT] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> That was what I thought, like lace trim on the outsides of the straps and the satin partlet down the bodice front.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:17:19 PM EDT] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> Hi Shiral.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:17:22 PM EDT] <KK> Hi, Shiral.  Do you feel well and truly welcomed?
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:17:26 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Chat can begin now. Gigi is here to impede my vision and typing
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:17:32 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> I think so, KK
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:17:36 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Hi, gigi
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:18:05 PM EDT] <bynw> Gigi, don't block your momma's view of the screen
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:18:08 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> ␝stocks the chatroom table with ginger cookies and tea␝
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:18:09 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> GG!
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:18:22 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Gigi is purring very loudly into my left ear
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:18:34 PM EDT] * The_Bee sets out coder and donuts.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:18:34 PM EDT] <bynw> i do miss that sound
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:18:50 PM EDT] <The_Bee> cider
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:18:56 PM EDT] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> Carys is napping in her self-heating bed that looks like a Muppet is eating her.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:19:08 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> I kinda wondered, Bee. Thought that was a talented drink!
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:19:09 PM EDT] <KK> You need to rescue another cat or two, Bynw.  Maybe after the honeymoon.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:19:09 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> It's her "Thank you for feeding me tasty noms, now let me 'help' you chat" purr.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:19:21 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Mmmm, cider, donuts, and ginger cookies
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:19:37 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> IBLK was playing with her bell in ball but I don't hear her now. Friends were here so she was hiding from 11 to 3.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:19:42 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Oh sweet!!!!!
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:19:44 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> And the tea pot is enchanted, it will pour whatever kind of tea you like best
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:19:46 PM EDT] <bynw> there is the alergic part of my bride that would have to be contended with
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:19:48 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> LOL! Definitely a hungry muppet, DR
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:20:17 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> Allergic to cats? Oh, no!
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:20:28 PM EDT] <KK> Oh, dear.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:20:41 PM EDT] <Eris> <Laurna> Thens you need more puppies, bywn
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:20:42 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> My DD is allergic to cats, among other things. It doesn't stop her from having two cats, though she takes allergy drops regularly for the cat dander and other allergies
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:20:52 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> Lou was but he took allergy shots so he could live with my kitties.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:21:00 PM EDT] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> But she likes it, it's soft and fuzzy and warm and has a little cave she can hide in if she wants (usually sulking rather than fearful).
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:21:39 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Sounds like the cat appeal factor is very high, DR
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:21:48 PM EDT] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> Yup
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:23:57 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> ␝drops pin CLANG!!␝
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:24:17 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Gah!
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:24:36 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> For a formerly very quiet cat, Miss Priss here is making like a loud coffee grinder
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:25:01 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Snoring?
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:25:05 PM EDT] <KK> Daphne is now on my lap, making biscuits.  She loves this room, probably because she isn't allowed in here unless I'm in here.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:25:12 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Dmitri suddenly realized he wasn't in his place to impede my ability to chat. So he's just joined us
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:25:28 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> And an annoyingly interfering one. It's amazing how much her personality has changed now that she doesn't have Luke to compete with!
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:25:29 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Hello all kitties!
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:25:54 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> Do we have any cat treats to put out?
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:25:57 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Not snoring, Nezz. Deafening levels of purring.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:26:25 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Same here
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:26:28 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Directly into my ear, since she's lying across one shoulder
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:26:47 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Well not right in my ear, since he's on the desk, not on top of me
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:26:58 PM EDT] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> I decided she needed a cat cave because she kept knocking over my grocery cart. (This thing: https://www.target.com/p/dbest-products-bigger-smart-cart-collapsible-rolling-utility-cart-basket-grocery-shopping-teacher-hobby-craft-art/-/A-86410338?preselect=86410337#lnk=sametab )
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:27:07 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Having settled onto my reclining torso in a position that puts me in mind of an infant waiting to be burped
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:27:26 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> Handy, DR!
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:27:27 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Since I'm away from home, I'm not around my kitties, but my mom's kitty Diablo is here with us.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:27:42 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> I like the cart, but I can see why a cat would too
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:27:46 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Does Diablo live up to his name?
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:28:21 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> He has curled ears that look like little devil horns.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:28:25 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Trying to get Dmitri to ride in that would be a job. And then my whole neighborhood would assume I was torturing my cat
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:28:42 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> And yes, he lives up to his name. 🙂
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:28:49 PM EDT] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> Oh, I wasn't putting her in it on purpose.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:29:38 PM EDT] <KK> I've seen actual cat strollers.  Can't imagine that most cats would be fond of them.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:29:41 PM EDT] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> I leave it in the kitchen floor sometimes (instead of folding it up and putting it in the closet) if it's been raining and the cart got wet.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:30:03 PM EDT] <bynw> sorry i was away for a brief moment there ... had to defend myself in a nerf gun battle
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:30:04 PM EDT] <Eris> <Fruit> Hi, all - still reading through what I missed in the chat.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:30:20 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> So sweet and romantic, Bynw!
