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KK Chat -- 24 April 2022 (Happy Orthodox Easter!)

Started by DesertRose, April 24, 2022, 06:56:08 PM

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[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [6:54:54 PM EDT] Join KK has joined this channel.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [6:55:12 PM EDT] <KK> Hello, all.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [6:55:22 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Hello KK
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [6:55:28 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> I'm back
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [6:55:32 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> You seem to have beaten everyone
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [6:55:33 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Hi KK!
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [6:55:52 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Hello
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [6:55:57 PM EDT] <KK> Bynw asked me to try another way to get here, so I did, and it worked.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [6:56:07 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Cool
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [6:56:12 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Good!
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [6:56:13 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Oh good. I briefly disconnected just as I was saying Hi. Don't know what happened there.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [6:56:14 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Not that we doubted bynq
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [6:56:48 PM EDT] <bynw> Hi KK
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [6:57:07 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> How are things in KK-land?
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [6:57:29 PM EDT] <KK> Well, I think spring has finally arrived here.  It was in the 80s here yesterday, and in the 90s over the mountain in Charlottesville.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [6:57:54 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Ooooooo! We had 34 when I woke up this morning. 🙂
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [6:58:45 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Yeah, it's been in the high 70s or low 80s here
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [6:58:46 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> Hi everyone and especially KK
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [6:59:41 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> hullo dfk
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [6:59:45 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Hi DFK.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [6:59:50 PM EDT] <DesertRose> BRB, all, the oven just beeped.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [6:59:52 PM EDT] <bynw> hi DFK
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [6:59:58 PM EDT] <KK> All is well here.  Met the buyer of the old house a couple of days ago, and she seems very nice.  She and her husband have a serious connection with the house already.  Her family built the original house downtown, and 100 years or so later, his family bought it and moved it to its present location.  Cool, huh?
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:00:14 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Oh neat!
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:00:16 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Oh wow!
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:00:38 PM EDT] <bynw> oh wow
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:01:28 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> Haven't been home that long. Went to a concert with YoYoMa and Katherine Stot. It was fantastic. That man makes the cello sing
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:01:35 PM EDT] <KK> She was having the kitchen measured for new countertops--granite or quartz--and there were guys downstairs remediating the radon.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:01:57 PM EDT] Join The_Bee (The_Bee@owirc-f72.tb3.61.73.IP) has joined this channel.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:02:27 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> @KK That connection of the buyer with the house is amazing
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:02:28 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Hello everyone
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:02:35 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> Hi Bee
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:02:55 PM EDT] Join Imladris (Imladris@owirc-0s1.6ok.71.216.IP) has joined this channel.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:02:55 PM EDT] <The_Bee> what connection?
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:03:05 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Hi Imladris
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:03:07 PM EDT] <Imladris> waves to all
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:03:08 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> Hi Imladris
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:03:20 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Hi Bee, hullo Imladris
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:03:28 PM EDT] <KK> And this weekend, my handyman and his crew were putting back the timber they'd had to remove in order to remove the bees that had moved in under the eaves at the side of the library.  No bees harmed during this operation.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:03:55 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Hurray for beekeepers and handymen
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:04:14 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Maybe they'll give you some honey? 8)
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:04:17 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> Check KK's comment about meeting with the buyer above
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:04:37 PM EDT] <Imladris> Strange weather here.  70 Friday, winterstorm warnings yesterday..  60 TWTh this week
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:04:44 PM EDT] <KK> Her family built the original house downtown, and his family later bought it and had it moved to its present location. And he's wanted to buy it for years; used to come to the house with the rescue squad, so he'd been inside.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:04:57 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Where are you, Imlaadris?
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:04:59 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Hi everyone
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:05:04 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Hey Shiral
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:05:08 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> Hi Shiral
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:05:14 PM EDT] <bynw> Hi Bee, Imladris, and Shiral
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:05:16 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Hi Shiral
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:05:18 PM EDT] <Imladris> Rapid City, SD
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:05:28 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> That's awesome, KK
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:05:53 PM EDT] <Imladris> Snow yesterday, now clear and the grass needs to be cut...  oh well.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:06:08 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> I guess those buyers really wanted Edge Hill, KK
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:06:26 PM EDT] <Imladris> That is the old house near Staunton?
