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KK Chat -- 14 November 2021, Part One

Started by DesertRose, November 14, 2021, 03:53:35 PM

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[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [2:57:03 PM EST] Join KK has joined this channel.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [2:57:03 PM EST] <DesertRose> Not just no! :P
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [2:57:05 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> And in the winter of '90, our state got declared a disaster area because we had so much snow.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [2:57:06 PM EST] <DesertRose> Hi KK!
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [2:57:10 PM EST] <bynw> Hi KK
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [2:57:15 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> Hello KK
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [2:57:18 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> We had a real live blizzard with over 2 feet of snow in 1980. Shut down everything.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [2:57:23 PM EST] <DesertRose> That was a masterpiece of bad timing, my last as KK entered the chat.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [2:57:23 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> Hi KK
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [2:57:24 PM EST] Join The_Bee (The_Bee@owirc-dm2.tb3.61.73.IP) has joined this channel.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [2:57:25 PM EST] <KK> Hello, all.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [2:57:27 PM EST] <DesertRose> Hi Bee.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [2:57:33 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> Hi Bee
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [2:57:40 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> Hello Bee
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [2:57:53 PM EST] <The_Bee> Hi KK and everyone
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [2:57:53 PM EST] <bynw> hi Bee, did you get your prize from the other week?
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [2:58:19 PM EST] <The_Bee> The membership card? Yep
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [2:58:27 PM EST] <bynw> bookmark actually
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [2:58:35 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> There's a membership cRD?
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [2:58:43 PM EST] <The_Bee> bookmark then
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [2:59:05 PM EST] <Laurna> Hello KK, DR, Bynw, Bee, DFK and Nezz
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [2:59:11 PM EST] <DesertRose> Hi Laurna
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [2:59:15 PM EST] <Laurna> hello anyone I missed
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [2:59:18 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> Hi Laurna
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [2:59:36 PM EST] <KK> How is everyone today? Anyone with snow yet?
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [2:59:36 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> Hi Laurna
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [2:59:50 PM EST] <The_Bee> I'm getting a lot of notices about cat videos.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [2:59:50 PM EST] <Laurna> Bynw did you say 36F right now we are 86F and gorgeous
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:00:04 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> Nope, we have trouble getting rain. Getting dry
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:00:08 PM EST] <DesertRose> Carys and I are having a lazy Sunday. We went out on the balcony to water the container garden and get a little sun and fresh air just before chat.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:00:08 PM EST] <The_Bee> 49F here
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:00:11 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> Nothing that has stuck to the ground, but Potpie came in the other day complaining about snow, with a lttle bit of snow on his flank
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:00:36 PM EST] <DesertRose> 66 F and sunny and gorgeous here
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:00:43 PM EST] <Laurna> I love our fall weather
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:00:50 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> Sounds perfect DR
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:01:03 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> lovely 58° here... oh, nvm, it's down to 55
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:01:08 PM EST] <DesertRose> Carys certainly thought it was purrfect. She sounded like a little motorboat out there. ;)
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:01:18 PM EST] <The_Bee> The tree in front of my building is gold, starting to turn red.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:01:20 PM EST] <Laurna> Out night time gets down to 58F
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:01:25 PM EST] <bynw> we got snow on the 12th but it didnt stay
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:01:30 PM EST] <Laurna> Pretty Bee
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:01:40 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> Wish you had been able to get a pic of her sunning her tummy
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:01:48 PM EST] <DesertRose> It's supposed to go into the 40s F tonight here. A good night to pile in the bed with a warm snuggly cat.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:01:51 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> Our night times ddrop into the high 30s, but that's perfectly acceptable for this time of year
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:01:52 PM EST] <KK> I'm watching too much Weather Channel. They're going on and on about snow beginning in various places, including Des Moines,, Bynw.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:01:59 PM EST] <DesertRose> I wish I had too; it was too cute.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:02:35 PM EST] <DesertRose> How was your week, KK?
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:02:53 PM EST] <bynw> the 12th would have been my mom's 77th birthday. she always liked it if it snowed on her birthday. so it was a good thing that it did snow even if it didnt stay
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:03:02 PM EST] <KK> Sniff. No warm, snuggly cat for me for a while.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:03:10 PM EST] <DesertRose> Oh, KK, I'm sorry, I didn't think!
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:03:21 PM EST] <Laurna> ***Sniff and a hug***
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:03:27 PM EST] * DesertRose offers a hug.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:03:37 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> I know you miss Gus but I bet there is a cat in your future
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:03:49 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> Hugs from us for now
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:04:09 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Hi Everyone!
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:04:14 PM EST] <Laurna> Hello Jerusha
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:04:15 PM EST] <KK> No problem. I knew he was on his way out. It's still hard when the moment comes, of course, but other than constantly seeing Gus-shaped spaces all over the house, I'm fine. And there is definitely a cat (or maybe cats) in my future.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:04:15 PM EST] <DesertRose> Hi Jerusha.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:04:16 PM EST] <The_Bee> I trust you'll find a worthy successor to Gus, KK.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:04:23 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> Hello Jerusha
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:04:30 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> Hi Jerusha
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:04:37 PM EST] <bynw> hi Jerusha
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:04:39 PM EST] <The_Bee> Hi jerusha
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:05:09 PM EST] <Laurna> We shall all miss the chatty red fluff that walks across your zoom camera
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:05:20 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> I bet there is a cat or cats looking for you
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:05:20 PM EST] <DesertRose> Grief is love that has lost its way.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:05:39 PM EST] <KK> On a brighter note, I have a guy coming to the old house tomorrow to haul off a LOT of stuff to Goodwill and/or Salvation Army, from attic and garage, which are now empty!
