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January 15, 2025, 07:58:39 PM
Nezz and I were joking, Laurna, so no worries.  :)  And as for Bynw's harsh scenes, I expect they'll be no more so than any of KK's more graphic scenes, since after all he's the one who created the fanfic rules in the first place. 
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The Making of a Queen: Eirian's Journey. Chapter 3

Started by DerynifanK, July 21, 2020, 01:20:43 PM

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Link to previous chapter: https://www.rhemuthcastle.com/index.php/topic,2612.0.html

The Making of a Queen: Eirian's Journey
Rhemuth Castle
Twelfth Night
January 6, 1129

                                                                 A First Step

Outside the great hall, a soft snow was falling but inside there was warmth and light from fires in the great fireplaces and many torches burning in sconces throughout the great hall as Kelson, King of Gwynedd prepared to begin his Twelfth Night Court. Family, members of his privy council, and most of the great lords of Gwynedd were present to help the young king celebrate. In addition, he was hosting King Liam Lajos II of Torenth who had traveled to Rhemuth to celebrate the end of the Christmas festivities bringing his younger brother Ronal.

Twelfth Night Court was attended by all of the nobility who were able to reach Rhemuth. As part of the celebration, honors, including knighthood, were conferred on those deserving the accolades. New pages were accepted into royal service to train under Prince Nigel, and older pages were promoted to squire. King Liam had been determined that his younger brother would benefit from serving as a page and then squire and receiving the same training that he had.  He had discussed this with his closest advisor, Duke Matyas as well as with Kelson and Prince Nigel. They had agreed that this education would be invaluable for the boy who was currently Heir Presumptive to the throne of Torenth. They also agreed that the more interactions there were among the nobles of both kingdoms, the better the opportunity to lessen the chances for future wars.

Prince Nigel had called his younger son into his room the day before to discuss the imminent arrival of Prince Ronal of Torenth and his inclusion in the newest group of pages to be pledged to the king's service. Payne himself was due to be promoted to squire at the Twelfth Night ceremonies and was quite excited about his advancement. He knocked on the door of his father's room and on receiving a  response, entered the room and bowed. His father beckoned to him to move closer.

"As you know, one of the responsibilities of a squire is to mentor the younger boys who are starting their training as pages. As one of those assuming to the role of squire , I am assigning you a special duty to look out for one of the new pages. You are aware that Liam is attending Twelfth Night at Kelson's particular invitation. He is bringing with him his younger brother, Ronal, who will enter Kelson's service as a page. He has some experience as he had previously served his uncle as a page, but I have my doubts about any training received from Mahael. There is consensus that he will benefit from the training received here at Kelson's court and from meeting the other boys serving with him. It will be a more difficult adjustment for him because this is a strange place to him. You and Liam  have been close friends, and I feel it will reassure Ronal to have your assistance as he adjusts not only to this new role but to his new surroundings. I know Liam has tried to prepare him. He does speak fluent Gwyneddan and Liam has told him what to expect. However, having you look out for him will also help." Nigel paused and looked at his son.

Payne replied. "I will be honored to mentor Prince Ronal. I will do my best to help him settle in and learn his duties as well as build friendships with his fellow pages. All the pages are new to your service and will be getting to know each other so perhaps it will feel less strange to him. Maybe Laim can introduce us after the ceremonies and give us an opportunity to get to know each other."

Nigel nodded his approval of Payne's idea. "I will speak with Liam before the ceremonies begin. I am sure he will approve. You may return to your duties now." Nigel dismissed his son.


Prince Nigel and Duchess Meraude sat on the dais with their daughter, Princess Eirian, as well as their granddaughter, LAy Amelia. They formed part of the royal party. King Liam sat on Kelson's right.  Payne's brother, Rory, now Duke of Ratharkan was also in attendance with his new wife, Duchess Noellie. Payne himself was with the boys who were being moved from page to squire as part of the ceremonies. All were excited and a little nervous.

