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January 15, 2025, 07:58:39 PM
Nezz and I were joking, Laurna, so no worries.  :)  And as for Bynw's harsh scenes, I expect they'll be no more so than any of KK's more graphic scenes, since after all he's the one who created the fanfic rules in the first place. 
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January 20, 2025, 05:15:25 PM

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KK Chat -- 10 July 2022

Started by DesertRose, July 10, 2022, 08:01:39 PM

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[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:05:36 PM EDT] Join KK has joined this channel.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:05:40 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Hi KK!
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:05:41 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Hi KK
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:05:43 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Hi there KK
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:05:47 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Hi KK!
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:05:55 PM EDT] <Laurna> Puppies are great and sound asleep at my feet
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:05:55 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Pod-Child was Squeaky Mouse for a great many years.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:05:57 PM EDT] <Laurna> Hello KK
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:06:00 PM EDT] <KK> Ho-ho, sorry I'm late. Got ambushed by a cat wanting supper.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:06:08 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Must feed kitty.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:06:08 PM EDT] <bynw> Hi KK
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:06:13 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> We understand Feline priorities
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:06:32 PM EDT] <bynw> no worries. Kitty getting fed is importnat
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:06:34 PM EDT] <Laurna> Kitties are sure demanding
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:06:35 PM EDT] <bynw> important too
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:06:36 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Yeah, I pre-emptively fed Gigi in hopes of a few cat-free minutes before she joins chat. Though DH is home, so she might choose to pester him instead.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:07:22 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Too bad Daphne can't cook supper for you, KK
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:07:44 PM EDT] <KK> Indeed.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:08:36 PM EDT] <Laurna> I have been doing low carb for about 6 weeks now. and I think I finally have my blood sugar back to normal levels.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:08:47 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Hi Everyone
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:08:51 PM EDT] <Laurna> Hello Shiral
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:08:52 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Yay, Laurna!
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:08:55 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Hey Shiral
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:08:56 PM EDT] <bynw> Hi Shiral
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:08:56 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Hi shiral
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:09:08 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Hi Shiral
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:09:22 PM EDT] <KK> Big excitement here on Wednesday. Big thunderstorm came through about 4 pm, dumped lots of rain plus straight-line winds took out a couple of hundred trees on the west side of town. Fortunately, I'm on the south side, and have no big trees.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:09:38 PM EDT] <Laurna> Now just have to make it perminent life style changes. which I am ready for
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:09:46 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> If I could do anything without bad effects, I'd sit around and eat carbs. Candy I can live without, but baked goods are another thing entirely
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:09:55 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Our daily afternoon thundershowers have been particuarly spectactular this week, too.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:10:01 PM EDT] <Laurna> WOW that is a lot of trees down, kk
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:10:07 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Sounds exciting, and scary
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:10:17 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Has blood sugar level always been a problem for you, Laurna?
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:11:01 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> We had lots of wind, rain, and lightning come through last night, but it passed through very quickly. I had a branch down this morning, but it was from a dead tree that needs to come down anyway, so no great loss.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:11:22 PM EDT] <KK> Oh, but the power went out just after 4 and, after a 5-mn stutter at around 1130p, stayed off until Thursday afternoon. It was pretty dire. Fortunately, not too hot overnight.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:11:48 PM EDT] <Laurna> Started just as I was retiring. Too much stress from work. and then I thought I had it controled until this spring. Now I am getting it back under control again. Dr threatens medication and I say NOPE, I will find an alternative. It is called Walking twice a day.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:11:53 PM EDT] <bynw> power outages are no fun
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:11:59 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> And it brought our temperature down from stifling hot and moist as a swimming pool to slightly less hot and more bearably humid.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:12:05 PM EDT] <bynw> especially in the summer when you need AC
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:12:33 PM EDT] <The_Bee> We could use some rain here.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:12:41 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Everything I enjoy doing needs electricity if only for illumination. So I'm not a lot of fun in a power outage
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:12:52 PM EDT] <Laurna> Rain? what is that?
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:13:00 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Walking is good exercise, Laurna, especially if you can gradually extend the distance as your body gets used to it.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:13:19 PM EDT] <Laurna> You mean water can actually fall from the sky? Can't remember the last time I saw that
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:13:41 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Come here, then. We've been having popup showers almost daily.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:13:46 PM EDT] <Eris> <TM> Drops of something fell from the sky today for a few minutes, but given the temperature, I have my doubts about whether it was water.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:13:56 PM EDT] <The_Bee> It seems like half the country has heat wave and drought and the other half has floods.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:14:04 PM EDT] <KK> Some of the trees were close to a foot thick, and just snapped.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:14:04 PM EDT] <Laurna> LOL n TM
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:14:16 PM EDT] <Laurna> WOW KK
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:14:30 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Whoa!
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:14:38 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Were they roten inside?
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:14:46 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Must ahve been very old and dying
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:14:49 PM EDT] <KK> No flooding this time, at least. Not like last summer.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:15:27 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Here, trees tend to come down a lot during bad storms, but it's usually not because they break unless we've had a tornado. It's usually because our ground gets so water saturated that the soil can't hold the root ball, and the trees fall over.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:15:41 PM EDT] <The_Bee> How vulnerable to flooding is your current location, KK?
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:15:43 PM EDT] <Eris> <TM> (insert obvious reference to raining for 39 days)
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:16:06 PM EDT] <The_Bee> but not $)!
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:16:06 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Though very strong straight line winds can produce damage too, not just tornadoes.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:16:10 PM EDT] <KK> There were a lot uprooted, too. Just as dead.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:16:20 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Those dang microbursts
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:17:20 PM EDT] <KK> I''m on high ground, but the water can run down Ritchie Blvd. like grand rapids. And it did that on Wednesday.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:17:48 PM EDT] <Laurna> No driving on Ritchie Blvd when it rains.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:18:00 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Better off rowing it sounds like
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:18:08 PM EDT] <Laurna> LOL
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:18:10 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> There was a microburst at Gulf Wars several years back that I'm told was pretty hair-raising while it lasted. I think DH's period pavilion escaped unscathed, though some of the more modern tents weren't as lucky.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:18:20 PM EDT] <DesertRose> And anywhere that gets a lot of rain in a short period of time is going to be a mess.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:18:39 PM EDT] <DesertRose> That was the one with the "this little potty" poem about the one porta-potty that didn't fall.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:19:00 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> LOL, yes DR!
