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January 15, 2025, 07:58:39 PM
Nezz and I were joking, Laurna, so no worries.  :)  And as for Bynw's harsh scenes, I expect they'll be no more so than any of KK's more graphic scenes, since after all he's the one who created the fanfic rules in the first place. 
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The Knightling of Liam. Chapter 3

Started by DerynifanK, August 20, 2021, 02:15:24 PM

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Torenthally Palace
Kingdom of Torenth

Later that evening

The sentinel who guarded the portal in Torenthally Palace was startled by the arrival of an unexpected,  cloaked visitor on the portal. He started back, beginning to reach for his sword. But the figure swept back his hood and cloak, revealing the well-known countenance of the Duke of Corwyn, close advisor of King Kelson and friend of both King Liam and Duke Matyas.

The guard recognized the new arrival and removed his hand from his sword hilt. He bowed deeply to the duke. "Your Grace, I was not informed that you were expected. I regret that there is no one here to greet you. I will send a page to inform your ambassador immediately of your arrival." He turned toward the door.

Morgan held up a hand to halt him. "I am not expected, but it is important that I speak with the king and Duke Matyas as soon as possible. There is information they must have in order to ensure the king's safety."

The guard bowed again, stepped to the door, and summoned a page to inform the king immediately that the Duke of Corwyn had arrived and was seeking an audience with him as well as Duke Matyas.

After a brief interval, the page returned and indicated that Morgan should follow him. "This way, please, Your Grace."  Alaric raised his hood again to conceal his face and followed the page. He was conducted to the smaller withdrawing room behind the great hall where the Torenthi king awaited him. "The Duke of Corwyn, Your Majesty." the page announced then withdrew.

Liam sat in an elaborately carved chair at a large polished table. Matyas stood to the side and slightly behind the king. Both looked somewhat perplexed, having no idea what had precipitated this unexpected visit. Alaric tossed back his hood and bowed respectfully to the two men. "We are always pleased to see you, Alaric, but what has prompted this unexpected visit? Please be seated." Liam indicated a seat across from him at the table.

Alaric withdrew a scroll from his tunic and laid it on the table in front of the king, then took the seat  and addressed them. "I have brought Kelson's reply to your petition to attend Twelfth Night in Rhemuth and there to be knighted. It was unanimously approved by the council. However, there is another concern. Information regarding a plot to interfere with your upcoming knighting ceremony has come to our attention. Are you aware of a possible assassination attempt planned against you while you are in Rhemuth?"

Alaric's expression was grave. "We know that you monitor the activities of Teymuraz, but we were not certain whether you had heard this latest rumor. The information was passed to Earl Brendan Coris by a spy he has used before and has found to be reliable. He feels the information is credible. Kelson is concerned that you might not have heard it and feels it should be considered in your plans for Twelfth Night."

 "We do indeed try to keep a close watch on Teymuraz in order to foil any mischief he might be planning." Matyas responded. "I must admit I thought he had been unusually quiet of late. We had not heard of any specific plots recently. He must have made a special effort to maintain secrecy which would indicate that he is serious."

Liam was frowning as he spoke. "Do you feel this information is reliable, and if so, what actions does King Kelson recommend? I had not yet received the formal invitation to participate in the knighting although I anticipated that it would arrive very soon. I do not intend to let possible plots by Teymuraz dictate my actions. If I did so, I would never go anywhere. Does Kelson feel I should postpone my presentation for the accolade?" 

Alaric hastened to reassure him. "No, your Majesty. Though we do place enough reliance on the accuracy of the information to feel the need to consult with you, no one has proposed any change in the plans for your knighting at Twelfth Night court. Kelson's Crown Council agreed that you are more than worthy of the accolade and recommended that preparations continue on schedule. The king intended to send a courier with the message that your candidacy for knighthood, put forward by Prince Nigel, met with unanimous approval. He still intends to serve as your sponsor."

"I undertook to deliver the message along with the warning about Teymuraz's possible plotting.  We do feel that additional precautions must be taken for the protection of yourself and your party, and it is about these precautions that we wish to consult you. We are also concerned that he might see this as an opportunity to eliminate both you and Ronal at the same time and seize the throne for himself without having to wait out another regency." Alaric paused, looking intently from Liam to Matyas and back.

Then he continued. "It was Brendan who brought these rumors to our attention. As you know, he is particularly sensitive to possibilities for treason and what effects it might have both in Torenth and in Gwynedd. One of his intelligencers gathered the information both from men passing through Cardosa and from a connection he has inside Teymuraz's court. This man has provided information in the past and has been found to be reliable." 

Alaric reprised the discussion that had taken place in Gynedd's royal council and all of the precautions proposed to ensure their safety. "We believe that any attack would be carried out by two or three small teams of trained assassins who would slip into Rhemuth and lose themselves in the crowds that typically attend Twelfth Night Court. Even more people are expected to attend this year as word of your knighting has leaked out and has generated even more excitement than usual. We feel that you would be most vulnerable during the vigil in the cathedral the night before. You need not take part in the vigil but may join the other candidates at mass the morning of the public ceremony; the choice of whether to take part is yours. If you do choose to participate, there will be additional protective measures in place. We also plan extra safeguards for Prince Ronal's protection. Our goals are twofold, to keep both of you safe and to avoid alerting any spies who may be watching that their plans are known. We do not want the attackers to change their plans as we hope to capture them and learn more of Teymuraz's intent."