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:06:47 PM EDT] <The_Bee> where KK and Scott lived
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:06:49 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> You have rollercoaster wetaher like we do. In teh 50.s Friday, 80's today, M.T then back donw again to the low 60's New daignosis, weather whiplash
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:07:04 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> The old house just up the road from me. Well, "up the road" by a few hundred miles, but it's the same road. 😂
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:07:07 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Gotta love early spring weather. 🙂
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:07:07 PM EDT] <KK> Yep.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:07:32 PM EDT] <Imladris> Went to Concert Friday.... Chicago  55 years of consecutive tours
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:07:50 PM EDT] <KK> Cool, re Yo Yo Ma concert!
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:07:55 PM EDT] <The_Bee> We've had wet March and dry April.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:08:02 PM EDT] <Imladris> Evie, US-11?
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:08:05 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Back with food. Hi Bee, Imladris, Shiral?
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:08:13 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Sorry, I don't know why I put a question mark there.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:08:24 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Hi DR I was wondering myself?
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:08:25 PM EDT] <Imladris> Hi DR
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:08:29 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> 55 years is a long time to tour
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:08:32 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> 😏
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:08:32 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> Bet it was a great concert, I used to love Chicago
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:08:41 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> My driving directions to KK's former house. "Leave driveway, turn right. Go to end of road, turn right again. At Highway 11, turn right once more. Drive forever until you see KK's house." 😂
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:08:44 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> How many of the original members are left?
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:08:44 PM EDT] <Imladris> Still sounded amazing
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:09:11 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Granted, that would probably be the slowest way to get there, but still! 😄
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:09:21 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> The scenic route
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:09:30 PM EDT] <KK> Yep, old house is on US 11.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:09:55 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> When do you close KK?
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:09:56 PM EDT] <Imladris> Drove 11/81 from Louisiana to Watertown..  with a stop in Stuart's Draft.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:10:11 PM EDT] <KK> But I'd come most of the way from the south on I 81.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:10:20 PM EDT] <KK> We close a week from tomorrow.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:10:35 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Speaking of Chicago, I saw ssomething on TV about the Chicago River.  It was so polluted it caught fire during the great Chicago fire.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:10:45 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> That's a lot like how I'd drive to Laurna's place: go west a mile and turn left. Drive for 10 hours, then take the exit to Laurna's house.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:10:52 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> I know you will be glad to have it settled
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:10:59 PM EDT] <Imladris> Nezz,  three,  James Pankow Trombone, Lee Lounaire on trumpet, and Robert Lamm Keyboard
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:11:01 PM EDT] <KK> Amen to that!
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:11:04 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Eh the slow scenic route has its rewards.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:11:55 PM EDT] <KK> Yep.  I often to north to Harrisonburg on 11 rather than 81; much more pleasant.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:12:30 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> True, You find cool little placs to stop on the slow scenic route. You would never seee them from the interstate
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:13:04 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> The drive from Coroth to Rhemuth is lovely at this time of year
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:13:13 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> ␝snork␝
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:13:15 PM EDT] <Imladris> KK,  you need to come visit once you get settled. Some lovely scenery in the Black Hills
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:13:18 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> LOL
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:13:19 PM EDT] <The_Bee> I have to yake a bus or Amtrak.  I never go my driver's license.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:13:29 PM EDT] <The_Bee> or take
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:13:40 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> It's a nice drive, especially if you take the coastal route, Shiral. 😉
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:13:48 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> For a second there I saw that as "Take a yak" Bee
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:13:57 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Shiral, I saw that too. 🙂
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:13:58 PM EDT] <Imladris> I would rather take the boat from Coroth...
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:14:02 PM EDT] <KK> I'd like that, Imladris.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:14:04 PM EDT] <The_Bee> only in the himalayas
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:14:08 PM EDT] <DesertRose> To Laurna's, I'd do, turn right coming out of my building's parking lot, left, left, exit right on 351B. Drive and drive and drive for a day and a half (and that's just driving hours, not counting eating and sleeping).
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:14:09 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Yak transport is very chancy
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:14:11 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> Amtrak has wonderful scenic routes and you are not bothered with crazy or incompetent drivers
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:14:13 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> ␝envisions going from Coroth to Rhemuth on a yak␝
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:14:29 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> You definitely wouldn't get there quickly
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:14:53 PM EDT] <KK> I like Amtrak.  My mother was a fanaaatic, and I went cross-country with her several times.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:14:55 PM EDT] <Imladris> I like sailing...