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:19:03 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> ␝snaps fingers and produces a tea table with fresh strawberry shortcakes␝
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:19:20 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Shiral, you always know how the make the party liven up. 🙂
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:19:35 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Or else, I just love strawberry shortcake
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:19:43 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> ␝envisions a tea table with cheeky little girl dolls dressed in pink␝
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:20:02 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> ␝adores strawberry shortcake␝
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:20:12 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> ␝adds her tea pot that pours everyone's favorite kind of tea␝
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:20:16 PM EDT] * Laurna adds, blueberries, raspberries and Greek yogurt
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:20:37 PM EDT] <KK> After the power went out, I took a bowl of cold cereal out on the front porch and watched my cherry tree thrashing like a Whomping Willow and the rain pour down and race down the boulevard. Later saw a photo of water in the parking lot of our local Wendy's that looked to be 1 1/2 to 2" deep.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:20:46 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> ␝adds her family's favorite: nasty cake.␝
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:20:54 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> ␝holds the tea pot over her cup, trying to decide whether to pour Earl Grey Lavender, chai, or Lapsang Souchong␝
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:21:11 PM EDT] <Eris> <TM> Sir, this is a Windy's
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:21:11 PM EDT] <Eris> <TM>
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:21:11 PM EDT] <Eris> <TM> (Reddit meme, at least)
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:21:19 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Mmmmm, cold cereal...
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:21:20 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Teapot: "Make up your mind, woman!"
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:21:25 PM EDT] <KK> That's 2', not 2".
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:21:38 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Hopefully you didn't get a car filled with robed schoolboys stuck in your tree, KK. 😄
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:21:41 PM EDT] <KK> Special K with chocolate bits. Yum.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:21:53 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Whoa, that's a lot more impressive than the 2"
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:21:55 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Flying Ford Anglias, either
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:22:11 PM EDT] <Laurna> That is up to the top of the tires
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:22:14 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> I remembered it was a Ford Anglia just as you typed that, Shiral
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:22:33 PM EDT] <KK> Cameron used to wear a black scholar's gown at St. Columba's.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:22:36 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> I was just rereading the Chamber of Secrets yesterday at lunch
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:22:50 PM EDT] <KK> brb
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:22:52 PM EDT] <Laurna> fun
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:22:53 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> I would be impressed if it was just a Ford Anglia stuck in a US tree. That would be one heck of a strong wind!
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:22:59 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Hope Gilderoy Lockhart doesn't show up, either
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:23:15 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Talk about being blown off course....
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:23:31 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> I'll bet Cameron looked cute in his scholar's gown with his magic wand. Oh wait, not that school. 🙂
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:23:31 PM EDT] <DesertRose> My mother's first car was a Ford Anglia.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:23:59 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> No, probably a bit more prosaic than Hogwart's
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:24:02 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Secondhand, bought from someone who'd bought in while in England on military duty and they brought it back stateside.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:24:20 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> OK, I was about to ask where in the world she found a Ford Anglia!
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:24:28 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> It would be difficult to drive it here I'd think
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:24:39 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> steering wheel on the wrong side?
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:24:42 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Charleston, SC was very much a Navy town at the time.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:25:17 PM EDT] <DesertRose> You know, I don't know if it was left- or right-sided steering. I'd have to ask, assuming she remembers.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:26:07 PM EDT] <Laurna> Mom had always dreamed of having a Bently, so she found on from a really old one from a limosean service and fixed it up. It drove on the left hand side. we loved that car went on all kinds of events with it.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:26:22 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> It would be odd to learn how to drive in a car with a steering wheel on the opposite side from how the local road lanes are meant to be driven on, and then relearn how to drive a car with one on the more conventional side later on.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:26:58 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> When in England, I just take the darn train. Too scared to try to drive, there
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:27:06 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Well, I'm pretty sure she had already learned to drive by the time they got the car, and it might have been converted to left-side drive by the previous owner. I don't know.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:27:10 PM EDT] <Laurna> That would be me too
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:27:37 PM EDT] <KK> Ah, Bentleys. Scott loved them, and we had 3 or 4 of them in succession. Our wedding getaway car was a Bentley.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:27:41 PM EDT] <DesertRose> I probably wouldn't drive in the UK either, if for no other reason than that standard transmission is much more common over there and my left knee has said, "No thank you" to clutch operating.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:27:49 PM EDT] <Laurna> Cool KK
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:27:53 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Well that's getting away in class!
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:28:12 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> I remember reading at least one of them was named Basil
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:28:16 PM EDT] <Laurna> Moms was a 1961 silver cloud]
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:28:22 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Wasn't the car in _St. Patrick's Gargoyle_ a Bentley?
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:28:35 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> I love driving a stick if it's not in heavy or bumper-to-bumper traffic
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:28:56 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Or when I don't have to stop on a super steep hill
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:29:04 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Oh yeah, that doo
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:29:06 PM EDT] <DesertRose> I still miss the control of manual transmission, but I don't miss the cussing out I got from my knee.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:29:11 PM EDT] <Eris> <TM> Translation: "I love driving a stick as long as I don't have to do much driving"
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:29:24 PM EDT] <Laurna> I drove a stick for years
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:29:37 PM EDT] <Laurna> VW Bug
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:29:39 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> I can drive manual transmissions as my first car was a stick shift. Now I've got my mom's old Camry.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:29:41 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> me too. In two different cars
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:29:59 PM EDT] <KK> We had a righthand drive one in LA--going through drive-thrus was challenging--and took it with us to Ireland. Sold it there and had several salon Bentleys after that. Took one on a Bentley rally into France. And went other neat places as well.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:30:01 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> I had two manual transmission Honda Civics as well
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:30:04 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Ford Fairmont back in the 80s, and Honda Accord in the 2000s
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:30:05 PM EDT] <DesertRose> My last stick shift was about ten years ago.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:30:18 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> I learned on a stick, but haven't had one since before my children were old enough to drive, so I wasn't able to teach them.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:30:21 PM EDT] <DesertRose> That was when my knee finally said, NOPE.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:30:38 PM EDT] <Laurna> They are very nice cars. Love that you went to a rally in france
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:30:43 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Is it legal to drive a right-handed vehicle in the US?
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:30:44 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Driving anything in Los Angeles traffic is awful
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:30:51 PM EDT] <The_Bee> I never got my driver's license.  I flunked drivng schoool =(
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:30:51 PM EDT] <KK> Yes, it was a Bentley in St. Patrick's Gargoyle. And one in Lammas Night as well.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:30:56 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Los Angeles traffic is awful.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:30:57 PM EDT] <Laurna> Yes Nezz
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:31:10 PM EDT] <KK> Yes, it's legal.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:31:18 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Aww, Bee, that's tood bad
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:31:21 PM EDT] <KK> And driving in LA is the pits!