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:05:50 PM EST] <The_Bee> Good!
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:05:53 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> Yay
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:05:54 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Woo hoo!
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:06:01 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> Great!
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:06:03 PM EST] <Laurna> Wow by now I would imagine there should be nothing left
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:06:06 PM EST] <bynw> a Zoom chat without Gus telling us what is going on will be sad indeed
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:06:32 PM EST] <KK> Hopefully the next cat will also be a talker.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:06:33 PM EST] <DesertRose> Yay for clearing stuff out!
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:06:38 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Will it be much longer before you can put the old house on the market, KK?
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:06:40 PM EST] <KK> Yes!
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:06:54 PM EST] <KK> Maybe next week, Jerusha?
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:07:04 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Wow, that's great.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:07:10 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> Nice
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:07:12 PM EST] <DesertRose> Yesterday I met someone from Freecycle who wanted the (incomplete) dish set (some of them had broken; it was originally a service for six) that I posted.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:07:13 PM EST] <Laurna> Nice, I hope a good buyer comes quickly
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:07:16 PM EST] <KK> Hopefully by Thanksgiving.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:07:25 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> You want to get in on the houseing market before the bubble pops
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:07:30 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> I know you will be glad when all is settled
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:07:40 PM EST] <KK> Oh, yes!
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:08:50 PM EST] <DesertRose> There's actual space in my dish cabinet now; I can get dishes out and put away clean ones without so much clunking around (and with a lot fewer cuss words).
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:08:50 PM EST] <Laurna> hot tea time
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:09:16 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> That's a relief
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:09:32 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Sounds good, Laurna. I should make a coffee.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:10:10 PM EST] <DesertRose> Sometimes I'm very relieved that my life never allowed for home ownership.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:10:12 PM EST] <KK> Bynw, I'm getting ready to send you a fat packet of Deryni bookcovers and other Derynialia, to be distributed to fans as appropriate. There won't be note inside, so that I can use media mail rate. (They sometimes open stuff to make sure.) Unearthed the stuff while clearing out boxes, and I don't need to keep it around.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:10:14 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> Space in any cabinet or closet is a blessing
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:10:35 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> "Derynialia" giggle
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:11:02 PM EST] <The_Bee> Derynicana
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:11:07 PM EST] <KK> I did LOTS of culling before moving my kitchen stuff. It's a great relief to only have what you want and need in your cupboards.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:11:12 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Make me think of a bunch of Deryni dancing in the moonlight
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:11:40 PM EST] <The_Bee> sky-clad?
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:12:06 PM EST] <DesertRose> Well, it used to make sense to have two incomplete dish sets (the one I kept is a hand-me-down set from my mom); I used to host game nights and SCA scribal and sewing and other crafting get-togethers, so I needed lots of plates and stuff.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:12:12 PM EST] <bynw> too cold now to do anything sky-clad
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:12:14 PM EST] <KK> In cold weather?!
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:12:34 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Fur coats are optional
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:12:35 PM EST] <DesertRose> Sky-clad would be okay here, even after dark if we had a bonfire.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:12:48 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> "sky-clad"?
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:12:51 PM EST] <KK> If only fot for the nosy neighbors.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:13:04 PM EST] <bynw> remember it's not a bonfire unless you can see it from space :)
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:13:06 PM EST] <The_Bee> XD
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:13:28 PM EST] <KK> Sky-clad=naked
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:13:30 PM EST] <Laurna> Dyerynialia stuff? WOW FUN
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:13:33 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> bynw, lol
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:13:54 PM EST] <DesertRose> It's a pagan/Wiccan term, usually used in context of ritual work.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:13:58 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> I have never heard that term before. That's funny
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:14:03 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> ah
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:14:22 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> I'll tuck that term away for future use
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:15:29 PM EST] <KK> Supposedly, it's so that clothing doesn't interfere with the flow of the magic. But if the magic is so weak that it can't go through clothing.... On the other hand, it brings all participants to the same level, at least appearance-wise, so that would be a positive factor, I suppose.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:15:48 PM EST] <Laurna> KK were were discussing Eleven kingdoms ships and wondering about the Rhafiallia, I came up with three images of what it might look like. https://i.pinimg.com/564x/6d/e3/ed/6de3ed2d39d069522f89964be7e839ed.jpg
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:15:52 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> That makes sense
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:16:12 PM EST] <Laurna> https://i.pinimg.com/564x/a5/1d/44/a51d445d2c600c4c7bd6cb31e0f5e704.jpg
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:16:29 PM EST] <Laurna> https://i.pinimg.com/564x/c5/89/78/c589789eb238b69fbf794a01ae94c664.jpg
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:17:07 PM EST] <Laurna> Do this meet with your imagination
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:17:31 PM EST] <KK> Picture very early ship-building techniques. Square-rigged, though with the anachronistic jib I added, clinker-built--which is overlapping boards on the hull. Few levels.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:17:44 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Like the grappling hook at the bow of the second ship
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:17:54 PM EST] <KK> Laurna, drawings did come through, if that's what you were trying to do.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:18:27 PM EST] <KK> Drawings did come through, and they're excellent.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:18:46 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> I'm not familiar with ship terms: do any of those pictures fit?
