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KK Chat -- 3 November 2019

Started by DesertRose, November 03, 2019, 05:05:25 PM

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[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:03:16 PM EST] Join KK has joined this channel.
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:03:38 PM EST] <KK> Hello, all. Looks like many folk forgot that it's early chat today.
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:03:47 PM EST] Join Gilreth (uid402544@OWIRCN-53280135.irccloud.com) has joined this channel.
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:07:07 PM EST] <bynw> hi KK
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:07:23 PM EST] <bynw> did you forget about the time change? :)
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:09:20 PM EST] <KK> I didn't.l But it looks like everyone else did.
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:09:28 PM EST] <bynw> how was your week KK? i'm still working with my phone company to find out why some people arent getting my texts
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:09:39 PM EST] <KK> It was ok. I
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:10:53 PM EST] <KK> I've just finished writing a letter to Georgetown University to try to get two parking citations dismissed, from when Kyri and I were visiting Sharon.
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:11:36 PM EST] Quit Gilreth (uid402544@OWIRCN-53280135.irccloud.com) has left this server (Quit: ).
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:11:37 PM EST] <bynw> they gave you parking tickets? well those should be dismissed given the circumstances
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:12:06 PM EST] <KK> They were exactly 12 hrs and 13 min. apart, the night we had to stay in Washington overnight to see Sharon again in the morning. Grrr.
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:12:12 PM EST] Join The_Bee (The_Bee@7F791F.1DE43C.F0CC3F.71F146) has joined this channel.
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:12:26 PM EST] <bynw> yeah that's just wrong
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:12:28 PM EST] <bynw> hi Bee
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:12:46 PM EST] <The_Bee> Hi all! What's wrong?
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:13:19 PM EST] <KK> That's what I've just finished explaining: visiting a terminal patient--and she died a week later. Yne universe adding insult to injury. But in all fairness, it was a very confusing night, our parking insctustions were vague, and there was heavy construction in the area.
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:13:49 PM EST] <The_Bee> You were there. That's what matters.
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:14:03 PM EST] <bynw> i pray you get a letter back saying "dont worry about those tickets"
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:14:19 PM EST] <KK> Yes. But I don't want to pay $150 in parking fines.
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:14:56 PM EST] <bynw> that's a high fine amount
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:15:08 PM EST] <KK> It was $75 for the first one and $50 for the second. Grrr.
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:15:29 PM EST] <The_Bee> a bit excessive for sure.
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:16:39 PM EST] <KK> Well, it's Washington. What can I say? We'll see how it all turns out.
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:17:58 PM EST] <bynw> well that is true. everyting inside the beltway is way too pricy
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:19:16 PM EST] Join derynifank (~Mibbit@OWIRCN-dc339139.hr.cox.net) has joined this channel.
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:19:23 PM EST] <The_Bee> Hi DFK
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:19:55 PM EST] <bynw> hi DFK
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:20:13 PM EST] <bynw> yeah i think everyone is out of sorts with the time change and early chat
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:20:28 PM EST] <KK> Not to mention thata driving within the Beltway is ghastly.
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:21:02 PM EST] <bynw> oh yes
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:22:13 PM EST] <bynw> i think i will leave the driving to someone else in that area
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:22:25 PM EST] <bynw> NYC and Chicago are horrid too
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:22:45 PM EST] <KK> We were actually staying at a hIlton out by Dulles, and I swear the GPS took us fromthere to Georgetown a different route every time we sent.
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:22:50 PM EST] <KK> went
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:23:55 PM EST] <bynw> it probably did. most of the time GPS tries to reroute you for fastest path ... not the most direct but the fastest based on traffic and current local information thats available to it
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:24:32 PM EST] <bynw> sometimes that just frustrates me as i want to take a specific path and dont care if its the fastest or not
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:25:22 PM EST] Quit derynifank (~Mibbit@OWIRCN-dc339139.hr.cox.net) has left this server (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client).
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:25:47 PM EST] <KK> Yeah, but we went along the Potomac one time, and the canal. That was pretty, and not as freeway-ish as the more direct routes.
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:28:08 PM EST] <The_Bee> NYC is probably extra bad durung the New York Marathon.
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:28:51 PM EST] Nick You are now known as DesertRose.
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:29:05 PM EST] <bynw> wb DR
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:29:05 PM EST] <DesertRose> Hello, KK. Sorry to hear about the parking fees, yuk.
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:29:17 PM EST] <DesertRose> Thank you, bynw.
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:29:22 PM EST] <DesertRose> And hi Bee.
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:29:53 PM EST] <Eris> <derynifank> Not sure how this will go. Loaned my grandson my computer so using an old one. Really slow
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:30:09 PM EST] <bynw> hi again DFK
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:30:45 PM EST] <Eris> <derynifank> Hi everyone
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:30:52 PM EST] <KK> Hopefully, they'll get excused. It really was a bizarre situation.