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:31:24 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Legal, though not necessarily practical.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:31:39 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> My mother and I almost missed my Cousin Sarah's wedding because we got caught in a horrible traffic jam on our way
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:31:55 PM EDT] <KK> No, even getting in and out of a parking garage is a challenge, especially if you're alone.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:32:01 PM EDT] <The_Bee> I think you're supposed to drive on the side with the steering wheel.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:32:15 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Like you can drive a US or Continental European car in the UK, but it might feel weird if you aren't used to driving a car with a left-hand-side wheel on the opposite side of the road from what you're used to.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:32:15 PM EDT] <Laurna> we did a RollsRoyce/Bently car rally once up to San farncisco and back in that car. fun trip
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:32:27 PM EDT] <KK> Yes, but if the steering wheel is on the right....
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:32:54 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> I've been to a Concours d'Elegance which was fun. But we didn't actually get to drive any of the vintage cars, there
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:33:27 PM EDT] <Eris> <TM> "And driving in LA is the pits!" Especially near La Brea.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:33:30 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Between cars being configured backwards from what I'm used to, driving on the other side of the road, and my knee's unwillingness to use a clutch, I'll just take trains if I ever go to Europe. It's a lot easier there than here.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:33:32 PM EDT] <Laurna> love vintage cars
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:33:40 PM EDT] <KK> But a Concours can be yucky if it's really hot and humid.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:33:55 PM EDT] <DesertRose> My stepdad had a '65 Mustang when he and Mom got married. It was a pretty car.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:34:06 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> We had a pleasant day as I recall. On the Stanford Campus.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:34:07 PM EDT] <KK> We did a Concours in Kensington Gardens in London. At least there were trees for shade.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:34:26 PM EDT] <Laurna> that would be fun
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:34:49 PM EDT] <DesertRose> I got to drive it a couple of times before he sold it, and it was fun to drive, but I was too far into Cameron Frye from Ferris Bueller ("it could get wrecked, scratched, breathed on wrong") to enjoy the experience as it truly deserved.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:35:20 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Being outside when it's extra hot and humid is not fun, as far as I'm concerned. My first trip to Florida was in August. The only place I was really comfortable was in the water
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:35:41 PM EDT] <KK> Righthand drive is fine if you're driving on the left; just mirror image of driving on the right.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:36:02 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Before yesterday's rain, I felt like I was in Florida in August, not Alabama in early July
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:36:14 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Heat index was in the low 100s
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:36:22 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Yeah, it's about as easy to swim in the air as breathe it. I need gills. :P
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:36:32 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> I'm too chicken to try it. I'm the kind of person who can get turned around just trying to make double sided copies
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:36:40 PM EDT] <Laurna> DR, I don't have gills so nope
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:36:52 PM EDT] <KK> Cameron and Anna are getting some bodacious heat in Oklahoma, 104ish.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:37:01 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Drought and all, I'll stick with the West Coast
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:37:15 PM EDT] <DesertRose> If you come visit me, do it between October and March. The other half of the year is just too humid.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:37:20 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Yike!  For how long, KK?
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:37:30 PM EDT] <KK> Yeah, you guys are really hurting for rain in California.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:37:56 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Gigi is here now, being opaque again
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:37:59 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> It was sad while driving up and down 101. So many distressed trees, and everything looked parched
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:38:08 PM EDT] <KK> Several days now, Bee. I think it drops a bit in the middle of the night, but still....
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:38:14 PM EDT] <Laurna> I have just about given up on my front yard. except for the roses
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:38:43 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> And then on the way home I saw a road sign advertising fireworks. Out here it's "Don't even fart near a match"
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:39:02 PM EDT] <KK> Was it Hemingway who referred to the landscape in summer California as "lion-colored"?
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:39:10 PM EDT] <Eris> <TM> Native plants can sometimes help. (Brought to you by the Native Plant Society of Texas.)
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:39:11 PM EDT] <Laurna> YAH
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:39:13 PM EDT] <The_Bee> There wasa news story about Utah.  The Great Salt Lake is less than half its normal size.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:39:24 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> A lion who hadn't had a bath in a really long time
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:39:30 PM EDT] <Laurna> LOL
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:39:57 PM EDT] <KK> Speaking of California plants, horrible that the giant redwoods are being threatened (again) by fire, even as we chat.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:40:00 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> that just means you can see the spiral jetty. 🙂
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:40:05 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Oh Ariella....we could use some weather working out here.....
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:40:33 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Yes. In Yosemite. It breaks my heart. 😰
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:40:47 PM EDT] <The_Bee> But can you trust Ariella to bring the kind of weather you want?
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:40:51 PM EDT] <Laurna> Yes Shiral, that Torenthi talent should be used of the good of the people for a change
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:40:58 PM EDT] <KK> Good question.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:41:22 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Well perhaps it would be too much water all at once. Maybe I should draw a map and buy a biig watering can.....
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:41:45 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Most of our popup showers that have been soaking my lawn almost daily have been missing my parents' house just a few miles away, and he's just laid down new sod in his side yard, trying to get it to grow, so every time storm clouds gather over my part of town, he's standing wistfully on his front step wishing them to come his way. I told him he needs to learn some ancient Celtic rain dance to lure them. 😄
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:41:46 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Only kk knows the answer for sure... 😉
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:42:42 PM EDT] <Laurna> Evie if you dad finds a way to make that work, tell him to share the secret
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:42:53 PM EDT] <KK> Absolutely!
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:43:00 PM EDT] <Eris> <TM> Since when did Celts have to do anything to get rain?!
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:43:08 PM EDT] <KK> Ariella won't tell me anything about weather magic.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:43:14 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> We actually had a cool cloudy spell around last weekend. But no darned rain. Clouds just HUNG there. Like they were teasing us. When you see me shouting at clouds saying "just RAIN, already!" you know things are dire
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:43:19 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> What a little stinker!
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:43:26 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Try Native American rain dances instead.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:43:29 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Apparently just standing in the front yard looking longingly at the thunderclouds does nothing to lure them.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:43:38 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Well, Alister Cullen DID pin her to a tree with his sword.....
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:44:00 PM EDT] <Laurna> That might explain why she will not talk to KK
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:44:08 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Hi everyone!