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:19:01 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> fit the desciption you just gave?
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:19:02 PM EST] <Laurna> I was doing a lot of searching through Naval history sites
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:19:12 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Three might be the closest
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:19:18 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> I still like Richard the lion heart's ship
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:19:24 PM EST] <KK> Yep. Pretty much what I was picturing.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:19:30 PM EST] <Laurna> cool
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:19:32 PM EST] <The_Bee> Were oar-ships in much use then?
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:19:56 PM EST] <KK> Oars would have been useful.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:19:57 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> arrives in Chat
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:20:04 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> Hi Shiral
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:20:05 PM EST] <KK> Hi, Shiral.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:20:05 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Hi Shiral
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:20:10 PM EST] <The_Bee> Hi shiral
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:20:27 PM EST] <bynw> hi Shiral
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:20:37 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Hi all
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:20:46 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> Hi Shiral
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:20:56 PM EST] <Laurna> That rigging is mostly for down wind so going upwind would have needed oars
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:21:05 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> I'd say Oars are pretty useful for moving your ship/boat. especially when there's no wind
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:21:12 PM EST] <The_Bee> Are you thinking of a warship or a battleship, Laurna?
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:21:33 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> I think most ships had one or two sails but also oars for when there was no wind
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:21:39 PM EST] <Laurna> No I was looking for ships like the Rhaffallia
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:21:54 PM EST] <DesertRose> Hi Shiral!
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:21:57 PM EST] <KK> That's one of the reasons I had them invent jib sails earlier than in real world history.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:22:04 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> screenshots the conversation and pictures 'cause this is neat stuff
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:22:16 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> doesn't blame Kelson for not being an enthusiastic sailor. Especially when you couldn't get any dramamine for sea sickness
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:22:18 PM EST] <The_Bee> Were you thinking of a battleship or a cargo ship, Laurna?
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:22:20 PM EST] <Laurna> I think a jib sail would be briliant
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:22:24 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> Most ships needed to be ablle to be used for either war or trading Ithink. THus oars plus sails
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:22:44 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Hello everyone, by the way.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:22:57 PM EST] <KK> A jib enables one to tack closer into the wind. Still can't go directly, but better than not at all.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:23:06 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> How deep/wide would a river have to be for one of these ships to naviagate it?
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:23:07 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> snaps fingers and produces fresh baked scones, cinnamon rolls and tea
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:23:10 PM EST] <Laurna> They didn't have battleships back in those days. they were cargo or transport ships to move troops from one part of land to another. but no sea battles
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:23:30 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> cinnamon rolls, rrrrggggglllllll
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:23:34 PM EST] * The_Bee adds mead and hot chocolate.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:23:41 PM EST] <KK> I say this from an earlier life of racing small sailboats with my father, and manning the jib.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:23:42 PM EST] <Laurna> yumm
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:23:49 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Well....the Greeks and Romans fought a few sea battles. But possibly their techniques were lost
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:24:10 PM EST] <Laurna> I have manned many a jib sail in my days
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:24:12 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> There could have been a few skirmishes
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:24:34 PM EST] <bynw> !roll 1d12
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:24:34 PM EST] <GameServ> bynw rolled 1d12: 2 <Total: 2>
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:24:36 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Didn't St./King Bearand Haldane rid the Southern Sea of Pirates?
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:25:00 PM EST] <Laurna> I am trying to rememeber but the first at sea skirmish I beleive saw both fleets sunk
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:25:23 PM EST] <DesertRose> I guess that does tend to support the notion of warships of some type.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:25:24 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Sounds like at least SOME fighting had to have happened at sea. And Teymuraz escapes Torenth in a galley
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:25:35 PM EST] <KK> In hindsight, one has to wonder whether he might have used a bit of magic to move them along. Maybe weather magic.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:25:51 PM EST] <Laurna> I like that
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:25:58 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> I'm sure Teymuraz wanted to get out of Torenthi waters as fast as possible!
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:25:59 PM EST] <DesertRose> Pirates don't generally have purpose-built ships but still, even merchant ships would likely be able to defend themselves at least a little.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:26:23 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> "If it floats, we want it" might be a Pirate's motto
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:26:24 PM EST] <Laurna> best way to move a large square sail is to be sure the wind is always at your back
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:26:33 PM EST] <KK> Yep.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:26:36 PM EST] <The_Bee> Would archers be much use at sea, with waves rocking the ship?
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:26:37 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> I think they would have too - you never know who might want your cargo
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:26:42 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> Pirate pool noodles
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:27:05 PM EST] <Laurna> hehe Nezz
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:27:22 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> "How do we fight off pirates with THESE things????
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:27:26 PM EST] <KK> Archers: useful in large groups for clouds of arrows rather than specific aims. And of course, fire arrows were always a threat in a sea battle.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:27:45 PM EST] <The_Bee> Greek fire?
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:27:48 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> If there are archers at sea, you might be safest if you are the target
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:27:50 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> Heh, I just got your email, bynw... 🙂
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:28:16 PM EST] <KK> I don't know that Greek fire would have been known in Deryniland.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:28:48 PM EST] <The_Bee> ? I thought it was fairly ancient.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:29:05 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> So I would expect the Duke of Corwyn's flagship like the Rhafallia to be pretty well protected. Sufficiently so that most people would think "Nah, not worth the risk."