The little girls, Eirian and Amelia were quite excited to be allowed to attend the celebration. There would be lots to eat and lavish entertainment by minstrels and jongleurs, and there would be dancing after the accolades were completed. Eirian was especially excited at the prospect of seeing Liam whom she had not seen since he had left Rhemuth to begin his rule as King of Torenth.  He had been her favorite among her brothers' fellow pages and squires. He had been the most willing to spend time with the children and play with them when he was free of his duties. She had missed him since he had returned to Beldour.

The ceremonies wound to an end with the knighting of the final candidate. People began to move about,  relaxing and seeking out families and friends.  Prince Payne moved to join the newly minted pages.  He spoke to a young man who was standing slightly apart from the others. He wore an orange tunic with a silver circle on the chest embroidered with the leaping Hart of Torenth, but this was now covered by the crimson pages' tabard with the lion of Gwynedd on the chest.  He was tall for his age and slim. He had auburn hair rather than the black hair of his brothers. He had watched the proceedings intently and had taken his part without a stumble, but he still appeared tense and unsure of what came next. Payne drew him to where Liam was descending toward them from the dais.. 

The two boys approached King Liam and bowed. Liam acknowledged their bows and spoke to them, addressing Payne first. "I see that you have met my brother, Prince Ronal. As you know he will be serving as a page here at court. I am sure he will benefit from your assistance in learning his duties as well as meeting his fellow pages. I hope that he will learn many things and gain social and political contacts that will serve him well in the future. I anticipate that he will find his experience as valuable as I did mine."

Liam then turned to his brother. "This is Prince Payne, Prince Nigel's younger son. He and I became close friends during my time here, and it is my hope that you will form similar friendships." 

He then led Ronal to stand before King Kelson, followed by Payne. Both boys stopped before the king and bowed. Kelson smiled and addressed his newest page. "Welcome to Rhemuth. I hope you will be happy here and will avail yourself of the opportunities you find here. I am certain that Payne will see that you get off to a good start."

The boys were then dismissed to return to their families. King Liam returned to the dais and was speaking with Prince Nigel and the Duke of Corwyn.

Payne led Ronal to the side of the dais and presented him to his mother, Duchess Meraude and to the two younger girls. Meraude welcomed the young prince warmly and assured him he would be regarded as a part of their family as his brother had been. Payne and Ronal then joined a group of several of the other new pages. The boys quickly acquired plates of food and settled down to enjoy the entertainments being provided. Ronal appeared to relax somewhat as the boys chatted, ate, and watched the jongleur who was then performing. They also paid attention to the pages who were circulating with trays of food and wine and serving during the feast. They knew that they would soon be learning to fill similar roles.

People were circulating through the hall, and many came to the dais to be introduced or to speak to Prince Nigel and Duchess Meraude. After a short time, the two little girls were beginning to yawn, though Eirian fought valiantly to stay awake. A nursemaid was summoned to take charge of the girls and return them to the nursery to be put to bed. Meraude bent to hug each of them in turn. Eirian whispered in her ear. "But Mama, I didn't get to talk to Liam at all."

"Liam had duties to perform tonight, especially with bringing his brother here and seeing him installed as a page.  Perhaps he will have time tomorrow to see you before he returns to Beldour. But you must remember, Liam is a king now and he has many responsibilities which take up much of his time. However, I know he hasn't forgotten you and will spend a little time with you if he is able. Good night now." The girls left the hall with the nurse.


The day after the celebration and feast was sunny but cold. Sunlight reflected off the newly fallen snow sending bright light through the windows of the nursery. Fires burning in the fireplaces provided warmth and cheer as the children finished their noon meal. They were excused from lessons today and prepared to play until nap time. The nurses cleared away the remains of the meal and settled down with their needlework while keeping an eye on their charges.

There was a soft knock at the door which then opened to admit Duchess Meraude. The children came running to greet her with hugs and kisses. Albin held up a black stuffed dog. "See Blackie?"   Kelric was carrying a knight on a black horse with an orange cloak. "Look, my new knight. 'Is King Liam!"  The girls were having a tea party with their dolls.  Eirian ran up to hug her mother.

Meraude smiled at the children. "I see you are having a lovely time with your toys. And are you minding  Nurse?" They all nodded solemnly. "You still have a little time before naps to play." She took Eirian's hand and spoke to the nurse. "I am taking Princess Eirian with me. I have a visitor who wishes to see her. We will return before nap time." She gestured to the other children to continue their play, then drew her daughter out of the nursery and closed the door.. Eirian tugged at her mama's hand. "Who am I going to see? Is it someone nice?"

