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January 15, 2025, 07:58:39 PM
Nezz and I were joking, Laurna, so no worries.  :)  And as for Bynw's harsh scenes, I expect they'll be no more so than any of KK's more graphic scenes, since after all he's the one who created the fanfic rules in the first place. 
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The Knighting of Liam, Chapter 9, Ritual and Ceremony

Started by DerynifanK, October 12, 2021, 07:10:38 AM

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The Knighting of Liam, Chapter 9
Ritual and Ceremony

Rhemuth Castle
January 5-6, 1133

Kelson, accompanied by Dhugal,  Duke of Cassan, arrived just as the Vespers bell was sounding to escort Liam to the Basilica. Dhugal and Liam  clasped arms in greeting. Liam grinned at Dhugal.   " As a squire, I watched your dubbing by Prince Nigel along with our king. That was what first inspired in me  the desire to achieve the same honor, and I am glad to have you here to witness my knighting."

Kelson addressed Liam, smiling. "Dhugal will stand in for me later as I have duties I must attend to." Liam nodded his agreement as he and Dhugal smiled at each other. Kelson led the  young men as they exited Liam's quarters and, followed by two Haldane lancers, walked together through the castle and down the path to St Hilary's  where the other candidates and their sponsors were gathering. They took their seats in the nave before the altar where Archbishop Cardiel stood before them at the altar flanked by Bishop McLain and Father Nivard.

Cardiel addressed the assembled candidates and their supporters. "Tonight's ritual begins the final step in your journey to knighthood and the culmination of much work and preparation. Tonight you will keep vigil here in the church to meditate on the solemn responsibilities you will assume as knights of the realm. You are pledging yourselves to a life of service to kingdom and to the church,  in which you will always speak truth, always be loyal to your king, display devotion to God and the church, always defend a lady, always defend the poor and helpless and protect them from harm, be charitable and be brave. During this vigil, consider this charge carefully and raise your prayers to God that he will give you grace to fulfill your duties fearlessly and cheerfully".

The archbishop then called those sponsoring the candidates forward to renew their
vows as a group that they might better serve as mentors to the new knights. Kelson joined the other sponsors in this renewal.  Once they had returned to their seats, the archbishop prepared to distribute the knightly garments that the novice knights would don after  the ritual bath. He blessed the garments then, with the assistance of Bishop McLain and Father Nivard,  gave each novice these symbols of their impending knighthood.  Following prayer and blessings for all, they left the church in order, accompanied by their sponsors to return to their quarters to  complete the next step in the ritual, the bath.

Kelson parted from Liam and Dhugal at the entrance to Liam's quarters, to attend to his duties. "I will return  to dine with you and Dhugal in your quarters after you have bathed and changed. However, Dhugal will remain to supervise  the procedure and  will assist you along with Malcolm and your own squire."  Kelson left them at the door and walked away toward his withdrawing room followed by one of the castle guards.

Dhugal, standing in for Kelson, beamed as he ushered Liam into his rooms where his squire had already prepared the bath, which he would heat up with water he had been keeping warm before the fire. Assisted by Kelson's senior squire the young king stripped off his garments, stepped into the tub and sat comfortably.  Dhugal seated himself on a stool nearby from which he could observe the process. They talked quietly as Liam ducked his head into the water then allowed his squire to wash and rinse his hair. Malcolm assisted him to complete his ablutions. As he stood up, ready to step out of the tub, the squire handed him a big thirsty towel and helped him dry himself. Malcolm combed and braided his hair, tying it back with an amber ribbon. Liam, assisted by Malcolm,  then dressed in the knightly garments blessed by the archbishop, omitting only  the red mantle which he would don later before making his way to the basilica.

Kelson returned to enjoy the meal with them. An hour past Compline, escorted by Dhugal, Liam returned to the church where he made his vows before the altar. Then Liam laid his shield on the altar and knelt on the step below where he would remain during the vigil that would end with the coming of morning. He rested his arms on the quillons of the Sword of Furstan which he held erect before him.

As he settled into his position, he heard soft footsteps approaching from the side of the altar where the candidates knelt. Surely no threat would raise its head this early into the vigil.  He knew there were guards present, but he tensed, probing with his senses to determine who approached. He quickly relaxed as he recognized Prince Nigel who paused before him. "Your Majesty, I wanted to see for myself that all is well with you and your fellow knights-to-be. I wanted to assure you that I am very proud to be conferring knighthood on you. I have never had a squire who deserves it more. During the four years of your reign, you have met and exceeded our expectations of you. I am as proud of you as I am of Rory and Payne."