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:29:12 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> The technique may have been lost for awhile
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:29:17 PM EST] <KK> But it was Greek, Bee. Not sure if we'd have a cognate in Deryniland.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:29:31 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Nasty stuff, Greek Fire.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:29:47 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> Other than the magic, how closely would Deryniland technology match Real-world technology?
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:29:52 PM EST] <KK> Yep. Sort of like napalm, as well as I can figure.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:30:27 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Life in Medieval times was all too often nasty, brutish and short
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:30:31 PM EST] <KK> At what period, Nezz? It's a bit mix and match.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:30:49 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> Kelsonian era
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:31:42 PM EST] <KK> Starting to get a bit more civilized. But for the sake of story-telling, one doesn't want to inject too much technology in an imaginaary world/
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:32:31 PM EST] Join R (R@owirc-q0r.m44.184.108.IP) has joined this channel.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:32:34 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> No, of course not: I was thinking "technology" as it applied to things like greek fire and other inventions from earlier times
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:32:50 PM EST] <The_Bee> Deryniland is IMAGINARY!? D:
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:32:51 PM EST] <Laurna> Using Magic Rapport over long distance is a very advanced "Technology"
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:33:30 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Nice though, nobody got text messages that their Rapport needed to be updated!
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:33:34 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Would they have had siege weapons yet?
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:33:35 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> LOL
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:33:37 PM EST] <DesertRose> ROFL, Shiral.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:33:45 PM EST] <Laurna> Every general of any army over hundreds of years would have loved to have harnest that "Magic" for them selves
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:35:03 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Although Deryni were always updating by learning how to use their powers better, at least if they had access to a teacher. Or even the patience to teach themselves.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:36:46 PM EST] <Laurna> And the technology of a Portal is still out of our scope. Maybe by the years of Star trek
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:37:16 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> I'd be ok with portaling by magic, but I wouldn't want to risk it with technology
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:37:22 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> science, that is...
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:37:24 PM EST] <Laurna> But truth be told I would trust a Portal over a Transporter any day
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:37:32 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> lol
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:37:49 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> I'd really love to have access to one of those Nifty Holodecks and had fun in Gwynedd for an afternoon.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:38:04 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> Portals could move your soul with your body; I don't think transporters could do that
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:38:10 PM EST] <Laurna> I will love to join you Shiral
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:38:13 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> There were Portal accidents though, where the traveler never showed up
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:38:17 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> Shiral, oh yes!!!
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:38:33 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> And you can't be sure if you're going to end up trapped on a portal
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:38:36 PM EST] <The_Bee> AND TRAP PORTALS
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:39:04 PM EST] <Laurna> Only travel where you know it is safe
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:39:09 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Imagine attending Alaric and Richenda's wedding.....
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:39:10 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> I'll risk the portal accidents over the transporter accidents any day think of Star Trek The Motion Picture and shudders
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:39:25 PM EST] <Laurna> Agreed Nezz
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:39:28 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> I remember that scene, Nezz
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:39:41 PM EST] <Laurna> I will be there Shiral
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:39:42 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> I know! Whasn't it hideous???
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:39:51 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Yep
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:40:05 PM EST] <DesertRose> Give me a Portal network, plzthx!
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:40:06 PM EST] Join sjm2408az (sjm2408az@owirc-i3jm7h.ph.cox.net) has joined this channel.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:40:09 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Almost dropped my popcorn
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:40:10 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> I'd much rather attend the wedding. Do you think they'd like a blender as a wedding pressie?
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:40:11 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> "Scotty, I'm in danger from really angry people down here! Beam me up!" "Captain, about that raise we were discussing..."
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:40:22 PM EST] <The_Bee> HI sjm2
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:40:30 PM EST] Quit sjm2408az (sjm2408az@owirc-i3jm7h.ph.cox.net) has left this server (Quit: Connection closed).
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:40:31 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> Shiral, you're really on one today! lol
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:40:41 PM EST] <Laurna> LOL
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:40:55 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Or Brion and Jehana's wedding....
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:41:02 PM EST] <KK> The initial idea for Portals came from Star Trek, of course, and then I tweaked the notion to work with magical technology. But you'll recall that Bones was always leery of Transporters. And apparently there were enough accidents or rumored accidents to justify just a little trepidation when using one.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:41:09 PM EST] <DesertRose> Or Rhys' and Evaine's wedding.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:41:24 PM EST] <DesertRose> Small and quiet though it was.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:41:42 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Or meeting Alaric before he met Richenda. (One can dream....)
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:41:44 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> Bones has the right idea
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:41:49 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Or see Kelson's coronation duel. (Since we know it turned out all right.)
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:41:55 PM EST] <DesertRose> And see if I could learn to construct that rotating Portal Camber built.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:42:01 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> Jerusha, you mean y ou'd rather attend Alaric's wedding to you? 😉
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:42:05 PM EST] <Laurna> I always worried that you were a digital clone of yourself that appeared on the portal and the real you got disitigrated.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:42:21 PM EST] <Laurna> Sorry not Portal but Transporter.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:42:22 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Of course! I'll even take the blender as a present
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:42:28 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Well hey, if it's a holodeck, why not dream big?
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:42:32 PM EST] <Laurna> I don't have that worry about Portals
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:42:44 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> How are they going to make a blender work without electricity?
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:42:45 PM EST] <DesertRose> Power the blender like the aunts in "Practical Magic"?