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:30:22 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Hi Fruit!
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:30:27 PM EDT] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> And she'll knock it over and hang out in it.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:30:29 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> Hi, Fruit
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:30:31 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Hi Fruit
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:30:32 PM EDT] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> Hi Fruit
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:30:35 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> We've been chatty today, Fruit
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:30:37 PM EDT] <The_Bee> HI Fruit
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:30:46 PM EDT] <Eris> <Laurna> Nerf gun battles are perfect for sunday afternoons
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:30:57 PM EDT] <Eris> <Laurna> Fruit have you meet KK
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:31:14 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Hi Everyone
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:31:16 PM EDT] <KK> Hi, Fruit.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:31:20 PM EDT] <Eris> <Laurna> Hello Jerusha
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:31:21 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> I was once given a sewing basket for my birthday. The late beloved Isadora hopped right in it, and assumed it was hers. If I'd TOLD her it was for her, she wouldn't have gone near it!
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:31:21 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Hi Jerusha
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:31:23 PM EDT] <bynw> hey Jerusha
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:31:23 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Hey Jerusha
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:31:26 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> Hi, Jerusha
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:31:26 PM EDT] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> Hi Jerusha
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:31:30 PM EDT] <The_Bee> HI Jerusha
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:31:32 PM EDT] <KK> brb
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:31:32 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Hi Fruit
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:31:43 PM EDT] <Eris> <Laurna> Fruit first joined us and was teaching me about Trebuchets
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:31:54 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Fruit, do you have an alter ego named Vegetables?
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:32:03 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Oh, oh. Stand back, Laurna
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:32:15 PM EDT] <Eris> <Fruit> I didn't sleep last night (tracing family lines through the codex), went to a museum today, got home, meant to log in (I think I commented here about something?), and then woke up 4 hours later. So I'm still reading through everything.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:32:21 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> Hi Laurna
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:32:22 PM EDT] <bynw> yes i gave my beloved one of my nerf guns when i moved in, we've had little gun battles ever since and it's been fun
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:32:36 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Hi Laurna
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:32:38 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> That would be fun!
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:32:52 PM EDT] <Eris> <Laurna> Good for you two Bynw
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:32:57 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Cool, Fruit! Which museum did you see?
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:32:59 PM EDT] <Eris> <Laurna> Hello shiral
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:32:59 PM EDT] <Eris> <Fruit> No. Kind of nervous. 👋🏼 Hi, KK!
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:33:07 PM EDT] <The_Bee> I think I've heard of nerf balls, but not nerf guns.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:33:11 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Will you be walking down the "aisle" under crossed nerf guns, Bynw?
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:33:25 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Nerf guns shoot nerf darts
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:33:25 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> No need, Fruit. KK doesn't bite. Unless maybe you beg nicely, that's up to her, though.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:33:44 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> A 21-nerf salute
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:33:48 PM EDT] <Eris> <Fruit> Harvard Museum of Natural History.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:33:49 PM EDT] <Eris> <Laurna> they need to shoot the Nerf guns off the tower after they say I do
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:34:02 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Oh, that sounds like an interesting one!
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:34:17 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> A 21 nerf salute?
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:34:22 PM EDT] <The_Bee> So you're a New englander, Fruit? Me too.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:34:33 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Of all the Nerf!
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:35:03 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> ␝looks for a trebuchet for mackeral␝
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:35:05 PM EDT] <Eris> <Fruit> Massachusetts. I think there's someone on here from Maine.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:35:19 PM EDT] <KK> I'm back.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:35:21 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> My brothers and I had our share of nerf ball and squirt gun battles
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:35:25 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> WB
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:36:01 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> BRB, Quanah wants something.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:36:01 PM EDT] <Eris> <Fruit> Welcome back!
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:36:33 PM EDT] <Eris> <Laurna> If we were near would could launch nerf fish from Trebuchets at the base of Bynw and Kelly's tower.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:36:38 PM EDT] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> ␝fires fish-shaped Nerf darts at Shiral.␝
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:36:45 PM EDT] <KK> No brothers, only a sister. and we rode our stick horses, but with swords rather than guns of any kind.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:37:07 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Sticks and stones may break my bones, but nerf fish will never hurt me!
