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KK Chat -- 26 September 2021

Started by Bynw, September 26, 2021, 07:11:25 PM

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[18:01] * KK (49ab39c5@owirc-gig.7nu.62.64.IP) has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[18:01] <~bynw> hi KK
[18:01] <+Laurna> Hello KK
[18:01] <KK> Hello, all.
[18:01] * +Laurna is serving german chocolate cake with all the icing
[18:01] <KK> Yum!
[18:01] <+Eris> <Nezz (Bethane)> Hello kk
[18:02] <KK> How is everyone tonight?
[18:02] <+Eris> <Nezz (Bethane)> She's also got fresh strawberries
[18:02] <~bynw> it's what she's really eating right now
[18:02] <+Laurna> Yumm.   I must say that was tasty
[18:02] <+Eris> <Nezz (Bethane)> Unemployed!
[18:03] <+Eris> <Nezz (Bethane)> 🙂
[18:03] <KK> On purpose?
[18:03] * ~bynw was just eating supper and had a big thick NY strip steak
[18:03] <+Laurna> I thought you said retired
[18:03] <KK> Yum, Bynw!
[18:03] <KK> Retired from....?
[18:04] <+Eris> <Nezz (Bethane)> Not really my decision, but I completely understand why they let me know. And I am retired untill/unless the health improves
[18:04] <+Laurna>  I am wondering when my retired self might go back to work.and then I tell my self that is crazy talk.
[18:04] <+Eris> <Nezz (Bethane)> I was an Instructional Designer at a company called Xactware, and I'd been with them for 26 years.
[18:04] <KK> I was an instructional designer once.
[18:04] <+Laurna> That is a good number of years
[18:05] <+Eris> <Nezz (Bethane)> Oh yeah?
[18:05] <~bynw> 26 years at the same place?
[18:05] <+Laurna> What does and instructional designer do?
[18:05] <+Eris> <Nezz (Bethane)> Yeah. I'd been with them since 1995.
[18:05] * MerchantDeryni (MerchantDe@owirc-vfksni.dsl.bell.ca) has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[18:06] <+Laurna> Hello MD
[18:06] <+Eris> <Nezz (Bethane)> I created training materials, to be used either solo or with a trainer leading
[18:06] <+Eris> <Nezz (Bethane)> Hello MD
[18:06] <MerchantDeryni> Good evening all
[18:06] <~bynw>  hi MerchantDeryni
[18:06] <KK> Back when I was doing it, it was fairly new, and I was creating interactive material for training police officers, at LAPD.
[18:06] <+Laurna> That is complicated work
[18:06] <+Eris> <Nezz (Bethane)> Oh neat! 🙂
[18:07] * The_Bee (The_Bee@owirc-hl3.tb3.61.73.IP) has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[18:07] <~bynw> Hi Bee
[18:07] <+Eris> <Nezz (Bethane)> hello Bee
[18:07] <+Laurna> Hello bee
[18:07] <KK> One of the neater things I worked on was scenarios for their firearms training simulator. I'm sure it's far more sophisticated now.
[18:07] <The_Bee> HI EVERYONE!
[18:07] <KK> Hello, Bee.
[18:08] * ~bynw thinks he will wait until the Vikings game is over before he trys to put the cookies in the oven
[18:08] <The_Bee> Hi KK.  Whose firearms wee you simulating?
[18:08] <The_Bee> were
[18:08] <KK> Bad guys, and the officers would have to deal with the threat.
[18:09] <+Laurna> That is a bit different from swords and daggers?
[18:09] <KK> True.
[18:09] <+Eris> <Nezz (Bethane)> My training wasn't nearly that interesting. We taught people how to use our software to help estimating the cost of repairing a home.
[18:09] <The_Bee> Oh, 20th cestury police, notmedieval knights?
[18:09] * DesertRose (desertrose@DesertRose.Editor.Writer.Creator) has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[18:09] * derynibot sets mode: +qo DesertRose DesertRose
[18:09] <The_Bee> Hi DR
[18:09] <~DesertRose> Hi everyone!
[18:10] <+Eris> <Nezz (Bethane)> Hi DR, you made it
[18:10] <KK> Hi, DR.
[18:10] <~DesertRose> Yup, eventually.  ;)
[18:10] <+Laurna> DR you got home?
[18:10] <+Eris> <Jerusha2> Hi Everyone!