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:31:06 PM EST] <The_Bee> I've had computers that walked, not ran.
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:31:23 PM EST] <Eris> <derynifank> I think mine crawls
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:31:54 PM EST] <bynw> well even crawling is better than it just sitting there doing nothing
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:32:36 PM EST] <Eris> <derynifank> True but frustrating
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:32:48 PM EST] <bynw> frustrating yes
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:33:03 PM EST] <Eris> <derynifank> Where di kk encounter the parking monster
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:33:32 PM EST] <DesertRose> I am a cat bed now. :)
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:33:48 PM EST] <bynw> now? you weren't before??
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:34:01 PM EST] * The_Bee skritches Carys
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:34:05 PM EST] <KK> T Georgetown University, visiting Jasta.
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:34:05 PM EST] <DesertRose> I hadn't been seated long enough for her to decide that she could come sit on me.
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:34:28 PM EST] <DesertRose> Carys purrs at you, Bee.
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:34:44 PM EST] <KK> Gus is on my lap now. I have the heater running under my desk.
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:34:51 PM EST] <DesertRose> She's not feeling so hot. She got her flea preventative yesterday, and she's usually a little under the weather for a day or so after that.
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:35:01 PM EST] <DesertRose> Hi Gus! *scritches Gus)
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:35:01 PM EST] <Eris> <derynifank> Mine will snuggle up close but doesn't want to sit on people. Does like walking on them
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:35:09 PM EST] <The_Bee> Change of subject: Did anyone see any interesting costumes on Halloween?
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:35:12 PM EST] <DesertRose> Drat. That close parenthesis was supposed to be an asterisk.
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:35:16 PM EST] <Laurna> Happy Sunday everyone!
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:35:16 PM EST] <bynw> lol. yeah kitty goes "hey its warm over here"
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:35:20 PM EST] <DesertRose> Hi Laurna
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:35:44 PM EST] <Laurna> hello DR and KK and Bynw and bee and everyone I can not see
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:35:48 PM EST] <bynw> Bee, only on Facebook
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:35:52 PM EST] <DesertRose> I didn't in person, Bee, but there have been some cute pics online.
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:35:53 PM EST] <Eris> <derynifank> Hi Laurna and arghhh. How did the pirayes go?
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:35:54 PM EST] <bynw> hi Laurna
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:36:07 PM EST] <Laurna> Lots of fun
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:36:10 PM EST] <Eris> <derynifank> pirates
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:36:30 PM EST] <Laurna> pirayes sounds like a drink
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:36:35 PM EST] <DesertRose> Here's mine: https://i.postimg.cc/cJBvDx4f/Princess-Leia-selfie-30-Oct-2019-crop-sm.jpg (I went to a Halloween potluck on Wednesday evening.)
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:36:42 PM EST] <Eris> <derynifank> I had a cute monarch butterfly and a unicorn
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:37:27 PM EST] <Eris> <derynifank> Hi Princess leia.
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:37:30 PM EST] <DesertRose> :)
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:37:33 PM EST] <Laurna> Aye hello Princess Leia
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:37:48 PM EST] Join Shiral_ (uid327538@OWIRCN-c7444ab5.irccloud.com) has joined this channel.
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:37:56 PM EST] <Laurna> Hello Shiral
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:38:00 PM EST] <Eris> <derynifank> Hi shiral
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:38:06 PM EST] * Shiral_ appears with a champagne cork pop
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:38:15 PM EST] <Shiral_> Hello everyone
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:38:19 PM EST] <KK> Nice Leia, DR.
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:38:20 PM EST] <DesertRose> The dress is actually one of my SCA 16th C chemises, and I made the belt about a decade ago when my hair was long enough to sit on, so my earmuff buns were more impressive then, but I don't know that any pictures were taken then.
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:38:29 PM EST] <Laurna> Pop I can have a small glass please Shiral
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:38:49 PM EST] <KK> Hello, Shiral.
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:38:49 PM EST] * Shiral_ pours a glass of champagne for Laurna
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:38:55 PM EST] <Shiral_> Hello, KK
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:39:05 PM EST] <bynw> hi Shiral
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:39:09 PM EST] <DesertRose> I probably need to look at some of Leia's costumes from the more recent movies, since she's wearing trousers in at least one of them, and it's easier not to catch the cane tips on the hems of trouser legs than on the hems of a long dress/skirt, LOL.
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:39:09 PM EST] * Laurna says cheers to all
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:39:12 PM EST] <The_Bee> Hi Laurna
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:39:14 PM EST] <DesertRose> Hi Shiral_.
