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January 15, 2025, 07:58:39 PM
Nezz and I were joking, Laurna, so no worries.  :)  And as for Bynw's harsh scenes, I expect they'll be no more so than any of KK's more graphic scenes, since after all he's the one who created the fanfic rules in the first place. 
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January 20, 2025, 04:59:43 PM

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KK Chat -- 26 June 2022

Started by Bynw, June 26, 2022, 07:34:20 PM

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[2022-06-26 17:58:23] → KK joined (49ab39c5@owirc-0o17lq.mibbit.com)
[2022-06-26 17:58:35] <Laurna>    Hello KK, Nezz, Bynw
[2022-06-26 17:58:35] <KK> Hello, all!
[2022-06-26 17:58:44] <Eris> <Nezz> Hullo KK
[2022-06-26 17:58:47] <Eris> <Nezz> Hi Laurna
[2022-06-26 17:58:53] <Laurna> Nice hot day here
[2022-06-26 17:59:05] <KK> Yuck!  Hot!
[2022-06-26 17:59:09] <Laurna> HAHA
[2022-06-26 17:59:11] <Eris> <Nezz> It just hit 90° for us
[2022-06-26 17:59:15] <Laurna> 101
[2022-06-26 17:59:16] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Hello!
[2022-06-26 17:59:21] <Eris> <Nezz> Bleah!
[2022-06-26 17:59:22] <Laurna> Hello Evie
[2022-06-26 17:59:24] <Eris> <Nezz> Hi Evie
[2022-06-26 17:59:32] <KK> 101?  Yuck!
[2022-06-26 17:59:38] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> I'm typing around a cat impediment
[2022-06-26 17:59:59] <Laurna> I just cut in half a wood jewlrey box and I am going to make two wooden chairs for my Mini Deryni out of them
[2022-06-26 18:00:17] <KK> I'm watching a cat impediment threatening to pull stuff out of bins to the left of me.
[2022-06-26 18:00:30] <Laurna> Hello Daphne
[2022-06-26 18:00:32] <Eris> <Nezz> Yay for cat impediments!
[2022-06-26 18:00:37] <Laurna> Hello GIGi
[2022-06-26 18:00:40] <Eris> <Nezz> Hullo Daphne, you behave!
[2022-06-26 18:01:14] <KK> She is the most inquisitive cat I think I've ever had.  Of course, it's been a long time since I had a kitten or young catling, so maybe this is normal. 
[2022-06-26 18:01:33] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> I fed mine just a few minutes ago, thinking that would keep her occupied, but no, she just wolfed down dinner and is here to pay her respects to KK
[2022-06-26 18:01:44] <KK> Sounds cool, Laurna.
[2022-06-26 18:02:14] <bynw> hi KK
[2022-06-26 18:02:29] <Laurna> I turned the lid upside down to make the seat and it is glueing in place as we speak
[2022-06-26 18:02:29] <Eris> <Nezz> So anything new in your neck of the woods, KK?
[2022-06-26 18:02:59] <KK> You'll have to post pictures when it's done.
[2022-06-26 18:03:11] <Laurna> I'll try
[2022-06-26 18:03:59] <KK> No, thought we were going to get a serious thunderstorm this afternoon, but it never quite materialized.  Some rumbling and wind and dark sky, but no rain
[2022-06-26 18:03:59] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> I just pulled out the small dollhouse kit my MIL gave me years ago, which she started but gave up on after gluing a few pieces together incorrectly and rather sloppily, and am trying to figure out if it would fit in the microwave so I can try to melt the glue off to start over, or if a hot hair drier might work better.
[2022-06-26 18:04:27] <bynw> today we got a relief from the heat and humidity. turned off the AC and opened all the windows. It's a beautiful day out with a nice breeze and got a high of 78 today
[2022-06-26 18:04:46] <Eris> <Nezz> bbynw, sounds gorgeous 🙂
[2022-06-26 18:04:46] <KK> That is nice, Bynw.
[2022-06-26 18:04:57] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> My dad was hoping for some rain yesterday, since he just had some sod put down in his side yard, but it bypassed his house and all he got was a light mist.  Our house got a good soak, though, although since I was at their house, I missed seeing it.
[2022-06-26 18:05:02] <Laurna> Nice day Bynw
[2022-06-26 18:05:26] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> I would love temps in the 70s again. I can't believe we're in the 90s already and it's still June.