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:44:14 PM EDT] <KK> Could be a factor.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:44:14 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Hi Jerusha
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:44:16 PM EDT] <Laurna> Hello Jerusha
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:44:18 PM EDT] <The_Bee> HI Jerusha
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:44:33 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Hard to catch her breath, one would think....
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:44:35 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Hey Jerusha
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:44:41 PM EDT] <Laurna> Jerusha do you need to do rain dances or are you good?
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:44:43 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Well, contrary to what old family tales might have implied in the past, his DNA testing showed he's not actually part Cherokee, so that's why I suggested a Celtic ritual.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:45:03 PM EDT] <KK> brb
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:45:04 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Sorry to be late. DH's birthday, which meant homemade pizza and chocolate cheesecake
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:45:10 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Yum!
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:45:14 PM EDT] <Laurna> Yumm
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:45:14 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Hi Jerusha
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:45:27 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> OH, I'm sure Jerusha is up to no good, but she might be able to do a rain dance anyway. 😉
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:45:34 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Have some Strawberry shortcake and tea. They're on the chat table
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:45:37 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> We are getting rain for the next three days
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:46:04 PM EDT] <Laurna> Maybe I will portal over just to dance in your rain
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:46:11 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Of course I'm up to no good! It's tradition!
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:47:08 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Have you had any chance to look at the anthology stuff this week, KK, or still trying to get your home office sorted out?
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:47:10 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> We've had the oddest downpours. They come out of nowhere and soak the unwary
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:47:30 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Are you sure you're not in Alabama, Jerusha? That's typical July here. 😄
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:47:37 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Maybe Kelric is trying weather working and his control is imperfect.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:47:40 PM EDT] <Laurna> At least your lake is full
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:48:04 PM EDT] <Laurna> And your flowers are happy
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:48:04 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Last time I checked, I wasn't. 🙂
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:48:25 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Now I'm trying to type from underneath a sleepy cat who is using my right elbow as a pillow
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:48:57 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> The marigolds are doing fine, but something ate the sunflowers
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:49:12 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Bit of a Flat Cat Syndrome outbreak, here. Little heatwave in progress today and tomorrow
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:49:29 PM EDT] <KK> I made a small dent in the office clutter today, but there's stll much to wade through.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:50:08 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Clutter is that way.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:50:11 PM EDT] <The_Bee> It would feel worse with no cat there at all., Evie.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:50:34 PM EDT] <Laurna> Bee, You need a new feline
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:50:34 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Nezz and I had an impromptu story reading time during our craft and chat time earlier today, since I didn't have any hands-on craft stuff to work on at the moment
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:50:52 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Yes, you all missed a greand time
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:50:56 PM EDT] <The_Bee> I still haven't talked to my landlady.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:51:08 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Dang, I missed it
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:51:14 PM EDT] <Laurna> I didn't realize you were chat and crafting today. sorry I missed it
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:51:25 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> I think I'm mostly forgiven for my sin of going away for a week
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:51:38 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> I forgot too. I just happened to glance at the sidebar on Discord and saw Nezz was in there, so I joined.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:52:00 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> What story did you read?
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:52:04 PM EDT] <Laurna> I will look at that more often
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:52:10 PM EDT] <DesertRose> I forgot to make an announcement/event or put it on the calendar, too, so the chat and craft oops is on me, at least a bit.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:52:54 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> "The Bishop and the Birthday Girl" (short story about Denis and his grandniece Stefania), and a chapter from one of my works-in-progress. Or work-stalled-by-writer's-block, more accurately.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:53:11 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Stirrings?
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:53:26 PM EDT] <Laurna> Fun
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:53:33 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> No, but maybe I could lure you to Craft and Chat with a reading from that next time. 😄
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:53:48 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Count me in!
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:53:58 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> We need to lure KK in to do readings. 😉
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:54:05 PM EDT] <Laurna> OH
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:54:32 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Even when it's a story you already know, there's nothing like hearing the author read it.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:54:36 PM EDT] <KK> Lotsa luck right now.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:54:49 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> It's true
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:55:02 PM EDT] <Laurna> If it every happens. just let me know
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:55:07 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> And it would answer the "How do you pronounce X?" questions. 😄
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:55:10 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> You have some suggestions for luring KK in, Evie? =o)
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:55:32 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Yes, buy her a Dairy Queen shake. Chocolate mint, IIRC. 😉
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:55:44 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Oooooh, subtle...
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:55:48 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Sounds like a good start
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:55:52 PM EDT] <Laurna> It would be perfect on a rainy eveing
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:55:53 PM EDT] * bynw had to step away to eat but is back now
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:55:56 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> We need a KK-Con.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:55:57 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> ␝contibutes a dollar or two␝
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:56:03 PM EDT] <KK> Hi, Bynw.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:56:05 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Maybe some chocolate Macademia nut pudding would help, too
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:56:09 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Hi Bynw
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:56:32 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Hi, bynw
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:56:52 PM EDT] <bynw> hi (again) all
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:57:11 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Thought Dairy Queen and I are not speaking since they no longer have soft chocolate for peanut buster parfaits
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:57:21 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Oh, sad!
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:57:32 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> A true crisis
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:57:34 PM EDT] <KK> That sounds....decadent.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:57:45 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> But of course!
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:57:56 PM EDT] <The_Bee> I'n not sure where the nearest Dairy Queen is.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:58:20 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Mine's about 2 1/2 miles away, but I think I've only been there once
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:58:31 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> We need to find a hotel next to a Dairy Queen and maybe a bookstore. And someplace where Duncan's head can fall off, since that's a tradition now, though I'll bring a spare. 😂
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:58:55 PM EDT] <Laurna> Duncan must keep his head
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:58:58 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Oh dear
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:59:13 PM EDT] <KK> Did you ever find the second lost head?
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [7:59:59 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> That makes for interesting mental pictures, as always
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:00:01 PM EDT] <The_Bee> "I you can keep your head when all about you/ Are losing theirs and blaming it on you..."
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:00:17 PM EDT] <The_Bee> If
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:00:26 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Oh, KK! I have purchased two kits for 1/48 scale medieval houses that I want to put together and decorate for some micro-Deryni. One is based on a three-story Tudor style house, and the other is based on an older Wealden hall house that could be from an even earlier period.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:00:42 PM EDT] <KK> Or am I misremembering? Didn't the replacement head disappear a short time ago, or was that only a temporary thing?
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:01:07 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> I think it ended up on a Christmas tree
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:01:10 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> I never found the one lost at the con, but yes, the one lost at work turned up on the Student Health Services Christmas tree, where one of my work colleagues spotted it and rescued it for me.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:01:39 PM EDT] <KK> Ah, yes. Than, was there a third instance?