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:39:17 PM EST] <Laurna> Hello Bee
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:39:19 PM EST] * Shiral_ snaps fingers and sends filled champagne glasses to all chatters who want one
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:39:38 PM EST] <Shiral_> Hi Bynw, DR Darksir Laurna and Bee
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:39:43 PM EST] <DesertRose> Thank you for posting the Ofrenda, Shiral_. It's lovely.
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:39:50 PM EST] <Shiral_> You're welcome
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:39:53 PM EST] <Eris> <derynifank> we should have a toast since we have champaign
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:41:07 PM EST] * DesertRose raises her glass. "To friends far and near."
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:41:18 PM EST] <Shiral_> Agreed, and to firefighters
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:41:22 PM EST] <DesertRose> Yes.
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:41:25 PM EST] <Laurna> Pirate shipwreck https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=2466524703563118&set=pcb.2466529660229289&type=3&theater
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:41:51 PM EST] <The_Bee> Hi Shiral
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:42:00 PM EST] <Shiral_> Hi Bee
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:42:27 PM EST] <Laurna> I'll make the pictures public for now then change them back to private after chat.
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:42:52 PM EST] * Shiral_ snaps fingers and produces a pan of fresh baked gingerbread with whipped cream and lemon curd
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:43:08 PM EST] <Eris> <derynifank> YYummy
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:43:19 PM EST] <Laurna> Thank you Shiral, yum
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:43:30 PM EST] <Eris> <derynifank> Love the pirate ship and its occupants
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:43:33 PM EST] <Shiral_> Fall just calls out for gingerbread
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:44:09 PM EST] <KK> Wow, that was an all-out pirate bash, Laurna. Impressive!
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:44:17 PM EST] <Eris> <derynifank> And gingerbread calls out for hot chocolate
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:44:19 PM EST] <Laurna> as I am putting away the halloween stuff I am getting out the christmas stuff. I have never done it this early before
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:44:35 PM EST] <Shiral_> Wow, you do Halloween right, Laurna!
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:44:40 PM EST] <The_Bee> looks like you had a hearty party
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:44:46 PM EST] <Laurna> We had a lot of fun. I think we had 200-250 people through not sure. about 30lbs of candy
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:44:57 PM EST] <KK> Wow.
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:44:58 PM EST] <Laurna> trick or treaters
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:44:58 PM EST] <Shiral_> I dressed up in purple, made some green felt leaves and went as a grape
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:45:11 PM EST] <KK> lol, Shiral.
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:45:23 PM EST] <Laurna> LOL
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:45:24 PM EST] <Eris> <derynifank> Love itt. Next you can be a glass of wine
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:45:27 PM EST] <bynw> ROFL Shiral
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:45:34 PM EST] <Shiral_> Low impact Halloween, since I had to work until nine last Thursday
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:45:56 PM EST] <Shiral_> Somewhat harder visual trick to pull off, I'd say
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:45:58 PM EST] <Laurna> Is that why we are having champagne
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:45:59 PM EST] <The_Bee> I never get trick-or-treaters. ;(
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:46:32 PM EST] <Eris> <derynifank> Ian do itf its possible, you c
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:46:32 PM EST] <Shiral_> Maybe. Although champagne grapes are teeny weeny and I was the biggest grape ever
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:46:36 PM EST] <KK> That was the night it bucketed here. Cameron and I went for Indian food. Yum! Lamb pasanda. And then he left the next morning, having finally sorted out his Jeep difficulties.
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:46:45 PM EST] <Laurna> The funniest costume was four college boys dressed up in cardboard boxes and tape. they were amzon packages.
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:46:47 PM EST] <Shiral_> I didn't have enough orange garments to be a great pumpkin
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:47:09 PM EST] <KK> Not many trick or treaters out because of the weather, so a lot of them went out on Friday instead.
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:47:16 PM EST] <Shiral_> That's the part of Halloween I love--creative costuming
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:47:52 PM EST] <Laurna> Lots of little ones in superheros and princess
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:48:33 PM EST] <The_Bee> Remind me--is it DR or Evie who had the Famous Pink Flamingo?
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:48:35 PM EST] <Shiral_> Halloween was big when I was growing up. My mom loved making our costumes
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:48:45 PM EST] <Shiral_> I think it was Evie
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:48:45 PM EST] <Laurna> One t-rex adult in the full blow up costume, we were afraid he would fall down the stairs so we hand walked him up and down the front pourch steps
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:48:46 PM EST] <KK> It was Evie!
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:49:02 PM EST] <Laurna> That was evie. Loved it
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:49:02 PM EST] <DesertRose> Yeah, that was Evie. :D
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:49:02 PM EST] <Eris> <derynifank> I had one superhero who was conviced he could fly. As both his mom and I yelled no he took off rom my top step. Fortunately no injuries
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:49:16 PM EST] <KK> Whenever I see flamingo stuff, I think of her.