Alaric paused and kept his gaze on Liam and Matyas. Their faces reflected their concern as they considered what he had told them. He continued.  "Brendan felt that if Teymuraz intended to make a serious effort to assassinate both you and Ronal in order to seize the throne, he would need to have an army assembled near Beldour to take over the city as soon as it was known that you were dead. He has sent scouting parties into the nearby mountains to search for any sign of such an army assembling. So far there has been no sign of such an assembly. Nor has he found any increase in troops from Byzantyun, although I am sure Teymuraz expects support from the Autokrator who would love to extend his influence into Torenth."

There was a pause in the discussion as the king summoned a page and sent him for wine. After the wine was brought, Liam exchanged looks with Matyas then spoke. "We appreciate the information you have shared and will certainly give it due consideration. It appears that you have given this much thought, and you already have begun forming your plans for thwarting any attack. Duke Matyas and I will discuss it and determine its effect on our plans. As you know, this has been a long held wish of mine, to receive the accolade from Prince Nigel as Kelson did when I was still a squire. I hope to participate fully in all of the activities surrounding the ceremony.  I am unwilling to allow any plots by Teymuraz to discourage me." Liam's face was stern and there was a glint of anger in his eye. "However I do not wish to place any undue burden on King Kelson or on Gwynedd. I hope this will be a further link in the ties between our two kingdoms."

 "King Kelson and his advisors agree that this will strengthen the ties already binding our two kingdoms together." Alaric inclined his head in agreement. "The king intends that all shall go forward as planned for Twelfth Night and your knighting. The scroll I brought confirms your invitation to attend Twelfth Night Court as well as his intention to serve as your sponsor, Prince Nigel is greatly looking forward to bestowing  the accolade upon you. However, Kelson felt it important that Brendan's information be shared with you. Forewarned is forearmed, and we will have in place measures to defeat any attacks from Teymuraz. It is our desire that the occasion be all that you would wish."

 "Duke Matyas and I must consider what you have told us. You have given careful thought to the actions you propose to keep all those participating in Twelfth Night safe. We will notify King Kelson of our final plans and also any additional suggestions we might have for dealing with Teymuraz' agents and ensuring the safety of all the participants." Both men indicated their agreement with the plans outlined by Alaric.

Liam continued with a somewhat rueful smile, "You should know that my sister and Duke Matyas' daughter, Lionella, will be part of my party. Stanisha would give me no peace until I agreed that she might accompany me. They are greatly looking forward to seeing Rhemuth and learning more about Gwynedd and your court. You and your king are both acquainted with Stanisha and are at least somewhat aware of how brave and sometimes foolhardy she can be. I will have to discuss your information with both of them and secure their solemn promises to heed any instructions given to them. I will be sure they understand that this is a matter of their safety. I could try to discourage them from attending, or even forbid it, but I don't think it would go well. If I tried to leave her at home, she would never forgive me."

Alaric smiled back at Liam. He had a daughter who had her own ways of getting what she wanted, and he was not very good at telling her "no" either. "I will speak with Queen Araxie and Duchess Meraude about the best ways to both meet their expectations and keep them safe."

Liam stood and moved toward Alaric to clasp arms with him.  "We look forward to the festivities. We thank you for sharing this information with us. We do not intend to allow Teymuraz or his machinations to interfere in any way with them. We will be in touch when we have had more time to consider what we have heard."

Alaric stood and bowed deeply to the King of Torenth as he took his leave. The page reappeared to conduct him back to the portal. He wrapped his cloak around him and the dark hood again covered his head as Alaric followed the page from the room, leaving Liam and Matyas to discuss what they had learned.
"Thanks be to God there are still, as there always have been and always will be, more good men than evil in this world, and their cause will prevail." Brother Cadfael's Penance


I love seeing Alaric being Ambassidor between Kelson and Liam. Just the right man to be portal hopping between royal castles.
And Oh two ladies will be attending Liam. His sister and a cousin. Will the girls cause a little mischief in Rhemuth?  We shall just have to see if they do.
Thank you
That was a fun scene.
May your horses have wings and fly!


It's good to see the story developing.I have a sense that despite all their male authority both Alaric and Liam are helpless against the women of their families.
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
(Psalm 46 v1)


A very nice scene, DFK.  Always nice to see Alaric out on a diplomatic mission for the king.
From ghoulies and ghosties and long-leggity beasties and things that go bump in the night...good Lord deliver us!

 -- Old English Litany


DFK, that is some darn good writing!! I realized from your contributions to the game that you are an able writer and this story confirms that talent. You must keep on writing and I'm already drawn into this story.
Judy Ward
You can buy a pretty good dog with money but you can't buy the wag of its tail.