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:37:12 PM EDT] <KK> Hope there's good weather on Saturday next.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:37:22 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Somehow that doesn't surprise me. I can imagine little stick sword battles in the back yard.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:37:38 PM EDT] <Eris> <Laurna> Sword fights as children? Guess where that lead too
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:37:44 PM EDT] <bynw> stick sword battles are fun too
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:37:47 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> I had my share of stick horses. Since my mother wouldn't get me a pony. 😉
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:37:49 PM EDT] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> Didn't everyone have stick-sword fights?
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:38:15 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> I didn't see why, since we had plenty of lawn
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:38:22 PM EDT] <bynw> supposed to be 67 degrees out and partly sunny
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:38:24 PM EDT] <The_Bee> I had a bouncing horse as a child.  i rode it til it broke.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:38:25 PM EDT] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> See also "swords" of empty wrapping paper tubes.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:38:35 PM EDT] <bynw> those a great too
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:38:39 PM EDT] <Eris> <Laurna> Nice weather for dressing up
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:38:39 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Pool noodle swords
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:38:42 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> I had one of those too, Bee
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:38:48 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> We had boffers, which were essentially like stiffened pool noodles
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:38:54 PM EDT] <Eris> <Fruit> In the winter the kids on the street built a mini-catapult for a massive neighborhood-wide snowball-battle.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:39:12 PM EDT] <KK> Sounds good, Bynw.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:39:16 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> KK, DH shared a Facebook link with me earlier that was of 14th or 15th Century armor, only in 1:6 scale. It was amazing!
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:39:35 PM EDT] <Eris> <Laurna> cool Evie
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:39:41 PM EDT] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> The Pod-Child, back when she was a church youth counselor, made a bunch of pool-noodle lightsabres for the kids.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:39:48 PM EDT] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> Ooh!
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:39:58 PM EDT] <KK> I didn't see snow until I was into my 20's.  It's raare in south Florida.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:40:13 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Not rare up here
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:40:24 PM EDT] <KK> Evie, link sounds interesting.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:40:33 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> We've already had flurries
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:40:38 PM EDT] <Eris> <Laurna> We would go vacation in the snow right before christmas
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:40:44 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Pretty rare in California, too. Just before I was born my family moved from Minneaopolis. I felt TOTALLY gypped to miss out on all the snowy winters they used to have
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:40:49 PM EDT] <KK> Flurries?  Where?
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:40:53 PM EDT] <Eris> <Laurna> Yikes Jurusha, too soon
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:41:07 PM EDT] <Eris> <Fruit> What part of the world are you in? I wish it would snow here.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:41:07 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Up in Northern Ontario
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:41:08 PM EDT] <Eris> <Laurna> Wow Very cool indeed, Evie
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:41:09 PM EDT] <The_Bee> no snow here yet
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:41:17 PM EDT] <KK> Snow, then.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:41:24 PM EDT] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> I was born in Arizona and have lived in Florida for the last twenty years. What is this "snow" of which you speak?😂
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:41:32 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> That's shared on Discord, so someone else might need to reshare so folks on IRC can see it.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:41:45 PM EDT] <The_Bee> white rain, DR
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:41:48 PM EDT] <bynw> come visit me DR in a few months i'll show you
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:41:48 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Frozen water that falls from the sky
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:42:02 PM EDT] <Laurna> https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/OA2c2ohz/image.png
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:42:11 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> I thought frozen water that falls from the sky is called hail, and comes with tornadoes? 😉
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:42:13 PM EDT] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> Snow and cold are four-letter words.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:42:18 PM EDT] <KK> I'd thought it was almost mythical until we moved to Ireland.  And of course, we get good snow here in Virginia.  Rarely seriously inconvenient, but always at least atmospheric.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:42:31 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> But come over to my area for the best skiing. 🙂
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:42:45 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Thanks, Laurna
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:42:46 PM EDT] <Eris> <Laurna> Snow is only in vacation spots not where one lives
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:42:49 PM EDT] <KK> Neat armor!
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:43:06 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> It DID once snow here, on my thirteenth birthday. It didn't stick for long, but it was magical
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:43:07 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> It's on an action figure body the same scale as the Mini-Deryni
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:43:31 PM EDT] <KK> Can you get some of that armor?
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:43:35 PM EDT] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> I think skiing is at best a bad idea for me. I walk with a cane in part because my balance sucks.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:43:41 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> That sounds like a cool unexpected present for a 13th birthday, Shiral
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:43:51 PM EDT] <Eris> <Fruit> It wouldn't be New England without snow - vcation is where you go for better looking snow! 😆
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:43:51 PM EDT] <Eris> <Fruit> ...