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:14:55 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Yetis are even worse.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:15:04 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Nope. 35 hours on I-10.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:15:08 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Must be why Alaric would rather travel aboard the Rhaffallia
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:15:13 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> I think I'd prefer Coroth to Rhemuth on Amtrak. That way you get to see the sights without having to do the driving.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:15:20 PM EDT] <DesertRose> I like Amtrak too; I just wish they had more routes.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:15:24 PM EDT] <KK> Sailing is good.  My dad had a sailboat, so we used to spend a lot of time on Biscayne Bay.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:15:41 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> We were supposed to go on a cross-country Amtrak tour with my inlaws years ago, but then I found out I was pregnant with DD, and the trip was scheduled too close to my due date, so we cancelled.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:15:42 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> So true. They are adding routes. Just need to encourage them
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:15:54 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> But would they call it Amtrak in Gwynedd? Definitely a more reliable mode of travel than yaks
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:16:04 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Gwyntrak?
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:16:05 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> GwynTrak
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:16:11 PM EDT] <The_Bee> amtrak expensive?
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:16:17 PM EDT] <Imladris> I remember sailing on Biscayne Bay on a rainy day in jr college ..  in a Flying Junior..  was awesome
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:16:27 PM EDT] <KK> I've not seen any yaks in Gwynedd, but I suppose there could be some.  Camels, too.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:16:33 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Have y'all seen the camera Amtrak is doing, regarding resuming passenger service in the areas that were damaged by Hurricane Katrina?
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:16:40 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Or Gwynrail, if you name it based on our world's equivalent, Britrail
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:16:53 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Oh, good point
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:16:54 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> I think Yaks would be a definite rarity in Gwynedd
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:16:59 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> I like gwynRail
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:17:00 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Does Biscayne Bay have dolphins or dugongs?
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:17:07 PM EDT] <Imladris> dolphin
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:17:10 PM EDT] <KK> Dolphins.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:17:11 PM EDT] <DesertRose> https://jalopnik.com/amtrak-is-using-twitch-to-fight-freight-railroads-1848775852
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:17:35 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> The Codex has herds of antelope roaming the Llyndruth plain, so who knows? There might be a stray yak or two. 😉
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:17:55 PM EDT] <Imladris> perhaps stray pronghorn?
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:18:04 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> CSX and NS being a pain.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:18:06 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Very stray But Duncan might have spotted some of those very shaggy cows up in Cassan
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:18:40 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> My town is not too fond of Norfolk Southern's habit of parking their trains for hours across key intersections, including the one that leads into and out of my neighborhood.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:18:44 PM EDT] <Imladris> or  perhaps Chamois that they called antelope?
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:18:49 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> Wish Congress woould tell them to play nocely or no more subsidies
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:19:18 PM EDT] <DesertRose> That would require Congress not to act like a bunch of toddlers who need a nap.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:19:31 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> We should check out the Queen's zoo in Bedour
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:19:52 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> If you're not nice to the Queen, you might end up in her zoo...
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:20:00 PM EDT] <DesertRose> I for one would love a tour of Hagios Iob.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:20:07 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Queen Circe?
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:20:08 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> I want to check out Dhassa, though I'll bring my own wine.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:20:30 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> do you suppose Dhassa's wine got any better over the centuries?
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:20:31 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> Me too and those Hanging Gardens would be a big attraction
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:20:35 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> I wouldn't mind a week or two to explore Rhemuth
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:20:49 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> @Nezz Well, I doubt it could have got any worse....
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:20:50 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> And the Ile d'Orsal
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:21:06 PM EDT] <The_Bee> I'd want to search for the ruins of Caeriesse.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:21:23 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Yes, I'll go with you on that trip, Bee
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:21:24 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Especially the Gothic Perpendicular-style cathedral I'm building in my languishing fanfic to replace the one destroyed in the Great Fire of 1366.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:21:27 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Dhassa might not be the right place for viticulture
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:21:38 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> Don't know why Dhasa's wine was so bad, bad grapes or poor vintners?
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:21:43 PM EDT] <DesertRose> (Re Rhemuth)
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:21:52 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Possibly both, DFK.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:21:52 PM EDT] <The_Bee> bad year?