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:01:44 PM EDT] <Laurna> You reminded me, Evie. KK we wanted to ask you if you had a drawing real or in you mind of how the great Hall at Rhemuth Castle was laid out.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:01:45 PM EDT] <KK> Then
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:02:10 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> "Whenever the bishop's head shows up on a Christmas tree, and angel gets its wings"
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:02:15 PM EDT] <Eris> <TM> Is there a floor plan for Rhemuth Castle?
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:02:22 PM EDT] <KK> More or less, at least in my head. I think I probably did at least a rough sketch when it was needed.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:02:31 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Or else it's a very different sort of Christmas tree
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:02:38 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Those were the only two that I've lost, though I did have to replace one because the nose got stained and he looked like a puppy. Though since then, that stain has actually faded away, and I'm back to using that head again because I like the front edge of the haircut on that one better.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:02:59 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> I'll bet he looked like a very cute puppy. 🙂
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:03:10 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> "There goes Duncan getting ahead of himself, again...."
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:03:10 PM EDT] <KK> I'd think so.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:03:15 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> There is a map of the Castle in the Deryni Adventure Game book too, but it's mostly the external walls, nothing about the interior layout
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:03:20 PM EDT] <Laurna> I can see Duncan with puupy eyes and nose
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:03:28 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> Hi all. Sorry to be late. We had our first all day, cool rainy day today. It was wonderful but I fell asleep.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:03:35 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Hi DFK
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:03:41 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Duncan the Puppy would get a lot of treats, I think
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:03:42 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Hi DFK
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:03:43 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Hi DFK!
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:03:49 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Hi DFK
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:03:56 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Through sheer cuteness. Hi DFK
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:03:58 PM EDT] <Laurna> hello DFK
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:04:17 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Duncan didn't want to go through life known as the Black-Nosed Bishop
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:04:21 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Duncan the puppy can have his bed in my bedroom. (Sorry, DH)]
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:04:37 PM EDT] <Eris> <TM> There have been plenty of brown-nosed bishops, though.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:04:46 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> LOL! Too true
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:04:50 PM EDT] <KK> Better than a brown-nosed one. ;-)
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:05:01 PM EDT] <Eris> <TM> KK owes me a Coke!
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:05:14 PM EDT] <Eris> <TM> wait I have to say "jinx"
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:05:14 PM EDT] <KK> ?
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:05:26 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> In church today, our women's leader was talking about a talk someone gave, and it was a someone named "Bishop McLain." It made me giggle internally.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:05:33 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> That's a tradition I"ve not heard of, though I've heard of calling jinx
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:06:18 PM EDT] <Laurna> The question was about the window bays on the great hall. Were they only on one side. the queen's garden side?
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:06:27 PM EDT] <The_Bee> TM, I think KK needs an explanation.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:06:49 PM EDT] <KK> Got it from context, Bee.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:07:12 PM EDT] <KK> I'd think there were window bays on both sides.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:07:25 PM EDT] <The_Bee> a slightly different version of "GMTA"
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:07:32 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> So the three fireplaces are between the window bays, I assume?
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:08:05 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> We should look into getting one of those handy Star Trek Holodecks.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:08:17 PM EDT] <Laurna> We were looking at Windsor castles great hall and that had the windows on one side. So I was wondering if that was similar to Rhemuth
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:08:22 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> We weren't sure if the fireplaces were all on one side, especially since there is also a corridor that runs between the Hall and the gardens, at least on the map
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:08:51 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> I was considering trying to do a micro-mini-Great Hall
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:08:58 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> The Great Hall of Rhemuth Castle might look something like what KK thinks of when she talks about it
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:09:00 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Since I have a shoebox that might work for one
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:09:25 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Well, yeah, Shiral, but we're trying to get a clearer idea of what she thinks of. 😄
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:09:34 PM EDT] <Eris> <TM> (Anent castle layout, there was a topic I was going to raise, but maybe in the Fora, and maybe it's too trivial. I think I've seen multiple references to empty rooms in Rhemuth Castle, and I've wondered ␝how␝. I would have expected lords being insulted that that low BARON fellow gets a room but THEY don't, so the castle steward would be packing them in.)
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:09:45 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> That's why I suggested the Holodeck, Evie. =o)
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:10:33 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> But I doubt they would all be at Court at the same time, even during the major events like Twelfth Night, since they also have their own lands to manage.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:10:33 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> That way we can all watch while KK tells it where the Royal Dais goes, the fire places, the window bays, etc etc
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:10:34 PM EDT] <Laurna> Just fun to play with Ideas
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:10:35 PM EDT] <KK> A holodeck would be great.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:10:42 PM EDT] <Laurna> I am there
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:10:58 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> We could all have SO much fun with a Holodeck!
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:11:11 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Maybe available on Amazon Prime?
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:11:11 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> I'd be glad to try to build it, I just have to be able to clearly envision it first. 😄
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:11:13 PM EDT] <KK> I probably do have a sketch. I'll have to look for it. One day.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:11:14 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> I've been trying to find a good program (free or cheap) that lets you lay out a castle floorplan. Not much luck.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:11:15 PM EDT] * bynw thinks of the fun to be had on a good programmed holodeck
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:11:36 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> The hall, that is, not a holodeck! I can't build one of those, sadly, or I'd have done so years ago.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:12:01 PM EDT] <KK> Just like we'd all have built Transfer Portals.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:12:02 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Sketch Up is supposed to be good, Nezz, but I've not had a chance to play with it
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:12:03 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Geez, get our hopes up why don't you?! 😉
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:12:16 PM EDT] <Laurna> I will happily hollodeck with KK but I fear to hollodeck with Bynw
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:12:22 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Or else say "Beam me up, Scotty"
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:12:34 PM EDT] <Eris> <TM> "I doubt they would all be at Court at the same time, even during the major events like Twelfth Night" But at Twelfth Night or Easter or Michaelmas or whatever, they would likely be there.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:12:34 PM EDT] <Eris> <TM>
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:12:34 PM EDT] <Eris> <TM> I think it was when Donal died, his widow immediately moved into the apartments for the dowager queen, implying that they were already empty. I think the room with the Transfer Portal was a storeroom for a bit.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:12:38 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Don't wear a red tunic
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:12:55 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> That could be fun, though, as long as the holodeck isn't malfunctioning, since any deaths would be temporary. The program would simply end and we could start over from the last save point.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:12:56 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> If we had a Holodeck, we'd FIND a way to get there, I think
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:13:06 PM EDT] <KK> But red is a Haldane color....