[2022-06-26 18:06:19] <KK> I've got some new sod in the front, and my gardeners were coming every day to water it, if we didn't get a storm.  I think it's doing ok.
[2022-06-26 18:06:53] <Laurna> A few days ago we had wild thunder and lightning. THor was reallly busy.  I thought it was passing south of us, so I went for my evening walk. at the half way point I saw Lightening streak through the sky very close. and then it started to rain. so I high tailed it home
[2022-06-26 18:07:18] <KK> Good thinking!
[2022-06-26 18:07:20] <Laurna> Of course it stoped raining the second I got home
[2022-06-26 18:07:26] <Eris> <DFK> Hi KK
[2022-06-26 18:07:41] <Eris> <Nezz> Hi DFK
[2022-06-26 18:07:47] <Laurna> Hello DFK
[2022-06-26 18:07:56] <KK> Hi, DFK.
[2022-06-26 18:08:27] ⇐ bynw quit (fenix@owirc-2i84h0.icsincorporated.com): Ping timeout: 120 seconds
[2022-06-26 18:08:52] <Laurna> So 5 minuites of rain in three months. Didn't help with my thursty lawn much
[2022-06-26 18:08:54] → bynw joined (fenix@owirc-2i84h0.icsincorporated.com)
[2022-06-26 18:08:54] * derynibot set +q bynw
[2022-06-26 18:08:54] * derynibot set +o bynw
[2022-06-26 18:09:39] <KK> Lucky Cameron and Anna are currently in Dublin, having left Wednesday for his--gasp--30th reunion of his equivalent to high school class. They return next Wednesday.  I'm sure they're having a wonderful time!
[2022-06-26 18:10:05] <Eris> <Nezz> Oh my, that ␝is␝ lucky! 🙂
[2022-06-26 18:10:23] <Laurna> That is wonderful
[2022-06-26 18:11:13] <KK> Must've been saving their pennies all through the pandemic, so they could go.  Nice reward for frugality.
[2022-06-26 18:11:32] <Laurna> I hope they see a certain friendly gargoyle named Patrick
[2022-06-26 18:12:03] <KK> Dunno, but they were going to check on our former housekeeper, to see if she's still with us.
[2022-06-26 18:12:21] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> That sounds like a very fun trip and a great reason to go.
[2022-06-26 18:12:25] <Laurna> I hope so, that will be nice
[2022-06-26 18:14:03] <KK> The magical Lucy had been a housemaid at our house from the age of about 14, and we inherited her when we bought the house.  She kept order for all the 20 years we were in the house. 
[2022-06-26 18:16:02] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Hi Everyone
[2022-06-26 18:16:07] <Eris> <Nezz> Hi Jerusha
[2022-06-26 18:16:08] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Nice! I only got a cat thrown in when we bought this house.  😄
[2022-06-26 18:16:30] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Is it too late to trade up for a housemaid?
[2022-06-26 18:16:47] <Eris> <Nezz> Do you still have the cat?
[2022-06-26 18:17:31] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> (Seriously, it was a big shock as well as a surprise. We arrived at the new house intending to insulate some exterior pipes prior to a snow storm that was moving in, and to our surprise there was a cat and a bag of cat food inside our otherwise completely empty house!)
[2022-06-26 18:17:55] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Left with intent
[2022-06-26 18:18:16] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> No, we don't. She would probably have died of old age by now anyway, but we already had a cat who didn't get along with others, so we had to rehome her.
[2022-06-26 18:18:23] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Also, she was pregnant.
[2022-06-26 18:18:34] <KK> Lucy knew all the secrets of the old house, had wonderful tales to tell of how it ran in the old days.  Taught me about dressing the hearths in our fireplaces when it was summer and no fires were needed: flowers and the like.  She was also super at cleaning out the ash after we'd had a fire--which was easy enough, since we burned peat instead of wood.  Much b
[2022-06-26 18:18:37] <Eris> <Nezz> Then no, you can't trade up. 😉
[2022-06-26 18:18:48] <Eris> <Jerusha2> The gift that keeps on giving
[2022-06-26 18:19:27] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> We found out from the original owners a few months later that she had been a stray who adopted them, and they had meant to bring her with them but couldn't find her on that last day, so they left the cat food in case she turned up for us. But they didn't realize they'd shut her up inside the house. They thought she'd wandered outside when they were moving.)
[2022-06-26 18:20:12] <Eris> <Nezz> Good thing you moved in quickly
[2022-06-26 18:20:19] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> I hope Lucy is still doing well and has additional stories to tell about your former home.