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:21:56 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> It might not have the right soil or the right climate there for grapes
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:22:15 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Or the right sort of wild yeasts
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:22:16 PM EDT] <DesertRose> For good wines, grapes can be weirdly picky about the soil they like.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:22:48 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Up in the mountains it might be too cold and damp too much of the time for grapes
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:22:55 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Denis probably imported the good wine from elsewhere
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:23:03 PM EDT] <Imladris> Bee, with Taliessin?
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:23:15 PM EDT] <The_Bee> What kind of weather do wine grapes like?
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:23:28 PM EDT] <Imladris> depends on the grape.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:23:29 PM EDT] <DesertRose> I'm not a fan of super-sweet wine, so except for the sparkling, the only use I have for San Sebastian (semi-local winery) wines is mulled wine. It's too sweet for me, otherwise.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:23:32 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> "I'm coming home overnight, Seisyll. Have the Vezairi port ready, or a cask of Fianna."
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:23:45 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Remind me, Imladris
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:23:46 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Their sparkling wine tastes just like muscadine grapes, only liquid and bubbly.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:23:55 PM EDT] <Imladris> San Sebastion is muscadine
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:24:09 PM EDT] <Imladris> "foxy" wines
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:24:16 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> I might like that, then. I prefer sweet wines, and can't handle anything that is too dry.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:24:24 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> @KK, does it amuse you to watch people discuss the concepts of Gwynrail and possible reasons for the nastiness of Dhassa whine?
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:24:30 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> I think in general they like it warm and sunny with enough but not too much rain.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:24:32 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Wine grapes tend to like it sunny, and they like rocky soil.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:24:41 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> I don't necessarily want something as sweet as Jam Jar, but I do want to taste sweetness rather than tannins
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:24:51 PM EDT] <The_Bee> cream sherry...port...uscatel
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:24:57 PM EDT] <The_Bee> muscatel
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:25:03 PM EDT] <KK> Yes, it does.  A delightful side-effect of the creative process.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:25:12 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> "Dhassa whine" ... what Dhassans do if they have to drink their own local vintage. 😄
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:25:17 PM EDT] <DesertRose> ROFL
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:25:24 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> Me tooo
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:25:32 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> I like sherry. I like champagne, but I'm not really a wine drinker
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:25:33 PM EDT] <Imladris> Taliesin is the precursor to Merlin..  you know that Lewis had Merlin as last survivor or Numinor[sic]
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:25:47 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> I always thought that I can count myself a successfsul writer if one day I get people writing fanfic and doing fan art based on my stories.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:25:48 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> That's why Dhassans like ale better
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:26:12 PM EDT] <Imladris> regular bunch grapes don't do well in Florida due to nematodes.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:26:20 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Merlin of ambrose, aka Ambrose of Merlin.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:26:42 PM EDT] <KK> I just turned on the overhead fan, as this office gets hot from all the computer equipment.  We'll see if Daphne takes exception to it as many cats do.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:26:51 PM EDT] <Imladris> survivor OF Numinor.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:27:12 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Gigi is sitting directly under my ceiling fan to get the cool breeze
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:27:46 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Imladris, was that in "That Hideous Strength?"
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:27:47 PM EDT] * bynw notes that Kagi is sitting in his computer chair which prevents him from sitting in it properly
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:27:53 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Dmitri is lying next to my laptop but unfortunately is occupying almost all of my mousepad
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:28:00 PM EDT] <The_Bee> I have a fantasy THAT mORGAN MAY BE A DESCENDANT OF SURVIVORS OF cAERISEE.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:28:02 PM EDT] <Imladris> yes.  strangely prescient book.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:28:18 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Hi
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:28:18 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Everyone!
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:28:19 PM EDT] <Imladris> Didn't KK hint that the deryni were?
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:28:19 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> I haven't read that yet, but keep meaning to try to find it
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:28:24 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Hi Jerusha
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:28:25 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Hi Jerusha
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:28:30 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> But Kagi comments that it is her chair, she just lets bynw share sometimes
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:28:39 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> Hi Jerusha
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:28:59 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> With cats my philosophy is, "I fill your bowls and I'm bigger, so that is my chair, too."