"Thank you, your Highness." As Nigel slipped away, Liam took a deep breath and bowed his head in prayer. He had wished to take part in the vigil in order to recommit himself to serving his kingdom and its people and serve as an example of a truly honourable man as well as ruler. He thought back over the past four years of his reign. Much had been accomplished, but there was still much to do. Although acceptance of his rule and the changes he was making had grown, there were still those who opposed him and longed to return to the old ways. And then there was Teymuraz, who retained a following among the nobility and made mischief whenever he could. His goal was still to seize the throne for himself, killing anyone who stood in his way.

The threat of an attack by enemy agents was thought to be highest during this vigil when the candidates knelt alone, each in his spot before the altar. Night would hide any attackers, making it easier for them to enter the basilica and approach their target without being detected. Although they had been unable to uncover any solid evidence of a planned attack, there continued to be rumors and signs of possible trouble from the exiled Duke. And he was not the only enemy who might try to take advantage of the vulnerability of Liam while he was absent from his own land. Liam knew additional guards were in place, alert for any attempt to enter the basilica with evil intent. He found reassurance when he became aware of Alaric silently moving through the nave, making the rounds of his guards at intervals during the night. As Alaric moved about the nave, Liam felt secure enough to turn his inner thoughts to the sacred vigil in which he was engaged. The feeling of protection around him gave him a sense of peace and comfort, reminding him of the feelings he had experienced long ago here in Kelson's court as page and squire.

Periodically during the night, he was aware of movement behind him, in the nave but probing with his senses revealed men carrying out their charge to protect the candidates, especially the King of Torenth. One or two glimpses of figures moving silently through the aisles showed men in dark habits, cowls folded back on their shoulders,  appearing to be monks coming to pray in the basilica. Liam returned to his prayers for the strength and grace to fulfill the commitments represented by knighthood.. He also prayed for the successful completion of this ceremony which he was convinced  would help bolster the alliance between Gwynedd and Torenth that he and Kelson were working to build and strengthen. He felt a sense of peace and blessing from God on his efforts.

The night passed without incident, quiet and serene. The darkness began to lighten and fingers of sunlight reached through the high windows. The light grew and the vigil would soon come to an end. He was aware of  no attempt to disrupt it or to attack any of those kneeling there. Liam thought, "Perhaps the rumors  were just that, rumors, without substance. Or perhaps Teymuraz was content just to disturb the solemnity of the occasion, distracting them by forcing them to pay attention to his all-too-possible intentions of violence.  Although that was not really like him. He always aimed to cause as much disruption as possible." 

As the light grew, the candidates stood, stretched stiff muscles, and assembled before the benches at the front of the nave. They presented their arms to be blessed by the archbishop.Their sponsors joined them, taking possession of shields and swords which they would then pass to the lord who would conduct the knighting ceremony.  Liam's heart swelled with pride as Kelson took a seat beside him in preparation for the mass. The other candidates and sponsors took their seats, prepared for the mass which would precede the move to the great hall for the actual dubbing ceremony, the last step in becoming knights of the realm. Behind them others were entering to attend the mass then follow them to the castle. Kelson Haldane was as proud as any of the other sponsors as he knelt and rose beside his candidate as the mass progressed. Liam was awed by the profound emotion elicited by the words spoken over them.  He was proud and heartened to have Kelson at his side.

The mass ended. The sponsors preceded the candidates from the Basilica, bearing the shields and swords. Kelson led them carrying Liam's shield and sword.  Liam felt rising joy and excitement as he watched the sponsors disappear toward the doors of the Great Hall.  The supreme moment of the actual dubbing was very near. After the sponsors had exited, the candidates formed into a line and began to move slowly toward the doors of the Basilica. There were ten young men, all garbed in the white tunics and red cloaks of a soon-to-be knight. Their excitement was palpable. Liam felt his heart beating faster as they moved forward and he took a deep breath to calm himself. The procession  moved through the Basilica doors and into the yard between the Basilica and the castle. Liam noticed that some of the monks who had been   inside during the mass were walking along with the candidates toward the castle. Other attendees at the mass followed the procession as well. Haldane Lancers lined the route and crowds of people pressed forward behind them, trying to get a look at the young men about to be honored. As they moved forward, Liam relaxed. They had avoided any attacks from enemy agents including those from Teymuraz. He was focused on what was to come, anticipating the supreme moment just ahead when the touch of the sword in Prince Nigel's hands would seal his elevation to knight.