[2022-06-26 18:21:16] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> @Nezz We actually had to wait another week to move in, since the "snow storm" ended up being the Blizzard of '93.  Fortunately we had managed to get back to our old house before the snow got too bad, otherwise we'd have been stranded in a house with no furnishings, no blankets, and no food!
[2022-06-26 18:21:35] <KK> When we moved from California to Ireland, we almost had to leave Bear behind,because he did a Houdini while the movers were packing up stuff and we then couldn't find him.  Fortunately, he finally showed up.
[2022-06-26 18:22:25] <KK> Sadly, I doubt Lucy was ever in the house again after we sold it.  And the new owners have made serious changes that I doubt she would like.
[2022-06-26 18:22:58] <Eris> <Nezz> We've had to leave two different cats behind for two different moves. We were able to get one back, but the other... well, hopefully he found some good people.
[2022-06-26 18:23:10] <Eris> <Nezz> They just know when a move is coming, and they take off
[2022-06-26 18:23:19] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Surprise Cat got out of the house while I was trying to make an impromptu litter box for her and DH was insulating the pipes.  So she ended up spending part of the blizzard outdoors somewhere, but by the time we were able to make it back there, a few inches of snow on the back deck had managed to push the back door open, and so she was able to get back into the house and was again waiting for our return.
[2022-06-26 18:23:35] <KK> Don't know if Cameron and Anna wll try to visit or not.  They were over for the honeymoon, but I think they only drove past it.
[2022-06-26 18:24:16] <Laurna>  It would be nice if they could get a picture
[2022-06-26 18:24:41] <KK> Or not.  Nice, I mean. 
[2022-06-26 18:25:54] <Eris> <Nezz> Chatty bunch today, aren't we? 😉
[2022-06-26 18:26:21] <Laurna> Jessa puppy is in my lap demanding attention
[2022-06-26 18:26:25] <[chris]> always chatty
[2022-06-26 18:26:36] <[chris]> i'm even chatting from 2 places
[2022-06-26 18:26:48] <Eris> <Jerusha2> ␝offers scritches for Jessa␝
[2022-06-26 18:26:50] <[chris]> so that makes up for it i guess
[2022-06-26 18:27:04] <Eris> <Nezz> Thanks chris, I knew we could count on you. 🙂
[2022-06-26 18:27:31] <KK> I'm still adjusting to having a cat who wants to  be right in front of the screen, between it and the keyboard.  And she paws at stuff.  Like I said, she loves to play, and is very inquisitive.
[2022-06-26 18:27:59] <Laurna> My sister and BIL's manufactured home is supposed to be delivered on next friday.  Then two months before move in
[2022-06-26 18:28:05] <Eris> <Jerusha2> How old is Daphne now?
[2022-06-26 18:28:15] <KK> Just over a year.
[2022-06-26 18:28:34] <KK> So she's still a catling.
[2022-06-26 18:28:42] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Squee for the new home
[2022-06-26 18:29:47] <Eris> <Nezz> OK, I think "catling" is an adorable word. 🙂
[2022-06-26 18:29:48] <Laurna> They are finally getting excited
[2022-06-26 18:30:15] <Eris> <Jerusha2> And should be
[2022-06-26 18:30:35] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Is it all on one floor?
[2022-06-26 18:30:50] <Laurna> Yes
[2022-06-26 18:31:25] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Two months before move-in so that it can be fully assembled on their property?
[2022-06-26 18:31:59] <Laurna> Mostlly to finish flooring and roofing and to build the garage
[2022-06-26 18:32:14] <Laurna> It gets assembled on the day it is delivered
[2022-06-26 18:32:31] <Laurna> Triple wide 5 bedroom 3 bath
[2022-06-26 18:32:32] <KK> Is it close to where you live?
[2022-06-26 18:32:37] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Plumbing and all will still need to be installed?
[2022-06-26 18:32:52] <Eris> <Nezz> Sounds like it's prolly bigger than my houe
[2022-06-26 18:32:57] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Wow, that's big
[2022-06-26 18:33:18] <KK> Just hookup for plumbing, I'd think.
[2022-06-26 18:33:23] <Laurna> Inside is all done just snape together. connecting to the Ground and Utilities then follows
[2022-06-26 18:33:47] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Must be an awesome instruction sheet.
[2022-06-26 18:33:57] <Laurna> RIGHT
[2022-06-26 18:34:09] <KK> Hopefully written by native English-speakers.