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:29:19 PM EDT] <Imladris> Evie, That trilogy grew on me
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:29:26 PM EDT] <The_Bee> hi Jerusha
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:29:32 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> In my only vaguely formed backstory for my AU island kingdom of Llyr, I envision the original Llyrians being descended from survivors of the Caeriesse catastrophe
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:29:42 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> ␝produces cake, cream and strawberries␝
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:29:42 PM EDT] <bynw> I've never been able to finish "That Hideous Strength". The first 2 books of the Space Trilogy ... no problem but I just cant get into the 3rd and final book.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:29:44 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> We've got a neighbor cat, Nico, who has begun coming in through the cat door and causing a ruckus amongst my kitties.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:30:11 PM EDT] <bynw> Hi Jerusha
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:30:27 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Oooh, cake, cream, and strawberries! ␝om nom nom␝
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:30:29 PM EDT] <Imladris> was the hardest, but eventually was pretty good.  And amazingly insightful now.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:30:54 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> I never get tired of the combination, Nezz
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:30:55 PM EDT] <KK> We obtained several of our Irish cats from them coming in through the cat flap and staying.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:31:11 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Shiral, why might one get tired of perfection? 🙂
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:31:16 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> There must have been an Irish Cat network
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:31:19 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> @Imladris I read Perelandra years ago, but didn't get into the next book, but it might have gone over my head since I was just 11 or 12 at the time. I read the Narnia books multiple times though, as well as The Great Divorce, Screwtape Letters, and I think a few others.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:31:28 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Excellent point!
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:31:54 PM EDT] <The_Bee> In my fantasy Eleven Kingdoms and neighborint lands, Iceland is Njordrheim, named after the Vanir god Njord
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:31:58 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> I wouldn't mind Nico hanging around a bit, but he upsets my boy kitties and then there's fights and fur flying, and possible absesses... I'd hoped my boys were finally past that phase.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:32:02 PM EDT] <KK> That's how Edgar of blessed memory got his name: came in and hoovered up the other cats' food, so he became J. Edgar Hoover.  He was also a very intelligent cat, an investigator cat.  Black and white tuxedo.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:32:06 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> "The door was open, so I'm staying" sayeth the stray
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:32:13 PM EDT] <Imladris> Think was interesting the Evil beauracracy was named NICE..  which eventually became the name of the Govt agency that oversees healthcare in UK.. such as telling you you are to old to get dialysis
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:33:06 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Yeah, I'm sure Nico says "This is a cat door, it's obviously a house for cats, I'm a cat, what's the problem?"
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:33:13 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> I need to do another dive into the Inklings again
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:33:53 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Dmitri is an escape artist.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:33:59 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> [Nico] 😄
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:34:07 PM EDT] <Imladris> I have the book by Charles williams   with the arthurian torso
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:34:09 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> Has anyone read the MEylin trilogy bu Mary Stewart. According to her Merlin's father was named Ambrosius' good books
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:34:26 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> "the door is open and the world awaits!" would be his motto if I didn't keep recapturing him and taking him back inside
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:34:30 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> A while back
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:34:46 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> I read those books and loved them at the time, but haven't re-read them for a while
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:34:46 PM EDT] <The_Bee> The Crystal Cave?
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:34:47 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> I've heard of it, but have either never read it or it was so long ago, I can't remember anymore.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:35:04 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> That was one of them, Bee
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:35:21 PM EDT] <KK> I read them, but it's been a loooong time.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:35:26 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> The Hollow Hills and the Crystal Cave are the titles, but I forget which one is the first
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:35:28 PM EDT] <The_Bee> I liked Stewart's mystery novels better.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:35:52 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> She was very good at those, yes. My favorite was "Nine Coaches Waiting."
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:35:57 PM EDT] <Imladris> Talliesin through Logres, The region of the summer stars, and an ARthurian Torso
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:36:03 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> I need to go back and read Dorothy Sayers again. I loved the books up until The Nine Tailors, but then got bogged down midway through and didn't finish the series.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:36:35 PM EDT] <KK> I loved Sayers.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:36:41 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> The Crystal Cave, The Hollow hills and the Last Enchantment,
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:36:52 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> The Moonspinners was one of her mysteries, if I remember correctly
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:36:56 PM EDT] <Imladris> the last section was a charles williams/ CS lewis  walk through the arthurian legend
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:36:59 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Who's the author who continued the Peter Wimsey series?