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:49:27 PM EST] <Laurna> lol
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:49:48 PM EST] <Shiral_> For years we had an oval orange trash can with a rectangular hole in it from the year my brother David dressed as a carrot
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:50:21 PM EST] <Laurna> Oh we had an orange trash can little one come through. that was too funny
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:51:40 PM EST] <The_Bee> One year I partied as a jack-o-lantern.
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:52:53 PM EST] <Shiral_> The one thing I regret about this halloween was not carving a pumpkin. But since I couldn't be home for the trick or treating, it was just as well
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:53:06 PM EST] <Shiral_> Now I'm shifting gears to be in Thanksgiving mode
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:53:08 PM EST] <Eris> <derynifank> h wires stMy best one was a robot made from a cardboard box covered in aluminum foil iecking out everywhere
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:53:08 PM EST] <KK> Haven't done Halloween costume in decades.
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:53:08 PM EST] <Laurna> LOL. I had singing pumpkins this year. we rocked out to Yo ho Yo ho a priate life for me and day-0 along with two other songs all night long
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:53:45 PM EST] <Shiral_> I am in awe of your commitment to Halloween, as shown in your pictures, Laurna
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:53:58 PM EST] <Eris> <derynifank> sounds like terrific fun
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:54:19 PM EST] <Eris> <derynifank> Where are your pictures
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:54:20 PM EST] <Laurna> This is our fifth year. next year the theme will be haunted mansion
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:54:50 PM EST] <Laurna> https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=2466524703563118&set=pcb.2466529660229289&type=3&theater
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:55:43 PM EST] <Shiral_> Glad the would be superhero was not injured in flight, DFK
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:56:02 PM EST] <Laurna> here is the vidio puttogether but it is kind of long. https://www.facebook.com/laura.mcnaughton.125/videos/2466214353594153/
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:57:29 PM EST] <Shiral_> Here is last year's Halloween Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WD_Pxan4jbI&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR2NcyjyIAE8QPVkNXOs-qGRiivCDBQ9UQ4-aO4FLfZ-btlv_n7TKpB-7X8
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:58:22 PM EST] <Laurna> Shiral I love that, I saw it early this week, poor three little bears. LOL
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:58:41 PM EST] <Laurna> Just trying to get out of the rain
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:59:01 PM EST] <Shiral_> Be careful about taking shelter in castles you don't know....Mwahahahaha!
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [5:59:59 PM EST] <Laurna> hehe soo true I don't think I would dare
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [6:00:12 PM EST] <Eris> <derynifank> Great pictures! do you do costumes for Hollywood? Thanks for sharing
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [6:00:37 PM EST] <Laurna> Nope just for the fun of it and for my sister's business
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [6:01:04 PM EST] <Shiral_> I might, if it was raining hard enough
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [6:01:36 PM EST] <Laurna> Shiral I might shelter next to the wall, but walk in, univited, hmmm. NOPE
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [6:01:57 PM EST] <Shiral_> Sensible of you. =o)
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [6:02:04 PM EST] <Laurna> lol
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [6:02:28 PM EST] <DesertRose> But then you might meet Magenta and Columbia. :)
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [6:02:33 PM EST] <KK> Okay, guys. I gotta run. Kyri is still here, and our tummies think it's 7, and time to eat.
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [6:02:44 PM EST] <Shiral_> Night, KK Have a good week ahead
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [6:02:49 PM EST] * The_Bee imagines a disembodies voice intoning, "Enter freely and of your own will."
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [6:02:57 PM EST] * KK steps onto her Portal, waves goodnight, and disappears in a shower of green sparkles.
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [6:03:01 PM EST] <DesertRose> Thanks for coming to see us, KK! Next week, normal time?
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [6:03:01 PM EST] <Laurna> Thank you for comming KK. Hope to chat next week
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [6:03:11 PM EST] <KK> Next week, back to our usual 7pm start.
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [6:03:23 PM EST] <DesertRose> Okay, good to see you! G'night and have a good week!
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [6:03:24 PM EST] <KK> Nighters!
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [6:03:27 PM EST] <Laurna> sounds good. Good knight KK
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [6:03:29 PM EST] <The_Bee> Bye KK. Glad you came. Have a peaceful week.
[Sunday, November 3, 2019] [6:03:57 PM EST] Quit KK has left this server (Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF)).
"If having a soul means being able to feel love, loyalty, and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans."

James Herriot (James Alfred "Alfie" Wight), when a human client asked him if animals have souls.  (I don't remember in which book the story originally appeared.)