[18:10] <+Laurna>  Hello Jerusha
[18:10] <KK> Hello, Jerusha.
[18:10] <+Eris> <Nezz (Bethane)> Hi Jerusha
[18:10] <The_Bee> Hi Jerusha
[18:11] <MerchantDeryni> I had to write an SOP for opening a door once (big gantry type door). Something like 17 steps to open it up. I never realized it was that convoluted to open a door, but when you write out each step it is a lot to go through.
[18:11] <KK> Yep.
[18:11] <The_Bee> a flow chart
[18:11] <+Laurna> KK I am suprised you didn't write more modern day police stories.
[18:12] <KK> There was police work in the Adept series....
[18:12] <+Eris> <Jerusha2> I think I am glad you stayed with the medieval world
[18:12] <+Laurna> Yes  definitly but with a nice magical twist
[18:13] <+Eris> <Nezz (Bethane)> Lots more romance in the medieval world. Plus they probably didn't need a lot of technical manuals back then.
[18:13] <KK> Nope. it was largely hands-on for procedures.  Nobles got to do book-learning as well.
[18:13] <+Eris> <Jerusha2> Maybe "How to Build a Garderobe"?
[18:13] <The_Bee> It must have been hard to remember which magical gesture did what.
[18:13] <+Eris> <Nezz (Bethane)> Although I guess a nice "How to Be a Deryni" manual might have been nice, completely with stepped instructions and diagrams.
[18:13] <+Laurna> not writen manuals but a lot of training
[18:14] <+Laurna> LOL Jerusha
[18:14] <+Eris> <DFK> Good Evening Everyone
[18:14] <KK> I suspect formal rituals were written out ahead of time, as happens today.
[18:14] <+Eris> <Nezz (Bethane)> Hi DFK
[18:14] <+Eris> <Jerusha2> Hi DFK
[18:14] <+Laurna> Hello DFK
[18:15] <The_Bee> Hi DFK
[18:15] <+Eris> <Catherine Windsor> Hi y'all
[18:15] <+Eris> <Jerusha2> Hi CW
[18:15] <KK> Hi, Catherine.
[18:15] <The_Bee> Hi CW
[18:15] <+Eris> <Nezz (Bethane)> Hi Catherine
[18:15] <+Eris> <Catherine Windsor> How's everybody doing tonight?
[18:16] <+Laurna> All of those scrolls in Kelson's library have to describe how to do something.
[18:16] * HoundMistress (HoundMistr@owirc-j2i.oti.27.24.IP) has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[18:16] <The_Bee> muddling through
[18:16] <~bynw> hey HoundMistress! LTNS
[18:16] <KK> Not too bad. Anyone getting fall color yet, in their necks of the woods?
[18:16] <+Eris> <Jerusha2> It's not raining, so I am happy
[18:16] <The_Bee> Hi Houndmistress
[18:16] <+Eris> <DFK> Hi Houndmistress
[18:16] <+Eris> <Jerusha2> Lots of fall colour.
[18:16] <HoundMistress> Hi, all! Just checking in. Just got Lou home from the hospital.
[18:16] <+Eris> <Jerusha2> Hi HoundMistress
[18:16] <+Eris> <Jerusha2> Oh dear
[18:17] <+Laurna> we had a jot of sprinkles two days ago. about ten minutes worth
[18:17] <The_Bee> Some forecasts of a delayed foliagem but bright
[18:17] <KK> Hospital?  Hope it wasn't too serious.
[18:17] <+Eris> <Jerusha2> We had four days worth
[18:17] <+Laurna> OH  how is Lou?
[18:17] <+Eris> <DFK> How is he Houndmistress
[18:17] <+Eris> <Nezz (Bethane)> Hello Houndmistress
[18:17] <+Eris> <Catherine Windsor> My dogwood is showing red and looks dried out. It's not.
[18:17] <+Eris> <Nezz (Bethane)> Yes, colorful leaves in the mountains.
[18:18] <KK> I'll have to check my dogwoods aat the old house.  None ehre.
[18:18] <+Laurna> I hope someone checks on the house and garden periodically
[18:19] <KK> Gardener is still functioning as usual, at both houses. I long to get the old house on the market and sold.  Soon!
[18:19] <The_Bee> any inquiries?
[18:19] <+Eris> <Jerusha2> Will it be soon, KK?