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:37:31 PM EDT] <KK> I think there was one continuation, but it wasn't Sayers.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:37:39 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> I liked her mysteries too but I really liked her Merlin books.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:37:42 PM EDT] <The_Bee> at least two
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:38:21 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> I just finished a trilogy about Alienor (Eleanor) of Aquitaine that I quite liked
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:38:48 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> by Elizabeth Chadwick
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:38:52 PM EDT] <Imladris> one of the things I think they postulated was origin of Galahad's name - Galarius Hadrianus.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:39:31 PM EDT] <KK> I'm currently reading Price and Prejudice and Sea Monsters.  Not as good as the Zombie one, but fairly clever.  I'm only a few chapters into it.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:39:51 PM EDT] <Imladris> I ended up getting all of the Cadfael books on Ebay a while back.  They were fun mysteries
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:39:58 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Oh, I loved the Zombie one!
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:40:03 PM EDT] <KK> Pride and Prejudice.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:40:20 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Love me some good P&P
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:40:27 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> It's amazing how much of the actual Pride and Prejudice is in the pastiche
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:40:30 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Price and Prejudice would be an intriguing title for a novel...
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:40:33 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> Jill Paton Walsh continued the series but only a couple of books
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:40:54 PM EDT] <The_Bee> I liked to Cadfael books, but I didn't like the actor who played Hugh on Masterpiece.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:41:00 PM EDT] <Imladris> Shiral  or an economics book?
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:41:22 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> I liked the first actor, but not the second so much
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:41:22 PM EDT] <Imladris> never saw the series on PBS
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:41:33 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> It would have to be a novel if I'm going to read it, Imladris. I'd really be a flop as an economist!
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:41:41 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> I love the Cadfael books and have all of them
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:41:45 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> I saw the preview for the upcoming Downton Abbey movie at the theatre today
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:41:49 PM EDT] <Imladris> Loved the Jeremy Brett Sherlock
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:41:54 PM EDT] <KK> Oooooh!
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:42:02 PM EDT] <DesertRose> I caught the first Cadfael book as a Kindle freebie and took the rest out of the library.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:42:06 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> I loved the Cadfael books, but as often happens, I found the TV series disappointing.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:42:09 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Library e-lending apps are AMAZING.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:42:33 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> I liked the series; then I read the books (all of them)
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:42:35 PM EDT] <DesertRose> I want to read this book. Click borrow. Give the Kindle a few seconds. Read. yay!
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:42:54 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> THey are, but it can be difficult to get people connected to their ebooks over the phone.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:43:05 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Did you read Ellis Peters's earlier series about a detective name George Felse?
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:43:14 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Yeah, I can imagine there are some tech snafus from time to time.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:43:32 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> No Bee, never heard of it
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:43:34 PM EDT] <Imladris> jeremy brett had Holmes down to the point that Dame Conan Doyle said he played it like her
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:43:38 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> I need to remember to contact my library, because for some reason my library card number isn't working properly with my app. I don't think the card is expired, but I can't think of why my passcode and/or my barcode number aren't working.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:43:42 PM EDT] <Imladris> granfather read it to her
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:43:44 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Still awfully handy to decide I want to borrow a book from the library at midnight and start reading it at 12:04.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:44:01 PM EDT] <The_Bee> It's very good.  He's a country policeman.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:44:05 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Tech snafus, and also people who have great difficulty figuring out what they need to do to download ebooks. Luckily once we help them download the right app, that solves a lot of problems.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:44:06 PM EDT] <KK> True enough.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:44:09 PM EDT] <DesertRose> My library likes you to come in and verify your address once a year or so.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:44:23 PM EDT] <Imladris> nor had I, bee
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:44:48 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Yeah, having the right app in place helps a LOT.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:44:56 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> HUGELY, in fact!
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:45:08 PM EDT] <Imladris> I have some of the free books downloaded
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:45:21 PM EDT] <KK> I need to get my Ipad sorted for e-books.  I used to use an Android tablet, but it died and Cameron and Anna got me the Ipad.  Still sussing out its mysteries.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:45:22 PM EDT] <DesertRose> A friend of mine hadn't known you could borrow audiobooks via the library apps, so that was my good deed for Tuesday.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:45:26 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> So we've learned to ask "Do you have the Libby app on your phone/tablet?"
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:45:36 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> But I've been in and checked a book out within the past month or two, which is when I picked up the card with the QR code for the e-books and e-magazines, so unless my card expired between when I was there and when I decided to try the code, I have no clue why the card won't work right.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:45:47 PM EDT] <Imladris> KK you might like the book about Jonathon Dickenson with the connections to FL..