[2022-06-26 18:34:28] <Laurna> Hopefully done by people who have done it many times before
[2022-06-26 18:34:35] <KK> Yep.
[2022-06-26 18:34:59] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Connect part A to part C after part B has gone missing
[2022-06-26 18:35:11] <Laurna> OH NO
[2022-06-26 18:35:14] <Laurna> LOL
[2022-06-26 18:35:15] <KK> Arrrrgh!
[2022-06-26 18:35:29] <Laurna> That would make a funny looking home
[2022-06-26 18:36:43] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Feline Impediment is trying to keep me from reading
[2022-06-26 18:37:09] <Laurna> Jessa left as soon as I tried to brush her ears
[2022-06-26 18:37:25] <Eris> <Nezz> I'm watching a show about pets, and they're talking now about how cats have that magneto reception, which is why they rarely get lost.
[2022-06-26 18:38:04] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Jessa did not want to tango with the tangles
[2022-06-26 18:38:10] <Eris> <Nezz> And dogs have thermal sensors in their noses
[2022-06-26 18:38:32] <Laurna> She gas a good one too that reaaly needs brushing out
[2022-06-26 18:39:36] <KK> Evie, any new clothes for your Littles?
[2022-06-26 18:40:44] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Quite a few, in both scales, though most of my Duncan and Helena sized clothes are modern. I did some super mini medieval ones, though, for my dollhouse scale figures
[2022-06-26 18:40:50] <Laurna> I have seen her littles display lots of modern clothes.  one really cut pink dress.
[2022-06-26 18:40:57] <KK> I've <got> to attack my office this week, make it more Daphne-proof.  She's driving me crazy.
[2022-06-26 18:41:18] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Let me see if my latest batch of pics are uploaded to Flickr.
[2022-06-26 18:41:30] <Laurna> Now Daphne, let KK have some peace
[2022-06-26 18:42:35] <KK> I fear that wlll only happen if I get both of us out of this room.  I <will> try to get to the office this week!
[2022-06-26 18:43:29] <Eris> <Nezz> Hey, since next week is July 3, will there stil be a zoom meeting?
[2022-06-26 18:43:30] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> https://www.flickr.com/gp/9573389@N08/129m67
[2022-06-26 18:44:05] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> https://www.flickr.com/gp/9573389@N08/4UN2ov
[2022-06-26 18:44:25] <KK> So on that note, I think I'm going to sign off for tonight.  Daphne has just dragged out a pair of scissors , which could be dangerous for an inquisitive kitty.
[2022-06-26 18:44:38] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> https://www.flickr.com/gp/9573389@N08/W1mF70
[2022-06-26 18:44:42] <KK> Why do they always to for the sharp, pointy things?
[2022-06-26 18:44:44] <Eris> <Nezz> KK, will you be here for July 3 zoom next week?
[2022-06-26 18:44:45] <Laurna> Maybe get her one of those cat puzzel toys with food inside of it when you want to be on the computer
[2022-06-26 18:44:48] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> There's three of my 1:12 figures with medieval garb
[2022-06-26 18:45:23] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Oh dear, KK
[2022-06-26 18:45:35] <Laurna> Love the Trews and the ugg boots Evei
[2022-06-26 18:45:39] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> DH once caught our late cat Genny attempting to swallow a piece of thread that had a needle on it. Fortunately he caught a glint of light flashing off the needle just as it was about to go into her mouth!
[2022-06-26 18:46:00] — KK steps onto her Portal, waving goodnight, and disappears in a shower of green sparkles.
[2022-06-26 18:46:04] <Eris> <Nezz> night KK
[2022-06-26 18:46:06] <Laurna> Good Night KK
[2022-06-26 18:46:10] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Nighters, KK
[2022-06-26 18:46:11] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Goodnight, KK
[2022-06-26 18:46:29] <[chris]> night KK
[2022-06-26 18:46:33] <KK> See you guys next week, hopefully with a more cooperative cat in attendance.
[2022-06-26 18:46:46] <KK> Nighters!
[2022-06-26 18:46:49] <[chris]> next week is Zoom
[2022-06-26 18:46:51] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Maybe the office needs a Daphne-proof Dutch Door that's too high to jump over if the top half remains open so you can hear if she's getting into anything in the next room.
[2022-06-26 18:46:52] ⇐ KK quit (49ab39c5@owirc-0o17lq.mibbit.com): Quit: https://mibbit.com Online IRC Client
President/Founder of The Worlds of Katherine Kurtz Fan Club
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