[18:19] <+Eris> <DFK> How close are you to putting it on the market?
[18:19] <+Laurna> That would be a relief, at this point I should think.
[18:19] <HoundMistress> He went last Sunday for A-fib, converted chemically, had a stress test, x-rays, found almost blocked artery in the heart, also on chest x-ray found nodule in lung. Friday had biopsy of lung, Saturday had stint put in vein, came home today.
[18:20] <+Eris> <Nezz (Bethane)> How are house prices in your neck of the woods? They've been insane here in Utah.
[18:20] <KK> It isn't officially on the market yet.  I need to get some more stuff cleared out.  But I do plan to talk to my listing agent this week, though.
[18:20] <HoundMistress> Thanks for all the good wishes & prayers.
[18:20] <+Laurna> WOW HoundMistress.  I am glad to hear it happened so fast and he is home
[18:20] <The_Bee> How is his long-term prognosis?
[18:20] <+Eris> <Jerusha2> Glad DH is home again, HoundMistress
[18:21] <+Eris> <DFK> Do you have biopsy results?
[18:21] <HoundMistress> We don't know about the nodule yet, they said maybe Tuesday.
[18:21] <+Eris> <DFK> So glad he is home
[18:21] <KK> Wow, a lotta stuff, HoundMistress.  Take care of yourself while you're taking care of him.
[18:22] <HoundMistress> Thanks! The Sunday before I missed because he felt bad and we called EMS but they couldn't find anything then.
[18:22] <+Eris> <DFK> Prayers and healing still coming  your way
[18:22] <HoundMistress> I am, KK. Really tired out now. Whew!
[18:22] <+Laurna> I can imagine
[18:22] <+Eris> <Jerusha2> Sounds like some "self care" time is in order
[18:22] <HoundMistress> Everybody good here?
[18:23] <+Laurna> yes
[18:23] <+Eris> <Nezz (Bethane)> is good
[18:23] <+Eris> <Jerusha2> Yep
[18:23] <The_Bee> pretty much okay
[18:23] <HoundMistress> Puppy dog was soooo happy to see his daddy!
[18:23] <KK> I'll bet he was.
[18:23] <+Eris> <DFK> Hanging on
[18:24] <+Laurna> that is what dogs are for  to come home to
[18:24] <HoundMistress> Cat said, Oh, good you're home. Give me some treats.
[18:24] <HoundMistress> What
[18:24] <+Laurna> and that is what cats are good for
[18:24] <HoundMistress> s up DFK
[18:24] <+Eris> <Jerusha2> Rhodesian Ridgeback, HoundMistress?
[18:24] <The_Bee> speaking of cats, I may have found a kidney-friendly food that Melantha likes.
[18:24] <HoundMistress> Yes, our Quanah
[18:25] <HoundMistress> RR down to his very soul.
[18:25] <+Eris> <Jerusha2> Oh good, Bee!
[18:25] <+Eris> <Nezz (Bethane)> Yay for Melantha!
[18:25] <+Laurna> good bee
[18:25] <HoundMistress> That's good, Bee
[18:25] <+Eris> <Jerusha2> RRs have such sweet faces
[18:25] <The_Bee> oops shouting
[18:25] <~DesertRose> Good gracious, HoundMistress, that's a lot.  Sorry, was afk assembling supper.
[18:25] <KK> Gus loves the Hill's kd diet, stew flavor, in tiny cans.  It isn't cheap, but he's eating it and regaining weight.
[18:26] <HoundMistress> I'm so hungry, y'all, I just have to go eat something. Sorry for the check in & run.
[18:26] <KK> Take care of both of you!
[18:26] <+Eris> <Jerusha2> Glad you could join us, HoundMistress
[18:26] <+Laurna> assembling supper sounds like it require instructional designer
[18:26] <HoundMistress> Everybody stay well and I'll try to check in next week, unless it's the Zoom one.
[18:26] <~DesertRose> Next week is Zoom, yes.
[18:26] <The_Bee> Melantha's is Purina Pro-plan
[18:26] <HoundMistress> Thanks!
[18:26] <HoundMistress> 'Night all!
[18:26] <+Laurna> Good week to you HM and be well
[18:26] <KK> Nighters!