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:43:51 PM EDT] <Eris> <Fruit> I just like snow. Not so much ice.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:43:52 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> @KK I don't think he is selling it, at least not yet
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:43:54 PM EDT] <Eris> <Laurna> I would love just to have the chain mail parts and belt
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:44:11 PM EDT] <The_Bee> My balance sucks even without a cane.  no skiss, no skates for me.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:44:20 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> And if he sells it, I doubt I can afford it, since that's all hand craftsmanship and metalwork
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:44:22 PM EDT] <KK> Me, too, on the cane, DR.  My balance also sucks.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:44:24 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> It was pretty amazing, Evie. At school, the first class session was canceled because EVERYONE was having a snowball fight. The teachers just gave up and rolled with it
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:44:34 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> That is some fine chain mail
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:44:48 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> I have a feeling terrible things would happen to me if I ever attempted to ski
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:44:56 PM EDT] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> I like watching the Olympic skiing and snowboarding and so forth, and when I didn't want to be a mermaid when I grew up, I wanted to be Dorothy Hamill.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:45:03 PM EDT] <KK> That is teeny-weeny chain mail!
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:45:12 PM EDT] <bynw> depends on if its downhill skiing or cross country skiing
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:45:29 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> The armorer says technically it ought to be riveted mail, though at that scale there's really no way to rivet the links
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:45:34 PM EDT] <KK> Tried skiing years ago, and my balance was already crap for that kind of thing.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:45:44 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> I can stay up right and move forward while wearing ice skates. Everything else is unlikely to occur
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:45:48 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Terry Pratchett described chain mail as a lot of holes sewn together.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:45:49 PM EDT] <Eris> <Laurna> I did a few years of Ice skatting as a child. Loved it except for the spinning. I get too dizzy
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:45:50 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> I live about 30 minutes from Sundance resort. It's just up the canyon from us.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:45:59 PM EDT] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> Heck, how do you make chain mail in that scale?
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:46:08 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> We had snow in Tallahassee when I was about 6. They let us all out on the playground till it started melting about 11 or noon
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:46:21 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Very thin wire. Or using jewelry findings
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:46:38 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> And a large magnifier
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:46:39 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Otherwise, the same way you would make it in human scale
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:46:43 PM EDT] <Eris> <Laurna> Jewelry rings would do it. but yikes my Eyes
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:47:03 PM EDT] <KK> Maybe actual chain plus jump rings of the same scale.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:47:05 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Infinite patience, and you don't allow your cat onto the work surface
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:47:17 PM EDT] <KK> Definitely no ct assistance.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:47:18 PM EDT] <Eris> <Laurna> Not finger rings, but the little connectors for chains
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:47:35 PM EDT] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> No, I meant connecting the links. That is so tiny and fiddly that I'd scatter it everywhere just trying to get it assembled.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:47:35 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> I bought some small jump rings when I first started making Mini-Deryni garb, then saw what size they were and noped right out of that idea
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:47:51 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> And please don't sneeze while you're working!
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:47:59 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> The Mandalorian had tiny chain mail made for Baby Yoda. Bet the Armorer had a headache!
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:48:00 PM EDT] <Eris> <Laurna> lol
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:48:13 PM EDT] <KK> It'd be even worse than doing counted cross-stitch with seed beads.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:48:16 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> You'd sneeze all those little rings all over the place
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:48:37 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Ugh, seed beads!
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:48:38 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Just don't inhale
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:48:43 PM EDT] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> Now I have a lap Carys.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:48:51 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Conclusion: my days of manufacturing itty bitty chainmail will never begin
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:48:55 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Comfy
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:49:05 PM EDT] <Eris> <Laurna> mommy pay attention to me not that sillly laptop
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:49:06 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> You'd have to use a jeweler's loup to see tiny rings.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:49:23 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> That looks like a contented kitty
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:49:45 PM EDT] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> She likes to be in my lap.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:50:00 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Gigi has wandered off again.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:50:01 PM EDT] <Eris> <Fruit> I like the multicolored cane.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:50:07 PM EDT] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> She is very much a lap cat.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:50:18 PM EDT] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> Duct tape. 😉
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:50:30 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Just pretend all your Deryni littles are well warded and abandon chainmail until you find some very fine metallic yarn to knit
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:50:49 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> LOL! It took me a moment to realize the duct tape was in relation to the cane, not the cat! 😄
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:51:01 PM EDT] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> I decided if I have to use the thing, may as well have a little fun with it.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:51:11 PM EDT] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> No, no duct taping the cat.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:51:17 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Oh, I'd wondered about the duct tape comment! 🙂
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:51:44 PM EDT] <Eris> <Fruit> I'm not a cat person - will cats wear armor if you put it on them? I know dogs will.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:52:06 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Putting it on them is the hard part, Fruit
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:52:08 PM EDT] <KK> Most cats wouldn't.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:52:14 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> IF you could get it on them!