Suddenly he was shaken out of his reverie as he became aware of screams and shouts ahead, just inside the castle doors near the entrance to the Great Hall. Along with everyone else, his attention was focused on the head of the line where the commotion was, near the castle doors. He was not sure what was happening but his alertness increased as he tried to see the incident. It suddenly occurred to him that he and his fellow novices were most vulnerable now as they were without arms, their swords and shields having been taken to the castle ahead of them.

At a signal from the Duke of Corwyn, who had suddenly appeared ahead, the lancers moved quickly to surround the candidates, trying to usher them out of the open yard toward the protection of a side entrance. Frightened bystanders, trying to escape to safety, interfered with the lancers efforts. Everyone's attention was on the commotion ahead of them although they could see little through the crowd.  Two of the monks who had been following the procession near his position in the line suddenly whirled and  pulled swords from beneath their robes lunging toward Liam with murder in their eyes. Liam felt a surge of fear. He was unarmed! One of the other candidates just ahead of him in line stuck out his foot tripping one of the attackers. The man sprawled on his face in the dust. Two of the lancers immediately seized the false monk, dragging him away from the line.

The other man was nearly upon him, sword poised to strike. Liam dodged out of the path and tried to focus his powers on the man's arm. However, the chaos of people trying to flee made it difficult. Just as the man was nearly upon him, a red haired man leaped between them, knocking the attacker's sword out of his hand and sending him crashing to the ground. Liam knew that shock of red hair!  Brendan, Earl of Marley,  pinned the man down, summoning a nearby lancer to seize the man, bind his hands before him and yank him up from the ground. He too was dragged toward the entrance to the castle dungeons. Prince Payne appeared quickly and stood at Liam's side to protect him until Brendan was assured that all the immediate aggressors were subdued. Concerned, the Earl came to Liam's side. "Your Majesty, are you harmed?"

"No, I am fine." replied Liam although there was a little quaver in his voice.  "Thanks to your intervention, my friend, I am unharmed. I relaxed too soon thinking that the threat was over when there was no attack in the Basilica where we expected it. They outmaneuvered us, attacking where the crowds gathered for the ceremony provided cover and made it more difficult to seize them without endangering innocents." Liam turned to Brendan, asking with concern,  "Was this an isolated attack aimed at me? What of my brother? Was he also attacked? And my sister? What of Eirian? It is known that she is my future wife.They had so many targets to choose from."

Brendan responded. "There was an attempt on your brother. That was the source of the disturbance at the head of the line. Ronal, accompanied by one of his fellow squires, was headed to the great hall preparing to play his part in your knighting. Lord Dhugal was waiting at the door to the Great Hall to lead Ronal to the dais. As they passed by a dark corner in the passage, a man disguised as a monk jumped out, drawing a sword from under his robes and lunging toward Ronal, obviously with intent to kill. Dhugal  leaped in between Ronal and the attacker, wounding the man in the upper chest and disarming him. A second attacker behind him was overpowered by the squire. Both were taken into custody by the guards. The injured man is now under guard as his wound is being tended after which he will also be taken to the dungeon.  Your sister is safe, attended by two of your own Moors. Eirian is also safe under the protection of Haldane guards. There have been no further attack attempts."

Liam smiled at his friend in relief. "Thank you. It is good to know they are safe. What do we do now?"

Brendan bowed. "At the order of the king, we are gathering all the candidates and sponsors  in the large withdrawing room. Soldiers are sweeping the area around the castle and the Basilica as well as all the surrounding grounds and all approaches to the castle entrances to ensure that there are no more attackers.  Additional guards have been dispatched to all the city gates and all those seeking to enter or leave will be closely scrutinized. If you will allow me to escort you?" Liam indicated his assent and he and Brendan followed the others who were also being escorted into the castle.