[18:27] <~DesertRose> Well, it wasn't instructional design level.  It was just a matter of cutting up some things, adding other things to the plate, and mixing them up.  ;)
[18:27] <~DesertRose> G'night, HoundMistress.  Take care!
[18:27] <The_Bee> good health to you and Lou
[18:27] * HoundMistress (HoundMistr@owirc-j2i.oti.27.24.IP) Quit (Quit: Connection closed)
[18:28] <+Laurna> My sister writes instructions for her sewing patterns.  she dislikes that part of her job
[18:28] <~DesertRose> The reason I was late was that I went to our SCA fighter practice, in garb, and drove a friend who needed a ride.
[18:28] <KK> Patterns do need instructions, and illustrations.
[18:28] <~DesertRose> And then I had to take friend home and stop by the grocery store.
[18:28] <~DesertRose> Absolutely!
[18:28] <+Eris> <Nezz (Bethane)> in garb?
[18:28] <+Eris> <Jerusha2> Sounds like a fun afternoon, DR
[18:28] <+Laurna> Is Fighter practice with swords?
[18:28] <~DesertRose> Yup.
[18:28] <~DesertRose> Yes, Laurna.
[18:29] <+Eris> <Jerusha2> In my wildest dreams....
[18:29] <~DesertRose> The weather was just gorgeous.
[18:29] <+Laurna> did you participate?
[18:30] <+Laurna> Is it a lot of foot work, and not just arm swings?
[18:30] <~DesertRose> I didn't fight, no, but I sat around the fighting field, cheered the fighters on, chatted with my friends, made a few new friends, and stitched on the revised cap of St Birgitta (my first one was too big for my head, because I tend to cut the first one very generously).
[18:30] <~DesertRose> Yes.
[18:30] <+Eris> <Catherine Windsor> I love grocery runs in garb! Everyone thinks they're imagining things.🤣
[18:30] <+Laurna> Nice DR
[18:31] <KK> Handwork at an event is always fun--unless you're trying to bead, or something like that. Beads tend to try to escape.
[18:31] <~DesertRose> The fighters do a lot of moving around, and one of our dukes got enthusiastic and declared melee practice, so there were whole groups of fighters beating the [expletive deleted]
[18:31] <+Laurna> I use to be cruel to my sister. she would put on a costume she just finished. and before she could change out of it I would drag her to the groceriy store.
[18:32] <~DesertRose> out of each other and then thanking each other for a good fight afterwards.
[18:32] <+Laurna> COOL
[18:32] <KK> Ya gotta be a fighter to appreciate it.
[18:32] <~DesertRose> Yeah, beading is a little too fiddly, IMO, to do in a folding chair outside.
[18:32] <~DesertRose> Even if the weather is freaking amazingly gorgeous.  ;)
[18:33] <KK> Hemming is good, and embroidery.
[18:33] <~DesertRose> Yup, and small sewing like that cap.
[18:33] <~DesertRose> And I find it much easier to thread a needle by natural light than by artificial.
[18:33] <KK> You did have gorgeous weather in northern Florida today.  It was great here, too, though I didn't go out in it.
[18:34] <~DesertRose> When I visited with our baroness, she commented on the weather, and I said that it was just too beautiful to stay indoors.
[18:34] <~DesertRose> (I hadn't really planned to go to the practice until last night.)
[18:34] <The_Bee> September is warmest and wettest on record here
[18:34] <+Laurna> Sounds like you had fun
[18:35] <~DesertRose> I did.
[18:35] <+Eris> <Nezz (Bethane)> We've had a nice Septmber as well.
[18:35] <~bynw> it got back up into the 80s today here after being in the 70s all week :( i want fall weather to stay
[18:36] <~DesertRose> It was in the 80s here, but low 80s, sunny, low humidity, and a light breeze (we were fairly close to the river), so great for spending time outdoors.
[18:36] <+Laurna> we are the coolest we have been in months. 76F
[18:36] <KK> And shade, I hope, DR.
[18:36] <~bynw> we never have low humidity ... it's all the *#@&! corn makes it very humid
[18:37] <~DesertRose> (Although we did have to nag the fighters to hydrate, as usual.  They get involved in what they're doing and forget, so it's sort of a "if you're hanging out by the field, yell at the fighters to drink some water" habit).
[18:37] <~DesertRose> Yes, we had lots of shade.  Big old oak trees, although one of them tried to take off with my headshawl, LOL.