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:52:15 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Shiral, I actually found some plastic faux chainmail fabric that looks like tiny chainmail, even up close. But the cut edge sheds tiny rings like crazy, so I still have to figure out a way to cut the hauberks out of it and sew up the side seams, since I can't simply close them with more links.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:52:18 PM EDT] <Eris> <Laurna> good luck
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:52:18 PM EDT] <Eris> <TM> But cats like sitting in circles ...
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:52:19 PM EDT] <The_Bee> You'd have a hard time getting the armor on a cat, Fruit.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:52:28 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Dmitri would be out the door in seconds if I tried
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:52:34 PM EDT] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> Depends on the cat, but broadly, no. Cats tend to consider themselves fully dressed in their fur coats.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:52:57 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> You're a more patient woman than I am, Evie
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:52:59 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> https://www.barnorama.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/every_cat_secretly_has_a_set_of_battle_armor-19.jpg
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:53:00 PM EDT] <KK> Yes, and fine fur coats they have!
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:53:21 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Cats are perfectly dressed for all occasions. 😉
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:53:22 PM EDT] <Eris> <Laurna> Funn Nezz
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:53:25 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> Wow, Nezz!
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:53:30 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> When Gigi was a kitten, I could get a Chihuahua sized dress on her, and she would put up with it and wear it without much fuss, but I doubt she would like it now. Luke used to put up with things like his bow tie collar, but not much more than that
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:53:36 PM EDT] <KK> There are some cats tht will allow themselves to be dressed.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:53:42 PM EDT] <Eris> <Fruit> We did it to a neighbor's cat once - but they kept getting stuck in empty kleenex boxes anyway, so I don't know that it was really our idea to make it into armor...
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:54:04 PM EDT] <Eris> <Laurna> lol
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:54:22 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> "If it fits, I sits."
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:54:28 PM EDT] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> Carys will let me put her harness on her, but that's because the harness means balcony time and she likes that.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:54:51 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> I get enough little cat scratches as is--I don't need shredded arms
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:55:04 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Does her harness have a leash o prevent falls?
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:55:10 PM EDT] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> Yes
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:55:30 PM EDT] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> That's exactly why I got it.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:55:52 PM EDT] <Eris> <Laurna> I recently had to give my cat a dewormer, I could not hold her. so I had my BIL who used to work for a vet. he had a very thick towel. but still his arm got shredded
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:55:56 PM EDT] <KK> I got a harness for Daphne, but haven't tried it yet.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:56:02 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Luke had a harness, but didn't like it. We thought he might decide to accept it in order to be allowed to go on walks, but while he was an escape artist who kept trying to go outside, he didn't want to do so on a leash. Not even a long, retractable one like the one we had.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:56:45 PM EDT] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> I mostly trust her to have the sense and depth perception not to jump from a ninth-floor balcony, but better safe than sorry.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:57:00 PM EDT] <Eris> <Laurna> agreed DR
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:57:09 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Yep
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:57:26 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> Absolutely
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:57:33 PM EDT] <Eris> <Laurna> I am not sure I would go out on a 9 story balcany without a sturdy leash
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:57:33 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Cats get stupid at the most unwelcome times
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:57:51 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Amen! 🤣
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:57:59 PM EDT] <Eris> <Fruit> I'm pretty sure cats think the same about humans.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:58:00 PM EDT] <KK> Yep.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:58:03 PM EDT] <The_Bee> I stopped letting Mickey on my balcony after he climbed onto the railing and nearly fell off.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:58:16 PM EDT] <Eris> <TM> Beat me to it.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:58:37 PM EDT] <Eris> <Fruit> Hi, TM!
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:58:47 PM EDT] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> I'm more worried about a misjudged jump than anything else. She might be able to squish her chunky butt the railing but I doubt it.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:58:50 PM EDT] <Eris> <Fruit> I haven't interacted with you before I don't think.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:58:53 PM EDT] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> Hi TM!
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:59:04 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Strangely, cats who fall from higher heights, while they do get injured, are not as severely injured as a cat who might fall from a second story, because they have time to get turned around in the air. Hi TM
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:59:07 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> I haven't either.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:59:11 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Hi, TM
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:59:17 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> Or with you, Fruit.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:59:22 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Hey TM
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:59:26 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> You'd have a hard time at DragonCon, Laurna. The main hotel has rooms with balconies, and the corridors open up on an open atrium where you can look down or up through all the levels. And there is no telling how many stories that hotel is, but it's much, MUCH more than 9.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:59:34 PM EDT] <Eris> <Laurna> TM shared a nice little story with Young Kelson this morning. I enjoyed it
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:59:42 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Hi TM!