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:42:53 PM EST] <DesertRose> ROFL, Shiral, great minds.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:43:07 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Maybe a manual crank
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:43:13 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> Get a nice genertor that converts magic energy to electricity energy
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:43:24 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Yup. Maybe Alaric can figure it out. "Purree, well, that takes a lot of power.."
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:43:46 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> wherease midnight margaritas require much less
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:44:00 PM EST] <Laurna> Use weather magic to make the wind plow over a windmill and gererate electricity
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:44:11 PM EST] <The_Bee> Cats do Purr-ee.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:44:18 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> And since they require salt around the rim, only for the nobility
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:44:18 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> Bee, heh heh
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:44:30 PM EST] <Laurna> HEHe Bee
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:44:39 PM EST] <KK> And also gratinee, when they get their murder-mittens going.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:44:40 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> You're going to have a lot of explaining to do about "electricity" right off the bat. Get them a salad bowl, instead. =o)
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:45:20 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> No need to explain about electricity: just tell 'em it's a different sort of magic and they'll figure it out from there. 🙂
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:45:29 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> Salad bows are useful, tho'...
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:45:30 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Well.. that could work
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:45:30 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Hi revanne!
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:45:36 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Hi Revanne
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:45:45 PM EST] <The_Bee> Hi Revanna!
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:45:47 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> Hi Revanne
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:45:51 PM EST] <bynw> Hi Revanne
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:45:51 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> hi Revanne
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:45:53 PM EST] <KK> I don't think the idea of salads, per se, had caught on yet.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:45:56 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> pours Revanne a cup of hot tea
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:45:58 PM EST] <Laurna> I don't think Richenda or Jehenna every got into the kitchens to do any cooking
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:46:01 PM EST] <Laurna> Hello Revanne
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:46:08 PM EST] <Eris> <Revanne> Hi KK hi all
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:46:10 PM EST] <DesertRose> Hi Revanne!
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:46:16 PM EST] <DesertRose> How was your quiz night?
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:46:21 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> that's what they had cooks for
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:46:29 PM EST] <KK> Hello, Revanne! How is Richard doing? I've been thinking about the two of you a lot lately.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:46:31 PM EST] <Eris> <Revanne> Thanks for the tea, Shiral
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:46:38 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> I realized that shortly after typing it, KK. Was trying to think of something that had an obvious function that wouldn't lead to more and complicated questions from the Bride and Bridegroom.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:46:59 PM EST] <DesertRose> Ladies of manors probably didn't do much cooking, but they probably knew more than modern people tend to think.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:47:27 PM EST] <KK> They had to know enough to supervise the cooks, who DID know what they were doing.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:47:32 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Well yes. Richenda probably has plenty of cooks working for her. Both in Corwyn and Marley
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:47:32 PM EST] <DesertRose> The idea of the Lady of the House knowing nothing about what happens Below Stairs is a Victorian/Edwardian thing.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:47:43 PM EST] <The_Bee> They had to know how to manage households.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:47:44 PM EST] <DesertRose> Exactly, KK; they had to know quite a bit about how the household ran.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:47:55 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> They didn't do much cooking usually, but if they had a top-notch Ninja blender, I'll bet they'd find excuses to hang out there. 🙂
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:47:56 PM EST] <Eris> <Revanne> Not too well I'm afraid KK. He improved a bit last week but has gone down again. He isn't really eating or drinking and doesn't seem to know any of us.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:48:00 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> They had to plan all those feasts, after all.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:48:10 PM EST] <DesertRose> I'm sorry, Revanne.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:48:11 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> I'm so sorry, Revanne
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:48:12 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> They had to manage the household and all their servants
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:48:15 PM EST] * DesertRose hugs Revanne.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:48:15 PM EST] <Laurna> They likely learned when young so that like you said they could suppervise when they became chattellians
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:48:27 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> So sorry to hear that, Revanne
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:48:28 PM EST] <DesertRose> Yup, that was part of a lady's education, how to run the household.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:48:32 PM EST] <KK> So sad, when they start winding down like that, Revanne. You are both in my prayers.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:48:37 PM EST] <Laurna> I am so sorry , Revanne.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:48:44 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> That's a great new name for us, Laurna.---the Chattellians!
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:48:49 PM EST] <Eris> <Revanne> Thank you everyone
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:48:50 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> I'm so sorry to hear that Richard is nnot improving as we all hoped
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:49:00 PM EST] <Laurna> You know I can not spell anything
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:49:02 PM EST] <Laurna> LOL
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:49:29 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> But it does have a ring to it. Laurna
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:49:31 PM EST] <The_Bee> '=( for Revanne's Richard
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:49:33 PM EST] <DesertRose> When someone plots stories as well as you do, Laurna, technical stuff like spelling is for the editors to fix. <3
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:49:48 PM EST] <Eris> <Revanne> I'm not sure what to pray for - if he isn't going to improve I don't want him staying like this.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:49:51 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> That's why we have dictionaries, after all
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:49:51 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Hear hear!