[18:37] <KK> Wise advice.
[18:37] <+Laurna> mean oak tree
[18:37] <+Eris> <Jerusha2> You were attacked by an old oak?
[18:38] <~DesertRose> Our baroness is a nurse.
[18:38] <~DesertRose> It just wanted to play with the headshawl.  ;)
[18:39] <+Eris> <Catherine Windsor> I can't count how many gallons of water have I poured into fighters at Pennsic! 🙄
[18:39] <~DesertRose> Into, onto, all of the above.
[18:39] <+Eris> <Catherine Windsor> Yep! And pickle brine if they get dehydrated.
[18:40] <~DesertRose> (I've never been to Pennsic, and I've only been to Gulf Wards once, but I am intimately familiar with having to all but hold them down to make them drink.
[18:40] <~DesertRose> *Gulf Wars.
[18:40] <MerchantDeryni> Corn sweat humidity.  Brutal
[18:40] <~DesertRose> And/or make them eat some pickles.
[18:40] <+Eris> <Catherine Windsor> That too!
[18:41] <+Eris> <DFK> Pickles instead of salt pills?
[18:41] <The_Bee> pickles/ really?
[18:41] <KK> Pickles?
[18:41] <KK> Is it the vinegar and salt that does the trick?
[18:42] <~DesertRose> The salt in the brine helps restore electrolytes, and sometimes people will eat something salty like pickles when they can't quite cope with plain water or Gatorade or something.
[18:42] <~DesertRose> Yes.
[18:42] <+Eris> <Catherine Windsor> Salt tabs 1. take too long.
[18:42] <+Eris> <Catherine Windsor> 2. don't have enough sodium in easily accessible form.
[18:42] <KK> Ah. Serious chemistry.
[18:43] <+Eris> <Catherine Windsor> And biology.
[18:43] <+Laurna> I never did learn to eat pickles
[18:43] <+Eris> <Nezz (Bethane)> My husband swears by pickles as a remedy for car sickness
[18:43] <The_Bee> When I was little i liked to drink sea-water. Mom said not to.
[18:43] <+Laurna> I am thinking quite the opposit effect on me
[18:44] <+Eris> <Jerusha2> Not a good thing, Bee
[18:44] <+Eris> <DFK> I rememberbgetting off the school bus, buying a big dill pickle for a nickel and munching it all the way home
[18:44] <+Eris> <Catherine Windsor> Sea water will make you nauseous
[18:44] <The_Bee> Now I like sea salt.
[18:44] <+Laurna> I think mom said salt crackers would do the trick for sea sickness.
[18:45] <+Laurna> at 7-up
[18:45] <~DesertRose> Yeah, saltines or really anything salty but otherwise bland.
[18:45] <The_Bee> We had a rhyme: "Want a nickel? Go eat a pickle!"
[18:46] <~DesertRose> Well-done toast with a light coat of salted butter.
[18:46] <+Eris> <Nezz (Bethane)> I'd wait until I had a dime, then eat a... I don't know, anything else but a pickle
[18:47] <+Eris> <Catherine Windsor> I don't care for pickles, but I'll take them over the brine any day!
[18:47] <~DesertRose> Yeah, if you've reached that point of dehydration, it's more necessity than appealing-to-taste-buds.
[18:47] <+Eris> <Catherine Windsor> 👍
[18:48] <~DesertRose> Although I do like pickles.
[18:48] <+Eris> <DFK> I made some really good watermelon pickles with a friend once.
[18:48] <+Eris> <Nezz (Bethane)> @bynw, movie ended
[18:48] <~DesertRose> The rind or the fruit itself?
[18:48] <+Eris> <DFK> The rind
[18:49] <+Laurna> I am going to pass on those,
[18:49] <~DesertRose> I was wondering how you'd go about pickling the red bit; it's awfully fragile.
[18:49] <+Eris> <DFK> We ate that
[18:49] <~DesertRose> I remember having watermelon seed-spitting contests with my cousins and various friends.
[18:50] <+Eris> <DFK> Watermelon is great for hydration, it's mostly water and tastes good
[18:50] <+Laurna> yep
[18:50] <~DesertRose> And trying to scare the younger kids out of swallowing the seeds by pointing out pregnant people and saying that was what they'd done.
[18:50] <~DesertRose> "See, she swallowed a watermelon seed and look at her tummy!"