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:59:52 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> Tigger was walking on the second floor railing and suddenly decided to just onto the brick wall of the house!
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [7:59:58 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Hi TM
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:00:03 PM EDT] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> I'd rather avoid emergency vet visits by putting her harness on before I open the back door.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:00:07 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> That story was a nice giggle to wake up to. 😄
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:00:14 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Wise, DR
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:00:16 PM EDT] <Eris> <Laurna> EVie, I no longer go above the 5 floor of anything if I can help it
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:00:24 PM EDT] <Eris> <Fruit> Since I got access to a copy of the Codex, I'm not on as often as I could be. Hi, @HoundMistress !
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:00:57 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> Hi, Fruit!
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:02:05 PM EDT] <Eris> <Fruit> Yeah, but cats can fall out of a window above the 7th or 8th floor and survive it - terminal velocity and all - but it's the lower floors that are dangerous for them.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:02:26 PM EDT] <The_Bee> yes, I read aboutthat.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:02:40 PM EDT] <Eris> <TM> Apparently they don't twist fast enough at lower floors.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:02:58 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> They probably have more time to twist into the right landing position from a higher floor too, though I'd hate for them to have to test that theory.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:03:00 PM EDT] <Eris> <TM> Above that, they have time to splay out and such, I think.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:03:03 PM EDT] <Eris> <Laurna> Terminal Velocity kind of sounds terminal to me
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:03:20 PM EDT] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> They need time to right themselves and bend their joints for impact to avoid serious injury.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:03:23 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Best not to test the situation when possible
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:03:58 PM EDT] <Eris> <Fruit> I watched it on QI ages ago. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Izdm8mPZONo
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:04:00 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> It does increase their likelihood of survival to be higher, but they can still end up in a world of hurt
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:04:00 PM EDT] <The_Bee> I'm sad that the rose I planted above Melantha's ashes hasn't grown.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:04:38 PM EDT] <KK> At Holybrooke, I had several of my cats try to walk the balcony railing and misstep, but that was only about 16 ft. and onto a nicely sprung wooden floor.  None of them ever sustained serious injuries, though I'd have near heart-failure every time one of them tried it.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:04:43 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> I'm sorry, Bee. 😦 Maybe a potted plant would fare better?
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:04:44 PM EDT] <Eris> <Laurna> Water the roots but not the leaves
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:04:51 PM EDT] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> Roses can be a bit touchy to grow but it might next year.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:05:18 PM EDT] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> If you have a local agricultural extension, ask them for advice.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:05:28 PM EDT] <The_Bee> I haven't watered it in a while, but even when I did, it ignored me.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:05:48 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> Bye, y'all, The Equalizer is on.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:05:57 PM EDT] <HoundMistress> TTYL!
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:05:58 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Cya HM
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:06:03 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Nighters, Houndmistress
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:06:03 PM EDT] <The_Bee> We've gone back and forth from drought to deluge.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:06:05 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Avoid horrible vet bills when possible!
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:06:07 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> I don't know why that made me think of this, but my grandmother had some beautiful miniature roses. They looked just like regular ones, but were only around acorn sized
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:06:09 PM EDT] <Eris> <Laurna> Hope it is not a minuture rose. they say no one can grow those
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:06:13 PM EDT] Quit HoundMistress (HoundMistr@owirc-52s.rv6.146.156.IP) has left this server (Quit: Connection closed).
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:06:15 PM EDT] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> (Usually attached to a university and/or the department of natural resources.)
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:06:16 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> NIght, Houndmistress
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:06:16 PM EDT] <Eris> <Fruit> Bye, @HoundMistress - it was nice meeting you!
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:06:17 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Bye, Hooundmistress
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:06:20 PM EDT] <KK> I scattered the ashes of several cats and a dog in the garden at Edge Hill just before I closed on its sale.  I figured that's where they knew, and they'd be together.  Not that any of them minded.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:06:23 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Darn, she was too fast
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:06:38 PM EDT] <Eris> <Laurna> Nice KK
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:06:58 PM EDT] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> Heck, slow phone typing made me miss saying bye to HoundMistress.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:07:05 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> I have a paw print of Francesca's on a clay heart. But I didn't keep the ashes
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:07:13 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> It was too expensive
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:07:17 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> She popped right out of here like she was doing a portal jump
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:07:19 PM EDT] <The_Bee> She left fast.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:07:41 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> She didn't want to miss that equalizer. 🙂
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:07:42 PM EDT] <The_Bee> I have a plster paw print.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:07:44 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> You'd think she was avoiding detection by Loris!