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:46:12 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Time to go to the library and have them help you straighten out the problem, Evie
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:46:16 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> KK, I just downloaded the Kindle app to my ipad and that's where I read most books lately
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:46:42 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Yeah. I might be able to get there before they close on a Monday or Tuesday evening. Otherwise, I'll need to wait for next weekend.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:46:43 PM EDT] <The_Bee> I still like books on paper.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:46:44 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> I have some Deryni ebooks, but most of mine are in print form
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:47:15 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> I have my Deryni books in just about every format Deryni books exist in, I think. 😂
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:47:20 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> I have the CM books as ebooks, but everything else I've got in print. First series I've got in both formats.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:47:41 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> I had this silly image of Alaric wearing earbuds for a second...
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:48:00 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> ␝looks at mini-Alaric␝ That could be arranged, Shiral
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:48:01 PM EDT] <Laurna> I have them all as Ebooks and paper just depends on where I am at the moment
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:48:01 PM EDT] <Imladris> Bee  I like books on paper too
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:48:18 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Alaric: "Hey, if Duncan can have a lightsabre, I think I can have a pair of earbuds for my ebooks."
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:48:29 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Richenda: "Alaric Morgan you take out those earbuds when I'm talking to you!"
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:48:34 PM EDT] <KK> Agree, Nezz.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:48:35 PM EDT] <Laurna> And music too
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:48:36 PM EDT] <Imladris> I am even worse like hard cover books
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:48:40 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Earbuds and a smartphone or tablet?
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:48:52 PM EDT] <Imladris> was a bear getting The second Adept book
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:49:26 PM EDT] <The_Bee> grizzly bear or polar bear?
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:49:32 PM EDT] <Imladris> in hard cover
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:49:36 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> I have my Deryni library mostly in hardcover form. I was always too impatient to wait for the paperback when a new book came out!
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:49:42 PM EDT] <Imladris> kodiak
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:49:45 PM EDT] <Laurna> The Adept books I onlly have on Ebooks I read them all at work
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:50:02 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> I was pleasantly surprised when I got the first series as ebooks and discovered there was new and updated content. Made me all kinds of pleased.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:50:33 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> At one time I had them all in paperback and at least half in hardback. The first three trilogies were already out in paperback before I discovered the series.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:51:09 PM EDT] <Imladris> The first trilogy was paper..  as was camber when I got them.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:51:12 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> I love that the ebooks are searchable.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:51:32 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> That makes it really easy for me to find key details if I need them in a hurry
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:51:34 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> Oh yeah, that's very nice!
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:51:39 PM EDT] <The_Bee> I discoveredDeryni Rising when it was the only one.  I was delight to find the next.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:51:46 PM EDT] <KK> I'm going to have to sign out, guys.  The fan isn't sufficient to take the edge off the heat, now that it's hotter outside, and Daphne is attacking everything on my desk that isn't tied down.  We'll try this again next week!
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:51:52 PM EDT] <Laurna> When I was mapping out Coroth. My first edition book said Alaric turned right into the gardens and my ebook said he turned left into the gardens. and Left had to be correct because it was the only way to map out the castle. So I figured that was a good correction.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:52:00 PM EDT] <Imladris> finally got a three book hardcover of the first ..  and then the individuals when re released
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:52:05 PM EDT] <Eris> <Nezz> I hope you have a great week, KK
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:52:09 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Zoom chat next week?
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:52:10 PM EDT] <Eris> <DFK> Night KK, Havr a good week
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:52:17 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Daphne is helping make sure it doesn't fly off. 😄
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:52:17 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Nighters, KK.  DAphne, behave yourself!
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:52:18 PM EDT] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Have a good week, KK
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:52:22 PM EDT] <Imladris> night kk
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:52:22 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie the Verbose> Goodnight, KK
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:52:24 PM EDT] <Laurna> Good Evening KK
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:52:29 PM EDT] <Eris> <Shiral> Night, KK, have a good week
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:52:34 PM EDT] * KK steps onto her Portal, waves goodnight, and disappears in a shower of green sparkles.
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:52:42 PM EDT] <KK> Nighters, all!
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:52:51 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Zoom chat next Sunday, May 1?
[Sunday, April 24, 2022] [7:52:57 PM EDT] Quit KK has left this server (Quit: Connection closed).
"If having a soul means being able to feel love, loyalty, and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans."

James Herriot (James Alfred "Alfie" Wight), when a human client asked him if animals have souls.  (I don't remember in which book the story originally appeared.)