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:49:59 PM EST] <Laurna> Revanne I do hope and think Your dear DH will improve. I know dad was out of it for about a month before he started improving
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:50:06 PM EST] <Eris> <Revanne> Or spell check.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:50:16 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> (The hear hear was for Laurna, not revanne)
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:50:17 PM EST] <Eris> <Revanne> I'm hoping so Laurna
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:50:19 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> It sounds like a very hard, and worrisome situation, Revanne
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:50:25 PM EST] <bynw> dictionaries? spell checkers? those are for people who lack imagination :)
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:50:37 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> or copyeditors
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:50:43 PM EST] <KK> Very true, Revanne. Sometimes we must simply bow to the circle of life and hope for a peaceful passing. I know it was that way for me, when Scott was transitioning.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:50:56 PM EST] <DesertRose> I imagine he wouldn't want to stay this way if he were able to express an opinion; I'm so sorry you're going through this, you and he and your family.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:50:58 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Those are for imaginative people who still like to sound educated, Bynw
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:51:27 PM EST] <DesertRose> Or for stick-in-the-mud English majors. *raises hand*
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:51:27 PM EST] <Laurna> Spell checkers only work if you are close to the right spelling. I try and then half the time I pick the wrong spell checked suggestion
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:51:32 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> Revanne, is your family still with you?
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:51:44 PM EST] <bynw> Shiral ... hehehehe
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:51:46 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> I am so sorry Revanne that Richard is not improving but I certainly understand that you would not want him to stay as he is.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:52:09 PM EST] <Eris> <Revanne> Not at the moment Nezz but DS is coming tomorrow. I think they have a rota set up.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:52:28 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> Good. hugs
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:52:39 PM EST] <DesertRose> I hope he'll rally and start to improve, and in any case I'm hoping for peace and comfort for you all.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:52:42 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Being left hanging and wondering what to wait or hope for must be very hard'
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:52:53 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> Love ad hugs for you and your family
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:53:04 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Uncertainty is terribly hard on everyone
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:53:16 PM EST] <DesertRose> Uncertainty is The Worst.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:53:18 PM EST] <Laurna> Glad for your family Revanne
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:53:30 PM EST] <Eris> <Revanne> I'm so glad he made it to DS' wedding
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:53:36 PM EST] <Laurna> IYes
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:53:38 PM EST] <DesertRose> Give me awful news I can actually act on before uncertainty.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:53:43 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Definitely
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:53:44 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Yes, that was good, revanne
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:53:49 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> What do the doctors say? Do they expect any improvement?
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:54:03 PM EST] <DesertRose> That is good that he got to see DS and DDIL get married.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:54:18 PM EST] <KK> Yes!
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:54:32 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> He definitely wouldn't have wanted to miss that!
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:54:59 PM EST] <Laurna> IDo you have rehab hospital care in England?
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:55:02 PM EST] <Eris> <Revanne> They don't really know - because they think.it was shock and pain that triggered everything they don't know how much that has impacted his dementia or whether he will come out.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:55:43 PM EST] <Eris> <Revanne> We did Laurna but Covid has *&!** everything up.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:56:02 PM EST] <Laurna> I know dad was out of it for about 6 weeks but then slowly started to improve, he came home after 3 months
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:56:08 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> It's amazing how many ways COVID has bollixed things up all over the world
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:56:18 PM EST] <DesertRose> A suitably profane situation calls for profane description, but you know a situation is bad when it makes a priest swear.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:56:37 PM EST] <Eris> <Revanne> Even a Fierce wild priest.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:56:45 PM EST] <DesertRose> But COVID has %^&* everything up.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:56:57 PM EST] <Laurna> I was just about to say that " even our Wild and Fierce Priest
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:57:08 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> And we're all feeling fiercer and wilder than we did before
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:57:10 PM EST] <Eris> <Revanne> The ward he is on is really good
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:57:21 PM EST] <Laurna> Excelent
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:57:37 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> That's a relief, to know he s getting good care
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:57:38 PM EST] <The_Bee> How is his injury now?
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:57:38 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Good care is very important
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:57:40 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> I think a lot of us are now wearing our "couldn't give a crap" hats
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:57:51 PM EST] <KK> Are you close to home, or did this crisis catch you away from home?
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:58:13 PM EST] <DesertRose> No [bleeps] left to give, for sure.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:58:36 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> Have to feed cat who is getting insistent. BRB
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:58:59 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Insistent cats can be very loud
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:59:14 PM EST] <Eris> <Revanne> We were in Scotland when it happened but we came home which might have been the wrong decision but I didn't want him stuck in hospital in Scotland, especially if they close the border again due to Covid.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:59:23 PM EST] <Laurna> I went into a store yesterday wearing my mask and it was the first time no one else was wearing a mask. I felt very uncomfortable and had to leave
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:59:36 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> I think you were wise to come home for that reason, Revanne
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [3:59:52 PM EST] <Laurna> I agree you needed to go home
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:00:01 PM EST] <Eris> <Revanne> And home is good for the family to visit.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:00:08 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Yes
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:00:19 PM EST] <DesertRose> I feel like I should have a t-shirt or a scarf or something that has that "it goes over your nose" graphic. Half the people I see bothering with masks at all are wearing them in such a way that they might as well not be wearing one.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:00:27 PM EST] <KK> I agree, it was the right decision. Hard enough to endure this in home environment, lovely though Scotland is.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:00:29 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> And very important to not be on the wrong side of any border, right now
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:00:37 PM EST] <Eris> <Revanne> Hopefully they can set his arm if he gets a bit stronger.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:00:54 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> I keep having to ask people in the library to wear their masks properly
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:01:07 PM EST] <Laurna> That would be good
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:01:08 PM EST] <DesertRose> And if he *does* rally, it'll be a lot easier to deal with the pain and the surgery and all from home.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:01:10 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> They still have not set it? Or must it be done under surgery?