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:13:26 PM EDT] <Laurna> Good thought KK
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:13:41 PM EDT] <Laurna> I will wear Corwyn green
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:13:43 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> Still used by the UK for its armed forces
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:13:50 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Maybe if you have the Lion of Gwynedd on it you be safe
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:13:59 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Oooh, good thinking.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:14:01 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Didn't Picard wear red in TNG?
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:14:06 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> None of those Redshirts have lions on them
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:14:08 PM EDT] <Eris> <TM> Spock, McCoy, go left. Ensign Haldane, check behind that rock.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:14:08 PM EDT] <Eris> <TM> Aye aye, sir.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:14:08 PM EDT] <Eris> <TM> [pause]
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:14:08 PM EDT] <Eris> <TM> [scream]
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:14:10 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Nobody's going to kill the King....we hope. But don't be wearing scarlet livery, maybe....
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:15:10 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> No worries, Haldanes are player characters and therefore perfectly safe. ␝Hides my copy of "Balance of Power"␝
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:15:10 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> "And you can do it with a crew that's dispensible." (To the tune of Age of Aquarius)
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:15:34 PM EDT] <Laurna> Evie, not even Rhemuth Castle is safe from you.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:15:42 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Too right!
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:15:50 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> 🤣
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:15:55 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> I just made a few...minor, reparable alterations.... 😉
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:16:11 PM EDT] <Laurna> They didnot sound that reparable to me
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:16:15 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> With explosives!
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:16:17 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Haldane dust is not repairable
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:16:31 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Jen is on the task...at least if I can ever get my writer's block unblocked....
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:17:01 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> But you know, we are but dust and to dust we shall return.... ␝philosophical shrug␝
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:17:13 PM EDT] <Laurna> need an intire new queens tower and residence block
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:17:30 PM EDT] <KK> Blocked? Oh, noes!
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:17:46 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Unless your church secretary makes a typo in the Ash Wednesday bulletin, and you end up with a copy that says "You are butt dust." Because that happened.... 😂
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:17:48 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Fine, so she made it a more open floor plan....
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:18:01 PM EDT] <Laurna> Find Rhys, you can unblock you
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:18:24 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Too funny, Evie
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:18:35 PM EDT] <Laurna> the queens garden is now open to the river
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:18:44 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Typos can create hysterical sentences
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:18:45 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Yes, I've got several half written stories I can't seem to get any headway on. The only story I've managed to finish in the past few years is the Duncan and Maryse one that I sent in to be considered for the anthology, though I suspect it's too long.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:18:49 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Oooh, I like he idea of a healer being able to fix writer's block
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:18:50 PM EDT] <Eris> <TM> Evie: Asses to asses, butt to butt
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:19:01 PM EDT] <KK> I remember the butt dust one. :-)
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:19:16 PM EDT] <DesertRose> At least it wasn't in print, but our minister made a really, really bad Freudian slip when discussing the new choir robes we were waiting to receive.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:19:34 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Do tell
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:19:43 PM EDT] <KK> Yes?
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:19:46 PM EDT] <bynw> can't start something like that and not go into details
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:19:47 PM EDT] <The_Bee> P*nis angelicus"
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:19:53 PM EDT] <DesertRose> He said, "You may have noticed that since we moved into the new sanctuary, the choir has been disrobed." (the old robes had looked fine in the old sanctuary but awful in the new)
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:20:11 PM EDT] <KK> Oh, dear.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:20:28 PM EDT] <Laurna> may be they singe better that way
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:20:30 PM EDT] <DesertRose> From the choir loft, we choristers could tell when he realized what he'd said.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:20:38 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> My former pastor had a prayer list in the church bulletin that he accidentally titled "Sick and Sh*t-ins." He said he never got so many phone calls from folks he didn't even know got copies of the bulletin in the mail! 😂
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:20:41 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> Singe!
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:21:08 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> ?
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:21:12 PM EDT] <Laurna> Sing
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:21:21 PM EDT] <Laurna> E got in the way
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:21:33 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Try it again in G
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:21:47 PM EDT] <Laurna> F flat
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:21:50 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> G as in groan?
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:21:56 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> G major
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:22:08 PM EDT] <KK> Where is Jemler when we need him? Miss that guy!
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:22:17 PM EDT] <DesertRose> It is very funny, to be a twelve-year-old and watch a grown man do a double take because he just implied that I and the rest of the choir were streaking.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:22:19 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> He
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:22:20 PM EDT] <Laurna> Sigh
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:22:24 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Safe from flying mackeral now
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:22:27 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Yes, much missed
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:22:30 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> ␝launches honorary cluster of goldfish in to the chat room in Jemler's honor␝
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:22:38 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Throwing mackerel at us from the Other Side.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:22:54 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Surely you don't think that hard-core a punster would let a silly thing like death stop him. ;)
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:22:55 PM EDT] <KK> Could be.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:23:07 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> Miss his puns and the mackerel
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:23:11 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Not if he could help it
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:23:22 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> ok, DQ commercial just came on the tv. I usually 8ignore those, but now I paid attention. And it's all y'all's fault!
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:23:30 PM EDT] <KK> He fought the brave fight.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:23:34 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> I was at the K-mart where the announcement came over the intercom that invited people to "please visit our ladies' wear department, where our panties are half off." That one ended up getting sent to Reader's Digest, as I recall, but not by me.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:24:20 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> But you can imagine the slight pause followed by uproarious laughter throughout the store that followed that announcement!
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:24:33 PM EDT] <KK> Oh, yes.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:25:58 PM EDT] <DesertRose> I'm not sure where the recording is, but I unfortunately ran off at the mouth in our last (baronial) financial committee meeting. I said something about people needing to reverse their cranio-rectal inversions and our baron's eyes like to popped out of his head. The baroness was trying desperately not to laugh.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:26:09 PM EDT] <DesertRose> The baron told me after the recording had stopped that I'd said what he wished he could say.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:26:23 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> LOL!
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:27:00 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Interesting times in the Kingdom of Trimaris
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:27:04 PM EDT] <DesertRose> No one who was suffering said inversion was named, to be fair, but I might be in trouble if they had been.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:27:18 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Yes, when I wore the pointy hat, there was a lot of internal dialogue in my head that I had to keep from reaching my outside voice, sometimes.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:27:27 PM EDT] <KK> Might be. Do you havve a champion?
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:27:29 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Were any of said sufferers in attendence at that time?
