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Chatroom Bots

Started by bennu, May 10, 2020, 07:56:11 PM

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Our chatroom has several bots. That is short for robots. They aren't real people and have specific functions and duties in the chatroom.

On IRC, the main chat, we have 2 bots there:

derynibot - this is an olde time bot for the chat. Today it only has a few functions.

  • It sends everyone joining the chat a welcome message. This can be customized if you have a registered nickname on the IRC server.
  • It gives chat moderator privileges to those members that have that responsibility in the chatroom
  • It can roll dice for games

Eris - this is a bot that allows the main chat to communicate with the Rhemuthcastle Discord chat. Without Eris members would only be able to communicate with someone on the same service. When Eris speaks look for the name in between the angle brackets. This is the person you should address.

On Discord we have 3 bots there to assist members with the service. They are generally easy to spot too. The member list on the right side of the Discord screen will have a blue box with the word "bot" in it to indicate which name is a bot and not a real person.

Eris - this is the same bot as listed above. And without it as before IRC and Discord would be isolated from one another. So it allows us to communicate between the two systems.

Sidekick - another Discord bot. This one only has one function. It can roll dice for any online games that might be played on the Discord service.

Forum Bot - this bot is tricky. It doesn't show up in the member list. So you cant see that it is in the chat. It's tied to the forums here. And it just posts a notice anytime there is a new post added to the forums. Giving information on who posted it. What board and what the title of the post was and if it was a new post or a reply to current post.