"You'll see." They reached the apartment occupied by Prince Nigel and his family. Meraude opened the door and ushered Eirian inside and through into the dayroom where a dark haired young man sat before the fire. "Liam!" Eirian ran toward him. Meraude caught her by the shoulder. "How do you greet the king of Torenth?" Eirian stopped abruptly, looked up at the king then dipped a deep curtsy. Liam nodded in return, then he crouched down and held out his arms. "I'll take that hug now."

Eirian ran into his arms, and he picked her up giving her a big hug. He sat down in a chair with her on his knee. "Did you come to tell me a story?" she asked.

"I'm afraid I haven't much time." he said. "I must return to Beldour, but I wanted to see you before I go. I have a different sort of story for you this time, a special story. It's about a princess who traveled to a faraway land to visit her friend who was now a king.  She had not seen him for a long time, but she had never forgotten him. He had often told her stories about the great city where he now lived. She had particularly loved the stories about the Queen's zoo in that city and all the magical animals that lived there. He had said that someday when she was old enough he would take her there to see them. The day came when her parents agreed that she was old enough to make the trip. Everything was arranged and her mother escorted her to that great city where her friend met them. She saw many wonderful sights. But her favorite was the zoo where she saw the animals she had only heard about."

Eirian looked at the king with eyes as big as saucers. "Was that story about me? Am I the princess who gets to go to that faraway land?"

Liam gave her another hug. "That is your very own fairytale. If you are patient, when you are older, it just might come true." Laim put her down and stood. "I must be going now, but I won't forget our story." Meraude curtsied as Liam opened the door to leave. She directed Eirian into a curtsy also. 

Liam left, closing the door quietly. Meraude hugged her daughter. "It's time to return to the nursery, but now you have something special, your very own fairytale."

"It will come true someday won't it, Mama?" Eirian looked up at her mama.

Meraude smiled down at her. "I think it just might."

Link to next chapter: https://www.rhemuthcastle.com/index.php?action=post;board=160.0
"Thanks be to God there are still, as there always have been and always will be, more good men than evil in this world, and their cause will prevail." Brother Cadfael's Penance


Her own fairytale!   Still, there is a big difference in age between Liam and Eirian (not unusual in the Medieval world), and Eiriain has a lot of growing up to do before travelling to that strange land.  And Liam will have a longish wait for his bride.
From ghoulies and ghosties and long-leggity beasties and things that go bump in the night...good Lord deliver us!

 -- Old English Litany


Very true. It will be a long wait for the wedding but I do have some plans for happenings during that interval including at least a few meetings along the way. Eirian will have a lot to learn but she is an intelligent young lady and I'm sure she is up to the task. I think she might surprise a few people.
"Thanks be to God there are still, as there always have been and always will be, more good men than evil in this world, and their cause will prevail." Brother Cadfael's Penance


I love Eirian's own fairy-tale. I think Liam may be so busy putting his kingdom in proper order that he will be surprised that his little princess will have grown up when he next sees her. I look forward to reading more of Eirian's journey.

May your horses have wings and fly!


Why do I worry that all will not be plain sailing. I will keep my fears to myself but I wonder if I am right....
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
(Psalm 46 v1)


I don't just march to the beat of a different drummer...I dance to a beat no one else can hear :)


I saw it as a first step in a relationship that will be very different from their relationship when she just saw him as her brothers' fellow page. First he is a special friend, then the relationship will gradually change and evolve. Ronal will be part of this too. Don't have it all mapped out but I do have some ideas about what is going to happen. Hope you continue to enjoy it.
"Thanks be to God there are still, as there always have been and always will be, more good men than evil in this world, and their cause will prevail." Brother Cadfael's Penance


I don't just march to the beat of a different drummer...I dance to a beat no one else can hear :)


You are right. Read your comment, saw the mistake and fixed it. Thanks for your comments
"Thanks be to God there are still, as there always have been and always will be, more good men than evil in this world, and their cause will prevail." Brother Cadfael's Penance