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:01:28 PM EST] <DesertRose> I think it has to be done surgically, Jerusha.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:01:30 PM EST] <The_Bee> My sister in Canada was here recently, but I'm wondering if the border will close again before Christmas.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:01:32 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Definitely better to be close to home in a crisis. It removes at least one layer of stress
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:02:13 PM EST] <Eris> <Revanne> It's such a bad break the elbow needs replacing - he doesn't believe in doing things by halves so surgery is needed. It's in a cast atm
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:02:32 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> Oh, how awful! 😦
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:02:35 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Ouch!
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:03:20 PM EST] <Laurna> I ultrasound scanned an old guy once who had had a broken upper arm that could never be set propperly. He was in no pain, but I sure felt my own pained scanning it.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:03:32 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> I am sorry that yoou are going through such an ordeal. Wish I ere over there so I could help. You and Richard are always in my prayers
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:03:53 PM EST] <Eris> <Revanne> Everytime he injures himself I usually remind him he owes me for 3 childbirths but I think he has finally evened the score.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:04:18 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Let's just keep it at even, shall we?
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:04:29 PM EST] <Laurna> No more making scores, I tie is good
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:04:45 PM EST] <Eris> <Revanne> Talking of masks the hospital have an amusing poster of how not to wear a mask.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:04:48 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> A tie is best
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:05:22 PM EST] <The_Bee> Can you wear a tie over your nose?
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:05:42 PM EST] <Laurna> BEE where is that fish
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:05:45 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> I meant for the scores, not the mask
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:05:46 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> lol, Bee
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:05:58 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> I just know answering reference calls at the library while masked is a nuisance
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:06:18 PM EST] * The_Bee prepares to sting any fish hurled her way.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:06:49 PM EST] <Laurna> I would not want to eat a fish that has been stung by bee
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:07:09 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> I like the ones who tie a bandana around their face over their nose. Look like a wild west bandant
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:07:10 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> launches a flight of Goldfish crackers in honor of Jemler's memory
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:07:11 PM EST] <Laurna> I had some wonderful salmon yesterday
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:07:21 PM EST] <The_Bee> or cook them with honey and lemon butter
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:07:44 PM EST] <Laurna> Hear Hear, Shiral
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:08:24 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> More fitted masks are required at the library. I've got used to them, but I sure will be happy when the day arrives when it's safe to be without a mask, again
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:08:42 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> I think it will be a while
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:08:59 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Tati just arrived to say hello to everyone. At least from under my desk
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:09:08 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Hi Tati!
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:09:11 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> Mrrrrrrow Tati
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:09:14 PM EST] <Laurna> Hello Little lion
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:09:15 PM EST] <Eris> <Revanne> Hi Tati
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:09:15 PM EST] <The_Bee> Hello, Tati!
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:09:18 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> scritches for Tati
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:09:50 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> And now Dmitri is here asking for attention. He never lets Tati be the star for long!
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:10:04 PM EST] <The_Bee> Hi Dmitri!
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:10:08 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> Rubs for Dmitri too
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:10:14 PM EST] <Laurna> yep, you can never love just one
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:10:16 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Scritches for Dimitri
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:10:22 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> He sends purrs back, DFK
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:10:28 PM EST] <KK> Scritches for both kitties.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:10:57 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> I'd have even more but the HOA likes us to keep it to two pets
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:11:01 PM EST] <DesertRose> Scritches for Mr. Opera Baritone and the Grand Duchess.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:11:14 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> I think they want to avoid people having entire cat breeding programs
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:11:31 PM EST] <DesertRose> If Carys would play nicely with others, the invitation I extended earlier to Kagi (to come and enjoy a sun puddle on my balcony) would extend to all the fuzzballs.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:11:49 PM EST] <The_Bee> My apartment complex allows one pet per apartment.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:12:02 PM EST] <DesertRose> Same here.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:12:05 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> Got a writing question for you, @KK: if you had all the time in the world to write, would you have any more stories (short stories, novels, or novelettes) to tell about our friends in the early 1100s? Or has their story been told and you're finished with them? Or are there dozens more stories, but you just don't have the time for them?
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:12:15 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Dmitri is cross, because I dared strip the sheets off my bed and wash them, today. And he was in the middle of his post-breakfast nap!
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:12:30 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> Shiral! The nerve!
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:12:31 PM EST] <DesertRose> Which is just as well since Carys loves humans but no other animals are allowed into the presence of Her Serene Feline Majesty.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:12:46 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> I know. I'm such a mean cat mommy, Nezz!
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:12:48 PM EST] <DesertRose> He doesn't "help" you change the bedding, Shiral?
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:13:00 PM EST] <The_Bee> Cats always want to lie in the bed when you're about to change the sheets.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:13:21 PM EST] <KK> I have more stories left to tell than I will have time to write them, alas. But my one, big new year's resolution will be to get back to my writing.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:13:36 PM EST] <Laurna> Love it!
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:13:39 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> Cats always want to insert themselves into the middle of whatever you are doing.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:13:40 PM EST] <Eris> <Revanne> Great news KK
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:13:42 PM EST] <The_Bee> We'll look forward to that.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:13:46 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> cheers KK's New Year's resolution
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:14:18 PM EST] <DesertRose> This is old footage, but this is what happens when I change the bed. https://www.instagram.com/p/BPEHqJ_jb47/
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:14:19 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> Yaya for KK's new years resolution
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:14:34 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> So....do you have an untold story that might not be novel fodder, but short story worthy>
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:14:36 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> @KK, I understand, that's why I added the stipulation about all the time in the world. 🙂 But yeah, fabbulous NY Resolution and I know that Killlingsford if top of your lilst.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:14:41 PM EST] * DesertRose raises a glass of finest Fianna to KK's New Year's resolution.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:15:10 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> raises her mug of hot chocolate: hear hear!