[18:51] <~DesertRose> Kids can be jerks sometimes.
[18:51] <+Eris> <Nezz (Bethane)> And kinda dumb
[18:51] <+Eris> <DFK> and very gullible
[18:51] <+Eris> <Catherine Windsor> And gullible
[18:51] <+Eris> <Nezz (Bethane)> I spent years being afraid of my dad's convertible because one of my brothers told me that if you pressed a certain button, the car would blow up.
[18:52] <The_Bee> Herbaby-sitttervonce told my mom when she was a child that  melon would grow in her stomacch unless she got home by a certain time
[18:52] <The_Bee> or ws it a peach tree?
[18:53] <+Eris> <Catherine Windsor> Gotta go, brother on the phone and I need to chat at him. It's his birthday. See y'all next week.
[18:53] <+Eris> <Nezz (Bethane)> cya Catherine
[18:53] <+Eris> <DFK> niters CW
[18:54] <The_Bee> Bye CW!  Zoom next week
[18:54] <MerchantDeryni> I have to go as well. Have a good week folks. Take care! b
[18:54] <+Eris> <Nezz (Bethane)> bye MD
[18:54] * MerchantDeryni (MerchantDe@owirc-vfksni.dsl.bell.ca) Quit (Quit: Connection closed)
[18:54] <+Eris> <DFK> bye MD
[18:54] <+Eris> <DFK> Boy he left fast
[18:55] <+Eris> <Jerusha2> Bye MD and CW
[18:56] <KK> Wow, they were quick.
[18:57] <~bynw> those are my thoughts when the chat ends most weeks :)
[18:57] <+Eris> <DFK> Anyone watching the Tonyss tonight. Good to see Braodway back
[18:57] <+Eris> <Jerusha2> Nope, football
[18:57] <The_Bee> Not I.  Reading or watching dvr
[18:57] <+Eris> <Nezz (Bethane)> Hadn't heard about that
[18:58] <+Laurna> Neither football nor the Tonys are on Netflix  so I will read a book instead
[18:58] <KK> Reading, cuddlig with Gus, maybe some tv.
[18:59] <+Eris> <Jerusha2> Cuddling with Gus is good
[18:59] <KK> And some supper.  It's that time.
[18:59] <+Laurna> agreed
[18:59] <+Eris> <Nezz (Bethane)> Got the step-kid coming over to spend the night. Her dad is taking her to get a root canal in the morning.
[18:59] <+Laurna> Ooch
[18:59] <+Eris> <Jerusha2> EEK!
[18:59] <+Eris> <DFK> Ouch
[18:59] <The_Bee> bummer for the kid
[18:59] <+Eris> <Nezz (Bethane)> yeah
[18:59] <KK> So I'll say goodnight too, and see you next week on Zoom.  At 3PM or 4 PM, Bynw?
[18:59] <+Eris> <Nezz (Bethane)> She's been putting it off forever, but it's finally time.
[19:00] <+Eris> <Nezz (Bethane)> g'night KK, you have a great week.
[19:00] <+Eris> <Jerusha2> Nighters, KK
[19:00] <~DesertRose> Thanks for coming to see us, KK.  I believe Zoom is at 3 pm.
[19:00] <+Eris> <DFK> Nite KK. Have a good week
[19:00] <+Laurna> Good night KK
[19:00] <~DesertRose> G'night and have a good week!
[19:00] <KK> Zoom at 3 PM.  See you all then.  Nighters.
[19:00] <~bynw> night!
[19:00] <+Laurna> not to confuse but Zoom is 12 pacific time
[19:00] <~bynw>  3pm ET
[19:00] <The_Bee> Enjoy your supper and your pets, KK.
[19:00] * KK steps onto her Portal, waves goodnight, and disappears in a shower of green sparkles.
[19:00] <+Laurna> and the reading
[19:01] <~bynw> all depends on the timezone of what time it happens on
[19:01] <~bynw> eastern it's 3pm
[19:01] <~bynw> central is 2pm
[19:01] <KK> Nighters.
[19:01] <The_Bee> 3pm eastern
[19:01] <~bynw> mountain is 1pm
[19:01] * KK (49ab39c5@owirc-gig.7nu.62.64.IP) Quit (Quit: https://mibbit.com Online IRC Client)
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Administrator https://www.rhemuthcastle.com