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:27:45 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Being a baronial officer, I might have been better off NOT saying that in a recorded meeting, but oh well.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:28:01 PM EDT] <DesertRose> No, we were grousing about some red tape at kingdom level.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:28:45 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Some of it is just the nature of trying to drag the SCA into the 21st century in terms of admin.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:29:23 PM EDT] <KK> I know the frustration well.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:29:55 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> I don't miss being a landed baroness. I prefer to be able to just sit back and enjoy the occasional event, and participate in things (or not) as I choose, rather than being in the thick of having to make decisions and deal with infernal politics.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:30:08 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Admin can be a real PITA. All the Is that need dotting and Ts needing crossed and people wanting to Do The Thing but can't until the paperwork is handled and yeah.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:30:27 PM EDT] <KK> Are you a court baroness now, having been a landed one?
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:30:57 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> I am, yes.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:31:09 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Are SCA politics usually inFernal?
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:31:18 PM EDT] <DesertRose> All politics are infernal.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:31:25 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> And have since acquired a more comfortable pointy hat that gets trotted out from time to time, though I don't get to many events anymore.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:31:30 PM EDT] <DesertRose> A necessary evil, but no fun.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:32:21 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Yes, Bee, what DR says. No matter what organization you're in, if it involves human beings, there is usually some level of politics going on, and it's generally infernal as well as internal. 😅
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:32:24 PM EDT] <DesertRose> There's some footage somewhere from our investiture in March wherein Her Excellency's coronet was too big for her (I'm not sure how that happened, since both the incoming and outgoing baronesses are petite ladies).
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:32:40 PM EDT] <DesertRose> She was keeping it up with her nose for a minute there, poor Aki.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:32:49 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Aw! 😄
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:33:29 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> DH designed our Prince and Princess coronets years ago (not the current set), and they were specifically designed to be adjustable, since not all incoming royalty have the same head size or anything close to it.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:33:31 PM EDT] <DesertRose> I guess the outgoing baroness's hair did a better job of keeping the hat up. (New baroness has straight hair, last baroness has very curly hair)
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:34:41 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> They were also designed to be able to insert different colors of fabric background behind the Celtic knotwork, so you could make the coronets match your outfit
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:34:49 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Ooh, pretty!
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:34:56 PM EDT] <KK> That's cool!
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:35:04 PM EDT] <DesertRose> I don't have the skillset but I wonder if your DH still has his designs.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:35:14 PM EDT] <DesertRose> I'd imagine a few metalworkers would be interested.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:35:21 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Only a few people noticed that, but some did and took advantage of the ability to personalize them
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:36:00 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> I don't know. I can ask, but he would have designed them before we were married, so at least two houses ago, and I don't know if those sketches ended up getting moved with us.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:36:44 PM EDT] <DesertRose> I like my circlet. I think I'll just stay a Lady and not fool with coronets. ;)
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:36:45 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> He might have some photos of them, though, or they might turn up in a Google search if you look at old Meridian photos from the late 80s to the late 90s.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:36:56 PM EDT] <KK> There's a photo of a Lady from another kingdom, wearing a coronet made by the artisan, and I did a doubletake when I saw it, looks so much like me. But it isn't.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:37:06 PM EDT] <KK> How do I insert a photo?
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:37:33 PM EDT] <DesertRose> From IRC, you'd need to provide a link, which means you'd need to upload it to somewhere like Imgur and then post the link.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:37:59 PM EDT] <KK> How about just a jpg?
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:38:11 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> My baronial coronet is technically not one. It's from a merchant at DragonCon, and it's missing the 8th point, which would normally be at the back where there is an adjustable fastener that helps me adjust the size of it over whatever hairstyle or head covering I'm wearing. But it's close enough to a baronial coronet to be able to pass as one.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:38:11 PM EDT] <DesertRose> bynw?
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:38:14 PM EDT] <Laurna> Just make it thumbnail size or at least resize it smaller. and then copy it and paste it here
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:38:48 PM EDT] <KK> How do I ensmallen it? It's rather large.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:39:27 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> If you are on Discord, you can hit the + sign to the left of the typing bar and upload a photo directly. But otherwise you would have to link to it, I think.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:39:56 PM EDT] <Laurna> I just resize it in any photoshop program
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:40:10 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Actually, I think even if it's full sized, people on IRC might just get a thumbnail they can click on, but I might be misremembering since I haven't used the IRC clients in ages
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:40:10 PM EDT] <KK> Don't know how to do that.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:40:12 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Yeah, that's what I mean; you can't really directly upload from IRC.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:40:47 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> If you can text it to me, I can upload it on Discord
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:40:55 PM EDT] <KK> How about if I put it in an email to one of you, and you can do the surgery. It's a great pic.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:40:58 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Email it to Bynw or DR or Evie and they could... yeah, what Evie said
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:41:09 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> and what you said
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:41:12 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Yeah, if you text it to Evie or me, one of us can upload it to Discord.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:41:14 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> I know there was a lady DH and I saw at Twentieth Year Celebration years ago who we thought was KK, but it turned out that she wasn't.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:41:29 PM EDT] <KK> Let me try an email.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:41:33 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> But DH took a photo of her because at the time he was looking at coronets, trying to get design ideas.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:41:47 PM EDT] <Laurna> https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/8BC1pKlX/image.png
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:42:02 PM EDT] <Laurna> Just copy and paste, but it has to be a small image
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:42:11 PM EDT] <Eris> <TM> surfer duke?
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:42:12 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Laurna has been busy doing her Deryni doll shelves
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:42:12 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> My favorite couple
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:42:32 PM EDT] <DesertRose> That may be an IRCCloud function, Laurna.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:42:44 PM EDT] <Eris> <TM> like, that Saint Camber was totally tubular
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:43:01 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> I can imagine Alaric and Duncan enjoying surfing if they had ever heard of it and learned how to do it.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:43:20 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> They seem the sorts to be up for the adventure
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:43:24 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Who wrote the story about them all going to the beach?
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:43:24 PM EDT] <Eris> <TM> Um, my lord, I suggest you take off your mail before entering the water.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:43:25 PM EDT] <KK> Evie, you should have it.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:43:42 PM EDT] <Laurna> Shiral wrote that
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:43:50 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> I'll check
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:44:27 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> Shiraz was writing about Kelric
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:44:45 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> Spiral
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:44:47 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Yes, that was me
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:44:59 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> The Spiral Shiraz. =o)
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:45:05 PM EDT] <KK> DR, I've also sent it to you. Hopefully one of you can sort it out.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:45:07 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Maybe I should open a vineyard
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:45:44 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> Shiraz
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:45:49 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Not - KK
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:46:28 PM EDT] <KK> You got it, Evie?