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:07:50 PM EDT] <KK> I have a Gus paw print in clay, at the feet of one of my angel statues.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:08:03 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Awwwww 🙂
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:08:07 PM EDT] <Eris> <Laurna> sweet
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:08:24 PM EDT] <Eris> <Laurna> I have sugar's paw print on the shelf
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:08:39 PM EDT] <KK> His ashes stayed at the old house with Sasha and Warner and Edgar.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:08:47 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Luke's ashes (in their container) are still on the ceiling beam above DH's chair, since he used to love to get up there and lurk directly overhead when he was a younger, more agile kitty.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:08:58 PM EDT] <The_Bee> I'm still trying to clear my apartment to my landlord will let me get a new cat.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:09:35 PM EDT] <Eris> <Laurna> Bee I didn't take you for a horder. so you can not have that much stuff to clear up.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:09:58 PM EDT] <Eris> <Laurna> Me I horde books and fabric.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:10:00 PM EDT] <KK> Stick with it, Bee!  It's worth the effort!
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:10:08 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Mickey still comes to visit. I've found him in my bathtub once or twice.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:10:31 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Nice!
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:10:50 PM EDT] <Eris> <Fruit> I horde books, and bills seem to keep piling up.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:10:59 PM EDT] <The_Bee> It's my comic collection.  I'm on a read-a-thon so I can sell them or give them away.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:11:21 PM EDT] <Eris> <Laurna> Wow comic collection, cool
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:11:26 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Darned mail just keeps coming
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:11:41 PM EDT] <Eris> <Laurna> hording Bills is a very bad idea
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:11:44 PM EDT] <Eris> <TM> Are we back to chainmail?
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:11:45 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> I've got enough clutter now that if anything happened to Gigi, I would probably wait until I could get some help decluttering before adopting another pet. It's just been too hard for me to do some of it due to my back and shoulder injuries in recent years. I can box stuff up but not carry it out, so that part of it has to wait until DH gets some free hours, which is rare.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:11:49 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> What titles did/do you collect?
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:12:01 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Bee, I had this silly image of Mickey taking a bubblebath in your apartment
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:12:44 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> I was actually talking about paper arriving delivered by the postal service!
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:12:55 PM EDT] <The_Bee> My sister in Canada called today.  She's thinking of moving to Quebec so she'll be closer to Vermont where our other siblings live.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:13:13 PM EDT] <The_Bee> DC and Marvel
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:13:28 PM EDT] <Eris> <Laurna> Do you have to speak french if she moves to Quebec
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:13:46 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Micky\ey Mouse or Mickey my neighbor's cat?
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:14:33 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Mickey the cat, since you said you found him in your bathtub
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:14:55 PM EDT] <KK> brb
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:14:56 PM EDT] <The_Bee> in it or on the rim. wide rim
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:15:20 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Gigi is back to perforate my abdomen while purring at the screen
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:15:44 PM EDT] <Eris> <TM> I just had hernia surgery. Cannot recommend perforating an abdomen.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:15:51 PM EDT] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> Ow
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:15:58 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Owie!
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:16:08 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Ouch
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:16:18 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Yeah, that would not be my preferred method. Not that I highly recommend Gigi's method either
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:16:30 PM EDT] <Eris> <TM> After a couple of days, the pain is pretty much gone unless I cough. But I'm moving carefully.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:16:40 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> I'll bet!
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:16:45 PM EDT] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> Good plan!
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:17:34 PM EDT] <Eris> <TM> And now I have a little experience about wearing a "corset". (Binder, I think)
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:17:38 PM EDT] <KK> Ouch, for hernia surgery!  Heal well and painlessly!
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:17:43 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> I would send a Deryni Healer your way, buuuuut....
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:18:26 PM EDT] <Eris> <TM> [deleting off-color joke about"laying on of hands"]
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:18:34 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> 😄
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:18:59 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Swift healing, with or without hands, TM!
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:19:20 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Was it the kind of joke Jemler would have made?
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:19:37 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Well, personally I hope TM heals with hands. His own, at least, if not applied by a Deryni Healer. 😄
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:20:23 PM EDT] <Eris> <Laurna> Heal well TM
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:20:41 PM EDT] <Eris> <TM> Thanks, all.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:21:19 PM EDT] * The_Bee sends healing woodgies to TM.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:21:22 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Yes, well I do mean he can keep HIS hands, Evie!