As soon as all were gathered in the withdrawing room, the king entered, flanked by the Duke of Corwyn and Prince Nigel, all three looking grim. Kelson addressed them, anger in his voice. "I am distressed that violence has disturbed this most important occasion. The Duke of Corwyn assures me that we have secured all of those involved. They are locked in the dungeons and will be closely questioned to discover who was behind this attack. Fortunately, those already in the great hall heard little and were mostly unaware of it.  You have spent much time and effort preparing for this day, and I intend that we shall carry out the ceremonies as planned. After a short interval to compose yourselves, we will proceed with the making of my new knights." With that announcement, Kelson left the room followed by Morgan. Nigel remained with the young men as they adjusted their clothing and ran fingers through hair to avoid appearing anxious. A knight is always in control.

Nigel led them forward to the back of the hall where they would await their turn  to be dubbed with the sword and fulfill their life's dream of becoming a knight.  Leaving them there with their sponsors,  Nigel strode to the dais where the King waited, Alaric Morgan on his right. To Morgan's right, stood Duke Matyas Furstan de Arjenol, newly arrived by portal to see his nephew knighted. Liam's heart gave a leap when he saw his uncle standing there. This was the man to whom he owed so much. Matyas had been told of the attack and its outcome. He knew that all was well with his king. Princess Stanisha sat on the dais with Duchess Meraude and Princess Eirian. The hall was filled to bursting with families of those receiving the accolade and as many of Gwynedd's nobility who could find a place.

Nigel mounted the steps to the dais and spoke in the king's ear. Nigel then turned to face the hall and spoke. "Sire, you are presenting the first candidate. Will you bring Liam Lajos Furstan forward?" Kelson handed the Haldane sword into Alaric's keeping, stepped down from the dais and strode to the rear of the hall. Proudly he turned and accompanied the Torenthi king to the dais steps where Liam knelt. Kelson addressed Prince Nigel. "Your Highness. I here present Liam Lajos Furstan as a candidate for knighthood."

"Let  Liam Lajos be vested with the spurs." Ronal came forward, smiling from ear to ear, to fasten the golden spurs to his brother's heels. Kelson proffered the Sword of Furstan to Prince Nigel who stepped forward and held it in both hands. Nigel felt a slight sense of tension  as he remembered this same sword in the hands of sworn enemies of Gwynedd in past battles, He took a deep breath, looked down at the young king before him and was reassured. He admired and loved this young man. The purpose of this ceremony was to ensure that such battles were never repeated. He raised the sword, touching first Liam's right shoulder, then his left and finally his head. "In the name of the Father, and of the Son,  and of the Holy Spirit, be thou a good and faithful knight. Arise Sir Liam Lajos Furstan." Liam was suffused with a sense of awe and pride, just as Kelson had described his emotions at being knighted by Prince Nigel Haldane. Liam stood, allowing his aura to flair briefly.  Duke Matyas' face was flushed with pride. Stanisha and Eirian came forward together to fasten the white belt around his waist. Liam was now smiling broadly.

Prince Nigel returned the Sword of Furstan to him, hilt first. Liam took it and placed it in its sheath. He turned to Kelson who drew him to stand beside him on the dais. The two kings clasped hands, raising their joined hands as Liam declared "I will bear faith and truth to you and yours as friends and allies, seeking peace and prosperity for both our kingdoms." Kelson answered. "I pledge friendship and support between us and our successors for all time to come."  The hall erupted in cheers as the assembled nobility  shouted their support and approval.
"Thanks be to God there are still, as there always have been and always will be, more good men than evil in this world, and their cause will prevail." Brother Cadfael's Penance


From ghoulies and ghosties and long-leggity beasties and things that go bump in the night...good Lord deliver us!

 -- Old English Litany


Good Faith and Truth... Friends and Allies may forever be between Gwynedd and Torenth from this day forward.

Wonderful DFK! I love that It was Brendan and Payne who were there directly at Liam's side.  Well done!
May your horses have wings and fly!


Really enjoyed this and especially the build up of tension - I just knew that something was going to happen.
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
(Psalm 46 v1)


Oh, so well done, DFK! What a lovely story of the knighting and events leading up to it. Thank you so much for the great effort, successfully made!
Judy Ward
You can buy a pretty good dog with money but you can't buy the wag of its tail.


Huzzah, bad guys are defeated and good guys are unharmed! :)
Now is life, and life is always better.


'Tis a fitting end and a wonderful story for Liam's goal of becoming a knight. Yeah, a few problem here and there................ and the young damsel in distress being none other than his future bride and wife. Had I not read who authored this, I'd think KK had written this, that's how well in tenor and tone this story is done. Absolutely marvelous!