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:46:37 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> The lady we took the photo of was blonder, and looked a lot like one of your older book cover photos, but it wasn't you.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:46:41 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> I keep typing "Shiral" and getting Shiraz. AC strikes again
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:47:02 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Maybe I'm just red wine on the inside
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:47:04 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> I just posted it above, KK, but I am not sure if you can see it if you're on IRC. Let me see if I can upload it to Flickr and link to it, and you can see it that way.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:47:21 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> A cool coronet
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:47:35 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> And yes I can see the resemblance
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:47:38 PM EDT] <DesertRose> I got it too, but it looks like Evie beat me to it. That's a gorgeous coronet.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:47:44 PM EDT] <Laurna> i see the resemblance too
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:47:44 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> CAn totally see the resemblance
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:47:57 PM EDT] <DesertRose> KK's sister-from-another-mister
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:48:12 PM EDT] <Laurna> The image is on discord but not yet on IRC
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:48:21 PM EDT] <KK> Don't know her name, but she's a doppelganger.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:48:36 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> I must toddle off. Have a good week, everyone!
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:48:42 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Yeah, that's the problem--Discord images don't always show up on IRC. I'm trying to get it to Flickr so I can link to it
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:48:43 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> cya Jerusha
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:48:44 PM EDT] <DesertRose> G'night, Jerusha.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:48:47 PM EDT] <KK> Nighters, Jerusha.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:48:49 PM EDT] <bynw> cya Jerusha
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:48:50 PM EDT] <Laurna> Not a doppelganger but a shap sifter
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:48:57 PM EDT] <Laurna> Shapehifter
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:49:00 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> clone
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:49:03 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Night, Jerusha
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:49:03 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Nighters, everyone!
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:49:08 PM EDT] <Laurna> Dang I can not spel;l
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:49:13 PM EDT] <Laurna> Night Jerusah
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:49:19 PM EDT] <KK> Fat fingers.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:49:22 PM EDT] <Laurna> rented fingers have failed me
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:49:37 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> https://www.flickr.com/gp/9573389@N08/4015h4
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:49:44 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Can you see that one?
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:50:19 PM EDT] <KK> Yep, there she is.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:50:21 PM EDT] <Laurna> Now I am wondering when the hair pin was invented?
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:50:27 PM EDT] <The_Bee> I can see it.  Shedoes look like KK.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:50:32 PM EDT] <KK> Cool coronet.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:50:42 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> They had hair pins at least as early as Roman times, if not earlier
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:50:55 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Probably earlier
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:50:57 PM EDT] <KK> But not bobby pins, I'll bet.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:51:14 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> No, not those. Usually straight pins, like today's hair sticks
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:52:06 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Or you could use ribbon as lacing to hold hair up in styles that were surprisingly sturdy. I've slept with my hair braided and taped up that way, and the style survived intact the next morning
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:52:31 PM EDT] <Laurna> Robbins would do it
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:52:49 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> I just used a plastic yarn needle to do the hair taping, which isn't too dissimilar to the large needles that might have been used in period, although of course those wouldn't have been plastic
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:53:25 PM EDT] <KK> If you could get ivory-colored plastic, they would look pretty authentic.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:53:57 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Yes. I keep looking, but most of the ones I find at the hobby stores are pink or green. Plastic spray paint might work, though.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:54:20 PM EDT] <Laurna> We used to buy our year supply of wood hair sticks at our Renaissance fair.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:54:21 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Tried chopsticks?
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:54:54 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> I've tried using hair sticks that are very much like chopsticks, but my hair doesn't hold them very well.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:55:18 PM EDT] <KK> I never wore my hair in braids the way that lady is wearing, and I always, always would have been wearing earrings. So it definitely isn't me.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:55:20 PM EDT] <Laurna> Get the two pronged or three pronged kind. they hold really well
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:55:25 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> But the Renaissance style hair taping with ribbon works well for me
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:55:29 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> That's too bad. they've always worked great for me
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:55:58 PM EDT] * The_Bee never heard of hair taping.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:56:06 PM EDT] <Laurna> It could be you KK, and we would not know the difference
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:56:22 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Those hold better for me, Laurna, but my hair is fairly fine and doesn't hold those sorts of pins well. I've tried all sorts, and unless they are very grippy like a bobby pin, they just work right out.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:57:09 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Getting hot in my office all, So I'm going to say goodnight until next week
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:57:19 PM EDT] <Laurna> Night Shiral
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:57:20 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> night Shiral, you take care
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:57:22 PM EDT] <KK> On that note, folks, I need to go. Just realized why I'm suddenly so hungry. Daphne ambushed me in the kitchen, and I never got that snack I needed.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:57:29 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> ␝waves farewell, steps onto her portal and disappears in a cloud of blue steam␝
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:57:34 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Night KK et al
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:57:39 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> KK, you two have a great week. Feed yourselves. 🙂
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:57:41 PM EDT] <Laurna> Daphne wanted second dinner
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:57:43 PM EDT] <bynw> night KK. have a good week
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:57:48 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Have a good week, KK wish you good progress on your office
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:57:54 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Bye!
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:57:58 PM EDT] * KK steps onto her Portal, waves goodnight, and disappears in a shower of green sparkles.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:58:00 PM EDT] <Laurna> Night KK. dream of Knights in shinning armour
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:58:06 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Goodnight, KK!
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:58:14 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> mmmm, knights in shining armor... 🙂
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:58:16 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> Think I will check out too. Have a great week all
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:58:17 PM EDT] <The_Bee> nighters, KK Thanks for coming.  Good meal and good week!
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:58:19 PM EDT] <DesertRose> G'night, KK, have a good week, thanks for coming ot see us!
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:58:20 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> My new tiny dollhouses are en route, so hopefully I"ll have pics to share soon
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:58:28 PM EDT] <KK> Nighters, all. See you next week, hopefully without an intervening second thunderstorm.
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:58:31 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Though I don't know how long it will take to build them
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:58:35 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Much less decorate
[Sunday, July 10, 2022] [8:58:45 PM EDT] Quit KK has left this server (Quit: https://mibbit.com Online IRC Client).
"If having a soul means being able to feel love, loyalty, and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans."

James Herriot (James Alfred "Alfie" Wight), when a human client asked him if animals have souls.  (I don't remember in which book the story originally appeared.)