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:21:23 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Gigi is staring at the text like her life depends on learning written English. 😄
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:21:43 PM EDT] <Eris> <TM> Hi, Gigi! please skritch for me
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:22:06 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Skirtches applied. Especially since I needed to move her head to see the screen.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:22:13 PM EDT] <Eris> <Laurna> My pupps are all snorring at my feet
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:22:30 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Cute puppers
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:22:34 PM EDT] * The_Bee sings to Gigi: "A, yoou're adorabel B, you're so beautiful, C, you're a cutie full of charm..."
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:22:53 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> I'm overdue a visit to see my grandpuppy and eldest grandkitty, but DS is so busy studying these days, I hate to interrupt
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:22:58 PM EDT] <Eris> <Fruit> pictures?
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:23:14 PM EDT] <KK> Bynw, do I have your current address?
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:23:16 PM EDT] <Eris> <Laurna> No pictures
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:23:19 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Oh wow, I haven't heard that song in years, Bee! But I could hear the tune in my head as soon as I read that.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:23:20 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> What is
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:23:20 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> DS studying for now?
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:23:43 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> He's in grad school to get his nurse practitioner certification
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:23:56 PM EDT] <The_Bee> \Good for him!
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:23:58 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Wow. Good luck to DS!
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:23:58 PM EDT] <KK> Ah, Nurse Practitioner.  Cool!
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:24:07 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> He wants to continue doing cardiac ICU care, but as an NP
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:24:40 PM EDT] <Eris> <Laurna> ISn't your DD doing the same?
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:24:43 PM EDT] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> It's contagious. The Pod-Child is working on her BSN.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:24:51 PM EDT] <KK> Kinda hard to believe that your baby boy is doing that, eh?
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:25:05 PM EDT] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> With MSN probably soon to follow.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:25:34 PM EDT] <KK> They both got the healer's bug.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:25:46 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> No, my DD is still in food service, but she loves it and is a shift leader now. And she'll probably be transferred to Colorado in the next year or so, because they are opening up a restaurant there and will need experienced shift leaders to train the new staff they hire there.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:25:50 PM EDT] <The_Bee> "Master of S?--- Nursing
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:26:06 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Science?
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:26:10 PM EDT] <Eris> <Laurna> I had your DD and DR's DD mixed up. but very cool for all of them
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:26:29 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Colorado is a ways away
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:26:45 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Yeah, I figured you'd mixed them up.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:27:28 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> MSN: Master of Science in Nursing. I have one
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:27:41 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Colorado is a pretty far bit away, yeah. 😦 But it's supposed to be one of the better places to live if you've got as many allergies as my DD has, so I hope it works out for her sake. And it will give me a good excuse to see a new part of the US I haven't visited before.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:27:50 PM EDT] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> Bachelor/Master of Science in Nursing, yes
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:28:12 PM EDT] <Eris> <Fruit> You should do a family tree, with initials, for people to follow. 😁 There are plenty of people here to help.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:28:13 PM EDT] <The_Bee> TY< DFK
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:28:37 PM EDT] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> Hello Diablo
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:28:38 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Pretty kitty
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:28:39 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Diablo
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:28:49 PM EDT] <Eris> <Laurna> AH that is Diablo
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:28:49 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Perfect name!
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:28:53 PM EDT] <Eris> <TM> I thought it was one of the DDs in question.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:28:57 PM EDT] <KK> Guys, I've got the hungries, so I'm going to sign off.  Happy wedding, Bynw.  And I'll see the rest of you next week!
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:29:00 PM EDT] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> He's a Siamese!
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:29:11 PM EDT] <bynw> have a good night KK
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:29:15 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> It doesn't help that we all tend to use DH, DS and DD for Dear Husband, Dear Son, and Dear Daughter, so it's easy to mix up whose DD belongs to whom. 😄
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:29:18 PM EDT] * KK steps onto her Portal, waves goodnight, and disappears in a shower of green sparkles.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:29:19 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Take care KK, and have a great week
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:29:20 PM EDT] <Eris> <TM> KK go sparkly now?
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:29:22 PM EDT] <Eris> <Fruit> Good night, KK
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:29:26 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Nighters, KK
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:29:35 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Pretty Diablo!
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:29:37 PM EDT] <Eris> <DesertRose (she/her)> G'night, KK! Thanks for coming to see us and have a good week!
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:29:40 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Good night, KK!
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:29:40 PM EDT] <KK> Nighters!
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:29:47 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Nighters, KK Have a good week.
[Sunday, October 9, 2022] [8:29:50 PM EDT] Quit KK has left this server (Quit: Connection closed).
"If having a soul means being able to feel love, loyalty, and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans."

James Herriot (James Alfred "Alfie" Wight), when a human client asked him if animals have souls.  (I don't remember in which book the story originally appeared.)