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:15:43 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> DR, I just start by pulling the coverlet down and covering the cat. He gets the idea pretty fast!\
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:15:52 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> raises her coffee in salute
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:16:06 PM EST] <Laurna> DR Cute vid, I think Careys wanted back under the covers
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:16:18 PM EST] <DesertRose> She likes to be the blanket monster.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:16:29 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> Loved the moving lump in your bed
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:16:32 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> And when I put the sheets back ON, I wait until the cats are eating supper, then run up and put the clean sheets on while they're busy
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:16:46 PM EST] * The_Bee toasts KK with a glass of mead.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:16:50 PM EST] <Eris> <Revanne> would make some mulled cider in celebratio if I could summon the energy.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:17:11 PM EST] <KK> I had a cup of hot chocolate when we first began chat, but it's long gone now.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:17:16 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> portals over, mulls some cider, hand it to Revanne, portals back
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:17:19 PM EST] <Laurna> Portalling mulled cider to revanne
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:17:20 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> I once made the bet with the female whippet still in it. She never noticed until I rescued her
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:17:21 PM EST] <DesertRose> She likes to get under the fitted sheet and heaven help when I wash the mattress pad; its sides are elastic, so it's kind of a pain to get her fuzzy butt out from under it.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:17:37 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> LOL at Jerusha
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:17:41 PM EST] <Eris> <Revanne> Thank you for the cider
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:17:49 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> That was bed, not bet
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:18:02 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> I have had that moving Bed cat, too, DR
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:18:12 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> lol, I was wondering how you made a bet with a whippet... 🙂
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:18:17 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> I had one cat whose big accomplishment was getting between the mattress ans the box sping
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:18:26 PM EST] <Laurna> My puppies think changing sheets time is play time
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:18:28 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Well, if the whippet is racing...
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:18:39 PM EST] <KK> In answer to an earlier question, yes, I have several short-story-sized ideas waiting for development.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:18:41 PM EST] * DesertRose sets out a magic tea table that with a pot for hot beverages, a pitcher for chilled, and a platter, all of which produce exactly what the person wants to eat and drink.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:18:54 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Hmmm, sounds promising, KK!
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:18:56 PM EST] <DesertRose> Yay!
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:19:02 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Excellent!
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:19:06 PM EST] <Laurna> OH Yes! I could read a short story or two
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:19:09 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> Love your magic tea table DR
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:19:10 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> squees in response to KK
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:19:10 PM EST] <DesertRose> Might one or several of those be part of the fanfic anthology?
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:19:39 PM EST] <The_Bee> K, are you thinking of including them in the anthology you were talking about earlier?
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:19:53 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Or even three or four, Laurna!
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:19:54 PM EST] <DesertRose> Or, not "part of" so much as "included in."
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:20:09 PM EST] <Laurna> Right you are Shiral
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:20:30 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> @KK have you had a chance to read any of the fanfic?
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:20:31 PM EST] <DesertRose> Carys says hi from my left arm.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:20:41 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> Hi Carys
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:20:47 PM EST] <The_Bee> Are you still accepting fanfic submisions?
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:20:50 PM EST] <Eris> <Revanne> Hi Carys
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:20:52 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> I was going to write a short to submit for your anthology, but then I heard that you were going to write a short story that would probably overlap the one I was going to write by about 90%
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:20:55 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> gives Carys an ear scritchie
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:21:05 PM EST] <DesertRose> She sends purrs to everyone.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:21:37 PM EST] <KK> I haven't begun reading extant fan fiction, so there's plenty of time.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:21:41 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> Hi again Carys. more scritches for you
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:22:38 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> @KK, are you still planning on writing a short about the trip to inform Morgan about Brion's death?
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:22:38 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> adds a plate of delicious tea sandwiches to DR's table. And some assorted biscuits
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:22:56 PM EST] <Eris> <Revanne> Yum
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:23:04 PM EST] <Laurna> tea sanwiches would be perfect. it is lunch time afterall
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:23:19 PM EST] * DesertRose adds a shorter table with pet treats for the furry ones.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:23:28 PM EST] <The_Bee> time for afternoon tea here
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:23:30 PM EST] <Eris> <Nezz> DR, for cute!!!!!
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:23:51 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Dmitri says he just wants one of my chicken salad sandwiches...
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:23:55 PM EST] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:24:02 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> lol
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:24:15 PM EST] <Eris> <Revanne> Am treating myself to a late supper of pork pie and apple but I think virtual treats have fewer calories.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:24:34 PM EST] <Eris> <DFK> And are easier to prepare
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:24:34 PM EST] <Eris> <Shiral> Oh I'm sure they do, Revanne 😏
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:24:49 PM EST] <Eris> <Jerusha2> You need to keep your strength up, Revanne.
[Sunday, November 14, 2021] [4:24:53 PM EST] <KK> Yes, Nezz.
"If having a soul means being able to feel love, loyalty, and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans."

James Herriot (James Alfred "Alfie" Wight), when a human client asked him if animals have souls.  (I don't remember in which book the story originally appeared.)